www.s-michaels.org.uk |
St. Michael and All Angels | One
of three churches in the Benefice of Aston Clinton with Buckland and
Drayton Beauchamp |
www.s-r-s.org.uk |
Home Page Redirect |
www.s-scale.org.uk |
S Scale Model Railway society |
www.sekgroup.org.uk |
Social Enterprise Kent CIC |
www.selas.org.uk |
SELAS ~ South East Lhasa Apso
Society - SELAS - South East Lhasa Apso Society |
www.selbreastscreening.or... |
Breastscreening - Breast
Screening saves Lives |
www.selbyabbey.org.uk |
Selby Abbey – At the Heart of
the Community Since 1069 |
www.selbystriders.org.uk |
www.selbystriders.org.uk - Selby
Striders - Website of Selby Striders, a road and cross-country running
club in Selby, North Yorkshire. Site has details of forthcoming races,
training, and membership. |
www.select-caravans.org.u... |
New Balance Clothing & shoes
sales | New Balance shoes UK store outlet sale - Buy New Balance
Hoodies, New Balance 1400, New Balance Basketball, New Balance Jackets,
New Balance Walking Shoes, New Balance Running Shoes, Men's, Women's,
Discount Price. |
www.select.org.uk |
SELECT - Scotland's Electrical
Trade Association - SELECT is the trade association for the electrical
contracting industry in Scotland. SELECT has over 1200 Member companies
employing over 15000 people |
www.self-catering-cornwal... |
Self Catering Cornwall - A very
quiet and tranquil location for your self catering holiday in
Cornwall.Privately owned self catering bungalows in Cornwall with
beautiful country views. |
www.self-willed-land.org.... |
Self-willed land - advocacy for
wild land & nature |
www.selfbuildportal.org.u... |
Selfbuildportal |
www.selfcateringblackpool... |
Self Catering Blackpool Holiday
Flats � Self Catering Blackpool Holidays - Self Catering in Blackpool �
Self Catering Blackpool Holiday Flats � Blackpool Self Catering
Accommodation |
www.selfhelp.org.uk |
Self Help UK |
www.selfhelpservices.org.... |
Self Help - Improving Mental
Health - Self Help offer a wide range of support and services for people
living with mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, phobias
and panic attacks. |
www.selfinjurysupport.org... |
Self Injury Support Ltd - Only
UK-wide self-harm & self-injury charity offering direct support,
reliable information, expert training and specialist consultancy |
www.selfless.org.uk |
Selfless |
www.selfmade.org.uk |
Self Made - A diverse group of
British people respond to an ad from artist Gillian Wearing. Taking part
in an experiment with Method acting, they find themselves for the first
time confronting their innermost personal truths. |
www.selkent.org.uk |
SELKENT · South East London &
Kent Youth Football League for Under 7s to Under 21s - Youth Soccer,
Youth Football, London, South-East, Kent, League |
www.selkirkbaptistchurch.... |
Welcome to Selkirk Baptist
Church | Connecting our neighbours to Jesus - We are a lively, all-aged,
all-shaped and all-sized community from Selkirk and across the Scottish
Borders. Our Sunday Service is at 10.30am at Philiphaugh Primary School. |
www.sellmyphone.org.uk |
SellCompare | Compare ALL
recycling prices for mobiles & gadgets 🥇 SellCompare facebook icon
twitter icon youtube icon google+ icon - Compare used mobile phone
prices with SellCompare. ✅ View instant quotes from over 30 recycling
companies & sell your iPhone or Galaxy now ✅ 100% FREE! |
www.selmec.org.uk |
South East London Meccano Club -
A club for Meccano enthusiasts in London, holding four meetings each
year and a public exhibition in Eltham. |
www.selnec.org.uk |
www.seloc.org.uk |
Seloc |
www.selrap.org.uk |
SELRAP - Skipton East Lancs Rail
Action Partnership |
www.selsdoncontact.org.uk |
Selsdon Contact |
www.selwynrowing.org.uk |
Selwyn College Boat Club –
Welcome to SCBC |
www.semidsatc.org.uk |
South & East Midlands Wing –
South & East Midlands Wing |
www.semiramis.org.uk |
semiramis.org.uk |
www.sempre.org.uk |
Sempre :: Society for Education
and Music Psychology Research - Sempre: Society for Education, Music and
Psychology Research |
www.semta.org.uk |
Manufacturing & Engineering
Skills for the Future | Semta Icon/Arrow-A/05 Icon/Arrow-A/05
Icon/Arrow-A/05 Icon/Arrow-A/03 Copy Icon/Arrow-A/01 Copy 3
Icon/Arrow-A/01 Icon/Arrow-A/01 Icon/Arrow-A/01 Icon/Arrow-A/05
Icon/Arrow-A/05 Icon/Burger Menu/01 Icon/Burger Menu/01 Icon/Arrow-B/05
Copy Icon/Burger Menu/01 Semta-01 Icon/LocationPin02 Search Icon
Social/Twitter/01 - Supporting the engineering & manufacturing sectors,
Semta Group empower and equip UK businesses to compete on a global
stage. |
www.sencio.org.uk |
Sencio - Swim, gym and class
memberships across Kent. Join us for a variety of activities, courses
and membership at Edenbridge, Sevenoaks and White Oak leisure centres. |
www.sendacow.org.uk |
Send a Cow | Lifting African
communities out of poverty - Over the last 30 years, Send a Cow has been
helping families to grow their own food, confidence and aspirations. |
www.seniordatingagency.or... |
Senior Dating Agency for the
over 50's at the UK Senior Dating AgencyTitle - UK Senior Dating for the
over 50's with the Senior Dating Agency. We help singles over 50 to find
other senior singles in the UK for dates and companionship. Register and
try it out for free. It's safe, secure and private! |
www.senlacscouts.org.uk |
Senlac District Scouts |
www.sense.org.uk |
Sense, for people with complex
disabilities - Take part in your own running, cycling, trekking or
walking charity challenge and help us to support people with complex
disabilities or who are deafblind. |
www.senseinternational.or... |
Sense International |
www.sensescotland.org.uk |
Sense Scotland |
www.sensoryintegration.or... |
Sensory Integration Education -
Sensory Integration Education is a not-for-profit organisation providing
postgraduate training in Ayres' Sensory Integration (SPD). |
www.sensorytrust.org.uk |
Sensory Trust. Accessible
places; richer experiences. - The Sensory Trust makes places more
accessible, engaging and useful for everyone, regardless of age,
disability and social circumstances. |
www.sentencingcouncil.org... |
Sentencing |
www.sentinelpoetry.org.uk |
Sentinel Poetry Movement |
Poetry, Fiction, Drama, Poetry Competitions, Short Story Competitions -
Sentinel Poetry Movement is the popular online destination for poetry,
fiction, drama, interviews, reviews, essays, events, memoirs,
biographies, poetry competitions and short story competitions. |
www.seoagency.org.uk |
SEO Agency Attraction Conversion
ROI Methods Used - Proven ( SEO ) search engine optimisation Results for
SEO implementations over 12 full Years complete technical SEO & Content
attraction & engagement, our team of experts specialising in ROI driven
SEO results from commercial strategies |
www.seoexperts.org.uk |
SEO Experts | Affordable SEO
Whatever Your Budget - SEO - SEO Experts are UK Search Engine
Optimisation specialists. We can help you whatever your budget, and
whether your business is large or small. |
www.sep.org.uk |
SEP website - Science Enhancement
Programme (SEP): developing innovative curriculum resources for schools
and providing professional development opportunities for science
teachers in the UK. |
www.sepa.org.uk |
Scottish Environment Protection
Agency (SEPA) The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) is
Scotland’s principal environmental regulator, protecting and improving
Scotland’s environment. |
www.sera.org.uk |
SERA - Labour's Environment
Campaign - At SERA, we believe that tackling environmental problems is
key to delivering opportunity and fairness. From climate change to
community energy, waste to transport, SERA is interested in the most
important environmental and social challenges facing Britain –
challenges that only a Labour administrations can tackle. |
www.serbiancouncil.org.uk |
Serbian Council of Great Britain |
www.serbiansociety.org.uk |
Српско Друштво у Великој
Британији - Официјална веб презентација Српског Друштва у Уједињеном
Краљевству. |
www.serious.org.uk |
Serious – producer of live jazz
& contemporary music - Serious create and produce jazz, world &
contemporary music concerts, shows and tours, working with artists and
musicians from the UK and internationally |
www.seroxatusergroup.org.... |
Seroxat User Group – Campaign
Website |
www.serpentine.org.uk |
Serpentine Running Club |
www.servantsofthelight.or... |
Servants of the Light | We Teach
Practical Qabalah Servants of the Light – We Teach Practical Qabalah |
www.servicemusic.org.uk |
ServiceMusic: Music for Church
Worship - A Christian church music resource. Psalm, hymn, song and
liturgical settings by David Lee. |
www.sesc.org.uk |
Social Enterprise Support Centre
- Effective, Tailored Support for Businesses - Effective, Tailored
Support and Advice for Businesses from the Social Enterprise Support
Centre. |
www.sesscouts.org.uk |
SE Region | South East Scotland
Scouts |
www.setandturnsingle.org.... |
Set and Turn Single |
www.seth-smith.org.uk |
Seth-Smith Family Website -
Seth-Smith family tree information |
www.setltd.org.uk |
index.swf |
www.setonsands.org.uk |
Seton Sands Holiday Village |
Haven Holidays - Seton Sands Haven Holidays has one of the best beaches
in Scotland , makes a great day out on the beach with the kids. |
www.setrec.org.uk |
www.setsa-online.org.uk |
SETSA – Promoting Anaesthesia in
South East England |
www.settle.org.uk |
Settle Online Website | Chamber
of Trade | The Main Website for Settle, North Yorkshire |
www.settlecollege.org.uk |
Settle College | Be the best you
can be |
www.sevacare.org.uk |
Sevacare - What sets us apart
from other care providers is the investment in our people. |
www.seven-hills.org.uk |
Seven Hills of Edinburgh Race &
Challenge - Event Web Site - The Seven Hills of Edinburgh Race and
Challenge is an annual event open to runners of all ages and abilities. |
www.sevenhillsmorley.org.... |
Seven Hills Primary School |
www.sevenoaksareamind.org... |
Supporting Mental Health in West
Kent |
www.sevenoakscameraclub..... |
Sevenoaks Camera Club helps you
enjoy and improve your photography: Sevenoaks Camera Club based in West
Kent, England: a friendly club to help you get more from your
photography. |
www.sevenoakscounselling.... |
Sevenoaks Counselling - We offer
professional & confidential counselling that is tailored to an
individuals needs. It is affordable, and available to anyone based in
Sevenoaks Kent |
www.sevenoaksfestival.org... |
Celebrating and showcasing the
breadth and diversity of Sevenoaks’ arts activities, the annual
Sevenoaks Summer Festival will be taking place across the town and
beyond for the two weeks . |
www.sevenoaksmusicclub.or... |
Sevenoaks Music Club | Sevenoaks
Chamber Music Series - Sevenoaks Music Club |
www.sevenoaksscouts.org.u... |
Sevenoaks Scouts, information
about Scouting in Sevenoaks, Kent | Sevenoaks District Scouts -
Sevenoaks District Scouts |
www.sevenoakssymphonyorch... |
Sevenoaks Symphony Orchestra -
www.sevenstories.org.uk |
Seven Stories | The National
Centre for Children's Books - Seven Stories' unique exhibitions, lively
events and playful activities bring children's books to life. Based in
Newcastle Upon Tyne. |
www.sevenwonders.org.uk |
Visit Kent Best Days Out in Kent
and Tunbridge Wells Top Kent Attractions - Best attractions in Kent Days
out Kent Things to do in Kent Festivals in Kent Attractions in Tunbridge
Wells Scotney Castle Spa Valley Railway The Pantiles |
www.severndroogcastle.org... |
Severndroog Castle | The official
website for Severndroog Castle, London's hidden treasure on the Green
Chain Walk. |
www.severngorge.org.uk |
Severn Gorge Countryside Trust |
www.severnhospice.org.uk |
Severn Hospice - Severn Hospice
gives specialist care and support free of charge to families across
Shropshire and North Powys who are living with an incurable illness. |
www.severnside-rail.org.u... |
Welcome to Severnside Community
Rail Partnership - Severnside Community Rail Partnership |
www.severnsidetritons.org... |
Severnside Tritons Swimming Club
Home |
www.sevrcparish.org.uk |
RC Parish of Sevenoaks - Place
your website description in this area. This is read by some search
engines. |
www.sewenergy.org.uk |
This is the home page's excerpt |
www.sewssc.org.uk |
South Eastern Welsh Springer
Spaniel Club - This is a website that offers information about Welsh
Springer Spaniels and the South Eastern Welsh Springer Spaniel club |
www.seyh.org.uk |
SEYH - Social Enterprise
Yorkshire and the Humber - Representing, promoting and connecting social
enterprise in the region. |
www.seymoursynchro.org.uk |
Seymour Synchro Swim School -
Central London's only synchronised swimming club, Seymour was the first
affiliated synchronised swimming club in Great Britain, founded in 1961.
