www.aidsvancouver.org |
AIDS Vancouver - Since 1983 - AIDS Vancouver
opened its doors in 1983 as the first AIDS service organization in
Canada and in response to the growing need for community health
organizations to support individuals vulnerable to the epidemic. |
www.amazingdiscoveries.org |
Amazing Discoveries | Walter Veith - Amazing
DiscoveriesTM is a registered non-profit organization in Canada and the
US committed to exposing deceptions and errors in the religious realm,
history, science, media, and health. Our main speakers are Walter Veith
and Victor Gill. |
www.asttbc.org |
Applied Science Technologists & Technicians
of British Columbia – Technology Professionals |
BC |
www.banffhotels.org |
Banff Hotels - Find Accommodations & Hotels
in Banff Alberta Canada - We make it easy to find available hotels in
Banff, from family accommodations to luxury resorts. Reserve your room
with the local experts! |
www.bcmj.org |
British Columbia Medical Journal |
BC |
www.beststart.org |
Best Start Resource Centre - Best Start:
Ontario's Maternal Newborn and Early Child Development Resource Centre
supports service providers working on preconception health, prenatal
health and early child development. |
ON |
www.bhpoland.org |
Viagra Kosten : Approved Canadian
Medications - Great discounts. Viagra Kosten. 24h Customer Support.
Viagra Kosten. Online Viagra Cialis Levitra from Canada. Viagra Kosten.
Generic and Brand Viagra-Cialis-Levitra online without Prescription. |
www.britishcolumbiagolf.org |
British Columbia Golf |
BC |
www.brucetrail.org |
Welcome! | Bruce Trail - The Bruce Trail
Conservancy: conservation and hiking on Canada’s oldest and longest
footpath. |
www.canadagenweb.org |
CanadaGenWeb - The CanadaGenWeb Project was
established in 1997 as a volunteer effort to assist the dissemination of
genealogical information for Canada on the Internet. We offer
information on Canada's genealogy resources - births, marriages, deaths,
cemeteries, military, land records, and many more. Our special projects
make transcripts, photographs and other source material freely available
for family history buffs worldwide. |
www.canadahelps.org |
Donate to Canadian Charities Online |
CanadaHelps - A one-stop shop for Canadians to donate and fundraise
online for any registered Canadian charity. A complete online
fundraising solution for charities. |
www.canadasafetycouncil.org |
Home – Canada Safety Council - The Canada
Safety Council is an independent, knowledge-based, charitable
organization dedicated to safety. We are Canada’s voice and resource for
safety. |
www.canadianvisa.org |
Immigration to Canada | Canadian Visa
Immigration Consultants - Canadian immigration services, Express Entry
visa to live and work in Canada, Our Vancouver office offers many
immigration visa options. |
www.casaloma.org |
Casa Loma - Toronto's Majestic Castle | Open
Daily 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | 1 Austin Terrace, Toronto, ON T: (416)
923-1171 | E: info@casaloma.ca |
Toronto, ON |
www.catholicregister.org |
The Catholic Register - The Catholic Register
- Canada’s Catholic news source since 1893. |
www.cbabc.org |
CBA British Columbia |
BC |
www.cbmcanada.org |
Charity for Children with Disabilities |
Donate to Hope and Healing International - Hope and Healing
International is a charity focused on helping children with disabilities
in the poorest nations receive the medical help they need. |
www.ccij-online.org |
Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal : Free
full text articles from Clin Cancer Investig J - Clin Cancer Investig J,
Official publication of Middle-Eastern Association for Cancer Research
(MEACR),Canada |
www.ccq.org |
Commission de la construction du Québec |
QC |
www.ccsenet.org |
CCSE - The Canadian Center of Science and
Education (CCSE) is a private for-profit organization delivering support
and services to educators and researchers in Canada and around the
world. |
www.cga-bc.org |
CPABC - We are CPABC, the Chartered
Professional Accountants of British Columbia, one of the largest
professional organizations in the province. |
BC |
www.citizenlab.org |
The Citizen Lab - University of Toronto -
University of Toronto |
Toronto, ON |
www.cmq.org |
Collège des médecins du Québec - Le Collège
