www.changingfaces.org.uk |
Changing Faces - We help
everyone with a scar, mark or condition on their face or body that makes
them look different. |
www.ljay.org.uk |
ljay.org.uk |
www.ljmc.org.uk |
London Jewish Male Choir -
Founded in 1926 and still thriving in the 21st century the LJMC is one
of the leading Jewish male voice choirs |
www.lrta.org.uk |
Ladies Real Tennis Association -
Home/News - Ladies Real Tennis Association |
www.lrwa.org.uk |
LRWA | Liquid Roofing and
Waterproofing Association - Liquid Roofing and Waterproofing Association |
www.lrwt.org.uk |
Leicestershire & Rutland
Wildlife Trust |
www.ls26.org.uk |
LS26 Local – The community
website for Rothwell & surrounding area |
www.lsa.org.uk |
Legal Services Agency | Glasgow |
www.lsas.org.uk |
Liverpool Sun & Air Naturist Club
| Naturist Organisation, Liverpool |
www.lsbf.org.uk |
London School of Business and
Finance, UK | LSBF - London School of Business and Finance offers a
range of innovative education programs: MBA, MIB, ACCA, CIMA, CIM and
financial courses, London, UK. |
www.lsc.org.uk |
London Symphony Chorus |
www.lses.org.uk |
Lichfield Science and
Engineering Society |
www.lshs.org.uk |
Lshs |
www.lslcs.org.uk |
Leeds Survivor Led Crisis
Service |
www.lsucs.org.uk |
LSU Video Game Society -
Loughborough Students' Union Video Game Society |
www.lsx.org.uk |
London Sustainability Exchange -
Lsx |
www.lta.org.uk |
The Official Home Of Tennis For
Britain | LTA - The governing body of tennis in Great Britain, the LTA
website contains the latest info on national & international tennis
players, events, competitions & more. |
www.ltcrolt.org.uk |
LTC Rolt, writer and engineer -
The website of LTC Rolt, writer and engineer, his life and books.
Several of his classic books have been recently re-issued. |
www.ltd-cicof.org.uk |
Liverpool Taxi Drivers Children
in Care Outing Fund | Caring for the Children of Merseyside for over 30
years |
www.ltgdc.org.uk |
www.ltl.org.uk |
Outdoor Learning and Play Charity
| Learning through Landscapes - Learning through Landscapes is a leading
UK charity, dedicated to enhancing outdoor learning and play for
children across the world. Find out more here. |
www.ltoa.org.uk |
LTOA | The London Tree Officers
Association | the professional & technical voice for London's trees &
woodlands - LTOA - The London Tree Officers Association. Caring for the
capital's trees |
www.ltot.org.uk |
Lancastrian Theatre Organ Trust
index1.htm |
www.lts.org.uk |
Independent boarding school -
Longridge Towers boarding school - Northumberland - Set in the stunning
Northumberland countryside just outside Berwick upon Tweed, close to the
Scottish Borders, Longridge Towers School is an independent boarding
school with a very special atmosphere. |
www.ltsc.org.uk |
News - A competitive swimming
club for swimmers 7 years up to 50 years + |
www.ltsig.org.uk |
www.ltt.org.uk |
FyldeTT Website - Website
showcasing the historic bus and tram collection of the Lancastrian
Transport Trust (LTT) |
www.ltv-vwc.org.uk |
London & Thames Valley VW Club |
www.ltvas.org.uk |
Romsey Local History Society
LTVAS - Romsey Local History Society LTVAS is a part of the ltvas
history group whose members reserch and record the past for the future |
www.lucknow.org.uk |
Lucknow India - Lucknow Uttar
Pradesh - Lucknow City - Lucknow Tourism -Travel to Lucknow - Lucknow
city is the capital of the state of Uttar Pradesh. Read on to know more
about travel and tourism in Lucknow city, India. |
www.lucs.org.uk |
Linlithgow Canal Centre |
www.ludhamarchive.org.uk |
Ludhamarchive |
www.ludlow.org.uk |
Ludlow: Visitor Information,
Events, Where to Eat, Accommodation, Things to Do, History - The Ludlow
Website includes tourist information, events, where to stay,
accommodation, restaurant guide and the Ludlow local business directory
and much more. |
www.ludlow21.org.uk |
Ludlow 21 | Local actions for a
sustainable future |
www.ludlowchoral.org.uk |
Ludlow's Big Choir |
www.ludlowsc.org.uk |
Ludlow Swimming Club |
www.ludshottpc.org.uk |
Ludshott Photographic Club | A
member of the SPA |
www.lug.org.uk |
Welcome to lug.org.uk |
www.luhc.org.uk |
Lancaster University Hiking Club
- The home of Lancaster University Hiking Club on the web |
www.lukaszewski.org.uk |
Paweł Łukaszewski Composer
official site; news, page 1 - Paweł Łukaszewski Composer official site |
www.luls.org.uk |
University of Leicester Law
Society |
www.lumagroup.org.uk |
THE LUMA GROUP - The Luma Group |
www.lumbini.org.uk |
Welcome to Lumbini Buddha Dharma
Society - Lumbini Nepalese Buddha Dharma Society is a non-political,
non-racial, non-profit voluntary organisation to practice buddha dharma
in the UK. |
www.lumen.org.uk |
Services - Lumen - Lumen are an
Artistic Audio Visual Collective Based in Leeds, UK. |
www.lumenurc.org.uk |
Lumenurc |
www.lunarsociety.org.uk |
The Lunar Society - Stimulating
Ideas | Broadening Debate | Catalysing Action |
www.lunchtime.org.uk |
Gentlemen's Lunchtime Association |
www.lundy.org.uk |
The Lundy Field Society - The
website of the Lundy Field Society |
www.lungsatwork.org.uk |
Welcome to Lungs at Work | Lungs
at Work |
www.lunt.org.uk |
Lunt Resource Site |
www.lupg.org.uk |
Land and Urban Price Guide |
www.luphen.org.uk |
Stephen and Lucy's Website |
www.lupts.org.uk |
LUPTS in exile (formerly
Liverpool University Public Transport Society) |
www.lupus-support.org.uk |
LUpus Patients Understanding &
Support (LUPUS) LUpus Patients Understanding & Support (LUPUS) -
Providing free information and free psychological support for
individuals-affected-by-lupus |
www.lupus.org.uk |
Lupus Trust - You're Not Alone.
Online resource and charity. - Your first stop online for anything Lupus
related. We're a support network resource and charity with links around
the world of Lupus. The Lupus Trust was set up in 1991 by Professor
Graham Hughes to support Lupus medical and clinical research at St.
Thomas’ & Guys Hospitals and raise awareness of Lupus in the UK. |
www.lupusuk.org.uk |
LUPUS UK - The National Charity
for People Affected by Lupus - LUPUS UK is the national registered
charity supporting people with lupus, assisting those approaching a
diagnosis and funding research and specialist nurses |
www.lurcher.org.uk |
Evesham Greyhound and Lurcher
Rescue |
www.lusk.org.uk |
James Paul Lusk The Jesus
Candidate and other publications |
www.lutheran.org.uk |
Council of Lutheran Churches –
Council of Lutheran Churches: Living the Gospel, Serving our neighbour |
www.luton.org.uk |
Wacky Travel Blog - Watersports
Adventures - Wacky Travel Blog features England, Indonesia Bali,
Philippines, Thailand, and more.. |
www.lutoncab.org.uk |
Citizens Advice Luton |
www.lutonchoralsociety.or... |
lutonchoralsociety.org.uk |
www.lutonchurchestogether... |
Churches Together In Luton -
Churches Together in Luton, a local outworking of a national movement
Churches Together in England, simply looks to represent churches
together in Luton. |
www.lutonmusic.org.uk |
Luton Music |
www.lutononline.org.uk |
Luton Online - Luton Online is a
business directory and guide for Luton, UK. Luton Online features
thousands of shop listings, a pubs and restaurants guide, and Web
directory of Luton websites. |
www.lutsf.org.uk |
Lisa Ullmann Travelling
Scholarship Fund – Registered Charity 297684 |
www.lutyenstrust.org.uk |
The Lutyens Trust - Edwin Lutyens
gave us some of our most beautiful country houses, public buildings and
war memorials. The Lutyens Trust is a charity dedicated to preserving
and promoting the spirit and substance of Lutyens heritage. |
www.lux.org.uk |
LUX - Supporting and promoting
artists’ moving image practices. - Supporting and promoting artists’
moving image practices. |
www.luxonline.org.uk |
Luxonline - Educational Resource
about British Film and Video Artists |
www.luxuryhamper.org.uk |
Luxury Hamper | Food | Drink |
Chocolate | Pamper | Christmas - Whatever the occasion there is a always
a luxury hamper that will fulfill your requirements. From fine wines,
champagne and meat to chocolate, baby gifts or pampering. |
www.luxverbi.org.uk |
LuxVerbi, Lux-Verbi Books:
Anti-Christ is a Woman: Book 2 to Codeword Barbelon - exposing
freemasonry, knight Templars, Jesuits, Jesuitism, secret societies,
skull and Bones, Phi Beta Kappa Peace if Possible, Truth at All Costs...
- Booksellers, Publisher - Lux-Verbi Books, independent publishers and
booksellers of controversial and eye-opening books. See our Catalogue |
www.lvb.org.uk |
Len Valley Benefice |
www.lvhs.org.uk |
Lea Valley Academy - Welcome to
the website for Lea Valley Academy, Enfield |
www.lvis.org.uk |
LVIS - Las Vegas Institute of
Sport | A little more conversation… |
www.lvra.org.uk |
www.lvrc.org.uk |
LVRC - The League of Veteran
Racing Cyclists |
www.lvvs.org.uk |
Lincolnshire Vintage Vehicle
Society - Lincolnshire Road Transport Museum is a privately owned museum
run by the Lincolnshire Vintage Vehicle Society. It houses a collection
of over 40 vintage, classic and commercial vehicles dating back to 1927
including Leyland, Bristol and AEC buses. |
www.lwa.org.uk |
LWA | lwa.org.uk - LWA are a
domestic abuse charity in Leicester City, Leicestershire and Rutland. |
www.lwac.org.uk |
Lincoln Wellington Athletic Club |
www.lwcf.org.uk |
Living Waters Christian
Fellowship Church Evangelical Charismatic Leigh Lancashire - Living
Waters Christian Fellowship Leigh UK Father Jesus Christ Holy Spirit
evangelical charismatic church evangelism renewal revival unity healing |
www.lwec.org.uk |
NERC - RIDE Forum |
www.lwf.org.uk |
www.lwf.org.uk placeholder |
www.lwfarm.org.uk |
Lawrence Weston Community Farm -
Lawrence Weston Community Farm provides people with opportunity to
experience the daily delights of farming, gardening, animals and much
more. Admission is free, and we are open all year round so make sure you
come and visit us. |
www.lwic.org.uk |
Living Word International Church
| |
www.lwm.org.uk |
Light of the World Ministries |
www.lwn.org.uk |
Labour Women's Network - Labour
Women’s Network exists to secure the election of more Labour women to
public office at every level and to support Labour women to play a full
part in the Party. |
www.lwrm.org.uk |
Living Word Revival Ministries -
Solid Rock Bible Church |
www.lxhockey.org.uk |
LX Hockey |
www.lyc.org.uk |
Liverpool Yacht Club - liverpool
yacht club liverpool yacht club - we bring sailing into the heart of the
city. with yacht racing all year dinghy sailing and cruising from march
to october and a busy social calendar we are probably the most
successful club in the area. we also |
www.lyceefrancais.org.uk |
Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle
de Londres Twitter_Logo_Blue |
www.lyceum.org.uk |
The Lyceum | Royal Lyceum Theatre
Edinburgh |
www.lydcc.org.uk |
www.lydiard-millicent.org... |
Lydiard Millicent Parish Council
- Lydiard Millicent is a small village and parish in the far North-East
corner of Wiltshire, it is administered by Wiltshire Council, but is
close to the western edge of the Borough of Swindon. At the end of 2007,
our Parish had 623 dwellings and 1287 electors. Our Parish comprises the
village of Lydiard Millicent, the hamlets and areas of Common Platt,
Greatfield, Greenhill, Holborn, Lydiard Green, and part of Nine Elms and
Washpool. |
www.lydiardpark.org.uk |
Lydiard - Lydiard House |
www.lydiardparkacademy.or... |
Lydiard Park Academy |
www.lydiatescouts.org.uk |
1st Lydiate Scout Group |
www.lydstepbeach.org.uk |
Lydstep Beach Holiday Village |
Haven Holidays - Lydstep Beach Haven Holidays Enjoy some breathtaking
sea views Lydstep Beach Holiday Village. Nestling in the lovely peaceful
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. |
www.lyf.org.uk |
Lorna Young Foundation | LYF |
Entrepreneurial Ventures for Smallholder Producer Organisations - The
LYF is an enterprising, small charity – but one that achieves big
results. |
www.lymediseaseaction.org... |
Lyme Disease Action — Lyme
Disease Action: Striving for the prevention and treatment of Lyme
disease and associated tick borne diseases. |
www.lyminge.org.uk |
The Lyminge Association - The
Lyminge Association - Helping the communities of Lyminge, Etchinghill,
Rhodes Minnis and Postling. |
www.lymingtonchoral.org.u... |
Lymington Choral Society -
Lymington Choral Society Enthusiastic singers of all ages from the New
Forest Area. |
www.lymingtonchurch.org.u... |
Lymington's Parish Church |
www.lymingtonrotary.org.u... |
Rotary Club of Lymington - The
home page of Lymington Rotary |
www.lymmfestival.org.uk |
Lymm Festival, Cheshire UK -
Lymm Festival celebrates the visual and performance arts promoting
events and activities for all ages in Lymm Cheshire UK. |
www.lymmfolkclub.org.uk |
Lymm Folk Club The Lymm Folk Club
official website! |
www.lymmphotosoc.org.uk |
Lymm Photographic Society |
www.lympne-st-stephens.or... |
St Stephen Lympne and St Peter &
St Paul Saltwood | Parishes in the Diocese of Canterbury |
www.lynbrown.org.uk |
Lyn Brown Link to Instagram Link
to Twitter Link to YouTube Link to Facebook Link to LinkedIn Link to
Snapchat Close Fax Website Location Phone Email Calendar Building Search
- Member of Parliament for West Ham |
www.lyndhurstparishcounci... |
Welcome to Lyndhurst Parish
Council, New Forest, New Forest District Council, Forestry Commission,
Verderers' Court, New Forest National Park Authority |
www.lyneal-trust.org.uk |
Lyneal Trust holidays for
disabled and elderly - the lyneal trust offers Canal and canalside
holidays in Shropshire for people with disabilities, illness or injury,
or elderly and their family, friends |
www.lynnejones.org.uk |
Lynne Jones | Former MP for
Birmingham Selly Oak |
www.lynngrove.org.uk |
Lynn Grove Academy – Lynn Grove
Academy – small enough to care about every child, big enough to be
exciting |
www.lyonscopse.org.uk |
Lyons Copse - Solent Scout
Training Centre |
www.lyonsinquiry.org.uk |
The Lyons Inquiry into Local
Government - Lyons Inquiry into Local Government |
www.lyrs.org.uk |
The Lancashire and Yorkshire
Railway Society |
www.lyrtrust.org.uk |
The Lancashire & Yorkshire
Railway Trust - Official website of The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway
Trust. Registered Charity No. 1002627. Site features Gallery, Downloads,
Membership and Donation information. |
www.lytchett.org.uk |
Welcome from the Headmaster •
Lytchett Minster School - Lytchett Minster is a very successful and
popular comprehensive school with a large and thriving sixth form. We
have been judged to be ‘good’ by OFSTED. |
www.lythammethodistchurch... |
Lytham Methodist Church – A most
welcoming place. |
www.lythamrunners.org.uk |
Lytham St Annes Road Runners Home
Page |
www.m-a.org.uk |
Mathematical Association |
www.m-c-a.org.uk |
The Medical Council on Alcohol ::
The MCA |
www.m-r.org.uk |
Muhibaan-e-Rasool Sallal Lahu
Alehi Wassalam |
www.m13youthproject.org.u... |
M13 Youth Project - About Us -
Discover the services of M13 Youth Project, Manchester |
www.m1cro.org.uk |
CCG - Amateur Radio (V/U/SHF)
Contest Group - Activities of the Colchester Contest Group - UK Amateur
Radio V/U/SHF Contest Group, affiliated to 'Colchester Radio Amateurs'. |
www.m500.org.uk |
M500 Society – The Open
University Mathematics Society |
www.maa.org.uk |
Medical Artists' Association of
Great Britain |
www.mabac.org.uk |
Mabac Running league - MABAC
Running League - MABAC Running League |
www.mabels.org.uk |
Mabels - Over 50s essential
resource - Ask Mabel..Serving the over 50s.Providing daily retirement
benefit support & services, assisted disability aids & living, mobility,
health, retirement & finance tips, nostalgic goods & gifts, leisure &
hobbies for the over 50s & senior citizens |
www.macc.org.uk |
Macc |
www.macclesfieldcanal.org... |
Macclesfield Canal |
www.macclesfieldmrg.org.u... |
Macclesfield Model Railway Group
– Promoting model railways and real ones in East Cheshire. |
www.macclesfieldwheelers.... |
Macclesfield Wheelers -
Macclesfield Wheelers is one of Cheshire's largest cycling clubs. Active
in all forms of cycling, we always welcome and support new members. |
www.maccode.org.uk |
MacCode.org.uk - How to get
broadband MAC code - What is a broadband MAC code and how do I get one?
Advice on switching broadband providers. |
www.maccweb.org.uk |
Macclesfield Web Scoops -
Macclesfield news, events, shops, services and restaurants |
www.macduff-aquarium.org.... |
Macduff Aquarium - Welcome to
Macduff Marine Aquarium. Here you can find out all you need to know
about one of the best visitor attractions in the North East of Scotland. |
www.macedonia.org.uk |
Macedonia |
www.macehousing.org.uk |
Mace Housing Co-operative |
www.machairlife.org.uk |
Machair Life |
www.macmillan-academy.org... |
Macmillan Academy | Macmillan
Academy is an Academy based in Middlesbrough |
www.macmillan.org.uk |
Macmillan Cancer Support -
Macmillan Cancer Support - Whatever cancer throws your way, we're right
there with you. We provide physical, emotional and financial support to
help you live life as fully as you can. |
www.macnovel.org.uk |
MacNovel – Mike Clarke's
Adventures in Creative Writing — and Stand-Up |
www.macrogroup.org.uk |
Macro Group UK | RSC & SCI Pure
and Applied Macromolecular Chemistry Group - We are a joint interest
group of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Society of Chemical
Industry dedicated to furthering polymer chemistry in the UK. |
www.macs.org.uk |
MACS - This is the homepage for
MACS - the UK's charity supporting children born without eyes or with
underdeveloped eyes |
www.macserve.org.uk |
MacServe | iVPN | Features |
www.madcap.org.uk |
www.madcap.org.uk - registered by
Daily.co.uk - Daily.co.uk provides superior web hosting, domain name
registration and website building packages |
www.maddrell.org.uk |
Maddrell Consultancy Services ::
Maddrell Consultancy Services specialise in Coastal Engineering; Design,
Risk Assessments & Contracts. Boasting a worldwide portfolio and
numerous published papers. |
www.madeinyorkshire.org.u... |
Madeinyorkshire - Discover a
region of talented designer makers. |
www.madeley.org.uk |
Madeley Town Council |
www.madeleybaptist.org.uk |
Madeley Baptist Church |
www.madinamasjid.org.uk |
Sheffield Islamic Centre Madina
Masjid Trust - Madina Masjid Sheffield Islamic Centre Mosque Home
Welcome |
www.madlab.org.uk |
Coming Soon - MadLab |
www.madstheatre.org.uk |
Mads Theatre - Mads Little
Theatre Macclesfield linkedin facebook pinterest youtube rss twitter
instagram facebook-blank rss-blank linkedin-blank pinterest youtube
twitter instagram |
www.madtrust.org.uk |
MAD - MAD | Make a Difference
Trust - FIGHTING HIV & AIDS one stage at a time |
www.madwdata.org.uk |
Mad Finance – Top tips from
financial experts. |
www.maecare.org.uk |
MAE Care – Opening doors for
older people |
www.maelorschool.org.uk |
Comprehensive School in Wrexham
for 11 - 18 Year Olds - The Maelor School is a mixed comprehensive
school for pupils between 11 and 18 years of age, based in Penley,
Wrexham |
www.maes.org.uk |
Maes |
www.maestroturbo.org.uk |
MG Maestro Turbo Register |
www.maesweb.org.uk |
Manchester Ancient Egypt Society
| The UK's oldest Egyptology Society - The Manchester Ancient Egypt
Society welcomes everyone with an interest in ancient Egyptian history.