We are a thriving and energetic club that welcomes swimmers from all
over the world. |
www.sfad.org.uk |
Scottish Families Affected by
Alcohol & Drugs | Support for Yourself and Your Loved One - SFAD
provides support to family members and friends who have been affected by
the substance misuse of a relative or loved one. We help raise awareness
of issues affecting them as well as providing information, help and
support through a wide variety of resources. |
www.sfam.org.uk |
SfAM | The Society for Applied
Microbiology represents a global scientific community that is passionate
about the application of microbiology for the benefit of the public. Our
members work on aspects of the environment, health, food and industry |
www.sfar-lanarkshire.org.... |
SFAR Lanarkshire |
www.sfc.org.uk |
sfc.org.uk |
www.sfcc.org.uk |
Sherwood Forest Community Church
– Believe |
www.sfcody.org.uk |
S F Cody - The Life of Samuel
Franklin Cody - Showman - Kite Developer - Pioneering Aviator -
S.F.Cody.org.uk, Presented here is a brief summary of the life and
achievements of Samuel Franklin Cody (1867 to 1913); Showman, Kite
Developer and Pioneering Aviator of British Army Aeroplane No1A, the
aircraft in which Samuel Franklin Cody made the first successful powered
flight in Great Britain, at Farnborough, Hampshire, on 16th October
1908. |
www.sfconline.org.uk |
Sporting Fiats Club |
www.sfcp.org.uk |
SFCP – Society for the
Furtherance of Critical Philosophy |
www.sfct.org.uk |
www.sfdf.org.uk |
FDF Scotland: Home - Scottish
Food and Drink Federation (SFDF) represents the interests of the food
and drink manufacturing industry in Scotland |
www.sfe.org.uk |
Scottish Financial Enterprise |
www.sfep.org.uk |
Training | Freelances |
Standards | Society for Editors and Proofreaders - The Society for
Editors and Proofreaders is a professional organisation based in the UK
for editors and proofreaders - people who strive to make text accurate
and readable through proofreading and editing services. |
www.sfhs.org.uk |
Shropshire Family History Society
| Shropshire Family History Society |
www.sfla.org.uk |
Resolution - first for family
law |
www.sfls.org.uk |
Southern Finnish Lapphund Society
(SFLS) - welcomes you - Finnish Lapphund enthusiasts join together to
share the love of the Finnish Lapphund (Suomenlapinkoira) in UK |
www.sfms.org.uk |
Surrey Mediation - Surrey's
favourite family mediation company. We offer fixed fee mediation and
legal packages. Call 0330 999 0959 to find out more about how we can
help you. |
www.sfo.org.uk |
The Scottish Fiddle Orchestra
Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube |
www.sfquiz.org.uk |
sfquiz.org.uk |
www.sfs.org.uk |
The Society for Storytelling |
The Society for Storytelling |
www.sfts.org.uk |
Shelter From The Storm |
London's FREE homeless shelter |
www.sfw.org.uk |
Sydney Fowler Wright - The
collected works of Sydney Fowler Wright |
www.sfy.org.uk |
Signs For You – High End Signage
– Cost Effective Prices |
www.sfyfc.org.uk |
Shropshire Federation of Young
Farmers' Clubs |
www.sga.org.uk |
Slavic Gospel Association -
Serving the Church among the Slavic nations |
www.sgba.org.uk |
www.sgd.org.uk |
Society of Garden Designers |
www.sgfa.org.uk |
SGFA - Society of Graphic Fine
Art |
www.sggs.org.uk |
Stratford Girls School |
www.sghi.org.uk |
Weybridge & St. George's
Independents – Local Residents Representing You |
www.sghs.org.uk |
Skipton Girls' High School |
Skipton Girls' High School | An engineering Academy North Yorkshire -
Skipton Girls' High School is a high performing engineering academy
based in North Yorkshire |
www.sgilesreading.org.uk |
Church, Southampton Street, Reading - S Giles-in-Reading |
www.sgng.org.uk |
Shri Guru Nanak Gurdwara,
Swindon. Wilts. UK |
www.sgoillionacleit.org.u... |
Sgoil Lionacleit Website - Sgoil
Lionacleit is a six year comprehensive school on the Island of Benbecula
in the Western Isles of Scotland |
www.sgoss.org.uk |
Governors For Schools |
Effective Governors, Excellent Schools - Governors For Schools exists to
improve educational standards so that children and young people have the
chance to realise their full potential. We connect skilled and committed
volunteers to schools across England. Apply to become a governor today. |
www.sgr.org.uk |
SGR: Responsible Science |
www.sgschool.org.uk |
St Gregory's Catholic School |
www.sgsu.org.uk |
St George's Students' Union |
www.sgw.org.uk |
St George's Church, Wembdon –
Making Jesus Known |
www.sh4.org.uk |
South Hams Hash House Harriers |
www.shaap.org.uk |
SHAAP [Scottish Health Action on
Alcohol Problems] - Engineering, Health and Safety Training Services |
www.shada.org.uk |
shada.org.uk |
www.shadow.org.uk |
Shadow Robot Company |
www.shadowmagic.org.uk |
Philip Kendall |
www.shaftesburyartscentre... |
Shaftesbury Arts Centre |
Shaftesbury, Dorset - | |
www.shahjahanmosque.org.u... |
Shah Jahan Mosque | Britain's
first purpose-built mosque est. 1889 |
www.shakespeare.org.uk |
Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
glyph-logo_May2016 - Caring for William Shakespeare’s family homes in
Stratford-upon-Avon, and celebrating his life & works through
collections and educational programs. |
www.shakespearean.org.uk |
Shakespearean – Blog |
www.shakespeareanauthorsh... |
The Shakespearean Authorship
Trust, who really wrote Shakespeare's plays? |
www.shakespearemarathon..... |
Shakespeare Marathon | Rotary
Shakespeare Marathon |
www.shakespearemorris.org... |
Shakespeare Morris Official
Website |
www.shaldonwildlifetrust.... |
Shaldon Zoo |
www.shalom.org.uk |
Shalom Ministries, Shalom
Ministries information site for Jewish people explaining that Jesus is
the Messiah, with stories by Jews and rabbis |
www.shalomhouse.org.uk |
Shalom House |
www.shambhala.org.uk |
Meditation in London - The
Shambhala Centre - Meditation in London: Evening and weekend classes and
retreats ranging from introductory mindfulness classes to advanced
Buddhist courses and retreats. |
www.shankillwomenscentre.... |
Welcome to Shankill Women's
Centre | Shankill Women's Centre |
www.shankland.org.uk |
The Shankland One-Name Group |
www.shannonexpress.org.uk |
Shannon Express |
www.shannonstrust.org.uk |
Shannon Bradshaw Trust – Helping
ill children and their Families |
www.shannontrust.org.uk |
Shannon Trust |
www.shantscamra.org.uk |
South Hants CAMRA - Southern
Hampshire Branch of CAMRA, The Campaign for Real Ale |
www.shap.org.uk |
www.shapingourlives.org.u... |
Shaping Our Lives | A National
Network of Service Users and Disabled People |
www.shapworkingparty.org.... |
The Shap Calendar Group |
www.shardlow.org.uk |
Shardy's |
www.share.org.uk |
SHARE | Share – Learning &
development organisation for Scotland's housing associations - SHARE:
the learning and development organisation for Scotland’s housing
associations and co-operatives. |
www.shareandcare.org.uk |
Share & Care - UK Registered
Non-Profit Organization. Share & Care provides ongoing support and
relief for communities in Sri Lanka affected by the tsunami. |
www.sharecommunity.org.uk |
Share Community | Training and
employment support for disabled people |
www.sharedexperience.org.... |
The award-winning Shared
Experience has pioneered a distinctive performance style that unites
text based and physical theatre. - Shared Experience is committed to
creating theatre which goes beyond our everyday lives. |
www.sharedlivesplus.org.u... |
Shared Lives Plus |
www.sharedlivessw.org.uk |
Shared Lives South West | Share
your home Share your life - Shared Lives South West provides care and
support for people with learning disabilities, mental health issues,
autism and more. We match the person needing support with one of our
approved carers. It's like fostering for adults and an alternative to
supported living or residential care. |
www.sharedparenting.org.u... |
Association for Shared Parenting |
www.sharescotland.org.uk |
SHARE Scotland | Learning
Disability Care & Support - SHARE Scotland was created by families, for
families – providing practical, emotional and physical support to people
with disabilities. |
www.sharetheworld.org.uk |
Share the World! >> About Share
The World, Humane education, Share the world, Field trips, Lesson plans,
Dissection, Dissection alternatives, Human science, Kind kids,
Worksheets, Zoo, Circus, Animal Agriculture Programs, Science fairs,
Chick-hatching, Animals in the classroom, Education, Teach, people for
the ethical treatment of animals, peta, animal rights , animal welfare,
animal-friendly, compassion, animal times, grrr, action alert, newkirk ,
animal cruelty, cruelty to animals, activist, activism, animal activist,
animal rights literature |
www.sharkanglingclubofgre... |
Shark Angling Club of Great
Britain - Looe, Cornwall - The Headquarters of the Shark Angling Club of
Great Britain |
www.sharks.org.uk |
Sharks Ski Club – Home of
Champions |
www.sharonbowles.org.uk |
Financial Matters – Overcoming
life’s obstacles |
www.sharons.org.uk |
A taste of linux |
www.sharp.org.uk |
SHARP - Sedgeford Historical and
Archaeological Research Project - Welcome to SHARP (Sedgeford Historical
and Archaeological Research Project) |
www.sharpespotterymuseum.... |
Sharpe's Pottery Museum |
www.sharpetrustees.org.uk |
www.sharpies.org.uk |
British Sharpie Owners
Association |
www.sharpnessprimary.org.... |
Welcome to Sharpness Primary
School |
www.sharpshooters.org.uk |
The Sharpshooters |
www.shas.org.uk |
WelcomePage - Sale Horticultural
& Allotment Society |
www.shastd.org.uk |
Southern Health Alliance –
Health, Beauty and Wellness in the UK |
www.shaw-trust.org.uk |
Shaw Trust - Shaw Trust is a
charity helping to transform the lives of young people and adults across
the UK and internationally. |
www.shawchurch.org.uk |
St Marys Shaw |
www.shawcumdonnington.org... |
Shaw-cum-Donnington |
www.shawridgeprimary.org.... |
Shaw Ridge Primary School |
www.shawsociety.org.uk |
Shaw Society UK Regular meetings
on topics connected to GB Shaw |
www.shct.org.uk |
Suffolk Historic Churches Trust -
This is the home page's excerpt |
www.sheepsouthwest.org.uk |
NSA Sheep South West | National
Sheep Association - NSA Sheep South West is the National Sheep
Association's south western biennial one day event. |
www.sheering.org.uk |
Sheering News - Up-to-date,
on-line information for Sheering and Lower Sheering residents including
transport links; events diary; school links and village organisations |
www.sheernesslifeboats.or... |
Sheerness Lifeboats – RNLI |
www.sheetmusic.org.uk |
www.shefcavers.org.uk |
SUSS - Sheffield University
Speleological Society | SUSS Caving |
www.sheffield-chamber-orc... |
Sheffield Chamber Orchestra –
Great Classical Concerts - Enjoy our classical music orchestral concert
May 11 |
www.sheffield-collegiate-... |
Sheffield Collegiate Cricket
Club – One of the world's finest cricket clubs |
www.sheffield-dog-rescue.... |
Sheffield Dog Rescue – Sheffield
Dog Rescue |
www.sheffield-lmc.org.uk |
Sheffield-lmc |
www.sheffield-unison.org.... |
UNISON City of Sheffield - We are
Britain's biggest public sector trade union with more than 1.3 million
members. Join UNISON via our website if you are not already a member |
www.sheffield-yos.org.uk |
Sheffield Youth Justice Service |
www.sheffield.org.uk |
Sheffield.org.uk -
Sheffield.org.uk is a local business directory and city guide focused on
Sheffield, South Yorkshire. Sheffield.org.uk lists around 15, 000 shops
and features a restaurants guide, a pub guide and Web directory of
hundreds of Sheffield websites. |
www.sheffieldalcoholsuppo... |
Sheffield Alcohol Support
Service (SASS) has been providing community alcohol services in
Sheffield since it formed in 1978. SASS is a registered charity
(1087215) and limited company (3870000), governed by a board of
trustees. |
www.sheffieldarc.org.uk |
Sheffield ARC - Sheffield Amateur
Radio Club - Sheffield Amateur Radio Club |
www.sheffieldbusinessaw..... |
Sheffield Business Awards |
Sheffield Business Awards |
www.sheffieldcamra.org.uk |
CAMRA Sheffield & District |
Campaign for Real Ale Sheffield & District Branch |
www.sheffieldcityregion.o... |
SCR - Sheffield City Region -
Welcome to the Sheffield City Region. With an economy of over £31bn and
home to 68, 000 businesses we're at the heart of the United Kingdom's
economy. |
www.sheffieldfhs.org.uk |
Sheffield Family History Society
Sheffield & District Family History Society |
www.sheffieldfutures.org.... |
Sheffield Futures | Supporting
young people to achieve a better future Sheffield Futures – Supporting
young people to achieve a better future |
www.sheffieldgreenparty.o... |
Sheffield Green Party | Working
together for a fairer, greener future mail search menu facebook twitter
youtube - All about the Green Party in Sheffield, your local
councillors, upcoming elections, news and how you can get involved. |
www.sheffieldhelpyourself... |
Sheffield Directory - Sheffield
Directory advice, support, groups, services, events and activities for
adults, children and families in Sheffield |
www.sheffieldhighschool.o... |
Sheffield Girls’ School |
Independent School For Girls - Sheffield Girls’ private school provides
superior education for girls from preschool - sixth form. Join the
leading South Yorkshire independent school |
www.sheffieldhospitalscha... |
Sheffield Hospitals Charity -
Helping local patients feel even better. With your support Sheffield
Hospital Charity can help to ensure patients receive outstanding
treatment and care and that your hospitals remain among the best in the
country. |
www.sheffieldjazz.org.uk |
Sheffield JazzSheffield Jazz
Sheffield Jazz |
www.sheffieldmencap.org.u... |
Sheffield Mencap & Gateway |
www.sheffieldmentalhealth... |
Local support for when you're
feeling low | Sheffield Mental Health Guide - Visit the Sheffield Mental
Health Guide for local services, activities and support. Information to
help people with depression, anxiety and low moods. |
www.sheffieldpsc.org.uk |
Freedom Justice Return |
www.sheffieldquakers.org.... |
Sheffield Quakers – The Religious
Society of Friends |
www.sheffieldrecordsonlin... |
Sheffield Records Online - 1841,
1851, 1861 census, directories, probate, burials, cutlers, poll book etc
- Sheffield Records Online website provides index to 1841, 1851 (full) &
1861 (partial) Sheffield census, Trade Directories. Features personal
database of members Sheffield interests. |
www.sheffieldrenewables.o... |
Sheffield Renewables |
www.sheffieldsocialcentre... |
Sheffield Social Center |
www.sheffieldsymphony.org... |
Sheffield Symphony Orchestra -
Home Sheffield Symphony Orchestra - Sheffield Symphony Orchestra |
www.sheffieldvc.org.uk |
Sheffield Volleyball Club -
Sheffield Volleyball Club |
www.sheffieldyoungcarers.... |
Sheffield Young Carers |
Dedicated to helping young carers across Sheffield |
www.shefforddaa.org.uk |
shefforddaa.org.uk |
www.sheffordmethodist.org... |
Church Congregations - A church
does not just exist as a building. It is a place where a group of people
worship and pray together. The congregation is the reason for the
existence of the building. It is their faith that gathers them as a
group and keeps them active in the comm |
www.shelfordschool.org.uk |
Welcome to Great and Little
Shelford CofE Primary School |
www.shellfish.org.uk |
Shellfish Association of Great
Britain - London's oldest livery companies - The industry's trade body
based at Fishmongers' Hall, by kind permission of the Fishmongers'
Company, one of London's oldest livery companies, which is also home to
the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers, in the City of London. Shellfish
Association of Great Britain |
www.shellmuseum.org.uk |
The Shell Museum, Glandford,
North Norfolk, UK - The Shell Museum in Glandford, North Norfolk, UK |
www.shelter.org.uk |
Shelter - the housing and
homelessness charity - Shelter believes everyone should have a home.
