www.unionchapel.org.uk |
Union Chapel - Amazing space |
www.unionchurch.org.uk |
unionchurch |
www.unionmill.org.uk |
Cranbrook Union Mill - Cranbrook
Union Mill |
www.unionnewswire.org.uk |
Union Newswire – UK union press
release aggregator, from the TUC |
www.unionreps.org.uk |
UNIONREPS.org.uk from TUC Online |
www.unions21.org.uk |
Building tomorrow's unions |
Unions21 - Unions 21 exists to support unions to increase their
influence, impact and effectiveness within the world of work. |
www.unipol.org.uk |
Unipol |
www.uniquetg.org.uk |
uniquetg.org.uk |
www.unison-angus.org.uk |
Angus UNISON |
www.unison-edinburgh.org.... |
Unison-edinburgh |
www.unison-scotland.org.u... |
Unison-scotland |
www.unison-yorks.org.uk |
UNISON Yorkshire and Humberside -
We are Britain's biggest public sector trade union with more than 1.3
million members. Join UNISON via our website if you are not already a
member |
www.unison.org.uk |
UNISON - the public service
union - UNISON is one of the UK’s largest trade unions, with 1.3 million
members. We represent staff who provide public services in the public
and private sector. |
www.unisonsouthwest.org.u... |
UNISON South West |
www.unit.org.uk |
www.unitarian-college.org... |
Unitarian College | Providing
training, education and development for all Unitarians |
www.unitarian.org.uk |
Unitarians |
www.unitarianhistory.org.... |
Unitarian Historical Society -
The Society exists to encourage and support the study of all aspects of
Unitarian history, including that of constituent and related traditions
such as English Presbyterianism, the General Baptists, Universalist
churches, the Methodist Unitarian movement, the Non-Subscribing
Presbyterian Church of Ireland, and other bodies and groups. |
www.unitarianobituaries.o... |
Unitarian Obituaries | Harris
Manchester College | Search for Obituaries |
www.unitariansocieties.or... |
UK Unitarian Societies - A group
of societies within the Unitarian Movement in the UK |
www.unitedresponse.org.uk |
United Response - Learning
disability charity - autism and mental health needs - United Response is
a top 100 charity committed to making life better for young people and
adults with learning disabilities, autism and mental health needs. |
www.unitedtraditionalaiki... |
United Traditional Aikido | "The
'Art of Peace' begins with you." |
www.unity96.org.uk |
OUR MISSION To serve God in
providing the opportunity for Christians of all different denominations
to come together as one body in God's presence seeking healing in the
areas of reconciliation, forgiveness through a series of Rallies,
Monthly Meetings and Conferences in the Charismatic Praise and worship.
These are held in Birmingham around the UK or around the world to
wherever God is calling us to go to set up Unity Groups based on our
Mission Statement |
www.universalteacher.org.... |
Andrew Moore's resource site
default - Andrew Moore's resource site for English teachers; free access
to extensive teaching resources for English at KS3/4, GCSE and Advanced
Level |
www.universitypress.org.u... |
www.unlimited.org.uk |
Unlimited Theatre - Unlimited
Theatre work internationally to create live shows, events and
installations for festivals, theatres, museums, public spaces, on the
internet and for broadcast. We specialise in collaborating with
scientists and technologists to explore the possible future impacts of
their research, currently with a focus on human enhancement technologies
and concepts of identity. |
www.unlock.org.uk |
Unlock | a charity for people
with convictions | dealing with criminal records - Independent
award-winning charity dealing with criminal records in England and
Wales. Advice, advocacy, training, policy work & campaigning. |
EN |
www.unlockdemocracy.org.u... |
Unlock Democracy - We believe
politics must work for everyone. |
www.unmetered.org.uk |
Campaign for Unmetered
Telecommunications - The Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications:
fighting for fair telephone charges for all United Kingdom telephone
subscribers. |
EN |
www.unpopular.org.uk |
Unpopular |
www.unravelled.org.uk |
Unravelled |
www.updown.org.uk |
The Upstairs, Downstairs web
pages |
www.upg.org.uk |
The Masbro Centre is an Urban
Partnership Group enterprise whose aim is to improve the health, wealth
and wellbeing of the local community in Hammersmith and Fulham. Masbro
offers a total community service from early years to older people. |
www.uphallsouthchurch.org... |
Uphall South Parish Church |
www.uplymechurch.org.uk |
Uplyme Church |
www.upp.org.uk |
upp.org.uk |
www.uppc.org.uk |
UPPC Udny and Pitmedden Parish
Church, church service times for Udny Green Church and Pitmedden Church,
details on church organisations, events and much more. Udny and
Pitmedden Parish Church is a Church of Scotland Congregation. |
www.upperryedale.org.uk |
The Parish of Upper Ryedale |
www.upperthames-butterfli... |
Butterfly Conservation - Upper
Thames Branch |
www.upperthong.org.uk |
Upperthong Village | Community
Website |
www.uprising.org.uk |
Welcome to UpRising | UpRising |
www.upriss.org.uk |
Uta Priss |
www.upswing.org.uk |
Upswing |
www.uptonhouse.org.uk |
StackPath |
www.uptonrc.org.uk |
Upton Rowing Club |
www.uptonvale.org.uk |
Upton Vale Baptist Church |
www.urban75.org |
Urban75 ezine featuring bulletin
boards, football, politics, useless games, Brixton info, panoramas,
photo galleries, direct action, protest, rave, drugs info and more. - UK
mag with photos of New York, London, Chicago, Brixton, Wales, drug
information, useless games, rave stories, direct action, techno,
politics, protest, football, internet, rave music, punch a politician
and more! |
London, EN |
www.urbancanvas.org.uk |
UrbanCanvas - Urban Canvas Visual
Street Artists, Catherine McMahon and Philip Battle for Festivals and
events worldwide! |
www.urbanexpression.org.u... |
Urban Expression – Creative
mission on the margins |
www.urbanforum.org.uk |
About Us |
www.urbanlandscape.org.uk |
Urban Landscapes - Main Page -
urban landscape exists to explore and promote the photography of the
urban landscape - photographs of and about the city worldwide. |
www.urbanrim.org.uk |
(index.htm) |
www.urbanroots.org.uk |
Urban Roots - Community led
environmental projects on the southside of Glasgow |
www.urbanwords.org.uk |
Urban Words | Exploring how
writing relates to place |
www.urc-eastern.org.uk |
URC Eastern Synod Website |
www.urc.org.uk |
Welcome to the United Reformed
Church website - United Reformed Church website United Kingdom - welcome
page - who we are - where to find us - how to join us. |
EN |
www.urcic.org.uk |
Cheltenham United Reformed
Church |
www.urcsouthwest.org.uk |
URC Southwestern |
www.urcwales.org.uk |
URC Wales Synod – Website for
the United Reformed Church National Synod of Wales |
www.urcyorkshire.org.uk |
URC Yorkshire Synod |
www.urmstongrammar.org.uk |
Urmston Grammar School |
www.urostomyassociation.o... |
We can really make a difference
for you and improve your quality of life - Urostomy Association - The
Urostomy Association gives support and information to people with
urinary diversions. |
www.ury.org.uk |
University Radio York |
www.usal.org.uk |
Hampshire Credit Union |
www.usbc.org.uk |
Upper Stratton Baptist Church
Swindon Upper Stratton Baptist Church, Swindon, UK - full details of the
church's activities and links to a variety of other sites |
www.usdaw.org.uk |
USDAW - Usdaw - The official
website of the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers. Usdaw
members work in a variety of occupations and industries including:
shopworkers, factory and warehouse workers, drivers, call centres,
clerical workers, milkround and dairy process, butchers and meat
packers, catering, laundries, chemical processing, home shopping and
pharmaceutical. |
www.usedtyres.org.uk |
Used Tyres | Buy Used Tyres
Online - Find and buy Used Tyres from sellers around the UK. Keep your
car or motorcycle on the road with minimum cost! |
www.usefulvision.org.uk |
Supporting Visually Impaired
Children & their Families | Useful Vision - Supporting blind and
partially sighted children across the North East. We’re here to provide
activities, helpful support and advice for children and their families. |
www.usembassy.org.uk |
Want your own website? | 123 Reg
- Get online with Website Builder! Create a free 2-page website to go
with your new domain. Start now for free, no credit card required! |
www.usenet.org.uk |
UK Usenet Homepages |
www.usenix.org.uk |
This page documents my musings
on the subjects of linux, programming and digital photography |
www.usha.org.uk |
University Health and Safety
Association | USHA |
www.ussher.org.uk |
Ussher Society - Geology and
Geoscience in Southwest England |
EN |
www.ustsc.org.uk |
United St Saviour's Charity |
www.usurp.org.uk |
Usurp |
www.uutf.org.uk |
United Utilities Trust Fund :
United Utilities Trust Fund |
www.uwbc.org.uk |
University of Warwick Boat Club
- Warwick Rowing trains on the Warwickshire River Avon. Our official
site provides club information, news, sponsorship details and
information for recruitment. |
www.uwfra.org.uk |
Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue
Association - Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue Association |
www.uwhc.org.uk |
University of Warwick Health
Centre |
www.uwhg.org.uk |
Uwhg |
www.uxbrighton.org.uk |
Redirecting… |
www.uxl.org.uk |
: : UXL CENTRE ...where you excel
: : - uxl, centre, IT training, E9, you excel, cisco, ccna, hackney,
courses, IT training, academy, community |
www.uyo.org.uk |
UYO | Welcome to the Ulster
Youth Orchestra, Belfast, Northern Ireland - Ulster Youth Orchestra |
www.v-cc.org.uk |
Veteran-Cycle Club – For Whatever
You Ride - Riding - Restoring - Researching The Veteran-Cycle Club was
founded in 1955 to promote the riding and conservation of older cycles
as well as the study of cycles and cycling history. Today the club has
over 2, 400 members; the largest of its kind in the world. Ownership of
an old cycle is not required, the… |
www.v2c.org.uk |
V2C Valleys to Coast Housing -
We provide affordable homes to rent and buy across the County Borough of
Bridgend in South Wales. Our mission is to provide homes in thriving
communities where people feel safe and want to live. |
www.vac.org.uk |
Voluntary Action Camden –
supporting local action by local people Facebook Flickr Twitter YouTube
- supporting local action by local people |
www.vacoventry.org.uk |
Voluntary Action Coventry |
www.vacterl-association.o... |
VACTERL Association Support Group
» |
www.vaengland.org.uk |
Voluntary Arts - Voluntary Arts
promotes participation in creative cultural activities across the UK and
Republic of Ireland |
EN |
www.vag.org.uk |
Vag |
www.vahs.org.uk |
Voluntary Action History Society
| for the history of charity, philanthropy and voluntary organisations |
www.vai.org.uk |
We support social action locally
- Voluntary Action Islington |
www.valentines-sch.org.uk |
Welcome to Valentines High
School | Valentines High School |
www.valentines.org.uk |
Friends of Valentines Mansion -
Established in 2000, the Friends' objective is to support and assist in
the preservation of Valentines Mansion for the benefit of the public
through the activities of a group of Friends. |
www.valeofglamorganwalkin... |
Vale of Glamorgan Walking
festival - The 2019 Vale of Glamorgan Walking festival will take place
from the 21st May to the 26th May 2019 |
www.valeofleven.org.uk |
Vale of Leven History Project - A
privately funded information and reference website for the towns and
villages of the Vale of Leven in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland. |
www.valevision.org.uk |
Vale Vision Based in Dursley,
Gloucestershire. Vale Vision Development Trust Ltd (usually referred to
as just �Vale Vision�) is a community-led enterprise whose aims include
improving and enhancing the quality of life of the inhabitants of Cam
and Dursley, and the surrounding parishes. |
www.valeways.org.uk |
Valeways Walking in the Vale Of
Glamorgan South Wales - Valeways is a registered charity in the Vale of
Glamorgan in South Wales working to facilitate and promote country
walking, hiking and rambling in the Vale through improving and
maintaining footpaths throughout the Vale countryside in the Vale of
Glamorga |
www.valleyforge.org.uk |
Valley Forge NWR | Introduction
| - Valley Forge Native Wildlife Refuge is a wildlife rescue and
rehabilitation centre for sick, injured, disabled, displaced or orphaned
wild birds and small mammals of mainly woodland and riparian habitat. |
www.valleystriders.org.uk |
Valley Striders |
www.valonline.org.uk |
Voluntary Action LeicesterShire
(VAL) | Changing lives for the better Clock Icon Clock Icon - Voluntary
Action LeicesterShire (VAL) is a charity whose goal for the last 50
years has been to change lives for the better in Leicester and
Leicestershire. |
www.valuenetwork.org.uk |
VALUE Network – Health, Happiness
and Good Living |
www.vanatrust.org.uk |
Vana Trust | Promoting
Empowerment Through Education - Through encouragement and support to
young people, we help inspire them overcome their difficulties and
enable them to give back to their own communities. |
www.vanburen.org.uk |
Van Buren Organisation |
www.vane.org.uk |
Vane | Contemporary Art Gallery
| Newcastle upon Tyne - Vane is a contemporary art gallery based in
Newcastle upon Tyne, representing the work of a number of artists, both
from across the UK and internationally, as well as showing the work of
invited artists in collaboration with other galleries. |
www.vap.org.uk |
VAP UK - Volunteer Action for
Peace UK - Volunteer Action for Peace UK - VAP UK: Volunteer abroad. VAP
suggest volunteering project in UK and overseas |
www.variable4.org.uk |
Variable 4 - Variable 4 is a
multi-channel sound installation which uses meteorological data to
generate and transform music in real-time. By James Bulley and Daniel
Jones. |
www.variant.org.uk |
Variant | Archive - Variant |
issue 41 | the free arts and culture magazine. In-depth coverage in the
context of broader social, political and cultural issues. |
www.variety.org.uk |
Variety, the Children's Charity
| |
www.varietygolf.org.uk |
The Variety Club Golf Society |
www.varotherham.org.uk |
Voluntary Action Rotherham :
Voluntary Action Rotherham - Voluntary Action Rotherham |
www.vas-swindon.org.uk |
VAS Swindon - House and Office
Movers & Relocation Services |
www.vas.org.uk |
Voluntary Action Sheffield -
Supporting Community Action |
www.vascularsociety.org.u... |
Vascular Society |
www.vascularsurgery.org.u... |
Vascular Surgery Ltd -
Information About Vascular Conditions - This website offers a wealth of
information about vascular conditions and their treatment as well as
conditions treated by vascular surgeons. Varicose vein treatment and
treatment of thread veins are explained. Our varicose vein surgeon
performs treatments in Manchester and Cheshire. Hyperhidrosis or
excessive sweating is discussed including its treatment using botox or
sympathectomy. |
www.vasd.org.uk |
Wheelchair accessible holidays |
The Voluntary Association for Surrey Disabled - The Voluntary
Association for Surrey Disabled (VASD) provides specialist equipment for
disabled people to purchase or on loan. |
www.vast.org.uk |
VAST | Providing professional
services for voluntary and community groups | Staffordshire - VAST is a
charity providing professional services for voluntary and community
groups. For more information on our services and products, call 01782
683030. |
www.vatcalculator.org.uk |
VAT Calculator - Calculate VAT
with our free VAT Calculator. |
www.vaudevilletheatre.org... |
Vaudeville Theatre - Information
about the Vaudeville Theatre London, its history, past and present
shows, booking tickets and how to find the theatre. |
London, EN |
www.vaulting.org.uk |
British Equestrian Vaulting -
Gymnastics on Horseback - British Equestrian Vaulting, vaulters
performing gymnastics on horseback in Great Britain and the UK. |
www.vauxhallandkennington... |
Vauxhall, Oval & Kennington -
Vauxhall and Kennington, just south of the Thames in Central London:-A
great places to live with a fascinating history. |
London, EN |
www.vauxhallpark.org.uk |
Friends of Vauxhall Park – An
award-winning park in central London |
London, EN |
www.vawk.org.uk |
Imago Community - Imago delivers
a range of services to individuals, voluntary and community
organisations, private and public sector agencies. |
www.vbac.org.uk |
Residential & Business
Maintenance Company | Property Ultra Care - Choose Property Ultra Care
and get 101% Professional Carpet Cleaning in London. Prices from 7£! |
London, EN |
www.vball.org.uk |
The Wiltshire Volleyball
Association - The only place for volleyball in Wiltshire - Devizes
Volleyball Club |
www.vbci.org.uk |
Victory Bible Church
International UK |
www.vboa.org.uk |
Vauxhall Bedford Opel
Association |
www.vcborders.org.uk |
Volunteer Centre Borders |
www.vcconnect.org.uk |
VC Connect - Online database
management system for Third Sector and Volunteer Centres - VC-Connect
allows you to manage all your activities in one place, manage your
organisation’s work and holding comprehensive contact details for your
clients |
www.vcglossop.org.uk |
The Bureau - Glossop's Volunteer
and Community Help Centre - Glossop’s online directory of local support,
advice and services. The Bureau will help you to find different local
voluntary services and find support. |
www.vcgreenwich.org.uk |
User Login – Volunteer Centre
Greenwich |
www.vcl.org.uk |
VC Londres – Cycle racing club in
and around South East London for youths and adults. Home club at Herne
Hill Velodrome. |
London, EN |
www.vcsutton.org.uk |
Inspiring Community - Volunteer
Centre Sutton - We help people in our London Borough find positive
volunteering roles that fit around work and family life, and support
organisations to find and develop strong volunteer teams. |
London, EN |
www.vcth.org.uk |
Tower Hamlets Volunteer Centre |
www.vdgs.org.uk |
Viola da Gamba Society |
www.vea.org.uk |
VEA - Vitreous Enamel Association
approved cleaning products - VEA - Vitreous Enamel Association lists
independently tested and approved enamel cleaning products. See enamel
cleaners for bathroom, kitchen and oven enamel. See: Removing limescale.