The oldest and largest Egyptology society in the UK, we organise an
annual programme of lectures from visiting Egyptology professionals, as
well as conferences, study days and regular trips to Egyptology
collections in the UK and further afield. You can find out more about… |
www.magakernow.org.uk |
UK Finance Blogger – Loans and
finance advice. |
www.magazine.org.uk |
Magazines from Magazine
Subscription Ltd - Magazines from Magazine Subscription Ltd - Check out
the full range of Magazines news and offers. |
www.magicad.org.uk |
www.magiclantern.org.uk |
The Magic Lantern Society |
www.magistrates-associati... |
magistrates-association.org.uk |
www.magna.org.uk |
Magna Housing - Magna is a
medium-sized, independent housing company which works with local
communities to help people meet their housing needs and aspirations
mostly in the counties of Dorset and Somerset. |
www.magnesiumoil.org.uk |
Magnesium Oil, Salts &
Supplements ⋆ Benefits, Uses & Applications of Magnesium Salts -
Benefits, Uses & Applications of Magnesium Salts |
www.magneticnorth.org.uk |
Magnetic North Theatre Company -
An award winning theatre company based in Edinburgh, Scotland. |
www.magyariskola.org.uk |
Londoni Magyar Iskola+ |
www.maidenbower.org.uk |
www.maidenbower.org.uk is
currently under construction |
www.maidenbowerinfantscho... |
Maidenbower Infant School -
Maidenbower Infant School |
www.maidenhead.org.uk |
Maidenhead Chamber - Business
network & support Maidenhead - Benefits of the Maidenhead Chamber
include Marketing, PR, Discounts, Chamber Directory Listing, Group
Purchase Schemes, Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Employee Information,
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) fulfilment and a connection to our
ever growing network, which spans the globe. |
www.maidenheadcivicsoc.or... |
クリスチャンルブタン 玉森, , クリスチャンルブタン
クラッチ, 【正規商品】 - 【正規商品】 クリスチャンルブタン 玉森,
【送料無料】【新品】【国内正規品】販売上の高品質で格安アイテム、お気に入りを選択する |
www.maidenheadrc.org.uk |
Maidenhead Rowing Club is a
friendly club with active squads at all levels from Junior through to
Vets. Based near the picturesque town of Maidenhead. |
www.maidenheadsc.org.uk |
Maidenhead Sailing Club is a
family friendly club with a strong Youth and Junior section. We offer a
warm welcome to new members. |
www.maidenheadsynagogue..... |
Maidenhead Synagogue -
Maidenhead Synagogue is a vibrant and growing Jewish community, which
covers the whole of the Thames valley area, with members living
throughout Berkshire and Buckinghamshire as well as parts of
Oxfordshire, Surrey and Hampshire. |
www.maidstone.org.uk |
Maidstone Kent England - ONLINE
GUIDE - maidstone.org.uk - ONLINE GUIDE - for residents, vistors and
businesses in and around Maidstone in Kent including a searchable
'business guide' and a 'what's on' guide... |
www.maidstoneandthewealdl... |
Maidstone Liberal Democrats |
www.maidstonecameraclub.o... |
maidstone camera club –
advancing with photography since 1902 |
www.maidstoneramblers.org... |
Maidstone Ramblers Walking Group
- Maidstone Ramblers offer a programme of walks of varying length and
difficulty, all led by an experienced leader. Guests are most welcome to
join us on a walk, just view the programme and select a date and
location that suits you. Our members will be pleased to see you and make
you most welcome. |
www.maidstonerugby.org.uk |
Maidstone Rugby Club - Formed in
1880, the club is amongst the oldest in the country and has for many
years played its rugby at the picturesque Mote Cricket Ground, adjacent
to Mote Park and the Mote Leisure Centre. |
www.mainlinerailways.org.... |
Mainline Model Railways - AAA
site dedicated to Mainline Model Railways produced in the UK in the 70's
and 80's. |
www.mainstreet.org.uk |
MainStreet - Catering Equipment
- We offer quality second user catering equipment to the catring
Industry at a cut down price! |
www.maitrikara.org.uk |
Maitrikara Maitrikara is a
Tibetan Buddhist Group based in Brighton, England, affiliated to the
Centre d'Etudes de Chanteloube in France |
www.majoroak.org.uk |
Majoroak |
www.make-a-wish.org.uk |
Children's charity, granting
wishes to seriously ill children | Make A Wish - Donate, volunteer or
fundraise for children's charity, Make-A-Wish UK and help us to grant
life-changing wishes for children with critical illneses. |
www.makeabignoise.org.uk |
Big Noise - Sistema Scotland -
Equipping children with resilience and confidence to reach their
potential across all areas of their lives. |
www.makeholidaysgreener.o... |
Holidaymaker | Make Holidays
Greener |
www.makeitpolicy.org.uk |
Make IT Policy |
www.makejusticework.org.u... |
Make Justice Work - Highlighting
the wastefulness of short-term prison sentences |
www.makerspace.org.uk |
MakerSpace | the north-east
space for creative geekery |
www.makespace.org.uk |
Make Space | Everything you need
to know concerning homes and its spaces |
www.makingawill.org.uk |
Making a Will Online: The easy
way to Make your Will - Use our innovative system for making a fully
legal will online in minutes. All wills are checked by a Will writer. |
www.makingcollierswoodhap... |
Making Colliers Wood Happy |
www.makingit.org.uk |
Makingit |
www.makingmusic.org.uk |
Making Music | Helping
leisure-time music flourish - The UK's organisation for leisure-time
music. Advice, discounts and public liability insurance for non-profit
music groups and individuals. How can we help? |
www.malacsoc.org.uk |
The Malacological Society of
London |
www.malarianomore.org.uk |
Malaria No More UK Facebook icon
twitter icon google plus icon Facebook icon twitter icon google plus
icon instagram icon youtube icon - Malaria No More UK is part of a
global effort to put an end to the suffering and death caused by
malaria. |
www.malayanvolunteersgrou... |
Malayan Volunteers - Malayan
Volunteers Group - The Malayan Volunteers Group developed from an
informal gathering of a few British Malayans who were Volunteer
Veterans. |
www.malboroughvillage.org... |
MalboroughVillage.org.uk |
www.maldencameraclub.org.... |
Malden Camera Club |
www.malika.org.uk |
Malika - We sell traditional ,
hand woven textiles, recyled tin boxes & plastic mats from the Sahara
region of West Africa. www.malika.org.uk |
www.maling-pottery.org.uk |
Maling Collectors Society -
Maling Collectors Society Website |
www.mallaig.org.uk |
Yoga Information | Yoga Yoga -
Yoga Information |
www.mallaigheritage.org.u... |
Mallaig Heritage Centre -
Mallaig Heritage Centre is a local history museum and archive serving
West Lochaber in Inverness-shire |
www.mallgalleries.org.uk |
Mall Galleries - The national
focal point for contemporary figurative art, and home to the Federation
of British Artists |
www.malmesburymorris.org.... |
Malmesbury Morris Malmesbury
Morris - Cotswold & Border style side based in Malmesbury, Wiltshire, UK
- includes calendar and membership details. |
www.malvern-hang.org.uk |
malvern-hang.org.uk |
www.malvernhills.org.uk |
Malvern Hills Trust | The
Malvern Hills Trust protects and manages the Malvern Hills and
surrounding commons so they can be enjoyed by the public for recreation
and relaxation. |
www.malvernscouts.org.uk |
Malvernscouts |
www.mamayouthproject.org.... |
MAMA Youth Project - MAMA Youth
Project |
www.mamba.org.uk |
MAMBA - An Exhibition by Alice
Starmore - Miles and miles of beauty astounding - and exhibition by
Alice Starmore |
www.mammal.org.uk |
The Mammal Society – For
Evidence Based Conservation – For Evidence Based Conservation Facebook
LinkedIn Twitter YouTube - Established in 1954, The Mammal Society is a
charity advocating science-led mammal conservation, leading efforts to
collect and share information on mammals, encourage research to learn
more about their ecology and distribution, and contribute meaningfully
to efforts to conserve them. |
www.mamsasbp.org.uk |
MAMSA Examination Board SPB
Society of Business Practitioners |
www.man-tri-club.org.uk |
Manchester Triathlon Club |
www.managingchange.org.uk |
Managing Change - Expert Coaching
and Development - Coaching Psychology & Business Psychologists |
Managing Change - Managing Change provides expert, professional career
and executive coaches to private and public sector organisations in
Cambridge & London. |
www.manandvan.org.uk |
London Man and Van Hire | Call:
020 8811 8922 | Moving, Packing, Storage & Shipping - Removal company
based in London offering Man and Van service house & office removals
regular moves to Scotland and Europe online removal quote. |
www.manchester-hotels.org... |
MHA | Manchester Hoteliers
Association |
www.manchester17.org.uk |
Manchester 17 Mcc |
www.manchesteracupunct... |
Acupuncture Manchester | The
Acupuncture Works - Manchester's Community Acupuncture Clinic. Our team
of acupuncturists are committed to delivering affordable acupuncture in
Hulme. |
www.manchesterandsalfordr... |
Manchester and Salford Ramblers
- We offer a varied programme of weekly walks and hikes taking advantage
of the excellent walking country surrounding Greater Manchester and
Salford |
www.manchesterbuddhistcen... |
Manchester Buddhist Centre:
Explore Buddhism and Meditation - Manchester Buddhist Centre welcomes
everyone to explore Buddhism, learn meditation and much more. Northern
Quarter in city centre Manchester |
www.manchestercanoeclub.o... |
Manchester Canoe Club -
Providing a home for paddlers in the North-West since 1933. |
www.manchestercarersfor..... |
Manchester Carers Forum | The
Voice of Carers - The Voice of Carers |
www.manchestercommunitych... |
Manchester Community Choir |
Singing for pleasure - undefined |
www.manchesterconcord.org... |
Manchester Concord Transgender
Social Club - Welcome to the new Manchester Concord Website. Hopefully
you will be able to find all of the information you need. With the
formal closure of Manchester Concord at the end of 2018, we have moved
across to this free version as the club will have no funds available to
buy webspace after this date. If… |
www.manchesterenterprisea... |
Welcome to Manchester Enterprise
Academy - Manchester Enterprise Academy is a coeducational secondary
school and sixth form with academy status. It is located in the
Wythenshawe area of Manchester, England. |
www.manchesterfoe.org.uk |
Manchester Friends of the Earth |
Countries, cities and corporations committing to go ‘carbon neutral’ |
www.manchestergalleries.o... |
Audio guides at Manchester Art
Gallery | Get deeper into the art with these audio guides from our
curators and volunteers. |
www.manchestergreenparty.... |
Manchester Green Party -
Manchester Green Party is a local branch of the Green Party of England
and Wales and works in the Manchester Council area. |
www.manchesterhistoriesfe... |
Manchester Histories |
www.manchesterlawsociety.... |
Manchester Law Society |
www.manchestermaccabi.org... |
Welcome to Maccabi Manchester |
Manchester Maccabi Community & Sports Club |
www.manchestermicroscopic... |
Manchester Microscopical Society |
www.manchesterquakers.org... |
Manchester Quakers |
www.manchesterstpetersbur... |
Manchester and St Petersburg
Friendship Society |
www.mandel.org.uk |
Mandelbrot Explorer |
www.mandsmethodists.org.u... |
Manchester and Stockport
Methodist District |
www.manek.org.uk |
Kit Marsden // Musician – Drums
// Percussion // Piano // Keyboards // Vocals // Composition - Kit
Marsden is a UK-based drummer, percussionist, pianist, keyboard player,
songwriter, composer and music teacher. |
www.mange.org.uk |
Sarcoptic Mange | Fox Mange | Dog
Mange | Natural Homoeopathic Pet Treatments | Safe Mange Remedy |
www.mangeogsoc.org.uk |
Manchester Geographical Society
- Manchester Geographical Society |
www.mangeolassoc.org.uk |
Manchester Geological Association
- This site provides information about the Manchester Geological
Association and its trips and lectures. |
www.mango.org.uk |
Humentum | Achieving Global
Impact |
www.mangotree.org.uk |
Mango Tree - Thai Restaurant in
Belgravia, London - Mango Tree, an award-winning Thai Restaurant in
Belgravia, Central London, serving the best in authentic Thai cuisine
and hospitality. |
www.mangotsfieldschool.or... |
Mangotsfield School - Welcome to
the website of Mangotsfield School Specialist College in Engineering and
Science, Bristol |
www.manifesta.org.uk |
Manifesta |
www.mankind.org.uk |
Male Victims of Domestic Abuse -
For Confidential Help, Please Call 01823 334244 - - Support for male
victims of domestic abuse and male victims of domestic violence from
across the whole of the UK. Please call our Confidential Helpline. |
www.manlocosoc.org.uk |
Manchester Locomotive Society |
www.mannahouse.org.uk |
The Manna House Online - The
Manna House is a Christian mission in Northampton, England. The Manna
House bookshop sells inpirational gifts and literature and creates an
approachable non-church, christian setting on the high street for
everyone. The Manna House Counselling Service (MHCS) offers a quality,
professional Christian counselling service for all who need it,
counselling in a broad spectrum of issues. |
www.mannasociety.org.uk |
The Manna Society – Running a Day
Centre for homeless people near London Bridge |
www.mannofieldchurch.org.... |
Mannofield Parish Church – Heart
of the Community |
www.manorandcastle.org.uk |
Manor and Castle |
www.manorcon.org.uk |
ManorCon |
www.manorestates.org.uk |
Manor Estates Housing Association
- Providing good quality affordable housing in Edinburgh - Manor Estates
is a charitable Housing Association which aims to provide quality
housing and services which help improve peoples lives and local
communities. |
www.manorpractice.org.uk |
Manorpractice |
www.manorroadhall.org.uk |
Manor Road Evangelical Church,
Guildford | Manor Road Evangelical Church, Guildford |
www.manortrust.org.uk |
You have been Blocked |
www.mans-best-friend.org.... |
Dog Names and Breeds - Visit this
site dedicated to Dog Names and Breeds. Provides details of description,
temperament and sizes featuring comparitive sizing pictures of each of
the Dog Names and Breeds. Facts and information about popular and rare
Dog Names and Breeds. |
www.mansfieldfiremuseum.o... |
Welcome Mansfield Fire Museum |
www.mansfieldtraquair.org... |
Mansfield Traquair Trust | - The
Mansfield Traquair Centre is open to the public when not in use for
functions. The building is a former Catholic Apostolic Church which was
designed by Sir Robert Rowand Anderson and completed in 1885. The
outstanding feature is the scheme of mural decoration painted by Phoebe
Anna Traquair in the 1890s. |
www.manteca.org.uk |
MANTECA:: nu-latino grooves,
salsa, latinjazz, descarga and boogaloo band - Manteca:London based
salsa&bogaloo band mixing Latin music with funk, soul, drum&bass & funky
70�s Nuyorican beats |
www.mantlearts.org.uk |
MANTLE ARTS | Red Lighthouse
Writing Projects. Mantle Lane Press. |
www.mants-lair.org.uk |
mants-lair.org.uk |
www.manuden.org.uk |
Manuden Village |
www.manvell.org.uk |
Manvell.org.uk |
www.manxwt.org.uk |
Manx Wildlife Trust | - The home
of nature, wildlife and conservation in the beautiful Isle of Man |
www.manygods.org.uk |
Association of Polytheist
Traditions |
www.mape.org.uk |
ICT in UK Schools - An overview
of the National Curriculum for ICT in the UK including the recent
changes and challenges of ICT programme. |
www.mapleaccess.org.uk |
Maple Access Partnership |
www.mappa-mundi.org.uk |
Mappa Mundi |
www.mappiness.org.uk |
Mappiness 2.0 |
www.mappingforchange.org.... |
Mapping for Change |
www.mappit.org.uk |
Planit : About Apprenticeships |
www.mapra.org.uk |
Mapesbury Resident Association -
residents association for electoral ward of mapesbury, london, NW2;
borough of Brent |
www.maranathacommunity.or... |
Maranatha Community – Christian
Unity, Healing and Renewal |
www.marblesreunited.org.u... |
British Association for the
Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures (formerly Marbles Reunited) |
A campaign for the reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures |
www.marcfitchfund.org.uk |
Marc Fitch Fund - The types of
projects that can be funded by the Marc Fitch Fund. Funding application
procedure. |
www.marchamsociety.org.uk |
Marcham Society - The Marcham
Society was founded in 1994 to foster community interest in the history,
natural history and environment of the village and the local area. |
www.marchmontstgiles.org.... |
Marchmont St Giles' Parish
Church of Scotland – The website of Marchmont St Giles' Parish Church
and our busy centre |
www.marchwoodparishcounci... |
Marchwood - Welcome to the
Marchwood Parish Council website, New Forest close to Southampton |
www.marcusgilbert.org.uk |
the unofficial Marcus Gilbert
fansite - unofficial fansite for actor Marcus Gilbert, star of Riders,
Hazard of Hearts, Ghost in Monte Carlo, Chameleons, Evil Dead 3 - Army
of Darkness. |
www.marden.org.uk |
Want your own website? | 123 Reg
- Get online with Website Builder! Create a free 2-page website to go
with your new domain. Start now for free, no credit card required! |
www.mardenchurch.org.uk |
St Michael & All Angels - The
beautiful medieval church is at the heart of the village in the garden
of England. Visitors will find a warm welcome at any of a range of
services which reflect the diverse community we serve. |
www.mardenhistory.org.uk |
Mardenhistory |
www.margaretgreenanimalre... |
Margaret Green Animal Rescue -
Helping Pets Find Forever Homes |
www.margaretharris.org.uk |
Margaret Harris |
www.margate.org.uk |
The Mayor and Charter Trustees
of Margate, Thanet - The Mayor and Charter Trustees of Margate, Thanet |
www.margatecivicsociety.o... |
margatecivicsociety.org.uk |
www.margeryallingham.org.... |
This is the home page's excerpt |
www.margravinecemetery.or... |
Margravine Cemetery | - The flora
(native plants) play a very important part in our environment. The
Friends of Margravine Cemetery are working to promote the conservation
of the flora |
www.mariannefaithfull.org... |
Marianne Faithfull – For your
consideration |
www.mariestopes.org.uk |
Marie Stopes United Kingdom |
Marie Stopes UK - We have been helping women and men with their
reproductive health options for over 40 years. We provide NHS-funded and
self-funded abortion and vasectomy treatment through our network of
local clinics across England. |
www.marine-life.org.uk |
Welcome to MARINElife -
MARINElife is a UK based research, education and conservation charity
conducting year round scientific surveys of whales, dolphins and
seabirds in the NE Atlantic, North Sea, English Channel and Bay of
Biscay. In these waters around a quarter of the world's cetacean species
have been recorded along with many seabirds and land migrants.
MARINElife: conserving marine wildlife and the marine environment
through research and education. |
www.marineengineering.org... |
marineengineering.org.uk |
www.mariners-of-bewl.org.... |
mariners-of-bewl.org.uk |
www.marinet.org.uk |
Marinet – Marine Conservation For
The UK |
www.markanderson.org.uk |
Welcome to Mark Anderson's
Website - A site dedicated to bringing together the power of Scripture
and the Spirit. |
www.markcross.org.uk |
Markcross |
www.marketharboroughlibd.... |
Harborough District (Harborough,
Oadby & Wigston Liberal Democrats) |
www.marketlavingtonmus... |
Market Lavington Village Museum
Website: To insert |
www.markfield.org.uk |
Markfield - Together for
Inclusion | Markfield Road London N15 4RB - Markfield is an inclusive
community hub in Haringey Our vision is a world where disabled, Deaf
and Autistic people are treated as equals. |
www.markfieldpark.org.uk |
Friends of Markfield Park -
Markfield Park, N15 is beautiful green space situated by the towpath of
River Lea with its houseboats and wildlife. It hosts the historic Beam
Engine as well as offering recreational and sports facilities with open
green space, multi-user games area, children's play area, footballing,
community garden, BMX park, as well as Markfield Park Café. We hope to
see you soon! |
www.markhamilton.org.uk |
Mark Hamilton - Top UK Voice
Artist - Mark Hamilton is a top UK male voice artist and has been used
by a wide variety of corporate clients for video narration, presenting,
audio books, voicing cartoon characters, advertisements, telephone
‘on-hold’ solutions. |
www.markinchchurch.org.uk |
Markinch and Thornton Parish
Church |
www.marklazarowicz.org.uk |
Tricks To Sell A Small House
Quickly - Selling small houses may seem tricky, but all is about the
structuring and finding the best target clientele for you. Hereby, we
would like to give you a few useful tips on how to get started when it
comes to selling a small house quickly. |
www.markmastermasons.org.... |
Welcome to the website of the
Mark Master Masons in the Province of Surrey |
www.markmedia.org.uk |
Markmedia - Outsource your
marketing to our experts and we will deliver you business growth and
market leadership in the shortest possible time. For a marketing service
that delivers click here. |
www.markmenzies.org.uk |
Mark Menzies | MP for Fylde -
Latest news and campaigns from Mark Menzies, the Conservative MP for
Fylde. |
www.markosia.org.uk |
Markosia |
www.markoulakispublicat..... |
How to add more security to your
entrance doors - When it comes to entrance doors, we all know that
changing them would be an often excruciating, very expensive process. |
www.markpack.org.uk |
Dr. Mark Pack's website - A blog
about politics, technology and history from a liberal perspective. |
www.markpawsey.org.uk |
Mark Pawsey MP | Member of
Parliament for Rugby & Bulkington - Latest news and campaigns from Mark
Pawsey, the Member of Parliament for Rugby and Bulkington. |
www.markshall.org.uk |
Marks Hall Estate - Charity
Gardens and Arboretum |
www.markwarren.org.uk |
Markwarren |
www.markwebber.org.uk |
Mark Webber |
www.marlboroughanglican..... |
Marlborough Anglican Team |
www.marlenedietrich.org.u... |
The Legendary Lovely Marlene
Dietrich - Welcome to the Marlene Dietrich Homepage UK |
www.marlens.org.uk |
Marlens – Marine Lake Enthusiasts |
www.marlowmethodistchur..... |
Marlow Methodist Church -
Welcome to Marlow Methodist Church. We'd be delighted to meet you in
person, where I can promise you will be warmly welcomed. This Church is
a real community. We are a very diverse bunch in terms of age and
background. So - there's a place for you. |
www.marlowrowingclub.org.... |
Marlow Rowing Club - Marlow
Rowing Club provides serious and recreational rowing and we run learn to
row courses. We are between High Wycombe (M40 J4) in Buckinghamshire and
Maidenhead (M4 J8/9) in Berkshire. |
www.marlowsociety.org.uk |
Welcome to The Marlow Society -
The Marlow Society - The Marlow Society is a registered charity whose
efforts are devoted to the preservation and development of Marlow and
the surrounding villages and countryside. |
www.marlowsportsclub.org.... |
Marlow Sports Club – Marlow
Sports Club |
www.marmot.org.uk |
tom bird |
www.marnel.org.uk |
Green Grazings |
www.marocscotland.org.uk |
Mar Orienteering Club - The Mar
orienteering club lies in Aberdeenshire between the Rivers Don and Dee |
www.marpahouse.org.uk |
Marpa House | Marpa House –
Tibetan Buddhist retreat and meditation centre |
www.marplememorialpark.or... |
Welcome from Friends of Marple
Memorial Park - Friends of Marple Memorial Park, our local park in the
centre of Marple in Stockport. |
www.marramgrass.org.uk |
Marramgrass :: unexpected, and a
little spiky - Mark Goody has been hitting the keys in the right order
since 1994. |
www.marriage-week.org.uk |
Marriage Week |
www.marriagecare.org.uk |
Marriage Care | Relationship
counselling | Marriage preparation - Relationship support services
including couples counselling, relationship and marriage preparation. No
fixed charge, contribution-based. |
www.mars.org.uk |
MARS Advanced Rocketry Society
(MARS) - UK Leading Amateur Rocketry and High Power Rocketry
Organisation, developing rockets and propulsion systems for amateur
space missions. |
www.marsbasics.org.uk |
Introduction - MARS -
Introduction - MARS |
www.marshacademy.org.uk |
Welcome to The Marsh Academy -
The Marsh Academy is a secondary school in New Romney, Kent, in the
United Kingdom. The school is supported by the Skinners� Company.
Students attend from all over Romney Marsh. |
www.marshalls.org.uk |
Marshall's Charity - The
Marshalls Charity makes grants to support parsonages and to repair
churches in England and Wales. |
www.marshaphoenix.org.uk |
Marsha Phoenix: Empowering young
homeless women |
www.marsport.org.uk |
GM4PMK's Marsport |
www.marstonurc.org.uk |
Marston United Reformed Church,
Oxford - Marston United Reformed Church: a welcoming church in the
suburb of Marston, England. |
www.marstonvalecommunity.... |
The home of the Marston Vale
Community Rail Partnership. Find out about our work to promote the
Bedford to Bletchley rail line |
www.marthomacentre.org.uk |
London Mar Thoma Centre |
www.marthomachurch.org.uk |
St James MTC UK, London |
www.martinhouse.org.uk |
Martinhouse |
www.martinsmemorial.org.u... |
Welcome to Martin's Memorial
Church of Scotland |
www.martintod.org.uk |
Martin Tod - Lib Dem. Rotarian.
Environmentalist. Living in Winchester with his wife Michaela. Chief
Executive of the Men's Health Forum. |
www.martinturner.org.uk |
martinturner.org.uk |
www.martley.org.uk |
Martley Village | |
www.martonmere.org.uk |
Marton Mere Holiday Village |
Haven Holidays - Marton Mere Haven Holidays is only three miles from
Blackpool Tower and the Pleasure Beach, Marton Mere is a beautiful Park |
www.marwell.org.uk |
Marwell Zoo: One of the best
days out in Hampshire - At Marwell zoo you can enjoy one of the best
days out in Hampshire by getting closer to the natural world; with
giraffes, tigers, rhinos, penguins & more. |
www.marxandphilosophy.org... |
Marx & Philosophy Society – Marx
& Philosophy Society |
www.marxism.org.uk |
What Is Marxism? |
www.marxismfestival.org.u... |
Marxism Festival 2019 - Marxism
Festival - a five day political festival in London in July, hosted by
the SWP |
www.maryandcuthbert.org.u... |
St Mary and St Cuthbert -
Welcome to the website of the Parish Church of Chester le Street. We are
a worshipping community whose aim is to demonstrate God's love through
our lives and actions. |
www.maryhare.org.uk |
Mary Hare School | Education for
deaf children from the UK and overseas |
www.maryharehistory.org.u... |
Mary Hare Grammar School -
History - Mary Hare History, informal school history website of Mary
Hare Grammar School, with photographs, articles, and list of teachers
and other staff. |
www.maryhill.org.uk |
Maryhill |
www.maryhillintegration.o... |
Maryhill Integration Network |
Bringing Glasgow communities together |
www.marymaryquitecontr... |
Mary Mary Quite Contrary - The
key to it all… |
www.maryseacoleappeal.org... |
Mary Seacole Trust, Life, Work &
Achievements of Mary Seacole - We promote Mary Seacole as a role model,
in support of people committed to tackling social challenges or
inequality. We encourage young people to follow her example of good
citizenship & achievement. |
www.marywardlegal.org.uk |
Mary Ward Legal Centre – The Mary
Ward Legal Centre provides free, independent advice to people who live
and work in London to help them access their legal rights and
entitlements. |
www.mas-em.org.uk |
善玉元気は効果なし?口コミから発覚した衝撃的な真相を暴露! -
善玉元気は効果なし?口コミから発覚した衝撃的な真相を暴露します。他にも、善玉元気の解約・返金方法、評価、通販最安値などの情報満載です。 |
www.mas.org.uk |
Management Advisory Service - Our
purpose is to help organisations improve performance and productivity by
enhancing management and leadership performance |
www.mash.org.uk |
MASH | Manchester Action on
Street Health |
www.masjidenoor.org.uk |
Masjid E Noor Gloucester UK -
Masjid-E-Noor, Gloucester, UK.A Local Mosque in the heart of Gloucester |
www.masjideumer.org.uk |
Welcome to Masjid e Umer ::
Serving The Muslim Community Since 1977 |
www.maskers.org.uk |
Maskers Theatre Company |
www.masonry.org.uk |
The International Masonry
Society | IMS Website, Library and resources for the masonry industry. |
www.masonrybbq.org.uk |
Masonry BBQ | Masonry Barbecues |
Compare and buy online - Compare and buy your Masonry BBQ online. We
bring your Masonry Barbecue reviews and readers pictures. Be the envy of
your neighbours! |
www.masorti.org.uk |
Masorti Judaism |
www.mass.org.uk |
Home – MASS Motor Accident
Solicitors Society MASS - Home – MASS Motor Accident Solicitors Society
MASS is a national association of motor accident solicitors who
represent victims of road traffic accidents |
www.masterclass.org.uk |
Masterclass | Nurturing New
Talent - We are a small charity that has a big impact on young people’s
lives with a unique offering of masterclasses, apprenticeships, creative
opportunities and performance experiences |
www.masterpark.org.uk |
Master Park | 2017 | Master Parks
the place to Compare Airport parking - ✈ ✈ ✈ Secure, award winning
airport parking services including transfers at Gatwick, Manchester,
Birmingham, Heathrow and all other UK airports . |
www.mata.org.uk |
Leadership Skills of a Project
Manager Essay - Mata |
www.matd.org.uk |
Music and the Deaf | West
Yorkshire | MatD - Music and the Deaf is a unique charity, entirely
dedicated to providing access, education and opportunities in music for
deaf children, young people and adults. |
www.maternal-and-early-ye... |
Maternal and Early Years |
www.maternityaction.org.u... |
Maternity Action |
www.mathneuronet.org.uk |
MNN | Mathematical Neuroscience
Network | An EPSRC funded Mathematics Network |
www.maths-it.org.uk |
Maths - it! - Using ICT in Maths |
www.mathsbox.org.uk |
Mathsbox |
www.mathscareers.org.uk |
Maths Careers - Maths Careers
provides a range of resources, information and signposting to help those
working in mathematics. |
www.mathsinquiry.org.uk |
UK Government's Post-14
Mathematics Inquiry - Page |
www.matienzo.org.uk |
Matienzo |
www.matlock.org.uk |
Matlock Bath tourist information
| What to do and where to stay - Tourist and accommodation information
for Matlock and Matlock Bath, Derbyshire. What to do and where to stay
in Matlock and Matlock Bath in Derbyshire\’s Peak District. |
www.matlockac.org.uk |
Matlock Athletic Club - Come and
join an enthusiastic band of individuals committed to running. Scheduled
runs every Monday and Thursday - we also run the White Peak Marathon and
Half Marathon and the Matlock Triathlon. |
www.matlockmusic.org.uk |
matlockmusic.org.uk |
www.matosic.org.uk |
paul matosic Paul Matosic |
www.matraclub.org.uk |
Roy's Matra Enthusiasts Website
- The Matra Enthusiasts Club U.K. caters for all enthusiasts of the
French Matra Automobile marque in the U.K. and all English speaking
citizens worldwide. |
www.matrixhousing.org.uk |
Welcome to Matrix Housing |
Matrix Housing - Matrix Housing |
www.matsubayashi-ryu.org.... |
Matsubayashi-ryu Karate-do
(England) |
www.mattbaker.org.uk |
www.matthew-west.org.uk |
Matthew West - This site
provides personal and professional information about Matthew West, data
modeller, ontologist, sailor, sometime Shell employee, and Visiting
Professor at Leeds University. |
www.mattroberts.org.uk |
www.mauchlineparish.org.u... |
Mauchline Parish Church -
Mauchline Parish Church |
www.mauk.org.uk |
Welcome to our website | MAUK |
www.mauriceboddy.org.uk |
Maurice Boddy - Family Tree |
www.mauricechandler.org.u... |
Maurice Chandler – Sports And
Leisure Centre |
www.mauritius.org.uk |
you need to know about Mauritius:- History, Culture, Recipes, Music,
Weddings, Marine, Fauna, Flora, Mountains, Climate, Dodo Toy for sale
and much more... |
www.mausolea-monuments.or... |
The Mausolea and Monuments Trust
www.mavisbank.org.uk |
Save Mavisbank House |
www.mavit.org.uk |
Peter Oliver - Personal homepage
for Peter Oliver |
www.maws.org.uk |
Manchester Area Wargames Society
- Wargames Club in Manchester UK |
www.maxappeal.org.uk |
Max Appeal! is a UK registered
charity supporting families affected by DiGeorge syndrome, VCFS and
22q11.2 deletion - Max Appeal! is a UK registered charity supporting
families affected by DiGeorge syndrome, VCFS and 22q11.2 deletion |
www.maxillofacialsurgeons... |
Maxillo Facial Surgery - Mashesh
Kumar Oral Surgeon |
www.maxoffice.org.uk |
office & business sites in Global
(worldwide) - world office & business sites, featuring NordVPN, Symantec
UK - Norton anti virus & computer security software, Udacity, Stamps -
self-print USPS-approved mail postage, RS Components Ltd- UK, sites in
Global (worldwide) |
www.mayden.org.uk |
Mayden Foundation | Promoting
charitable activities |
www.mayfair.org.uk |
Serviced Offices Mayfair | Office
Space in Mayfair, London - Serviced Offices in Mayfair, London. Find
luxury serviced office space and coworking desks at business centres in
prestigious Mayfair, W1. |
www.mayfaircentre.org.uk |
Mayfair Community Centre, Church
Stretton - Mayfair Community Centre |
www.mayfieldfiveashes.org... |
Mayfield and Five Ashes Community
Website – Information and news for residents and visitors |
www.mayfieldnurseries.org... |
Welcome to Mayfield Nurseries |
www.mayfieldnurseries.org.uk - Mayfield Nurseries is a working plant
nursery and a social enterprise located close to Southampton and a
subsidiary charity of Solent Mind |
www.mayflower.org.uk |
Mayflower Theatre | Southampton -
Buy tickets & vouchers for shows in Southampton at Mayflower Theatre.