More than one million people a year come to us for advice and support
via our website, helplines and national network of services. |
www.sheltercymru.org.uk |
Shelter Cymru - The people and
homes charity in Wales - Shelter Cymru believes everyone in Wales has
the right to a decent, secure home. We work for people in housing need
by providing free, confidential and independent housing advice. |
www.shenleyleisure.org.uk |
Shenley Leisure Centre | Milton
Keynes - At Shenley Leisure Centre in Milton Keynes we provide Sports,
Health & Fitness, Childrens Activities, Bar Entertainment and more. |
www.shepherdsrest.org.uk |
Shepherd's Rest |
www.sheppeyhlc.org.uk |
Sheppey Matters - A Health and
Wellbeing Charity on the Isle of SheppeySheppey Matters - An award
winning regeneration charity based in the Healthy Living Centre at
Sheerness in Kent. Featuring room hire, community transport and much
more. |
www.shepton.org.uk |
Shepton Mallet Caving Club
(SMCC) |
www.sheptonbeauchamp.org.... |
Welcome [Shepton Beauchamp ] |
www.sheptonmalletcarnival... |
Shepton Mallet Carnival - Our
annual Shepton Mallet illuminated Carnival is the best all round family
entertainment to brighten up the dark November days, we will captivate
you with Three hours of dancing, music, fun and laughter, this is part
of the Somerset Guy Fawkes Circuit . |
www.shepwayconservatives.... |
Folkestone & Hythe |
Conservatives - Latest news, events and campaigns from Folkestone &
Hythe Conservative Association, the Conservative Party in Folkestone &
Hythe. |
www.shepwaylibdems.org.uk |
Folkestone and Hythe Liberal
Democrats |
www.sherfieldbeerfestival... |
Sherfield Beer Festival -
Sherfield Beer Festival at Sherfield on Loddon Village Hall, Hampshire -
annually in September - featuring beers, ales and ciders from local
breweries. |
www.sherlock-holmes.org.u... |
The Sherlock Holmes Society of
London | A literary and social Society for study of the life and work of
Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. Facebook Flickr Twitter - A literary and
social Society for study of the life and work of Sherlock Holmes and Dr
Watson. |
www.sherwoodcc.org.uk |
Cycling Club, Nottingham -
Sherwood Cycling Club, Road Cycling Club and Time Trials in Nottingham.
Join us for a club run on Wednesday, Saturday or Sunday from Lowdam War
Memorial. |
www.shetland-fhs.org.uk |
Shetland Family History Society
- Official Site |
www.shetland-museum.org.u... |
Shetland's Garden Tool Box »
Quality advice and product reviews - Garden Tool Box offer high quality
advice and information for all your tooling needs. You can rely on us
for the best product reviews and honest help. |
www.shetland-sheep.org.uk |
www.shetlanddialect.org.u... |
Shetland ForWirds - Promoting and
Celebrating the Shetland Dialect - Shetland ForWirds promotes and
celebrates Shetland dialect. This unique dialect, with both Nordic and
Scottish roots, is a valued and essential element of Shetland's
distinctive heritage and culture. |
www.shetlandmuseumandarch... |
Shetland Museum & Archives |
Shetland Museum and Archives - a 5 star visitor attraction in Lerwick
telling Shetland's story and history |
www.shetrust.org.uk |
UKAT™ - UK's Leading Alcohol &
Drug Rehab Clinics - UKAT is the UK's largest provider of private
rehabs. World-Class Treatment | Private Drug & Alcohol Rehab | 24h
Support | Call 0800 511 8111 |
www.shettlestonharriers.o... |
Shettleston HarriersShettleston
Harriers - Athletics, Track, field, cross country, SAL, scottish
athletics |
www.sheu.org.uk |
SHEU - the schools and students
health education unit |
www.shfca.org.uk |
SHFCA - The Scottish Hydrogen
and Fuel Cell Association (SHFCA) promotes and develops Scottish
expertise in fuel cells and hydrogen technologies. |
www.shgc.org.uk |
Southern Hang Gliding Club | Free
Flying on The South Downs |
www.shgroup.org.uk |
Southern Housing Group - Homes
for rent in London and the South East - We rent and sell homes in
London, Brighton and Hove, Reading, Kent, Portsmouth and the Isle of
Wight. We own and manage almost 28, 000 homes for more than 67, 000
residents across the south east. |
www.shhh.org.uk |
Festival flag hire and sales.
Design your own flags to decorate your festivalShhh! Event Decor |
Flags, hammocks, fire posts and beautiful, functional decor - Flags for
festivals, weddings, and event decoration. A wide range of other decor
options available. |
www.shhirt.org.uk |
SHHiRT - Facebook - SHHiRT. 479
likes. SHHiRT is the Samuel Hardgrave Harlequin Icthyosis Research Trust
- the only registered UK charity dedicated solely to research into... |
www.shian.org.uk |
SHIAN Housing Association |
www.shidokan.org.uk |
www.shidokan.org.uk |
www.shieldroadprimarysch.... |
Shield Road Primary School |
www.shiff.org.uk |
Sherborne International Film
Festival (SHIFF) – Rotary Club of Sherborne Castles - Your chance to
catch up with some of the best recently released foreign films. There is
a mixture of drama, action, comedy, thriller and tragedy, sometimes many
found in one movie. | SHIFF Film Programme | Tickets | Sponsors &
Beneficiaries | Venue | The Festival not only provides the community of
Sherborne… |
www.shift.org.uk |
Shift – Just another WordPress
site |
www.shihtzuwhispers.org.u... |
Shih Tzu Whispers - A Forum for
Breed Enthusiasts - SHIH TZU FORUM - For Shih Tzu Lovers - A place where
shih tzu owners and enthusiasts can gather to chat and share their
expertise. All Welcome |
www.shika.org.uk |
education transforms
liveseducation transforms lives | education transforms lives |
www.shikshapatri.org.uk |
Digital Shikshapatri - Online
access to the Bodleian Library's Sanskrit manuscript and information
about its history and significance for the Swaminarayan Hindu community |
www.shillingtoncc.org.uk |
Shillington and District Camera
Club |
www.shine-network.org.uk |
Shine – The learning network for
healthy sustainable buildings |
www.shinecharity.org.uk |
Shine - Spina Bifida &
Hydrocephalus |
www.shinetrust.org.uk |
Welcome to SHINE - SHINE:
Support and Help in Education - SHINE Education charity disadvantaged
children teenagers London Manchester academic potential educational
projects teaching confidence skill students |
www.shinfieldplayers.org.... |
Shinfield Players Theatre -
Shinfield Players Theatre in Shinfield, Reading, Berkshire. SHINFIELD
PLAYERS have been providing entertainment to the local community for 60
years. Producing h |
www.shiplake.org.uk |
StackPath |
www.shirdi.org.uk |
Shirdi India - Shirdi Sai - Sai
Baba of Shirdi - Shirdi Sai Baba - Sai Temple Shirdi - Shri Saibaba of
Shirdi - Guide to the history of Saibaba of Shirdi; know about history
of Saibaba and all info on the history of Saibaba of Shirdi. |
www.shire-horse.org.uk |
Shire Horse |
www.shire.org.uk |
eShire - Welcome to Shire on the
Web |
www.shirehampton-arc.org.... |
Shirehampton Amateur Radio Club
- Shirehampton Amateur Radio Club |
www.shirleyinfantschool.o... |
Shirley Infant School |
www.shirleyjuniorschool.o... |
Shirley Junior School |
www.shirleyvillage.org.uk |
Shirley Village - The web site of
Shirley Village near Ashbourne in the Derbyshire Dales district of
England |
www.shms.org.uk |
Sutton House Music Society |
www.shmu.org.uk |
shmu | Station House Media Unit |
www.shnh.org.uk |
Society for the History of
Natural History - SHNH - The Society for the History of Natural History
is a friendly international society for everyone interested in natural
history. |
www.shobukan.org.uk |
Cardiff Sho-Bu-Kan Aikido Dojo -
Cardiff Sho-Bu-Kan aikido martial arts dojo. Sho-Bu-Kan is part of the
British Aikido Federation, fully recognised by the Aikikai Foundation
Hombu Dojo. |
www.shoemakers.org.uk |
Shoemakers Shoemakers Group -
List of independent shoemakers around the United Kingdom, you can find
quick information, portfolio or contact the shoemaker for more
information. |
www.shoeshop.org.uk |
Independent Shoe Shops - Shoe
Shops run by members of the Independent Footwear Retailers Association |
www.sholingbaptist.org.uk |
Sholing Baptist Church, Sholing,
Hampshire |
www.shorehamsociety.org.u... |
Shoreham Society |
www.shorelinechurch.org.u... |
Shoreline Church, Southport -
Shoreline Church, Southport is home to Green Pastures Housing, Southport
Christian's Against Poverty, Southport Food Bank, & Southport Master's
Commission. |
www.shores.org.uk |
SHoRes Center - Southern
Holderness Resource Centre |
www.shortfilms.org.uk |
LSFF | London Short Film
Festival |
www.shorttermcarinsurance... |
Short Term Car Insurance, Apply
For Cheap Temporary Car Insurance Today! - Temporary car insurance for
up to 28 days cover. Apply online for the cheapest short term car
insurance quotes. |
www.shotokankarate.org.uk |
Roy Richards |
www.shotover-wildlife.org... |
Shotover Wildlife Shotover
Wildlife |
www.shottshighlandgames..... |
Shotts Highland Games
Association. |
www.shotwick.org.uk |
Welcome to St Michael's Church,
Shotwick |
www.shoutradio.org.uk |
Please Wait... |
www.showofstrength.org.uk |
Show of Strength Theatre Company
// Workshops, Performances and Street Theatre in Bristol |
www.shp.org.uk |
Single Homeless Project - We are
Single Homeless Project (SHP), a London-wide charity working to prevent
homelessness and help vulnerable and socially excluded people transform
their lives |
www.shra.org.uk |
strawberry hill Residents’
Association: test site – For all residents of Strawberry Hill |
www.shrawley.org.uk |
History of the Village -
www.shrawley.org.uk |
www.shreeswaminarayan.org... |
Shree Swaminarayan Temple
Willesden |
www.shrewsbury.org.uk |
Shrewsbury |
www.shrewsburychurches.or... |
Churches Together: Churches
Together Shrewsbury |
www.shrewsburydrapers.org... |
Shrewsbury Drapers Company |
www.shrewsburyflowershow.... |
Shrewsbury Flower Show -
Shrewsbury Flower Show Friday 14th & Saturday 15th August 2020 133rd
Show The show is one of the country’s Premier Flower Show events,
attracting top exhibitors from all over the country. It has a small
permanent staff and over 100 volunteers who manage and organise the
whole event, from tra ... |
www.shrewsburylight-orch.... |
Shrewsbury Light Orchestra -
This is the Home page of a new SLO web site |
www.shrewsburypicketscamp... |
Justice for Shrewsbury Pickets
Campaign | We fight for the recognition that, in order to defend
collective justice, we must develop a collective strategy for
overturning all collective injustice. |
www.shrimper.org.uk |
shrimper.org.uk |
www.shrinkfilm.org.uk |
Shrink Film - Polythene Shrink -
Shrink Covers - Polythene shrink film and shrink bags made in the UK.
buy heat shrink films direct from the manufacturer. |
www.shrmethodist.org.uk |
St. Helen's Road Methodist
Church Bolton – St Helen's Road Methodist Church, Henniker Rd, Bolton
BL3 3TP |
www.shropshire-photograph... |
Shropshire Photographic Society -
Camera club based in Shrewsbury for all photographers and those with an
interest in photography with a full programme of events and
presentations. |
www.shropshire-rcc.org.uk |
Shropshire Rural Communities
Charity - Support Advice & Training For Local Communities - Shropshire
Rural Communities Charity (RCC) is an independent charity established
over 50 years ago to benefit people in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin.
Volunteers allow us to help those with care and financial needs in the
local community. |
www.shropshirecharityconc... |
Shropshire Charity Concerts -
WOWSlider |
www.shropshirehistory.org... |
Welcome to Discovering
Shropshire's History |
www.shropshireunion.org.u... |
Shropshireunion |
www.shropshirewildlifetru... |
Landing Page | Shropshire
Wildlife Trust |
www.shsb.org.uk |
Southend High School for Boys |
www.shsc.org.uk |
Home • Staunton Harold Sailing
Club - March 9, 2015 |
www.shsk.org.uk |
St Helen and St Katharine
Independent Girls’ School based near Abingdon |
www.shtc.org.uk |
Holderness Academy |
www.shugborough.org.uk |
Shugborough Estate | National
Trust - The National Trust's Shugborough Estate, Staffordshire,
incorporates a Georgian mansion house and walled garden. |
www.shukokai.org.uk |
Website The Website for Martial
Arts, Karate and Self Defence in Rochdale |
www.shukokaikarate.org.uk |
Shukokai Karate Association -
Welcome ⋆ Shukokai Karate Association |
www.si-solihull.org.uk |
Solihull & District Club of
Soroptimist International | SI Solihull & District - SI Solihull &
District Club is a member of Soroptimist International. We are a vibrant
Club offering a lively and varied programme of meetings and events. |
www.siaa.org.uk |
Scottish Independent Advocacy
Alliance - Promoting, Supporting and Defending Independent Advocacy in
Scotland. SIAA, the national membership body for independent advocacy
organisations in Scotland. |
www.siameserescue.org.uk |
Charity for Siamese cat welfare
and rehoming |
www.siarad.org.uk |
Welcome to BangorTalk |
www.siblehedinghampc.org.... |
Sible Hedingham Parish Council |
www.sibs.org.uk |
Sibs - Sibs is the UK charity for
brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults. |
www.sicknote.org.uk |
Sicknote |
www.sidcot.org.uk |
A Co-Ed Independent School in
Somerset | Sidcot School |
www.sidcupbaptistchurch.o... |
Sidcup Baptist Church |
www.sidcupchurch.org.uk |
Churches Together In Sidcup -
BeMusic | Best WordPress theme for musicians |
www.sidcuplapminsoc.org.u... |
Sidcup lapidary and Mineral
Society |
www.sidcupsymphony.org.uk |
Sidcup Symphony Orchestra |
www.sidecars.org.uk |
sidecars.org.uk |
www.sidmouthlifeboat.org.... |
sidmouthlifeboat.org.uk |
Sidmouth Lifeboat |
www.sidneystringeracademy... |
Sidney Stringer Academy |
www.sidvaleassociation.or... |
Welcome to the Side Vale
Association |
www.sifre.org.uk |
Sifre |
www.sightairedale.org.uk |
sight airedale - sight airedale
(formerly Keighley and District Association for the Blind) is your local
sight impairment charity, supporting registered sight impaired people
living in Keighley, Silsden, Bingley, Ilkley, Skipton, Cross Hills,
Settle, Barnoldswick. |
www.sightsupportderbyshir... |
Sight Support |
www.signal.org.uk |
Signal Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Charity based in Shropshire - Signal deaf and hard of hearing charity is
dedicated to helping deaf people and those with Hearing Loss in the UK
and overseas. |
www.signalong.org.uk |
Signalong - The Communication
Charity |
www.signature.org.uk |
Signature | Signature are the
leading provider of British Sign Language (BSL) and other Deaf and
Deafblind qualifications in the UK |
www.signcommunity.org.uk |
Introduction to Sign Language -
The basics of sign language that is used by the deaf in the United
Kingdom and where can you learn it. |
www.signhealth.org.uk |
The Deaf health charity
SignHealth E-mail Facebook RSS Twitter YouTube - The Deaf health charity |
www.signsofthetimes.org.u... |
Signs of the Times |
www.sihg.org.uk |
Surrey Industrial History Group
(SIHG) of the Surrey Archaeological Society - Home Page. - Surrey
Industrial History Group (SIHG) holds a lecture series on industrial
archaeology each year at the Education Centre, Guildford Cathedral. It
also arranges other meetings and visits in Surrey and farther afield and
carries out research, recording and restoration projects |
www.sikorskipolishclub.or... |
Sikorskipolishclub |
www.silc.org.uk |
Specialist in Land Condition
Register Ltd (SiLC) |
www.silcoates.org.uk |
Silcoates - Independent School
in Wakefield | Silcoates, a Private Independent School in Wakefield - A
private independent school for boys and girls from the ages of 3 to 18.