What is limescale? What is enamel? |
www.vec.org.uk |
VEC – Vine Evangelical Church,
Sevenoaks, Kent – VEC – Vine Evangelical Church, Sevenoaks, Kent |
www.vecc.org.uk |
Valley End CC Untitled 2 -
Play-Cricket, Valley End CC, |
www.vedanta.org.uk |
Vedanta Institute London |
London, EN |
www.vega.org.uk |
The Vega Science Trust - Science
Video - The Vega Science Trust`s extensive collection of science videos
include lectures, discussions, interviews, Nobel Prize interviews,
careers profiles, educational resources, and research news. |
www.veganfestivals.org.uk |
Vegan Festivals |
www.veganrecipeclub.org.u... |
Vegan Recipe Club: All Recipes
Are Deliciously Vegan - Hundreds of deliciously vegan recipes and meal
ideas. |
www.veganrunners.org.uk |
Vegan Runners UK | Run For Fun -
Vegan For Life - Vegan Runners are the fastest-growing athletics club in
the UK. We promote a healthy, cruelty-free lifestyle. Join Us Today! |
www.veganviews.org.uk |
Vegan Views |
www.vegetarian.org.uk |
Science-Based Resource On Vegan
Health & Nutrition | Viva! Health - Viva! Health is a major resource on
vegan health and nutrition for health professionals and the public. |
www.vegetariancharity.org... |
The Vegetarian Charity - The
Vegetarian Charity is a registered charity that exists to help needy
vegetarians and vegans up to, and including, 25 years of age. |
www.vegetarianforlife.org... |
Vegetarianforlife |
www.veggiepower.org.uk |
Welcome to Veggiepower - How to
make biodiesel - All you need to know about making biodiesel and
straight veg oil conversions |
www.veggies.org.uk |
Veggies | Vegan Catering
Campaign, Nottingham - Veggies is a vegan food catering service and
campaigning community group based in Nottingham, UK. Veggies is a
cooperative & not-for-profit social enterprise. |
www.velo-teifi.org.uk |
veloteifi |
www.venezuelasolidarity.o... |
Venezuela Solidarity | Hunt
Historical News |
www.ventnorheritage.org.u... |
Ventnor Heritage Centre - |
www.ventures.org.uk |
Ventures - Life Changing
holidays for 8-18s |
www.venturescotland.org.u... |
Venture Scotland – Changing young
lives |
www.venturetrust.org.uk |
Criminal Justice programmes in
Scotland - Venture Trust provides community justice programmes in
Scotland to help create safer communities. |
www.venues.org.uk |
Venues.org.uk | UK Venue Finder,
Find Your Ideal Venue In Minutes - We have thousands of UK venues for
everything from conference venues & meeting rooms to party venues for
all occasions. Call or enquire online today to begin. |
www.verderers.org.uk |
The Verderers of the New Forest
- The Verderers of the New Forest protect and administer its unique
agricultural commoning practices and conserve its traditional landscape. |
www.verity-pcos.org.uk |
Verity is the UK charity for
those living with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which affects 1 in 5
women |
www.vero.org.uk |
Voice for Ethical Research at
Oxford |
www.verticalveg.org.uk |
Growing Food in Small Spaces -
Vertical Veg - Vertical Veg inspires and supports food growing in small
urban spaces. Sign up for free seasonal and container vegetable
gardening tips. |
www.vertueowners.org.uk |
Vertue Owners - Precautions to
Taking While Purchasing a New Car! Vertue Owners - Precautions to Taking
While Purchasing a New Car! - Precautions to Taking While Purchasing a
New Car! |
www.verwoodu3a.org.uk |
news items for members,
newsletter, lunch events, competitions, excursions |
www.very.org.uk |
the vacuum cleaner - art and
activism collective of one. - the vacuum cleaner is the name of a UK
based artist who makes candid, provocative and playful art about the
world being messed up. |
www.vespa.org.uk |
Vespa scooter fansite in the UK |
vespa.org.uk - We're the UK's leading Vespa scooter fansite since 2004,
with thousands of tech problems solved on our forum. |
www.vet-wildlifemanagemen... |
Welcome to the Frontpage - The
Veterinary Association for Wildlife Management (VAWM) has been formed to
enable veterinary surgeons collectively to contribute to debates about
wildlife management, and to educate and inform others who are interested
in the subject, including policy makers |
www.veteransforpeace.org.... |
Veterans For Peace UK |
www.veterinary.org.uk |
Homepage-Lockwood Veterinary
Group - Lockwood Veterinary Group, an independent group of veterinary
surgeries accross the West Midlands giving quality, affordable pet and
animal care to local communities. |
www.vetlife.org.uk |
Vetlife - Home page of the
Vetlife website - the charity that provides emotional, financial and
mental health support to the veterinary community. |
www.vetts.org.uk |
Use of cookies - VETTS |
www.vetwork.org.uk |
Vetwork - linking the health and
welfare of animals, people and the environment - Vetwork, linking the
health and welfare of animals, people and the environment |
www.vges.org.uk |
Vges |
www.vhvc.org.uk |
Welcome to Vectis Historic
Vehicle Club Ltd website - Vectis Historic Vehicle Club ltd, Isle of
Wight UK. Club Information and pictures of over 30 of the members'
vehicles |
www.viable.org.uk |
FlyPlymouth - Reopening Plymouth
Airport. Join us and together let's #GetPlymouthFlying |
www.vibrations.org.uk |
Vibrations Magazine - Vibrations
- a print magazine covering music in Leeds, West Yorkshire and beyond. |
www.victimscommissioner.o... |
Victims Commissioner – Victims
Commissioner for England and Wales |
EN |
www.victimsofcrimeinscotl... |
Get support as a victim or
witness of crime - mygov.scot mygov.scot logo - Find emotional support
and practical information if you have been the victim of crime. |
www.victimsupport.org.uk |
Victim Support |
www.victimsupportsco.org.... |
Victim Support Scotland |
www.victoria-climbie-inqu... |
Victoria Climbie Inquiry |
www.victoriabaptist.org.u... |
Victoria Baptist Church -
Victoria Baptist Church is a gospel-centred community on mission. |
www.victoriabaths.org.uk |
Victoria Baths - Victoria Baths
in Manchester is a listed Edwardian swimming pool and Turkish Baths
complex, closed since 1993 awaiting restoration. |
www.victoriacollege.org.u... |
Victoria College Belfast - Award
Winning International Boarding School for Girls |
www.victoriacross.org.uk |
VICTORIA CROSS - Victoria Cross |
www.victoriagal.org.uk |
Victoria Art Gallery, Bath –
Welcome to the Victoria Art Gallery - A free public gallery which houses
Bath and North East Somerset's collection of paintings, sculpture and
decorative arts. |
www.victorian-society-bha... |
The Victorian Society:
Birmingham and West Midlands Group - Insert Description |
www.victoriansociety.org.... |
Victorian Society |
www.victoriapark.org.uk |
Victoria Park Baptist Church –
Building Christian community in Bedminster, Windmill Hill and Knowle,
South Bristol |
www.victoriaparktennis.or... |
Victoria Park Community Tennis |
www.victoriaschool.org.uk |
Victoria Infant School |
www.victoryac.org.uk |
Victory Athletic Club |
www.victorybaptist.org.uk |
Victory Baptist Church | Winning
The People To Win The City |
www.victorychurch.org.uk |
victorychurch.org.uk |
www.videoclub.org.uk |
videoclub is a platform for
artists’ film, video and moving image |
www.videostandards.org.uk |
Video Standards Council Rating
Board - We offer membership to anyone supplying age-restricted video
products in the UK. |
www.vietnamembassy.org.uk |
The ONLY OFFICIAL website for
Vietnam Visa in the UK and Ireland. Apply online by Email, by Post or in
Person. |
www.viewdata.org.uk |
the Viewdata Revolution. |
www.viewfield.org.uk |
Viewfield Baptist Church |
www.viewfinder.org.uk |
Viewfinder - Informational
Website for Photographers - Learn more about Viewfinder Photographic
Society. Don't miss our awesome collection of best spots in London,
photography galleries and more. |
London, EN |
www.viewfinderscameraclub... |
Viewfinders Of Romsey Camera
Club – A member of the Southern Counties Photographic Federation
affiliated to the PAGB |
www.viewing.org.uk |
The Viewing Facilities
Association UK (VFA) - VFA enhances the levels of service,
professionalism and confidentiality in viewing facilities and studios
used for qualitative research. |
www.viewpoint.org.uk |
Viewpoint | Viewpoint is a
housing association and care home provider in Edinburgh, the Lothians
and Fife. |
www.vigilgsdrescue.org.uk |
Vigil GSD Rescue |
www.vikingsonline.org.uk |
The Vikings! |
www.village-music-project... |
The Village Music Project | The
Tune Detectives |
www.villagealivetrust.org... |
Village Alive Trust - The Trust
continues to collect and preserve oral histories, as part of a more
general concern with preserving rural culture and history. |
www.villageandparishmagaz... |
Village and Parish Magazines -
Valuable information for Editors and Publishers of UK based loacal
newsletters and/or magazines |
www.villagebyvillage.org.... |
Village by Village |
www.villagecarols.org.uk |
Village Carols |
www.villagepumps.org.uk |
Village Pumps - Village Pumps of
the UK - National Register. |
www.villagesignsociety.or... |
thevillagesignsociety |
www.villagetribune.org.uk |
Village Tribune |
www.villagevoices.org.uk |
villagevoices.org.uk |
www.villatrust.org.uk |
Aston Villa Supporters Trust |
Your Club – Your Voice |
www.villierspark.org.uk |
Villiers Park | Empowering young
people to succeed - Villiers Park Educational Trust is a national social
mobility charity. We deliver unique programmes for high ability students
from less advantaged backgrounds. |
www.vineyardchurches.org.... |
Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland -
Over 120 churches in the UK & Ireland. Find a church near you, attend an
event, watch, read and download resources. |
www.vintageaircraftclub.o... |
Vintage Aircraft Club | With an
international membership the Vintage Aircraft Club has been in existence
for over 30 years. With regular fly-ins and social events the Vintage
Aircraft Club is for those with an interest in Vintage & Classic
aviation |
www.vintagecomputerclub.o... |
Vintagecomputerclub |
www.vintryanddowgate.org.... |
VintryandDowgate – Vintry and
Dowgate Ward Club |
www.vinumbonum.org.uk |
The Choir of St. Luke's Church,
Chelsea |
www.vinux.org.uk |
Vinux - Latest News |
www.violations.org.uk |
Conspiracy Theories ~ Alien
Conspiracy Theories - Conspiracy Theories: Explore all the most popular
conspiracy theories including alien conspiracy theories in a review of
alternate world history |
www.violenceispreventable... |
Violence is Preventable - VIP
(Violence is Preventable) is an internationaly acclaimed, evidence based
personal safety and violence prevention programme for children and
vulnerable adults of all ages. |
www.violetapple.org.uk |
the Violet Apple.org.uk — The
Life and Works of David Lindsay - Exploring the life and works of
novelist David Lindsay (1876-1945), including a biography,
bibliographies, plot summaries, book cover image galleries, and
information about works inspired by Lindsay's novels. |
www.violetneedhamsociety.... |
Violet Needham Society - Violet
Needham Society |
www.violetteszabomuseum.o... |
Violette Szabó GC Museum -
Latest News - Museum dedicated to Violette Szabó GC |
www.virtual-receptionist.... |
Virtual Receptionist Services |
30 day free trial | UK based - Virtual Receptionist Service from Connect
is a UK based telephone answering, diary management, reception and call
overflow service. Free trial available |
www.virtuallearning.org.u... |
Virtual Learning |
www.virtuallydartmoor.org... |
Virtually Dartmoor - Dartmoor
multi-media interactive virtual tours - Virtually Dartmoor - interactive
virtual tours of Dartmoor National Park sites of special interest. |
www.visaforazerbaijan.org... |
Visas for Azerbaijan :: Visa
processing on behalf of the Azerbaijani Embassy - Azerbaijan Visa
Service Centre is responsible for receiving visa applications on behalf
of the Azerbaijani Embassy |
www.visibility.org.uk |
Visibility| Listening and
responding to people affected by sight loss in the west of Scotland
phone mail menu down-pointer mobile calendar cross facebook facebook
Visibility logo image - Sight loss charity in the west of Scotland
providing support for people with visual impairment |
www.visiblecommunities.or... |
VISIBLE – Quality Improvement |
www.vision-rcl.org.uk |
Vision RCL • Vision Rebridge
website for Fullwell Cross, Fairlop Waters and Outdoor Centre,
Cricklefields, Ashtons and Redbridge Cycle Centre. |
www.vision2020uk.org.uk |
organisations with an interest in eye health and sight loss within the
UK (working on a national, regional or international basis) |
www.vision21.org.uk |
Vision 21 - Promoting a
Sustainable Future for Gloucestershire - Promoting a Sustainable Future
for Gloucestershire |
www.vision4life.org.uk |
Vision4Life - Transforming the
United Reformed Church - Vision4Life is a process for transforming the
United Reformed Church through engagement with the bible, prayer and
evangelism |
www.visionmatters.org.uk |
Vision Matters - National Eye
Health Week - Vision really matters. Sight is the sense people fear
losing the most, yet many of us don't know the best way to look after
our eyes. National Eye Health Week aims to change all that. Eye care
charities, organisations and health professionals from across the UK
have joined together across the UK in a unique campaign to promote the
importance of eye health and the need for regular sight tests for all. |
www.visionofbritain.org.u... |
A Vision of Britain through Time
| Your national on-line library for local history | Maps, Statistics,
Travel Writing and more - Beta: A vision of Britain through time... |
www.visionsupport.org.uk |
Vision Support – A Charity
Focused on Independence and Equality |
www.visit-glos.org.uk |
Visit Glos |
www.visit-southport.org.u... |
Visit Southport |
www.visitalnwick.org.uk |
Visit Alnwick, Northumberland,
North East England - The Official Tourist Information website for
Alnwick in Northumberland. Places to visit, activities, accommodation &
amenities for your holidays & breaks. |
EN |
www.visitbritain.org |
VisitBritain |
www.visitchurches.org.uk |
The Churches Conservation Trust
- The national charity protecting historic churches at risk. We care for
over 350 irreplaceable buildings which attract almost 2 million visitors
a year. |
www.visitely.org.uk |
Visitely |
www.visitgreenwich.org.uk |
Visit Greenwich Visit Greenwich
| Time After Time ... - Situated on the River Thames, Maritime Greenwich
is a World Heritage Site and famous for such historic landmarks as the
Cutty Sark. |
www.visitingarts.org.uk |
Visiting Arts |
www.visitnewbury.org.uk |
Visit Newbury |
www.visitthecotswolds.org... |
Visitthecotswolds | Visit the
Cotswolds Stroud District - Welcome to the Stroud district, the
undiscovered, hidden, quiet area of the Cotswolds. Great for walking,
sports, eating and drinking in cosy pubs. Information on Attractions,
Events, and Accommodation.| Cotswolds Stroud District |
www.vitiligosociety.org.u... |
The Vitiligo Society Landing
page – 25×25 – go to – blue Landing page – 25×25 – go to – blue Landing
page – 25×25 – go to – blue |
www.viva-group.org.uk |
Viva Arts & Community Group |
www.viva.org.uk |
Viva! - The Vegan Charity -
Vegan is a state of kind. The most powerful action you can take to end
animal suffering, protect the environment and improve your health is to
go vegan. Support us and help Viva! campaign for a better world. |
www.vivaactivists.org.uk |
vivaactivists.org.uk |
www.vivashop.org.uk |
Viva! Shop Ethical Clothing,
Vegan Sweets & Chocolate, Gifts and more! – Gifts for Life - Viva! |
www.vivavoce.org.uk |
Viva Voce Chamber Choir |
www.vivisection-absurd.or... |
Vivisection-absurd |
www.vizsla.org.uk |
Hungarian Vizsla Society -
Hungarian Vizsla Society, Kennel Club Registered Breed Club for the
Hungarian Vizsla, Buying a Vizsla, Breed Club, Code of Conduct, Code of
Ethics, Membership of Hungarian Vizsla Society, |
www.vlib.org.uk |
The WWW Virtual Library |
www.vlv.org.uk |
Voice of the Listener & Viewer -
What is VLV?VLV represents the interests of audiences to make sure we
continue to benefit from high quality TV and radio in the UK Find Out
More What is VLV?VLV represents the interests of audiences to make sure
we continue to benefit from high quality TV and radio in the UK Find out
more What i ... |
www.vmars.org.uk |
You have been Blocked |
www.vmyg.org.uk |
Vmyg |
www.vnc.org.uk |
Vnc |
www.vocal.org.uk |
Support for carers in Edinburgh
and Midlothian - VOCAL Support for carers in Edinburgh and Midlothian -
VOCAL - Are you a carer living in Edinburgh or Midlothian? VOCAL
supports unpaid carers through information, peer support and access to
services. |
www.vocalist.org.uk |
Vocalist - Singer - Singing
Teachers Resource - Vocalist singers resource contains free online
singing lessons : learn to sing with articles on voice / auditions /
performing / music industry |
www.vocare.org.uk |
Vocare - Vocare - urgent care
services provider |
www.vocationaltraining.or... |
NVQ Training Providers & Diploma
Courses | SVT Vocational Training - SVT - NVQ training providers of
Qualifications for Health & Safety, Management, Leadership and Health &
Social Care. Looking at NVQ training companies? SVT |
www.vocationmatters.org.u... |
Vocation Matters - Vocation,
Choice & Inclusion |
www.vocechamberchoir.org.... |
Voce Chamber Choir - Voce is one
of London's leading chamber choirs, directed by Suzi Digby OBE. We sing
Bach. We sing with the Rolling Stones. We sing everything, really. |
London, EN |
www.vocks.org.uk |
The Vocks Pages |
www.voda.org.uk |
Welcome to North Tyneside VODA -
VODA - We’re here to provide support, advice and training to volunteers
and voluntary and community groups operating in the borough. |
www.voiceagainstviolence.... |
Voice Against Violence | Tackling
domestic abuse through the voice of the young |
www.voicedialogue.org.uk |
Voice Dialogue | Voice Dialogue
UK | Voice Dialogue and the psychology of selves is an empowering
psychospiritual approach to relationships, personal growth and
communication. |
www.voiceinthedesert.org.... |
Stephen Davies | children's
author - children's author |
www.voiceofnations.org.uk |
strongly believe that each and every one of us is very unique and
special and endowed with unique abilities and qualities to fulfil a
unique mission on earth |
www.voiceovers.org.uk |
UK Voiceover Agency. Professional
Voiceover Artists. - Voiceover Agency BigFish Media with voiceovers in
many languages. Advice on how to be a voiceover artist. |
www.voices.org.uk |
The Voices Foundation |
www.voicescotland.org.uk |
Introduction |
www.voicesforthelibrary.o... |
Voices for the Library |
www.voicesnow.org.uk |
Voices Now search previous next
tag category expand menu location phone mail time cart zoom edit close -
Choir Festivals across the United Kingdom. A celebration of all things
singing |
EN |
www.voicetheunion.org.uk |
Voice the union | The union for
education, early years and childcare professionals Twitter Facebook
LinkedIn Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Twitter
Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Facebook LinkedIn |
www.volamerseyside.org.uk |
VOLA Merseyside | Welcome to the
VOLA Merseyside website – Voluntary Organisation Learning Association -
Welcome to our website VOLA is a highly successful consortium of
Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector service
providers operating in Liverpool City Region. The consortium exists to
provide a formal structure for supporting the VCSE sector in relation to
learning, skills, employment support and criminal justice services in
the city region. What are… |
www.volition.org.uk |
Volition – The voice of Leeds
mental health voluntary sector |
www.volksfestwales.org.uk |
Volksfest Wales | Volksfest Wales
20th anniversary and we have loads of things lined up to celebrate!
Family friendly vw show, Traders, live music |
www.volleyballengland.org |
Volleyball England | Official
Website of Volleyball England – latest news, photos, results, membership
& more. - Official Website of Volleyball England – latest news, photos,
results, membership & more. |
EN |
www.volresource.org.uk |
VolResource: practical
information for running a voluntary organisation |
www.voluntaryactionfund.o... |
Voluntary Action Fund |
www.voluntaryactionnorthl... |
Voluntary Action North
Lanarkshire - The website of Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire (VANL),
the local Third Sector Interface and umbrella agency for local
volunteers and voluntary sector organisations |
www.voluntaryinitiative.o... |
Voluntary Initiative |
www.voluntarynorfolk.org.... |
Voluntary Norfolk |
www.voluntarysectortraini... |
Voluntarysectortraining |
www.voluntarywork.org.uk |
www.volunteeraberdeen.org... |
Volunteer Aberdeen |
www.volunteercentreharlow... |
Volunteer Centre Harlow |
www.volunteercentreliverp... |
Volunteercentreliverpool |
www.volunteercentrenewcas... |
Volunteer Centre Newcastle |
www.volunteercornwall.org... |
Volunteer Cornwall |
www.volunteeredinburgh.or... |
Volunteer Edinburgh - We inspire
more people to volunteer so they can enhance their lives, the lives of
others and build resilient communities. |
www.volunteerglos.org.uk |
Volunteering Gloucestershire -
Bringing Volunteers and Charities together in Gloucestershire |
www.volunteering.org.uk |
NCVO - NCVO champions the
voluntary sector and volunteering because they’re essential for a better
society. We do this by connecting, representing and supporting voluntary
organisations. |
www.volunteeringdorset.or... |
Welcome to Volunteer Centre
Dorset - Welcome to the Volunteer Centre Dorset Website we have hundreds
of ideas and projects to get involved with. You can help if you have or
want to help for years to come. |
www.volunteermidlothian.o... |
Volunteer Midlothian |
www.volunteersweek.org.uk |
Volunteers From around the UK
are here to help! |
www.volvoforums.org.uk |
Volvo Forums - Powered by
vBulletin - Volvo Forums, a place to discuss all Volvo cars. Provided by
the Volvo Owners Club for the enjoyment and help for all Volvo
enthusiasts. |
www.volvogallery.org.uk |
Volvo Owners Club Gallery. A
photo gallery of Volvo cars for Volvo enthusiasts to view and upload. -
Volvo Car Gallery - Volvo Cars Gallery. A gallery of photographs of
Volvo cars from 1924, including Volvo Press Release photographs, and
registered members own photographs. Create your own gallery and upload
your own photographs to the gallery, or add them to an existing gallery. |
www.vonne.org.uk |
Voluntary Organisations’ Network
North East |
www.vortigernstudies.org.... |
Vortigern Studies Index Page -
This is the homepage of Robert Vermaat |
www.votematch.org.uk |
Votematch |
www.votingmatters.org.uk |
Voting matters |
www.vouchers4charity.org.... |
Charity Gift Vouchers | gift
voucher sales with free donation to charity - Buy store & supermarket
gift cards with fast delivery & easy payment. Send gift vouchers gift
cards and gift certificates to any UK address and get a free donation to
the charity of your choice. |
www.voxscotland.org.uk |
Vox Scotland | Scotland’s
national voice on mental health. - We represent your views to Scotland’s
politicians and health professionals to ensure our laws and mental
health services reflect your needs and interests. |
www.voysey.org.uk |
A One-Name Study of the Surname
www.vpbc.org.uk |
Welcome to Victoria Park Baptist
Church, London E3 - Victoria Park Baptist Church aiming to tell and be
good news in the community. |
London, EN |
www.vpc.org.uk |
Vpc |
www.vphthac.org.uk |
VPH and THAC | Victoria Park
Harriers and Tower Hamlets Athletics Club is open to athletes of all
abilities and ages, from 9 upwards. We run road and track training
sessions several times a week and welcome new members. |
www.vrs.org.uk |
Virtual Reality - Latest Virtual
Reality News Headset Reviews |
www.vsb.org.uk |
VSB Foundation | Promoting
social change through strategic interventions that stimulate active
engagement, participation and citizenship. |
www.vsnrweb-publications.... |
Vsnrweb-publications |
www.vsnw.org.uk |
VSNW - VSNW - Voluntary Sector
North West is the regional voluntary sector network for the North West.
Our purpose is to ensure that the voluntary, community and social
enterprise sector, in all its diversity, takes its full part in shaping
the future of the North West. |
www.vso.org.uk |
VSO | Voluntary Service Overseas
- VSO is the world’s leading development charity fighting poverty
through volunteers. Join us to create a world without poverty. |
www.vsoc.org.uk |
Virago Star Owners Club for
Yamaha XV Motorcycle Riders - The Virago Star Owners Club is dedicated
to the promotion and protection of Yamaha XV, Star, Stryker, Raider and
Bolt Custom motorcycles, owners and riders. |
www.vsp.org.uk |
The incredible Story of Viscount
Stephen Piercey - The History of Brooklands Museum's Vickers Viscount
G-APIM Stephen Piercey |
www.vssn.org.uk |
VSSN – Voluntary Sector Studies
Network |
www.vtct.org.uk |
VTCT - Awarding world-class
qualifications - VTCT is a specialist awarding organisation offering
vocational and technical qualifications in a range of service sectors |
www.vtta.org.uk |
VTTA - Veterans Time Trials
Association - Welcome to the VTTA |
www.vulcantothesky.org |
Vulcan To The Sky - The Avro
Vulcan is an iconic example of British aerospace engineering at its
best. XH558 now resides in in Doncaster where it is used to educate and
inspire. |
www.vulnerableworkers.org... |
Commission On Vulnerable
Employment |
www.vulnerableworkersproj... |
Vulnerable Workers Project |
www.vwgolfmk1.org.uk |
The Mk1 Golf Owners Club -
Welcome to |
www.vwr.org.uk |
Vale Wildlife Hospital -
Registered Charity dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of sick
and injured British Wildlife |
www.vwt.org.uk |
Vwt |
www.vx220.org.uk |
VX220 Owners Club |
www.w-h-s.org.uk |
Westborough High School –
Together We Succeed… |
www.waafassociation.org.u... |
The official WAAF WRAF RAF(W)
Association website - The official WAAF WRAF RAF(W) website |
www.wabam.org.uk |
WaBAM – Wiltshire and Bath
Advance Motorcyclists |
www.waca.org.uk |
Community First |
www.wacc.org.uk |
www.wacci.org.uk |
WACCI On-Line: Website home of
the Amstrad CPC user group and magazine - WACCI On-Line: Website home of
the Amstrad CPC usergroup and magazine |
www.wadac.org.uk |
Welcome to Winchester & District
Athletics Club | Winchester & District Athletics Club |
www.waddesdon.org.uk |
Waddesdon Manor - Waddesdon Manor
was built for Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild in the 1870s to display his
collections and entertain the fashionable world. |
www.waddow.org.uk |
Waddow Hall - Girlguiding
Activity Centres - Outdoor activities set amongst beautiful parkland
overlooking the River Ribble and our 17th-century manor house |
www.wadokai.org.uk |
Wadokai Karate Lessons - All
Britain Wadokai - All Britain Wadokai is made up of Wado groups and
clubs from around the United Kingdom and specialise in Wadokai Karate
Lessons. |
EN |
www.wadworthcouncil.org.u... |
Wadworth Parish Council |
www.wageslips.org.uk |
Wage Slips - wage slips, FREE
Advice on how to get Wage Slips, We supply Genuine wage slips for Proof
of Income, wage slips |
www.waggytails.org.uk |
Dog Rescue Dorset - Waggy Tails
Rescue - Waggy Tails Rescue is a registered charity based near Poole and
Bournemouth. The Waggy Tails story is about happy dogs, happy people and
happy homes. We always put the animal first – then the rest will follow. |
www.waggywalks.org.uk |
Welcome sergiobetancourt.com -
Hostmonster.com |
www.wahsa.org.uk |
Wahsa | Work at Height Safety
Association - WAHSA represents manufacturers, assemblers, installers,
distributors and end users of personal protection equipment for work at
height and rescue |
www.wai.org.uk |
WAI Arts Council of Wales |
www.wail.org.uk |
Wareham Wail The Wareham Wail is
the premier song festival in the south of England, consisting of a
weekend of unaccompanied singing in a variety of styles, suiting all
tastes of traditional song |
EN |
www.wainwright.org.uk |
The Wainwright Society :: for
lovers of the fells and the Lake District - Alfred Wainwright
(1907-1991) will always be known for his famous Pictorial Guides to the
Lakeland Fells which he compiled between 1952 and 1966. |
www.wais.org.uk |
Domestic Abuse & Violence
Helpline, Support, Charity in Nottingham | Juno - Juno Women's Aid
Nottingham & Nottinghamshire - JUNO Women's Aid empowers women and
children to live free from abuse and violence. 24h Free Helpline 0808
800 0340. Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. |
www.wakefieldcameraclub..... |
Wakefieldcameraclub |
www.wakefieldcathedral.or... |
Wakefield Cathedral | Messages
of the day |
www.wakefieldcivicsociety... |
Welcome to the Wakefield Civic
Society - Whether you are a resident or a visitor to Wakefield, the
Society can offer something of interest. |
www.wakefieldfhs.org.uk |
Wakefieldfhs |
www.wakefieldshow.org.uk |
Wakefield 2019 – Acorn & RISC OS
Computer Show - The North's Premier RISC OS Show, the Wakefield Acorn
and RISC OS Computer Show takes place in Yorkshire every April. |
www.wakefieldsnooker.org.... |
Wakefield And District Snooker
League - Wakefield & District Snooker League Official website. All the
latest news, results and statistics from Wakefield Snooker League. |
www.wakefieldtrust.org.uk |
The Wakefield and Tetley Trust.
Funding projects in Southwark, Tower Hamlets and the City of London -
The Wakefield and Tetley Trust is an independent charitable trust
providing grants to support charitable and voluntary activity in the
London boroughs of Tower Hamlets, Southwark and the City of London. |
London, EN |
www.walc.org.uk |
Warwickshire & West Midlands
Association of Local Councils - WALC represents and works alongside
parish and town councils in Warwickshire, Solihull and Birmingham. |
www.walcotfoundation.org.... |
Foundation London |
London, EN |
www.waldonassociation.org... |
The Waldon Association - a
theory about the most basic elements of human learning and development.