Touring West End musicals, dance, comedy, live music, opera & plays. Eat
in our restaurant Ovation. |
www.mayfordpond.org.uk |
Mayford Heritage Pond |
www.mayocentre.org.uk |
Welcome to the Richard Mayo
Centre - Hall and venue hire in Kingston - Venue and hall hire in
Central Kingston, Surrey. We provide conference facilities and hire of
various rooms on ad-hoc and pre-booked basis, get in touch! |
www.mayorsfundforlondon.o... |
Mayors Fund for London |
www.maytree.org.uk |
Maytree |
www.mazes.org.uk |
Mazes - We have mazes for
everyone. Can you find the path through each maze? |
www.mazurka.org.uk |
The Mazurka Project |
www.mbbcs.org.uk |
Mbbcs |
www.mbd.org.uk |
Welcome to Manchester Beth Din |
Manchester Beth Din |
www.mbsc.org.uk |
Mount's Bay Sailing Club |
www.mca.org.uk |
Management Consultancies
Association (MCA) - A positive force for the economy - The Management
Consultancies Association (MCA) is the voice of the consulting industry
and represents the UK’s leading management consulting firms. |
www.mcai.org.uk |
Maternal & Childhealth Advocacy
International - Improving maternal and child healthcare worldwide |
www.mcatc.org.uk |
www.mcauley.org.uk |
Welcome to The McAuley Catholic
High School website. McAuley is a vibrant Catholic High School committed
to the values and traditions of the Sisters of Mercy. We endeavour to
live out the Gospel values and underpin our work with opportunities for
prayer and reflection. |
www.mcb.org.uk |
Muslim Council of Britain - MCB -
The Muslim Council of Britain is a national representative Muslim
umbrella body with over 500 affiliated national, regional and local
organisations, mosques, charities and schools. |
www.mccbrighton.org.uk |
MCC Brighton - Discover the
services of MCC Brighton, Telscombe Cliffs;Peacehaven |
www.mccnewcastle.org.uk |
MCC Newcastle - - Welcome to MCC
Newcastle - an inclusive church founded within the LGBT community. Be
yourself, find meaning, know God. |
www.mccolls.org.uk |
McColl's - Bus & Coach Operators
in the West of Scotland |
www.mccr.org.uk |
mccr.org.uk |
www.mccreath.org.uk |
McCreath's Miscellany - Assorted
musings from Tony & William McCreath - Assorted musings from Tony &
William McCreath |
www.mccrow.org.uk |
mccrow |
www.mccu.org.uk |
www.mcdoa.org.uk |
MCDOA Website of the Royal Navy
Minewarfare & Clearance Diving Officers' Association |
www.mcdonald.org.uk |
McDonald |
www.mcdonaldcentre.org.uk |
McDonald Centre | A research
institute at the University of Oxford |
www.mcdougall.org.uk |
McDougall Trust |
www.mcec.org.uk |
Palmers Green Mosque MCEC - |
Palmers Green Mosque - MCEC - Palmers Green Mosque, Muslim Community
and Education Centre for Islamic Studies based in Palmers Green,
Enfield, North London |
www.mcfe.org.uk |
Mill Cottage Farm Experience,
Alton, Hampshire 01420 86206 email farmvisits@mcfe.org.uk - A
smallholding in Holybourne, Alton, specialising in talks, presentations
and displays for children at schools and public events. |
www.mcfs.org.uk |
Mid-Cheshire Footpath Society –
Walking and Maintenance of Footpaths in Cheshire |
www.mcft.org.uk |
Merstham Community Facility
Trust | bring people together |
www.mcgonagall-online.org... |
McGonagall Online - A Tribute to
William McGonagall, Poet and Tragedian of Dundee |
www.mclveganway.org.uk |
The Movement for Compassionate
Living |
www.mcofs.org.uk |
Mountaineering Scotland |
www.mcra.org.uk |
Latest News & Updates [Mendip
Cave Registry & Archive] |
www.mcrua.org.uk |
Mid Cheshire Rail Users
Association - The Mid Cheshire Rail Users Association |
www.mcsc.org.uk |
MCSC | Providing community
services in Maidstone, Kent - The Home of Community and Voluntary work
in the heart of Maidstone Maidstone Community Support Centre has been... |
www.mcsproperty.org.uk |
We are currently working on our
website |
www.mcsummerschool.org.uk |
Marlborough College Summer
School: Marlborough College Summer School - 2019. Courses adults and
children from 3 years old in a wide range of activities, covering Arts,
Literature, Music, Dance, Language, Technology, Hobbies, Sports and
plenty more. |
www.mcth.org.uk |
The Methodist Church Tower
Hamlets - Methodist Church and Circuit in Tower Hamlets; congregations,
social projects, services and events. |
www.mcui-uc.org.uk |
Motorcycle Union of Ireland
(Ulster Centre) |
www.mda.org.uk |
MDA.org.uk & Accident at Work
Claim |
www.mdds.org.uk |
Mal de Debarquement Syndrome
(MdDS) – MdDS Information and Help |
www.mddtc.org.uk |
Malvern & District Dog Training
Club – Fun for you and your Dog |
www.mdga.org.uk |
Manchester & District Golf
Alliance |
www.mdi.org.uk |
www.mdoc.org.uk |
Manchester & District
Orienteering Club |
www.mdpag.org.uk |
Manchester Disabled People's
Access Group |
www.mdrs.org.uk |
Marlow & District Railway
Society The local railway society for Marlow, South Buckinghamshire, and
surrounding district |
www.mdspatientsupport.org... |
MDS UK Patient Support Group –
Supports patients with Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS). Support,
information, awareness, campaigns for MDS patients & families. |
www.mdswpa.org.uk |
Manchester and District Swimming
and Water Polo Association - Manchester & District Swimming and Water
Polo Association provides swimming and water polo competitions for local
clubs in and around Manchester, United Kingdom |
www.me-treatment-cfs.org.... |
The ME Treatment Clinic - At the
ME Treatment Clinic we offer a thorough scientific approach to the
treatment and recovery from the causes ME/CFS. |
www.mea.org.uk |
Marches Energy Agency –
Independent specialists in practical energy solutions |
www.meaa.org.uk |
Museum of East Asian Art, Bath |
Welcome to MEAA - The only UK museum solely dedicated to the arts and
cultures of East and South East Asia, with collections representing more
than 7, 000 years of artistry and craftsmanship. |
www.meadgatechurch.org.uk |
Meadgate Church is a thriving,
friendly church in the middle of the community of Meadgate, Great
Baddow. Everyone is welcome to join us whether you’ve been going to
church for years, haven’t been for a while, or are just interested in
finding out more. |
www.meadowscroquet.org.uk |
Meadows Croquet Club, Edinburgh -
Meadows Croquet Club, Edinburgh, Scotland - home of the National Croquet
Centre. |
www.meadowsmarathon.org.u... |
Meadows Marathon | 5K | 10K |
RELAY | HALF | FULL - Meadows Marathon 2019 will be on Sunday 3rd March.
There's something for everyone with our 5k, 10k, half marathon, full
marathon & our relay race race. |
www.meadowsorchestra.org.... |
The Meadows Chamber Orchestra –
Edinburgh |
www.meam.org.uk |
MEAM Approach |
www.meantime.org.uk |
Meantime |
www.meanwhile.org.uk |
Meanwhile Foundation |
www.mearns.org.uk |
Mearns Blog – Learn all things
new and exciting every day |
www.mearnsacademy.org.uk |
Mearns Academy - Secondary
School in Aberdeenshire - Welcome to Mearns Academy in Kincardine, the
largest secondary school in the Mearns |
www.mearnsfm.org.uk |
Mearns FM – Your Voice – Your
Music – Your Radio |
www.meassociation.org.uk |
ME Association |
www.meat.org.uk |
British Meat: the recipe for BSE
- British meat: the recipe for BSE |
www.meattraining.org.uk |
Butchery Trailblazer
Apprenticeships from The Food & Drink Training & Education Council -
Est. in 1986, FTC are specialists in food industry training & skills
development. We provide information about food apprenticeships,
qualifications & more. |
www.meavy.org.uk |
Meavy - A Village in Devon -
About the village of Meavy, located in the Meavy valley in south west
Dartmoor |
www.mec.org.uk |
Music Education Council – MEC –
Music is Key |
www.meca.org.uk |
Maritime e-Commerce - The basics
of maritime e-commerce, competitiveness of the UK maritime industry and
useful resources providing further information and service to businesses
across all sectors of maritime industry. |
www.meccsa.org.uk |
MeCCSA – Media, Communication
and Cultural Studies Association |
www.mechanised.org.uk |
mechanised |
www.meco.org.uk |
www.mecopp.org.uk |
MECOPP Carers Centre - MECOPP is
an Edinburgh based charity which actively seeks to challenge and
dismantle barriers that deny Black and Minority Ethnic carers access to
health, social work and other social care services. |
www.medals.org.uk |
Medals of the World |
www.medats.org.uk |
MEDATS – Medieval Dress and
Textiles Society |
www.medau.org.uk |
Medau |
www.medchi.org.uk |
Nottingham Medico Chirurgical
Society – Established in 1828 |
www.medequip4kids.org.uk |
MedEquip4Kids |
www.medex.org.uk |
Medex – Travel at High Altitude |
www.mediaedwales.org.uk |
Данный хостинг аккаунт был
заблокирован! |
www.mediareform.org.uk |
Media Reform Coalition |
www.mediasolutions.org.uk |
Web Design Glasgow | Website
Designers Scotland | Media Solutions - Media Solutions are a web design
company based in Glasgow, Scotland, who provide exceptional quality web
sites, multi-media and database projects at affordable prices. |
www.mediationleeds.org.uk |
Fashion Brands Clothing, Shoes,
Accessories Online - Mediationleeds.org.uk - Shop Fashion brands for
mens, women, kids shoes, clothing and accessories. Browse shirts,
shorts, trousers, jackets, hoodies, and more for a variety of brands. |
www.mediawatchwatch.org.u... |
MediaWatchWatch |
www.mediawise.org.uk |
MediaWise |
www.medicalconditionsatsc... |
Health Conditions in Schools
Alliance |
www.medicaldetectiondogs.... |
Medical Detection Dogs | Dogs
saving lives |
www.medicalert.org.uk |
MedicAlert - Saving lives,
improving lives - the only UK charity offering the full medical ID
service to keep you safe in the an emergency |
www.medicaljustice.org.uk |
Medical Justice: Charity - Health
Rights for Detainees - Medical justice is a charity that offers medical
help to those held in immigration detention in the UK |
www.medicalmuseum.org.uk |
Worcester Medical Museums - A
website to share the collections and activities of medical museums in
Worcester. Events and history of medicine and healthcare in Worcester
and Worcestershire during past 250 years. Education for schools and
community groups on medical history. |
www.medicalresearchscotl.... |
Medical Research Scotland |
www.medicalwomensfed... |
Medical Women's Federation - The
Medical Women’s Federation, the largest organisation of women doctors in
the UK. We are the Voice of Women Doctors, making our opinions known at
the highest level of medical politics, including the General Medical
Council and Royal Colleges and with representatives on British Medical
Association Committees. We are called upon and we give our views on
issues affecting women doctors to the Department of Health.We offer
practical help and support at all stages of your career, from student to
consultant, including student grants and prizes, career advice, help
with job applications, how to work part time, maternity breaks, return
to work and achieving senior positions. |
www.medicines.org.uk |
electronic medicines compendium
(emc) - The most up to date, comprehensive, regulated information about
medicines. Easy to use, trusted and recommended by healthcare
professionals |
www.medico-legalsociety.o... |
The Medico-Legal Society |
Promoting medico-legal knowledge in all its aspects |
www.medictomedic.org.uk |
Medic To Medic |
www.medievalchurch.org.uk |
An Internet Resource for
Studying the Church of the Middles Ages - MedievalChurch.org.uk provides
free resources for students of church history in the Middle Ages |
www.medievalfreeco.org.uk |
Welcome to the Medieval Free
Company - The Medieval Free Company is a 15th century living history
group set in the year 1471, portraying everyday life at the time of the
Wars of the Roses. |
www.medievalgender.org.uk |
Medieval Gender | - Gender roles
in medieval times were very different to how they are today. The
following articles will outline the principal roles played by both men
and women |
www.medievalgenealogy.org... |
Some notes on medieval English
genealogy - Resources for medieval English genealogy, including a guide
to sources, and links to source material and family histories on the
Internet |
www.medievalpottery.org.u... |
Medieval Pottery Research Group
- The Medieval Pottery Research Group is a special interest group in the
field of archaeological ceramic studies. |
www.medinamosque.org.uk |
Southampton Medina Mosque Trust
Ltd |
www.medisafe.org.uk |
Medical Equipment Testing &
Calibration by MediSafe - Onsite Testing and Calibration of Medical
Equipment. Defibrillator, spirometer and ECG testing and servicing and
supply. |
www.meditate-in-bradford.... |
Meditate in Bradford – find
lasting peace of mind Email Facebook - find lasting peace of mind |
www.meditateinhull.org.uk |
Khedrubje Buddhist Meditation
Centre - Buddhist meditation classes in and around Hull and North
Lincolnshire |
www.meditateinlancs.org.u... |
Meditation & Modern Buddhism
Classes In Preston - Everyone Welcome! - Weekly meditation classes and
day retreats in Preston & the local area. Enjoy developing inner peace &
happiness. No previous experience needed. |
www.meditateinsheffield.o... |
Kadampa Meditation Centre
Sheffield - Kadampa Meditation Centre Sheffield, Meditation in
Sheffield, Workshops and Retreats, Buddhist Meditation clases, |
www.meditationinliverpool... |
Meditation in Liverpool (Kadampa
Meditation Centre Liverpool) - Meditation is an effective way to deal
with anxious states of mind and create inner peace and mental freedom.
We aim to introduce meditation... |
www.meditationinwirral.or... |
Kailash Kadampa Buddhist Centre |
www.medtner.org.uk |
Nicolas Medtner: works,
discography, publications, news - Nikolai Medtner: works, editions,
recordings, publications, news, photos |
www.medwaylabour.org.uk |
Medway Labour Link to Instagram
Link to Twitter Link to YouTube Link to Facebook Link to LinkedIn Link
to Snapchat Close Fax Website Location Phone Email Calendar Building
Search - Medway for the Many not the Few |
www.medwaylibdems.org.uk |
Medway Lib Dems |
www.medwaytowns.org.uk |
Medway Towns District Scouts |
www.medwayvelo.org.uk |
Medwayvelo |
www.meen.org.uk |
Manchester Environmental
Education Network - Dedicated to supporting teachers, organisations and
individuals working to promote environmental education |
www.meetingrooms.org.uk |
meetingrooms.org.uk |
www.mef.org.uk |
Mount Everest Foundation -
Supporting the exploratory - The original – and still the most important
– charity in the United Kingdom devoted to the support of exploration in
mountain regions |
www.megagame-makers.org.u... |
Megagame Makers |
www.meganbakerhouse.org.u... |
Welcome to Megan Baker House -
Megan Baker House provides conductive education sessions for children
and adults suffering from motor disorders such as Cerebral Palsy
Dyspraxia Parkinson's Disease and Stoke |
www.mei.org.uk |
www.mej.org.uk |
Thrombocythaemia Music and Art -
MEJ.ORG.UK - Thrombocythemia Blood disorder, discussion, causes, music
and art |
www.melanie-klein-trust.o... |
Melanie Klein Trust – Discover
Klein’s concepts and clinical technique, and how her ideas have been
taken forward by new generations of clinicians and writers |
www.melaniewilson.org.uk |
Melanie Wilson - Melanie Wilson
is an award-winning, multi-disciplinary performance maker. Her work is
founded on the contemporary interplay between sound art, experimental
forms of composition, language and live performance, and is under-pinned
by political interest. |
www.melcc.org.uk |
MELCC website |
www.meldreth-pc.org.uk |
Meldreth Parish Council -
Meldreth Parish Council's official website. |
www.meliden.org.uk |
Meliden | Gallt Melyd | The
Official Website for the Old Mining Village of Meliden, Denbighshire |
www.melik.org.uk |
The Melik Society | Preserving
the Gunboat Melik - The Melik Society aims to advance public awareness
of Anglo-Sudanese history through the restoration and preservation of
the gunboat Melik. |
www.meljon.org.uk |
Meljon Singers | The Meljon
Singers welcome you to our website. Here you can you can find out more
about us and what, when and where our choir performs. |
www.melocki.org.uk |
Home Page, with links to the
major areas of the site |
www.melsoc.org.uk |
The Mellor Society |
www.melton-mencap.org.uk |
Melton Mencap |
www.melville.org.uk |
melville.org.uk |
www.memf.org.uk |
Midlands Early Music Forum –
Promoting early music across the Midlands |
www.memon.org.uk |
Memon Association UK |
www.memoria.org.uk |
Memorial Parks and Crematoria –
Distinguished Service in a Beautiful Setting |
www.memorial-lincs.org.uk |
Lincolnshire Memorials – A guide
to World War I Village War Memorials - A guide to World War I Village
War Memorials |
www.memorialgrant.org.uk |
Memorial Grant Scheme - The
Memorials Grant Scheme (MGS) refunds, to registered Charities and faith
groups, the UK VAT incurred in the renovation / construction of eligible
public memorials both in the UK and overseas. |
www.memorylane.org.uk |
Memory Lane Magazine. The Dance
Bands and music of the 78rpm era - A site about the British Dance Bands
of the 1920's, 30's and 40's. Al Bowlly, Ambrose, Jack Hylton, Lew
Stone, Ray Noble, Harry Roy, Roy Fox, 78rpm records, crooners, Memory
Lane Magazine, Henry Hall, Ray Pallett |
www.memoryscape.org.uk |
Memoryscape welcome page -
Memoryscape is a new way to appreciate the hidden history of the River
Thames in London. Listen to the voices of people who have lived and
worked along the river as you walk along the Thames Path. |
www.memorywalk.org.uk |
Memory Walk - Join thousands of
other people who have been affected by dementia at this year’s GLOW
walks. Bring your family, friends and colleagues along too, just
register yourself as a team and make this event bigger and better to
help us raise even more for a world without dementia. |
www.mencap.org.uk |
Learning Disability - Autism -
Down's Syndrome | Mencap - Mencap is a UK charity for people with a
learning disability. We support their families and carers, too. Find out
more about our services and get involved. |
www.mencapliverpool.org.u... |
Mencap Liverpool |
www.mend.org.uk |
Tackling Islamophobia in the UK
- Muslim Engagement and Development - mend seeks to tackle Islamophobia
across the UK, raising awareness to British Muslims and encouraging them
to get involved with the media & politics. |
www.mendipcavinggroup.org... |
Mendip Caving Group - Caving in
the Mendip Hills has a long history, and is a popular sport. If you are
a complete beginner we can introduce you to the skills needed for Mendip
Caving |
www.mendiphillsaonb.org.u... |
Visit Mendip Hills AONB - Area
of Outstanding Natural Beauty |
www.mendipsociety.org.uk |
mendipsociety.org.uk |
www.mendthegap.org.uk |
Mend The Gap |
www.mengeham.org.uk |
Mengeham Rythe Sailing Club |
“the best kept secret in Chichester Harbour” |
www.mengofriends.org.uk |
UK Friends of Mengo Hospital
Kampala, Uganda |
www.menieres.org.uk |
Méničre’s Society: The national
charity for people with dizziness and balance disorders |
www.menorah.org.uk |
Menorah Synagogue – Cheshire
Reform Congregation |
www.mensa.org.uk |
The Official Website Of British
Mensa - The High IQ Society - The only qualification for membership of
Mensa is a high IQ. The original aims of Mensa were, as they are today,
to create a society that is non-political and free from all racial or
religious distinctions. Find out more about British Mensa, read the
latest news, challenge yourself with our online puzzles and more. |
www.mensadviceline.org.uk |
Men's Advice Line – Help and
support for male victims of domestic abuse |
www.menshealthforum.org.u... |
Men's Health Forum - The Men's
Health Forum is a British registered charity whose mission is to improve
the health of men and boys in England, Wales and Scotland. |
www.menswinterjackets.org... |
Mens Winter Jackets - Designer
Winter Jackets Firetrap, Henleys, BC London and More. - Great Deals on
Mens Winter Jackets from all of the UKs top brands. Wrap up warm this
winter with our stylish jackets. |
www.menta.org.uk |
MENTA - Business Support across
Norfolk and Suffolk - MENTA is an award-winning not-for-profit company
business with training and advice to both established and new businesses
across Norfolk and Suffolk. We offer business 1-2-1 advice sessions,
business training; bespoke business courses and networking
opportunities. MENTA also offer a range of fully-funded training for
those looking to start their own business. Business Start-up support is
held at locations in Ipswich, Norwich, Beccles, Bury St Edmunds,
Sudbury, Thetford, Great Yarmouth and locations in North Norfolk |
www.mentalhealth.org.uk |
Mental Health Foundation - If
your mental or emotional state quickly gets worse, or you're worried
about someone you know - help is available. You're not alone; talk to
someone you trust. Sharing a problem is often the first step to
recovery. |
www.mentalhealthalliance.... |
Mental Health Alliance |
www.mentorlink.org.uk |
Mentor Link | Supporting
vulnerable children by providing them with a volunteer mentor |
www.mentorset.org.uk |
MentorSET | Program Overview
pages |
www.mentoruk.org.uk |
Thank you! - Mentor UK |
www.menvcity.org.uk |
Middlesbrough Environment City |
www.meonvalleylibdems.org... |
Meon Valley Liberal Democrats |
www.mepalparish.org.uk |
mepalparish.org.uk |
www.merbecke.org.uk |
Merbecke Choir | Southwark
Cathedral's chamber choir. - A dynamic chamber choir performing a broad
range of exciting repertoire at our home of Southwark Cathedral, and
other venues |
www.mercedesclub.org.uk |
Mercedes Benz Owners - Mercedes
Benz Owners |
www.merchistoncc.org.uk |
Merchiston Community Council –
Serving Bruntsfield, Church Hill, Fountainbridge, Greenhill, Polwarth,
Shandon, and Viewforth |
www.mercuryfreedentistry.... |
British Society for Mercury Free
Dentistry |
www.mercycorps.org.uk |
Mercy Corps | Powered by
possible - Mercy Corps is a global humanitarian organization empowering
people to recover from crisis, build better lives and transform their
communities for good. |
www.mercyinaction.org.uk |
Mercy in Action |
www.meresearch.org.uk |
ME Research UK | Energising ME
research |
www.merg.org.uk |
MERG - The Model Electronic
Railway Group |
www.meriden-archery.org.u... |
Meriden Archery Club – Archery
in the Heart of Warwickshire |
www.meridianarcheryclub.o... |
Meridian Archery Club - The web
site of Meridian Archery Club. |
www.merit.org.uk |
Merit |
www.merkinch.org.uk |
Computer Training, Web Design,
Internet Access - Merkinch Technology & Training Centre - MTC offer
computer training courses, web design services and public internet and
computer access. |
www.merley.org.uk |
Merley Community Association
(MCA) |
www.mermaidsuk.org.uk |
Mermaids UK - Supporting
gender-diverse and transgender children, young people and their families
- Family and individual support for gender diverse and transgender
children and young people |
www.mernick.org.uk |
Mernick Brothers Home Page of
the Mernick Brothers. |
www.merpolfed.org.uk |
Merseyside Police Federation -
Merseyside Police Federation Joint Branch Board (JBB) is responsible for
the effective application of Federation policy in Merseyside as a
subsidiary of the Police Federation of England and Wales. The Police
Federation as a staff association is fully committed to promoting
fairness and equality for all. Representing police officers below the
rank of Superintendent in matters affecting their welfare and
efficiency, the Federation is non-political and administered entirely by
serving officers. |
www.merrowresidents.org.u... |
Merrow Residents MRA |
www.merryharriers.org.uk |
Merry Harriers Garden Centre –
Family Garden Centre in the beautiful North Devon Countryside |
www.merseafestival.org.uk |
Front Page - Mersea Island
Festival |
www.mersearegatta.org.uk |
Mersearegatta |
www.merseybasin.org.uk |
Mersey Basin Campaign | The
Legacy |
www.merseycamra.org.uk |
www.merseycamra.org.uk -
registered by Daily.co.uk - Daily.co.uk provides superior web hosting,
domain name registration and website building packages |
www.merseycycle.org.uk |
Merseyside Cycling Campaign |
Cycling for All |
www.merseydriveprimary.or... |
www.merseyforest.org.uk |
The Mersey Forest | Woodlands
and green spaces across Merseyside and North Cheshire | The Mersey
Forest - The Mersey Forest is making Merseyside and N.Cheshire one of
the best places in the country to live - creating woodlands and helping
people explore nature. |
www.merseysidebiobank.org... |
Merseyside BioBank | conserving
wildlife through recording. |
www.merseysidebiodiversit... |
Merseyside Biodiversity Group |
www.merseysideskeptics.or... |
The Merseyside Skeptics Society |
www.merseysport.org.uk |
Mersey Side : Operating
watersports activities since 1979 and in 1993 we then secured private
and public sector funding to build a Watersports centre, Merseysport.
The award winning building, situated near to the docks and the river
Mersey, is uniquely placed at Queen’s Dock in Liverpool and provides
professional tuition in watersports activities for the whole community. |
www.merseytri.org.uk |
Mersey Tri - We are a friendly
club who take our membership from all over Merseyside. We have members
who have competed in Ironman distances and members who just enjoy the
healthy and friendly triathlon lifestyle. Everyone is made welcome. |
www.merseyvalley.org.uk |
Mersey Valley Golf Club |
www.mertonssp.org.uk |
Merton School Sport Partnership |
Improving PE & School Sports across Merton |
www.meru.org.uk |
MERU | From Disabilities To
Possibilities - Assistive technology for disabled children and adults |
www.mesc.org.uk |
Madley Environmental Study Centre
(MESC) - Madley Environmental Study Centre - MESC, is a registered
charity. Based at BT Madley Communications Centre, Madley in
Herefordshire, we offer environmental learning opportunities for
children & adults with a wide variety of structured courses available
throughout the year. We also offer fun family events such as Birthday
Parties, as well as Halloween and Christmas Parties. |
www.mesf.org.uk |
www.mesi.org.uk |
Ways To Increase The Value Of
Your There are many people that want to increase their home’s value.
They are always in search of best methods to increase the value. |
www.message.org.uk |
Message Trust - The Message
Trust: Sharing Jesus Christ with the hardest-to-reach young people in
schools, local communities and prisons.Message Trust - The Message
Trust: Sharing Jesus Christ with the hardest-to-reach young people in
schools, local communities and prisons. |
www.messianictrust.org.uk |
Messianic Education Trust -
Messianic Education Trust |
www.messychurch.org.uk |
Messy Church | Church, but not
as you know it |
www.metaldetecting.org.uk |
Metal Detecting Yorkie Bill Coins
Cannons Badges Insignia detectorist finds treasure hunting hordes Roman
Antiquities - Metal Detecting Yorkie Bill Coins Cannons Badges Insignia
detectorist finds treasure hunting hordes Roman Antiquities |
www.metamaterials.org.uk |
Programme on Photonic
Metamaterials |
www.meteroperators.org.uk |
Association of Meter Operators -
Association of Meter Operators |
www.metfed.org.uk |
MPF | Metropolitan Police
Federation |
www.method.org.uk |
Graphic Design, Digital Marketing
and Web Design, Growth Agency | Method Worcester - Method, a graphic
design, digital marketing and web design growth agency, creating better
user experiences and generating more leads in the UK |
www.methodist.org.uk |
The Methodist Church in Britain
- The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of
God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and
mission |
www.methodistchurchmaccle... |
Macclesfield Methodist Church -
Macclesfield Methodist Church - Macclesfield Methodist Church aims to
serve the local community. We provide church services, social functions,
fund-raisers, sporting events and more. |
www.methodistconference.o... |
The Methodist Conference |
www.methodistdistrict23.o... |
Church Heating | District 23, -
Home Page |
www.methodistheritage.org... |
Methodist Heritage |
www.methodistlondon.org.u... |
London District of the Methodist
Church | London, UK | Methodism - Welcome to the London District of the
Methodist Church. The London District has more than 230 churches, spread
across 35 circuits. |
www.methodistmaidenhead.o... |
High Street Methodist Church –
Seeking to know Christ and make Him known |
www.methodistsoutheast.or... |
Methodistsoutheast |
www.methodistwales.org.uk |
Wales Synod | The Methodist
Church in Wales |
www.methods.org.uk |
methods.org.uk |
www.metooandco.org.uk |
Skylarks |
www.metric.org.uk |
UK Metric Association – For a
single, rational measurement system - The UK Metric Association (UKMA)
is an independent, non-party political, single issue organisation which
advocates the full adoption of the international metric system (SI) for
all official, trade, legal, contractual and other purposes in the United
Kingdom as soon as practicable. |
www.metricviews.org.uk |
Metric Views | Commentary on the
measurement muddle in the UK |
www.metroland.org.uk |
Metroland.org.uk |
www.metropolitan.org.uk |
Metropolitan |
www.metros.org.uk |
Metros Running Club | ALL AGES •
www.metta.org.uk |
AND HOLISTIC INFORMATION SERVICE - Holistic and Alternative Health
Information with Listings from Acupuncture to Yoga and beyond, the place
for natural health and natural remedies in the UK |
www.mexsoc.org.uk |
MexSocUK – Sociedad de
Estudiantes Mexicanos en UK |
www.mfcc.org.uk |
moray firth cycling club |
www.mfip.org.uk |
Funding news, updates and
information for Merseyside's non-profit sector - Welcome to the
Merseyside Funding Information Portal (MFIP) Here you will find the
latest local, regional and national funding information for Merseyside's
Voluntary, Community and Faith (VCF) sector. Merseyside Funding
Information Portal (MFIP) is supported by local voluntary sector
infrastructure organisations across the region - including Halton & St
Helens, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton and Wirral.… |
www.mflresources.org.uk |
mflresources |
www.mfm.org.uk |
MFM UK Headquarters, Edmonton,
London – The International Headquarters of the Mountain of Fire and
Miracles Ministries in the United Kingdom |
www.mfp.org.uk |
Welcome to Michael Friend
Productions |
www.mfs.org.uk |
M F S, Muslim Funeral Service,
Islamic funeral Directors , South London Islamic Centre Funeral Service,
Janaazah Prayer, Muslim Funeral, Islamic Funeral, Mortuary Service,
Muslim Funeral Service, SLIC, MFS, South London Islamic Centre,
Streatham Mosque, Tooting Mosque, Balham Mosque, Croydon Mosque,
Kingston Mosque, Dr Robert Bruce King (Karim). Support an Orphan Child -
www.mfs.org.uk , www.streathammosque.org Janaazah Prayer, Muslim
Funeral, Islamic Funeral, Mortuary Service, Muslim Funeral Service,
South London Islamic Centre Funeral Service Please Call 0785 226 8014
for Assistant |
www.mfsf.org.uk |
Mfsf |
www.mfsg.org.uk |
Military Families Support Group -
military families support group, military families welfare, military
families, military families support, support for military families,
advice, help, guidance, army welfare, navy welfare, air force welfare,
uk armed forces, uk service personnel,
www.militaryfamiliessupportgroup.com. - Military Families Support Group
is a website to provide help, advice and understanding for all UK
service personnel, their friends and relatives. |
www.mfy.org.uk |
Music for Youth | Music for
Youth is a national youth arts charity providing young people aged 21
and under across the UK with free, life-changing performance and
progression opportunities, regardless of background or musical style.