We aim for our students to fulfil and exceed their academic potential,
and to thrive in a community that values friendship, compassion and
kindness. |
www.silentworld.org.uk |
Silent World | Zoo To You |
Reptiles | Reptile Supplies | Talks Speakers | Live-Frozen foods |
School group visits | Havefordwest | South Wales | Pembrokeshire - Over
the years the collection grew, Silent World became home to marine life
from around the Pembrokeshire coast and many exotic creatures. |
www.siliconroundabout.org... |
Silicon Roundabout |
www.silk.org.uk |
Silk Association of Great Britain
- The Silk Association of Great Britain exists both to further the aims
of the UK silk industry and more to promote silk in general. Membership
of the association is open to all those involved in the UK silk
industry. Membership currently includes raw material merchants,
throwsters, dyers, weavers, printers, knitters, finishers, converters,
garment manufacturers and retailers. |
www.silkscreen.org.uk |
Silkscreen Film Society - A
thriving society dedicated to enjoying many of the best films in world
cinema. - A thriving society dedicated to enjoying many of the best
films in world cinema. |
www.silsoeresearch.org.uk |
SilsoeResearch.org.uk -
SilsoeResearch.org.uk - the former staff of Silsoe Research Institute |
www.silsonjoggers.org.uk |
silsonjoggers.org.uk - This
website is for sale! - silsonjoggers Resources and Information. -
This website is for sale! silsonjoggers.org.uk is your first and best
source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general
topics to more of what you would expect to find here,
silsonjoggers.org.uk has it all. We hope you find what you are searching
for! |
www.silurianmorris.org.uk |
Silurian Morris - The website of
Silurian, a Border Morris side from Ledbury |
www.silvercityvault.org.u... |
The Silver City Vault |
www.simbacharity.org.uk |
SiMBA Charity, Simpsons Memory
Box Appeal |
www.simoncommunity.org.uk |
The Simon Community - Simon is a
community of homeless people and volunteers living and working together
in a spirit of acceptance, tolerance and understanding |
www.simonhughes.org.uk |
Rt Hon Sir Simon Hughes - Simon
Hughes: Former MP for Bermondsey and old Southwark. Human rights lawyer.
Social justice campaigner. Community leader. Chair, trustee and board
member. |
www.simonjones.org.uk |
HISTORY - Simon Jones Memorial
Campaign |
www.simonlindley.org.uk |
simonlindley.org.uk |
www.simonneal.org.uk |
Simon Neal Harpsichords |
www.simonsays.org.uk |
Simon Says | Child Bereavement
Support | Hampshire - Simon Says provides child bereavement support to
children, parents, teachers and carers throughout Hampshire. |
www.simonwebster.org.uk |
Simon Webster Percussion
Workshops, Teaching & Drumming - Simon Webster is a percussionist,
drummer, teacher and journalist with Drummer magazine. His range of
"Hands-on Drums" workshops are designed for schools, special needs and
corporate events. Specialised in world music rhythm, Simon plays drum
kit and hand percussion in many styles. |
www.simonwright.org.uk |
Simon Wright (@Sim0nWright) |
Twitter - The latest Tweets from Simon Wright (@Sim0nWright). CEO of
Norfolk children's bereavement charity @nelsonsjourney ; Runner
@NorwichRoadRun @dunerunnerraces @parkrunuk ; Vegetarian; former MP.
Tweets own views. Norwich |
www.simpleminds.org.uk |
Simple Minds - - A great
platform to know about best radio stations and easy to get record deals,
so all you music lovers-check out Simple Minds music blog |
www.simplificationcentre.... |
The Simplification Centre - A UK
non-profit dedicated to clearer information. We run the Information
Design Summer School. Our Simple Action days are design jams where
volunteers get together to improve public information. |
www.simpsonhouse.org.uk |
Simpson House Medical Centre |
NHS GP Surgery in Harrow |
www.simr.org.uk |
Seriously Ill for Medical
Research |
www.sinfonia.org.uk |
Sinfonia of Birmingham -
Sinfonia of Birmingham |
www.sinfoniaofleeds.org.u... |
Sinfoniaofleeds |
www.singforyourlife.org.u... |
Dementia Activities and Care
Home Entertainment for the Elderly |
www.singingthefaithplus.o... |
Singing the Faith Plus |
www.singleaspect.org.uk |
Single Aspect Blog - single
aspect, dual aspect, back to back, back-to-back, backtoback, b2b,
back2back, estate, estates, housing, council housing, social housing,
housing typologies, core access, deck access, balcony access, gallery
access, public housing, Peabody, GLC, Greater London Council, LCC,
London County Council, scissor maisonettes, a2dominion, S106, Section
106 |
www.singlestep.org.uk |
Single Step Wholefood
Co-operative Lancaster - Single Step Wholefood Co-operative Lancaster |
www.sins.org.uk |
Springtime in Shropshire | 3
Days of Orienteering in Beautiful Shropshire |
www.sio.org.uk |
Scottish Investment Operations -
Scottish Investment Operations (SIO) - Scottish Investment Operations
(SIO) is a professional body for the financial services sector in
Scotland. |
www.siobhainmcdonagh.org.... |
Siobhain McDonagh MP for Mitcham
and Morden - Siobhain McDonagh Member of Parliament for Mitcham and
Morden |
www.sioncommunity.org.uk |
Sion Catholic Community for
Evangelism - Sion Community - Sion Catholic Community for Evangelism,
Missions in Parishes, Secondary and Primary Schools in the UK |
www.sirbobbyrobsonfoundat... |
Sir Bobby Robson Foundation |
www.siren.org.uk |
Siren | Conservation Education |
www.sirgeorgetrevelyan.or... |
archive - An online archive of the life and work of the Grandfather of
the New Age Movement in Britain |
www.sirius-academy.org.uk |
Sirius Academy West |
www.sirjohnmoore.org.uk |
Sir John Moore Foundation - Sir
John Moore Foundation |
www.sirnigelgresley.org.u... |
LNER A4 pacific locomotive 'Sir
Nigel Gresley' - Sir Nigel Gresley Locomotive Trust Ltd, preservers of
Gresley A4 Pacific 60007 'Sir Nigel Gresley' |
www.sirp.org.uk |
SIRPS - The Society of
Independent Roundabout Proprietors |
www.sis-group.org.uk |
Society for Interdisciplinary
Studies - The Society for Interdisciplinary is a society, investigating
the fields of chronology and catastrophism in the sciences, including
ancient history, geomagnetism, archaeoastronomy, palaeontology,
mythology, astronomy, geology, physics, evolution, psychology,
archaeology, catastrophism, biblical studies and cosmology |
www.sis.org.uk |
Scientific Instrument Society |
www.sisag.org.uk |
www.sisters.org.uk |
National Assembly of Women |
www.sistersofmercyunion.o... |
Sisters of Mercy of the Union of
Great Britain |
www.sita.org.uk |
Scuba Industries Trade
Association | SITA - SITA Scuba Industries Trade Association |
www.sitefestival.org.uk |
Site Festival |
www.sitp.org.uk |
Sitp |
www.sittingbourne.org.uk |
Sittingbourne Kent England -
ONLINE GUIDE - sittingbourne.org.uk - ONLINE GUIDE - for residents,
vistors and businesses in and around Sittingbourne in Kent including a
searchable 'business guide' and a 'what's on' guide... |
www.situations.org.uk |
Internationally renowned arts
producers Situations - Extraordinary art experiences in unexpected
places. |
www.siwn.org.uk |
Systemics and Informatics World
Network |
www.siwsc.org.uk |
The Sporting Irish Water Spaniel
Club (1) |
www.sixbookchallenge.org.... |
Reading Ahead |
www.sixday.org.uk |
Six Day Race UK Six Day Cycle
Racing in Britain - London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Hull, Dublin,
Manchester, Bristol, Aberdeen and more |
www.sixnationstickets.org... |
Six Nations Tickets 2017 -
England Scotland Wales Ireland France Italy - England Scotland Wales
Ireland France Italy |
www.sixofone.org.uk |
Six of One - The Prisoner -
ONE "The Prisoner" cult 1967 TV series has its own worldwide unique
following. You too can join the only official appreciation society,
established since 1976. Patrick McGoohan is the Honorary President of
Six of One. Be seeing you! |
www.sixsqnassociation.org... |
6 Squadron RAF Association –
History and News from the Longest Continuously Serving Squadron in the
www.sixtyplus.org.uk |
sixtyplus.org.uk |
www.sizeofwales.org.uk |
Size of Wales | Protecting an
area of rainforest the Size of Wales - Join our campaign to protect an
area of rainforest the size of Wales, as part of our national response
to climate change. |
www.sja.org.uk |
St John Ambulance - the nation’s
leading first aid charity |
www.sjac.org.uk |
StackPath |
www.sjbcathedral.org.uk |
The Cathedral of St John the
Baptist – Welcome to the Catholic Cathedral of St John the Baptist,
Norwich |
www.sjcc.org.uk |
St Joseph's Catholic Church - St
Joseph's is the Catholic Parish Church for Dorking in the Diocese of
Arundel and Brighton. We look forward to welcoming you. |
www.sjfchs.org.uk |
St John Fisher Catholic High
School in Harrogate - Our aim at St John Fisher is to enable all our
students to gain the skills and confidence to enrich their own lives and
the society in which they live. |
www.sjhospice.org.uk |
St John's Hospice - Hospice care
in North Lancashire & South Lakes phone location search issuu zoomin
zoomout menu cancel-circle mail googleplus facebook instagram twitter
vimeo pinterest - St John's Hospice has been providing palliative care
for a wide range of life shortening conditions in North Lancashire and
the South Lakes since 1986. |
www.sjhs.org.uk |
St Joseph's RC High School |
www.sjht.org.uk |
Deptford: St John w Holy Trinity
- St John's Church with Holy Trinity Deptford Lewisham Diocese of
Southwark |
www.sjib.org.uk |
Scottish Joint Industry Board |
www.sjmt.org.uk |
Sir Josiah Mason Trust - Sir
Josiah Mason Trust focuses exclusively on providing top quality
affordable housing accommodation, and support & care services, just for
older people |
www.sjrcc.org.uk |
St James's Roman Catholic Church |
www.skeptic.org.uk |
The Skeptic Magazine - The
Skeptic |
www.skiffing.org.uk |
The Skiff Racing Association |
www.skill.org.uk |
Skill: National Bureau for
Students With Disabilities - Skill: National Bureau for Students With
Disabilities. Skill promotes opportunities for young people and adults
with any kind of disability in post-16 education, training and
employment across the UK. |
www.skillcard.org.uk |
SKILLcard | Official SKILLcard
Website |
www.skillsconsortium.org.... |
Skillsconsortium.org.uk |
www.skillsforcare.org.uk |
Skills for Care - Skills for
Care helps create a well-led, skilled and valued adult social care
workforce. Our practical tools and support help organisations and
individual employers in England recruit, develop and lead their staff,
retaining them from entry level right through to senior leadership and
management roles. |
www.skillsforcareanddevel... |
Skills for Care and Development |
www.skillsforhealth.org.u... |
Skills for Health - Skills for
Health provides workforce and organisational development solutions to
the whole UK Healthcare sector, ensuring better skills, better jobs and
better health. |
www.skinnersacademy.org.u... |
Skinners' Academy (Hackney,
London)Skinners' Academy - Be the best you can - Skinners' Academy in
the Woodberry Down (North Hackney) community provides a world class
education in a state-of-the-art building. |
www.skinnerskentacademy..... |
The Skinners' Kent Academy - The
Skinners' Kent Academy Website |
www.skiphirecrawley.org.u... |
skiphirecrawley.org.uk -
Registered at Namecheap.com |
www.skiphiredundee.org.uk |
skiphiredundee.org.uk -
Registered at Namecheap.com |
www.skiphirestoke.org.uk |
skiphirestoke.org.uk - Registered
at Namecheap.com |
www.skiphiresuttoncoldfie... |
skiphiresuttoncoldfield.org.uk -
Registered at Namecheap.com |
www.skiphireswansea.org.u... |
skiphireswansea.org.uk -
Registered at Namecheap.com |
www.skiphirewalsall.org.u... |
skiphirewalsall.org.uk -
Registered at Namecheap.com |
www.skiphirewestbromwich.... |
skiphirewestbromwich.org.uk -
Registered at Namecheap.com |
www.skippy.org.uk |
Skippy's Random Ramblings – The
Random Thoughts of a Geek heading for Gaydon - The Random Thoughts of a
Geek heading for Gaydon |
www.skipton-music-centre.... |
Skipton Music Centre – Access to
Music for All…. |
www.skiptonandgrassington... |
Skipton and Grassington
Methodist Circuit |
www.skiptonkarate.org.uk |
skiptonkarate.org.uk |
www.skiptonmusic.org.uk |
Welcome To Skipton Music -
Skipton Music |
www.skipwithpc.org.uk |
Skipwith Parish Council -
Skipwith is a small picturesque village 10 miles south of York in North
Yorkshire. |
www.skydancer.org.uk |
skydancer: Pete Jordan |
www.skydiveacademy.org.uk |
Skydive Academy - Peterlee DZ -
Drop zone for Durham, Newcastle, Sunderland and Teeside in the North
East of England. Easy access from North Yorkshire and the Scottish
borders. Offering tandem skydives, accelerated freefall training and
static line parachuting. Gift vouchers available. |
www.skyerscds.org.uk |
RSCDS - Isle of Skye Branch
-Homepage |
www.skyeserpentarium.org.... |
Skye Serpentarium |
www.skyeterrierclub.org.u... |
The Skye Terrier Club – For
Enthusiasts of the Breed |
www.skyetrail.org.uk |
The Skye Trail - a long-distance
walk through the Isle of Skye - The Skye Trail is a challenging, 128km
unofficial long distance route through the spectacular landscapes of the
Isle of Skye. Taking in the Trotternish Ridge and passing the Cuillin,
the route takes in some of the finest scenery in the UK. |
www.skyguide.org.uk |
Monthly Skyguide - free star
charts & observing guides - online interactive guide to the night sky
featuring free star charts and constellation guides as part of the
monthly skyguide course |
www.slafa.org.uk |
Skye & Lochalsh Amateur Football
Association (SLAFA) - Official website of the Skye & Lochalsh Amateur
Football Association. |
www.slago.org.uk |
SLAGO - The Surrey and London
Association of Gay Organizations - Bringing gay and lesbian
organisations together in London and Surrey |
www.slaley.org.uk |
About Slaley | Slaley Parish
Council - Six miles south of the Tyne valley, the village of Slaley
provides an excellent starting point for visitors to this part of
Northumberland. Great pubs, excellent golf and wonderful walking. |
www.slapstick.org.uk |
StackPath |
www.slas.org.uk |
Latin Americanists | Society for
Latin American Studies, UK - Society for Latin American Studies
objectives are to create and maintain contact between academics studying
all aspects of the humanities produced by and connected to Latin
Americans and Latin American countries, as well as to provide a
permanent source of information on Latin American affairs in the UK. |
www.slavery.org.uk |
Christians Against Mental
Slavery |
www.slba.org.uk |
SLBA – Strathclyde League
Basketball Association |
www.slbg.org.uk |
South Lancashire Bat Group |
Registered Charity 1109519 |
www.slbi.org.uk |
Welcome to the South London
Botanical Institute Welcome to the South London Botanical Institute -
Founded in 1910 in Tulse Hill, the South London Botanical Institute has
a beautiful garden, botanical library and herbarium. We runs courses,
school visits and events for all ages. Open: Thursdays 10-4pm, for
events (mainly weekends and evenings) and by arrangement. |
www.slch.org.uk |
Scotland's Lost Country Houses -
An introduction to Scotland's many lost country houses |