- Waldon is a theory about the most basic elements of human learning and
development; about the growth of understanding in the individual. |
www.walesqualitycentre.or... |
Welcome to the Wales Quality
Centre | 01656 652063 - The Wales Quality Centre provides Business
Improvement and Skills Development Training and Support for SMEs. Call
us 01656 652063 for more information. |
www.walkcolchester.org.uk |
Walk Colchester Return to main
page menu Return to main page menu Return to main page menu Return to
main page menu - Supporting walking in Colchester for health, happiness
and the sake of the environment; advancing walking as sustainable
transport; championing inclusive approaches to walking and the design of
the walking environment; working towards barrier removal and imporved
access to the countryside. |
www.walkdenstation.org.uk |
Friends of Walkden Station -
Official website of the Friends of Walkden Station, Salford, Greater
Manchester |
www.walkingclub.org.uk |
Saturday Walkers Club : London &
South East England - Free walks in South East England with OS maps, GPS
and directions. Free club walks an hour or 2 by train from London. |
London, EN |
www.walkingincumbria.org.... |
Cumbria walks to download and
print FREE! - Cumbria walks to download and print FREE! |
www.walkingonair.org.uk |
Walking on Air – Soar like
birds… Disability gliding at its best! |
www.walkingwiththewound..... |
Walking With The Wounded -
Established in 2010 Walking With The Wounded provides vulnerable
veterans independence through employment |
www.walklondon.org.uk |
Walk London |
London, EN |
www.walkthetestway.org.uk |
Walk Hampshire's Test Way for
your Favourite Charity with Rotary Club - Walk Hampshire's Test Way and
raise funds for you favourite chartity organised by the Rotary Club of
Romsey Test. Families, Groups and Individual Walkers welcome. Choose
from distances - from 26 Miles to 5 miles. Start in Romsey and bus to
your start point. |
www.walktheworld.org.uk |
Walk the World -Walk the World |
www.walkwalkwalk.org.uk |
WALK WALK WALK a live art project
from Gail Burton, Serena Korda and Clare Qualmann - walk walk walk an
archeology of the familiar and forgotten is a live art event with a walk
at its core |
www.wallace-trusts.org.uk |
The Charles Wallace Trusts - The
Charles Wallace Trusts |
www.wallacefamily.org.uk |
New Page 1 |
www.wallacehigh.org.uk |
Wallace High School modern
comprehensive school Stirling - A modern Scottish comprehensive situated
a the heart of historic Stirling. |
www.wallacekelsey.org.uk |
Wallace-Kelsey Research - Free
HTML5 Template by FREEHTML5.CO |
www.wallingfordchristiana... |
Wallingford Christian Assembly /
New Testament Church, Oxfordshire - A group of evangelical christians,
that meet together to try to follow the principles of the Bible. |
www.wallingfordhc.org.uk |
Home of 5 mens teams, 5 ladies
teams, a mixed, vets and Wildcats (junior section) |
www.wallingfordmuseum.org... |
wallingfordmuseum.org.uk |
www.wallpaperhangers.org.... |
Wallpaper Hangers |
www.wallstickers.org.uk |
Wall Stickers |
www.walpolesociety.org.uk |
Welcome to the Walpole Society,
Study the History of British Art |
www.wals.org.uk |
World Association of
Laparoscopic Surgeons - WALS is dedicated to the common goals of
promoting research, education and clinical application of laparoscopic
surgery. |
www.walsingham.org.uk |
Walsingham | National Shrine of
Our Lady at Walsingham - National Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham, a
place of pilgrimage since medieval times. |
www.walsinghamanglican.or... |
The Shrine - The Shrine Of Our
Lady Of Walsingham |
www.walsinghamcare.org.uk |
Walsinghamcare |
www.walthamforestchinese.... |
Waltham Frst Chinese |
www.walthamparishcouncil.... |
Welcome • Waltham Parish Council |
www.walthamstowpumphousem... |
Pumphouse Museum | Walthamstow
Pumphouse Museum |
www.waltonandhershamfc.or... |
Walton & Hersham Football Club |
www.waltonandtadworthlhs.... |
The Website for Walton on the
Hill and District Local History Society - Walton on the hill history |
www.waltonhigh.org.uk |
Walton High - Walton High Milton
Keynes. One of the top Schools in Milton Keynes. |
www.waltonparish.org.uk |
Walton Parish | Parish of Walton
on Thames |
www.waltonparishcouncil.o... |
Walton Parish Council Wakefield |
www.wames.org.uk |
WAMES (Working for ME in Wales)
| Welsh Association of ME & CFS Support |
www.wamitab.org.uk |
www.wanderer.org.uk |
Wanderer Class Owner's
Association |
www.wandsworthlibdems.org... |
Wandsworth Liberal Democrats,
Demand Better |
www.wandsworthlifelonglea... |
Wandsworth Lifelong Learning |
www.wandsworthmind.org.uk |
Brent, Wandsworth & Westminster
Mind - Mind in Brent, Wandsworth & Westminster is your local mental
health charity. Support our work to ensure everyone with a mental health
challenge can recover. |
www.wandsworthrifleclub.o... |
The Borough of Wandsworth Rifle
Club |
www.wandwregatta.org.uk |
Walton & Weybridge Regatta - This
is the website of the Walton and Weybridge Regatta - formerly Walton
Amateur Regatta. Held annually since 1862 on the River Thames in
Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, England. |
EN |
www.wansbeckcvs.org.uk |
Wansbeck CVS - Wansbeck CVS is a
registered charity providing information, advice, training and support
to volunteers and local voluntary and community groups in
Northumberland. |
www.wansdyke21.org.uk |
Vortigern Studies Index Page -
This is the homepage of Robert Vermaat |
www.wansteadpark.org.uk |
The Friends of Wanstead
Parklands |
www.wansteadwildlife.org.... |
Welcome to Wanstead Wildlife -
Wanstead Wildlife - wildlife in the south of Epping Forest |
www.wantageadvice.org.uk |
Wantage Independent Advice
Centre – Advice for Wantage, Grove and Villages OX12 - Advice for
Wantage, Grove and Villages OX12 |
www.wantagecounselling.or... |
Counselling in Wantage |
Affordable counselling & Counsellor training near Didcot & Abingdon -
Wantage Counselling Service: a registered charity offering affordable
counsellor & psychotherapy services and training in Wantage,
Oxfordshire. Covering the Grove, Didcot and Abingdon areas. |
www.waoc.org.uk |
West Anglian Orienteering Club -
WAOC is the orienteering club for Cambridgeshire, East Bedfordshire and
North Hertfordshire. |
www.wara.org.uk |
www.warband.org.uk |
Coming Hail and Welcome! The
Loyal Arthurian Warband is a vast network of people, working together
throughout the world, towards a vision of Truth Honour and Justice |
www.warchild.org.uk |
War Child - We're the charity for
children affected by war. Read the stories of children and find out how
you can help. |
www.warcombe.org.uk |
Warcombe Farm Trust |
www.warcs.org.uk |
WARCS | The Wolds and Riverbank
Countryside Society for people interested in natural history and local
history - A society for people interested in natural history and local
history in East Yorkshire |
www.wardiebay.org.uk |
Wardie Bay Residents Association |
www.warehamchurches.org.u... |
Wareham Parish |
www.warehamstmartinpc.org... |
Wareham St Martin Parish Council |
www.waremuseum.org.uk |
Ware Museum - Ware Museum |
www.waresc.org.uk |
Ware Swimming Club |
www.warfield.org.uk |
Warfield Church : Warfield Church |
www.wargrave.org.uk |
Wargrave Parish Council |
www.wargravechurch.org.uk |
St Mary’s Church Wargrave |
www.wargravesheritage.org... |
War Heritage |
www.wargravesurgery.org.u... |
The Wargrave Surgery |
www.warleytown.org.uk |
Warley Town School |
www.warleywoods.org.uk |
Warley Woods Community Trust - A
charity managing a historic parkland, woodland and golf course. |
www.warminsterschool.org.... |
Warminster School - We are a
boarding and day school for girls and boys aged 3 to 18, consisting of a
pre-prep, prep and senior school. Whether in the prep school or sixth
form, life at Warminster is a busy one, filled with academic and
co-curricular activity, discovery and adventure. |
www.warmleyparkschool.org... |
Warmley Park School |
www.warrington-anglers.or... |
Warrington Anglers Association >
Warrington Anglers Association |
www.warringtonql.org.uk |
Warrington Quiz League -
Warrington Quiz League |
www.warriorprogramme.org.... |
The Warrior Programme | Building
Your Future |
www.wars.org.uk |
Worcestershire Animal Rescue
Shelter - Worcestershire Animal Rescue Shelter provides adoption, animal
charity, a home for stray dogs, rehoming dogs, dogs home, rehoming cats,
stray cats, cats home worcester uk, malvern uk |
www.warsashsc.org.uk |
Welcome to Warsash Sailing Club
- Warsash Sailing Club |
www.warsashspringseries.o... |
Warsash Spring Series - The
Warsash Spring Series is the UK leading early season yacht racing series |
www.warsopparishchurch.or... |
Warsop Parish Church is under
construction |
www.warwick-baptists.org.... |
Castle Hill Baptist Church |
www.warwickbaptists.org.u... |
Castle Hill Baptist Church |
www.warwickshire-butterfl... |
Butterfly Conservation
Warwickshire - Saving butterflies, moths and their habitats in
Warwickshire |
www.warwickshirebowls.org... |
Warwickshire BA |
www.warwickshirepgl.org.u... |
Provincial Grand Lodge of
Warwickshire - The Official Website of the Provincial Grand Lodge of
Ancient Free and Accepted Freemasons of Warwickshire. Think you know
about Freemasonry? Let's Talk. |
www.warwicksociety.org.uk |
Warwicksociety |
www.warwickwindtrials.org... |
Warwick Wind Trials - An encraft
project |
www.warwidows.org.uk |
The War Widows’ Association |
www.warzone2100.org.uk |
Warzone Map Tools - Diorama is a
gratuitously overengineered random map generator for Warzone 2100
Resurrection. It is written in Python, Cython and ASP (answer set
programming). |
www.wasc.org.uk |
West Africa Study Circle Site of
the West Africa Study Circle, founded in 1950 |
www.washingnet.org.uk |
Washing net bags mesh bags
laundry bags carry sacks and games kit bags - commercial laundry nets -
Manufacturer of Washing Nets, Carry Sacks, Hampers Net Bags and Laundry
Bags - online shop. Commercial quality washing bag supplier.
Professional supplies of drawstring bags for washing and school kit
bags. Best quality products from Applied Thoughts |
www.waspsstudios.org.uk |
Wasps Artists Studios |
www.wast.org.uk |
Inch Hosting - The UK Joomla!
Specialist - Inch hosting - the UK Joomla Specialist - professional web
design Simple single page to comprehensive online etrading solutions and
Joomla Hosting |
www.waste-not-want-not.or... |
Waste Not Want Not: Creating
Comfortable Homes for Affordable Prices - If your household income is
below £25, 000 p.a. or you’re in social housing we would love to help
you. Donate with free collection of furniture for charity. |
www.wasteawarenesswales.o... |
Waste Awareness Wales |
www.wastenotwantnot.org.u... |
Waste Not Want Not | Nurturing
Plants and People |
www.wastewatch.org.uk |
End waste | Keep Britain Tidy |
www.water-pollution.org.u... |
The biggest Water Pollution
guide on the Internet [Get updated on Causes] - Find info on the sources
of water pollution and how they can be treated. What's the different
types, what causes it, and how do we prevent it water pollution. |
www.water.org.uk |
We bring people together to
create better policies for the future of water | Water UK - We bring
people together to create better policies for the future of water |
www.waterbeach.org.uk |
Waterbeach |
www.watercolourartists.or... |
Watercolour tuition and
watercolour courses for all abilities. - Lessons given in small groups
to ensure that the greatest amount of attention is paid to each
individual |
www.watercresslnr.org.uk |
Watercress Wildlife Association |
www.waterforafrica.org.uk |
Water for Africa | About charity
water | African Charity - We believe that a sustained programme of
investment will enable communities in Africa to develop, please get
involved today. |
www.waterfowl.org.uk |
British Waterfowl Association
The website for keepers of wild and domestic waterfowl, with advice for
beginners, support for the more experienced, and shows for experts. Here
is the place to find where to buy your birds, learn about hatching and
breeding, and show off your best. |
www.waterlaneurc.org.uk |
Water Lane United Reformed Church
– founded in 1662 at Bishop's Stortford |
www.waterloofoundation.or... |
The Waterloo Foundation - The
Waterloo Foundation is an independent grant-making foundation based in
Wales |
www.waterlooroadchurch.or... |
Waterloo Road Church, Evangelical
Church in Uxbridge - Waterloo Road Church is a relaxed, welcoming,
gospel-centred church. Our Sunday services are at 10.30am & 6.30pm. |
www.waterloovillecommunit... |
Waterlooville Community Centre -
Waterlooville Community Centre |
www.watermans.org.uk |
Watermans - West London’s Arts
Centre: Cinema and theatre - Watermans is West London’s leading arts
centre - independent cinema, theatre, exhibitions. Find cabaret, live
music, film and more in our busy programme. |
London, EN |
www.watermill.org.uk |
The Watermill Theatre | West
Berkshire - The Watermill Theatre is one of the UK’s most successful
regional producing theatres. The Berkshire theatre produces nationally
renowned work. |
www.waterofleith.org.uk |
A silver thread in a ribbon of
green - The Water of Leith Conservation Trust works to conserve and
enhance the river, its heritage and wildlife. |
www.waterrow.org.uk |
Waterrow - Chipstable and
Raddington |
www.watersideseries.org.u... |
Waterside Series |
www.waterslide.org.uk |
Inflatable Water Slide & Garden
Bouncy Castles Outdoor Activity Toys - Inflatable water slide garden
games, outdoor bouncy castle toys playsets rectangular paddling pools
Slip and Slide Race Mats under £100 £200 £300 £400 £500 |
www.watervoice.org.uk |
Watervoice |
www.waterways.org.uk |
Inland Waterways Association -
The Inland Waterways Association is a membership charity that works to
protect and restore the country's 6, 500 miles of canals and rivers. |
www.waterwise.org.uk |
Waterwise |
www.waterworksmuseum.org.... |
Waterworks Museum Hereford |
www.waterworth.org.uk |
Waterworth Family : Waterworth
Family Home page with family history research and family stories |
www.watesfoundation.org.u... |
Wates Foundation | Independent
Grant-Making Family Trust - The Wates Foundation is conducting reduced
grant making until March 2015, although a small number of applications
will still be considered by us. |
www.watford10k.org.uk |
Watford 10K Run |
www.watfordgrammarschoolf... |
Watford Grammar School for Girls
www.watfordjoggers.org.uk |
Watford Joggers - Running Club -
Welcome to Watford Joggers! |
www.watfordjunction.org.u... |
Our Watford History | Telling
the stories of a diverse town - Our Watford History: A community history
site containing photos, memories, old documents, historical information
and comments. |
www.watfordmencap.org.uk |
Watford Mencap |
www.watfordmuseum.org.uk |
Watford Museum |
www.watfordquakers.org.uk |
Watford Quakers |
www.watfordsynagogue.org.... |
WADS | Watford & District
Synagogue - Watford and District synagogue known affectionately by its
members as 'WADS' is part of the United Synagogue and serves the Jewish
community of Watford, Croxley & Rickmansworth and surrounding areas of
Hertfordshire & North London. |
London, EN |
www.wathfestival.org.uk |
Wath Festival A springtime
celebration in the Queen of Villages with a full weekend programme of
concerts in Montgomery Hall and a community festival of traditional
music and dance. |
www.watlinglower.org.uk |
Watling Lower - Welcome to the
website for Watling Lower School, Dunstable |
www.watlingtonhouse.org.u... |
Watlington House |
www.watmos.org.uk |
www.watn.org.uk |
Wymondham and Attleborough
Talking Newspaper Norfolk Uk audio information service for blind and
visually impaired people |
www.wattisham.org.uk |
Wattisham Airfield |
www.wattsgallery.org.uk |
Watts Gallery – Artists’ Village
- Watts Gallery |
www.wattylercountrypark.o... |
Wat Tyler Country Park |
www.waveartseducation.org... |
Wave Arts Education Agency - wave
arts education agency work with arts and education partners in
bournemouth & poole to provide creative projects, resources, and CPD -
and oversee the cultural hub... |
www.wavelength.org.uk |
WaveLength | Fighting loneliness
with media technology. - WaveLength works to fight loneliness across the
UK. We give media technology to vulnerable people to help them reconnect
with their families and communities |
www.waveneysinfonia.org.u... |
Waveney Sinfonia |
www.wavetraumacentre.org.... |
Victims & Survivors Support |
Wave Trauma Centre | Northern Ireland - Gaining recognition for victims
and survivors is central to the work of Wave Trauma and this has been
demonstrated in many of the publications undertaken. |
www.waxbillfinchsociety.o... |
Waxbill Finch Society |
www.waxchandlers.org.uk |
Wax Chandlers – The Wax
Chandlers Company is an ancient City livery company that was originally
based on the beewax trade. Today it focuses on its connections with
beekeeping and the modern wax industry, supporting education and
training, and helping those in need. |
www.wayland.org.uk |
The Wayland Partnership – A
community development organisation in the heart of Breckland in Norfolk |
www.waymarking.org.uk |
Waymarking |
www.wbaunofficial.org.uk |
WBAUnofficial |
www.wbc.org.uk |
Croeso - Welsh Books Council -
The Welsh Books Council is a national body, funded by the Welsh Assembly
Government, which provides a focus for the publishing industry in Wales.
It provides a number of specialist services (in the fields of editing,
design, marketing and distribution) with a view to improving standards
of book production and publication in both Welsh and English. It also
distributes grants to publishers. The Books Council actively promotes
reading and literacy in Wales. |
www.wbca.org.uk |
West Berkshire | Conservatives -
Latest news, events and campaigns from West Berkshire Conservative
Association, the Conservative Party in West Berkshire. |
www.wbconline.org.uk |
Whetstone Baptist Church -
Access information about Whetstone Baptist Church, what it means to be a
Christian, make a prayer request, listen again or download the message
from each of our services. |
www.wbct.org.uk |
The Trust - Wilts & Berks Canal
Trust is a charitable organisation working to preserve, conserve and
improve the route of the Wilts & Berks canal. |
www.wbds.org.uk |
WBDS - West Bridgford Drama
Society - WBDS - West Bridgford Dramatic Society website |
www.wbg.org.uk |
Womens Budget Group - The Women’s
Budget Group scrutinises government policy from a gender perspective |
www.wbhc.org.uk |
West Byfleet Health Centre -
West Byfleet Health Centre - West Byfleet Health Centre Madeira Road,
West Byfleet, Surrey KT14 6DH, West Byfleet Health Centre |
www.wbmethodist.org.uk |
West Bridgford Methodist Church –
exists to build Christ-centred communities full of God’s love and grace
which connect people with Jesus |
www.wbrc.org.uk |
WBRC & Worcs Recorders |
www.wbsds.org.uk |
www.wcava.org.uk |
www.wcava.org.uk |
www.wcb-ccd.org.uk |
Vision in Wales |
www.wcbg.org.uk |
www.wccl.org.uk |
Wiltshire County Cricket League -
Wiltshire County Cricket League |
www.wccsa.org.uk |
WCCSA - The Worshipful Company
of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators is the Modern Livery Company
of choice for governance professionals. |
www.wcdeaf.org.uk |
Wales Council for Deaf People |
Hearing Support | South Wales - Welcome to the Wales Council for Deaf
People in Pontypridd, South Wales. Here at WCDP we specialise in
supporting deaf and hard of hearing people. |
www.wcf.org.uk |
The Worshipful Company of
Farriers - The membership of the Worshipful Company of Farriers consists
of craft farriers, veterinary surgeons and an amalgam of persons
committed to the welfare of the Horse, the continuing of the craft and
contributing to the success of the City of London. |
London, EN |
www.wcgs.org.uk |
Outstanding Grammar School Sutton
- Outstanding Grammar School Sutton |
www.wchp.org.uk |
Turning Tides | - Getting Help
If you are experiencing or in danger of becoming homeless visit our
nearest community hub. Worthing Community Hub St Clare's Community Hub,
6-8 |
www.wcom.org.uk |
The Musicians' Company |
www.wcpf.org.uk |
WCPF - Western Counties
Photographic Federation - Western Counties Photographic Federation |
www.wcppe.org.uk |
HEIW Pharmacy (formerly WCPPE) |
www.wcpsc.org.uk |
www.wcrfm.org.uk |
WCR Community Radio |
www.wcva.org.uk |
Home -- Wales Council for
Voluntary Action (WCVA) - WCVA is the national membership organisation
for the third sector in Wales. |
www.wdac.org.uk |
WDAC – A friendly running club
based in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. |
www.wdcra.org.uk |
W&DCRA Contains organisation
details, tower lists and correspondent details for the W&DCRA that
represents change ringers who ring Church bells full circle in the
Worcestershire and West Midlands area of the U.K. |
www.wddl.org.uk |
Wickford and District League
Darts |
www.wdlr.org.uk |
War Department Light Railways -
War Department Light Railways |
www.wdmc.org.uk |
Whickham and District Motor Club
Limited : Whickham and District Motor Club - Whickham and District Motor
Club |
www.wdmes.org.uk |
Home – WDMES - Warrington &
District Model Engineering Society |
www.wdo.org.uk |
Warwickshire Darts Organisation |
The official website of the WDO. The latest news, results and reports. |
www.wdpc.org.uk |
About Sign Language: What To
Know? - Wdpc.org.uk About Sign Language: What To Know? - Wdpc.org.uk |
www.wds.org.uk |
WDS - Women's Design Service,
talking cctv, women, women's design group, islington, manchester,
design, gender, equality, duty, gender equality duty, built,
environment, architecture, urban, planning, cities, regeneration,
training, consultancy, audits, access, safety, community, public, space |
www.wdssg.org.uk |
Worster-Drought Syndrome Support
Group – A group of parents, friends, and professionals who have a direct
interest in the Worster-Drought syndrome |
www.wdvta.org.uk |
WDVTA - Wokingham District
Veteran Tree Association The WDVTA promotes the protection and
management of Wokingham's significant trees |
www.wea.org.uk |
WEA National WEA |
www.weardale-railway.org.... |
Weardale Railway trust | Stanhope
| The Weardale Railway Trust - The Weardale Railway is an 18 mile
heritage line which runs from a connection with the main railway network
at Bishop Auckland in County Durham. |
www.weareculture24.org.uk |
Culture24 |
www.wearside-football-lea... |
Wearside League - The Official
Wearside League website |
www.weather.org.uk |
The UK Weather Information Site |
www.weathercharts.org.uk |
Meteorological Charts Analysis
Forecast North Atlantic Europe - Meteorological weather charts, surface
pressure analysis, forecast maps , satellite pictures , North Atlantic
and Europe |
www.weatherforce.org.uk |
Halifax, UK Weather Data -
Personal weather station. |
www.weatherstation.org.uk |
Nick's Weather Station Pages,
Stowmarket Weather, Satellite images, Lightning and Realtime Data,
updated every 15 min - Stowmarket, Suffolk, UK weather station, updated
every 15 minutes |
www.weavers.org.uk |
The Worshipful Company of
Weavers |
www.weavervalleycc.org.uk |
Weaver Valley Cycling Club |
www.web-den.org.uk |
Wulf's Webden |
www.webarchive.org.uk |
www.webassoc.org.uk |
West of England Baptist
Association | Making a difference |
EN |
www.webba-basketball.org.... |
WEBBA - West of England
Basketball Association - West of England Basketball Association - WEBBA
35 local league clubs available in the south west - information for
juniors too.. |
EN |
www.webbie.org.uk |
WebbIE, software for blind
people with little or no sight. - Free Accessible and WebbIE Microsoft
Windows software for blind and visually-impaired people, including BBC
radio, TV and podcast players, RSS readers, a web browser, a library of
accessible books and more! |
www.webbmemorialtrust.org... |
Rethinking Poverty | Eradicating
poverty and creating a good societyRethinking Poverty Rethinking Poverty
| Eradicating poverty and creating a good society - Rethinking Poverty
is a hub for discussions on how to make the economy work for everyone,
inspiring local initiatives, and working towards a Green New Deal. |
www.webbot.org.uk |
Webbot Webbot |
www.webcc.org.uk |
www.webcollect.org.uk |
WebCollect: Club membership
management and online payment software - Online software service for
club membership and event management. Take payment online via credit
cards, PayPal, Direct Debit etc. Offer Family membership, junior
subscriptions, membership forms. |
www.webcorp.org.uk |
WebCorp: The Web as Corpus -
WebCorp: Using the World Wide Web as a corpus - a rich source of
linguistic information. |
www.webfax.org.uk |
Webfax |
www.websphereusergroup.or... |
Sphere Phones | bad credit mobile
phones |
www.webwizards.org.uk |
Web design in Skelmersdale,
Ormskirk, Wigan, Bolton, Manchester - Webwizards web design. Serving
Skelmersdale, Wigan, Ormskirk, Up Holland, Southport, Liverpool,
Manchester and Preston. New web developments, optimisation, hosting and
maintenance of existing web sites. E-commerce and online shops. |
www.wechurch.org.uk |
Wensleydale Evangelical Church -
Wensleydale Evangelical Church |
www.weddingcaketoppers.or... |
Wedding Cake Toppers |
Traditional | Humorous | Ornate - Your wedding day is a something very
personal to you and your partner and as such anything goes. Gone are the
days when a traditional white wedding or register office where your only
options, more and more people are choosing to have a wedding that suit
their own personalities. |
www.weddingmemories.org.u... |
Alex Haynes wedding films -
wedding videographer in Dorset, Hampshire, Surrey, London, Devon,
Somerset |
London, EN |
www.wega.org.uk |
wega |
www.weimaraner-associatio... |
The Weimaraner Association - The
Weimaraner Association, a club for Weimaraner owners across the UK |
www.weimaraner-rescue.org... |
Independent Weimaraner Rescue &
Re-Homing Service - Weimaraner Rescue - dedicated to the re-homing, care
and rescue of Weimaraner dogs. |
www.weimaranerclubofgreat... |
Weimaraner Club of Great Britain
- Weimaraner Club of Great Britain: Official breed club of the
weimaraner for the UK promoting responsible ownership and good breeding
practice for weimaraners. |
www.weizmann.org.uk |
Weizmann UK Weizmann UK -
Weizmann UK’s mission is to communicate and support the work of Weizmann
Institute scientists and promote increased collaboration between the
Institute and UK |
www.wejas.org.uk |
W E Johns |
www.welbecksailingclub.or... |
Welbeck Sailing Club | RYA
Affiliated Sailing Club on the Beautiful Welbeck Estate |
www.welbeing.org.uk |
Telecare Personal Lifeline Alarm
Service | Peace of mind for you and your family - It’s reassuring to
know that at the touch of a button friends or family can be alerted 24
hours a day, 7 days a week thanks to Welbeing. |
www.welborne.org.uk |
Welcome to Welborne |
www.welcome2london.org.uk |
London Tourism Guide - a free
tourist and visitor information for England's capital city - London
Tourist guide. Discount London Tours. Theatre Tickets, London
attractions, Whats on Guide, Christmas in London |
London, EN |
www.welcometokennington.o... |
Welcome to Kennington |
www.welfareassociation.or... |
Welfare Association || UK charity
supporting humanitarian and development projects for Palestinians - The
Welfare Association supports some of the most marginalised Palestinian
families and communities in the West Bank and Gaza and in the refugee
camps and gatherings in Lebanon |
www.wellaware.org.uk |
Be connected, be informed, be
well - Well Aware - Providing information on organisations, support
groups, community groups, events and activities that can help improve
your health and wellbeing in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. |
www.wellbeingofwomen.org.... |
Wellbeing of Women | Medical
research charity for women and babies - Wellbeing of Women is the UK
charity dedicated to improving the health of women and babies by funding
medical research into Gynecological & Obstetricals |
www.wellcat.org.uk |
Wellcat Animal Rescue |
www.wellchild.org.uk |
WellChild - UK Children's Charity
For Seriously Ill Children - WellChild is the national UK children's
charity helping to get seriously ill children and young people out of
hospital and home to their families. |
www.welldev.org.uk |
How can you protect your garden
or backyard against burglary? - Gardens are some of the most vulnerable
parts of any home, simply because they are often located in an area
that’s hidden and away from the eyes of the neighbours therefore not
many can see any intruders getting in from there. |
www.welldressedband.org.u... |
Home page of the Well Dressed
Band |
www.weller.org.uk |
Weller.org.uk |
www.wellfieldmiddleschool... |
Wellfield School - Welcome to
Wellfield Middle School! The hub for learning and education. Built
around the motto 'We Care', we take that into everything that we do. |
www.wellhall.org.uk |
Well Hall Pleasaunce - Eltham
London Park SE9 - The Well Hall Pleasaunce, which dates back to the 13th
century and been home to the Tudors and Railway Children author E
Nesbit, is a charming haven of formal gardens and woodland. |
London, EN |
www.wellington-school.org... |
Wellington School, Somerset |
Independent Day and Boarding 3-18 - Wellington School is a
co-educational independent day and boarding school in Wellington,
Somerset, England for pupils aged 3 to 18. |
EN |
www.wellingtoncollege.org... |
Wellington College - One of the
world's top coeducational independent day and boarding schools |
www.wellingtonsilverband.... |
Wellington Silver Band |
www.wellscathedral.org.uk |
Welcome to Wells Cathedral in
Somerset, England - Wells Cathedral: the "most poetic of the English
Cathedrals" in the heart of England's smallest city. Free Guided tours.