des médecins est l'ordre professionnel des médecins québécois. Sa
mission : Une médecine de qualité au service du public. Le Collège des
médecins du Québec vérifie la compétence des futurs médecins, évalue
l’exercice professionnel des médecins, reçoit et traite les plaintes du
public et prend position dans les débats en matière de santé. |
QC |
www.cnq.org |
Chambre des notaires du Québec | CNQ -
Informations juridiques et renseignements sur le droit familial, le
droit immobilier, le droit des successions et testaments. |
QC |
www.cnv.org |
City of North Vancouver - Official Website of
the City of North Vancouver |
Vancouver, BC |
www.collingwood.org |
Collingwood School - We provide exceptional
educational programs from Junior Kindergarten through Grade 12 with two
campuses located in scenic West Vancouver, Canada. |
www.columbiacu.org |
Columbia Credit Union - Serving 100,000
members throughout Vancouver and Portland with personal and business
services, home loans, credit cards, and award-winning green practices. |
Vancouver, BC |
www.cpa-apc.org |
Canadian Psychiatric Association - A national
voluntary professional association whose mission is to promote the
highest quality of care and treatment for persons with mental illness,
and to advocate for the professional needs of its members by promoting
excellence in education, research and clinical practice. - Representing
Canada's 4,700 psychiatrists and 900 residents, the Canadian Psychiatric
Association is the leading authority on psychiatric matters in Canada. |
www.cst.org |
Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
Canada | CST Consultants - CST Registered Education Savings Plans
(RESPs) help Canadian families save, invest and get government grants
for college and university education. |
www.davethomasfoundation... |
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption | Foster
Care Adoption - The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption is a nonprofit,
foster care adoption organization that finds homes for foster care
children across the US & Canada. |
www.davidsuzuki.org |
David Suzuki Foundation - Through
evidence-based research, education and policy analysis, we work to
protect the natural environment, and help create a sustainable Canada. |
www.dnv.org |
District of North Vancouver - This is the
official website for the District of North Vancouver, in British
Columbia, Canada. It contains information on District programs and
services, property and development, government business, and more. |
www.easterntownships.org |
Tourism Eastern Townships | Québec, Canada -
Official website of Tourism Eastern Townships. Explore packages,
attractions, accommodations, events and interactive map to help plan
your vacation. |
www.eatlocal.org |
Vancouver Farmers Market |
Vancouver, BC |
www.ghtfa.org |
ghtfa.org - Golden Horseshoe Touch Football
Association - Promoting Touch Football within the Golden Horseshoe of
Southern Ontario Canada |
www.giarts.org |
Grantmakers in the Arts | Supporting a
Creative America - Grantmakers in the Arts is the only national
association of both public and private arts and culture funders in the
US, including independent and family foundations, public agencies,
community foundations, corporate philanthropies, nonprofit regrantors,
and national service organizations – funders of all shapes and sizes
across the US and into Canada. |
www.golfquebec.org |
Golf Québec |
QC |
www.healthmatchbc.org |
Health Match BC - British Columbia
Physician, Nurse, and Allied Health Recruitment - Canada - Doctor,
nurse, and allied health recruitment service funded by the Government of
British Columbia, Canada. If you are a health professional seeking
employment, we can help. |
www.imtl.org |
Images Montreal : photos de gratte-ciel et
architecture historiques, IMTL - Images Montreal : photos de gratte-ciel
et architecture historiques, IMTL, Quebec |
QC |
www.info-sectes.org |
Info-Sectes (Témoins de Jéhovah, Mormons,
Scientologie, Nouvel Age, Raël, Wicca, Reiki...) - Information sur les
sectes et les mouvements de pensée, exposé des doctrines de sectes et
mouvements religieux (Témoins de Jéhovah, Mormons, secte Moon, Nouvel
Age, Rael, Wicca, Reiki, etc.) Témoignages d'ex adeptes, liste des