www.slcvo.org.uk |
Welcome to SLCVO - Skye &
Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations the voice for community
groups and volunteers throughout the local area. , scottish voluntary,
volunteer, organisations, scvo, voluntary sector, jobs, workwithus.org,
cvs, councils for voluntary service, scotland, policy |
www.sleafordmuseum.org.uk |
Sleaford Museum | Sleaford
Museum |
www.sleatlocalhistorysoci... |
The Sleat Local History Society
records and preserves the history of the Sleat Peninsula on the Isle of
Skye |
www.sledges.org.uk |
SLEDGES | Hamax, Axiski, Wolf -
All the best sledges - Sledges.co.uk houses all the best and greatest
sledges from the trusty Delta to the premium Axiski Ski-Board for snow,
frosty grass and sand dunes. |
www.sleepcouncil.org.uk |
Helping you get a better night's
sleep - The Sleep Council - The Sleep Council is an impartial, advisory
organisation that raises the awareness of the importance of a good
night’s sleep to your health. |
www.slemishcollege.org.uk |
Slemish College - Welcome to the
website for Slemish College |
www.slg.org.uk |
SLG Community |
www.slhc.org.uk |
Welcome to the Suffolk Local
History Website | slhc.org.uk - Welcome to the Suffolk Local History
Group. |
www.slif.org.uk |
British Muslim Society – BMS |
www.sljo.org.uk |
About Us - The South London Jazz
Orchestra |
www.sllg.org.uk |
The Scottish Law Librarians Group
(SLLG) has been representing those working in Legal Libraries and
Information Services either based in Scotland or with an interest in
Scots Law for 25 years. The SLLG meets regularly and supports the
professional development of members with a varied programme of visits,
talks, training courses and networking events. |
www.slm-bermondsey.org.uk |
Bermondsey Central Hall |
www.slmm.org.uk |
Home – Saunders Lakeland Mountain
Marathon - SLMM |
www.slnnr.org.uk |
Slapton Ley NNR |
www.slogdrama.org.uk |
slogdrama - Slog drama is a group
for those who want to perform on stage based in the area of darenth |
www.slopesoaring.org.uk |
slopesoaring.org.uk |
www.slotcar.org.uk |
Slot Car Racing - Slot Car Racing |
www.sloughdolphinsc.org.u... |
Home Original - Home Page
original |
www.sloughlibdems.org.uk |
Slough Liberal Democrats |
www.slow.org.uk |
South London Orienteers |
Orienteering in London and Surrey. British Orienteering's Club of the
Year 2013. Community Amateur Sports Club accredited. |
www.sls-scotland.org.uk |
School Leaders Scotland – Take a
leap and join the leaders! |
www.slso.org.uk |
Scottish Legal Services
Ombudsman - Investigating complaint handling by the legal profession in
Scotland - The Scottish Legal Services Ombudsman investigates complaints
about the way in which a professional body has handled a complaint
against a legal practitioner |
www.sltwg.org.uk |
South London Tamil Welfare Group
www.slwp.org.uk |
South London Waste Partnership,
Kingston, Croydon, Merton, Sutton - South London Waste Partnership
(SWLP), run by Kingston, Croydon, Merton & Sutton Boroughs, provide
improved recycling & waste management services to the area. |
www.sm3a.org.uk |
SM3A - St Michael and All Angels'
Church, Shefford |
www.smaaa.org.uk |
St Michael and All Angels Church
– Bedford Park, Chiswick |
www.smallbusinesscentre.o... |
Free Business Support in London |
Workshops, Courses And 121 Support - Free Start-up Courses, Workshops
and Business Support in London from Nwes, the largest not-for-profit
Enterprise Agency in the UK |
www.smallbusinessgroup.or... |
Small Business Group | Small
Business News - Small Business News |
www.smallcharities.org.uk |
Small Charities Coalition -
Informing, Supporting, Connecting - The Small Charities Coalition exists
to help small charities access the skills, experience and resources they
need to start up and achieve their aims. |
www.smallholder.org.uk |
Web site of the North Yorkshire
Smallholders Society |
www.smallpeicetrust.org.u... |
Smallpeice Trust - We are The
Smallpeice Trust, an educational charity that inspires young people to
pursue careers in science and engineering through events and workshops. |
www.smallschools.org.uk |
National Association of Small
Schools |
www.smallwoods.org.uk |
Small Woods |
www.smallworld.org.uk |
Small World Theatre |
www.smarg4god.org.uk |
St. Margaret's Church
Stanford-le-Hope |
www.smart-learning.org.uk |
Smart-learning |
www.smb.org.uk |
St Mary Bredin Church : St Mary
Bredin |
www.smc.org.uk |
Scottish Mountaineering Club |
www.smcc.org.uk |
South Manchester Camera Club - A
progressive and welcoming photographic club in Didsbury, South
Manchester |
www.smce.org.uk |
Ealing Common Choir |
www.smctc.org.uk |
About us | South Manchester CTC -
About South Manchester's Cycling & Cycle Touring Club |
www.smf.org.uk |
Sainsbury Management Fellows |
Sainsbury Management Fellowship champions the benefits of a combined
business and engineering education to help improve the performance of
the UK economy - The Sainsbury Management Fellows scholarship helps
young engineers to combine business and engineering education & improve
the UK economy. |
www.smfc.org.uk |
smfc.org.uk |
www.smh.org.uk |
St Margaret of Scotland Hospice
– Open to all in need of care |
www.smia.org.uk |
SMIA – Representing and
developing the Scottish music industry |
www.smilesolutions.org.uk |
Dentist Sutton Coldfield |
Cosmetic Dentist Birmingham | Dental Implants - Smile Solutions, Sutton
Coldfield Birmingham. Call 0121 308 8977. Dentist Providing Dental
Health Checks, Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implants, Orthodontics. |
www.smlpoole.org.uk |
St Mary's Longfleet, Poole : St
Mary's Longfleet |
www.smmc.org.uk |
Scottish Motorsport Marshals
Club - SMMC is one of the leading four-wheel motorsport marshalling
clubs in the UK. We provide safety and administrative communications as
well as emergency medical and extrication cover a wide range of
motorsport events. |
www.smmwandsworth.org.uk |
St Mary Magdalene Wandsworth
Common | We welcome all people to our church, wherever you are on your
journey of faith. We encourage reflection, question and discussion to
help us explore and deepen our Christian faith. We strive to reach the
needs of our congregation, the local community and beyond. |
www.smng.org.uk |
St Michael at the North Gate |
The City Church of Oxford |
www.smokefreeaction.org.u... |
Smokefreeaction |
www.smokestack.org.uk |
smoke stack steakhouse, city
centre edinburgh |
www.smrac.org.uk |
St. Mary's Richmond AC |
www.smsc.org.uk |
Spinnaker - SMSC - What on Earth
is SMSC? Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education has been part
of the national curriculum for England and Wales since 1991. The new
national curriculum framework, which cam |
www.smuzz.org.uk |
SMS Gallery - The Website of
British SF, Fantasy and Comics artist SMS. |
www.sna.org.uk |
SNA – Sikh Naujawan Academy |
www.snailfarm.org.uk |
Snail Types - Snailfarm.org.uk |
www.snaithprimary.org.uk |
Snaith Primary School |
www.sncanal.org.uk |
Shrewsbury & Newport Canals Trust
– Working to restore the canals from Norbury to Shrewsbury |
www.snco.org.uk |
Stockbridge and New Town
Community Orchestra |
www.snda.org.uk |
Scottish National dictionary |
www.snell-pym.org.uk |
Snell-Pym |
www.sneydstriders.org.uk |
Sneyd Striders R.C. - Discover
the services of Sneyd Striders R.C., Staffordshire |
www.snhac.org.uk |
Stevenage and North Herts
Athletics Club |
www.snodlandsurgery.org.u... |
Snodland Medical Practice - West
Kent Health - Snodland Medical Practice - West Kent Health |
www.snowdonia-society.org... |
Snowdonia Society |
www.snowflakeschool.org.u... |
Snowflakeschool |
www.snowsportengland.org.... |
Snowsport England - Snowsport
England is the National Governing Body for Snowsport in England and
we're committed to inspiring participation in Snowsport at every level. |
www.snsbi.org.uk |
www.snvb.org.uk |
SNVB - Supporting voluntary
action in South Northamptonshire - Promoting and supporting voluntary
activity across South Northamptonshire |
www.snysb.org.uk |
www.soa.org.uk |
Society of Ancients |
www.soagarch.org.uk |
Archaeology in South Oxfordshire
- SOAG - South Oxfordshire Archaeology Group. Roman Villa Excavation.
Brightwell Baldwin Community History and Archaeology Project. Lost
Parish Church of Bix Gibwyn. |
www.soane.org.uk |
Sir John Soane's Museum |
www.sobellfoundation.org.... |
The Sobell Foundation |
www.sobhelpproject.org.uk |
sobhelpproject.org.uk |
www.sobrietyproject.org.u... |
The Sobriety Project - Yorkshires
Best Kept Secret! - The Sobriety Project a charity in East Yorkshire
uses the Yorkshire Waterways Museum, vessels, nature trail, community
gardens, healthy eating cafeacute and allotments as resources for
personal development and training for disadvantaged people i |
www.soc.org.uk |
Society of Cartographers | the
friendly society - Welcome! Dr James Cheshire: Profile of SoC President
The Society of Cartographers warmly welcomes you to its website. We aim
to support and encourage all those involved in the production of maps.
By providing information and opportunities to contact, meet and exchange
views and techniques, we hope to support and encourage those involved in
all aspects… |
www.socadms.org.uk |
Society for the Advancement of
Management Studies - The Society for the Advancement of Management
Studies (SAMS) is a charity providing a governance structure for the
Journal of Management Studies |
www.soccerstar.org.uk |
Soccer Star |
www.socenv.org.uk |
Society for the Environment |
www.sociability.org.uk |
Sociability Ltd | UK innovation
consulting and digital strategy |
www.social-anxiety.org.uk |
Social Anxiety UK |
www.social-policy.org.uk |
Social Policy Association |
www.socialaudit.org.uk |
110INTRO |
www.socialauditnetwork.or... |
The Social Audit Network |
www.socialenterprise.org.... |
Social Enterprise UK | The UK
body for social enterprise - business with a social or environmental
mission. We support business where society profits. |
www.socialenterpriseambas... |
SE Ambassadors | A Group of
Experienced & Inspirational People |
www.socialenterprisemark.... |
Social Enterprise Accreditation
Authority - Social Enterprise Mark - Internationally available social
enterprise accreditation authority. Social Enterprise Mark CIC provides
accreditation of credible social enterprises |
www.socialenterprisescotl... |
Social Enterprise Scotland -
Social Enterprise Scotland is The Voice of Social Enterprise - bringing
together social enterprises and their supporters into a strong
campaigning force. We are an independent, Scottish, membership-led
organisation, built and controlled by social enterprises, representing
the needs and interests of social enterprise to politicians, policy
makers and opinion formers. |
www.socialequality.org.uk |
Socialist Equality Party |
British section of the International Committee of the Fourth
International |
www.socialhistory.org.uk |
The Social History Society –
Promoting the study of social & cultural history |
www.socialism.org.uk |
What Is Socialism? - The
Socialist Party's book, Socialism in the 21st Century, sets out to
answer the question: What Is Socialism? |
www.socialist-labour-part... |
Socialist Labour Party website
of the socialist labour party in britain, with news, information,
events, our policies, contacts and more. |
www.socialistalliance.org... |
Socialist Alliance |
www.socialistfuture.org.u... |
Socialist Future |
www.socialistparty.org.uk |
Socialist Party - Socialism is a
democratic society run for the needs of all and not the profits of a
few. Socialists oppose every cut, fighting in our day-to-day campaigning
for every possible improvement for working class people. |
www.socialistpartywales.o... |
Socialist Party Wales –
Socialism In Wales |
www.socialistreview.org.u... |
Welcome to Socialist Review |
Socialist Review - Socialist Review, a revolutionary, anti-capitalist
socialist magazine based in Britain. |
www.socialistreviewindex.... |
Socialist Review and
International Socialism Journal Index |
www.socialiststudies.org.... |
Socialist Studies Socialist
Studies Untitled Document - The interest of Socialist Studies is not
academic but political. Socialist Studies aim is to hasten further
social development; to bring about a change from the present,
capitalist, social system to a world-wide socialist system of society
through which the interest of the working class can be served, and class
society finally abolished. |
www.socialsciencecentre.o... |
Socialsciencecentre |
www.socialtech.org.uk |
Social Tech Guide - The Social
Tech Guide, brought to you by Social Tech Trust, features the world’s
most inspiring social innovations using digital technology. |
www.society-women-artists... |
Society of Women Artists - The
Society of Women Artists (SWA) is a British art body dedicated to
celebrating and promoting fine art created by women. |
www.societyofdesignercraf... |
Society of Designer Craftsmen -
Society of Designer Craftsmen - Promoting and supporting the work of
creative thinkers, designers and makers who innovate through their
exploration of materials and skills. |
www.societyoflabourlawyer... |
Society of Labour Lawyers |
www.socintwomen.org.uk |
Socialist International Women -
Socialist International Women is the international organisation of the
women's organisations of the socialist, social democratic and labour
parties affiliated to the Socialist International. |
www.sociology.org.uk |
Sociology Central: Free
Sociology Resources, including Notes, PowerPoints, Audio and Video. |
www.sockmobevents.org.uk |
Unseen Tours – A Social
Enterprise working with homeless, ex-homeless and vulnerably housed
Londoners |
www.socmusarch.org.uk |
Society for Museum Archaeology |
To promote the interests of archaeology in museums throughout the United
Kingdom |
www.soco.org.uk |
SoCo Artists |
www.socomusicproject.org.... |
soco |
www.socresonline.org.uk |
Sociological Research Online -
Sociological Research Online |
www.soda-national.org.uk |
SODA - Society of Disabled
Artists |
www.sodburyplayers.org.uk |
sodburyplayers |
www.soe.org.uk |
Membership, Registration,
Knowledge Society of Operations Engineers - SOE is a leading
professional institution for engineers; offering membership,
registration, CPD, knowledge, and professional standards. |
www.soec.org.uk |
outdoor learning - Scottish
Outdoor Education Centres provides residential activity programmes for
young people, school groups and corporate groups at our four centres,
Belmont, Broomlee, Dounans and Loaningdale. Our programmes are designed
to support A Curriculum for Excellence. |
www.sofaking.org.uk |
Sofa King - Leather Sofas Cheap
Sofas Scotland's Lowest Priced Quality Fabric Suites and Leather Sofas
it is IMPOSSIBLE to buy cheaper in Larkhall Lanarkshire Hillington
Glasgow Edinburgh Scotland UK |
www.sofawestcornwall.org.... |
Sofa West Cornwall - urz¹dzanie
wnêtrz to nasza specjalnoœæ - urz¹dzanie wnêtrz to nasza specjalnoœæ |
www.sofn.org.uk |
Sea of Faith Network |
www.sofo.org.uk |
Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum –
Conflict & County |
www.soft.org.uk |
SOFT UK - Support Organisation