Family Trails. Daily Worship. |
EN |
www.wellscityharriers.org... |
Welcome to the Frontpage - Wells
City Harriers - a truly multi-discipline club from Juniors to Top Flight |
www.wellslibdems.org.uk |
Wells Liberal Democrats - Wells
Liberal Democrats, Wells Liberal Democrats, Building You A Better Future |
www.wellsmuseum.org.uk |
Wells & Mendip Museum | Wells |
Somerset - From local history and archaeology to geology and natural
history, Wells & Mendip Museum is your gateway to Wells and the Mendip
region. |
www.wellsplace.org.uk |
wellsplace.org.uk |
www.wellsprings.org.uk |
Welcome to Wellsprings |
www.wellstreetchurch.org.... |
Well Street United Church |
www.weloveouryouthworker.... |
We Love Our Youth Worker |
www.welsh-airgun.org.uk |
Welsh Airgun Association - Home
page of the Welsh Airgun Association |
www.welsh-blood.org.uk |
Welsh Blood Service |
www.welshbowlsfederation.... |
Welsh Bowls – Fan Site |
www.welshcurling.org.uk |
Welsh Curling Association |
Cymdeithas Cwrlio Cymru |
www.welshfootballtrust.or... |
Welcome to FAW Trust - We're the
charity tasked with growing Welsh football, from the grassroots up. |
www.welshmariners.org.uk |
Morwyr Cymru - Welsh Mariners -
An on-line index of over 21, 000 Welsh merchant masters, mates and
engineers active from 1800 to 1945, compiled by Dr. Reg Davies. |
www.welshpetanque.org.uk |
Welsh Pétanque Association –
Getting people to play Pétanque |
www.welshschoolofhomoeop.... |
Welsh School of Homeopathy -
study homeopathy through our range of homeopathic courses. - The Welsh
School of Homeopathy, founded in 1995, is based in Carmarthen, West
Wales. We offer introductory, practitioner and postgraduate courses. |
www.welshsheep.org.uk |
NSA Welsh Sheep | National Sheep
Association - NSA Welsh Sheep is the National Sheep Association's welsh
region biennial one day event. |
www.wendronparishcouncil.... |
Wendron Parish Council - Wendron
Parish Council |
www.wenlock-olympian-soci... |
Wenlock Olympian Society,
organisers of Wenlock Olympian Games - Wenlock Olympian Society, Wenlock
Olympian Games. Preserving the ideals of Dr William Penny Brookes
inspiration for the modern Olympic Movement. |
www.wenningtonschool.org.... |
wenningtonschool.org.uk |
www.wensleydaleshow.org.u... |
Wensleydale Agricultural Show -
Saturday 25 August 2018 - Wensleydale Agricultural Show is a Leyburn
August institution. In 2018, the 104th Wensleydale Show will be on
Saturday August 25th. Open this page for more. |
www.wensumalliance.org.uk |
River Wensum Demonstration Test
Catchment Project | Wensum Alliance |
www.wentworthestate.org.u... |
Wentworth Estate Roads Committee
- Welcome to The Wentworth Estate in Virginia Water, Surrey, England. |
EN |
www.wes.org.uk |
Welcome to WES | Women's
Engineering Society |
www.wesley-fellowship.org... |
The Wesley Fellowship |
www.wesley-place.org.uk |
Wesley Place Methodist Church,
Alsager - Wesley Place Methodist Church, Alsager, Cheshire |
www.wesleycam.org.uk |
Wesley Methodist Church - Wesley
Methodist Church, Cambridge, is found in the historical heart of the
city. We are a church where everyone is welcome. We believe that God has
shown us, through Jesus, that everyone is special in his sight, and we
try to show that in all that we do. Come and visit us, and share in our
activities, including our parent and toddler group, lunch club for
seniors and Science meets Faith lectures. We look forward to meeting
you. |
www.wesleychapelharrogate... |
WesleyChapel |
www.wesleyhistoricalsocie... |
The Wesley Historical Society |
www.wesleyschapel.org.uk |
Wesley's Chapel & Leysian Mission
- The Mother Church of World Methodism. Details of services, sermons,
activities. |
www.wesoc.org.uk |
Official website of the Windsor
and Eton Society - The Windsor and Eton Society seeks to preserve,
protect, improve and celebrate the heritage of Windsor and Eton. New
members are welcome. |
www.wesport.org.uk |
The West of England Sport Trust
(Wesport) - CSP for the West of England Wesport - Wesport is a sporting
charity & County Sport Partnership (CSP) for the West of England that is
passionate about helping people become more physically active |
EN |
www.west-fest.org.uk |
West Fest – West Fest 29th June
2019 |
www.west-penwith.org.uk |
West Penwith Resources - Welcome
page for the site of resources for family and local historians
interested in the West Penwith district of Cornwall, England |
EN |
www.west.org.uk |
About UST | Union School of
Theology - We form men and women to grow Christ’s church. |
www.westatholl.org.uk |
WARC - West Atholl Rifle Club |
www.westbank.org.uk |
Westbank - Westbank Community
Health and Care, is a registred charity. We provide care and promote
health to people of all ages in communities throughout Devon and beyond. |
www.westberkscamra.org.uk |
West Berks CAMRA - #1
organisation campaigning for real ale, pubs & drinkers' rights. We list
local ale festivals, brewery trips, pub and club award presentations &
much more. |
www.westbury-parish-churc... |
Holy Trinity Church,
Westbury-on-Trym – A place of worship and witness for 13 centuries |
www.westburyontrymsociety... |
www.westburyparkchurch.or... |
Church in westbury park – A warm
United partnership of two churches in bristol west |
www.westbyfleetjunior.org... |
West Byfleet Junior School |
www.westchurchbangor.org.... |
West Church Bangor |
www.westcotthistory.org.u... |
Westcott Local History Group |
www.westcountryanime.org.... |
Westcountry Anime – Plymouth's
Anime and Manga Community |
www.westcountryblues.org.... |
Westcountry Blues Official
Everton Supporters Club |
www.westdevoncvs.org.uk |
West Devon CVS | Supporting
Community Action in West Devon - Supporting not-for-profit organisations
to bring about positive change, and helping to promote active
citizenship through volunteering. |
www.westdorsetbees.org.uk |
West Dorset Beekeepers'
Association – Dorset Beekeepers |
www.westealingneighbours.... |
West Ealing Neighbours Blog –
Working together to make West Ealing a better place for residents,
businesses and visitors. |
www.westendatwar.org.uk |
West End at War: history, photos,
memories, and maps of London during the Second World War - The West End
at War website presents West End at War: history, photos, memories, and
maps of London during the Second World War |
London, EN |
www.westendprimary.org.uk |
West End Primary School |
www.westernavenue.org.uk |
York Road Group Practice |
www.westernchannelobserv.... |
Western Channel Observatory |
www.westernmrs.org.uk |
Western Model Railway Society -
Model Railway Society based in Acton, West London. |
London, EN |
www.westernnightleague.or... |
Western Night League - Home page
of the Western Night Orienteering League, South West England |
EN |
www.westernsunfolk.org.uk |
westernsunfolk.org.uk |
www.westernurgentcare.org... |
Western Urgent Care Booking
System |
www.westexmoorfederation.... |
West Exmoor Federation |
www.westgate-college.org.... |
APS Specialist Vehicles - APS
Specialist Vehicles |
www.westhaddlesey.org.uk |
West Haddlesey Parish - Official
Website - The website for West Haddlesey Parish, with information about
events and facilities in the parish for residents and visitors. |
www.westhallam-pc.org.uk |
Welcome and cookie notice |
www.westhoathly.org.uk |
St Margaret's Church, West
Hoathly |
www.westhoathlybowls.org.... |
Club West Hoathly Bowls Club,
Home Page |
www.westhouse.org.uk |
West House Helps People with
Learning Difficulties in Cumbria | West House | People Progress Together
- West House is the local voluntary organisation providing community
based, high quality support services to people with disabilities living
in Cumbria |
www.westierescuescheme.or... |
Westie Rescue Scheme |
www.westinverness.org.uk |
WestInverness.org.uk » Welcome |
www.westjesmondprimary.or... |
Welcome to West Jesmond Primary |
www.westkentctc.org.uk |
West Kent CTC – We are Cycling UK
local organisation for the areas of West Kent and South East London. |
London, EN |
www.westkentymca.org.uk |
West Kent YMCA |
www.westkilbride.org.uk |
Westkilbride |
www.westkilbridemuseum.or... |
Home • West Kilbride Museum |
www.westkirbyrenewal.org.... |
West Kirby Renewal - West Kirby
Renewal |
www.westlakesacademy.org.... |
West Lakes Academy - Changing
Lives Through Learning - West Lakes Academy in Egremont, Cumbria,
provides education to children from 11 to 18 years old. |
www.westlancsfreemasons.o... |
West Lancashire Freemasons |
www.westlands.org.uk |
Westlands School |
www.westlodge.org.uk |
West Lodge School |
www.westlondongmp.org.uk |
Spectra CIC™ | Free Health &
Wellbeing Services | London |
London, EN |
www.westlondonlinegroup.o... |
West London Line Group - The West
London Line Group (WLLG) was set up in November 2004, to represent rail
passengers and other organisations interested in the use of stations
along the West London Line corridor. The Group’s primary aim is to seek
a credible, robust and passenger-friendly set of rail services on the
West London Line. |
London, EN |
www.westlothian.org.uk |
Launchpad |
www.westmerciaprobation.o... |
Warwickshire and West Mercia
Community Rehabilitation Company - Working in partnership to protect the
public and reduce reoffending |
www.westmidlandsbmd.org.u... |
West Midlands Births Marriages &
Deaths Indexes - West Midlands County Births, Marriage and Deaths
Indexes. |
www.westmidlandsfencing.o... |
West Midlands Region Fencing -
This website is here to help fencers, clubs, officials, organisers and
anyone associated with fencing in the West Midlands region. |
www.westmidlandslabour.or... |
West Midlands Labour Link to
Instagram Link to Twitter Link to YouTube Link to Facebook Link to
LinkedIn Link to Snapchat Close Fax Website Location Phone Email
Calendar Building Search - The Labour Party in the West Midlands |
www.westminster-abbey.org |
Westminster Abbey - A royal
church in the centre of London offering daily services for all and a
World Heritage Site with over a thousand years of history. |
London, EN |
www.westminster.org.uk |
Westminster School |
www.westminster2010.org.u... |
Westminster2010 |
www.westminstercathedral.... |
Welcome to Westminster Cathedral
- Westminster Cathedral - Westminster Cathedral is one of the greatest
secrets of London; people heading down Victoria Street on the
well-trodden route to more famous sites are astonished to come across a
piazza opening up the view to an extraordinary facade of towers,
balconies and domes. |
London, EN |
www.westminstercathedralp... |
Westminster Cathedral Catholic
Primary School |
www.westminstercyclists.o... |
Westminstercyclists |
www.westminsterguides.org... |
Westminster Guides - Explore with
experts! We specialise in Westminster, London's most famous borough, and
run walks, talks and tours on a huge range of fascinating topics! |
London, EN |
www.westminsterquakers.or... |
Westminster Quaker Meeting House
– An oasis of calm in central London |
London, EN |
www.westminsterunder.org.... |
Westminster Under School |
www.westmoor.org.uk |
wmra |
www.weston.org.uk |
Weston Sailing Club - Weston
Sailing Club, the premier dinghy sailing club on Southampton Water. We
offer a great dinghy sailing location, in sheltered water, close to
Southampton. |
www.westongreenschool.org... |
Weston Green School - Weston
Green School is a co-educational Preparatory School in Surrey for pupils
aged 3 to 11 years. Weston Green prides itself on nurturing the
individual talents and personalities of every pupil. We provide a safe,
exciting, well-resourced environment for your child to grow and develop.
We believe that every child should enjoy their childhood and that
learning should be challenging and fun. |
www.westongreenscouts.org... |
1st Weston Green - 1st Weston
Green Scouts |
www.westonhospicecare.org... |
Weston Hospicecare – Bringing
life to days |
www.westonmeter.org.uk |
Weston Meter |
www.westonrnli.org.uk |
www.westonrnli.co.uk | Weston
www.westover.org.uk |
Westover.Org.UK - Bournemouth's
Original Cruising Website - Established 1999 |
www.westparkresidents.org... |
Westparkresidents |
www.westsomersetmineralra... |
{{articlechoice.data.query1[0].articleMetaTitle}} |
www.westsuffolksailing.or... |
SESCA sailing - Information for
Members and Prospective Members of the St Edmundsbury Sailing & Canoeing
Association (SESCA) |
www.westsurreypsc.org.uk |
Campaigning for justice for
Palestinians |
www.westvale.org.uk |
Build a Free Website - Siteplus |
www.westward.org.uk |
Westward Parish Council · The
parish of Westward is in Cumbria, on the edge of the Lake District. It
is a rural community in a beautiful, and sometimes breathtaking
environment. The parish is a collection of hamlets and is divided into
the two electoral wards of Westward and Rosley. We are a vibrant
community with many activities in the two village halls. The interests
of the parish are represented by the members of the Parish Council - The
parish of Westward is in Cumbria, on the edge of the Lake District. |
www.westwardhousing.org.u... |
Westward - The home page of
Westward Housing Group's website. |
www.westwightswimmingclub... |
West Wight Swimming Club | Isle
of Wight |
www.westwood-church.org.u... |
Westwood Church – A Gathering of
People Expressing Faith in Jesus Christ |
www.westwycombe.org.uk |
westwycombe.org.uk |
www.westyorkshirelieutena... |
West Yorkshire Lieutenancy -
West Yorkshire Lord Lieutenancy |
www.westyorkshiremethodis... |
WYM Finance – WYM Finance |
www.westyorkshiresr.org.u... |
West Yorkshire CTC | Audax and
other events in West Yorkshire - Audax cycling events in Calderdale -
with challenges from 50km to 600km |
www.wetdreams.org.uk |
Wetdreams |
www.wetherbymethodist.org... |
Wetherby Methodist Church |
Reaching Out to Wetherby |
www.wetherbyu3a.org.uk |
Wetherby & District U3A |
www.weybridgeladies.org.u... |
Weybridge Ladies Amateur Rowing
Club WLARC Surrey Weybridge Walton Women Girls Females Coaching Try Day
beginner racing fitness fun social sculling rowing regatta river thames
good value broad offer all ages all abilities competitive sponsorship
funding values boats equipment rowing machine ergo supportive
environment location wildlife recreational new to rowing learn to row
land training friendly welcoming run by women set up for women Amy
Gentry founder history pioneer promote women rowing |
www.weybridgemvc.org.uk |
Weybridge Male Voice Choir.
Serving the communities of Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne and beyond
through the performance of charity concerts. |
www.weybridgerowing.org.u... |
wrcRowing club on the River
Thames (UK) for men and women, boys and girls. We offer competitive and
recreational rowing and sculling opportunities. |
www.weymouthbay.org.uk |
Weymouth Bay Holiday Park | Haven
Holidays - Weymouth Bay Haven Holidays and you can also enjoy all the
facilities at Seaview Park, just next door and free of charge. |
www.weymouthchoralsociety... |
Welcome to Weymouth Choral
Society - Welcome to Weymouth Choral Society - an enthusiastic
Dorset-based choir of 80+ members. |
www.weymouthlifeboat.org.... |
Weymouth RNLI - Weymouth
lifeboats are ready 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with a doctor if
required, to go to the aid of those who find themselves in danger at
sea. The lifeboats work closely with the coastguards and their
helicopter as and when the need arises. Since the lifeboat station
opened in 1869 Weymouth lifeboats have launched some 1700 times and have
saved over 800 lives |
www.wfhs.org.uk |
Timelines Research - Timelines,
Research, Warwickshire, Coventry, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire,
Oxfordshire |
www.wfsa.org.uk |
www.wftv.org.uk |
Women in Film & TV Women in Film
& TV |
www.wgacademiestrust.org.... |
Bluecoat Meres Academy Bluecoat
Meres Academy |
www.wgbka.org.uk |
Wisborough Green BKA We invite
you to find out about the Wisborough Green BKA and the teaching we
provide |
www.wgcmalevoicechoir.org... |
wgcmalevoicechoir |
www.wgcms.org.uk |
Welwyn Garden City Music Society
- The Home of the Welwyn Garden City Orchestra and Chorus |
www.wgcsoc.org.uk |
Welwyn Garden City Society |
www.wghs.org.uk |
Wolverhampton Girls' High School
- Wolverhampton Girls' High School is a grammar school for girls in
Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England. |
EN |
www.wgin.org.uk |
www.wgma.org.uk |
WGMA - music, literature,
recordings, and other resources relating to West Gallery music, singing
and instrumental music |
www.wgp.org.uk |
Wilmslow Guild Players |
www.wgs.org.uk |
Wolverhampton Grammar School |
www.wgsf.org.uk |
Wakefield Grammar School
Foundation |
www.wguk.org.uk |
: : Winter Guard United Kingdom
: : |
EN |
www.wha.org.uk |
Warrington Housing Association |
www.wharfedale-nats.org.u... |
Wharfedale Naturalists Society -
Welcome to the Wharfedale Naturalists Society website. |
www.wharfedaletheatrefest... |
Wharefdale Festival of Theatre -
Full Results 2018/19 - New page |
www.wharfegen.org.uk |
www.wharncliffeside.org.u... |
Wharncliffeside Primary School |
www.whatisthegospel.org.u... |
What Is The Gospel Message and
what is The Content Of The Gospel? - Is today's evangelistic gospel man
centred or god centred and does it agree with the gospel in the bible? |
www.whatistruth.org.uk |
What is Truth? ~ absolute or just
relative truth? And what does that mean for our life? - Truth - absolute
truth, or is truth just relative? |
www.whatworksforchildren.... |
Whatworksforchildren.org.uk |
www.whb.org.uk |
whb.org.uk |
www.whcc.org.uk |
Woking & Horsell Cricket Club -
We are Woking's premier cricket club. We field 6 senior sides: 4 Surrey
Championship league teams on Saturdays, a Sunday XI and a midweek T20
side. Our Colts section is thriving, running teams from U9s through to
U17s, with coaching from U6s and providing a real hub for youth cricket
within Woking. We are looking for new members - both on the playing and
social sides. |
www.wheaten.org.uk |
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club
of Great Britain |
www.wheatley-hill.org.uk |
Wheatley Hill History Club
Durham E-mail Facebook - Wheatley Hill History Club is a Durham based
local history club, founded in January 1995, is a thriving society whose
very active membership is bound together by common aims |
www.wheatmentorsupport.or... |
Wheat Mentor Support Trust -
WHEAT MST provides one to one mentoring/befriending support to refugees,
asylum seekers, migrants and other vulnerable adults with different
needs or W.H.E.A.T needs. |
www.wheddoncross.org.uk |
Welcome to Wheddon Cross and
Cutcombe |
www.wheel-easy.org.uk |
Wheel Easy Cycling – Harrogate's
cycling club for people who don't wear lycra! (and some who do) |
www.wheelchairchildren.or... |
Wheelchair Children |
www.wheelchairusers.org.u... |
Place your website description in
this area. This is read by some search engines. |
www.wheelrights.org.uk |
Wheelrights Website for
Wheelrights, the Swansea Bay cycle campaign group: we help get people on
bikes. |
www.wheelwright.org.uk |
Mike Rowland & Son Wheelwrights
and Coachbuilders - Mike Rowland & Son Wheelwrights & Coachbuilders in
Colyton, Devon has over 80 years of experience, and we can restore or
make any kind of wooden wheel. |
www.whenyouwishuponastar.... |
When you Wish Upon a Star - When
You Wish Upon a Star has a simple mission, to grant the Wishes of
children living with a life threatening illness. |
www.wherevertheneed.org.u... |
Sanitation First - Tackling
Poverty One Toilet At A Time - Sanitation is the single most
cost-effective public health intervention to reduce child mortality. Our
ecosan toilets have transformed 350, 000 lives. |
www.wherrylines.org.uk |
Explore Norfolk & Suffolk on the
Wherry Lines - The Wherry Lines connect the fine city of Norwich with
the seaside towns of Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft |
www.whi.org.uk |
Walking & Hiking Information –
Walking & hiking activities. |
www.while.org.uk |
The While Family |
www.whimsy.org.uk |
Whimsy |
www.whippetrescue.org.uk |
JR Whippet Rescue - Helping
whippets in need for over 40 years - JR Whippet Rescue help whippets to
find their forever homes. Whippets, most importantly, who may not
survive without our help and yours. |
www.whirl-y-gig.org.uk |
WHIRL◦Y◦GIG – Music and People of
All Ages and Places |
www.whiston-parish-church... |
Whiston Parish Church, St Mary
Magdalene; Whiston, Rotherham - The homepage for Whiston Parish Church;
St Mary Magdalene, Whiston, Rotherham. |
www.whistonhall.org.uk |
Dementia Care Home For The
Elderly In Rotherham | Whiston Hall - Providing a safe & secure
environment, Whiston Hall is an excellent care home & end of life care
facility in Rotherham. We offer services to people aged 65 & over. |
www.whitbourne.org.uk |
whitbourne - common |
www.whitburnjfc.org.uk |
Whitburn Junior FC official
website - The official website of Whitburn Junior FC of the Scottish
East Region and winners of the 2000 OVD Scottish Junior cup. |
www.whitbymuseum.org.uk |
Whitby Museum - A Museum of
Treasures |
www.whitchester.org.uk |
Whitchester Christian Guest House |
www.whitchurchassociation... |
www.whitchurchphotographi... |
Whitchurch Photographic Society -
Welcome to Whitchurch Photographic Society's website. We are a friendly,
diverse bunch that meet every Tuesday evening from September to.