Established in 1970, our mission is simple: we believe that music, and
the chance to participate in high-quality musical activities, should be
open to every young person. |
www.mg-cars.org.uk |
MG Enthusiasts - The MG web site
for MG Enthusiasts world wide |
www.mgb-stuff.org.uk |
MGB Roadster and GT V8 |
www.mgncircle.org.uk |
www.mha.org.uk |
MHA | Live Later Life Well -
Care Homes, Retirement Villages, Dementia Care and Community Support for
Older People |
www.mhas.org.uk |
Martlesham Heath Aviation Society |
www.mhchs.org.uk |
Mill Hill County High School -
Mill Hill County High School |
www.mhgs.org.uk |
Moseley Hall Grammar School This
web site is for all former pupils and staff of Moseley Hall Grammar
School (MHGS) and Cheadle Moseley Grammar School who would like to share
their memories of their time there. |
www.mhim.org.uk |
IIS7 |
www.mhmc.org.uk |
Muswell Hill Methodist church –
The website for Muswell Hill Methodist church |
www.mhms.org.uk |
MyHouseMyStreet |
www.mhpf.org.uk |
Association of Mental Health
Providers – The leading voice of the voluntary sector |
www.mhps.org.uk |
Mill Hill Preservation Society |
www.mhra.org.uk |
Modern Humanities Research
Association : |
www.mhrg.org.uk |
Melbourne Historical Research
Group - Above: Blackwell Lane, Melbourne The Group was formed in Spring
2000 to record and research the trades, institutions and social
background of Melbourne, South Derbyshire, England. Although Melbourne
is a well-preserved and attractive village, with a magnificent Norman
church, the social structure has changed dramatically. Old industries
have faded and ways of life are quickly changing.… |
www.mhs.org.uk |
mhs homes | Kent's largest
independent landlord - Welcome to mhs homes, in Medway, Kent. We are the
largest independent landlord in Kent. We own 9000 properties and build
hundreds more every year. |
www.mhsradiators.org.uk |
MHS Radiators MHS Radiators |
www.mia.org.uk |
Music Industries Association |
The trade body for the UK musical instrument industry - The trade body
for the UK musical instrument industry on Music Industries Association… |
www.miac.org.uk |
Railways in Worcestershire -
Railways in Worcestershire |
www.mib.org.uk |
Mib |
www.michael-milsom.org.uk |
Milsom family history files |
www.michaelcauserfound... |
Website unavailable |
www.michaelcooper.org.uk |
Mick Cooper's |
www.michaelday.org.uk |
Michael Day |
www.michaeledwards.org.uk |
michael edwards |
www.michaelfallon.org.uk |
The Rt Hon Sir Michael Fallon MP
– Member of Parliament for Sevenoaks |
www.michaelgerzonphotos.o... |
Michael Gerzon Audio Pioneer -
Michael was a remarkable character whose deep contributions to audio are
now becoming more widely appreciated. This is a non-technical account
aimed at bringing his early work to a wider audience. |
www.michaelhenderson.org.... |
Welcome to Michael Henderson |
Michael Henderson |
www.michaelmasfair.org.uk |
michaelmasfair.org.uk |
www.michaelramseyprize.or... |
The Michael Ramsey Prize -
www.michaelschmidt.org.uk |
Michael Schmidt - Portal -
Michael Schmidt |
www.michaelsieff-foundat.... |
Michael Sieff Foundation: Child
Protection Policy & Practice - Michael Sieff Foundation improving policy
and practice for the well-being of children and young people, defining
Child Protection Policy and Practice |
www.micklegatesingers.org... |
Micklegate Singers - one of the
most interesting choirs in York - A chamber choir in York, singing an
adventurous range of music dating from the 16th century to the present
day. |
www.micklehamchoral.org.u... |
Mickleham |
www.mickleover.org.uk |
Mickleover |
www.mickleovermethodist.o... |
Mickleover Methodist Church |
www.micra.org.uk |
Micra Sports Club - Nissan Micra
Enthusiasts | Micra Sports Club |
www.microbe.org.uk |
Sheffield Microbe - Quality
Microbiology Conferencing - Sheffield Microbe - Quality Microbiology
Conferencing |
www.microbiologyonline.or... |
Microbiology Online |
www.microcirculation.org.... |
BMS | The British
Microcirculation Society |
www.microcomputer.org.uk |
Microcomputer |
www.microleaguenw.org.uk |
Swimming MicroLeague NorthWest |
www.microloanfoundation.o... |
MicroLoan Foundation | Giving
hope, not handouts - MicroLoan gives hope to women in Africa helping
them to work their way out of poverty |
www.micropics.org.uk |
micropics.org.uk |
www.microscooter.org.uk |
micro scooter Online micro
scooter shop specialising in the best of micro scooters, includings
parts and micro scooter accessories |
www.microscopy-uk.org.uk |
Microscopy-UK Home (Resources for
the microscopy enthusiast and amateur, including free bimonthly e-zine,
Micscape.) - The Home of Enthusiast Microscopy on the Web! |
www.microsoftware.org.uk |
Hotmail, Outlook, Microsoft
Support, MSN Hotmail - Hotmail, Outlook, Hotmail Sign In, Hotmail Sign
Up, Outlook Email, Microsoft Support, Microsoft Help, Microsoft Windows
10 Support, Microsoft Support Number, Microsoft Technical Support Phone
Number, Microsoft Telephone Support, Outlook Sign In |
www.microview.org.uk |
Microview This site is dedicated
to microscopy, photomicrography and macrophotography |
www.microwaveassociation.... |
Welcome to the Microwave
Association UK - MTA Website Copyright 2007 Mathew Jenkinson |
www.mid-wales-orienteers.... |
Mid Wales Orienteering Club - The
home page for Mid Wales Orienteering Club |
www.mid-wales-tourism.org... |
Wales guide information -
Mid-wales-tourism.org.uk |
www.midasappeals.org.uk |
Fundraising Consultancy,
Fundraising, Fundraising Consultant, Fundraising Consultants,
Fundraisers, Fundraiser, Professional Fundraisers, Midas, Midas Charity,
Midas Charity Appeals, Midas Charity Appeals Service, Midas, Charity
Fundraising, Fundraising, Appeals, Funding, Charity, Midas Charity,
Midas Charity Appeals, Midas Charity Appeals Service, strategic
development, big gift appeals, capital appeals |
www.midaye.org.uk |
Midaye is a charitable
organisation established to address the needs of the Somali community |
www.midcheshirerail.org.u... |
The Website of the Mid Cheshire
Community Rail Partnership - Website of the Mid Cheshire Community Rail
Partnership |
www.midchilternscamra.org... |
Midchilternscamra |
www.middangeard.org.uk |
Middangeard - Discussion boards
in English and Hungarian about the languages of Tolkien |
www.middlesbrough-diocese... |
Middlesbrough Diocese | The
Catholic Diocese of Middlesbrough |
www.middlesbroughac.org.u... |
Middlesbrough AC (Mandale) –
Higher, faster, longer, further there's a place for everyone |
www.middlesbroughandstock... |
Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind
- Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind |
www.middletemple.org.uk |
Middle Temple |
www.middletemplehall.org.... |
Luxury Venue Hire London |
Historic Venue | Middle Temple Venue - A breathtaking venue in the heart
of London, Middle Temple is available for a range of events, including
weddings, gala dinners and board meetings |
www.middleton-leawood.org... |
Middleton Top Engine and Leawood
Pump Group |
www.middleton-st-george.o... |
Middleton St George Parish –
Middleton St George Parish |
www.middletonparishchurch... |
St Leonards Middleton |
www.middletonrailway.org.... |
The Worlds Oldest Continuously
Working Railway (1758 - Present). Trains run every Saturday, Sunday and
Bank Holiday Monday as well as on Wednesdays in August. See our site for
more details. |
www.middlewichparishch... |
A friendly parish church in
Middlewich, Cheshire - St Michael's, Middlewich, is a friendly Church of
England Parish Church. If you are moving to Middlewich, or just passing
through, you will find a warm welcome here. |
www.midfsc.org.uk |
Midfsc.org.uk - Figure Skating |
www.midhantsballoonclub.o... |
MHBC - a design & development
practice that believes in the power of design to deliver creative
solutions. |
www.midkentastro.org.uk |
Mid-Kent Astronomical Society -
MKAS - Astronomy in Kent - Mid-Kent Astronomical Society (MKAS) are an
astronomy society based in the Medway towns in Kent, and in Canterbury,
and provide exciting and stimulating talks and events for members and
the public. They also have observing / stargazing events both at the
Observatory in Canterbury, and at the various events and meetings.
Members and Visitors are invited to come to these events and be helped
in their own adventure into the Universe. |
www.midlancs.org.uk |
Home Page of Mid Lancs League |
www.midland-bernese-cart.... |
www.midland-hockey.org.uk |
Midland Hockey |
www.midlandathletics.org.... |
Midland Counties |
www.midlandchampionships.... |
The Midland Championships |
www.midlandgeotechnicalso... |
Midland Geotechnical Society |
www.midlandheart.org.uk |
Midland Heart |
www.midlandmills.org.uk |
Midland Mills Group - Midland
Mills Group |
www.midlandrailwaystudyce... |
The Midland Railway Study Centre
www.midlandroadnursery.or... |
Midland Road Nursery School &
Children's Centre - We hope you find this website a useful introduction
to Midland Road Nursery School. We are now part of the Aire Valley
Nursery Schools Federation, Please |
www.midlandsaerospace.org... |
Midlands Aerospace Alliance -
Midlands Aerospace Alliance supports and represents the aerospace
industry across the Midlands region, with help from the regional
development agencies Advantage West Midlands and the East Midlands
Development Agency. |
www.midlandsailingclub.or... |
Midland Sailing Club - Welcome
to Midland Sailing Club |
www.midlandsgospel.org.uk |
Midlands Gospel Partnership |
www.midnightministries.or... |
Midnightministries |
www.midpenninearts.org.uk |
Mid Pennine Arts |
www.midpowysmind.org.uk |
Mid Powys Mind - Our Mission is
to improve Mental Wellbeing for people in Powys |
www.midshipmen.org.uk |
Midshipmen Band - Marching & Show Band |
www.midsomersetfestival.o... |
MSF | Mid-Somerset Festival |
www.midsomersetshow.org.u... |
Mid Somerset Show |
www.midstream.org.uk |
Special Needs Work Activity,
Training & Daycare | Midstream |
www.midsummercommon.org.u... |
Midsummercommon |
www.midsummermusic.org.uk |
Midsummer Music : Chamber Music
in the Chilterns - Midsummer Music is a chamber music festival
artistically directed by the renowned concert pianist Paul Lewis and his
wife, accomplished cellist, Bjřrg Lewis. |
www.midsummeropera.org.uk |
Midsummer Opera: Performance
Diary |
www.midwalesarts.org.uk |
Mid Wales Arts Centre - Gallery,
Sculpture Trail, Cafe & Accommodation - Mid Wales Arts Centre, unique
permanent collection of large scale enamels and sculptures by Stefan
Knapp, stone carvings by John Paddison |
www.migrantsresourcecentr... |
Consonant icon-arrow Logo
Variation 4 Everyone can belong Everyone-can-belong-stacked icon-arrow
icon-arrow icon-arrow Artboard icon-arrow icon-arrow icon-arrow
icon-arrow icon-arrow icon-arrow icon-arrow icon-arrow icon-arrow
icon-arrow |
www.migrantsrights.org.uk |
Migrants' Rights Network |
www.migrationscotland.org... |
COSLA Strategic Migration
Partnership |
www.migrationyorkshire.or... |
Migration Yorkshire : Migration
and integration in Yorkshire and Humber: find out about policy;
statistics; research; local services for asylum seekers, refugees and
migrants; our European projects on Roma, and vacancies in the migration
sector. |
www.migwelders.org.uk |
Mig Welders - Buy a Mig Welder -
Buy a MIG Welder with confidence from top UK manufacturers such as
Clarke, Draper, Telwin and Sealey with our complete MIG welder feature
and price comparison widget. |
www.mikecurtis.org.uk |
Mikecurtis |
www.mikedickson.org.uk |
Black Cat Music Factory |
www.miketaylor.org.uk |
Mike Taylor |
www.mikeypowell-campaign.... |
Friends of Mikey Powell – Mikey
died in the custody of West Midlands Police in September 2003 - The
Friends of Mikey Powell Campaign for Justice was established by the
family of Michael Lloyd Powell (known as Mikey), a cousin of the
renowned poet and writer, Benjamin Zephaniah, following his tragic death
whilst in the custody of West Midlands Police. Mikey was 38 years old
and a father of three young children. He was… |
www.mikron.org.uk |
Mikron Theatre Co. :: Mikron
Theatre Company forging new paths in UK theatre. Performance anywhere
for everyone by canal, river and road. |
www.milborneplayers.org.u... |
Milborne Players is a amateur
dramatic society in the centre of Dorset putting on plays pantos
throughout the year |
www.milbornestandrew.org.... |
Milborne St Andrew Village
website |
www.mildenhallcc.org.uk |
Mildenhall Cycling Club -
mildenhall cycling club caters for most types of cyclists. Including
time-trials, grass-track, cyclo-cross, off-road, club-runs and
family/social rides. |
www.mileendwall.org.uk |
Mile End Climbing Wall |
www.milfield.org.uk |
Mildfield Not just an airfield |
www.milfordweather.org.uk |
Milford Weather Online - Milford
Weather, Pembrokeshire |
www.militant.org.uk |
Militant - Official Militant
Tendency website. Thirty two years of Militant, now The Socialist, paper
of the Socialist Party, with links to the Socialist Party, details of
campaigns and much more. Also links to Young Socialist Action, Socialist
Women, Socialist Alliances, Socialist Party general election campaign,
Socialist Books and Socialism Today |
www.militaryandflyingmach... |
Echoes of History |
www.militarychristians.or... |
Military Christian Organisations |
www.milkbottlenews.org.uk |
Milk Bottle News: News - Milk
Bottle News is the UK newsletter for milk bottle and dairyana collectors
everywhere |
www.milkfloats.org.uk |
Milk Float Corner |
www.milkmatters.org.uk |
Front Page – Milk Matters Infant
Feeding Solutions - We are qualified, experienced, insured, independent
International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) with over 50
years combined experience - specialising in difficult to resolve infant
feeding problems, whether parents are breastfeeding, bottle-feeding or
starting solids. |
www.millenniumpoint.org.u... |
Millennium Point | Venue,
Charity, Landlord - Events Venue, Destination and Charitable Trust in
Birmingham City Centre, United Kingdom. |
www.millforge.org.uk |
Mill Forge - Artist Blacksmith
Cheshire UK - Artist blacksmith and writer David Freedman creates metal
sculpture and writes blacksmithing books and articles. |
www.millhill.org.uk |
Mill Hill School | Co-curricular
Day & Boarding School, London - Welcome to Mill Hill School, a school
that seeks to equip pupils for life, both now and in the future. Browse
our website for more information. |
www.millhillchapel.org.uk |
Mill Hill Chapel - Mill Hill
Chapel Leeds |
www.millhillschoolfoundat... |
Mill Hill School - Mill Hill At
War - 1914-1919 |
www.millroadcemetery.org.... |
Mill Road Cemetery |
www.milltowncommunity.org... |
milltowncommunity.org.uk |
www.milltownmemories.org.... |
Milltown Memories |
www.millwall-history.org.... |
The Millwall History Files |
www.milnbank.org.uk |
Milnbank Housing Association |
www.milneshighschool.org.... |
Milneshighschool |
www.milton-baptist.org.uk |
Milton Baptist Church - Becoming
a commuity for the community |
www.milton.org.uk |
Milton Village – Information and
resources for the village of Milton in Cambridgeshire |
www.miltonabbas.org.uk |
Milton Abbas Village Web Site -
Accommodation in hotels, guest houses, B&B, self-catering, apartments,
caravans and camping in & around Milton Abbas, Dorset. |
www.miltonkeynescab.org.u... |
Citizens Advice Milton Keynes |
www.miltonmalsorhistory.o... |
Milton Malsor Historical Society
- Details of the Society's activities, programme of events, projects,
and photographic archive. |
www.miltonmalsorparishcou... |
Details of news, activities,
events, meetings and current councillors. Provides contact information
and newsletters. |
www.miltonroadschool.org.... |
Welcome to Milton Road Primary
School, Cambridge, UK - We know what it takes to enhance childrens'
education. Our approach makes our school a great place to learn and a
great life experience. |
www.miltonvillage.org.uk |
Milton Parish Council |
Information on and for the Cambridgeshire Parish of Milton |
www.minamicon.org.uk |
Minami Con - Minami Con is the
longest running Anime & Japanese Culture convention in the UK. |
www.minchbc.org.uk |
Minchinhampton Baptist Church |
www.mind-in-enfield.org.u... |
mind-in-enfield.org.uk |
www.mind-the-gap.org.uk |
Mind the Gap - One of Europe's
leading learning-disability theatre companies - Mind the Gap works in
partnership with learning-disabled artists to deliver a bold,
cutting-edge and world-class artistic programme that impacts locally,
nationally and internationally. |
www.mind.org.uk |
Mind, the mental health charity
- help for mental health problems - We're Mind, the mental health
charity. We're here to make sure no one has to face a mental health
problem alone. |
www.minden-rose.org.uk |
Minden Rose |
www.mindfields.org.uk |
You are being redirected... |
www.mindinbexley.org.uk |
Mind in Bexley – For Better
Mental Health - As the leading independent mental health organisation in
the London Borough of Bexley, Mind in Bexley offers high quality
services to local residents seeking mental health information and
support. Mind in Bexley's services include: advocacy, day services,
befriending, welfare rights, CBT counseling and research |
www.mindinbradford.org.uk |
mindinbradford.org.uk |
www.mindincamden.org.uk |
Mind In Camden - Mind in Camden
is a mental health charity providing support, training & consultancy to
benefit people of all ages who struggle with mental health problems. |
www.mindincroydon.org.uk |
Mind in Croydon |
www.mindindacorum.org.uk |
Hertfordshire Mind Network -
Charity |
www.mindinharrow.org.uk |
Mind in Harrow - Mind in Harrow
is a local mental health charity that aims to improve the lives of
people affected by mental health issues in the London Borough of
Harrow. |
www.mindinkingston.org.uk |
Mind in Kingston |
www.mindinmidherts.org.uk |
Mind in Mid Herts – For better
mental health |
www.mindofchrist.org.uk |
Mind of Christ – Fellowshipping
Together with Christ |
www.mindout.org.uk |
MindOut | Mental Health Charity
for LGBTQ community - We work to improve the mental health and wellbeing
of LGBTQ communities and to make mental health a community concern |
www.mindspace.org.uk |
Mindspace – Mindful Meditation |
www.mindtws.org.uk |
Mind in Somerset |
www.mindyourhead.org.uk |
Mind Your Head | Promoting
positive mental health and wellbeing in Shetland - MYH is available to
support everyone! We want Shetland to be a place where mental health is
supported positively within the community, and there is easily accessed
information and knowledge of services. Making people feel included in a
community with understanding and acceptance. |
www.mineexplorer.org.uk |
The Mine Explorer Society - Mine
Explorer Society - nenthead mine exploration , smallcleugh , carr's ,
rampgill , capelcleugh , nenthead , mine explorer society |
www.minervabathrc.org.uk |
Minerva Bath Rowing Club |
www.minesweepers.org.uk |
Algerine Class Fleet
Minesweepers - Algerine Class Minesweepers |
www.ming-ai.org.uk |
Ming Ai London - It was set up in
March 1993 as an initial effort to promote social, cultural, educational
and economic exchanges among the peoples of Hong Kong, China and Britain
together with all other peoples, without distinction of colour or creed. |
www.mingcampbell.org.uk |
Ming Campbell - Read the latest
newsfrom Liberal Democrat MP Ming Campbell |
www.mini-basketball.org.u... |
Mini-Basketball England,
Basketball for children 5-12 years:Mini-Basketball England, basketball
for children 5-12 years, basketball games for schools, sports centres,
clubs, youth centres, Northampton |
www.mini-lathe.org.uk |
7x12 mini-lathe - free tips,
guides, projects on hobby Sieg C3 mini-lathes and home metalworking -
Information and practical guidance on Sieg C3 mini-lathes in the home
workshop, hobby metalworking |
www.minigolf.org.uk |
Minigolf |
www.minimarcos.org.uk |
Mini Marcos Owners Club |
www.minimumincome.org.uk |
Minimum Income Calculator - Do
you earn enough for a minimum acceptable standard of living? |
www.ministryoftruth.org.u... |
Buddhism – Base science and
branches | Buddhism religion of the future |
www.ministrytoday.org.uk |
Ministry Today |
www.minnisbaywindsurfingc... |
Minnis Bay Windsurfing Club |
www.minsterabbey.org.uk |
Minster Abbey |
www.minsterbowlsclub.org.... |
Minster Bowls Club – Affiliated
www.minsterleyshow.org.uk |
Our Show |
www.minstermatters.org.uk |
Minster Matters Magazine -
Newsletter/Magazine especially for Residents, Employers and Employees in
the Village of Minster-in-Thanet UK |
www.minstrel.org.uk |
The Minstrel's Showcase - The
Minstrel's Showcase - a collection of technical papers and other bits
and pieces from the mind of the Minstrel. |
www.miphealth.org.uk |
MIP - the leading union for
Senior health and care managers in UK | MiP Trade Union - The website of
Managers in Partnership, the specialist union for health and care |
www.miracles.org.uk |
Miracle Network - serving
students of A Course In Miracles since 1994 |
www.mirfieldmartialarts.o... |
Aikido at Mirfield Martial Arts
Club in West Yorkshire - Based near Leeds in Mirfield, West Yorkshire;
Mirfield Martial Arts Club have been providing expert instruction in
Traditional Aikido since 1975. |
www.misa.org.uk |
www.miscarriageassociatio... |
The Miscarriage Association:
Pregnancy loss information and support - Official site of the
Miscarriage Association. If you’ve experienced miscarriage, molar
pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy, the M.A. is here to help you through. |
www.miscarriagesupport.or... |
scottish care & information on
miscarriage |
www.misra.org.uk |
MISRA - The Motor Industry
Software Reliability Association |
www.missendenchurch.org.u... |
St Peter and St Paul : St Peter
and St Paul |
www.missingpeople.org.uk |
Missing People offers a lifeline
for the 180, 000 people who run away and go missing each year. We also
provide support for family and friends. |
www.missio.org.uk |
Missio |
www.missionafrica.org.uk |
Mission Africa Mission Africa -
Working in Nigeria, Chad, Burkina Faso and Kenya. Serve with us as
missionaries, long term or short term. We specialise in gap years and
mission teams. |
www.missioncare.org.uk |
Mission Care - Nursing and Care
Homes in London & Kent - Mission Care provides nursing home care &
residential home care in five homes across London. We are a Christian
charity caring for vulnerable people. |
www.missiontogether.org.u... |
Mission Together |
www.mistletoe.org.uk |
Mistletoe Directory UK |
www.mistressdometria.org.... |
DomWomen.com -- Submit to your
Mistress Now !! |
www.mithras.org.uk |
mithras.org.uk - the domain of
mithras |
www.mityana-community... |
mityana-community-development-foundation.org.uk |
www.mitzvahday.org.uk |
Mitzvah Day - Mitzvah Day |
www.mjbird.org.uk |
Michael J Bird Tribute Website -
Michael J. Bird, BBC Television Series, The Lotus Eaters, Who Pays The
Ferryman?, The Aphrodite Inheritance, The Dark Side of the Sun,
Maelstrom |
www.mkars.org.uk |
Milton Keynes ARS – Amateur Radio
Society |
www.mkas.org.uk |
Milton Keynes Astronomical
Society - Home of the Milton Keynes Astronomical Society, advancing the
education of the public in the subject of Astronomy. |
www.mkbcare.org.uk |
MKB Care |
www.mkbt.org.uk |
Bridgebuilder Trust |
www.mkcamra.org.uk |
MK&NBucks CAMRA | Supporting Pubs |
www.mkcc.org.uk |
MKCC | Milton Keynes Christian
Centre | Family Church |
www.mkccc.org.uk |
米頓堅華人基督教會 - Milton Keynes Chinese
Christian Church |
www.mkctc.org.uk |
Mkctc |
www.mkequalitycouncil.org... |
www.mkf.org.uk |
Midlands Kite Fliers |
www.mkfoodbank.org.uk |
MK Food Bank - Sowing the seeds
of Love |
www.mkgmap.org.uk |
mkgmap |
www.mkinspire.org.uk |
About Milton Keynes - Information
about Milton Keynes, brief overview of its history and insight into the
future. |
www.mkmuseum.org.uk |
Milton Keynes Museum |
www.mkws.org.uk |
www.mlacp.org.uk |
Medico Legal – MLACP – The
Medico Legal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MLACP) - The
Medico Legal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MLACP) is a
professional network for Chartered Physiotherapists and others who have
a special interest in medicolegal work. |
www.mlbc.org.uk |
Mitcham Lane Baptist Church |
www.mlduk.org.uk |
MLD UK - MLDUK Welcome to the
MLDUK website. Its main purpose is to promote public awareness of Manual
Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) from the point of view of both… |
www.mlfhs.org.uk |
Manchester and Lancashire Family
History Society Family History in Greater Manchester |
www.mlgs.org.uk |
Musgrove Leukaemic Group
Somerset - The Musgrove Leukaemic Group Somerset is a charity raising
money for the benefit of leukaemia and lymphoma patients and their
families in Somerset, UK. |
www.mln.org.uk |
The Management and Leadership
Network - We provide managers and leaders i with access to the thinking,
insights and experiences of high-achievers and thought-leaders. |
www.mltc.org.uk |
mltc.org.uk |
www.mlyo.org.uk |
Midland Youth Orchestra, UK - Web
site of the Midland Youth Orchestra in Birmingham, England - the leading
independent symphony orchestra for the youth of the Midlands. |
www.mm-net.org.uk |
domain name expired |
www.mmbc.org.uk |
Melton Baptist Church |
www.mmcinquiry.org.uk |
Medical Management - medical
management, Managed Care, Practice Marketing, Risk Management |
www.mmdmrc.org.uk |
MMDMRC - MMDMRC - Model Railway
Club. Based in Maidenhead, Berkshire UK. Marlow Maidenhead & District
Model Railway Club. |
www.mmf.org.uk |
Merton Music Foundation | Merton
Music Foundation |
www.mmhistory.org.uk |
Make Multimedia History: a
non-profit organisation recording local heritage and teaching web design
in Brighton and Hove, UK - Make Multimedia History: a non-profit
organisation recording local heritage and teaching web design in
Brighton and Hove, UK |
www.mmiweb.org.uk |
Me, Myself and I - Educational
Consultancy |
www.mmma.org.uk |
MMMA - The Metalforming Machinery
Makers’ Association - MMMA - The Metalforming Machinery Makers’
Association is still the only UK Association solely dedicated to the
sheet metal forming industry. |
www.mmmmm.org.uk |
welcome to mmmmm |
www.mmoc.org.uk |
Morris Minor Owners Club - Morris
Minor Owners Club |
www.mmpa.org.uk |
Marlow-Maidenhead Passengers'
Association |
www.mms.org.uk |
mms.org.uk |
www.mmurc.org.uk |
Matlock Methodist & United
Reformed Church Website - Information about Matlock Methodist & United
Reformed Church, Derbyshire, England. Includes details of service times,
facilities & location, events & activities, junior & youth Church and
much more. |
www.mna.org.uk |
Merchant Navy Association Welcome |
www.mndscotland.org.uk |
MND Scotland | Motor Neurone
Disease - MND Scotland is the only Scottish charity who provides care
and support to people affected by MND, as well as funding vital research
into finding a cure. |
www.mnfc.org.uk |
Midlands National Flying Club |
www.mnl.org.uk |
MNL - Hair Design - MNL |
www.mno.org.uk |
MNO – Malcolm's Notes On … |
www.mnr.org.uk |
Mid-Norfolk Railway - Tickets,
Mid-Norfolk Railway, Bookings |
www.mnrc.org.uk |
Mendip Nature Research Committee
- Mendips oldest caving club - Well known as Mendip's friendliest caving
club, the M.N.R.C. has an active membership based at a purpose built
caving station in the heart of the Mendip hills. The M.N.R.C. also
organise a variety of other activities including hill walking, climbing,
photography and social weekends. |
www.mnsociety.org.uk |
Miniature Needlework Society
(International) > Website introducing the Miniature Needlework Society
(International) - join the Society to keep in touch with needlecrafts
for dollshouses. |
www.mntb.org.uk |
Merchant Navy Training Board /