for Trisomy 13 and Trisomy 18 - SOFT UK provides information and support
to families affected by Trisomy 13 (Patau's Syndrome) and Trisomy 18
(Edwards' Syndrome) and to associated professional |
www.softball.org.uk |
UK Softball |
www.softtops.org.uk |
Soft Top & Rear Screens - Repair
& Replacement for Convertibles - Coventry, West Midlands UK -
Specialising solely in the repair & replacement of soft tops & rear
screens on convertibles in Coventry, West Midlands UK. Services include
key holding, dog patrols and more. |
www.sog.org.uk |
Society of Genealogists,
Genealogy, Family Trees and Family History - Society of Genealogists |
www.sognet.org.uk |
Sognet |
www.sohamcollege.org.uk |
Forward! |
www.sohamgrammar.org.uk |
Soham Grammar School - Soham
Grammarians - Soham Grammar School 1664-1972: to help Soham Grammarians
and staff keep in touch, add to the history of Soham Grammar School and
participate in the progress of Soham Village College its successor. |
www.sohda.org.uk |
The Scottish Official Highland
Dancing Association (S.O.H.D.A) |
www.sohocaf.org.uk |
Soho Housing Association |
Community Events |
www.sohoha.org.uk |
Soho Housing |
www.sohsa.org.uk |
Health and Safety for Businesses
- sohsa.org.uk |
www.soils.org.uk |
Welcome to the British Society of
Soil Science | British Society of Soil Science |
www.sol.org.uk |
Sharing One Language - SOL -
Sharing One Language. Providing complete English language immersion
courses for Students and Teachers of English in North Devon and across
Europe. |
www.solace-uk.org.uk |
Solace - supporting survivors of
persecution & exile in Yorkshire and the Humber - Solace provides free
counselling, psychotherapy and advocacy in the Yorkshire and Humber
region to the survivors of persecution and exile. |
www.solace.org.uk |
Solace |
www.solar-trade.org.uk |
Solar Trade Association | The
UK's leading solar industry voice - Our mission is to empower the UK
solar transformation. We want to see to see Britain's solar industry and
our member companies grow. |
www.solara.org.uk |
Pranayama & Kriya | Solara |
Self Activation | Free guided meditations - Solara An Ra. Guided
meditation is a fool-proof way to combat stress, improve health and
re-program your mind to accept positive, healing thoughts. Trust your
intuition to guide you to the right meditations try only one or two per
day and repeat the ones you like until you really master them. |
www.solarbear.org.uk |
Solar Bear - Solar Bear is a
theatre company working with deaf and hearing actors, theatre makers,
artists and young people |
www.solarroof.org.uk |
Solar Panel Installers - Solar
Roof Installations - Solar Panel Installers - Solar Roof Installations |
www.sole.org.uk |
The Sole Society – A British
Family History Society researching SOLE, SAUL, SEWELL, SOLLEY and
similar names |
www.soleforum.org.uk |
a discussion forum for The Sole Society, A British Family History
Society researching Sole, Saul, Sewell, Solley and similar names |
www.solent-rescue.org.uk |
Solent Rescue | Independent
Lifeboat Organisation | Exbury - Solent Rescue is an independent
lifeboat rescue organisation, operating out of Lepe Country Park,
Hampshire. The unit covers the Western Solent. |
www.solentmind.org.uk |
Solent Mind - We believe that
people with mental health problems are too often denied the right to
participate in society and lead valued lives. We campaign against the
discrimination and stigma still faced. |
www.solentyouthaction.org... |
Solent Youth Action | for you,
for others |
www.solfed.org.uk |
Solidarity Federation |
www.solgrid.org.uk |
Solgrid for Solihull schools and
academies Health and wellbeing of the Solihull community |
www.solicitors-online.org... |
The Law Society - The website of
the Law Society, the representative body for solicitors in England and
Wales |
www.solicitorstribunal.or... |
Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal |
www.solihull-methodist.or... |
Solihull Methodist Church -
Solihull Methodist Church - a friendly, inclusive and welcoming
congregation in the heart of Solihull in the West Midlands, linking our
community to Christ |
www.solihullboroughconser... |
Solihull Borough | Conservatives
- Latest news, events and campaigns from Solihull Borough Conservatives,
the Conservative Party in Solihull in the West Midlands. |
www.solihullcc.org.uk |
solihullcc.org.uk |
www.solihullcommunityhous... |
Welcome to Solihull Community
Housing - Solihull Community Housing |
www.solihullheartsupport.... |
Solihull Heart Support Group
Solihull Heart Support Group provides support to anyone who has heart
problems in the Solihull and neighbouring areas of the West Midlands,
UK. |
www.solihullhomeoptions.o... |
Solihull Home Options - Solihull
Home Options - Choice Based Lettings |
www.solihullmc.org.uk |
Solihull Mountaineering Club –
Mountaineering, rock climbing, hill walking and other mountain sports |
www.solihullparish.org.uk |
Solihull Parish – Growing
Disciples, Building Community, Transforming Lives |
www.solveit.org.uk |
SolveIT – Supporting your IT
requirements in the North East |
www.solwaycoastaonb.org.u... |
Solway Coast AONB |
www.som.org.uk |
The Society of Occupational
Medicine - Society for all health professionals, providing occupational
health and medicine in workplaces, including the NHS, private sector,
councils, armed services in the UK and internationally. |
www.somalilandfocus.org.u... |
Somaliland Focus (UK) |
www.somc.org.uk |
Somc |
www.somerac.org.uk |
Somer A.C. - Somer A.C. - Somer
A.C. athletics and running club based in Midsomer Norton. |
www.somerset-butterflies.... |
The Somerset and Bristol
Butterfly Conservation - Welcome to Butterfly Conservation in Somerset
and Bristol |
www.somerset-cricket.org.... |
Somerset Cricket League - Teams,
Fixtures, Results, Awards and Statistics. - Somerset Cricket League -
Teams fixtures and results, Cricket League Committee Members, Cricket
Umpires, Cricket Teams and Player Awards, League Rules, Batting and
Bowling statistics, Competition Winners and Young Player of the Year
Awards |
www.somersetbadminton.org... |
Somerset Badminton Association |
www.somersetbeekeepers.or... |
- Educating Beekeepers and the Public about Honeybees in Somerset |
www.somersetcf.org.uk |
Somerset Community Foundation -
Read about the latest news stories about Somerset Community Foundation.
Somerset Community Foundation is a local charitable trust, directing
support to local charities and voluntary groups in Somerset through
community grants. We work with donors to help them maximise their local
impact, by providing specialist and flexible donor services. Somerset
Community Foundation helps donors to make a difference. |
www.somersetcommunityfo..... |
Somerset Community Food -
Somerset, Community, Food, sustainable, community, project, nourishing,
capacity, co-op, coop, healthy, local, nutritious, volunteers,
volunteering, training, growing, grow, cooking, cook, preparation,
prepare, preserving, preserve, support, network, networks, resource,
resources, conference, conferences, newsletter, Beanstalk, swap,
gardening, organic, five-a-day, seasonal |
www.somersetconservatives... |
Somerset Conservatives | -
Latest news, events and campaigns from Somerset Conservatives, the
Conservative Party in Somerset, including Bridgwater and West Somerset,
Wells, Taunton Deane, Yeovil and Somerton and Frome. |
www.somersethouse.org.uk |
Somerset House |
www.somersetleader.org.uk |
Local Action for Rural
Communities, Western Somerset, Level and Moors Action Group - Local
Action for Rural Communities is part of the Rural Development Programme
for England, a European funded programme running from 2009 to 2013, in
Somerset we have three Local Action Schemes - Levels & Moors, Western
Somerset and Making It Local (Blackdown Hills), it is part of the Common
Agricultural Policy and aims to support the creation of genuinely
sustainable farming, forestry and food sectors, whilst also bringing
wider benefits for the economy, the environment and rural communities. |
www.somersetmind.org.uk |
Mind in Somerset |
www.somersetmorris.org.uk |
Somersetmorris |
www.somersetrcc.org.uk |
The Community Council for
Somerset - CCS supports community groups, organisation and individuals
in Somerset’s communities through a range of diverse projects… - CCS
supports community groups, organisation and individuals in Somerset’s
communities through a range of diverse projects… |
www.somersetsafeguardingc... |
Somerset Safeguarding –
Children's Board |
www.somersetscouts.org.uk |
Somerset County Scouts | Skills
for Life |
www.somersetsight.org.uk |
Welcome to Somerset Sight |
Somerset Sight |
www.somersetvoices.org.uk |
Somersetvoices |
www.somersetwest.org.uk |
Ian Liddell-Grainger – MP for
Bridgwater — Member of Parliament for Bridgwater and West Somerset -
Member of Parliament for Bridgwater and West Somerset |
www.somersetwoodturners.o... |
Somerset Woodturners |
www.somersetyfc.org.uk |
{{ArticleList.data.query1[0].ArticleTitle}} -
{{ArticleList.data.query1[0].ArticleMetaDescription}} |
www.somerstown.org.uk |
www.somervalley.org.uk |
Somer Valley Cycling Club -
Social and competitive club rides, covering: Radstock, Midsomer Norton,
Bath, Frome, Peasedown St John, Paulton, Shepton Mallet... and beyond! -
Social and competitive club rides, covering: Radstock, Midsomer Norton,
Bath, Frome, Peasedown St John... and beyond! |
www.sometime.org.uk |
Sometime Later: |
www.somewhere.org.uk |
somewhere - Somewhere is a
multi-disciplinary creative company run by artists Nina Pope and Karen
Guthrie. We produce ambitious, innovative and challenging projects which
directly engage with audiences and span the web, installation, live
events and broadcast media. |
www.sommilmuseum.org.uk |
Somerset Military History -
Welcome to Somerset, a county rife with military history. |
www.sompting.org.uk |
Sompting Parish Website | Parish
website for the Sompting area | Sompting Parish | Parish in Sompting |
www.sonata.org.uk |
Sonata Sailing | National
One-design Cruiser/Racer - National One-design Cruiser/Racer |
www.sone.org.uk |
Welcome to website of the
Supporters of Nuclear Energy (SONE) UK Supporters of Nuclear Energy
(SONE) Welcome to website of the Supporters of Nuclear Energy (SONE) UK
- SONE - The future of baseload, secure and reliable energy production
in the UK. Website of the Supporters of Nuclear Energy (SONE). |
www.songbird-survival.org... |
SongBird Survival - SongBird
Survival (SBS) is an independent, UK-wide bird charity that funds
research into the alarming decline in Britain’s much cherished
songbirds. With your support we hope to draw attention to the plight of
our small birds and find solutions to restore their numbers. Helping
save our songbirds (SOS) by funding targeted research Saving the dawn
chorus with science |
www.sop.org.uk |
Sop.org.uk - Golf or Soccer?
Amazing Opportunity! |
www.sopa.org.uk |
Scottish Organic Producers
Association - The Scottish Organic Producers Association is the United
Kingdom's only co-operative organic certification body |
www.sophiaandme.org.uk |
Sophia and M.E. |
www.sophie.org.uk |
Sophie Wilson's |
www.sorby.org.uk |
Sorby Natural History Society,
Sheffield | We cover a full range of natural history interests in
Sheffield and the surrounding area, providing for both interested
beginners and specialists. |
www.sortition.org.uk |
Sortition |
www.sos-animals.org.uk |
SOS Animals UK | - SOS Animals -
Rescuing stray and abandoned dogs in Spain and the UK | SOS Animals UK
| |
www.soschildrensvillages.... |
Soschildrensvillages |
www.sossen.org.uk |
SOS!SEN | The Independent
Helpline for Special Education Needs - SOS!SEN | The Independent
Helpline for Special Education Needs - We offer a free, friendly,
independent and confidential telephone helpline for parents and others
looking for information and advice on Special Educational Needs (SEN) |
www.sota.org.uk |
Summits on the Air - An award
scheme for radio amateurs and shortwave listeners that encourages
portable operation in mountainous areas. |
www.sotadata.org.uk |
SOTA Results and Summits
Database |
www.soton-rifle.org.uk |
Southampton University Rifle Club
| BUCS Champions 2015! |
www.sotonwss.org.uk |
Southampton Branch World Ship
Society - Southampton World Ship Society local branch website contains
information, ship photograph galleries, VHF Marine Radio frequencies,
branch meeting programme and links to Southampton and Portsmouth
shipping movements. |
www.soue.org.uk |
Society of Oxford University
Engineers |
www.soulspark.org.uk |
Soulspark |
www.soundabout.org.uk |
Soundabout - We believe people
with learning disabilities should have a musical life that is
interactive, that enhances their lives and learning. |
www.soundartradio.org.uk |
Soundart Radio 102.5 FM - An
Arts Radio Station & licensed Community Radio station for Dartington and
Totnes in South Devon | Independent & Non-commercial, we are one of the
few specialist arts broadcasters in the UK - Soundart Radio 102.5 FM -
An Arts Radio Station & licensed Community Radio station for Dartington
and Totnes in South Devon | Independent & Non-commercial, we are one of
the few specialist arts broadcasters in the UK |
www.soundbitesderby.org.u... |
Ethical Shopping; Vegan, Organic,
Wholefoods – Vegan Organic Derby |
www.sounddelivery.org.uk |
sounddelivery: we champion
stories that need to be told - Stories that challenge prejudice and
disadvantage, and have the power to change the world around us. |
www.soundlearning.org.uk |
Sound Learning |
www.soundsfamiliar.org.uk |
Sounds Familiar live music for
weddings corporate events dinners dances ceremonies receptions
anniversary parties royal-visits |
www.soundsnew.org.uk |
Sounds New |
www.soundsurvey.org.uk |
The London Sound Survey
featuring London maps, sound recordings, sound maps, local history,
London wildlife - The London Sound Survey featuring sound maps, London
maps, sound recordings, history of London sounds, wildlife, vintage
radio actuality, blog and more |
www.soutercharitabletrust... |
Brian Souter | Souter Charitable
Trust | Helping Relieve Human Suffering |
www.south-wales.org.uk |
South Wales, Carmarthenshire. |
www.southafricaholiday.or... |
South Africa Holiday: Home Page
(information for British Tourists in South Africa) - South Africa
Holiday: Independent information, facts and advice about South Africa
for UK tourists planning a holiday in the "Rainbow Nation". Everyone who
visits South Africa is captivated by this beautiful country. Let us help
you decide what to see and what to do in this most friendly and diverse
of all African countries. |
www.southampton-city-cath... |
Southampton City Catholics - St
Edmunds and St Josephs Catholic Parish Southampton |
www.southbuckscycling.org... |
CTC South Bucks |
www.southcentrallibdems.o... |
South Central Region Liberal
Democrats |
www.southcerneysailingclu... |
South Cerney Sailing Club | South
Cerney Sailing Club |
www.southcheshireharriers... |
South Cheshire Harriers - South
Cheshire Harriers is a running club affiliated to England Athletics. It
participates in Road Running, Cross Country, and Fell and Hill Running.