Whitchurch Photographic Society was founded in 1962 by photographic
enthusiasts wanting to share their knowledge and improve their.
Whitchurch Photographic Society, c/o 2 Emmanuel Terrace, Fauls Green,
Whitchurch, Shropshire, United Kingdom |
EN |
www.whitchurchsilkmill.or... |
Whitchurch Silk Mill |
Industrial heritage museum in rural Hampshire - A gem of industrial
heritage in beautiful, rural Hampshire. Whether you are visiting the
Mill, having lunch, or shopping for a gift, there is plenty to do. |
www.whitechapel.org.uk |
Whitechapel Mission - The
Whitechapel Mission has been serving the homeless and marginalised for
140 years – including a day centre, skills training and career advice,
activity programmes and specialist support for complex needs. |
www.whitechapelprojectsp.... |
Whitechapel Project Space |
www.whitecliffscountry.or... |
White Cliffs Country, the
official tourism website for Dover, Deal and Sandwich - White Cliffs
Country, the official tourism website for Dover, Deal and Sandwich |
www.whitedragon.org.uk |
The Home of the White Dragon
Magazine - The home page for White Dragon magazine with access to past
book reviews, articles from previous editions, information about local
areas in the gazetteer, as well as a shop to order you copy or back
issues and a forum with a message board. |
www.whitefield.org.uk |
Whitefield Academy Trust -
Whitefield Academy Trust |
www.whitehorseceilidhs.or... |
White Horse Ceilidhs - energetic
barn dances in Wantage and Grove - White Horse Ceilidhs - energetic barn
dances in Wantage and Grove |
www.whitehouse-hotel.org.... |
Home- White House Hotel,
Restaurant & Bar - white house hotel, restaurant & bar |
www.whiteinchcentre.org.u... |
Glasgow | Whiteinch Centre -
Whiteinch Centre is a community centre which offers a friendly and
relaxed environment where people can meet and access a range of services
and activities. |
www.whiteleyvillage.org.u... |
Whiteley Village | One of the
best places to age in Britain |
www.whitemill.org.uk |
River Stour in the Domesday parish of Shapwick, near Wimborne, in
Dorset. (aka White Mill Water Mill) - Whitemill (White Mill) is a
retired 18th century Watermill, by the River Stour in the Domesday
parish of Shapwick, near Wimborne, in Dorset. Open Saturday and Sunday
or else take an On-Line tour. Water Mill, Flour, Grain, Grist,
Millstone, Millstones |
www.whitening-teeth.org.u... |
Richmond House – teeth whitening
clinic |
www.whiteparish.org.uk |
Whiteparish Village Information:
Home Page |
www.whittonbaptist.org.uk |
Whitton Baptist Church - Whitton,
Ipswich, Suffolk - We\'re a pretty normal bunch – people of all ages and
from all walks of life. From children through to grandparents we share
stories of the difference Jesus makes to our lives. Stories of physical
and emotional healing; freedom from addiction and peace in the midst of
suffering. Most wonderful of all though, is the knowledge that we've
been accepted and forgiven by God. |
www.whizz-kidz.org.uk |
Whizz-Kidz - Whizz-Kidz provides
disabled children with the essential wheelchairs and other mobility
equipment they need to lead fun and active childhoods. |
www.whmc.org.uk |
White Horse Model Club - White
Horse Model Club home page, model aircraft club near Wantage |
www.whoovers.org.uk |
The Whoovers |
www.whoownsscotland.org.u... |
Who Owns Scotland |
www.whq.org.uk |
WHQ - Welsh Housing Quarterly -
WHQ - Wales' independent housing and regeneration magazine |
www.whr.org.uk |
WHR - Winchester Hospital Radio -
Winchester Hospital Radio, UK |
www.whra.org.uk |
Well Hill Residents' Association
- The Well Hill Residents' Association - WHRA - looking after residents
in the Metropolitan Greenbelt and Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural
Beauty |
www.whrf.org.uk |
William Harvey Research
Foundation |
www.whsi.org.uk |
The Welsh Heritage Schools
Initiative |
www.whsschool.org.uk |
The William Henry Smith School -
The William Henry Smith School |
www.wht.org.uk |
The Wildlife Habitat Trust |
www.whychurch.org.uk |
Why Church Stats |
www.whydontyou.org.uk |
Why Dont You Blog? | Challenging
the Zeitgeist |
www.whyteleafecouncil.org... |
Whyteleafe Village Council -
Whyteleafe Village Council - Whyteleafe Village Council represents the
parish of Whyteleafe in Surrey. |
www.whyteleafefreechurch.... |
Whyteleafe Free Church –
Whyteleafe Free Church website with information on services, events and
downloadable christian resources! - Whyteleafe Free church is a friendly
evangelical church of all ages located along the Godstone road close to
Caterham. Whatever ... |
www.wibc.org.uk |
www.wibf.org.uk |
www.wicca.org.uk |
www.wicca.org.uk |
www.wiccaweb.org.uk |
Wiccaweb |
www.wicken-village.org.uk |
Wicken, Cambridgeshire |
www.wickendenmanor.org.uk |
Wickenden Manor Retreats |
Catholic retreats directed by Opus Dei for ordinary people |
www.wickersleypc.org.uk |
Wickersley Parish Council –
Welcomes you |
www.wicketbrood.org.uk |
Wicket Brood Border Morris |
Wicket Brood Border Morris – dancing in London, UK and overseas since
1994 |
London, EN |
www.wickhamcommunitycen..... |
The Wickham Centre - Wickham
Community Centre is situated in a beautiful rural setting in the heart
of Hampshire and its surprisingly versatile! |
www.wicn.org |
90.5 WICN Public Radio – Jazz+
for New England |
EN |
www.wicwiki.org.uk |
Welcome to WICWiki your Christian
Wiki - WICWiki |
www.widcombeassociation.o... |
Widcombe Association » Bath's
Largest Residents Association |
www.widowsandorphans.org.... |
Widowsandorphans |
www.wifiinschools.org.uk |
WiFiinschools.org.uk - The
science behind the health concerns over wireless technologies in
schools. Information about a precautionary approach, the concerns of
scientists, governments and individuals from around the world. |
www.wigancamra.org.uk |
Wigan CAMRA – Campaigning for
Real Ale in Wigan and surrounding areas for 30 years |
www.wiganfrm.org.uk |
Wigan Finescale Railway
Modellers | Wigan Model Railway Exhibition - Wigan Finescale Railway
Modellers, local model railway group in Wigan - Wigan Model Railway
Exhibition Group |
www.wiganswimmingclub.org... |
Wigan Swimming Club - WASPS -
Wigan Swimming Club - Wasps |
www.wight-harmony.org.uk |
Wight Harmony – The Isle of
Wight Barbershop Harmony Club |
www.wightaonb.org.uk |
The Isle of Wight Area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty or Wight AONB is a treasured place where the
landscape is protected for future generations. |
www.wightwash.org.uk |
Isle of Wight Campaign for Real
Ale |
www.wigmore-abbey.org.uk |
Parish of Wigmore Abbey -
Programme and directions |
www.wigmore-hall.org.uk |
Wigmore Hall |
www.wikimedia.org.uk |
Welcome to Wikimedia UK -
Wikimedia UK is the national open knowledge charity that supports and
promotes Wikipedia and its sister projects, such as Wikidata and
WIkimedia Commons. |
www.wilberforceacademy.or... |
Wilberforce Academy – Equipping
the next generation of Christian leaders in public life - This is the
home page's excerpt |
www.wilberforcetrust.org.... |
The Wilberforce Trust -
Supporting people with sight and/or hearing loss - Supporting people
with sight and/or hearing loss |
www.wilburton.org.uk |
Wilburton - Ely - Cambridgeshire
- Wilburton is a small village near Ely in Cambridgeshire. Home to the
Wilburton Beer Festival, Wilburton Fireworks, Wilburton Threate Group
and many other clubs - as well as a Post Office and Village Store and a
garden centre. |
www.wild-duck.org.uk |
Wild Duck Holiday Park | Haven
Holidays Haven - Self-Catering Booking Form - Wild Duck Holiday Park is
set next to a very large safe sandy beach, With direct access to the
beach and holiday homes |
www.wild-scotland.org.uk |
Wild Scotland, adventure,
wildlife and outdoor holidays and activities in Scotland - The website
for Wild Scotland, Scottish wildlife and adventure tourism association
with information on adventure, wildlife and other outdoor holidays and
activities in Scotland. |
www.wildaboutgardens.org.... |
Wild About Gardens | Wild About
Gardens |
www.wilderness.org.uk |
Wilderness Boat Owners Club –
Supporting waterways restoration and retention |
www.wildernessfoundation.... |
Royal Wedding Charity |
Wilderness Foundation UK | Transforming Lives - We transform the lives
of children, young people and adults by harnessing the power of nature
to empower them to take control of their lives, learn new skills and
help to conserve our beautiful natural environment. We are delighted to
be chosen as Prince Harry and Ms Meghan Markle as one of the royal
wedding charities. |
www.wilderspinschool.org.... |
Wilderspin School : Wilderspin
School Museum |
www.wildgoosespace.org.uk |
Wild Goose Space - Wild Goose
Space |
www.wildhunt.org.uk |
The Wild Hunt Bedlam Morris. We
are a mixed border morris side, based in Croydon, Surrey, UK. We formed
in 1991 - and it's still Bedlam after over 25 years. New members,
dancers or musicians, are welcome to come and join us at any time. - The
Wild Hunt Bedlam Morris. We are a mixed border morris side, based in
Croydon, Surrey, UK. We formed in 1991 - and it's still Bedlam after
over 25 years. New members, dancers or musicians, are welcome to come
and join us at any time. |
www.wildkids.org.uk |
Wildkids is part of the
Nottinghashire Wildlife Trust and designed by |
www.wildlife-gardening.or... |
Gardening For Wildlife |
Highland Titles - With wildlife in significant decline in Scotland as
well as elsewhere, it is more important than ever to try to help. Read
all about gardening for wildlife! |
www.wildlifeaid.org.uk |
Wildlife Aid Foundation - Wild
Animal Rescue Centre in Surrey - We're a Wildlife Hospital dedicated to
the rescue and rehabilitation of sick, injured and endangered species of
bird, fox, deer, owl, badger, hedgehog and other British species. Our
dedicated aim is to return every animal to the wild once they have
recovered. Find out more and donate or adopt a wild animal today. |
www.wildlifeindevon.org.u... |
www.wildlifewatch.org.uk |
Wildlife Watch - Wildlife Watch
is the junior branch of The Wildlife Trusts and the UK's leading
environmental action club for children and families. |
www.wildlifeweb.org.uk |
www.wildlife-web.info/home_page |
www.wildlives.org.uk |
Wildlives Animal Rescue and
Rehabilitation Centre - Wildlives Animal Rescue centre is a refuge where
wild animals can recover and be cared for until they can be released
back into the wild. Rosie has an very high success rate and needs all
the help she can get. We now have advice sheets on what to do if you
come across an injured animal as well as how to attract them to your
garden. |
www.wildlondon.org.uk |
London Wildlife Trust | London
Wildlife Trust |
London, EN |
www.wildthingsres-q.org.u... |
Wiltshire Wildlife Hospital |
www.wildwater.org.uk |
Wildwater Racing – The home of
the canoe sport of Wildwater Racing. |
www.wilfredowen.org.uk |
The Wilfred Owen Association -
The Wilfred Owen Association |
www.willaid.org.uk |
The charity Will writing scheme
| Will Aid - Get a professionally written Will with Will Aid, the
charity Will writing scheme. With Will Aid, everyone benefits. You get a
professionally drawn-up Will and peace of mind, while the charities
receive much-needed donations for their vital work. |
www.willen-hospice.org.uk |
www.willerseyschool.org.u... |
Willersey Church of England
Primary School - Willersey Church of England Primary School |
EN |
www.willesdencyclingclub.... |
Willesden Cycling Club | West
London's largest Cycling club - Welcome to Willesden C.C. We are West
London's largest Cycling club with about 200 members making us one of
the largest clubs in the UK. Originally founded in... |
London, EN |
www.willhowells.org.uk |
No geek is an island |
www.williambyrdsingers.or... |
William Byrd Singers |
www.williamedwards.org.uk |
Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page: It
works |
www.williamherschel.org.u... |
The William Herschel Society |
Bath |
www.williamleechcharity.o... |
Charitable Project Support for
the North East | William Leech Charity on line - On-line details of the
major historical and current charitable projects of the William Leech
Charity and the associated Lady Leech Fund |
www.williams-syndrome.org... |
Williams Syndrome Foundation –
Charity promoting research, funding and providing help and support |
www.williamsassociates.or... |
Williams Associates Ltd
Chartered Surveyors Abergavenny - Williams Associates is a newly
established dynamic business offering advice on a wide range of matters
relating to Rural Property and Land. |
www.williamwebb.org.uk |
William Webb Design & Print |
Graphic design, illustration & content writing |
www.willingtonpc.org.uk |
Willington Parish Council -
Willington Parish Council's official website. |
www.willisfleming.org.uk |
The Willis Fleming Historical
Trust - Recording and preserving the heritage of the Willis Fleming /
Willis-Fleming family of Stoneham Park and Bletchley, &c. |
www.willitonstation.org.u... |
Williton Station – West Somerset
Railway |
www.willmotts.org.uk |
Front Page - The author's family
tree. All known individuals resident in Great Britain and more
particularly, Warwickshire, Somerset and South Wales. |
www.willoughbycc.org.uk |
Willoughby Cricket Club -
Willoughby Cricket Club Club Rugby Warwickshire |
www.willowbrook.org.uk |
Willowbrook Hospice |
www.willowdenenursery.org... |
Willowdene Nursery School |
www.willowfoundation.org.... |
Willow Foundation - Dedicated to
bringing special days to the seriously ill who are between the ages 16
and 40 years of age and live in the United Kingdom. |
EN |
www.willowgreen.org.uk |
Welcome to Willow Green Academy
| Willow Green Academy |
www.willowlane.org.uk |
Willow Lane, Mitcham - The Place
for Business - The Willow Lane Trading Estate has over 150 businesses
employing over 2, 500 people, the estate benefits from great transport
links with tram, rail and bus. |
www.willowswish.org.uk |
Willows Wish |
www.willphillips.org.uk |
Will Phillips |
www.wills.org.uk |
Wills and Trusts and Tenants in
Common and Lasting Power of Attorneys - Estate Planning using wills &
Trusts and Tenants in Common and Lasting Power of Attorneys to help
families in England and Wales and EU Countries |
EN |
www.wilmingtonchristianfe... |
Wilmington Christian Fellowship -
WCF is a free church, evangelical and charismatic, that meets in
Wilmington Dartford, Kent |
www.wilmslow.org.uk |
Wilmslow Website |
www.wilsar.org.uk |
Wiltshire Search and Rescue |
WILSAR - WILSAR is a Registered Charity. Wiltshire Search and Rescue
team exist to search for missing persons or the vulnerable, and items
such as evidence in a criminal |
www.wilsonandwilson.org.u... |
wilson+wilson - makers of
site-specific theatre, installation and art. - Makers of site-specific
theatre, Outdoor promenade theatre event, Walkabout theatre, wilson and
wilson company, wilsonwilson, wilsonwilsoncompany, Louise Ann Wilson,
Wils Wilson, Maharajah Duleep Singh, Lord Normanby, Mulgrave Woods
Sandsend near Whitby on the North Yorkshire Coast, marquis of normanby,
Tourist information Centre |
www.wilsoniansc.org.uk |
Sailing on the Medway at
Wilsonian SC - Wilsonian Sailing Club has facilities to allow all types
of dinghy sailing throughout the year. |
www.wilsons-disease.org.u... |
Wilson's disease - Diseases and
defects |
www.wiltonchurch.org.uk |
Wilton Community Church |
www.wiltonpark.org.uk |
Wilton Park Wilton Park Comments
Box SVG icons |
www.wiltons.org.uk |
Wilton's |
www.wiltsandberkscanal.or... |
Wiltshire Swindon & Oxfordshire
Canal Partnership - Wiltshire Swindon & Oxfordshire Canal Partnership |
www.wiltshire-alc.org.uk |
Wiltshire Association of Local
Councils |
www.wiltshire-butterflies... |
Wiltshire Butterfly Conservation |
www.wiltshirebeekeepers.o... |
Wiltshire Beekeepers Association
- WBKA and member clubs website |
www.wiltshirebmd.org.uk |
Wiltshire Births Marriages &
Deaths Indexes - Wiltshire County Births, Marriage and Deaths Indexes. |
www.wiltshirefolkarts.org... |
Website for traditional folk arts
and music in Wiltshire, England |
EN |
www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk |
Wiltshire Horn Sheep Society Ltd
(WHSS) – News, information, sales and resources Facebook Twitter -
Wiltshire Horn Sheep Society (WHSS) - information, sales and resources
for breeders of Wiltshire Horn pedigree sheep. |
www.wiltshirelaf.org.uk |
wiltshirelaf.org.uk — Just
another Sites site - Wiltshire is a county in South West
of England, together with the neighbouring county that includes
Hampshire and Dorset. Predominantly rich green rural |
EN |
www.wiltshirelibdems.org.... |
Liberal Democrats in Wiltshire |
www.wiltshiremusic.org.uk |
Wiltshire Music Centre |
www.wiltshirescouts.org.u... |
Wiltshire Scouts |
www.wiltshirewhitehorses.... |
Wiltshire White Horses: Wiltshire
White Horses: the history and locations of the white horse hill figures
in Wiltshire and elsewhere |
www.wiltshirewoodrecyclin... |
Wiltshire Wood Recycling |
Wiltshire Wood Recycling |
www.wiltsunitedchurches.o... |
Wiltshire United Area |
www.wimbledon-choral.org.... |
Wimbledon Choral Society -
Wimbledon Choral Society - available to hire for events and concerts |
www.wimbledon.org.uk |
Emmanuel Wimbledon : Emmanuel
Wimbledon |
www.wimbledonchamberchoir... |
Wimbledon Chamber Choir - An
enterprising amateur chamber choir based in South West London |
London, EN |
www.wimbledoncivicforum.o... |
Wimbledon Civic Forum |
www.wimbledoncollege.org.... |
Wimbledon College |
www.wimbledoncommunity.or... |
Wimbledon Finance Guide –
Personal finance information and tips. |
www.wimbledonfencingclub.... |
Wimbledonfencingclub |
www.wimbledonmuseum.org.u... |
wimbledonmuseum.org.uk |
www.wimbledonsociety.org.... |
Wimbledon Society |
www.wimbledonwindmill.org... |
www.wimbornechessclub.org... |
wimbornechessclub.org.uk |
www.wimbornechoralsociety... |
Wimborne Choral Society |
www.wimborneminster.org.u... |
Wimborne Minster and the
Northern Churches, Dorset - Wimborne Minster and the Northern Churches,
Dorset - St. Cuthburga |
www.winbap.org.uk |
WinBap |
www.winchcombecc.org.uk |
Winchcombe Cycling Club |
www.winchcombeparish.org.... |
Winchcombe Parish - Churches in
Winchcombe and the surrounding area. |
www.winchester-cathedral.... |
Winchester Cathedral - Official
Website - Winchester Cathedral - Discover Winchester Cathedral. It’s an
inspiring space for daily worship and a busy community hosting a huge
range of activities. |
www.winchestermuseumcolle... |
WordPress › Setup Configuration
File |
www.winchestermusicclub.o... |
Winchester Music Club -
Winchester Music Club is a choir of some 120 members and an associated
orchestra. |
www.winchesterweather.org... |
Winchester Weather - Weather
information for the city of Winchester, Hampshire, UK. Data is sent to
the website in real time from an automated weather station. |
www.winchmorehillquakers.... |
Winchmorehillquakers |
www.winckleysquare.org.uk |
Winckley Square, Preston,
Lancashire - The History of the People and Buildings of this Famous
Square - Index Page - Winckley Square in Preston is the finest example
of a privately planned Georgian development with Open Space in the North
of England. Marian Roberts tells the story of the buildings and
residents of this famous Preston square |
EN |
www.windle.org.uk |
Windle | Windle Trust
International |
www.windleparish.org.uk |
Windle Parish Council | St
Helens, Merseyside |
www.windleshamchurch.org.... |
St John's Windlesham | Loving
God. About people. For you. |
www.windlesora.org.uk |
Windlesora - Coming Soon! A
Timeline of Windsor History - Coming Soon! A Timeline of Windsor
History |
www.windmilers.org.uk |
Wimbledon Windmilers | Running,
Triathlon, Racing, Social, Marathon, Off Road, Fitness - London Running
Club Wimbledon Windmilers |
London, EN |
www.windmillchristiancent... |
Windmill Christian Centre -
Accommodation & Conferences in Arbroath - The Windmill Christian Centre
is a residential centre providing good quality yet affordable
accommodation for Camps, Youth weekends, Church outings and conferences
in Arbroath on the East Coast of Scotland. BOOK NOW! |
www.windmillhillcityfarm.... |
Windmill Hill City Farm - A
place where people grow - Windmill Hill City Farm in Bristol is a
charity that provides recreation, education and therapy using food,
farming and the environment as a theme. |
www.windowsonwarwickshire... |
Windows on Warwickshire –
Warwickshire Local History |
www.windrushbowmen.org.uk |
Windrush Bowmen | Windrush
Bowmen Archery Club |
www.windscreenreplacement... |
car windscreen replacemnt and car
windscreen stone chip repairs services - A1 Windscreens. Replacement
windscreens and repairs of chipped or cracked windscreens anywhere in
the UK. |
www.windsorlibdems.org.uk |
Windsor Liberal Democrats |
www.wing-ops.org.uk |
Wing Buckinghamshire One-Place
Study |
www.wingate.org.uk |
Welcome to Wingate Scholarships
Anniversary Archive - This web site has been created to act as a living
archive containing contributions from Wingate Scholars past and present |
www.wingatefoundation.org... |
The Harold Hyam Wingate
Foundation |
www.wingchun.org.uk |
Wing Chun Federation - News,
Information, Books & Training Guides - The Wing Chun Federation aims to
teach skill based, functional Wing Chun, in a relaxed and positive
atmosphere; emphasis is placed on technical excellence and personal
development. |
www.wingchunkuen.org.uk |
Wing Chun Kuen UK - Private
Lessons in Wing Chun England UK. |
EN |
www.wini.org.uk |
Federation of Women's Institutes
of Northern Ireland |
www.winkleighsingers.org.... |
The Winkleigh Singers : Choir of
twenty-four voices based in Winkleigh, Devon. Concert information and
booking form. Regular performances in Devon, often in aid of charity.