www.moalboal.org.uk |
Moalboal, Philippines
Information |
www.moatschool.org.uk |
The Moat School | Fulham - The
Moat School is an Independent School in Fulham, London. Supporting
pupils aged 9-16 with dyslexia, reading, writing, spelling and other
specific learning difficulties / needs to achieve their potential |
www.mobile-broadband.org.... |
Mobile Broadband UK | Compare
Cheap & Best 3G Broadband Deals - Compare cheap and best 3G mobile
broadband deals in UK from the leading providers 3, vodafone, T-mobile |
www.mobilehomesabroad.org... |
Mobile Homes Abroad |
www.mobilemonday.org.uk |
Mobile Monday London |
www.mobilenetworkcompar..... |
Mobile Network Comparison -
Reviews, Unlimited data and texts, Free SIMs - Mobile Network Comparison
helps you pick the best mobile phone network in the UK, get free SIM
cards or find unlimited data offers. |
www.mobilephones.org.uk |
Mobile Phone Deals | Instant
Approval For The Latest Handsets - Compare prices on all the latest
mobile phone deals. We can have an iPhone 5s / 5c or Galaxy S4 delivered
to you by tomorrow. |
www.mobileshelving.org.uk |
Gain Storage Capacity With Mobile
Storage Systems | Oracle Storage - Gain storage capacity with mobile
shelving and make the most out of your available space. Oracle's mobile
shelving systems are designed, delivered and installed to make the most
of any office storage space. |
www.mobilityrentals.org.u... |
Mobility Rentals for scooters,
wheelchairs, beds, hoists, bath lifts, disability aids - Mobility
equipment Rentals: independence, peace of mind plus cost effective high
quality patient care equipment rental, direct to individual homes or
nursing care homes |
www.modburytic.org.uk |
Modbury Information Centre,
Devon, UK American Express Apple Pay Google Pay Maestro Mastercard
PayPal Shopify Pay Visa - Modbury is a place like no other. Situated in
the rolling hills of the South Hams in Devon, UK, and surrounded by
designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, it is unique in
combining the independent shops and services of a small town with the
heart and spirit of a village. |
www.model-bus-federation.... |
model-bus-federation |
www.moderngreek.org.uk |
Society for Modern Greek Studies |
www.modernians.org.uk |
Modernian Swimming Club : |
www.modernmovement.org.uk |
About Us - modernmovement.org.uk |
www.modernpoetry.org.uk |
www.modernpoetry.org.uk -
www.modernpoetry.org.uk is a portal or guide to contemporary innovative
British poetry, also called (or including) linguistically innovative, or
language-centred, or postmodernist, or avant-garde (even post-avant) or
alternative or non-mainstream poetry, and the site contains links (often
annotated) to explanations and essays, good sources of information, and
what is happening in this independent and lively art form. |
www.modes.org.uk |
Modes - Museum Software - modes -
Modes is the most popular collections management software in UK museums
and are a not-for-profit company with over 650 member organisations |
www.modulate.org.uk |
modulate, audio visual, AV,
surround sound, 5.1, dvd, scylla magda, bobby bird, joseph potts, mark
harris, mark bunegar, modulate collective, experimental, multi speaker
installation, ava, headphone records, higher intelligence agency, hia,
oscillate, |
www.mofc.org.uk |
Market Overton Free Church |
www.moffatmrt.org.uk |
Moffatmrt |
www.moidart.org.uk |
Moidart History Group - Comann
Eachdraidh Muideart - Moidart History Group, Moidart Community, Moidart |
www.mojuk.org.uk |
Miscarriages of JusticeUK
www.moldtowncouncil.org.u... |
Mold Town Council |
www.molecularpathology.or... |
Molecular Pathology of Cancer -
Training in Molecular Pathology of Cancer at Institute of Cancer at
Barts & University of Cambridge |
www.molenet.org.uk |
Website Coming Soon - Forward Web |
www.moleseyresidentsassoc... |
Molesey Residents Association |
The Molesey Residents' Association is a non-party political organisation
whose main concerns and activities are confined to the communities of
East and West Molesey. |
www.molevalleyconservativ... |
Mole Valley | Conservatives -
Latest news, events and campaigns from Mole Valley Conservative
Association, the Conservative Party in Mole Valley. |
www.molevalleylibdems.org... |
Mole Valley Liberal Democrats -
Demand Better |
www.mombasachildren.org.u... |
mombasa children |
www.momentumnorfolk.org.u... |
Momentum |
www.monarchs-gymnastics.o... |
monarchs-gymnastics |
www.mondaynightgroup.org.... |
Home page of the Monday Night
Group of writers in Manchester, one of the Commonword writers' groups |
www.mondediplofriends.org... |
Mondediplofriends |
www.moneyadvicescotland.o... |
Money Advice Scotland |
www.moneyadviceservice.or... |
Moneyadviceservice |
www.moneycarer.org.uk |
Appointeeship and Money
Management for Vulnerable People and Carers - The National Appointeeship
Service for Vulnerable Adults, DWP Appointee for Welfare Benefit
Management, Carers Shopping Cards and Everyday Money Management
Solutions |
www.moniackmhor.org.uk |
Moniack Mhor - Scotland's
Creative Writing Centre - Scotland's Creative Writing Centre |
www.moniaive.org.uk |
Moniaive - A village in the
Parish of Glencairn, Dumfries and Galloway, South-West Scotland. |
www.monikie.org.uk |
from Scotland Monikie, Scotland Website. |
www.monks-wood.org.uk |
Monks Wood - A WebsiteBuilder
Website |
www.monkseaton.org.uk |
Monkseaton High School | Whitley
Bay - All the information you need to know about education at Monkseaton
High School. |
www.monkspathweather.org.... |
Monkspath Weather Station -
Monkspath Weather Station is an automated private weather station
located in the Town of Solihull. The Station provides the current local
weather conditions as well as forecasts and historic statistics. |
www.monktonprep.org.uk |
Monkton Prep School, Bath,
England |
www.monlib.org.uk |
Monastery Library front end |
www.monmasons.org.uk |
The Masonic Province of
Monmouthshire | Introduction to the Province Province Of Monmouthshire |
www.monmouthchurchestoget... |
Monmouth Churches Together -
Monmouth Churches Together |
www.monmouthrc.org.uk |
Monmouth Rowing Club |
www.monmouthshire-associa... |
The Monmouthshire Association -
The Monmouthshire Association is a branch of the Association of British
Counties, dedicated to promoting the identity of the county of Monmouth |
www.monteaglesurgery.org.... |
Oakley Health Group - Information
about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online
prescriptions, health information and much more - Oakley Health Group
Yateley Medical Centre, Oaklands , Yateley GU46 7LS, Information about
the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions,
health information and much more |
www.montefioreendowment..... |
Montefiore Endowment –
Preserving and developing the legacy of Sir Moses Montefiore |
www.montfort.org.uk |
Company of Mary - GB&I - Front
Page |
www.montgomeryshiremoths.... |
montgomeryshire moth group -
Montgomeryshire Moth Group events, moth images and moth species data |
www.montgomeryshirescouts... |
Montgomeryshire Scouts |
www.montgomerytrust.org.u... |
Invite a Montgomery Lecturer to
speak at your event |
www.montpellier.org.uk |
Montpellier tourist information -
Tourist, travel, hotel, information on Montpellier in English |
www.montrealpark.org.uk |
Montreal Park Residents'
Association |
www.montrose-society.org.... |
montrose-society.org.uk |
www.montrosebasin.org.uk |
Montrosebasin |
www.montybees.org.uk |
www.moodswings.org.uk |
Moodswings Network – A
Registered Charity |
www.moonflowers.org.uk |
The Legendary Moonflowers – Oh so
much more than just another band/ bunch of divs from the '90s |
www.moonhead.org.uk |
Barrow Grammar School for Boys |
www.moonsighting.org.uk |
Moon Sighting UK - Moon Sighting
UK |
www.moorcopse.org.uk |
Moor Copse Nature Reserve - Moor
Copse Nature reserve in Berkshire UK |
www.mooremusic.org.uk |
Moore Music - Patsy & Ken Moore -
Musicians, Burghfield Common, near Reading, Berkshire |
www.moorgatecemetery.org.... |
Moorgate Cemetery Moorgate
Cemetery |
www.moorlandforum.org.uk |
Moorland Forum |
www.moorlandmousietrust.o... |
Exmoor Pony Centre - Charity run
business promoting and protecting the rare-breed Exmoor Pony. |
www.moorpark.org.uk |
Moor Park, Ludlow - Moor Park |
www.moorsforthefuture.org... |
Moors for the Future - . Moors
for the Future |
www.moortownbaptistchurch... |
Moortown Baptist Church MBC
Moortown Baptist Church - Leeds UK - loving God, living generously,
following Christ - Moortown Baptist Church (MBC) is situated in North
Leeds and serves a wide community including; Chapel Allerton, Roundhay,
Alwoodley, Meanwood and Headingley. |
www.moot.org.uk |
The Round Table |
www.moravian.org.uk |
Moravian Church - The Moravian
Church of the British Province. |
www.moraypresbytery.org.u... |
The Presbytery of Moray: Church
of Scotland – O Lord our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the
earth! (Psalm 8) |
www.morecambebaymoviemak.... |
Welcome and Latest News -
Independent filmmakers. Advice given on video camera choice. Why not
come along for a free visit and meet our friendly crowd? |
www.morecambefc-support..... |
Morecambe FC Supporters Site
Index |
www.moredun.org.uk |
Moredun Group | Moredun Research
Institute - Moredun is committed to livestock health and welfare through
research and education of infectious diseases in farmed livestock. |
www.moregreen.org.uk |
The MORE GREEN Project - The
MORE GREEN Project - The MORE GREEN Project is a Swansea based
community-focused charity, working with and for the community in order
to raise awareness of waste issues by active participation in the
project’s activities. |
www.morehouse.org.uk |
Welcome to More House School -
More House School in Knightsbridge is a school that provides the
opportunity to learn in a nurturing environment that is high in
challenge but low in stress. |
www.moremathsgrads.org.uk |
More Maths Grads - Interested in
studying a maths degree at graduate level? We provide details of the
most highly ranked maths universities in the UK, types of courses
provided by each one and advise you about some useful books that will
help you progress in the subject. It's also worth reading our Maths Jobs
article, it details all the employment opportunities available to you if
you wish to pursue a career in this field. |
www.moremusic.org.uk |
More Music |
www.morganhorse.org.uk |
Bmhs |
www.morganmuseum.org.uk |
The C.M Booth Collection - The C
M Booth Collection |
www.morleyvictoriaprimary... |
Morley Victoria Primary School |
www.morningside.org.uk |
Morningside Community Council | -
Discusses local issues, including Planning, for Morningside, Edinburgh.
Passes residents' views of to City of Edinburgh Council or other
appropriate bodies. . |
www.morningsideparishch..... |
Morningside Parish Church |
www.morningstar.org.uk |
Youth Sailing in the United
Kingdom | Morning Star Trust - Morning Star Trust is the UK's Christian
Sail Training Charity, offering amazing youth development at sea for
young people from all walks of life. |
www.morningstarsmallorch.... |
Morningstar-welcome |
www.moroccanmemories.org.... |
in Britain is a national project run by the Moroccan Memories
Foundation. The project aims to bridge a historical gap between past and
post 1960 Moroccan migration to Britain by creating an oral and visual
history archive collection. The collection will be based on more than
100 life story recordings across three generations of Moroccans in
London, Crawley, St. Albans, Trowbridge and Edinburgh. |
www.morpethschool.org.uk |
Welcome to Morpeth School -
Morpeth is a co-educational school for pupils aged 11-18. In May 2013,
we achieved our second successive 'Outstanding' Ofsted grading. |
www.morrisfed.org.uk |
The Morris Federation – The UK's
largest association of morris and traditional dance teams E-mail
Facebook Twitter - The UK's largest association of morris and
traditional dance teams |
www.morrismarina.org.uk |
Morris Marina Owners Club & Ital
www.morrismen.org.uk |
Rutland Morris Men - Rutland
Morris Men is the only Morris side in the country to have its own
county, which is also the smallest county in the country |
www.morrisminor.org.uk |
Charles Ware's Morris Minor
Centre - Charles Ware's Morris Minor Centre - Bristol - Charles Wares
Morris Minor Centre, classic car restoration and Morris Minor
specialists. Service, Repairs and MOT |
www.mortalwombat.org.uk |
Welcome to Mortalwombat! |
www.mortar.org.uk |
Mortar Industry Association
(MIA) part of the Mineral Products Association (MPA) - Mortar Industry
Assoiation (MIA) the trade body for UK companies supplying all types of
mortar products. Part of the Mineral Products Association (MPA) |
www.mortgage.org.uk |
Mortgage news - Mortgage.org.uk |
www.mortgagechoices.org.u... |
Type description of the page
here. |
www.mortimerhistorysociet... |
Mortimer History Society |
www.mortimervillage.org.u... |
Mortimer Village Partnership |
www.mortoncommunitycentre... |
mortoncommunitycentre.org.uk |
www.mortonhalltennis.org.... |
Mortonhall / |
www.mosaic-church.org.uk |
Mosaic Church · Leeds - Mosaic
Church meets in Leeds, UK, with Gatherings in Horsforth, Beeston and the
City Centre, as well as a Service in Holbeck. We have a passion to see
God transforming lives, through mission, community and discipleship. We
are a part of Catalyst, within Newfrontiers. |
www.mosaicchamberchoir.or... |
Mosaic Chamber Choir – …..
singing for you |
www.mosaicchurch.org.uk |
Mosaic Church is a church Serving Braunstone and Rowley Fields. We are
passionate about loving God, loving people and loving the nations. We
serve our local community with particular focus on the poor and
disadvantaged. |
www.mosaicyouth.org.uk |
Mosaic LGBT Youth Centre |
www.moscommunitycentre.or... |
Milford on Sea Village Community
Centre | Community Centre Website |
www.moseley-society.org.u... |
Moseley Society |
www.moseleybenefice.org.u... |
St Mary's and St Anne's United
Benefice - Church of England Anglican parishes in Moseley, Birmingham,
UK |
www.moseleyfarmersmarket.... |
Moseley Farmers Market |
www.moseleyforum.org.uk |
Moseley Forum – A place to meet
and discuss all things Moseley |
www.mosi.org.uk |
Science and Industry Museum - We
tell stories about ideas that change the world, from the Industrial
Revolution to today and beyond. Free entry. Open 10.00–17.00 daily. |
www.mostholyredeemer.org.... |
mostholyredeemer.org.uk |
www.mostly-harmless.org.u... |
Mostly Harmless |
www.motherlode.org.uk |
Motherlode |
www.mothermeera.org.uk |
Mother Meera UK Web Site –
Mother Meera intends to give Darshan in a number of towns and cities
across the UK |
www.motherofthebrideoutfi... |
Mother of the Bride Outfits
Wedding Occasionwear (2019 Updated Styles) - New MOTB 2019 wedding
occasionwear modern mother of the bride dress suits occasion dresses
matching jackets coats hats wedding outfits under Ł50 Ł100 Ł200 |
www.motherwell-cathedral.... |
Our Lady of Good Aid Web Site |
www.motherwellwishawcab..... |
Motherwell & Wishaw Citizens
Advice Bureau | Free, impartial and confidential advice - Come and visit
Motherwell & Wishaw Citizens Advice Bureau for free, impartial and
confidential advice on a range of issues - from help with benefits, to
information about consumer issues. Call, *email*, *live chat* or visit
us for advice today. |
www.motivation.org.uk |
Motivation - Motivation provides
wheelchairs and services for disabled people in developing countries |
www.motomerlin.org.uk |
Motomerlin Gas Gas Beta parts
trials bikes for sale workshop Montesa - Motomerlin Merlin Motorcycles
Trials Bike Parts Gas Gas Beta Sherco Scorpa Montesa |
www.motorbikeclaims.org.u... |
Motorbike Accident Claims
Solicitors | Motorbike Claims - Motorbike accident claims solicitors
specialising in serious injury or fatal claims. R. James Hutcheon
Solicitors will get you the compensation you deserve. |
www.motorcycle.org.uk |
Motorcycle.org.uk - UK Motorcycle
and Scooter Club Listings - The Definitive UK Club Listings. |
www.motorvatinusa.org.uk |
American Car Clubs UK - Auto
Club - Motorvatin? USA - Chevrolet - Ford - Buick - Camaro - The
Foremost Site For American Automobile Clubs In The United Kingdom, The
Association Of American Car Clubs Uk. |
www.mottramparish.org.uk |
Parish of Mottram in Longdendale |
www.moultoneers.org.uk |
Bike Tours - a great way to
spend your free time - Welcome Internet Guest! If you found this page,
it certainly means that you would like to go on a cycling tour soon.
Excellent idea! It is hard to name... |
www.moultonparishcouncil.... |
Moulton Parish Council - Moulton
Parish Council's official website. |
www.mountainbothies.org.u... |
The Mountain Bothies Association
- We are an organisation who maintain simple shelters in remote country
for the use & benefit of all who love wild & lonely places. |
www.mountainhiking.org.uk |
МountainHiking.co.uk |
www.mountainoffire.org.uk |
Welcome to the online portal of
the Mountain of Fire & Miracles International, the UK arm of the
Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Worldwide. |
www.mountainrescue.org.uk |
Patterdale Mountain Rescue Team |
www.mountaintrails.org.uk |
Mountain Trails - Walk, Climb,
Camp - Specialised Food & Products for Adventurous Types - Main Page -
Welcome to Mountain Trails, a provider of Specialised Food & Products
for Adventurous Types. Our British made products include Food on the
Move dehydrated pouched meal products and a range of Graphical Mountain
Aids for use by mountain professionals and, in particular, those in
training schemes such as NNAS, WGL, ML & DoE. |
www.mountcarmel-silsden.o... |
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman
Catholic Church Mass Times for Silsden and Cross Hills - Roman Catholic
Church Silsden and Cross Hills |
www.mountgreen.org.uk |
Mount Green |
www.mountsorrel.org.uk |
Mountsorrel – Village – Newspaper
of Mountsorrel. |
www.mounttamar.org.uk |
Mount Tamar - Mount Tamar
School, Row Lane, Higher St Budeaux, Plymouth. PL5 2EF |
www.mouseholelights.org.u... |
Mousehole Harbour Lights - The
Official Website of Mousehole Harbour Lights Cornwall |
www.mousetrap.org.uk |
Mousetrap Theatre Projects |
www.movablebridges.org.uk |
MovableBridges |
www.moveforwardbolton.org... |
The Move Forward Partners have
come together to deliver variety and choice of accessible services,
ensure responsiveness to service user demand and work with people based
on their individual needs and aspirations, to support and promote
recovery. |
www.movement.org.uk |
Student Christian Movement |
www.moveon.org.uk |
Move On |
www.mozambiquehighcommis.... |
High Commission of the Republic
of Mozambique Untitled Document - High Commission of the Republic of
Mozambique in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
www.mpa.org.uk |
MPA (Manchester Publicity
Association) | MPA - Welcome to the MPA. The new MPA. A rejuvenated and
revitalized MPA that while still retaining the values of its past, also
embraces the thrill, the buzz and the vibe of the here and now. |
www.mpaonline.org.uk |
Music Publishers Association -
The Music Publishers Association (MPA) represents the full diversity of
the UK’s music publishing sector. |
www.mpdvoice.org.uk |
MPN Voice - test |
www.mpfmembers.org.uk |
Welcome to the Local Government
Pension Scheme | Merseyside Pension Fund |
www.mpfs.org.uk |
Metfriendly - Savings and
investment specialist for the Met Police Force - If you are a serving or
retired police officer or work for the police service, we have the right
financial products and services for you. |
www.mpg.org.uk |
The Music Producers Guild |
www.mpma.org.uk |
Welcome to MPMA - Metal
Packaging Manufacturers Association - All about metal packaging in the
UK |
www.mpsonline.org.uk |
MPS Online |
www.mr-fox.org.uk |
Mr Fox - Earth - Mr Fox fire
dance group extraordinaire based in Langsett, South Yorkshire |
www.mrbcfelixstowe.org.uk |
Mrbcfelixstowe |
www.mrf.org.uk |
Mission Representatives
Fellowship | The umbrella network for mission agencies working in and
out from Scotland |
www.mrg.org.uk |
Media Research Group |
www.mrhemmings.org.uk |
Mister Hemmings Traditional
Abingdon Morris Dancers – Maintaining the Tradition of Abingdon Morris
Dancing |
www.mrmc.org.uk |
Marlborough Road Methodist Church |
www.mrs.org.uk |
Market Research Society (MRS) |
Where Data Insight & Evidence Matters - The Market Research Society
(MRS) is the world's leading research association where data, insight
and evidence matters. |
www.mrt.org.uk |
Moseley Railway Trust | Apedale
Valley Light Railway |
www.ms-research.org.uk |
MS Research Charity - MS
Research Charity |
www.ms-stirling.org.uk |
madasafish |
www.msaction.org.uk |
MSAction Limited - Discover the
services of MSAction Limited, Walthamstow London |
www.msas.org.uk |
MSAS - The website of Mexborough
& Swinton Astronomical Society (MSAS) |
www.msbm.org.uk |
Metropolitan School of Business
& Management London, UK – MSBM UK |
www.msdm.org.uk |
paula roush msdm publications -
website portfolio of artist photographer paula roush & msdm publications
mobile strategies of display & mediation photoography photographic art
photobook |
www.msdp.org.uk |
www.msduk.org.uk |
Minority Supplier Development UK
- MSDUK MSDUK brings together innovative and high-growth Ethnic Minority
owned Businesses with global corporations, commited to creating a
diverse supply chain. |
www.msep.org.uk |
Medway Swale Estuary Partnership
– The understanding, promotion and conservation of the estuary's natural
and historical environments |
www.msf.org.uk |
MSF UK | Médecins Sans Frontičres
UK | - Our medical teams act fast to save people’s lives in conflict
zones, natural disasters and epidemics. We go where we are needed most. |
www.msfp.org.uk |
Mathematically Structured
Functional Programming 2008 |
www.msiziafrica.org.uk |
Msizi Africa - Msizi Africa |
www.msjc.org.uk |
Msjc.org.uk – Loans and lending
guide. |
www.mslr.org.uk |
Mid-Suffolk Light Railway -
Suffolk's only standard gauge heritage railway |
www.msm.org.uk |
Mustard Seed Ministries |
www.msmtrust.org.uk |
Monte San Martino Trust - Monte
San Martino Trust - Founded in 1989 by J. Keith Killby, a former PoW in
Italy, with other veterans of WW2 provides restoration and language
study bursaries to Italian students. |
www.msntc.org.uk |
Multiple Sclerosis National
Therapy Centres: An MS Charity - MS National Therapy Centres (MSNTC) is
a charity providing support to people living with Multiple Sclerosis in
the UK. Find an MS therapy centre near you. |
www.mso.org.uk |
MSO 2019-20 |
www.msos.org.uk |
Medical Support Offshore —
Specialist Training — Medical Kits — Telemedical Support - Medical
Support Offshore (MSOS) provides comprehensive medical support for
clients across all the world’s oceans. MSOS delivers this service to a
wide range of clients, from super yachts to families cruising around the
world. MSOS has supported the Whitbread, the Volvo Ocean Race, the
Global Challenge and more. The team at MSOS are passionate about
delivering a personal service to clients, comprising telemedical support
provided by UK-based Doctors, a wide range of offshore MCA medical kits
and specialist medical training such as STCW Elementary Training. |
www.msp.org.uk |
MSP.ORG.UK - Members of the
Scottish Parliament - Your guide to finding information on Members of
the Scottish Parliament. Biographies, Political Parties, Official Sites |
www.msrm.org.uk |
Mustard Seed Relief Mission -
Your description goes here. |
www.mssgroup.org.uk |
Machinery Safety Solutions -
Machinery Safety Solutions |
www.mssociety.org.uk |
MS info, research, news and
support | Multiple Sclerosis Society UK - We’re the MS Society. Whether
you have MS, or care about someone who does, our community is here for
you through the highs, lows and everything in between. We understand
what life’s like with MS. And together we are stronger. We’re
researching, writing, campaigning and fighting. Running, walking, caring
and talking. Together, we are strong enough to stop MS. |
www.msswindon.org.uk |
Helping People With Neurological
Conditions - Swindon Therapy Centre is a community of people who come
together and make everyday life with MS and other neurological
conditions more bearable. |
www.mstc-lothian.org.uk |
MS Therapy Centre Lothian |
www.mstrust.org.uk |
MS Trust - Providing information
you can trust, supporting the MS specialists you need. |
www.mta.org.uk |
MTA - Manufacturing Technologies
Association |
www.mtg.org.uk |
Medical Technology Group |
Improving Patient Access to Technologies - The Medical Technology Group
(MTG), a coalition working to make medical technologies available to
everyone who needs them. |
www.mtha.org.uk |
Merthyr Tydfil Housing
Association |
www.mthr.org.uk |
Public Health England - GOV.UK -
We exist to protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing, and
reduce health inequalities. PHE is an executive agency, sponsored by the
Department of Health and Social Care . |
www.mtsn.org.uk |
Merchant Taylors' School |
Merchant Taylors' School - The official website of Merchant Taylors'
independent boys' school, 11-18. One of the 'Great Nine' schools of
England, it has provided outstanding educational opportunities to boys
in the London area since 1561. |
www.mtyc.org.uk |
Middle Thames Yacht Club for
boating and social events - Middle Thames Yacht Club for boating and
social events |
www.mubc.org.uk |
MUBC | Manchester University
Boat Club |
www.muchbirchparish.org.u... |
Much Birch Parish |
www.mucknellabbey.org.uk |
Mucknell Abbey |
www.muddymoles.org.uk |
Muddymoles: Mountain biking (MTB)
in the Surrey Hills and Mole Valley | Cycling News, Reviews, Chat and
Ride reports - News, Reviews, Chat and Ride reports from the Muddymoles:
Mountain biking (MTB) in the Surrey Hills and Mole Valley |
www.mugdock-country-park.... |
Mugdock Country Park | Country
Parks in Scotland | Tourist Attractions in Scotland | Countryside Ranger
Service | Mugdock Castle - Glasgow, Scotland, UK - Mugdock Country Park
in Glasgow, Scotland is a Tourist Attraction & Country Park in Scotland
maintaining Scottish Natural Heritage. Also offering a Countryside
Ranger Service & a Business Venture. |
www.muggletonian.org.uk |
Muggletonian a Muggletonian
Resource Site |
www.muguildford.org.uk |
Guildford Diocese Mothers Union
- A worldwide fellowship of over 4 million members in 83 countries
providing Christian care for families, right where it matters – in the
heart of local communities. Seeking to nurture individuals, families and
whole communities we; |
www.muir.org.uk |
Muir Group - | Muir Group Housing
Association - Muir Group aim to put residents at the heart of everything
we do: looking to continually improve the quality of their homes; the
services we offer and the neighbourhoods in which they live. |
www.muirbirthplacefriends... |
Friends of John Muir's
Birthplace |
www.muirfield.org.uk |
Muirfield Muirfield |
www.muirhouseha.org.uk |
Quality social housing in
Muirhouse - Muirhouse Housing Association Ltd |
www.muirkirk.org.uk |
Muirkirk – a thriving village
community | The village of Muirkirk is a historical Covenanter town
locate on the eastern edge of Ayrshire, Scotland. |
www.muju.org.uk |
Welcome to MUJU | MUJU |
www.mulberrybush.org.uk |
The Mulberry Bush Organisation |
Showing the Way in Therapeutic Care |
www.mulberrytree.org.uk |
Mulberry Tree – blog |
www.mullionschool.org.uk |
Mullionschool |
www.mullmod.org.uk |
Local Mod - Isle of Mull UK -
Local Mod - Isle of Mull UK |
www.mullmuseum.org.uk |
The Mull Museum, Tobermory, Isle
of Mull |
www.multicare.org.uk |
Electronic Repair @ Multicare
Electronics Ltd - Manufacturer authorised electronic repair service.