It also organises annual 10K and 20 mile road races |
www.southchilternchoralso... |
Choir Reading - A choir in
Reading and South Oxfordshire, South Chiltern Choral Society love to
sing all music – classical, easy listening, jazz and contemporary. |
www.southcotswoldramblers... |
South Cotswold Ramblers - South
Cotswold Ramblers is a friendly and welcoming group, who organise
regular walks and group holiday and social events. |
www.southcourtbaptist.org... |
Southcourt Baptist Church -
Aylesbury - Southcourt Baptist Church has a real heart for the local
community, while also serving the wider town of Aylesbury, Bucks. |
www.southdartmoorctc.org.... |
South Dartmoor Cycling Club -
Mountain-biking, cycling and cycle touring in Dartmoor and South Devon
for youngsters |
www.southdc.org.uk |
Cycling Time Trials South DC -
Cycling Time Trials South District Index |
www.southderbyshirehomefi... |
South Derbyshire Homefinder -
Welcome to South Derbyshire Homefinder - South Derbyshire Homefinder -
Choice Based Lettings |
www.southdevonaonb.org.uk |
Explore some of the most
beautiful countryside in the South West - South Devon AONB |
www.southdorsetramblers.o... |
South Dorset - Ramblers - The
Ramblers - Britain’s walking charity working to protect and expand the
places people love to walk and promote walking for health and pleasure.
Walking information, advice and campaigns, walking news and events,
group led walks and an online library of walking routes. |
www.southdownenthusiastsc... |
Southdown Enthusiasts' Club |
www.southdowns-orienteers... |
Southdowns Orienteers -
Southdowns Orienteers is a large friendly orienteering club with around
300 members ranging in age from 1 to 80+ |
www.southdowns.org.uk |
South Downs Planetarium: Welcome.
- South Downs Planetarium Chichester. Public shows events and
planertarium for schools. Experience the magic of the night sky in
comfort together with expert commentary by a professional astronomer.
Our full dome shows feature stunning immersive video and breathtaking
images. |
www.southdownsas.org.uk |
southdownsas.org.uk |
www.southdownvelo.org.uk |
Southdown Velo - The Cycle Club
for Chichester and Bognor Regis Southdown Velo Cycling Club - Southdown
Velo Cycling Club |
www.southeastconsortium.o... |
South East Consortium |
www.southeastdance.org.uk |
South East Dance - South East
Dance - Committed to making life better through dance. We challenge
perceptions of what dance looks like: how it’s made, who it’s for and
what it can achieve |
www.southeasternandchatha... |
The South Eastern & Chatham
Railway Society - South Eastern & Chatham Railway Society website
contains information on the Society & how join us. Information of SECR
the managing commitee formed in 1899 to control the South Eastern
Railway and the London, Chatham & Dover Railway. There is a selection of
historical photographs many of which are held by the Society on the
website. |
www.southeastregionfencin... |
South East Region – England
Fencing |
www.southeastwalesriverst... |
Caravans for rent in West
Bromwich |
www.southend-on-the-move.... |
onthemove |
www.southendbachchoir.org... |
Southend Bach Choir |
www.southendblindwelfare.... |
About - Southend In Sight - Find
out a bit about Southend In Sight your local sight loss charity in
Southend-on-sea. This gives details of our history, how you can donate,
and details or how to join our new 100 club. |
www.southendchoirs.org.uk |
Southend Choirs |
www.southenddmcc.org.uk |
Southend and District Motorcycle
club |
www.southendfestivalchoru... |
Southend Festival Chorus |
www.southernafghanclub.or... |
southernafghanclub.org.uk |
www.southernathletics.org... |
Southern Athletics League |
www.southerncathedralsfes... |
Southern Cathedrals Festival |
www.southernclassics.org.... |
Southern Classics /// Classic
Car & Vehicle Enthusiasts Club with Events in the South East Of England
- Southern Classics Society |
www.southerncoastalgroup.... |
The Southern Coastal Group (SCG)
| Portland Bill to Selsey Bill including the Isle of Wight - The
Regional Coastal Group for central southern England - a source of
expertise, advice and influence to the RFCCs and other stakeholders
along this coastline. |
www.southernelectric.org.... |
Southern Electric Group – This
is the Official Web Site of the Southern Electric Group (SEG). |
www.southernknights.org.u... |
: : Southern Knights Performing
Arts : : |
www.southernlurcherrescue... |
Southernlurcherrescue |
www.southernshihtzurescue... |
Southern Shih Tzu Rescue UK -
Southern Shih Tzu Dog Rescue UK - Rescuing and rehoming Shih Tzu dogs in
England and Wales |
www.southgatehc.org.uk |
Southgate Hockey Club – Great
hockey, great facilities, great fun. |
www.southkentraynet.org.u... |
Southkentraynet |
www.southlacrosse.org.uk |
SEMLA - South of England Men's
Lacrosse Association |
www.southlakesgroup.org.u... |
southlakesgroup.org.uk |
www.southlakesu3a.org.uk |
South Lakes U3A - South Lakes
U3A supports learning, leisure and social interaction for people in
their third age. Anybody over 50 and not in full time employment can
join |
www.southlandsmethodist.o... |
Southlands Methodist Church –
Serving the South Bank of York |
www.southlochnessaccess.o... |
South Loch Ness Access Group |
www.southlondoninterfaith... |
South London Inter Faith Group -
Linking and sharing with the faith communities of South London |
www.southlondonps.org.uk |
South London Photographic
Society – Founded 1889 - The South London Photographic Society (known
affectionately as SLPS) was founded in 1889, and is one of the oldest
photographic societies in the country. Don't be put off by our grand
name - 'photographic society' is just a posh name for camera club. So
grab a coffee, explore the site and find out more. |
www.southlowestoftmethodi... |
South Lowestoft Methodist Church |
www.southmanchestersynago... |
Bowdon Shul |
www.southmarston.org.uk |
South Marston |
www.southmilford.org.uk |
South Milford Cricket Club -
South Milford village cricket club. Wetherby Cricket League members. |
www.southminster-branch-l... |
www.southminster-branch-line.org.uk - registered by Daily.co.uk -
Daily.co.uk provides superior web hosting, domain name registration and
website building packages |
www.southover.org.uk |
TRINITY Church |
www.southport-lifeboat.or... |
Southport Lifeboat - Southport
Offshore Rescue Trust | Southport Lifeboats | Southport Search and
Rescue - Southport Lifeboat is an independent offshore rescue service
that rely on donations, fundraising and volunteers to support itself in
order to provide a first class life saving service. |
www.southportmethodist.or... |
Southport Methodist Circuit
sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ - The Mission of the Southport
Methodist Circuit is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ by inspiring,
encouraging, resourcing and enabling the people and churches of the
Circuit to serve and transform their communities and the wider world. |
www.southportmodelrailway... |
Southport MRS |
www.southseasubaqua.org.u... |
Southsea Sub-Aqua Club -
Southsea Sub-Aqua Club |
www.southsomersetchoralso... |
S.S.C.S. - A WebsiteBuilder
Website |
www.southstoke.org.uk |
www.southstoke.org.uk – Welcome
to our Parish Council website |
www.southstreetchurch.org... |
South Street Baptist Church |
Transform | Equip | Grow |
www.souththanetconservati... |
South Thanet | Conservatives -
Latest news, events and campaigns from South Thanet Conservative
Association, the Conservative Party in South Thanet. |
www.souththanetlabour.org... |
South Thanet Labour Link to
Instagram Link to Twitter Link to YouTube Link to Facebook Link to
LinkedIn Link to Snapchat Close Fax Website Location Phone Email
Calendar Building Search - Broadstairs, Cliftonville, Ramsgate and
Sandwich |
www.southtynesidehomes.or... |
South Tyneside Homes |
www.southvillecentre.org.... |
BS3 Community – improving the
lives of people living in BS3 and the surrounding area - We actively
connect and develop our community via our activities and services in the
BS3 area. |
www.southwales-butterflie... |
Butterfly Conservation - South
Wales Branch - Welcome to the South Wales Branch of Butterfly
Conservation |
www.southwalesfencing.org... |
South Wales Fencing | Wales
Premier Fencing Contractors - | South Wales Fencing |
www.southwalesmountaineer... |
South Wales Mountaineering Club
– Clwb Mynydda De Cymru |
www.southwalespoliceautho... |
Southwalespoliceauthority |
www.southwalespotters.org... |
South Wales Potters - South
Wales Potters are one of the largest groups of professional and hobby
potters and ceramicists in the UK with over 200 members. |
www.southwark-libdems.org... |
Southwark Liberal Democrats |
www.southwark.org.uk |
southwark.org.uk |
www.southwarkcyclists.org... |
Southwark Cyclists – We live in
Southwark and we love to ride bikes |
www.southwarklawcentre.or... |
Southwark Law Centre - Southwark
Law Centre - Specialising in cases of homelessness, posession, eviction,
disrepair and asylum support law |
www.southwarkpensioners.o... |
Southwark Pensioners Centre-
Supporting Older People in Southwark - Supporting Older People in
Southwark - Our Activities View our calendar.. MEMBERSHIP VITALISE:
www.southwaterchurch.org.... |
Southwater Parish Church -
Anglican Church in Southwater offering a pattern of worship for all
ages. We always have a service at 10am Sundays. |
www.southwealdparish.org.... |
Welcome to the Parish Church of
St Peter, South Weald - Parish Church of St Peter, South WealdParish
Church of St Peter, South Weald - Church of England |
www.southwellfolkfestival... |
Gate to Southwell Festival - The
Gate to Southwell Festival, is an amazing roots and acoustic music
festival, each June in lovely rural setting near Nottinghamshire's most
picturesque market town. Across 4 stages over 4 days with on site
camping and much more..GTSF |
www.southwestcoastpath.or... |
South West Coast Path - The home
page of the South West Coast Path website - all you need to enjoy one of
the world’s best long distance walks. |
www.southwestforum.org.uk |
Web Hosting, Reseller Hosting &
Domain Names from Heart Internet - Reseller Hosting, Web Hosting,
Dedicated Servers & Domain Names | Heart Internet |
www.southwestgsdrescue.or... |
South West GSD Rescue - Rescuing
and Re-homing German Shepherd Dogs in Devon and the South West -
Health and Safety We ask that all our Home checkers, Dog assessors, and
Transport drivers CONTACT US VIA TEXT OR MESSENGER, to say they have
arrived at said place and when they leave Complaints |
www.southwestinbloom.org.... |
Southwestinbloom |
www.southwestlandscapes.o... |
South West Protected Landscapes
Forum : The South West Protected Landscapes website contains information
about the 14 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the South West of
England, including a photo gallery and links. |
www.southwestrda.org.uk |
Maintenance & Cleaning Services
In London - Home & Office | RDA - Professional home & office cleaning
and maintenance services: cleaning, builders, handyman, removals, pest
control & gardening. Order 2 or more services NOW and get a 15%
discount! Call now! |
www.southwestscotlandrnr.... |
SWS RnR - Taking action to help
our fighting forces against injuries |
www.southwestswing.org.uk |
Learn Lindy Hop With Lynn and
Paul of South West Swing - South West Swing - For all the best jive,
lindy, swing, rock 'n' roll, salsa, tango, ballroom and other partner
dance events, classes and workshops in the south west of the UK. |
www.southwickcommunitycen... |
Southwick Community Centre -
Southwick Community Centre - great facilities and activities for the
local community. |
www.southwickplayers.org.... |
Welcome to the Southwick Players
- Community Theatre since 1935 - Welcome to the Southwick Players -
Community Theatre since 1935 |
www.southwiltsmencap.org.... |
South Wilts Mencap for people
with learning disabilities - South Wilts Mencap supports, inspires and
enables people with learning disabilities and their families to lead
fuller lives. Salisbury Mencap Shop |
www.southyorkshireoriente... |
South Yorkshire Orienteers - SYO
is the local orienteering club for the Sheffield, Doncaster, Rotherham
and Barnsley area. Orienteering is an adventure sport for all ages. |
www.sovereign.org.uk |
Sovereign |
www.sovereignliving.org.u... |
Welcome To Sovereign Living -
Find Your New Home Today | Sovereign Living - One of the leading
providers of shared ownership, or part buy part rent homes and private
market rent properties in the south of England. |
www.sovereignty.org.uk |
Alistair McConnachie Sovereignty
Website Blog of Alistair McConnachie Sovereignty Journal Magazine
Alistair McConnachie - Alistair McConnachie articles Promoting and
Advocating Political and Economic Democracy and Sovereignty in the
United Kingdom UK Great Britain GB and throughout the world Alistair
McConnachie |
www.sovereignworldtrust.o... |
Sovereign World Trust -
resourcing Christian leaders in poor countries |
www.sowerby-bridge.org.uk |
Welcome to Sowerby Bridge and the
Ryburn Valley - Welcome to... Sowerby Bridge. A local website designed
for local people and visitors alike |
www.sown.org.uk |
SOWN - The Southampton Open
Wireless Network |
www.sozo.org.uk |
Sozo Ministries International –
Christian healing and deliverance ministry based near Southampton UK |
www.sp5.org.uk |
Odstock Parish Council: Notice
Board |
www.spab.org.uk |
The SPAB |
www.spaced-out.org.uk |
Spaced Out - Spaced Out is the
official home of Spaced on the Web. With the latest exclusive news,
reviews, information, soundtrack listings, a bustling forum, and more
information than you could ever wish for, it's the only place for Spaced
on the Web... |
www.spacenow.org.uk |
Leaflets Now |
www.spaceport.org.uk |
Spaceport | Experience life
beyond the stars! - Spaceport is a visitor attraction which takes you on
an inspirational journey through space, as you walk through several
themed galleries, which all feature a large variety of interactive
hands-on exhibits and audio visual experiences. |
www.spaceshipaway.org.uk |
Spaceship Away: New Dan Dare
adventures |
www.spacestudios.org.uk |
[ SPACE ] - Charitable
organisation providing affordable studio space for artists. Information
on the studios, list of courses they offer and newsletters. |
www.spacetobreathe.org.uk |
Space To Breathe |
www.spad.org.uk |
www.spagreen.org.uk |
SGMO - Spa Green Management
Organisation |
www.spain-now.org.uk |
MATTER - SpainNow |
www.spalding-flower-parad... |
Spalding Flower Parade - The
Spalding parade is a spectacular tulip-decorated flower floats on the
theme of British icons, marching bands, music, dance and all the fun of
the Parade. |
www.spaldingtrust.org.uk |
About the Trust | The Spalding
Trust |
www.spaldwickparishcounci... |
Spaldwick Parish Council |
www.spaldwickschool.org.u... |
Spaldwick Community Primary
School | Where every day is a chance to LEARN and SUCCEED |
www.span-arts.org.uk |
Span Arts - Community Arts
Pembrokeshire - Span Arts is a community arts charity, based in
Narberth, with a 30 year history of making a significant contribution to
the arts in Pembrokeshire. We deliver a high quality and diverse range