Repertoire from early through classical to contemporary music. |
www.winld.org.uk |
Winchester District & Chandler's
Ford Liberal Democrats, Working for you all year round |
www.winners-chapel.org.uk |
Winners Chapel International,
Dartford – Official website of Winners Chapel International, Dartford |
www.winscouts.org.uk |
Winchester Scouts |
www.winsfordacademy.org.u... |
Winsford Academy |
www.winslowbenefice.org.u... |
Website for the Benefice of
Winslow, with Great Horwood and Addington. This is a Church of England
benefice of 3 parishes in north Buckinghamshire, England. |
EN |
www.winslowlions.org.uk |
Lions Club of Winslow |
www.winstonswish.org.uk |
Winston's Wish - giving hope to
grieving children - Winston’s Wish is the UK’s childhood bereavement
charity. We support children and their families after the death of a
parent or sibling. |
www.wintercomfort.org.uk |
Wintercomfort for the homeless
Cambridge - Supporting homelesss people in Cambridge |
www.winterfair.org.uk |
Winter Fair | Eikon Exhibition
Centre - Winter Fair |
www.winterhill.org.uk |
winterhillschool |
www.winthorpe.org.uk |
Winthorpe Village | Winthorpe
Village, Nottinghamshire - Winthorpe village website, Nottinghamshire. A
community maintained website providing a portal for information and
history relating to the village. |
www.winton.org.uk |
Wintons on the World-Wide Web |
www.wintoncollege.org.uk |
Winton Academy > Welcome to
Glenmoor & Winton Academies. We are two highly successful and thriving
11-16 Academies who are incredibly proud to be part of United Learning. |
www.wintonhousecentre.org... |
Winton House Centre |
www.winvin.org.uk |
Winchester Vineyard - We are
Winchester Vineyard Church: people who are getting to know Jesus better
and bringing hope and life into our communities. |
www.wipeyourtears.org.uk |
Wipe Your Tears – Children's
Charity |
www.wipo.org.uk |
WIPO - domain name crooks -
WIPO.org WIPO.int are using the domain name system as a trademark system
though they are incompatible |
www.wiredshire.org.uk |
Wiredshire.org.uk |
www.wireless.org.uk |
Wireless |
www.wirksworth.org.uk |
WIRKSWORTH Parish Records
1600-1900, Portal - Locate ancestors near Wirksworth, Derbyshire from
the Internet's largest study of an English Parish, with local history
and comprehensively indexed. |
www.wirralark.org.uk |
Wirral Ark |
www.wirraldentists.org.uk |
Wirral dentists, cosmetic dentist
in Wirral, NHS Patient information, List directory of dentists in Wirral
- veneers, tooth whitening, crowns, cerec, botox - dentist in Wirral,
Wirral dentists, guide to dentistry in Wirral and directory of dentists
in the Wirral area providing tooth whitening, crowns, general and
cosmetic dentistry |
www.wirralgroups.org.uk |
Wirral Groups West Wirral
community - What's On in 2019 |
www.wirralrecorderorchest... |
Wirralrecorderorchestra |
www.wisa.org.uk |
Wisa |
www.wisbechmuseum.org.uk |
Wisbech & Fenland Museum |
Explore the home of culture in Fenland - Wisbech and Fenland Museum one
of the oldest museums in the United Kingdom offering a wide range of
ways to learn and engage with our collections |
EN |
www.wisbechplayers.org.uk |
Wisbech Players |
www.wisbechtowncouncil.or... |
Wisbech Town Council - Wisbech
Town Council's official website. |
www.wisboroughgreenschool... |
Wisborough Green Primary School
www.wisdomhouseromsey.org... |
Wisdom Centre Romsey |
www.wisdominnature.org.uk |
Online PDF Ebook Epub |
www.wisekids.org.uk |
Page Redirection |
www.wishawdha.org.uk |
wishawdha.org.uk |
www.wishful-thinking.org.... |
Mel & Rosemary Lockie's Wishful
Thinking's Home Page, with links to the major areas of the site |
www.witcham.org.uk |
Witcham Village Website -
Provided by Witcham Parish Council |
www.with1voice.org.uk |
With One Voice |
www.withambaptist.org.uk |
Witham Baptist Church |
www.withamparishchurch.or... |
The Parish Church of St Nicolas,
Witham - Welcome page |
www.withamrc.org.uk |
Witham Running Club - Welcome to
Witham Running Club. We are a friendly bunch with more than 200 members
and our club meets up at various places to train in and around Witham. |
www.withernseahigh.org.uk |
Withernsea High School aims for
all young people to broaden their horizons, develop the skills and
attributes to succeed in a changing world and achieve excellent
outcomes. |
www.within-reach.org.uk |
Forms of UK Trasport |
within-reach.org.uk - Learn about different forms of UK transport |
www.withkids.org.uk |
With Kids - With Kids offers a
range of therapeutic services to children, parents and carers. Our
approach is flexible and aims to listen to the needs of the individual
and respond accordingly. |
www.withoutwings.org.uk |
Without Wings | A slow travel
journey around the world without flying |
www.witneyparish.org.uk |
witneyparish.org.uk |
www.witpg.org.uk |
www.witraining.org.uk |
WI Training |
www.wivelsfieldvillageday... |
Wivelsfield Village Day 2019 |
www.wivenhoesailing.org.u... |
WSC - Wivenhoe Sailing Club is a
vibrant and friendly club, a fun place to visit for everyone who wants
to come and spend their leisure time by or on the water. |
www.wiveychurches.org.uk |
Wivey and The Hills Churches –
Knowing, sharing and living Christ's love |
www.wixamschurch.org.uk |
wixamschurch.org.uk |
www.wjms.org.uk |
World Journal of Modelling and
Simulation (WJMS, ISSN: 1746-7233) |
www.wjr.org.uk |
British Jewish Community's
Humanitarian Agency | World Jewish Relief - Learn more about World
Jewish Relief & the work we do to combat poverty & disadvantage to the
Jewish community & beyond. Learn how you can support us today. |
www.wkcc.org.uk |
WKCC Wychavon Kayak and Canoe
Club - Wychavon Kayak and Canoe Club |
www.wklos.org.uk |
www.wkps.org.uk |
Weald of Kent Protection Society
Asset 1 |
www.wkrc.org.uk |
www.wksl.org.uk |
The West Kent Sunday Football
League Official Website The Official Website of the West Kent Sunday
Football League |
www.wku.org.uk |
Western Karate Union |
www.wlancscamra.org.uk |
www.wlancscamra.org.uk -
registered by Daily.co.uk - Daily.co.uk provides superior web hosting,
domain name registration and website building packages |
www.wlbc.org.uk |
wlbc.org.uk |
www.wlcf.org.uk |
Whole Life Cost Forum |
www.wle.org.uk |
WLE Centre for Excellence |
www.wlh.org.uk |
Wigan & Leigh Hospice - Wigan
and Leigh Hospice is a local charity providing care & support for over
1, 000 people with life-limiting illnesses every year |
www.wllr.org.uk |
Welshpool & Llanfair Light
Railway |
www.wlm.org.uk |
West London Mission (WLM) - WLM
empowers people affected by homelessness, poverty and trauma to live
more fulfilling lives. |
London, EN |
www.wlma.org.uk |
Water Management Alliance - Water
Management Alliance |
www.wls.org.uk |
West London Synagogue |
London, EN |
www.wlsinfo.org.uk |
Home › WLS Info |
www.wltc.org.uk |
Wheathampstead Lawn Tennis Club |
www.wlyap.org.uk |
West Lothian Youth Action
Project, Youth Club, Livingston - West Lothian Youth Action Project
provides services for young people through out the whole of west
lothian. Providing youth clubs, music sessions, befriending |
www.wmas.org.uk |
www.wmba.org.uk |
European Venues and
Intermediaries Association |
www.wmc.org.uk |
Wales Millennium Centre
youtube-play - Wales Millennium Centre is the nation's home for the
performing arts situated in the heart of Cardiff Bay. |
www.wmciu.org.uk |
CIU - Club & Institute Union -
CIU Clubs and Institute Union information for Branches, Clubs and
MembersCIU Clubs and Institute Union information for Branches, Clubs and
Members |
www.wmconnolley.org.uk |
Wmconnolley |
www.wmdc.org.uk |
Offices & Industrial Units to
Rent Wigan | WMDC - We pride ourselves on providing quality, affordable
office space and industrial units to businesses in the Wigan Borough. |
www.wmf.org.uk |
World Monuments Fund – Breathing
new life into extraordinary buildings |
www.wmgp.org.uk |
West Moors Group Practice -
Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments,
online prescriptions, health information and much more - West Moors
Group Practice Rushmoor House , 67-71 Church Road , Three Legged Cross ,
Wimborne, Dorset BH21 6RQ, Information about the doctors surgery opening
hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information and much
more |
www.wmnet.org.uk |
wmnet.org.uk |
www.wmoa.org.uk |
West Midlands Orienteering
Association - Home page of West Midlands Orienteering Association,
England |
EN |
www.wmpho.org.uk |
www.wmsoc.org.uk |
The Water Management Society -
WMSoc - Legionella Training Courses, Legionella Control Training
courses, Legionella Risk Assessment Training Courses, Legionella
Prevention and Control, Cooling Towers, Cooling Tower Training, Water
Management |
www.wmwaircadets.org.uk |
Sunglasses - Aviator, Retro,
Cats Eyes, Wayfarer & Square Sunglasses - Wmwaircadets.org.uk - Buy
cheap sunglasses for women and men from Wmwaircadets.org.uk - get this
season's latest arrivals with great price from your favourite high
street store. Shop the full collection retro, rectangle, oval,
butterfly, polarized, aviator, clubmaster online. |
www.wmyc.org.uk |
West Mersea Yacht Club |
www.wnda.org.uk |
WNDA - West Norfolk Deaf
Association - The West Norfolk Deaf Association is a registered charity
which supports Deaf and hard of hearing people to live independent lives |
www.wnl.org.uk |
Welsh National League - Welsh
National League |
www.wno.org.uk |
www.wnsc.org.uk |
Wnsc |
www.woa.org.uk |
www.woad.org.uk |
All About Woad > Buy woad - THE
blue natural dye & learn how to dye with woad & grow & extract the
pigment - All About Woad. The most important blue natural dye, used by
the Celts & Braveheart. Learn how to dye with woad and to grow woad
plants & extract woad pigment. Buy woad dye and woad products. |
www.woca.org.uk |
West Oxford Community
Association |
www.wokingchamber.org.uk |
Wokingchamber |
www.wokingconservatives.o... |
Woking | Conservatives - Latest
news, events and campaigns from Woking Conservative Association, the
Conservative Party in Woking. |
www.wokingcycle.org.uk |
Woking Cycle Users Group |
working for cyclists in and around Woking |
www.wokingham-choral-soci... |
Wokingham Choral Society -
Wokingham Choral Society: a thriving 120-member mixed voice choir that
performs to a high standard. New members are welcome. Performances at
various venues in Berkshire. |
www.wokinghambaptist.org.... |
New to the area? We would love to
welcome you at Wokingham Baptist Church. |
www.wokinghamdaynursery.o... |
Wokingham Day Nursery -
Providing flexible, high-quality, affordable nursery care in Wokingham
since 1974. We'd love you to come visit us. |
www.wokinghamlibdems.org.... |
Wokingham Liberal Democrats |
www.wokinghammentalheal..... |
Welcome to Wokingham & West
Berkshire Mental Health Association - An introduction to Wokingham &
West Berkshire Mental Health Association, a local user run mental health
charity offering free support to sufferers and carers. It's principal
services are a drop-in centre, crisis beds, befriending scheme, and a
holiday / respite caravan. |
www.wokinghammethodist.or... |
Wokingham Methodist Church -
Wokingham Methodist Church and Bradbury Centre, Rose Street - where
Christian love meets Community need |
www.wokinghamu3a.org.uk |
Wokingham U3A - University of
the Third Age - Wokingham U3A is an educational organization with
charitable status, occupations or through hobbies are encouraged to form
study or activity groups |
www.wokinglibdems.org.uk |
Woking Liberal Democrats |
www.wokingps.org.uk |
Woking Photographic Society | In
the picture for over 60 years |
www.wolas.org.uk |
www.wolfhamcote-church.or... |
Wolfhamcote Church – St Peter's
- St Peter's |
www.wolfson.org.uk |
The Wolfson Foundation - We award
grants to support and promote excellence in education, science &
medicine, the arts & humanities and health & disability. |
www.wollastonfreechurch.o... |
Wollaston Free Church,
Stourbridge - Welcome to Wollaston Free Church, Stourbridge - a warm,
friendly fellowship for all ages. Services 11am & 6.30pm Sundays;
Communion 8pm Thursdays. Transport by arrangement. Come and see! |
www.wollatonhall.org.uk |
Wollaton Hall - Nottingham
Heritage |
www.wolvas.org.uk |
Wolverhampton Astronomical
Society – Established 1951 |
www.wolvercoteypc.org.uk |
Wolvercote Young People's Club -
Vibrant youth club in North Oxford. Provides activities for children and
teenagers in Wolvercote and Cutteslowe. |
www.wolverhamptonart.org.... |
Wolverhampton Museums, Galleries
& Archives - Discover inspiring venues, stunning art and activities to
entertain the whole family at the museums, galleries and archives of
Wolverhampton. |
www.wolverhamptonchessclu... |
Wolverhampton Chess Club -
Wolverhampton Chess Club Website, promoting chess in Wolverhampton and
the wider community. Information and a resource for chess players. Chess
club events. |
www.wolverhamptonhomes... |
Wolverhampton Homes -
Wolverhampton Homes is an Arm's Length Management Organisation (ALMO)
that manages the council houses across Wolverhampton. |
www.wolverhamptonvsc.org.... |
Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector
Council |
www.wolverhamptonwarmemo.... |
Wolverhampton War Memorials -
Welcome to Wolverhampton War Memorials |
www.wolvescommunitytrust.... |
Wolverhampton Wanderers FC |
www.wolveslug.org.uk |
Wolverhampton Linux User Group |
www.wolvestuc.org.uk |
Wolverhampton Bilston & District
Trades Union Council est.1865 www.wolvestuc.org.uk - Wolverhampton,
Bilston and District Trades Union Council runs community-based campaigns
with local trade union branches |
www.womankind.org.uk |
30 years of Womankind Worldwide
- Womankind Worldwide is a global women’s rights organisation working in
partnership with women’s rights organisations and movements to transform
the lives of women and girls. |
www.womanstrust.org.uk |
Domestic abuse - free counselling
and mental health support in London - Woman’s Trust is a specialist
mental health charity providing free counselling and therapy for women
who have experienced domestic abuse. |
London, EN |
www.womenandhealth.org.uk |
home1 - Women+ Health |
www.womenatwish.org.uk |
WISH - A voice for women's mental
health |
www.womencentre.org.uk |
WomenCentre Calderdale and
Kirklees - WomenCentre is a charity with a mission to improve quality of
life for women both locally and nationally, through our pioneering work
with women and girls. |
www.womenforwomen.org.uk |
Women For Women email at icon
Facebook icon linkedin icon twitter icon Facebook icon twitter icon
instagram icon youtube icon |
www.womeninlondon.org.uk |
Women In London | Domestic abuse
help for women in London - Domestic violence is a term which is given to
the abuse of one partner in a relationship. This abuse can be systematic
or it can be irregular. |
London, EN |
www.womeninproperty.org.u... |
The Association of Women in
Property | The Association of Women in Property |
www.womeninpublishing.org... |
Women in Publishing |
www.womenlikeus.org.uk |
Part time jobs - Find part time
jobs to fit with your family. At Women Like Us, you'll find a range of
part time jobs in finance, admin, secretarial, marketing, HR and more. |
www.womenmakingadifferen.... |
WMD Finance – WMD Finance |
www.womenoftheyear.org.uk |
Women of the Year | Luncheon
Awards - Luncheon Awards on Women of the Year… |
www.womens-aid.org.uk |
Women's Aid in Antrim,
Ballymena, Carrickfergus, Larne and Newtownabbey |
www.womens-library.org.uk |
Womans | Just another WordPress
site |
www.womensaid.org.uk |
Womens Aid - Women's Aid is a
grassroots federation working together to provide life-saving services
and build a future where domestic violence is not tolerated. |
www.womenslibrary.org.uk |
Glasgow Women's Library |
Celebrating Scotland's Women - Glasgow Women’s Library is the only
Accredited Museum in the UK dedicated to women’s lives, histories and
achievements, with a lending library, archive collections and innovative
programmes of public events & learning opportunities. |
www.womenstherapyleeds.or... |
WCTS - The Womens Counslling and
Therapy Service was established in 1982 to provide a counselling and
psychotherapy service run by women for women who live in Leeds (West
Yorkshire, UK). We provide a range of therapy services, tailored to meet
the needs of our clients and aim to raise the profile of women's mental
health in the UK. |
www.womenwelcomewomen... |
Womenwelcomewomen |
www.wonderbrass.org.uk |
Wonderbrass | Outnumbering
audiences since 1992 - Since 1992 Wonderbrass has been dazzling
audiences with their phenomenal onstage presence and diversity of sound.
Led by multi instrumentalist and composer Rob Smith, the band aim to
take audiences on an epic journey through a huge variety of music.
Utilising both original compositions and pieces inspired by prolific and
international musicians Wonderbrass draws on the brass band traditions
of New Orleans, including the contemporary hip-hop and funk updates, the
groovy township beat of Abdullah Ibrahim and even the coeval pop of Lady
Gaga and Madonna! |
www.wooburnsingers.org.uk |
Wooburn Singers |
www.woodboroughpc.org.uk |
Welcome to Woodborough Parish
Council |
www.woodchestermansion.or... |
Woodchester Mansion - Welcome to
uSkinned.net |
www.woodchesterparish.org... |
WOODCHESTER. A thriving Cotswold
community |
www.woodchurchancestry.or... |
Woodchurch Local and Family
History |
www.woodcoterally.org.uk |
57th Rally Year - 11th to 12th
July 2020 from 10am both days - Woodcote Rally is South Oxfordshire's
premier event of its kind, with steam, vintage & veteran transport and
entertainment for all the family! |
www.woodcraft.org.uk |
Woodcraft Folk |
www.woodenart.org.uk |
cat runs, cat houses, cat
enclosures, pens, chicken coops, hen houses, walk in chicken runs -
Chicken Coops Outdoor Cat Runs Bespoke Cat Enclosures Hen Houses and
Outside Cat Houses made in UK |
www.woodenspoon.org.uk |
Wooden Spoon. |
www.woodentops.org.uk |
WoodenTops, fell racing in
Yorkshire - WoodenTops.Org.UK, fell racing website for Dave and Eileen
Woodhead's races up to 2017 including Withins Skyline, The Stoop, Auld
Lang Syne, Stanbury Splash, and the Bunny Runs |
www.woodfordfestival.org.... |
Woodfordfestival |
www.woodgreen.org.uk |
Wood Green - The Animals Charity
- We are proud to be the pet charity that makes a difference to the
lives of pets and people across the UK. |
www.woodham.org.uk |
Woodham Academy | Achievement For
All |
www.woodlandburial.org.uk |
Yealmpton Woodland Burial
Association – a company limited by guarantee No. 8720211 – A beautiful
natural woodland with panoramic views of Dartmoor and the Yealm estuary |
www.woodlandcottages.org.... |
Very dog friendly self catering
cottages in North Devon - Woodland Cottages is the perfect place for you
to get away with your dogs, we are very dog friendly and welcome dogs of
any number, size and shape. |
www.woodlandmedicalpract.... |
Woodland Medical Practice -
Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments,
online prescriptions, health information and much more - Woodland
Medical Practice Woodland Medical Practice, Jasmin Road, Lincoln LN6
0QQ, Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments,
online prescriptions, health information and much more |
www.woodlandowner.org.uk |
Woodlands for Sale - Private
Woodland - Woodland for sale - a guide to buying and owning woodland for
recreation, investment or profit. View latest woodlands for sale. |
www.woodlandschurch.org.u... |
Woodlands Evangelical Church |
www.woodlandshealthcentre... |
Woodlands Health Centre -
Woodlands Health Centre |
www.woodlandtrust.org.uk |
UK's Largest Woodland
Conservation Charity - Woodland Trust icon/search icon/search - We want
to see a UK rich in native woods and trees. For wildlife. For people.
Help us plant trees, protect woods and inspire people. |
www.woodlanecc.org.uk |
Wood Lane Countryside Centre –
Email: info@woodlanecc.org.uk – Tel: 0114 231 6982 - Wood Lane
Countryside Centre is a Grade ll listed former farm set on the edge of
countryside in north-west Sheffield. The venue is owned by Sheffield
City Council and managed in partnership with the voluntary sector. The
farm was built in 1802. The stone farmhouse, barns, outbuildings and
gardens have been fully restored to provide… |
www.woodley-airfield-chur... |
Woodley Airfield Church |
www.woodleycarnival.org.u... |
Woodley Carnival |
www.woodleychristians.org... |
www.woodleyconcertband.or... |
Woodley Concert Band: a concert
wind band in Reading, Berkshire Woodley Concert Band Comments Box SVG
icons - We're a warm, welcoming band and we're proud of the extremely
high standard we achieve, the variety of engagements we carry out and
our social scene! |
www.woodnet.org.uk |
WoodNet - Helping timber growers
and wood users to make the most of timber resources in South East
England. |
EN |
www.woodrecycling.org.uk |
Brighton & Hove Wood Recycling |
Timber yard, shelves, floorboards - Brighton & Hove Wood Recycling -
Woodstore, timber yard, shelves, reclaimed floorboards, scaffold boards
bespoke furniture, firewood and more... |
www.woodseatsfestival.org... |
Woodseatsfestival |
www.woodseatsprimarysch..... |
Woodseats Primary School |
www.woodsidechurch.org.uk |
Woodside Baptist Church |
www.woodsidesanctuary.org... |
Woodside Sanctuary Pet Rehoming
Charity Plymouth Devon - Animal rehoming charity in Plymouth for dogs,
cats, rabbits, hamsters and other pets. Woodside sanctuary is based at
Elfordleigh, Plympton, Devon. |
www.woodstockmethodists.o... |
Woodstock Methodist Church |
www.woodstreetmission.org... |
Wood Street Mission Wood Street
Mission |
www.woodviewplymouth.org.... |
Wood View Learning Community:
Home Page |
www.woodwardcharitabletru... |
The Woodward Charitable Trust |
www.woodybap.org.uk |
Woodville Baptist Church | A
Church at the Heart of Cathays, Cardiff – Christian Community in
Cathays, Cardiff |
www.woolamaloo.org.uk |
The W o o l a m a l o o Gazette |
Edinburgh, Scotland, literature, photographs, movies, beer, cats and
satire |
www.wooler-evangelical.or... |
Wooler Evangelical - The
congregation is made up of ordinary people from different backgrounds -
young and old, single people and families. But what bonds us together as
a Christian community is our common, personal relationship with God,
through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. |
www.wooler.org.uk |
Visit Wooler / Visit Wooler is a
source of information and inspiration for visitors to the town and wider
Glendale area in Northumberland, UK. |
www.woolgathering.org.uk |
Scattered Thoughts – gathering
it all together |
www.woolhopeclub.org.uk |
The Woolhope Club |
www.woolleychurch.org.uk |
The Parish Church of St Peter,
Woolley - Welcome to the website of St Peter's Church, Woolley |
www.woolmerforest.org.uk |
The History, Heritage and
Archaeology of Bordon and Whitehill Parish in Hampshire by The Woolmer
Forest Heritage Society. Uncovering the Military Heritage and Civilian
History to be found on your doorstep - The History Heritage and
Archaeology of Bordon and Whitehill Parish in Hampshire by The Woolmer
Forest Heritage Society. Uncovering the Military Heritage and Civilian
History to be found on your doorstep |
www.woolstonbeerfestival.... |
Woolston Beer Festival 2019 |
www.wooltonfc.org.uk |
MSB Woolton Football Club – A
south Liverpool junior football club |
www.woolwichfhs.org.uk |
Woolwich FHS |
www.worcesterbaptistchurc... |
Worcester Baptist Church -
Worcester Baptist Church is an active congregation in the Arboretum
aiming to share Christ's love with the wider community. |
www.worcesterfestivalchor... |
Worcester Festival Choral
Society - | Worcester Festival Choral Society - Worcester Festival
Choral Society |
www.worcestergreenparty.o... |
Worcester Green Party | Worcester |
www.worcesterpark.org.uk |
Worcester Park information -
Worcester Park information. News, events, community, business, leisure
and transport in and around Worcester Park, Greater London/Surrey. |
London, EN |
www.worcesterparkblog.org... |
original blog about Worcester Park, Surrey - featuring local news,
opinion, restaurant reviews - everything you need to know about KT4 and
more! |
www.worcestershirepartner... |
my blog – my blog |
www.worcestersnoezelen.or... |
Worcester Snoezelen - A
multi-sensory environment for people with disabilities in Worcester, UK.
The concept of a Snoezelen environment was developed in Holland some
fifteen years ago and its use has gradually spread throughout the world
in a wide range of situations within he |
www.word.org.uk |
Word of Life |
www.wordpresshosting.org.... |
Web Hosting Deals UK |
www.wordsforlife.org.uk |
Words for Life - For parents to
help their children develop vital communication and literacy skills from
birth to age eleven. |
www.wordsworth.org.uk |
Dove Cottage & William Wordsworth
Trust - Lake District - Wordsworth Trust - William Wordsworth's first
family home in the Lake District's Grasmere, Dove Cottage is open daily.
Guided tour, museum, gardens, events, gifts and more. |
www.wordsworthconferences... |
Wordsworth Conference Foundation
- Organisers of the Wordsworth Conference and Winter School |
www.wordsworthsingers.org... |
A Cumbria-based chamber choir, we
enjoy performing a vast range of choral repertoire with singers from all
over the county. |
www.wordtalk.org.uk |
wordtalk.org.uk |
www.workers.org.uk |
workers.org.uk - rebuild britain
- workers.org.uk is the website of the Communist Party of Britain
Marxist-Leninist. You can read extracts from our monthly magazine,
WORKERS, download a free issue, subscribe, and find out about the Party |
www.workhouse.org.uk |
Domain name registration & web
hosting from 123-reg - If you would like to register your own domain
name, visit 123-reg for domain names search and registration. |
www.workhouses.org.uk |
The history of the workhouse by
Peter Higginbotham - A Comprehensive History of the Workhouse by Peter
Higginbotham |
www.workingfamilies.org.u... |
Working Families | Making work
work for all - Making work work for all |
www.workplacechallenge.or... |
Workplace Challenge -
Personalised Wellbeing Platform to Engage with your Workforce |
www.workplacematters.org.... |
Bringing meaning and purpose to
work - Workplace Matters Twitter Facebook Linkedin |
www.workshop.org.uk |
Workshop | Applied Christian
Studies - Workshop exists to encourage open, dynamic Christian learning
and applied spirituality. Free Christian learning resources, themed
learning days and more. |
www.worksmart.org.uk |
WorkSmart: The career coach that
works for everyone - WorkSmart is the app that helps you discover your
strengths at work, overcome your challenges and build your career.