sectes, adresses en France, Belgique, Canada et Suisse. |
www.issbc.org |
ISSofBC | Immigrant Services Society of BC -
If you’re a newcomer to Canada, we can help. ISSofBC provides free
immigrant services including settlement support, employment programs,
English classes, and more. |
www.karatecanada.org |
Karate Canada |
www.kpl.org |
Kitchener Public Library - To inspire and
enrich for life. Located in Kitchener ON, Canada. |
www.lemedecinduquebec.org |
Le Médecin du Québec |
QC |
www.lojiq.org |
LOJIQ - Les Offices jeunesse internationaux
du Québec - Le mandat de LOJIQ est de favoriser le développement
professionnel et personnel des jeunes adultes québécois en leur
permettant de réaliser un projet au Québec, au Canada ou à
l’international. |
www.macm.org |
Accueil – MAC Montréal - Situé au cœur du
Quartier des spectacles, le MAC fait vibrer l’art actuel au centre de la
vie montréalaise et québécoise depuis plus de cinquante ans. |
Montreal, QC |
www.mcq.org |
Musée de la civilisation - Québec : MCQ.org -
Le Musée de la civilisation explore les différentes facettes de la
réalité humaine avec sa démarche unique qui combine enchantement,
connaissance et réflexion. |
QC |
www.medec.org |
Medtech Canada |
www.metrovancouver.org |
Metro Vancouver - Metro Vancouver is a
federation of 21 municipalities, one Electoral Area and one Treaty First
Nation that collaboratively plans for and delivers regional-scale
services. Its core services are drinking water, wastewater treatment and
solid waste management. Metro Vancouver also regulates air quality,
plans for urban growth, manages a regional parks system and provides
affordable housing. |
Vancouver, BC |
www.mnbaq.org |
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec |
MNBAQ - Le MNBAQ présente des expositions, acquisitions et activités
d'artistes québécois et international. La plus grande collection d’art
du Québec. |
QC |
www.museesmontreal.org |
Musées Montréal - La Société des musées de
montréal représente le musées montréalais et propose les Cartes Musées
Montréal, la Journée des musées montréalais, le répertoire Musées
Montréal, les expositions et autres actions. |
Montreal, QC |
www.nationalpyr.org |
National Pyr Rescue | Help Save More Pyrs -
Welcome to the home of National Great Pyrenees Rescue (NGPR), the first
place to look on the Internet for a rescued Great Pyrenees or to connect
with a Pyr rescue group. NGPR is an all-volunteer, tax-exempt,
non-profit organization whose mission is to save and re-home rescued
Pyrenees in the U.S. and Canada. |
www.ncfacanada.org |
National Crowdfunding & Fintech Association
of Canada - NCFA is a financial innovation ecosystem that provides
education, networking, funding opportunities and services to create a
vibrant and innovative fintech and funding industry. |
www.northcountrypublicradi... |
NCPR: North Country Public Radio -
Member-supported public radio for the North Country serving communities
in the Adirondacks, the St. Lawrence Valley, the Champlain Valley, the
Thousand Islands, Jefferson County, Lewis County and the Tug Hill
Plateau, western Vermont and the Canada border. Providing NPR and
regional news, eclectic music, entertainment and arts programming |
www.oce-ontario.org |
Ontario Centres of Excellence | OCE |
Commercializing Innovation in Ontario - Ontario Centres of Excellence
(OCE) connects entrepreneurs, startups, industry, academia & investors
to commercialize innovation and compete globally. |
ON |
www.oiiq.org |
Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec
| OIIQ - L’OIIQ est le plus grand ordre professionnel dans le domaine de
la santé au Québec. Il compte quelque 76 000 membres. Sa mission est
d’assurer la protection du public et le développement de la profession
infirmière. |
QC |
www.oma.org |
OMA – Ontario Medical Association |
ON |
www.pardons.org |
Criminal Record Removal & US Entry Waivers |
Canadian Pardon Services - The Official Website for Pardons Canada |
Pardons Canada is a National Non-Profit organization helping obtain
pardons and U.S Entry Waivers. +1 877-929-6011 |
www.pickyourown.org |
Pick your own Farms in the U.S, Canada,
Britain and other countries - Find a farm near you! - Pick your own
Farms in the U.S, Canada, Britain and other countries - Find a farm near