CCTV Repair, Consumer Repair, Audio Repair, Traffic Detection Repair and
Projector Repair. ISO9001 |
www.multikulti.org.uk |
Website is temporarily not
working |
www.multimodal.org.uk |
MultiModal UK |
www.multiplebirths.org.uk |
The Multiple Births Foundation -
A vital resource to professionals and families alike, it aims to improve
the care and support of multiple birth and twins families through the
education of all relevant professionals. - Multiple Births Foundation
aiding twins families and professionals caring for multiple birth
families. Education, books, leaflets and clinics for care professionals
assisting twin families based in London UK. |
www.multiplechoice.org.uk |
Multiplechoice |
www.multiply.org.uk |
Multiply Christian Network |
www.multistory.org.uk |
Multistory – We produce great
art with, for and about the people of Sandwell - We create great art
that people in Sandwell will want to take part in, be part of, see and
talk about. We commission excellent, critically acclaimed artists
because local people deserve to see and work with the best. We produce
photographic work, films, exhibitions, publications, digital stories and
archives that speak not just to Sandwell but to the whole country and
beyond. Above all, we work with artists to tell compelling stories that
demand to be heard. |
www.mumbai.org.uk |
Mumbai Travel Guide - Tourist
Attractions, Restaurants, Shopping in Mumbai - Mumbai travel guide
offering comprehensive information on tourist attractions, weather,
hotels, restaurants and shopping in Mumbai |
www.mumbaihotels.org.uk |
Mumbai Hotels- Hotels in Mumbai,
Mumbai Hotel, Hotels in Bombay India, Hotels of Mumbai - Mumbai hotels
guide offering online reservation and booking for hotels in Mumbai,
India. |
www.mummers.org.uk |
Ashdown Mummers |
www.mungrisdalewriters.or... |
Mungrisdale Writers Group |
www.munlochygmvigil.org.u... |
Munlochy GM Vigil |
www.munstertrust.org.uk |
The Countess of Munster Musical
Trust |
www.muoxford.org.uk |
Mothers' Union Oxford –
Supporting families in Berks, Bucks & Oxon and worldwide |
www.murtonwildlife.org.uk |
Murton Trust – Visitor Farm,
Tearoom, Nature Reserve and Educational Centre. Forfar, North East
Scotland. |
www.muschamp.org.uk |
Muschamp Primary School and
Language Opportunity Base - Muschamp Primary School and Language
Opportunity Base |
www.muscotland.org.uk |
muscotland.org.uk |
www.museum-of-computing.o... |
The National Museum of Computin -
The National Museum of Computing (TNMOC) at Block H, Bletchley Park in
Milton Keynes, is an independent charitable museum housing arguably the
biggest collection of historic computers in Europe. TNMOC is a tenant of
Bletchley Park Trust, which manages the entire Bletchley Park estate,
the de facto home of the British codebreaking operation during World War
II in its previous incarnation. |
www.museumethnographersgr... |
About MEG - The Museum
Ethnographers Group |
www.museuminthepark.org.u... |
Museum in the Park |
www.museumofbritishsurfin... |
The Museum of British Surfing -
The Museum of British Surfing, in Braunton in the English county of
Devon, contains exhibits relating to the history of surfing in the
United Kingdom. The |
www.museumofcomputing.org... |
Museum of Computing - The Museum
of Computing at Swindon collects earlier computers, games and
calculators. Many displays are hands-on. We are family friendly and
welcome school visits. Our popular Children's Club teaches coding. |
www.museumoflondon.org.uk |
Museum of London | Free museum
in London - Discover the history of London at the Museum of London, near
St Paul's and Barbican. We tell the story of the city from prehistoric
times to the present day. |
www.museumofpolicinginche... |
The Museum of Policing in
Cheshire |
www.museumoftechnology.or... |
Museum of Technolog |
www.museumofthebroads.org... |
The Museum of the Broads -
Stalham - A family and dog friendly museum of Broadland life at Stalham
Staithe. Discover the stories of the Broads, its people, boats &
wildlife. Take a boat trip. |
www.museums-sheffield.org... |
Millennium Gallery, Weston Park
& Graves Gallery : Museums Sheffield |
www.museumscomputergr... |
MCG Museums Computer Group - The
Museums Computer Group (MCG) is a non-profit organisation which aims to
encourage best practice in the use of technology in the museums and
heritage sector. |
www.museumscopyright.org.... |
Museums Copyright Group - Museum
Copyright Group website - The website of the Museums Copyright Group |
www.museumsgalleriesscotl... |
Museums Galleries Scotland |
www.museumsincornwall.org... |
Cornwall Museums - The home of
Museums in Cornwall - Cornwall is a land of museums and many of these
are run entirely by volunteers and enthusiasts. Reflecting a strong
sense of place, these museums and their objects tell the story of
Cornwall and its people from prehistory to the present day through the
things our ancestors left behind. |
www.museumstjohn.org.uk |
The Museum of the Order of St
John - Museum of the Order of St John - A hidden jewel which tells the
unique story of an ancient religious military Order. Their gatehouse and
secret gardens are available for event hire. |
www.musicabritannica.org.... |
Musica Britannica Trust - Musica
Britannica |
www.musicanova.org.uk |
Musica Nova - Musica Nova |
www.musicascotica.org.uk |
MA Finance – Financial news and
information on borrowing money. |
www.musicatgmc.org.uk |
Music at GMC: The website for
Music at GMC, the home of good music in Gillingham, Dorset. Details of
our venue, past and future concerts along with our Sweetland organ. |
www.musicatstpeters.org.u... |
www.musicbeyondmainstr... |
Music Beyond Mainstream | Amazing
artists doing amazing things - Music Beyond Mainstream (MBM) produces
and promotes distinctively different high quality live music projects
for UK regional audiences. |
www.musiced.org.uk |
Flash Detection |
www.musicforlife.org.uk |
Music for Life |
www.musicfundforcuba.org.... |
Music fund for Cuba - Music Fund
for Cuba |
www.musicfusion.org.uk |
Music Fusion - Music Making for
young people in Hampshire |
www.musiciansunion.org.uk |
theMU - The Musicians’ Union -
The Musicians’ Union (MU) is a globally-respected organisation which
represents over 30, 000 musicians working in all sectors of the music
business. |
www.musicinprisons.org.uk |
The Irene Taylor Trust – Creating
Music. Transforming Futures. - The Irene Taylor Trust: Creating Music.
Transforming Futures; we believe that creating original music
collaboratively can make a powerful impact on people's lives, bringing
them new confidence, important transferrable skills and raised
aspirations for the future. Our programmes Making Tracks, Music in
Prisons and Sounding Out support NEET (Not in Employment, Education or
Training) young… |
www.musicnairn.org.uk |
Music Nairn |
www.musicplus.org.uk |
Music Plus – Music Plus |
www.musicpool.org.uk |
The Music Pool | Herefordshire's
Community Music Charity |
www.musictheory.org.uk |
Music Theory - Music theory
resource centre. Pages of interactive learning plus music theory quizzes
and tools to help you learn music. |
www.musictherapy.org.uk |
The Music Therapy Charity |
www.muslimcharity.org.uk |
Muslim Charity – Helping the
Needy |
www.muslimcommunityhelp..... |
Muslim Community Helpline –
Confidential, non-judgemental listening & emotional support service -
The Muslim Community Helpline is a confidential, non-judgemental
listening and emotional support service. The Muslim Community Helpline
is a national organisation for women, men, youth and children which was
launched in 2007. We began our work as the nationwide Muslim Women's
Helpline (1987) but changed status to reflect the growing number of
calls from… |
www.muslimjewish.org.uk |
The Muslim Jewish Forum of
Greater Manchester - We bring together Muslims and Jews in Greater
Manchester to learn about each other, to cooperate on issues affecting
both communities, to have fun, and to make new friends. |
www.muslimoutreach.org.uk |
Muslim Outreach – Islamic
Awareness & Aid Relief Charity |
www.muslimparliament.org.... |
Muslim Parliament |
www.mustafaaltinisik.org.... |
Mustafa Altinisik |
www.mustardtheatrecomp... |
Mustard Theatre Company - Next
Production |
www.mustrad.org.uk |
Musical Traditions Internet
Magazine Musical Traditions is an online magazine celebrating all
aspects of traditional music, from all parts of the world. It contains
record, book and tape reviews, articles long and short, discographies,
pictures, news and comment, letters, and information about the magazine
- its history, plans, policies etc. It also publishes Musical Traditions
Records: CD-Rs of important performers unavailable commercially. |
www.muswellhillsynagogue.... |
Muswell Hill Synagogue |
www.muwinchester.org.uk |
Mothers' Union – Mothers' Union
in the Diocese of Winchester |
www.mv16.org.uk |
Melton Vale Sixth Form College |
www.mvc.org.uk |
Welcome to Melbourn Village
College - Melbourn Village College - | At Melbourn Village College,
'Everybody' is Somebody'. We are committed to giving all our students an
education that goes beyond the academic, enabling them to develop the
skills and attributes they need to be successful in tomorrow�s global
society. |
www.mvs.org.uk |
Maritime Volunteer Service | WE
CHANGE LIVES - The Maritime Volunteer Service changes lives through
training and serving local communities. UK Registered Charity No:
1048454. |
www.mvt.org.uk |
MVT Military Vehicle Trust |
www.mvuf.org.uk |
Meanwood Valley Urban Farm -
Meanwood Valley Urban Farm, a registered charity, was established in
1980 to provide services to inner city communities. It's not only a
working farm with a wide variety of animals, but also a major centre for
community and environmental work. |
www.mwcscot.org.uk |
Mental Welfare Commission for
Scotland - We protect and promote the human rights of people with mental
illness, learning disabilities, dementia and related conditions. |
www.mwhs.org.uk |
Muslim House of Welfare Trust
Sheffield |
www.mwht.org.uk |
Muslim Welfare House |
www.mwis.org.uk |
Welcome to the Mountain Weather
Information Service |
www.mwrc.org.uk |
Amina Muslim Women Resource
Centre |
www.mwsf.org.uk |
Muslim Women's Sports Foundation
| MWSF |
www.mx5.org.uk |
personal web page - Personal web
site featuring MX5 cars, North Berwick, climbing Ingleborough and
Gokarting |
www.my-generation.org.uk |
My Generation Radio UK - Nothing
Newer Than The Nineties. Sixties, Seventies and Eighties too - Oldies
Radio Station And Concert Portal That Plays Songs Others Ignore. 60s,
70s and 80s music mainly. Searchers and Spencer James Hour and
Merseybeat hour. Specialist shows worldwide, and the occasional live
show |
www.my-place.org.uk |
My-Place: Tim's Home Page – It's
my place and no one else's |
www.mybrightonandhove.org... |
My Brighton and Hove | The
award-winning people’s history of our city - My Brighton and Hove: The
My Brighton and Hove website was launched in 2000 to celebrate the
Millennium and now has thousands of pages. Every week, people add new
memories, photos, knowledge and opinions about the city – as it is today
and as it was in the past. |
www.mycaravan.org.uk |
My Caravan Site |
www.mycouncillor.org.uk |
My Councillor | ALDC's network of
local campaigning websites |
www.mycounciltax.org.uk |
Find out how much council tax
you pay for your property - mycounciltax.org.uk - Search for council tax
banding and costs for any property in England and Wales |
www.myeloma.org.uk |
Myeloma UK - Get information,
help and support - We are the only UK charity focused on the discovery,
development and access to new effective treatments for myeloma. |
www.myelomaonline.org.uk |
Myelomaonline |
www.myfg.org.uk |
Mid-Yorkshire Fungus Group The
Mid Yorkshire Fungus Group is for fungus enthusiasts, both beginners and
experienced mycologists. Join us for forays, fungus identification and
recording, social events and meetings. Based in Leeds, West Yorkshire,
UK. |
www.myflorida.org.uk |
My Florida 2018 Florida travel
information, attractions guide and rental villa guide to accommodation
vacation rentals in Central Florida, Orland, Kissimmee and Poinciana -
My Florida.org.uk 2018 is a dedicated website covering all aspects of
travel and tourist attractions in Florida |
www.mygarage.org.uk |
My Garage Manager - My Garage
Manager is a software database application for tracking your cars
history. Designed for the driver to keep track of the cars they own. |
www.mygrid.org.uk |
eScience Lab - The eScience Lab
team is a multi-disciplinary internationally leading research group
focusing on the challenges of eScience. We specialise in data and
knowledge-intensive e-Laboratories. |
www.myh.org.uk |
Muslim Youth Helpline - The
Muslim Youth Helpline (MYH) is an award winning registered charity which
provides pioneering faith and culturally sensitive services to Muslim
youth in the UK |
www.myhomefinder.org.uk |
My Homefinder |
www.mykc.org.uk |
Welcome to MyKC |
www.mylandchurch.org.uk |
Myland Parish Church |
www.mylatestobsession.org... |
My Latest Obsession | Welcome!
This blog is about my crafty, arty, creative life. I'm a Paper hoarding,
restless crafter. I'm a rain denying bog leaper, a Retro board game
enthusiast. A Northerner; a Londoner. I founded www.thefword.org.uk and
co-authored 'Reclaiming The F Word: The New Feminist Movement'. This
blog is about paper and fabric and art and stuff. You're very welcome to
hang out here for a while. - Welcome! This blog is about my crafty,
arty, creative life. I&# 039;m a Paper hoarding, restless crafter. I&#
039;m a rain denying bog leaper, a Retro board game enthusiast. A
Northerner; a Londoner. I founded www.thefword.org.uk and co-authored &#
039;Reclaiming The F Word: The New Feminist Movement&# 039;. This blog
is about paper and fabric and art and stuff. You&# 039;re very welcome
to hang out here for a while. |
www.mylifemychoice.org.uk |
My Life My Choice |
www.mylostaccount.org.uk |
My Lost Account - My Lost Account
is a FREE service that helps you trace your lost accounts and savings. |
www.mylsci.org.uk |
Mylsci |
www.myoshinjuku.org.uk |
Peter Brady Myoshinjuku Aikido
Aston University Birmingham and Solihull - Aikido classes for adults of
all skill levels. Beginners are especially welcome. Classes at Aston
University are on Friday evenings. Peter Brady MyoShinJuku Aikido Aston
University Birmingham and Solihull. The Chief Instructor is Mr. Peter
Brady SHIHAN (6th Dan So Hombu, 3rd Dan IaiDo) who is a UKA House
Principal. |
www.myositis.org.uk |
Myositis UK |
www.myresearchproject.org... |
Integrated Research Application
System - Integrated Research Approval System (IRAS), IRAS, ethics,
ethics form, ethics application, NRES, NOMS, HMPPS, CAG, NIGB, GTAC,
www.mysore.org.uk |
Mysore India - Mysore Travel
Guide - Mysore City - Mysore Karnataka - Mysooroo Tourism - Mysore
travel guide highlights travel/tourism destinations in Mysore/Mysooroo
city, the cultural capital of Karnataka, India. |
www.mysticrealms.org.uk |
Mystic Realms - Arthurian texts,
The Knights Templar, original picturs and prints - Mystic Realms -
Arthurian texts, The Knights Templar, original picturs and prints |
www.n-base.org.uk |
N-base - n-base.org.uk -
n-base.org.uk |
www.n-gage.org.uk |
n-gage – Helping young people in
Manchester reach their potential |
www.naadac.org.uk |
All about Drugs and Alcohol |
www.naar.org.uk |
NAAR – National Assembly Against
Racism |
www.nab.org.uk |
Northamptonshire Association For
The Blind | NAB | Sight Loss Charity - As Northamptonshire’s Charity for
people with sight loss charity, NAB provides advice, support and
products to help visually impaired people live life to the full. |
www.nabbc.org.uk |
National Association of Brass
Band Conductors - where conductors lead from the front |
www.nabd.org.uk |
Nabd |
www.nabim.org.uk |
nabim | National Association of
British and Irish Flour Millers - nabim, the representative organisation
for the UK flour milling industry. The UK milling industry is a highly
efficient and vital link within the food chain, producing high quality
safe food for the consumer. |
www.nabo.org.uk |
NABO The National Association of
Boat Owners - listening to boat owners - speaking for boaters -
representing boaters |
www.nabs.org.uk |
NABS - Here to improve the
wellbeing of everyone in the advertising and media industry - NABS is
here to improve the wellbeing of everyone in the advertising and media
industry |
www.naccc.org.uk |
NACCC - More than a million
children have no contact whatsoever with one or other parent after
separation. Unfortunately some children experience behavioural issues
including antisocial behaviour, distress, unhappiness, and both physical
and emotional problems. The NACCC is the only charity in the UK
dedicated to solving this problem, by providing safe spaces where
children can meet the parents they don't live with. We oversee around
350 contact centres across the UK, run by a network of nearly 4000
volunteers. |
www.nace.org.uk |
National Association of Chimney
Engineers (N.A.C.E. Ltd.) specialises in chimney lining and flues,
enforcing national standards of workmanship and quality of... |
www.nacoa.org.uk |
Nacoa | The National Association
for Children of Alcoholics | The National Association for Children of
Alcoholics - Providing information, advice and support for everyone
affected by their parent's drinking |
www.nacro.org.uk |
A social justice charity | Nacro
- We change lives by designing and delivering services to equip people
with skills, advice and support to move on. Nacro - a social justice
charity |
www.nacs.org.uk |
The National Association of
Chimney Sweeps (NACS) |
www.nact.org.uk |
NACT UK - NACT UK is a membership
association for those involved in organising postgraduate training for
doctors. Its aim is to support members in their daily role as leaders in
Medical Education with national advice and training and to liaise on
their behalf with the many National Bodies involved in Medical Education
in the UK. |
www.nadars.org.uk |
Newbury and District Amateur
Radio Society - NADARS |
www.nadc.org.uk |
Certified Drainage Contractors |
CCTV Drain Surveys - NADC - National Association of Drainage Contractors
are located in the UK. We provide CCTV Drain Surveys, Drain Cleaning,
Drain Unblocking, and Drain Repairs. |
www.nadis.org.uk |
NADIS - National Animal Disease
Information Service |
www.nadj.org.uk |
The National Association of Disc
Jockey's - NADJ offers a wealth of knowledge, experience, information
and training to DJs across it’s UK branch network giving members a
chance to develop their skills. |
www.nadmes.org.uk |
NADMES Information about Newton
Abbot Model Engineers Society, Devon, England. |
www.nadp.org.uk |
Welcome to NADP. It's lovely to
meet you! |
www.nads.org.uk |
— NADS — – Not always discussing
soccer |
www.nae.org.uk |
New Art Exchange |
www.naec.org.uk |
Welcome — National Archive of
Educational Computing - The UK National Archive of Educational
Computing's aim is to research, interpret and represent the history of
the UK innovation of computers in education. Through this website it
will offer access to its store of documents, software and technology
which tell the story of inventions, applications, policies, practices,
organisations and people over the last half century. |
www.naeg.org.uk |
Newport Area Environment Group
(NAEG) - Newport Area Environment Group (NAEG) - Improving and
protecting the North Pembrokeshire ecosystem |
www.nafae.org.uk |
www.nafas.org.uk |
www.naginata.org.uk |
British Naginata Association –
The official home of modern Naginata in Great Britain |
www.nahf.org.uk |
Home:: National Association of
Hospice Fundraisers |
www.nahps.org.uk |
www.naht.org.uk |
Naht |
www.nail-extensions.org.u... |
Nail Extensions, Manicure and
Pedicure in Guildford Surrey by Hazel Swanson, Nail Technician - Nail
Technician, based in Guildford, Surrey, offering Nail Extensions,
Manicure and Pedicure |
www.nailsearunningclub.or... |
Nailsearunningclub |
www.nailsworthfestival.or... |
The Nailsworth Festival –
Bringing something a little different to the cultural life of our
community - The 2019 Nailsworth Festival is over! <!--ONLINE BOOKING IS
NOW OPEN. Go straight to Book now if you know what you want or go to
Festival events to see our full programme.--> The Nailsworth Festival
aims, for one week of the year, to bring something a little different to
the cultural life of our community, providing… |
www.nailsworthsubrooms.or... |
Nailsworth Subscription Rooms |
www.nairndrama.org.uk |
Nairn Drama Club |
www.nairnshow.org.uk |
The Nairn Show - News and
information from the Nairnshire Farming Society and the Nairn Show.