Whether you want to feel happier in your job or feel like moving ahead,
we've got something for everyone. Our aim is to help everyone at work -
whether or not they are union members - get a good deal from their
working life. We are here not just when things go |
www.workspace-poole.org.u... |
Work:Space | Space for
spirituality in the workplace in Poole |
www.workways.org.uk |
Workways |
www.world-heritage.org.uk |
World Heritage |
www.worldanimalday.org.uk |
World Animal Day | 4 October -
World Animal Day is a social movement charged with the Mission of
raising the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards
around the globe. |
www.worldanimalprotection... |
UK World Animal Protection | Move
the world to protect animals - Our vision is a world where animal
welfare matters and animal cruelty has ended - together we can move the
world for animals. |
www.worldaware.org.uk |
Domain Information - Deluxe
Domains |
www.worldcon.org.uk |
Worldcon | The World Science
Fiction Convention |
www.worldcup.org.uk |
The World Cup - The world cup,
from a British perspective, including all details of the teams, venues,
fixtures and results |
www.worldcup2010southafri... |
Sharing The Advantages And
Disadvantages Of Online Slots - World Cup 2010 - Gain some knowledge
about the disatvantages and advantages of online slot games and how they
can relax and entertain you! |
www.worldheritagesouthwes... |
The official guide to South West
England - the official Tourist Board site for South West England
including: Bristol & Bath, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire &
The Cotswolds, Isles of Scilly, Somerset & Wiltshire. |
EN |
www.worldmissionfund.org.... |
Worldmissionfund |
www.worldprayer.org.uk |
World Prayer Centre - World
Prayer Centre is a house of prayer with a heart for the nations and we
encourage people to pray. |
www.worlds-end.org.uk |
Worlds-end |
www.worldshakespearefesti... |
World Shakespeare Festival - An
extraordinary celebration of Shakespeare by theatre companies from
across the UK and around the world. April to September 2012. |
www.worldshare.org.uk |
WorldShare |
www.worldstageslondon.org... |
World Stages London - World
Stages London is a once-in-a-lifetime celebration through theatre of the
exhilarating diversity of London's people and culture |
London, EN |
www.worldstories.org.uk |
World Stories | A Collection Of
Stories From Around The World - A growing collection of stories from
around the world, including traditional tales and new short stories in
the languages most spoken by UK children |
www.worldvision.org.uk |
Help a child in need today |
World Vision UK - World Vision UK is an international charity devoted to
improving the lives of the most vulnerable children. Make a huge
difference, sponsor a child today. |
www.worldwidevolunteering... |
Virgin Mobile: - Virgin mobile is
the newest service of the company which makes it a full-on
telecommunications company. The mobile deals range from the cheapest Pay
as you Go SIM and data SIM deals to the monthly deals which also allow
clients to buy a brand new device along with their plan, without any
addiional payment. In addition all contracted clients will get access to
the following services: |
www.worldwrite.org.uk |
WORLDwrite & WORLDbytes |
www.worle-school.org.uk |
www.worplesdonmemorial... |
Worplesdon Memorial Hall - a
popular village hall near Guildford in Surrey - DS |
www.worrallmvc.org.uk |
Worrall Male Voice Choir home
page Worrall Male Voice Choir Links |
www.worshipsongs.org.uk |
worship songs - contemporary
worship songs |
www.worth.org.uk |
Worth Abbey - An English
Benedictine Monastery in Southern England where monks and lay-people
work together to serve the needs of the world of today. |
EN |
www.worthing-homes.org.uk |
Worthing Homes | Enabling people
to live in quality homes and thriving communities - Enabling people to
live in quality homes and thriving communities on Worthing Homes… |
www.worthing-spiritualist... |
Worthing Spiritualist Church |
www.worthingsociety.org.u... |
worthingsociety.org.uk |
www.wosc.org.uk |
West Oxfordshire Sailing Club |
www.wosttl.org.uk |
West of Scotland Table Tennis
League - West of Scotland Table Tennis League |
www.wotg.org.uk |
Weston Village Memoriall Hall
Home Page |
www.wottonunitedchurch.or... |
Wotton United Church - Wotton
United Church, Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire, UK |
www.wow.org.uk |
WOW! Musical Theatre for Young
People in Witham since 1996 - Musical theatre for all in Witham since
1921 |
www.wp-brighton.org.uk |
WordUp Brighton – A home for
Brighton & Hove's WordPress community |
www.wp-pompey.org.uk |
WordUp Pompey! - WordPress Meetup
for Portsmouth - WordUp Pompey! - the Portsmouth WordPress Meetup |
www.wp-ra.org.uk |
Westminster Park Residents
Association - Bringing our community alive Westminster Park Residents
Association - Bringing our community alive - Bringing our community
alive |
www.wpa.org.uk |
WPA: UK health insurance and cash
plans - Providing access to the sort of health care that we want for
ourselves and our families, our members trust us when it matters the
most. |
www.wpbc.org.uk |
Worcester Park Baptist Church
The Web Site of Worcester Park Baptist Church (WPBC). A Church community
on the borders of Surrey and London welcoming all ages to meet with God. |
London, EN |
www.wpcc.org.uk |
Wimbledon and Putney Commons |
www.wpec.org.uk |
..::: Windsor Park Equestrian
Club :::.. |
www.wpf.org.uk |
WPF Therapy |
www.wphcancercharity.org.... |
A Guide To Cancer Charities And
Organisations In The UK - The Health Experts - In this directory, you
can find details of some of the UK's largest cancer charities, as well
as information on them and how to get in touch with them. |
www.wpif.org.uk |
Wood Panel Industries Federation
- Wood Panel Industries Federation - The Wood Panel Industries
Federation is a representative organisation giving voice to the
industrial manufacturers in the United Kingdom and Ireland of Wood
Panels |
EN |
www.wpnsa.org.uk |
WPNSA - Weymouth & Portland
National Sailing Academy |
www.wrap.org.uk |
WRAP - Circular Economy &
Resource Efficiency Experts |
www.wrapcymru.org.uk |
WRAP Cymru |
www.wrapni.org.uk |
WRAP Northern Ireland |
www.wras-enfieldwildlife.... |
WRAS Enfield Wildlife Rescue &
Ambulance Service for the rescue & rehabilitation of injured wildlife in
and around North London. |
London, EN |
www.wras.org.uk |
Whalley Range All Stars |
www.wrawby.org.uk |
The Wrawby Site - Wrawby Village
News and Official Wrawby Parish Council Documents |
www.wraxallwithfailand.or... |
The Parish of Wraxall with
Failand |
www.wrbc.org.uk |
WRBC – Woodstock Road Baptist
Church |
www.wrc.org.uk |
Women's Resource Centre - Charity |
www.wrct.org.uk |
wrct.org.uk: UK Escorts
Ditectory Find female escorts in the United Kingdom with our WRCT - UK
Escorts Directory for independent female escorts and escort agencies. |
EN |
www.wrecsamtri.org.uk |
Wrecsam Triathlon Club – Wrecsam
Triathlon Club - BeBiker | Best WordPress theme for bike shop |
www.wref.org.uk |
about WREF |
www.wren.org.uk |
www.wrengroup.org.uk |
Wren Conservation Group |
www.wretton.org.uk |
Wretton Parish Council - Report a
Problem, Latest Minutes and More |
www.wrexham-methodist.org... |
Wrexham Methodist Church -
Wrexham Methodist Church Website |
www.wrexhamcathedral.org.... |
St Mary's Cathedral, Wrexham |
www.wrexhamparish.org.uk |
Wrexham Mission Area - Wrexham
Mission Area Website |
www.wrfound.org.uk |
Waste Management Resources |
www.wrha.org.uk |
Waverley Route Heritage
the website of the Waverley Route Heritage Association |
www.wringtonsomerset.org.... |
wringtonsomerset.org.uk |
www.wrinl.org.uk |
Worcester Royal Infirmary Nurses
League - Worcester Royal Infirmary Nurses League |
www.writeaway.org.uk |
Write Away |
www.writeon.org.uk |
WRiTEON | Dramatic writing in
Cambridge |
www.writernet.org.uk |
Professional Manuscript Editing
and Manuscript Assessment by our Expert Editors - Professional
Manuscript Editing and Manuscript Assessment From Our Experts with over
20 Years Editing Experience. Every Author should have their book
assessed independeltny and edited by a professional. Line Editing and
Proof-Reading services also available. |
www.writers-bloc.org.uk |
Writers’ Bloc |
www.writerscentrenorwich.... |
National Centre for Writing - We
believe in the social and creative power of creative writing and in
bringing readers and writers together. If you're a writer, let's work
together. |
www.writersguild.org.uk |
Writers' Guild of Great Britain
| WGGB - WGGB (Writers’ Guild of Great Britain) is a trade union
representing professional writers in TV, film, theatre, radio, books,
poetry, animation and videogames. |
www.writewords.org.uk |
WriteWords - Writing Community -
jobs, directory, forums, articles for writers - WriteWords - Writing
Community - jobs, directory, forums, articles for writers |
www.writingcourses.org.uk |
About - The Complete Creative
Writing Course |
www.writingonthewall.org.... |
writingonthewall.org.uk |
www.wrocc.org.uk |
Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club |
www.wroxton.org.uk |
www.wrp.org.uk |
The News Line - Workers
Revolutionary Party |
www.wrsc.org.uk |
West Riding Sailing Club - West
Riding Sailing Club Wakefield West Yorkshire. Dinghy sailing in West
Yorkshire for beginners who want to learn to sail to experienced
national champions. Located near the Heronry country park. |
www.wrt.org.uk |
Westcountry Rivers Trust | Bring
Water to Life |
www.wrvs.org.uk |
WRVS | Services Welfare | Royal
Voluntary Service - Services Welfare teams offer support to soldiers in
the British Armed Forces at Services Welfare sites at home and abroad |
www.wsbrc.org.uk |
Wiltshire & Swindon Biological
Records Centre |
www.wsc.org.uk |
Weymouth Sailing Club |
www.wsd.org.uk |
The Association of Guilds of
Weavers, Spinners and Dyers - WSD |
www.wsdswa.org.uk |
West of Scotland Dry Stone
Walling Association - West of Scotland Dry Stone Walling Association.
Providing training and maintaining the craft of Dry Stone Walling
through courses and community projects. |
www.wse.org.uk |
WSE - Providing information
about careers in international development and aid |
www.wses.org.uk |
World Society of Emergency
Surgery: studies and statistics - Official site of the World Society of
Emergency Surgery WSES, studies, statistics, projects. |
www.wsgfl.org.uk |
Test Page for the OPENHive Nginx
HTTP Server on Fedora |
www.wsmfhs.org.uk |
Weston-super-Mare & District
Family History Society - Weston-super-Mare & District Family History
Society. If you have an interest in families in or from this area of
Somerset you will find plenty to help you here. |
www.wsn.org.uk |
Welcome to WSN online | Women's
Support Network |
www.wso.org.uk |
wso.org.uk |
www.wsom.org.uk |
Parish Register transcriptions |
www.wspld.org.uk |
Wspld |
www.wsps.org.uk |
S&P Sephardi Community | The
home of the Sephardi Community since 1656 |
www.wsr.org.uk |
wsr.org.uk - an unofficial
website featuring the West Somerset Railway |
www.wsra.org.uk |
West Somerset Railway
Association – West Somerset Railway Association |
www.wst.org.uk |
Wrexham Supporters Trust – Our
Club Our Future |
www.wsw.org.uk |
www.wswinlyd.org.uk |
West Swindon and the Lydiards
Church Partnership |
www.wsyl.org.uk |
Surrey Youth League |
www.wtandw.org.uk |
WTandW – Westerfield, Tuddenham
and Witnesham Churches |
www.wtccc.org.uk |
Wellcome Trust Case Control
Consortium - WTCCC |
www.wtctheology.org.uk |
Theology - Westminster
Theological Centre (WTC) - At WTC, we integrate the best of theology
with the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit, delivered throughout the UK
in local learning centres called Hubs. |
www.wtif.org.uk |
Wall Tie Installers Federation -
Wall Tie Installers Federation |
www.wtsf.org.uk |
Welsh Shooting - Saethu Cymraid -
Home page of the Welsh Target Shooting Federation Limited |
www.wura.org.uk |
Welcomes and Uplands Road
Association |
www.wurlitzer.org.uk |
WURLITZER Juke Box - Wurlitzer
was one of the four great manufacturers of jukeboxes in the 1950's and
early 1960's with many technical features used right up to the the
adoption of compact discs. |
www.wvbc.org.uk |
West View Baptist Church,
Hartlepool - A family friendly church in the town of Hartlepool - A
family friendly church in the town of Hartlepool |
www.wvec.org.uk |
Whiddon Valley Evangelical Church
Barnstaple Devon England Sermons by David W Kay, Minister of Whiddon
Valley Evangelical Church in Barnstaple Devon UK, also information about
the Church. |
EN |
www.wvha.org.uk |
WVHA – Wiltshire Village Halls
Association |
www.wvpkenya.org.uk |
WVP Kenya - scholarships,
community development and health education |
www.wvs.org.uk |
Worldwide Veterinary Service //
www.wvurbanfarm.org.uk |
Welcome to Woodgate Valley Urban
Farm - Woodgate Valley Urban Farm is a registered charity run by
volunteers from the local community since 1988. The Farm occupies six
acres of land on the south west of Birmingham |
www.ww1-yorkshires.org.uk |
The Yorkshire Regiment, WW1
Remembrance - The Roll of Honour of men of the Yorkshire Regiment (the
Green Howards) in World War 1. The Memorials to, the graves of, and the
list of those who fought and fell, are presented especially for men from
the North Riding of Yorkshire. Extensive use is made of data from the
Beck Isle Museum in Pickering. |
www.ww2airsoft.org.uk |
WW2 Airsoft – UK | The UK WW2
Airsoft web portal |
www.wwaos.org.uk |
Walton & Weybridge Amateur
Operatic Society - Home of Award Winning Musical Theatre group WWAOS -
Walton & Weybridge Amatuer Operactic Society based at the Cecil Hepworth
Playhouse in Walton-On-Thames, Surrey |
www.wwbic.org.uk |
Welcome to West Wales
Biodiversity Information Centre - West Wales Biodiversity Information
Centre |
www.wwca.org.uk |
West Worcestershire |
Conservatives - Latest news, events and campaigns from West
Worcestershire Conservative Association, the Conservative Party in West
Worcestershire. |
www.wwf.org.uk |
We are WWF | WWF - WWF is the
world’s leading independent conservation organisation. We’re determined
to ensure that people and nature can thrive together, for generations to
come. |
www.wwgangshow.org.uk |
The Gang Show Returns - 2020 |
www.wwhc.org.uk |
West Whitlawburn Housing
Co-operative Ltd - Scottish social housing provider and community
developer. |
www.wwns.org.uk |
Wwns |
www.wwoof.org.uk |
www.wwos.org.uk |
WWOS, West Wickham Operatic
Society, Musical Theatre, Churchill Theatre Bromley, Variety, Olde Tyme
Music Halls, The Mikado, Beauty and the Beast |
www.wwras.org.uk |
Welcome to WWRAS - wwras |
www.wwsc.org.uk |
Weir Wood Sailing Club | Premier
Sailing Club of the South East |
www.wwt.org.uk |
WWT - WWT is one of the world's
largest and most respected wetland conservation organisations working
globally to safeguard and improve wetlands for wildlife and people.
Founded in the UK in 1946 by the late Sir Peter Scott, today we
complement wetland conservation work carried out worldwide with a
network of UK visitor centres comprising 2, 600 hectares of globally
important wetland habitat. All of our work is supported by a much valued
membership base of over 200, 000 people. |
www.wxhc.org.uk |
Surgery Home Page: Weeping
Cross, Beaconside & John Amery Drive Surgeries - Weeping Cross,
Beaconside and John Amery Drive Surgeries with branches in Stafford at
Weeping Cross, Beaconside and John Amery Drive. A General Practice (GP)
& Doctors Surgery. For Doctor & Nurse Appointments & Medical Enquiries
please call Weeping Cross on 01785 662505, Beaconside Health Centre on
01785 214424 and John Amery Drive Surgery on 01785 252244. |
www.wyas.org.uk |
Welcome to WYAS |
www.wyc.org.uk |
Whitstable Yacht Club -
Whitstable Yacht Club |
www.wycas.org.uk |
WYCAS QuickBooks Online Plus
Subscription - WYCAS - West Yorkshire Community Accounting Service
(WYCAS) supports organisations to manage their finances more effectively
and efficiently. |
www.wycliffe.org.uk |
Wycliffe Bible Translators | The
Bible for Everyone |
www.wycliffehall.org.uk |
www.wycombe-swimming.org.... |
Wycombe District Swimming Club
Home |
www.wycombefairtrade.org.... |
Wycombe For Fairtrade | Our aim
to retain and strengthen High Wycombe's Fairtrade Town status |
www.wycombelibdems.org.uk |
Wycombe Liberal Democrats -
Wycombe Liberal Democrats, Wycombe Liberal Democrats, Putting Residents
First |
www.wycombeorpheus.org.uk |
Wycombe Orpheus MVC- Welcome |
www.wycombephil.org.uk |
Wycombe Philharmonic Choir -
Main - Wycombe Philharmonic Choir is a mixed voice choir, performing 3-5
concerts every year. Our repertoire spans from Albinoni to ABBA. We
welcome new members. |
www.wyevalleyaonb.org.uk |
Welcome to the Wye Valley | The
Wye Valley AONB - The river Wye, meandering majestically through the
Welsh/English borders, is the heart of the Wye Valley Area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) |
www.wyevalleymusic.org.uk |
Wye Valley Music - Next Event
... |
www.wyhumanists.org.uk |
West Yorkshire Humanists |
Established 1967 |
www.wylp.org.uk |
WYLP Ltd – Regional Network and
Support Services |
www.wylug.org.uk |
www.wymondhamac.org.uk |
Wymondham AC | Athletics club in
Norfolk - Athletics club in Norfolk on Wymondham AC… |
www.wyo.org.uk |
WYO Home page of the Westmorland
Youth Orchestra (WYO) |
www.wyp.org.uk |
Welcome to Leeds Playhouse | A
New Chapter for Theatre in Leeds - We are Leeds Playhouse, one of the
largest producing theatres in the north. We support local artists,
engage with communities across West Yorkshire, and tell incredible
stories. |
www.wypf.org.uk |
WYPF | West Yorkshire Pension
Fund | Hounslow pensions | Hounslow Pension Fund | hounslowpensions |
Lincolnshire Pension Fund | LGPS | HPF | Pensions WYPF | West Yorkshire
Pension Fund | Hounslow pensions | Hounslow Pension Fund | Lincolnshire
Pension Fund | hounslowpensions | LGPS | HPF | Pensions |
www.wyreforestlibdems.org... |
Wyre Forest Liberal Democrats |
www.wyrm.org.uk |
Wyrm.org.uk - This is the Home
Page for Wyrm, a Fire Drake of ancient origins. |
www.wyso.org.uk |
West Yorkshire Symphony
Orchestra |
www.wysocs.org.uk |
Thinking Faith Network |
www.wythall-park.org.uk |
Wythall Community Association. -
Wythall Community Association. |
www.wythall.org.uk |
Transport Museum Wythall |
www.wytham-church.org.uk |
All Saints' Church All Saints'
Church |
www.wytham-village.org.uk |
Wytham Wytham Village,
Oxfordshire - an unspoilt, historic village, only 4 miles from Oxford
City centre. |
www.wytrf.org.uk |
West Yorkshire TRF - The West
Yorkshire regional website for the Trail Riders Fellowship. The WYTRF
has been helping motorcyclists since 1970 to responsibly enjoy green
Lanes. |
www.x-cape.org.uk |
X-CAPE Cambridge Against Primate
Experiments - Join X-CAPE, Cambridge Against Primate Research, in the
campaign against the proposed primate lab that Cambridge University want
to build on Green-belt land |
www.x1-9ownersclub.org.uk |
The X1/9 Owners Club provides a
focal point for all enthusiasts of the unique Fiat X1-9 and Bertone X1-9
sports cars. |
www.xact.org.uk |
Xact: Fire safety, investigation
and enforcement training - Xact fire safety training and qualifications:
BS 9251 residential & domestic. BS 9999 Fire safety in design
management. Fire Engineering technician courses. |
www.xbmc4xbox.org.uk |
XBMC4Xbox |
www.xcsp.org.uk |
Welcome to the Christ Church with
St. Philip |
www.xentrall.org.uk |
Xentrall Shared Services |
www.xibo.org.uk |
Xibo Open Source Digital Signage
- We power digital signage networks worldwide on Windows, Android and
webOS screens |
www.xingyi.org.uk |
Xing Yi in Cornwall, Devon and
Somerset |
www.xmaspuddingrace.org.u... |
xmaspuddingrace.org.uk - The
ultimate Christmas charity fun run event of the year! Held in Covent
Garden, London in aid of Cancer Research UK. |
London, EN |
www.xonedesign.org.uk |
The X One Design Class
Association - Six locations (or divisions) around the Solent area:
Cowes, Hamble, Itchenor, Lymington, Parkstone, Yarmouth compete for the
X One Design Class Association |
www.xor.org.uk |
Stephen Stewart - Stephen
Stewart's rather odd well worth a look. |
www.xplproject.org.uk |
The xPL Project |
www.xpressbc.org.uk |
Welcome to the X-Press Boat Club
- X-Press Boat Club - Rowing in Cambridge |
www.xpsupportgroup.org.uk |
XP Support Group|XP Support
Group |
www.xrv.org.uk |
Honda Trail Bike Forums - The
Honda Trail Bike Forums provide a place for all trail bike riders to
congregate, swapping advice, stories and pictures. We pride ourselves on
our friendliness. We cover the Africa Twin, Transalp, Varadero,
Dominator and XR range of bikes. |
www.xsynthesisx.org.uk |
Synthesis |
www.yac-southwilts.org.uk |
Home at South Wiltshire Young
Archaeologists Club |
www.yacr.org.uk |
yacr.org.uk |
www.yaesu.org.uk |
Yaesu.org.uk - Discover the
services of , Stowmarket |
www.yahtzee.org.uk |
The Yahtzee Page - yahtzee
rules, high scores, probability, statistics and more - Everything about
the dice game Yahtzee - rules, high scores and probability and more |
www.yakar.org.uk |
www.yakar.org.uk - registered by
Daily.co.uk - Daily.co.uk provides superior web hosting, domain name
registration and website building packages |
www.yaos.org.uk |
Yeovil Amateur Operatic Society
- YAOS Productions - Award Winning Musical Theatre - YAOS produces two
musical theatre shows each year at the Octagon Theatre Yeovil in
Somerset |
www.yappcharitabletrust.o... |
The YAPP Charitable Trust |
www.yardley-great-trust.o... |
Yardley Great Trust :: Yardley
Great Trust |
www.yarmouthsailingclub.o... |
Yarmouth Sailing Club |
www.yarnscombe.org.uk |
Parish of Yarnscombe -
Yarnscombe website |
www.yarnton-village.org.u... |
Yarnton Village Website |
www.yarr.org.uk |
Talk Like A Pirate Day UK
Headquarters - Mad Cap'n Tom lost at sea; Talk Like A Pirate Day to
continue. |
www.yas.org.uk |
Dedicated to Yorkshire's history
and archaeology - Yorkshire Archeological and Historical Society was
established in 1863 to examine, preserve and illustrate the history of
Yorkshire. |
www.yasminqureshi.org.uk |
Yasmin Qureshi Link to Instagram
Link to Twitter Link to YouTube Link to Facebook Link to LinkedIn Link
to Snapchat Close Fax Website Location Phone Email Calendar Building
Search - Labour Member of Parliament for Bolton South East and Shadow
Justice Minister |
www.yat.org.uk |
YAT - South-West London and
Surrey's Premier Free Youth Theatre Company - South-West London and
Surrey's Premier Free Youth Theatre Company. Established in 1970.
Patrons are Rufus Sewell, Annabel Giles, Martin Freeman and Mariah Gale. |
London, EN |
www.yategenierilink.org.u... |
Genieri Gambia Charity Link with
Yate nr Bristol - Discover the services of , Coalpit Heath Bristol |
www.yateleymorrismen.org.... |
Morris tradition alive - Welcome to the website of the Yateley Morris
Men |
www.yateleysociety.org.uk |
Yateley Society - The Yateley
Society is a well-recognised and respected community group whose wishes
and aims are to maintain and improve the quality of life in Yateley. |
www.yati.org.uk |
| Classes | Agency |
www.yazoo.org.uk |
YAZOO - Bad Connection Website -
Yazoo home page with the latest information, discography, bootlegs,
media files, pictures and the Yazoo forum. |
www.yba.org.uk |
Yorkshire Baptist Association |
www.ybn.org.uk |
YBN - Young British Naturists -
The home Naturism for 18 - 35 year olds - Young British Naturism is the
club for younger members of the main British Naturism organisation. YBN
represents Naturists from 18 - 35 years old all over the UK. |
www.ycfl.org.uk |
Homepage :: YCFL Website |
www.ychp.org.uk |
Yorkshire Country House
Partnership |
www.yclub.org.uk |
Welcome to Y CLUB - Manchester
city centres largest and friendliest health club. scroll-down
masthead_NEWNEW - Centrally situated in Castlefield, Manchester’s Y Club
Gym is the largest and friendliest health club within the city centre. |
www.ycst.org.uk |
York City Supporters Trust -
Official Website | The official website for York City Supporters' Trust.