you, and learn how to freeze or make home canned fruits and vegetables,
jam, salsa and more |
www.pnwfcu.org |
Pacific NW Federal Credit Union - Welcome to
PNWFCU - Join the not-for-profit financial institution serving Portland,
Vancouver & Hood River with great loan rates, mobile banking & local
service |
Vancouver, BC |
www.rcav.org |
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver |
Vancouver, BC |
www.rccgcanada.org |
RCCG Canada – The Redeemed Christian Church
of God Canada |
www.ridgebackrescue.org |
Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue, Inc. (USA and
Canada) - Providing for the rescue, care and adoption of Rhodesian
Ridgeback dogs in need |
www.roundtable-bretonnia.org |
Buy Cheap Revia Without Prescriptions Uk -
The Round Table of Bretonnia - Buy revia new zealand buy online. Buying
revia spain over the counter. Get revia cheap canada. |
www.scena.org |
Classical Music, Classical Music News,
Classical Music Daily News, Opera News, Musique classique, Actualités de
la musique classique - La Scena Musicale Online is the world's top
classical music magazine with classical music daily news, press
releases, major interviews, articles and CD reviews in html, PDF, Flash
and iPad formats. LSM Online also contains Media Watch - Classical Music
News, Classical Music Daily News, Audio and Video links and The Canadian
Classical Music Calendar database. La Scena Musicale Online serves the
English and French communities and is a registered non-profit charity. |
www.servicevolontaire.org |
Service Volontaire International
(association non lucrative) - Le Service Volontaire International (SVI)
est l'association de référence pour le volontariat international pour
jeunes adultes.2000 projets, 80 pays et non lucratif.Organisation sans
but lucratif légalement enregistrée en Belgique, France , Canada et
Vietnam. |
www.settlement.org |
Information Newcomers Can Trust |
Settlement.Org - The Settlement.Org website provides newcomers with
information and resources to settle in Ontario, Canada. |
www.societyforqualityeducati... |
SQE Canada - Society for Quality Education
Canada - SQE is made up of a passionate group of parents who understand
the challenges and difficulties kids experience at school. Join Our Free
Remedial Programs Today! |
www.thyroidcancercanada.org |
Thyroid Cancer Canada - Thyroid Cancer Canada
is a national non-profit organization of thyroid cancer survivors
dedicated to providing emotional support and information to those
affected by the disease. |
www.toastmasters86.org |
www.toastmasters86.org - Quality Public
Speaking, Communications, and Leadership Opportunities - southwestern to
northern Ontario |
ON |
www.tvo.org |
Current affairs, documentaries and
educational resources TVO_Logo_RGB_SolidColour - Educational public
service broadcaster for Ontario, Canada. World class documentaries,
current affairs, award-winning kids shows & games. Online high-school
certification & homework help. |
www.uaw.org |
UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and
Agricultural Implement Workers - The labor union representing workers in
auto, aircraft and agricultural implement manufacturing and other
industries in the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico. |
www.waterfronttrail.org |
Great Lakes Waterfront Trail - The Trail, a
legacy project to protect, connect and celebrate Canada's Great Lakes
and St. Lawrence River, is a 3000 km scenic, signed route using paths
and roads. |
www.westmount.org |
Ville de Westmount - La Ville de Westmount
s’étend sur 3,9 kilomètres carrés sur le flanc ouest du Mont-Royal, sur
l’île de Montréal. |
Montreal, QC |
www.wflboces.org |
Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES (Board of
Cooperative Educational Services) - Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES provides
programs and services in collaboration with 25 school districts
throughout Wayne, Ontario, Seneca and Yates counties. |
ON |
www.wreckbeach.org |
Wreck Beach, Vancouver, BC, Canada. - Wreck
Beach is an internationally-acclaimed 7.8 km long clothing-optional
Beach in Vancouver, BC, Canada, making it North America's largest
Naturist beach. |
www.ywcatoronto.org |
YWCA Toronto - YWCA Toronto |
Toronto, ON |