Official Site. |
www.nairo.org.uk |
National Association of
Independent Reviewing Officers |
www.nais.org.uk |
NAIS Money – Loans and money
blogger. |
www.nakedscotland.org.uk |
Naked Scotland - The one-stop
information site for naturism, nudism or clothes-free opportunities in
and around Scotland. If you're a Scottish naturist / nudist, look no
further. |
www.nakmas.org.uk |
Home page of the NAKMAS National
Governing Body |
www.naldic.org.uk |
NALDIC - The national subject
association for EAL - NALDIC - NALDIC provides a welcoming, vibrant,
professional forum for learning more about English as an Additional
Language (EAL) and bilingual learners in schools. |
www.nali.org.uk |
NALI | National Association of
the Launderette Industry |
www.nals.org.uk |
Northamptonshire Adult Learning
Service - This is the virtual learning platform specifically for
Northamptonshire Adult Learning Service. The intention of the site is
that it offers information, resource bank / sharing, and an additional
teaching tool for some learners. Although there is a general
administrator for Moodle, the design and content is a shared Management
and user responsibility. If you want to offer advice or feedback re
moodle, please do not hesitate to contact us. This is Moodle 2.5 site
for Northants Adult Learning. |
www.namir.org.uk |
Namir |
www.namm.org.uk |
Namm |
www.namps.org.uk |
The National Association of
Medical Personnel Specialists - Formed in 1995 the National Association
of Medical Personnel Specialists (NAMPS) is the professional association
for medical personnel specialists that is run by medical personnel
specialists. |
www.nanamic.org.uk |
NANAMIC - National Association
for Numeracy and Mathematics in Colleges: Welcome to NANAMIC - National
Association for Numeracy and Mathematics in Colleges in London. It's
lovely to meet you! |
www.nandr.org.uk |
Nursling & Rownhams Parish
Council, Hampshire, Test Valley |
www.nanimew.org.uk |
Nanimew -- Japanese culture in
the North-West of England |
www.nano-optics.org.uk |
Nano Optics and Near-Field
Spectroscopy :: SNOM, scanning near-field optical microscopy,
apertureless SNOM, second-harmonic generation, SHG, surface plasmons,
surface polaritons, nano-optics, plasmonics, nano-photonics,
nanophotonics, nanoplasmonics, metamaterials |
www.nanofactory.org.uk |
Nanofactory - accelerate your
innovation |
www.nanolab.org.uk |
Sheffield NanoLAB |
www.nanophotonics.org.uk |
Entry site of
NanoPhotonics.org.uk |
www.nansa.org.uk |
Nansa - Nansa has worked for over
60 years to improve the lives of people in Norfolk with physical,
sensory and learning disabilities. We are a local independent charity
who believe that all people with disabilities are entitled to full
inclusion in society. We aim to empower Norfolk people with disabilities
to achieve their life aspirations. |
www.nantwichchoral.org.uk |
Nantwichchoral |
www.nantwichmuseum.org.uk |
Nantwichmuseum |
www.nao.org.uk |
National Audit Office (NAO) -
The National Audit Office (NAO) scrutinises public spending for
Parliament. Our public audit perspective helps Parliament hold
government to account and improve public services. |
www.naomihouse.org.uk |
Naomi House & Jacksplace -
Children's and young adult's hospices - Naomi House & Jacksplace -
Hospice care for children and young people from Hampshire, Wiltshire,
Dorset, Berkshire, the Isle of Wight and beyond |
www.napac.org.uk |
NAPAC | Supporting Recovery From
Childhood Abuse |
www.napce.org.uk |
Welcome to NAPCE - NAPCE NAPCE -
The National Association for Pastoral Care in Education |
www.nape.org.uk |
NAPE - National Association for
Primary Education - The Home Page of the National Association for
Primary Education |
www.napfmevent.org.uk |
The NAPFM Event 2020 |
www.napgc.org.uk |
National Association Of Public &
Proprietary Golf Clubs - The NAPGC is the primary organisation of the
United Kingdom Public Golf Courses and was established in 1996. The
NAPGC organises over 30 events for golfers. |
www.napierprimary.org.uk |
Welcome to Napier Primary and
Nursery Academy - Napier Community Primary and Nursery Academy is a
large primary school and nursery for 3-11 years old with over 490 pupils
based in Gillingham, Kent. The atmosphere of the school, the quality of
relat.. |
www.napit.org.uk |
NAPIT | Promoting Excellence in
the Building Services & Fabric Sector - Certification Services for
contractors in the Building Services Sector including Electrical,
Microgeneration, Plumbing, Heating, Third Party, PAT, Part P |
www.napitalia.org.uk |
Napitalia - The Eagle in Italy -
A site dedicated to the Kingdom of Italy during the Napoleonic Wars
1805-1815 |
www.napo.org.uk |
Napo |
www.napoleon.org.uk |
Napoleon |
www.napp.org.uk |
National Association for Patient
Participation promotes and supports patient participation in primary
care. |
www.napta.org.uk |
Welcome to NAPTA |
www.naqshbandi.org.uk |
Naqshbandiyya Mujaddidyya
Aslamiyya |
www.naranjoinstitute.org.... |
Naranjo Institute |
www.narcolepsy.org.uk |
Narcolepsy UK |
www.naric.org.uk |
www.narpo-merseyside.org.... |
N. A. R. P. O. Merseyside |
www.narrowboat.org.uk |
Video blogs of a Narrowboat |
www.narrowboattrust.org.u... |
Narrow Boat Trust - Narrowboat
Trust, information about the Trust, what it does and how you can join
in. |
www.narrowgaugenorth.org.... |
Website for
www.narrowgaugenorth.org.uk containing details for the upcoming 2019
model railway exhibition and also details of previous exhibitors and
traders. Also contains galleries of photos taken in previous years. |
www.narrs.org.uk |
NARRS - National Amphibian &
Reptile Recording Scheme |
www.nartm.org.uk |
NARTM - National Association of
Road Transport Museums - Representing independent road transport museums
and collections in the UK |
www.narts.org.uk |
narts.org.uk |
www.nasacre.org.uk |
www.nasc.org.uk |
NASC :: Home :: National Access
& Scaffolding Confederation |
www.nasdal.org.uk |
NASDAL | Specialists in dental
business accounting and law |
www.nasen.org.uk |
A membership charity
organisation supporting education professionals by providing resources
and training to help meet and identify needs of individuals with special
or additional learning needs SEND/ALN |
www.nasgp.org.uk |
NASGP | Supporting locum GPs and
salaried GPs - Representing locum GPs, salaried and retainer GPs working
in the UK. Locum organiser for invoices, rates, NHS pensions and terms
and conditions. |
www.nasma.org.uk |
NASMA - Welcome to the National
Association of Student Money Advisers - NASMA, National Association of
Student Money Advisers, student, finance, funding, debt, welfare |
www.nass.org.uk |
National Association of Steel
Service Centres | NASS |
www.nasschools.org.uk |
National Association of
Independent & Non-Maintained Special Schools - NASS is a membership
organisation working with and for special schools in the independent,
voluntary and private sectors within the UK. |
www.nassea.org.uk |
Nassea | Improving teaching and
learning for black and minority ethnic pupils |
www.nassl.org.uk |
Page Redirection |
www.nasta.org.uk |
Student Media UK - Digital Media
for UK Students |
www.nastro.org.uk |
NASTRO NASTRO- Northumberland
Astronomical Society - Nastro, Northumberland Astronomical Society was
founded in January 2000 and has approximately 60 regular members. We are
a friendly, active society of professional and amateur astronomers from
the North East area. |
www.nasuwt.org.uk |
NASUWT | The Teachers' Union -
The NASUWT, The Teachers' Union, works to protect the status of the
teaching profession and deliver real improvements to teachers’ and
school leaders’ working lives. We seek to ensure teachers are recognised
and rewarded as highly skilled professionals. |
www.nat-col-music.org.uk |
National College of Music |
www.nat.org.uk |
National AIDS Trust - NAT |
www.natcor.org.uk |
Official website of the National
Correspondence Chess Club, a top class correspondence chess club within
the UK. |
www.natd.org.uk |
National Association of Teachers
of Dancing |
www.nate.org.uk |
NATE - New Directions in Post-16
English Conference, B'ham 11 Nov. Initial Teacher Education Symposium,
London 18 Nov. Primary Matters Conference, York 24 Nov. |
www.natecla.org.uk |
Association for Teaching English and other Community Languages to
Adults) is the national forum and professional organisation for ESOL
teachers. |
www.nathusius.org.uk |
Nathusius' pipistrelle |
www.nationalassociationof... |
Welcome to the official website
of National Association of Choirs |
www.nationalbreastfeeding... |
National Breastfeeding Helpline
– Helpline |
www.nationalcareassociat.... |
National Care Association
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Information on the National Care Association |
www.nationalcareforum.org... |
National Care Forum | Care and
support sector - NCF members are not-for-profit organisations in the
care and support sector. NCF currently has over 110 member organisations
providing a wide range of quality care and support services |
www.nationalce-ac.org.uk |
National Church of England
Academy National Church of England Academy |
www.nationalcentrecumbrae... |
Watersports courses and
Instructor training Scotland | National Centre Cumbrae, watersports
courses centre, Scotland - We are Scotland’s premier watersports courses
centre and instructor training facility. Courses for beginners to
advanced. National Centre Cumbrae, Scotland, Uk |
www.nationalcentreinvercl... |
sportscotland inverclyde national
sports training centre - The first accessible UK residential sports
centre of its kind, designed for inclusivity |
www.nationalcyclingstrate... |
National Cycling Strategy –
Cycling in the UK |
www.nationaldomesticviole... |
National Domestic Violence
Helpline - The Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline,
run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge, is a national service
for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends,
colleagues and others calling on their behalf. |
www.nationaldrama.org.uk |
National Drama | One Forum, many
voices. |
www.nationalfruitcollecti... |
National Fruit Collection |
www.nationalfruitshow.org... |
National Fruit Show |
www.nationalgallery.org.u... |
The National Gallery, London -
The story of European art, masterpiece by masterpiece. |
www.nationalgasmuseum.org... |
The National Gas Museum - Home
to the largest, most representative and most significant holding of
material related to the gas industry ... anywhere in the world |
www.nationalgolfclubchall... |
The National Golf Club Challenge
- The National Golf Club Challenge invites golf clubs all over the UK to
compete against each other at the same time as fundraising for On Course
Foundation. |
www.nationalhamfest.org.u... |
National Hamfest – Hosted by
National Hamfest (Lincoln) Ltd in Association with the RSGB |
www.nationalhistoricships... |
National Historic Ships |
www.nationalhorsebrasssoc... |
The National Horse Brass Society
www.nationalmediamuseum..... |
National Science and Media Museum
vimeo twitter search search-white linkedin instagram googleplus facebook
cross cross-thin video-play video-pause arrow-accordion-down-white
arrow-form-select arrow-accordion-down arrow-bold-right arrow-thin-right
comment-bubble quote-mark twitter-alt googleplus-alt facebook-alt -
Exploring the transformative impact of image and sound technologies on
our lives. 8 floors of FREE galleries and 3 cinemas including the UK's
first IMAX. |
www.nationalmotormuseum.o... |
The National Motor Museum Trust
- A charitable organisation founded in 1972, which runs the National
Motor Museum and its world famous collection of vehicles and motoring
items. |
www.nationalmuseums.org.u... |
National Museum Directors'
Council - National Museum Directors' Council Website - test |
www.nationalmusiccouncil.... |
Nationalmusiccouncil |
www.nationaloperastudio.o... |
National Opera Studio - The
National Opera Studio is the leading opera training organisation in the
United Kingdom, offering intensive and bespoke training, short courses
and venue hire |
www.nationalpetmonth.org.... |
National Pet Month - promoting
responsible pet ownership across the UK |
www.nationalprayerbreakf.... |
Prayer Breakfast – Christians in
Parliament |
www.nationalpubwatch.org.... |
Welcome to National Pubwatch, a
voluntary organisation - National Pubwatch is a voluntary organisation
set up to promote best practice through supporting the work of local
Pubwatch Schemes. |
www.nationalsheep.org.uk |
National Sheep Association | NSA
- The National Sheep Association is a specialist organisation dedicated
to safeguarding the interests and future of sheep farmers throughout the
UK. |
www.nationalstemcentre.or... |
STEM Learning - Resources, CPD,
STEM Ambassadors and enrichment | STEM - STEM Learning is the UK’s
largest provider of education and careers support in science,
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). |
www.nationalstonecentre.o... |
NSC | National Stone Centre |
www.nationalswimmingleag.... |
Home Of The National Arena
Swimming League - This is the home of The National Arena Swimming League
to present you with News, Stories, Rules, Details and Results. |
www.nationaltheatre.org.u... |
National Theatre |
www.nationaltrust.org.uk |
National Trust - We look after
the places you love, from houses, buildings and gardens to coast and
countryside. Join us and help protect them. |
www.nationaltrustcollecti... |
National Trust Collections -
National Trust Collections search over three quarters of a million items
in historic country house collections - paintings, decorative arts,
ceramics, costume, books and historic household objects. |
www.nationaltrustholidays... |
Holidays & short breaks in the
UK 2019/2020 | National Trust - The National Trust offers a selection of
holiday cottages, campsites, bunkhouses and bothies set in spectacular
locations. |
www.nationaltrustjobs.org... |
Find out more about working for
the National Trust and search and apply to our current vacancies. Find
out more about working for the National Trust and search and apply to
our current vacancies. - As Europe's largest conservation charity, we
help everyone across England, Wales and Northern Ireland enjoy all sorts
of very special places. Here you can find out more about our fascinating
story - a story we'd love you to be a part of. |
www.nationalvoices.org.uk |
National Voices | Person centred
care |
www.nationalwatersafety.o... |
National Water Safety Forum |
www.nationwidefoundation.... |
Nationwide Foundation – Our
vision is for everyone in the UK to have access to a decent home which
they can afford. |
www.nato.org.uk |
National Association of Tree
Officers - The National Association of Tree Officers (NATO) is a UK
based, independent organisation that represents and distributes the
views and concerns of Tree Officers nationwide. |
www.natre.org.uk |
National Association of Teachers
of Religious Education - Subject teacher association for RE
professionals. It works to support those who teach and lead in all
schools and institutions. |
www.natspec.org.uk |
Natspec |
www.natt.org.uk |
National Association of Teachers
of Travellers +Other Professionals - Committed to the education of
Gypsy, Roma and Travellers of Irish Heritage, Fairground, Circus, New
and Bargee children and young people - Committed to the education of
Gypsy, Roma and Travellers of Irish Heritage, Fairground, Circus, New
and Bargee children and young people |
www.naturalbalance.org.uk |
Reflexology and Hypnotherapy in
Sheffield | Mobile Reflexologist and Hypnotherapist - Therapist based in
Sheffield, offering Reflexology and Hypnotherapy as a Mobile service
throughout Sheffield and the South Yorkshire area. Qualified
Reflexologist and Hypnotherapist offering complementary therapy in
Hillsborough and Stannington areas of Sheffiled |
www.naturalcapitalinitiat... |
Dialogue Based on Sound Science
- Natural Capital Initiative - Natural Capital Initiative’s mission is
to support decision-making that results in the sustainable management of
our natural capital based on sound science. |
www.naturaldeath.org.uk |
Natural Death Centre .org - The
Natural Death Centre - The Natural Death Centre, Natural Death Handbook,
dying at home, helping prepare for death and dying, Living Wills,
Advance Directives, Advance Funeral Wishes, best funeral directors,
crematoria, cemeteries, natural burial, woodland burial grounds,
cardboard coffins, diy funerals, private land burial, burial on farmland |
www.naturaltherapycentre.... |
Natural Therapy Centre | Kings
Lynn, Norfolk |
www.naturespot.org.uk |
Recording the Wildlife of
Leicestershire and Rutland | NatureSpot |
www.naturewise.org.uk |
Greetings and welcome to our web
site. - Our work focuses on raising environmental awareness and enabling
people to move towards living more sustainably. We do this primarily
through running permaculture courses & public talks. Promoting forest
gardening, giving advice and consultations. We are based within the
inner city of London. |
www.naturopaths.org.uk |
The British Naturopathic
Association |
www.nava.org.uk |
Promoting professionalism within
valuers and auctioneers - NAVA Propertymark - NAVA Propertymark is a
professional self-regulating body for valuers and auctioneers. We
promote professionalism and best practice within the industry. |
www.navca.org.uk |
www.navs.org.uk |
NAVS : National Antivivisection
Society. |
www.navylark.org.uk |
The Official Navy Lark
Appreciation Society Website |
www.navyrecords.org.uk |
The Navy Records Society – The
Navy Records Society publishes in print and online rare and original
documents on naval history. Since 1893 it has produced over 160 printed
volumes. These constitute an invaluable source for students and
scholars. |
www.nawc.org.uk |
National Association of Women's
Clubs - what we do |
www.nawo.org.uk |
NAWO – National Alliance of
Women's Organisations |
www.nawt.org.uk |
National Animal Welfare Trust -
The National Animal Welfare Trust is one of the UK’s top animal welfare
charities operating five rehoming centres across the south of England.
Whether you already own a pet or are looking for a new companion we’re
there to help. |
www.naylorcarclub.org.uk |
Naylor Classic Car Club - We are
creating a new Naylor Car Club Website |
www.nayo.org.uk |
Tribute to National Association
of Youth Orchestras - Tribute to National Association of Youth
Orchestras |
www.nayt.org.uk |
National Association of Youth
Theatres |
www.nazarene.org.uk |
Home Pages of the Church of the
Nazarene in the UK |
www.nb-president.org.uk |
nb-president.org.uk |
www.nbacademy.org.uk |
North Birmingham Academy |
www.nbfa.org.uk |
NBFA | Assisting the Elderly -
We are committed to increasing the independence and the confidence of
older people so they can make positive changes in their own lives. |
www.nbn.org.uk |
National Biodiversity Network -
The National Biodiversity Network (NBN) is a collaborative venture in
the United Kingdom, which is committed to making biodiversity
information available through the internet via the NBN Atlas - the data
search website of the NBN. |
www.nbo.org.uk |
Network of Buddhist
Organisations |
www.nbr.org.uk |
North Bay Railway Great day out
for all the family and Sky Trail Adventure - The North Bay Railway,
Scarborough is one of the towns top tourist attractions. The
locomotives, scenery and history of the railway all add up to make it a
fantastic family day out. The SkyTrail, thrill on the historic
waterchute, face the challenge of the waterballs or take things more
leisurely on the boating lake. |
www.nbsl.org.uk |
Business support in
Northumberland and the North East - NBSL provide support services to
help start and develop businesses in Northumberland and the North East |
www.nc3.org.uk |
North Cotswold Chamber Choir -
The North Cotswold Chamber Choir |
www.nc3rs.org.uk |
NC3Rs - We lead the discovery
and application of new technologies and approaches to replace, reduce
and refine the use of animals for scientific purposes. We fund research,
support training and development, and stimulate changes in policy,
regulations and practice. Primarily funded by Government, the NC3Rs is
also supported by the charitable and private sectors. |
www.ncap.org.uk |
NCAP - National Collection of
Aerial Photography | NCAP - National Collection of Aerial Photography |
www.ncar.org.uk |
North Clwyd Animal Rescue –
Animal Rescue North Wales | Animal Rescue Wales | Animal Shelter |
Rescue Pets | Rescue Dogs | Rescue Cats | Rehome Pets |
www.ncass.org.uk |
The Nationwide Caterers
Association CSS3 Carrousel - The Nationwide Caterers Association (NCASS)
- The UK's leading association for independent catering businesses.
Helping mobile caterers for over 30 years. Find out more about us. |
www.ncb.org.uk |
NCB | - We build a better
childhood for every child, by championing their right to be safe, secure
and supported. |
www.ncbc.org.uk |
Ncbc |
www.ncbka.org.uk |
Welcome to North Cotswold
Beekeepers - North Cotswold Beekeepers Association |
www.ncbpt.org.uk |
site has moved to a new address. Please note the change of address. |
www.ncchorus.org.uk |
North Camden Chorus - We're an
amateur choir in the true sense; we sing for pleasure. - We're an
amateur choir in the true sense; we sing for pleasure. |
www.nccl.org.uk |
National Justice Museum -
National Justice Museum |
www.nccmh.org.uk |
NCCMH – Personal loan
information and resource blog. |
www.nccu.org.uk |
Northern Counties Chess Union -
Northern Counties Chess Union web site, hosting County Chess, County
Individual Chess Championships, U18 & U16 Events. |
www.ncdv.org.uk |
NCDV | Domestic Abuse | National
Centre For Domestic Violence - The National Centre for Domestic Violence
(NCDV) provides a free, fast emergency injunction service to survivors
of domestic abuse. |
www.ncea.org.uk |
Northumberland Church of England
Academy Trust | Inspiring Achievement Encouraging Compassion -
Northumberland Church of England Academy Trust - Inspiring Achievement
Encouraging Compassion |
www.ncefl.org.uk |
The official website of the
Toolstation Northern Counties East Football League |
www.ncepod.org.uk |
NCEPOD - National Confidential
Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death - The National Confidential
Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) reviews clinical
practice and identifies potentially remediable factors in the practice
of patient care. |
www.ncetm.org.uk |
National Centre for Excellence
in the Teaching of Mathematics - NCETM Bootstrap Home Test |
www.ncfe.org.uk |
NCFE - NCFE are a national
Awarding Organisation, passionate about designing, developing and
certificating diverse, nationally recognised qualifications and awards. |
www.ncha.org.uk |
www.nci-frowardpoint.org.... |
Nci-frowardpoint |
www.nci-prawlepoint.org.u... |
NCI Prawle Point - National
Coastwatch - Prawle Point. Eyes along the Coast. Keeping a watch along
the coast of the South Hams of Devon. Come and visit us. |
www.nci.org.uk |
The National Coastwatch
Institution | National Coastwatch Institution |
www.ncic.org.uk |
North Coast Integrated College -
Our mission statement "Successfully Educating Children Together" is at
the very core of all that we do here at North Coast Integrated College. |
www.ncin.org.uk |
www.ncisouthend.org.uk |
Southend |
www.nciwormshead.org.uk |
Coastwatch Worm's Head - Welcome
to the National Coastwatch Institution, Worm's Head |
www.nckc.org.uk |
Northampton Canoe & Kayak Club |
www.nclga.org.uk |
Official website of the
Nottinghamshire County Ladies Golf Association. |
www.ncm.org.uk |
National Coal Mining Museum for
England - The National Coal Mining Museum is a great day out giving
visitors the opportunity to go down England's last deep coal mine
talking to charismatic former miners. Then explore the galleries, meet
the ponies, walk through the woods and let off steam in the adventure
playground. |
www.ncmc.org.uk |
Welcome to NCMC... Summer Music
Course - UK summer music school, Summer music school, Summer music
course, NCMC, National Chamber Music Course, is a week long Summer
residential music course mainly for young string players (aged 10 to
18), Grade V and above. |
www.nco.org.uk |
StackPath |
www.ncpf.org.uk |
Northern Counties Photographic
Federation – Northern Counties Photographic Federation |
www.ncpo.org.uk |
Network of Christian Peace
Organisations |
www.ncri.org.uk |
The National Cancer Research
Institute |
www.ncsbtc.org.uk |
The Northern Counties SBTC |
www.nct.org.uk |
The UK's leading charity for
parents | NCT - We are the UK’s leading charity for parents, for your
First 1, 000 Days - right through your pregnancy, birth and beyond. |
www.ncus.org.uk |
Tim's Amstrad NC Users' Site -
Resources for users of the Amstrad NC100 Notepad and NC200 Notebook
computers, with a Q&A section, features, and FREE programs to download. |
www.ncvo.org.uk |
NCVO - NCVO champions the
voluntary sector and volunteering because they’re essential for a better
society. We do this by connecting, representing and supporting voluntary
organisations. |
www.ndas.org.uk |
North Devon Archaeological
Society |
www.ndca.org.uk |
North Dorset | Conservatives -
Latest news, events and campaigns from North Dorset Conservative
Association, the Conservative Party in North Dorset. |
www.ndccethiopia.org.uk |
New Day Children’s Centre |
www.ndcs.org.uk |
National Deaf Children's Society
| supporting deaf children - We are the National Deaf Children’s
Society, the leading charity for deaf children and young people. We’re
here to support every deaf child who needs us. |
www.ndcschallenges.org.uk |
Fundraising ideas | National
Deaf Children's Society - From running, cycling and skydiving to baking
and bucket collections – however you decide to fundraise for the
National Deaf Children’s Society, we’ll support you. |
www.ndcxl.org.uk |
Forme Notts & Derby Cyclo-cross
League – Forme NDCXL Official Website |
www.ndfhs.org.uk |
NDFHS | Northumberland and
Durham Family History Society |
www.ndhm.org.uk |
NDHM Genealogy and Stem Cell
Research - Helping the people of Manchester understand their biology -
Helping the people of Manchester understand their biology |
www.ndhs.org.uk |
Notre Dame High School |
www.ndlhs.org.uk |
Nailsea and District Local
History Society - The Nailsea and District Local History Society was
established in 1975 and aims to encourage and promote an interest in,
and research into, the local history of the area. |
www.ndmc.org.uk |
North Devon Motor Club - North
Devon Motor Club - the club has developed through changing times to
become one of the leading motorsports clubs in the South West. |
www.ndna.org.uk |
NDNA | National Day Nurseries
Association - NDNA is an award winning national charity that provides
support, information, advice and guidance to the childcare, early years
and nursery sector. |
www.ndorocc.org.uk |
Ndoro Children's Charities |
www.ndsart.org.uk |
North Dartmoor Search and Rescue
Team | NDSART | Okehampton - North Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team
provide Search and Rescue capability for missing and injured people both
on and off the moor. Registered Charity 1106096. |
www.ndta.org.uk |
One Dance UKOne Dance UK | Home
Page | One Dance UK - One Dance UK is the sector support organisation
leading the way to a stronger, more vibrant and diverse dance community
for our members and the dance sector |
www.ndti.org.uk |
The National Development Team for
Inclusion | NDTi - The National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) is
a not-for-profit organisation which works to promote inclusive lives for
people who are most at risk of exclusion and who may need support to
lead a full life. |
www.ndvf.org.uk |
NDVF - Financial Advice, Money
and Loans |
www.ne-calltoaction.org.u... |
formerly Make Poverty History NE |
www.nea.org.uk |
www.neac.org.uk |
Welcome to the National
Entertainment Agents Council Website - Entertainment Trade Association. |
www.nearby.org.uk |
Nearby.org.uk - Location
Searches - Points of Interest - UK - GB and Ireland |
www.nearea.org.uk |
NE NAFAS - North East Area of
www.neath-tennant-canals.... |
Neath and Tennant Canals Trust -
A private, non-profit making organisation dedicated to the restoration
and preservation of the Neath and Tennant Canals in South Wales. |
www.neatshows.org.uk |
North East Arts Touring |
Promoting high quality and professionally produced theatre, dance and
film productions in rural communities across the North East of Scotland. |
www.nebc.org.uk |
Newtown Baptist Church |
Chesham, Buckinghamshire |
www.nebosh.org.uk |
NEBOSH - Globally recognised
Health, Safety & Environmental Qualifications. NEBOSH The National
Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health is an awarding body
established in 1979. Our globally recognised qualifications in health
and safety and environmental management help to raise the competence of
safety and environmental professionals as well as individuals at all
levels in the workplace. |
www.nect.org.uk |
North of England Civic Trust |
www.neebpa.org.uk |
neebpa.org.uk |
www.needingworthvillager.... |
the Villager:
Holywell-cum-Needingworth |
www.needlemakers.org.uk |
The Worshipful Company of
Needlemakers | Granted livery in 1656, The Worshipful Company of
Needlemakers are number 65 in the order of precedence of the Livery
Companies of the City of London. |
www.needlesofsteel.org.uk |
www.neemf.org.uk |
NEEMF - the North East Early
Music Forum - The North East Early Music Forum runs monthly workshops in
the north east of England for singers and instrumentalists |
www.nef.org.uk |
Improving the Use of Energy in
Buildings - the National Energy Foundation - National Energy Foundation
The National Energy Foundation: "Improving the use of energy in
buildings" - We work to improve the use of energy in buildings. We do
this through capacity building, research, innovation and technical
support. |
www.nehc.org.uk |
North East Hampshire |
Conservatives - Latest news, events and campaigns from North East
Hampshire Conservatives, the Conservative Party in North East Hampshire. |
www.nehhas.org.uk |
NEHHAS - Field Archaeology
Branch - News |
www.nehra.org.uk |
North East Hayling Residents
Association - North East Hayling Residents Association for the villages
of Northney and Tye of Hayling Island, Hampshire |
www.nehrucentre.org.uk |
Nehru Centre London |
www.nehyl.org.uk |
NEHYL Home new_icons new_icons-2
new_icons - A Charter Standard league sanctioned by Hampshire FA and run
by a committee of volunteers who are passionate about football.
Supporting youth football teams from clubs in Hampshire, Berks & Bucks
and Surrey. |
www.neighbourhoodsgreen.o... |
NG Finance – Loans and lending
guide. |
www.nelmes-havering.org.u... |
Nelmes Primary School |
www.nelpg.org.uk |
North Eastern Locomotive
Preservation Group - The North Eastern Locomotive Preservation Group
(NELPG) exists to foster interest in, and to preserve examples of, steam
locomotives, rolling stock and other items of railway interest connected
with the North East of England. |
www.nelug.org.uk |
NELUG – Durham Linux User Group |
Also known as the North East Linux User Group |
www.nemco.org.uk |
nemco.org.uk |
www.nemhdu.org.uk |
North of England Mental Health
Development Unit - Office 365 for small businesses. We help people and
businesses work with information and technology. We can help your move
your data into the cloud and enable your staff to access this
information on any device from any location. |
www.nemt.org.uk |
North East Mountain Trust |
www.neneparktrust.org.uk |
Adventure, outdoor activity, a
place to walk the dog or simply to appreciate nature, Nene Park in
Peterborough has it all - Whether you are looking for adventure, outdoor
activity, a place to walk the dog or simply to appreciate nature, Nene
Park has it all. |
www.nenevalleysurgery.org... |
Nene Valley Medical Practice -
Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments,
online prescriptions, health information and much more - Nene Valley
Medical Practice Nene Valley Medical Practice, Clayton, Orton Goldhay,
Peterborough PE2 5GP PE2 5GP, Information about the doctors surgery
opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information
and much more |
www.neolithic.org.uk |
Neolithic Studies Group |
Exploring Neolithic Europe |
www.neos.org.uk |
NEOS – North of England
Ophthalmological Society |
www.nepd.org.uk |
be part of the Network for
Economic & Political Democracy - The Network for Economic and Political
Democracy aims to create the conditions for an alternative to New Labour
and a new, truly democratic society |
www.nepsis.org.uk |
Nepsis UK |
www.nerp.org.uk |
NERP | Education Funding and
resource insights - The National Education Research Panel (NERP) is a
network of research contributors spanning over 11, 000 teaching
professionals. |
www.nes-crematorium.org.u... |
North East Surrey Crematorium •
The North East Surrey Crematorium is based in Morden, Surrey and
provides cremation and memorials services. |
www.nesbiodiversity.org.u... |
North East Scotland Biodiversity
Partnership - Welcome to the new website of the North East Scotland
Biodiversity Partnership - promoting and protecting biodiversity in the
great North East of Scotland. |
www.nesbittnisbet.org.uk |
Nesbitt Nisbet Society (British
Isles) - Website of the Nesbitt Nisbet Society |
www.nesbrec.org.uk |
NESBReC | Biological records for
the North East of Scotland |
www.nesra.org.uk |
Nesra |
www.nessie.org.uk |
Scottish Showtime - A Traditional
Scottish evening ceilidh with Highland Music singing dancing bagpipe
playing and accordianist in kilts a Variety Scottish Show entertainment
in Inverness the Highlands of Scotland for bus tours and visitors -
Traditional Scottish evining music and song. Entertainment Variety Show
in Inverness Scotland, Capital of the Highlands. From gaelic song
accordian instrumentalists to Highland Dancing and Bagpipe playing,
perfect for Holiday Fun and Special Occasions |
www.nesta.org.uk |
Nesta | The Innovation
Foundation - Nesta is an innovation foundation. We bring bold ideas to
life to change the world for good. |
www.nestpensions.org.uk |
NEST Pensions | Workplace Pension
Scheme - NEST is the workplace pension scheme set up by the government.
It's free for employers and easy to set up. Find out how NEST can help
secure your future. |
www.nestrans.org.uk |
Transport Partnership for Aberdeen City and Shire |
www.nestwales.org.uk |
Nest | nest.gov.wales - Welsh
Government Warm Homes Nest Scheme |
www.netchurch.org.uk |
Welcome to the Net Church - The
Net Church |
www.nether.org.uk |
Nether |
www.netheredge.org.uk |
NENG - Welcome to Nether Edge,
Sheffield |
www.netleycf.org.uk |
Netley Christian Fellowship |
Church in Southampton |
www.netlinux.org.uk |
NetLinux - Community/Developer
site |
www.netoa.org.uk |
North East Theatre Organ
Association | NETOA - Visit the Mighty Wurlitzer Theatre & Cinema Pipe
Organ. Organise Group Visits to this Real Live Visitor Attraction. Book
Concert Tickets & Sponsor a Pipe! |
www.nettingtheevidence.or... |
Evidence Based Medicine | - The
care of the nation is top of the list when it comes to evidence based
medicine. Whether it is an individual's mental state or their physical
being, evidence |
www.nettleham.org.uk |
Nettleham - Nettleham Village and
Nettleham Methodist Church - NMC |
www.networkartists.org.uk |
Network Artists North East - The
network for professional artists |
www.networkedlearningconf... |
Home, Networked Learning
Conference 2018 - NLC2018, Zagreb, Croatia |
www.networkforclimateacti... |
Toolkit for Climate Action |
www.networkforpeace.org.u... |
Network for Peace |
www.networkhg.org.uk |
Affordable housing, Affordable
rent, London housing association | Network Homes - London housing
association provides affordable housing at affordable rent. Flats to
rent in London and flats to rent in Hertford for tenants who want
affordable homes. |
www.networkpartnership.or... |
Welcome to The Network
Partnership |
www.networkrussia.org.uk |
networkrussia.org.uk |
www.networkstadium.org.uk |
Affordable housing, Affordable
rent, London housing association | Network Homes - London housing
association provides affordable housing at affordable rent. Flats to
rent in London and flats to rent in Hertford for tenants who want
affordable homes. |
www.networkvineyard.org.u... |
Network Vineyard Church |
Reading & Bracknell |
www.neural.org.uk |
Neurological Alliance |
www.neuroblastoma.org.uk |
Neuroblastoma UK - We are a
small, national charity, dedicated to finding a cure for neuroblastoma,
a rare childhood cancer. We fund leading research to deliver new,
effective and kinder treatments. Donate today to help save more young
lives. |
www.neurocare.org.uk |
Neurocare – Funding world-leading
Neuroscience at Sheffield's hospitals |
www.neuroendo.org.uk |
British Society for
Neuroendocrinology |
www.neuroinformatics.org.... |
Neuroinformatics UK |
http://www.neuroinformatics.org.uk/ |
www.neuropsa.org.uk |
Psychology and
Neuropsychoanalysis - neuropsa.org - What is neuropsychoanalysis?