For the latest news, events and membership information. Join the Trust
online today. |
www.yem.org.uk |
Young European Movement UK |
www.yeoman.org.uk |
Yeoman |
www.yes.org.uk |
Young Enterprise Scotland -
Welcome to the website for Young Enterprise Scotland. |
www.yesgroup.org.uk |
YES Group London | London -
Personal development, 25 years of delivering world-class
transformational events. Meets the last Wednesday of the month. An open
and vibrant community |
London, EN |
www.yesminister.org.uk |
Yes Minister the Public Affairs
Think Tank |
www.yesslondon.org.uk |
Youth Education Support Services |
London, EN |
www.yestolife.org.uk |
Yes to Life |
www.yewdalecommunitycen..... |
yewdale |
www.yfc-montgomery.org.uk |
Montgomery YFC |
www.yfc-wales.org.uk |
Wales YFC CFfI Cymru, Young
Farmers Wales - Providing opportunities for over 5, 000 members across
Wales, through a network of 12 county federations and 155 Clubs; Wales
YFC is the largest rural youth organisation in Wales. |
www.yfyfc.org.uk |
Yorkshire Federation of Young
Farmers Clubs – YFYFC |
www.ygp.org.uk |
YGP - Welcome to the Yorkshire
Gospel Partnership |
www.yha.org.uk |
YHA Youth Hostels camping,
campsites and glamping | Book now - High quality, low cost hostels,
camping & glamping. Suitable for families & backpackers across 150+
locations. Book direct with YHA for the best price! |
www.yhjudo.org.uk |
Yorkshire and Humberside Judo
website - Yorkshire and Humberside Judo - Yorkshire and Humberside area
of the British Judo Association |
www.yhoa.org.uk |
Yorkshire and Humberside –
Orienteering Association |
www.yhpho.org.uk |
PHE data and analysis tools -
GOV.UK - Data and analysis tools from across Public Health England
(previously known as the 'Data and knowledge gateway'). |
EN |
www.yiquan.org.uk |
Yiquan UK web-site - Yiquan UK
web-site. |
www.ykc.org.uk |
Join The UK’s #1 Kids Club for
Dog Lovers - Young Kennel Club - The Young Kennel Club (YKC) is the UK's
biggest kids club uniting dog lovers aged 6 to 24 through competitions,
dog training and fun activities with your dog. |
www.ylgc.org.uk |
YLGC - Purchasing a private
number plate for your vehicle. - Customers for vehicles that are
exquisite, exotic, and end up costing millions of dollars prefer to have
everything customized according to their needs. |
www.ymca.org.uk |
YMCA England & Wales - We
believe in young people - YMCA is the largest and the oldest youth
charity in the world. We focus on young people and help them play a
fulfilling role within their communities. |
EN |
www.ymcaderbyshire.org.uk |
YMCA Derbyshire | At the heart of
the community in Derbyshire since 1847 |
www.ymcafit.org.uk |
Personal Trainer Courses and
Fitness Qualifications | YMCAfit - Personal trainer & fitness instructor
courses run across UK. REPS & CIMSPA points. UK's only STOTT PILATES®
Licensed Training Centre. Flexible learning. |
www.ymcatraining.org.uk |
YMCA Training apprenticeships and
study programmes - Apprenticeships and study programme opportunities
nationwide |
www.yobunny.org.uk |
Yobunny Cyberspace - Yobunny
Cyberwarren |
www.yoga-health-education... |
Yoga for Health and Education
Trust |
www.yoga-teacher-training... |
Comprehensive Yoga Fellowship -
Teacher Training - Yoga Teacher Training with the CYF - The
Comprehensive Yoga Fellowship offers a three-year Yoga Teacher Training
Diploma plus three seminars a year for its members, trainees and
teachers. New members and non-members welcome. |
www.yogaatschool.org.uk |
Yoga at School | Engaging all
Children in Yoga | Primary School Yoga - Children’s Yoga Teacher
Training in school with real children led by one of the UK's most
experienced children's yoga teachers. Practical, simple, holistic and
effective. |
www.yogaindailylife.org.u... |
Yoga in Daily Life UK - Yoga in
Daily Life - United Kingdom |
EN |
www.yoganaturesheffield.o... |
Yoga Nature Sheffield - Yoga
Nature Sheffield has been sharing yoga with the Sheffield community
since 2004. We teach a range of yoga classes for adults and children.
New to Yoga Nature? Try our £17 New Starter Special for your first
month. |
www.yogascotland.org.uk |
Welcome to Yoga Scotland! | Yoga
Scotland |
www.yogatree.org.uk |
Yogatree |
www.yomhashoah.org.uk |
Yom HaShoah UK | Annual Jewish
Remembrance Day for Victims of the Holocaust - Yom HaShoah UK - Annual
Jewish Remembrance Day for Victims of the Holocaust |
www.yor-ok.org.uk |
YorOK Website - Information, help
and advice for children, young people, parents, carers and practitioners
in York |
www.yorkalpineclub.org.uk |
York Alpine Club |
www.yorkartgallery.org.uk |
York Art Gallery - York Art
Gallery |
www.yorkassembly.org.uk |
www.yorkastro.org.uk |
York Astro | The York
Astronomical Society - The York Astronomical Society was founded in
1972, and was set up to demonstrate and teach astronomy to the people of
York and the surrounding areas. |
www.yorkcastlemuseum.org.... |
York Castle Museum - An
award-winning museum for the whole family! |
www.yorkcastleprison.org.... |
York Castle Prison |
www.yorkcavingclub.org.uk |
York Caving Club - caving in the
North York Moors, Yorkshire Dales, Derbyshire, Wales and abroad |
www.yorkcemetery.org.uk |
— York Cemetery |
www.yorkcitychurch.org.uk |
York City Church - York City
Church is a vibrant and growing church of all ages. We meet weekly on
Sundays right in the heart of the city of York |
www.yorkcvs.org.uk |
Support, funding & advice for
charities & voluntary organisations - York CVS offers support, funding,
training & advice to charities, voluntary organisations & social
enterprises in York. |
www.yorkfamilyhistory.org... |
York Family History Society —
York Family History Society - York Family History Society |
www.yorkha.org.uk |
York Housing Association |
www.yorklibdems.org.uk |
York Liberal Democrats - York
Liberal Democrats, York Liberal Democrats, |
www.yorkmc.org.uk |
York Mountaineering Club | For
Climbers and Mountaineers in Yorkshire |
www.yorkmind.org.uk |
York Mind |
www.yorkmuseumstrust.org.... |
York Museums Trust - York Museums
Trust is an independent charity which manages York Castle, Yorkshire
Museum and Gardens, York Art Gallery and York St Marys. |
www.yorkmusicalsociety.or... |
York Musical Society |
Registered Charity Number: 504611. - York Musical Society (YMS) is a
large and friendly choral society that has contributed to the musical
life of the city of York since 1876. We enjoy performing a challenging
repertoire, including many of the more familiar large-scale choral works
such as Handel’s Messiah, the Bach Passions and several well-loved
Requiems. |
www.yorkquakers.org.uk |
York Quakers Quakers York |
www.yorksgeolsoc.org.uk |
Promoting Geosciences in
Yorkshire & Northern England - Yorkshire Geological Society - The
Yorkshire Geological Society was the first geological society in the
North of England, founded in 1837, and is a registered charity (Charity
No. 220014). The objective of the society is to promote and record the
results of research in geosciences in Yorkshire, which is achieved
primarily through a mixture of public lectures and field meetings, and
publication within the Society’s main publication “Proceedings of the
Yorkshire Geological Society”. |
EN |
www.yorkshire-cottages.or... |
Yorkshire Cottage Directory |
Yorkshire Holiday Cottages | England | Self Catering Breaks - Yorkshire
Holiday cottages - find hundreds of holiday properties to rent in
Yorkshire |
EN |
www.yorkshire-ra.org.uk |
Yorkshire Rifle Association |
www.yorkshireairambulance... |
Yorkshire Air Ambulance | YAA |
Medical Helicopter - Yorkshire Air Ambulance independent Air Ambulance
charity, providing a life-saving rapid response emergency service to 5
million people across Yorkshire. |
www.yorkshirebmd.org.uk |
Yorkshire Births Marriages &
Deaths Indexes - Yorkshire County Births, Marriage and Deaths Indexes. |
www.yorkshirebutterflies.... |
Butterfly Conservation Yorkshire
Welcome to the Yorkshire Branch of Butterfly Conservation |
www.yorkshirecancercentre... |
Leeds Cares - Leeds Cares are a
charity that work with Leeds Teaching Hospitals to improve care and
wellbeing across Yorkshire and beyond |
www.yorkshirecancerresear... |
Yorkshire Cancer Research | Avoid
Survive & Cope with Cancer | Yorkshire Cancer Research - People are more
likely to get cancer and more likely to die from it in Yorkshire than
other parts of England. Together, we can change that. We are here to
help the people of Yorkshire avoid, survive and cope with cancer. |
EN |
www.yorkshirecnd.org.uk |
Yorkshire Campaign for Nuclear
Disarmament – For a world free of nuclear weapons |
www.yorkshirecricketboard... |
Yorkshire Cricket Fans - Sharing
Our Love for Cricket & Other Sports - Sharing Our Love for Cricket &
Other Sports |
www.yorkshiredales.org.uk |
Yorkshire Dales - Welcome to the
Yorkshire Dales National Park - The Yorkshire Dales National Park is
full of stone-built villages, stunning landscapes and vibrant
communities. |
www.yorkshiredalesriverst... |
Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust |
www.yorkshiredialectsocie... |
Home » Yorkshire Dialect Society
- Established in 1897, the Yorkshire Dialect Society is the world's
oldest surviving dialect society. It grew out of a committee formed
nearly three years earlier by Professor Joseph Wright, which was set up
to collect additional Yorkshire material for the English Dialect
Dictionary. |
www.yorkshiredragonflies.... |
Yorkshire Dragonfly Group –
www.yorkshiredragonflies.org.uk |
www.yorkshiregardenstrust... |
Yorkshire Gardens Trust |
www.yorkshireha.org.uk |
Yorkshire Hockey Association |
www.yorkshirehousing.org.... |
Yorkshire Housing |
www.yorkshirehumberlibdem... |
Yorkshire and the Humber Liberal
Democrats - Yorkshire and the Humber Liberal Democrats, Yorkshire and
the Humber Liberal Democrats, Demanding better for Yorkshire and Humber |
www.yorkshiremuseum.org.u... |
Yorkshire Museum - The Yorkshire
Museum, part of York Museums Trust, is home to some of the country's
finest historical treasures. |
www.yorkshirerc.org.uk |
Yorkshirerc |
www.yorkshireroots.org.uk |
The official web site of the
Family History Section of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society,
providing details of its Headquarters, Organisation, Extensive Archives,
Services, Membership and Journal. |
www.yorkshirevolunteers.o... |
Yorkshire Volunteers Regimental
Association - Regimental history of the Yorkshire Volunteers, a TA
Infantry Regiment. The Yorkshire Volunteers Regimental Association
offers membership to all who have served in the Regiment or in the
Territorial Army units, which were amalgamated to form the Yorkshire
Volunteers, or in one of the battalions or other units that succeeded
the Regiment. |
www.yorkshirewoldsheritag... |
Yorkshire Wolds Heritage Trust |
www.yorkshirewoldsrailway... |
Yorkshire Wolds Railway - East
Yorkshire only Heritage Railway Attraction - Yorkshire Wolds Railway |
www.yorkshireyoungmusici.... |
Yorkshire Young Musicians -
Advanced training for exceptionally talented young musicians in
Yorkshire and Humber |
www.yorkshow.org.uk |
yorkshow.org.uk – Every Easter –
the best in railway modelling. |
www.yorkstmarys.org.uk |
York St Mary's Church,
Castlegate, York - Part of York Museums Trust - York St Mary's Church,
Castlegate, York - Part of York Museums Trust |
www.yorkvenues.org.uk |
York Venues Homepage York Venues
– Historic venues for weddings and events in York - York Venues |
www.youlondon.org.uk |
YOU London |
London, EN |
www.young-enterprise.org.... |
Young Enterprise & Young Money -
Driving Employability & Financial Education Skills in Schools |
www.youngadvisors.org.uk |
Young Advisors |
www.youngcalibre.org.uk |
Young Calibre Calibre Audio
Library - Homepage for Young Calibre - free service of audio books by
post for young people under 16 who are blind, visually impaired or
dyslexic |
www.youngcarers.org.uk |
Edinburgh Young Carers |
www.youngdiabetologists.o... |
Young Diabetologists &
Endocrinologists’ Forum is the trainee & young consultants wing of
Diabetes UK | Young Diabetologists & Endocrinologists’ Forum |
www.youngepilepsy.org.uk |
Young Epilepsy | Charity for
Children and Young People with Epilepsy - Young Epilepsy is a UK charity
working exclusively on behalf of children and young people with
epilepsy. |
www.youngfabians.org.uk |
Young Fabians - The Young Fabians
are the under 31s section of Britain's oldest left-wing think tank, the
Fabian Society. Since the 1960s, the Young Fabians and our ideas have
set the political agenda and changed our country for the better. And as
the UK's only think tank run by and for young people, we're yours to
join and shape. |
www.youngglos.org.uk |
Young Gloucestershire |
www.younggreens.org.uk |
Young Greens |
www.younglancashire.org.u... |
Young Lancashire | This
operation has now closed |
www.younglife.org.uk |
Young Life NYLC | Reaching the
lost, discipling the found |
www.younglives.org.uk |
www.younglives.org.uk |
www.youngminds.org.uk |
Child & Adolescent Mental Health
- YoungMinds - We’re the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and
young people's mental health. We will make sure all young people get the
best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome
life's challenges. |
www.youngpeopleshealth.or... |
Association for Young People's
Health - An independent voice for young people's health. - An
independent voice for young people's health. |
www.youngtheatre.org.uk |
Plays | Beaconsfield | The Young
Theatre - For over 50 years The Young Theatre has striven to provide
young people with opportunities rarely found in other youth theatre
groups. |
www.youngtransnet.org.uk |
Young People’s Transportation
Network | - Young people are heavily reliant on public transport,
particularly if they live in rural areas. The following articles will
provide an overview of the options |
www.youpost.org |
YouPost.org - Free Classified Ads
- Free classified ads London |
London, EN |
www.yourchamber.org.uk |
Leeds Chamber of commerce |
Supporting and advising business - Leeds Chamber of Commerce,
supporting, representing and advising businesses across Leeds. Our aim
is to improve business performance through quality support |
www.yourchoiceyourhome.or... |
Yourchoiceyourhome |
www.yourchurchwedding.org |
The Church of England | Weddings
Weddings – Your church - Discover all you need to know about Church of
England weddings and blessings. Marrying in church is personal,
meaningful, spiritual and beautiful. |
EN |
www.yourcircle.org.uk |
YourCircle |
www.yourclimateyourlife.o... |
Demystifying Climate Change -
yourclimateyourlife.org.uk |
www.yourlifeyourchoice.or... |
health and efficiency, live
choices are yours to take |
www.yourmoray.org.uk |
Your Moray - Moray lies in the
north-east of Scotland between Inverness and the Highlands to the west
and Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire to the east. |
www.yourpathways.org.uk |
Pathways | Helping communities
move forward - Pathways works alongside communities, groups and
individuals in London & the south east. delivering services which meet
local needs and transform lives. |
London, EN |
www.yourpension.org.uk |
Your Pension |
www.yourrights.org.uk |
Protecting rights since 1934 |
Liberty - Liberty challenges injustice, defends freedom and campaigns to
make sure everyone in the UK is treated fairly. Join us. Stand up to
power. |
www.youthaccess.org.uk |
Youth Access |
www.youthcomm.org.uk |
YouthComm - How to Transfer a
Private Number Plate Between Vehicles - Many people are unsure how to
transfer a private number plate to another vehicle. |
www.youthcouncil-ni.org.u... |
Properly diet - healthy food,
diet and fast food problems |
www.youtheducationservice... |
Youth Education Service |
Supporting Learning in Bristol for Adults and Young People |
www.youthlink.org.uk |
Youth Link NI - Churches
together building excellence in Youth Work Training for Young People
Training for Youth Workers Specialist Training Moorlands NI @ Youth Link
Video Check out our Video Gallery. |
www.youthmusic.org.uk |
Youth Music Facebook icon twitter
icon print icon Facebook icon twitter icon instagram icon youtube icon
Facebook icon twitter icon instagram icon youtube icon |
www.youthscotland.org.uk |
Youth Scotland - Youth Scotland
is the largest national youth work organisation in Scotland, supporting
60, 000 young people, 1, 300 youth groups and over 8, 000 youth workers.
Youth Scotland has been around since the early 20th century and has a
diverse membership network – from small rural youth groups to large
urban projects. The common goal that we all share is better outcomes for
young people. |
www.youthspeak.org.uk |
PDF Libro - Libro Descargar |
www.ypas.org.uk |
Young Person's Advisory Service
– Young Person's Advisory Service |
www.ypeople.org.uk |
YPeople - Ypeople is a registered
Scottish charity providing support to vulnerable groups, homeless help
and youth services. |
www.ypt.org.uk |
Young People's Theatre – Great
theatre for Young People is just around the corner |
www.ypte.org.uk |
Information for kids on the
environment, climate change and wildlife | Young People's Trust For the
Environment |
www.yptenc.org.uk |
www.ypu.org.uk |
Yorkshire Photography Union -
Yorkshire Photography Union |
www.yqspace.org.uk |
yqspace |
www.yrc.org.uk |
YRC | Mountaineering, Caving and
Potholing, Rock Climbing and Walking, Skiing and Exploration since 1892. |
www.yre.org.uk |
Youth Against Racism in Europe -
A campaigning international youth organisation, combatting racism with
mass demonstrations, trade union and youth activists, education and
workers' solidarity |
www.yses.org.uk |
Yorkshire Schools Exploring
Society a Grant-making organization - YSES - Yorkshire Schools Exploring
Society adventure for young adults |
www.ysgolgyfunemlyn.org.u... |
Welcome to Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn -
Welcome to the Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn website. Our aim is to provide existing
and prospective parents with useful information, as well as conveying an
impression of |
www.yso.org.uk |
York Symphony Orchestra – The
oldest amateur orchestra in York |
www.ysr.org.uk |
ヒプリン(メテナミン)通販最安値!Amazon楽天|効果口コミヒプリン -
ヒプリンを最安値で通販するならコチラ!オオサカ堂、Amazon、楽天の価格は?効果、副作用、口コミも全てコチラのページで確認! |
www.yss.org.uk |
YSS - Charity supporting
vulnerable children, young people and adults across the west mercia
district |
www.ythancc.org.uk |
Ythan Cycle Club – That's
'Ythan', as in 'Python'! |
www.yucpc.org.uk |
YUCPC - York University Cave &
Pothole Club - Caving trips to the Yorkshire Dales, Peak District,
Mendips and Wales - York University Cave and Pothole club are based in
the heart of York and offer regular caving trips to all caving areas in
the UK as well as annual expeditions abroad. Open to students and
non-students. |
www.yusufislam.org.uk |
Jawatan Kosong Kerajaan & Swasta
Terkini - (2019/2020) - Jawatan Kosong Kerajaan & Swasta Terkini ok?
Lebih 57, 299 Jawatan Kosong Dari Sektor Kerajaan & Swasta Terkini
2019/2020 Untuk Di Isi Segera! |
www.yvbsg.org.uk |
Yvbsg |
www.yvc.org.uk |
Your Voice Counts, Advocacy,
Training, Gateshead - Your Voice Counts helps vulnerable people across
the North East to speak up and find a voice. We provide advocacy,
training, and support services. |
www.ywt.org.uk |
YWT - Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is
a local charity working for a county rich in wildlife for everyone. |
www.yym.org.uk |
Yorkshire Youth and Music |
Offering excellence in all kinds of music education for young people
across Yorkshire |
www.zaka.org.uk |
www.zambiahc.org.uk |
High Commission of the Republic
of Zambia | Zambian Embassy in UK - Official website of the Embassy of
the Republic of Zambia.Shared the information for various sectors like
consular affairs, trade & economy, tourism, immigration etc. |
www.zambiasocietytrust.or... |
Zambia Society Trust - The Zambia
Society Trust is a UK-based charity devoted to the relief of poverty,
disability and sickness, the promotion of good health and the
advancement of education in Zambia. |
www.zamcog.org.uk |
Zamcog - Zamcog educates and
cares for some of the most at-risk children in Zambia. Zamcog believes
that education can eradicate poverty and build futures. |
www.zcars.org.uk |
Z Cars |
www.zcc.org.uk |
Zionist Central Council (ZCC) -
What you can do to support Israel - Israel is the Homeland of the Jewish
People but offers respect and protection to people of all faiths and
backgrounds.The Zionist Central Council of Greater Manchester and Region
is proud to protect Israel’s good name and support her aims. |
www.zebulon.org.uk |
Zebulon |
www.zenatode.org.uk |
Ian Gregory |
www.zerocarbonhousebirmin... |
zero carbon house |
www.zeroed.org.uk |
Commercial Electric Vehicles -
Electric Trucks And Battery Powered Vehicles Including Buses, Vans And
Trams From Zeroed. Org.UK - Zeroed Supply commercial electric trucks,
electric vehicles including zero emission buses, vans and trams to the
UK |
www.zerotolerance.org.uk |
Zero Tolerance |
www.zerowastescotland.org... |
Zero Waste Scotland - Zero Waste
Scotland works in resource efficiency and the circular economy to create
a society where resources are valued and nothing is wasted. |
www.zettrans.org.uk |
ZetTrans | Shetland's Transport
Partnership - Your one-stop shop for transport and travel in Shetland
with information on: ferries, buses, planes, walking, cycling, policy,
projects, service disruptions and much more. |
www.zhadum.org.uk |
What Do You Want? | Taking
comfort in the Unfairness of the Universe |
www.zhang.org.uk |
zhang.org.uk |
www.zint.org.uk |
Zint |
www.zionbaptist.org.uk |
Zion Baptist Church |
www.zionbaptists.org.uk |
Zion Baptist Church - Zion
Baptist Church is a non-profit organization, Govanhill, Glasgow,
Scotland. Founded by Pastor Jack Glass, has been serving the community
of Glasgow since 1965. |
www.zionist.org.uk |
ZFUK | Zionist Federation of
United Kingdom & Ireland - ZFUK is the UK's leading Israel advocacy
organisation, an umbrella organisation for the Zionist movement in Great
Britain. Zionist Federation United Kingdom |
EN |
www.zionripon.org.uk |
Zion Evangelical Baptist Church |
www.zionworx.org.uk |
ZionWorx Church Presentation
software |
www.zipang.org.uk |
The Enheduanna Society - The
Enheduanna Society: popularising the literature of ancient Iraq through
the art of oral storytelling |
www.zoarbc.org.uk |
Zoar Baptist Chapel – Evangelical
Church in Ipswich |
www.zoes-place.org.uk |
Welcome to Zoё's Place Baby
Hospice |
www.zooleika.org.uk |
Manchester Website Design |
www.zpwb.org.uk |
Zjednoczenie Polskie w Wielkiej
Brytanii - Jakiœ opis w meta |
www.zsl.org |
Zoological Society of London
(ZSL) - UK Zoos & Animal Conservation - The Zoological Society of London
(ZSL) is a charity devoted to the worldwide conservation of animals and
their habitats. Visit London Zoo and Whipsnade Zoo. |
London, EN |
www.zum.org.uk |
ZUM - the original gypsy-tango
band |
www.zut.org.uk |
Zut! - Language Skills - An
effective and fun way to learn French! On the Zut! site you will find a
list of topics for each study year and for each topic reading, writing
and listening exercises. Many of these exercises can be used in
conjunction with an interactive whiteboard. |
www.zx81.org.uk |
ZX81.org.uk | Photography,
opinions and other random ramblings by Stephen Darlington - Photography,
opinions and other random ramblings by Stephen Darlington |
www.zx81stuff.org.uk |
ZX81 Tapes, Hardware and Books
Collection - ZX81 Collection, the largest online collection of Sinclair
ZX81 and TS1000 games, software, books and hardware. |