Explore neuroscience as well as psychoanalysis in a bid to get a better
understanding of the brain and the mind. An unofficial guide to the
neuropsychoanalysis association's work |
www.neurosupport.org.uk |
National Support for all
Neurological Conditions - The Brain Charity - We offer emotional
support, practical help, and social activities to anyone with a
neurological condition and to their family, friends and carers. |
www.newagespiritualistchu... |
New Age Spiritualist Church Hull
| 23 John Street, Hull |
www.newalesnhstrust.org.u... |
newalesnhstrust.org.uk -
Registered at Namecheap.com |
www.newashgate.org.uk |
New Ashgate Gallery and Shop |
www.newauthors.org.uk |
Literary Agents - Literary Agency
including an Interne Showcase for new writers and poets to display their
work to publishers and others. NEW. E-Publishing. |
www.newbarnet.org.uk |
New Barnet | Keeping watch on
developments - Keeping watch on development schemes proposed by Tesco
and ASDA for New Barnet, North London, UK |
www.newbattle.org.uk |
Newbattle High School | A Digital
Centre of Excellence |
www.newbeacon.org.uk |
New Beacon School | Boys' Prep
School in Sevenoaks, Kent - The New Beacon is a place of energy and
success, for individual boys and for the entire school community. New
Beacon boys strive for personal excellence and it |
www.newbeetle.org.uk |
Club Concept - the UK's first and
largest VW New Beetle club - Club Concept - the UK's first and largest
VW New Beetle club. Created in 1999 our community is the premier
authority on the New Beetle in the UK. Join now for great club discounts
on shows and insurance. Free new beetle owners club forum. |
www.newboldbaptist.org.uk |
Newbold Baptist Church Rochdale
- Newbold Baptist Church is a lively charismatic Baptist Church in
Rochdale. We have a membership of people of all ages and have a morning
and evening worship service each Sunday. We seek to grow in our
Christian faith and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with all we come
into contact with. |
www.newbreweryarts.org.uk |
New Brewery Arts | Craft in the
Cotswolds - New Brewery Arts supports and promotes craft, making and
creativity. We have on-site crafts studios, our exhibitions showcase the
very best in craft and design, our craft shop promotes work by over 400
carefully selected British craftspeople and we specialise in crafts and
art courses and workshops to enable everyone to develop their craft
skills and talents. Based in Cirencester in the Cotswolds we also offer
self-catering guest accommodation at The Barrel Store. |
www.newbridge-health.org.... |
National Centre For Eating
Disorders | Newbridge House - Newbridge House are a national centre for
children and young people with eating disorders. We have a broad
resource of specialist treatments and support to affect deep and lasting
change. Click here to visit our homepage and access a wide range of
information on eating disorders and available treatments. |
www.newbrightonpostcards.... |
New Brighton Postcards | Both
sides are history |
www.newbrightonwalrus.org... |
www.newbristolsinfonia.or... |
New Bristol Sinfonia |
www.newburghorchards.org.... |
Home and info - This is the home
of the Newburgh Orchard Group. We aim to support the historic orchards
of Newburgh, Fife. |
www.newburyaa.org.uk |
newburyaa.org.uk |
www.newburyas.org.uk |
Newbury Accounting Services –
Helping you and your finances |
www.newburydogtraining.or... |
Newbury and District Dog Training
Society - The Newbury and District Dog Training Society is a
non-for-profit organisation that offers courses to cater for all levels.
We have sponsored and hosted the England World Cup Team trials since
2006. |
www.newburylions.org.uk |
Lions Club of Newbury Serving
the Local Community - Newbury Lions Website |
www.newburytwintown.org.u... |
Newbury Twin Town Association:
Home Page |
www.newcambridgesingers.o... |
The New Cambridge Singers - New
Cambridge Singers is a chamber choir based in Cambridge, England The
choir generally gives five concerts a year, most of which are performed
twice, once in Cambridge itself and once in a nearby town or village |
www.newcastle-antiquaries... |
The Society of Antiquaries of
Newcastle upon Tyne |
www.newcastlebachchoir.or... |
newcastlebachchoir.org.uk |
www.newcastlebahais.org.u... |
Newcastle Baha'is |
www.newcastlecab.org.uk |
Citizens Advice Newcastle -
free, confidential, independent & impartial advice - Citizens Advice
Newcastle is a local charity providing free, confidential, independent
and impartial advice to people who live or work in the City. |
www.newcastlecc.org.uk |
Newcastle Cricket Club | The
North East's Premier Cricket Club - It is with deep regret that we share
the news that lifelong Newcastle Cricket Club member and supporter
Stuart Max Goldie has passed peacefully away at the age... |
www.newcastlegreenfestiv.... |
Green Councils Medical Surgeon -
Achieving better health care one patient at a time. |
www.newcastleorienteering... |
NATO - Newcastle and Tyneside
Orienteers |
www.newchristian.org.uk |
Home page of the website New
Christian UK (index.html)explaining who we are and the basic teaching we
offer about Jesus Christ, God and the Bible for new and growing
Christians(newchristian.org.uk) - If you are looking for basic Christian
teaching about Jesus Christ, God and the Bible, the home page of the New
Christian UK website www.newchristian.org.uk is the place to start. |
www.newcommunity.org.uk |
New Community |
www.newcontemporaries.org... |
New Contemporaries | New
Contemporaries - We are the leading UK organisation supporting emergent
art practice from British Art Schools |
www.newdawn.org.uk |
New Dawn - New Dawn in the Church
Pilgrimage Conference in Walsingham |
www.newentcatholic.org.uk |
Our Lady of Lourdes | Catholic
Church in Newent |
www.neweradianetics.org.u... |
Official Church of Scientology:
What is Scientology? arrow drop search cross - Browse Scientology
beliefs & news, what Scientologists believe, Founder L. Ron Hubbard,
David Miscavige, Dianetics, Books, Documentary Video and Photos. |
www.neweurope.org.uk |
The NEW EUROPE Society -
Cambridge cultural society promoting musical events and talks in
exceptional venues |
www.newforce.org.uk |
Newforce - New Forest Mountain
Bike Club |
www.newforestcentre.org.u... |
New Forest Ninth Centenary Trust
- A charity-run museum dedicated to sharing the history of the New
Forest. |
www.newforestdog.org.uk |
New Forest Dog - NFDog - On The
Forest Off The Lead - The Website of The New Forest Dog Owners Group
(NFDog). On The Forest Off The Lead. |
www.newforesttrust.org.uk |
New Forest Trust - the New
Forest's Conservation Charity - Formed in 2003 with one simple aim- to
secure the well-being of The New Forest for those who live in it and for
those who love it, now and in the future. |
www.newgen.org.uk |
New Gen Church - A Pioneer Church
in Sidcup and Bexleyheath - We are a church who love people and are
excited about serving our local community. Generosity, fun, friendship
and family are things we love! |
www.newham-music.org.uk |
Newham Music - Newham Music is
the award-winning music hub for Newham. We are committed to providing
high quality music education & opportunities to Newham's young people |
www.newham.org.uk |
Newham Online - A cross sector
partnership working to make Newham the UK leader for telematics by 2005 |
www.newhavenfort.org.uk |
Newhaven Fort - Fortress built
during the 1860's overlooking Newhaven Harbour and Seaford Bay.
Exhibitions, Cafe and Shop onsite for a fun day out for the whole family |
www.newhavenyc.org.uk |
newhavenyc.org.uk |
www.newheychurch.org.uk |
www.newhope.org.uk |
New Hope - New Hope exists to
serve individuals who are homeless or vulnerably-housed through the
provision of accommodation and opportunities to transform lives. |
www.newhorizon.org.uk |
New Horizon | Ulster University,
Coleraine Campus New Horizon - New Horizon exists to provide a space and
time in which thousands of people of all ages can be taught from the
bible, be inspired through worship and story, develop a missional heart,
and engage with relevant and challenging issues. |
www.newhumanist.org.uk |
New Humanist - New Humanist is a
quarterly magazine published by the Rationalist Association, a historic
125-year-old UK charity promoting science, reason, humanism, and free
thought. Visit to learn more about our work and find links to the latest
and very best news, essays, blogs and information from the world's
finest free thinking authors. Writers and contributors include Richard
Dawkins, Laurie Taylor, Mary Midgley, Michael Bywater, Marilynne
Robinson, Philip Pullman, Ricky Gervais, Noam Chomsky and many more. |
www.newick-twinning.org.u... |
Newick Twinning Association |
www.newingtongreen.org.uk |
Newington Green – All About the
Green |
www.newisraelfund.org.uk |
New Israel Fund - UK |
www.newlife-london.org.uk |
New Life |
www.newlifebpc.org.uk |
New Life Bible-Presbyterian
Church London |
www.newlifecardiff.org.uk |
New Life |
www.newlifecf.org.uk |
Redirect |
www.newlifeclinic.org.uk |
Newlife Fertility Clinic Surrey |
www.newlifederby.org.uk |
New Life Church Derby |
Expressing Gods love in our city to families, communities and nations. |
www.newlinkwales.org.uk |
NewLink Wales - Achieving
wellbeing in your community. We're a substance misuse and wellbeing
charity working throughout Wales. Training, volunteering opportunities,
and services. |
www.newlon.org.uk |
Newlon Housing Trust | Newlon
Housing Trust is a charitable housing association which manages around
8, 000 affordable homes in north and east London. |
www.newlondon.org.uk |
New London Synagogue – The
Synagogue on Abbey Road |
www.newlondonchildrensch.... |
New London Childrens Choir - A
performing choir for singers aged 11 to 18. Training choir for 7s
upwards. |
www.newlondonsingers.org.... |
New London Singers - Welcome to
the website of the New London Singers. On this site you will find
information on our forthcoming concerts, our conductor, how to join the
choir, and how to contact us. |
www.newmarketbadmintonfed... |
Newmarket Badminton Federation |
www.newmillshistory.org.u... |
New Mills Local History Society -
History of New Mills, High Peak, Derbyshire |
www.newmiltonlions.org.uk |
Welcome to The Lions Club of New
Milton - Lions Club, New Milton, |
www.newmp.org.uk |
North East War Memorials Project
- North East War Memorials Project |
www.newmusicplayers.org.u... |
The New Music Players |
www.newnetworksfornature.... |
New Networks for Nature |
www.newparkcentre.org.uk |
New Park Centre - The aim of the
New Park Community Centre is to provide a positive and welcoming
community centre for people of all ages to enjoy. Some of the activities
on offer include Judo, Karate, Tae Kwando, MMA, ZDL and Aikido, as well
as many different Yoga, Pilat |
www.newphilsoc.org.uk |
newphilsoc.org.uk |
www.newplays.org.uk |
British writer James Dimelow -
James Dimelow is a Briish playwright and screenwriter whose work
includes Consequence, Romance and Ghosts Of Gressenhall. |
www.newport-pagnell.org.u... |
Town Council - Newport Pagnell
Town Council |
www.newport.org.uk |
Newport Gwent England - ONLINE
GUIDE - newport.org.uk - ONLINE GUIDE - for residents, vistors and
businesses in and around Newport in Gwent including a searchable
'business guide' and a 'what's on' guide... |
www.newportboroughbrass.o... |
Newport Borough Brass Band |
www.newportgolfclub.org.u... |
Newport Golf Club |
www.newportharbourcommiss... |
Newport Harbour Commissioners -
Official website of the Newport Harbour Commissioners, South Wales, UK |
www.newportphoenix.org.uk |
Newport Phoenix Cycling Club –
Newport's Longest-Established Cycling Club (Est. 1953). Sponsored by
Gwent Cycles. |
www.newportshropshirecc.o... |
Newport Shropshire Cycling Club |
TF10 | Newport Shropshire | West Midlands | Riding Bikes Since 1976 |
www.newquayzoo.org.uk |
Newquay Zoo & animal wildlife
park, Newquay, Cornwall, South West UK - Go Wild at Newquay Zoo and get
closer to hundreds of species. Children's play area, events, good food &
easy access. A great time for all the family! Genuine Newquay Zoo
tickets are only available from our website or turnstiles. Book your
tickets online here. |
www.newroombristol.org.uk |
The New Room Bristol, John
Wesley’s Chapel - The New Room, John Wesleys Chapel in Bristol is the
oldest Methodist building in the world built in 1739 |
www.newryu3a.org.uk |
Newry U3A's - Active Ageing
Centre |
www.newsar.org.uk |
www.newsfromnowhere.org.u... |
News From Nowhere Radical &
Community Bookshop, Liverpool, UK - books, magazines, world music &
more. A not-for-profit workers co-operative |
www.newsteadabbey.org.uk |
Newstead Abbey - Nottingham
Heritage |
www.newstraid.org.uk |
NewstrAid Benevolent Fund.The
helping Hand of the News Trade - The news trade's own charity, for the
benefit of individuals in the retailing and distribution section of the
newspaper and magazine publishing industry. |
www.newswanningtonprimary... |
New Swannington Primary School |
www.newtheatre.org.uk |
The Nottingham New Theatre |
www.newtonabbotconservat.... |
Newton Abbot | Conservatives -
Latest news, events and campaigns from Newton Abbot Conservative
Association, the Conservative Party in Newton Abbot. |
www.newtonmearnsbaptist.o... |
Newton Mearns Baptist Church |
www.newtonsapple.org.uk |
Newtonsapple |
www.newtown.org.uk |
newtown.org.uk |
www.newtownardsorange.org... |
Newtownardsorange |
www.newventure.org.uk |
New Venture Theatre, Brighton -
A friendly not-for-profit theatre in Brighton with theatre & studio
spaces, staging ten productions a year. We hold weekly acting classes
and regular workshops. |
www.newvictheatre.org.uk |
New Vic Theatre New Vic Theatre -
Information about tickets, facilities, and upcoming programme. |
www.newview.org.uk |
New View Magazine |
www.newvisionsforeducat..... |
The New Visions for Education
Group |
www.newways.org.uk |
newways.org.uk |
www.newwestend.org.uk |
www.next-stageltd.org.uk |
Next Stage Ltd - A Way Forward |
Next Stage Ltd - Next Stage Ltd - We have been providing care and
support services to vulnerable adults since 2002, our ambition is to be
the best care provider we can be. |
www.nextdoorwoodstore.org... |
Next Door Wood Store |
www.nextgeneration.org.uk |
Next Generation |
www.nexus-support.org.uk |
Introduction - Nexus Support |
www.nexus.org.uk |
Welcome to nexus.org.uk |
nexus.org.uk |
www.neyland.org.uk |
Neyland Town Council |
www.neylandyachtclub.org.... |
Neyland Yacht Club |
www.nfasp.org.uk |
The National Federation Of
Artists Studio Providers | NFASP | NFASP - National Federation of
Artists Studio Providers |
www.nfbg.org.uk |
The burglars’ checklist: the key
things they watch out for before robbing a house - It’s quite useful at
times to see your home from a burglar’s point of view. This way, it will
be easier to avoid getting robbed. |
www.nfdg.org.uk |
Nottingham Folk Dance Group -
Nottingham Folk Dance Group is a club where all are welcome to try
English country/folk dancing. |
www.nfec.org.uk |
NFEC National Forum of
Engineering Centres - Working for quality education and training in
engineering and the related technologies. NFEC meets local needs,
address national issues and will work on your behalf. |
www.nffo.org.uk |
NFFO - National Federation of
Fishermen's Organisations |
www.nfh.org.uk |
Neighbours From Hell in Britain
- Neighbours From Hell in Britain (NFHiB): An Online Internet community
helping people to deal with, manage and resolve neighbour problems in
the U.K. From bullying to neighbour noise, to anti-social behaviour and
harassment, all neighbour-related resources are here! |
www.nfhradio.org.uk |
New Forest Hospital Radio - The
Home Page of New Forest Hospital Radio |
www.nfkcc.org.uk |
NFKCC - Hampshire canoe and
kayak club |
www.nfm.org.uk |
National Family Mediation | We
Help Families in Conflict - Family mediation is quicker and more
cost-effective than heading to court. It reduces conflict, and your
family stays in control of arrangements over children, property and
finance. |
www.nfoglon.org.uk |
The National Federation of
Glaziers, "Excellence and Integrity in Glazing" |
www.nfp.org.uk |
Bertie talks to the leader |
not-for-profit podcast |
www.nfpta.org.uk |
Natural Family Planning Teachers
Association |
www.nfsp.org.uk |
NFSP Member dashboard |
www.nfsuk.org.uk |
Help & Support for Dealing with
Necrotising Fasciitis from the Lee Spark Foundation |
www.nfu-cymru.org.uk |
NFU Cymru - Home page of the
National Farmers' Union of Cymru, NFU Cymru. The Heart of Welsh
Farming. |
www.nfus.org.uk |
NFU Scotland | National Farmers
Union, Scotland - The official website for NFUS, the member led
organisation that represents the farming industry in Scotland. Get
current news & information & join online. |
www.nfyfc.org.uk |
NFYFC-National Federation of
Young Farmers' Clubs |
www.nga.org.uk |
National Governance Association
- The National Governance Association (NGA) is the membership
organisation for governors, trustees and clerks of state schools in
England. |
www.ngcfi.org.uk |
North Glasgow Community Food
Initiative E-mail Facebook Flickr Twitter |
www.ngdf.org.uk |
Wydatki Polaków na zagraniczne
wojaże - Czas na wakacje! |
www.ngfl.org.uk |
www.nggonline.org.uk |
Northern Green Gathering -
Northern Green Gathering |
www.ngm.org.uk |
New Generation Music |
www.ngmagazines.org.uk |
NG Magazines |
www.ngoc.org.uk |
The orienteering club for the
Cotswolds and Forest of Dean |
www.ngownersclub.org.uk |
NG Owners Club - Home page of
the NG Owners Club |
www.ngrm.org.uk |
Narrow Gauge Railway Museum |
www.ngs.org.uk |
National Garden Scheme - Find a
garden to visit from one of 3, 500 gardens that open for the National
Garden Scheme across England and Wales. Use our find a garden search. |
www.ngvfa.org.uk |
NGVFA - The national Gulf
Veterans and families association |
www.ngwbj.org.uk |
National Guild of Wine and Beer
Judges (NGWBJ)- The National Guild of Wine and Beer Judges (NGWBJ) web
site. The Guild seeks to promote a consistent standard of judging at
shows throughout the UK. |
www.nha-handwriting.org.u... |
National Handwriting Association
– Charity promoting good practice in handwriting - Charity promoting
good practice in handwriting |
www.nhas.org.uk |
NHAS | National Homelessness
Advice Service | United Kingdom - Working with local councils, voluntary
advice agencies and the Citizens Advice Bureaux we aim to prevent
homelessness and improve housing by giving FREE expert advice, training
and support to professionals working at the front line. |
www.nhbg.org.uk |
Norfolk Historic Builds Group |
www.nhcc.org.uk |
Notting Hill Community Church -
Home page, News and Info for Notting Hill Community Church |
www.nhebsc.org.uk |
North Herts East Beds Sailing
Club | Family friendly sailing at the Blue Lagoon Arlesey - GET INVOLVED
& START SAILING Get on the water at our Open Day To celebrate Push The
Boat Out Week, we're holding an Open Day on Saturday 11th May 2019.
You're very welcome to come along, where you will be greeted by our
enthusiastic members, shown around the club and given the opportunity to
be taken out in a boat by |
www.nhgs.org.uk |
North Herts Guild of Singers:
non-auditioning choir in Hitchin, Hertfordshire with a Wide Choral
Repertoire - The NHGS is one of the best-known and best-supported choral
groups in the Hertfordshire area, with members from Bedfordshire &
Cambridgeshire |
www.nhic.org.uk |
The National Home Improvement
Council - The NHIC - Committed to UK home improvement through research,
advice & partnership. Home owners and tenants can benefit from a wealth
of free expert advice from our industry-leader members. |
www.nhig.org.uk |
NHIG | National Heritage
Ironwork Group |
www.nhmethodist.org.uk |
North Herts Methodist Circuit -
North Herts Methodist Circuit is the collection of Methodist churches
based around the towns of Stevenage, Hitchin, Letchworth and Baldock,
which are located in the northern part of Hertfordshire. |
www.nhmf.org.uk |
National Heritage Memorial Fund |
www.nhpc.org.uk |
www.nhr.org.uk |
Northumberland Hospital Radio -
www.nhsca.org.uk |
Doctors for the NHS - DFNHS |
Service before profit - A campaigning organisation for the restoration
of the NHS as a publicly funded, publicly provided and publicly
accountable service |
www.nhsf.org.uk |
National Hindu Students' Forum
(UK) | National Hindu Students' Forum (UK) |
www.nhsggc.org.uk |
NHSGGC : NHS Greater Glasgow and
Clyde - Homepage of our official site - NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde,
gateway to your NHS community and hospital services in Inverclyde,
Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, Glasgow City, East Dunbartonshire, West
Dunbartonshire |
www.nhsggcsmokefree.org.u... |
NHSGGC : Quit Your Way -
Smokefree Services - Quit Your Way, introduction to smoking cessation
services available across NHSGGC |
www.nhslanarkshire.org.uk |
NHS Lanarkshire - NHS Lanarkshire
- improving the health of North and South Lanarkshire |
www.nhsprocurement.org.uk |
Nhsprocurement |
www.nhsrf.org.uk |
NHS Retirement Fellowship |
www.nhtg.org.uk |
NHTG - Finance & Business Blog -
Finance & Business Blog |
www.niaa-hsrc.org.uk |
HSRC :: Health Services Research
Centre - The NIAA Health Services Research Centre (HSRC) is a hub for
world-class anaesthetic research, including perioperative medicine, pain
and anaesthetic sub-specialty research. |
www.niaa.org.uk |
NIAA :: The National Institute
of Academic Anaesthesia - NIAA |
www.niagriffith.org.uk |
Nia Griffith MP – Member of
Parliament for Llanelli |
www.nibblers.org.uk |
Nibblers Premium Bar Snacks for
the on-trade - Customers like to have something to Nibble whilst
drinking and Nibblers has the nibble that will satisfy this need. View
our range of premium bar snacks. |
www.nicaraguasc.org.uk |
Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign -
The NSC works in partnership with progressive organisations in Nicaragua
and the UK to promote social and economic justice |
www.niccstandards.org.uk |
NICC Standards |
www.nice-work.org.uk |
Nice Work Race Management - Nice
Work is a professional event management company specialising in
organising road running events. We organise road running races from 5K
to marathon distance on behalf of running clubs, community groups and
charities. |
www.nice.org.uk |
NICE | The National Institute
for Health and Care Excellence - Guidance, advice and information
services for health, public health and social care professionals. |
www.nicfltd.org.uk |
National Institute of Carpet and
Floorlayers - Find Flooring Professionals with the NICF - The NICF
promotes excellence in professional carpet and floor fitting. The NICF
is a highly respected organisation within the flooring industry and is
active in promoting the skilled floorlayer. Find flooring training
courses and search for carpet and floor fitters local to you in our
flooring directory |
www.niche.org.uk |
Clinical Contract Research
Organisation | Niche Science & Technology - Specialist clinical contract
research organisation specialising in regulatory writing, scientific
communications and clinical project management. |
www.nichiren-shu.org.uk |
Nichiren Shu UK -Home |
www.nicholasjones.org.uk |
Nicholas Jones - Blog and
Archive Website. - A journalist of fifty years standing offers a
personal and independent assessment of the often troubled relationship
between public figures and the British news media. |
www.nichs.org.uk |
Northern Ireland Chest Heart and
Stroke - NICHS is the local charity for the care and prevention of
chest, heart and stroke illnesses. We offer practical and emotional
support to people and their families, do health promotion work in
schools, communities, with the homeless and in workplaces, fund research
and campaign at Assembly level |
www.nickclegg.org.uk |
Finance tips - Money and bad
credit loans - Money and bad credit loans |
www.nickdavis.org.uk |
Nick Davis Record Producer - Nick
Davis, Grammy nominated Record Producer, Sound Engineer, Mixer and Audio
Consultant |
www.nickramsay.org.uk |
Nick Ramsay | AM for Monmouth -
Latest news and campaigns from Nick Ramsay, the Conservative Welsh
Assembly Member for Monmouth. |
www.nickraynsford.org.uk |
Nick Raynsford MP | IWC2 - Nick
Ryansford MP |
www.nico.org.uk |
NI-CO – Northern Ireland
Co-operation Overseas Ltd – Building efficient, accountable and
sustainable public sector institutions |
www.nicurriculum.org.uk |
Curriculum | CCEA |
www.nidderdaleaonb.org.uk |
Nidderdale AONB - Area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty - Dedicated to protecting, conserving and
enhancing one of the UK's finest landscapes for all to enjoy. |
www.nidos.org.uk |
Home :: Scotland's International
Development Alliance |
www.nieg.org.uk |
Northern Ireland Embroidery
Guild Northern Ireland Embroidery Guild |
www.nifg.org.uk |
Northern Ireland Fungus Group –
Learn all about fungi in Northern Ireland |
www.nifra.org.uk |
Northern Ireland Fell Running
Association | Nifra.org.uk - Northern Ireland Fell Running Association |
www.nigeriahc.org.uk |
Nigeria High Commission |
www.niggoldtrust.org.uk |
Nigg Old Church |
www.nighthaunts.org.uk |
Night Haunts |
www.nightline.org.uk |
London Nightline | Students
there for students |
www.nightout.org.uk |
Night Out |
www.nii.org.uk |
Nutritionists In Industry |
www.nilta.org.uk |
National Information & Learning
Technology Alliance |
www.nimh.org.uk |
The National Institute of
Medical Herbalists - The oldest professional association for Medical
Herbalists in the UK. |
www.nimma.org.uk |
nimma |
www.nimra.org.uk |
Northern Ireland Mountain
Running Association |
www.ninjutsu.org.uk |
Ninjutsu For You, Learn ninjitsu
the art of the ninja - Ninjutsu the martial art for you. Learn
techniques that work on the street today as well as they did 1000 years
ago on the battle fields of Japan. A complete fighting art from
traditional weapons to combat hand to hand techniques |
www.niorienteering.org.uk |
NI Orienteering Association -
News, Fixtures, Results, Maps, Coaching... - NIO |
www.nipponkempo.org.uk |
Welcome to Nippon Kempo UK -
Nippon Kempo (日本拳法) is a Japanese martial art that engages in
full-contact bouts using a full range of techniques wearing specially
developed protective gear (bogu kumite). |
www.nipsa.org.uk |
The Northern Ireland Public
Service Alliance (NIPSA) represents over 43, 000 members from across the
civil and public services and the voluntary sector. |
www.nisca.org.uk |
NISCA Comments Box SVG icons
Comments Box SVG icons |
www.nivas.org.uk |
independent and multi-professional society specialising in vascular
access and infusion therapies. Founded in 2009 in order to promote
excellence… |
www.nivets.org.uk |
NIVA CMS - The NIVA News -
vBulletin 4.0 Publishing Suite with CMS |
www.nkcc.org.uk |
Nkcc |
www.nkg.org.uk |
Northern Kite Group |
www.nkm.org.uk |
nkm - local intelligence for
policy and planning |
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