of music, theatre, comedy and voice events, alongside a wide range of
arts and wellbeing projects to an area where people otherwise do not
have access to the arts. |
www.spanishguitar.org.uk |
Pablo Requena – Maker of fine
Spanish Guitars |
www.spankeefinder.org.uk |
Spankeefinder - the home of UK
spanking |
www.spanner.org.uk |
Spanner Bikes | Planet Earth's
only Chinese Titanium Bike Blog! |
www.sparkle.org.uk |
Under Construction | Sparkle
Website |
www.spartans.org.uk |
Spartans |
www.spbg.org.uk |
The Solicitors Pro Bono Group is
now operating as LawWorks |
www.spc.org.uk |
SPC - Model Cars and Motorbikes
in 1/24 and 1/12 Scale - Info, Pictures, Forum and Online Store for 1/24
and 1/12 Model Car and Bikes |
www.spcaonline.org.uk |
Staffordshire Parish Councils
Association | Supporting and advising Staffordshire Parishes |
www.spck.org.uk |
SPCK - Society for Promoting
Christian Knowledge - SPCK Publishing - SPCK Publishing is a recognised
market-leader in the areas of Theology and Christian Spirituality,
publishing authors such as Tom Wright, Rowan Williams, Paula Gooder and
Alister McGrath |
www.speak.org.uk |
SPEAK Network |
www.specialeffect.org.uk |
Helping people with disabilities
to enjoy video games | SpecialEffect - SpecialEffect is a UK based
charity which uses video games and technology to enhance the quality of
life of people with disabilities |
www.specialolympicsgb.org... |
Special Olympics - Special
Olympics uses sport to empower children & adults with an intellectual
disability to enhance their health and wellbeing |
www.specialpeople.org.uk |
Special People |
www.specialyoga.org.uk |
Special Yoga - Supporting Special
Children with Special Yoga - We provide Special Yoga therapy to kids
with special needs and offer certified teacher training to help more
children embrace their potential |
www.spectrumstriders.org.... |
Spectrum Striders – Running Club |
www.speech-therapy.org.uk |
Bristol Speech & Language Therapy
Research Unit | North Bristol NHS Trust |
www.speedlimit.org.uk |
SpeedLIMIT - Promoting better,
safer roads and sensible traffic law enforced with discretion |
www.speenbucks.org.uk |
SpeenBucks.org.uk | The Village
Website for Speen in Buckinghamshire |
www.speeurope.org.uk |
Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa |
Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa is
located in London provides regional opportunities for members to enhance
their technical and professional abilities. |
www.spelthornelibdems.org... |
Spelthorne Liberal Democrats |
www.speters.org.uk |
S. Peter's Collegiate School |
Inspiring to Aspire through Faith - Welcome to S. Peter's Collegiate
School Our Academy seeks to be a worshipping Christian community built
on agape (unconditional love), courage, trust and forgiveness. Our
mission is to educate the whole person, so that each may be enabled to
unlock their full God-given potential. |
www.spf.org.uk |
Scottish Police Federation |
www.spfo.org.uk |
SPFO - SPFO homepage quick
links: |
www.spgs.org.uk |
Spgs | St. Patrick's Grammar
School | Downpatrick - This is the home page of St. Patrick's Grammar
School Downpatrick also known in the local area as Red High. See school
events and news here. |
www.spicerstreet.org.uk |
Spicer Street Church | We are an
evangelical church in the heart of St. Albans, committed to preaching
the good news of Jesus Christ. - We are an evangelical church in the
heart of St. Albans, committed to preaching the good news of Jesus
Christ. |
www.spidir.org.uk |
SPIDIR - Spiritual Direction
Network |
www.spikeisland.org.uk |
Spike Island - International
centre for the development of contemporary art & design - Spike Island
is an international centre for the development of contemporary art and
design, home to a gallery, café and working space for artists, designers
& creative businesses. |
www.spilsbygsf.org.uk |
Spilsby Grammar School Foundation
in Lincolnshire - Provision of grants to pupils under the age of 25 to
assist with the costs of further education |
www.spilsbyprimary.org.uk |
Spilsby Primary School - Spilsby
Primary School |
www.spinnaker.org.uk |
Spinnaker - supporting primary
schools in the delivery of Christian collective worship and religious
education |
www.spinney-surgery.org.u... |
Spinney Surgery |
www.spire.org.uk |
Spire |
www.spires.org.uk |
Spires |
www.spireview.org.uk |
Spire View Housing Association -
The Housing Association of Choice |
www.spiritinsport.org.uk |
Spirit in Sport |
www.spiritofthesea.org.uk |
Articles & Features - Home
Improvement & Refurbishment |
www.spiritshigh.org.uk |
Wedding DJ & Wedding Disco in
Derbyshire - Wedding Disco & Wedding DJ in Derbyshire recommended by
Shottle Hall, the West Mill, Cressbrook Hall, White Hart Inn & more. DJ
service All Day deluxe package. |
www.spiritualawareness.or... |
Spiritual Awareness - The Way of
the Heart - Please join us in our efforts to bring Love, Peace, Harmony
and Respect back to mankind. We are body, mind and spirit, and it is our
spirituality and integrity that now requires nurturing in order that
compassion and caring may be restored to our communities. Please join us
for our special prayerlink each Friday at 11:00 GMT, and most especially
on Spiritual Awareness Day - Midsummer's Day, 24th June 2004. |
www.spiritualengland.org.... |
Helping People Lead Peaceful
Lives | Spiritual England |
www.spiritualistassociati... |
The Spiritualist Association of
Great Britain |
www.spiritualwisdom.org.u... |
Spiritual Wisdom - There is a
universal spirituality which can be expressed in many ways, but this
site uses the insights of Emanuel Swedenborg to help explain the meaning
of our lives. |
www.spitalfields.org.uk |
Spitalfields London Market Guide
- Make the most of the old market - Make the most of the old market |
www.spitalfieldsmusic.org... |
Spitalfields Music - Astounding
live music experiences in East London through annual festivals and
events, learning and participation. Provide news, details of events,
ways to get involved and contact details. |
www.spitfiresocietyeaster... |
The Spitfire Society - The web
site of the Eastern Counties Wing of The Spitfire Society |
www.splitsbrowser.org.uk |
Splitsbrowser Splitsbrowser |
www.spma.org.uk |
The Society for Post-Medieval
Archaeology |
www.spns.org.uk |
Spns |
www.spo.org.uk |
Slaithwaite Philharmonic
Orchestra – The Symphony Orchestra of the Colne Valley |
www.spohr-society.org.uk |
Spohr Society of Great Britain -
Spohr Society of Great Britain - a society for the study of the life and
music of Louis Spohr (1784-1859). |
www.spokes.org.uk |
Spokes |
www.spokeseastkent.org.uk |
Spokes East Kent Cycle Campaign |
www.spondonhistory.org.uk |
Spondon History | Spondon
Historical Society |
www.sponne.org.uk |
Sponne School |
www.sport4life.org.uk |
Sport 4 Life UK - Welcome to the
website of Sport 4 Life UK - a charity that changes the lives of
Birmingham's most disadvantaged young people through the power of sport. |
www.sportability.org.uk |
Sportability |
www.sportandrecreation.or... |
Sport and Recreation Alliance -
The Sport and Recreation Alliance is the umbrella body for sport and
recreation in the UK and represents 320 members. Our role, like every
trade association, is to speak up on their behalf, represent their views
and to provide them with services which make their life easier. |
www.sportconwy.org.uk |
Sport Conwy Twitter Facebook -
Sport Conwy is the voluntary forum for sports organisations in Conwy. |
www.sported.org.uk |
Sported |
www.sporting-futures.org.... |
Derby County Community Trust |
Helping young people through sport |
www.sportingequals.org.uk |
Sporting Equals |
www.sportinherts.org.uk |
Herts Sports Partnership |
www.sportpark.org.uk |
SportPark Loughborough University |
www.sportsability.org.uk |
School PE, Private Swimming -
Sportsability Hull & East Yorkshire - Sportsability Hull & East
Yorkshire, delivering fully inclusive sports packages for schools PE,
school swimming lessons, private swim school, disability, the elderly
and sports coach training. |
www.sportsaid.org.uk |
SportsAid - SportsAid helps young
athletes to succeed. As the UK's leading charity for young athletes we
help the nation's brightest prospect to achieve their ambitions. Suport
the next. Support SportsAid.. |
www.sportscarhire.org.uk |
Sports Car Hire - We have access
to one of the country's most prestigious fleets of luxury sports cars
and saloons including some of the most sought after vehicles in the
world such as the Lamborghini Gallardo, the Audi R8 V10, and the Porsche
911. |
www.sportscentre.org.uk |
Basingstoke Sports Centre | Your
independently run leisure facility - Discover Basingstoke's 7 Floor
Fitness Centre in the Heart of Festival Place. 2 Incredible Gyms, 100+
Weekly Classes, 500+ Virtual Classes, 2 Pools, Health Spa, 3 Squash
Courts, Jungle Adventure Softplay, Rendezvous Cafe, Activities Room,
Sports Hall, Conferencing Facilities and SO MUCH MORE |
www.sportscotland.org.uk |
sportscotland the national
agency for sport in Scotland - sportscotland the national agency for
sport. We see a Scotland where sport is a way of life, where sport is at
the heart of society. |
www.sportscouncil-ni.org.... |
Sports Council NI Now it's your
chance to reward that special person, with the search for the Sports'
Unsung Hero of the Year. |
www.sportsmansclub.org.uk |
The Sportsman Club Aberdeen |
www.sportstockport.org.uk |
Sport Stockport : Sport Stockport |
www.sportsuk.org.uk |
Sports UK Ltd |
www.sportswise.org.uk |
Sportswise |
www.sportwales.org.uk |
Sport Wales - As the national
organisation responsible for increasing participation and improving
performance in sport in Wales, we work with our partners to achieve our
shared aspirations of getting every child hooked on sport for life and
Wales being a nation of champions. |
www.spotlightbeccles.org.... |
Spotlight Musical Theatre Group |
www.spotlightministries.o... |
Spotlight Ministries - Your Most
Focusing Holy Faith On Your Spot |
www.spotsoftime.org.uk |
SpotsOfTime |
www.sppn.org.uk |
Scottish Post Polio Network |
Post Polio Syndrome (PPS) |
www.spra.org.uk |
SPRA - Welcome to the Scottish
Plastics and Rubber Association, an independent society catering for the
needs of individual professionals & Corporate organisations |
www.spreadtheword.org.uk |
Spread The Word - Spread the
Word search-icon user-icon stw-icon stw-icon stw-icon Asset 1 Asset 4
Asset 3 Asset 4 1 |
www.spring.org.uk |
PsyBlog - Understand your mind
with the science of psychology - - Understand your mind with the science
of psychology |
www.springboard.org.uk |
The Children's Literacy Charity
- The vision of The Children’s Literacy Charity is to close the literacy
gap for all disadvantaged children, enabling them to achieve their true
potential. |
www.springboardweb.org.uk |
Springboard | Children with
additional needs in North Somerset - Changing the lives of children with
additional needs and disabilities in North Somerset | Clevedon and
Weston-super-Mare | Springboard Opportunity Group |
www.springdalechurch.org.... |
Springdale Methodist Church and
Community Centre |
www.springdalecollege.org... |
Formission |
www.springevent.org.uk |
Immerse yourself in a world of
travel inspiration | Spring Events - There are many leading British tour
operators who can help you immerse yourself in a world of travel
inspiration both in the UK and overseas. |
www.springfieldbaptist.or... |
Springfield Baptist Church -
Springfield Baptist Church |
www.springfieldproject.or... |
The Springfield Project |
Charity in Sparkhill, Birmingham - Based in Sparkhill, Birmingham we are
a charity providing a range of services and programmes to combat poverty
and help people to lead happy and healthy lives. |
www.springfieldstriders.o... |
Springfield Striders Running Club |
www.springhill.org.uk |
Welcome to Springhill Hospice -
Making every moment count |
www.springofhope.org.uk |
Spring of Hope helping kids with
disabilites Uganda - A non-profit organization that empowers kids,
families, and communities as it relates to kids with disabilities. |
www.springsdancecompany.o... |
Springs Dance Company is a
vibrant contemporary dance organisation bringing creative and engaging
dance to a diverse range of venues and communities. Founded over 35
years ago, we are one of the longest-established dance companies in the
UK. |
www.springsupport.org.uk |
SPRING | SPRING is a charity that
Supports Parents and Relatives through baby loss. |
www.springwellmedical.org... |
www.sprowston.org.uk |
Sprowston Parish Churches –
Friendly and inclusive Church family in Sprowston, Norwich - My new
website |
www.sprs.org.uk |
Staffordshire Parish Registers
Society - Information about the Staffordshire Parish Registers Society,
its objectives and Publications. |
www.spsj.org.uk |
St Peter's and St James' Churches
Hereford - St Peter’s and St James’ is a parish rooted in the
Evangelical Anglican tradition with two churches and four congregations
serving God together. |
www.spso.org.uk |
We are Scotland's Ombudsman |
SPSO - The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) is the final stage
for complaints about most public bodies in Scotland. |
www.spssecurity.org.uk |
Welcome to SPS: Specialised
Premises Security |
www.sqa.org.uk |
Sqa |
www.sqaacademy.org.uk |
SQAAcademy |
www.squarewheels.org.uk |
SQUAREWHEELS.org.uk – London
Underground: train types, photos & sounds; DLR page. Hastings DEMU page.
Formula 1: Silverstone, Damon Hill, Goodwood. Cycling,
Oxford-and-Cambridge cycle route, Cats, Photography. |
www.squatter.org.uk |
Advisory Service for Squatters |
Legal & practical advice for squatters and other homeless people |
www.squiggle-foundation.o... |
The Squiggle Foundation |
www.sra.org.uk |
SRA | Solicitors Regulation
Authority |
www.srac.org.uk |
Stornoway Running & Athletics
Club |
www.srcfc.org.uk |
srcfc.org.uk |
www.srcmbc.org.uk |
Racing and Scale Model Boats |
www.srct.org.uk |
The Scottish Redundant Churches
Trust |
www.srcy.org.uk |
Society of Royal Cumberland
Youths - Home page of the Society of Royal Cumberland Youths (SRCY)
founded in 1747. An international society of church and handbells change
ringers society with members from the UK and overseas. Have their
headquarters at St Martin-in-the-Fields in Trafalgar Square, London. |
www.srf-london.org.uk |
Welcome To The London Centre Of
Self-Realization Fellowship - The Centre is a branch of Self-Realization
Fellowship (SRF), a worldwide non-profit religious organization.
Meditation courses & classes in London. |
www.srg.org.uk |
The Southern Railways Group The
Southern Railways Group exists to study and disseminate information
about the Southern Railway, BR(S) and other railways in Southern
England. Components for modellers including Phoenix Kits are also
produced |
www.srgc.org.uk |
Srgc |
www.srisathyasai.org.uk |
Sathya Sai International
Organisation UK |
www.sriselvavinayagar.org... |
sri-selva-vinayagar |
www.srmrt.org.uk |
Scarborough and Ryedale Mountain
Rescue Team |
www.sro.org.uk |
The Scottish Recorder Orchestra –
Musical Director: Ian Wilson |
www.srp.org.uk |
Society of Recorder Players –
Since 1937 The Society of Recorder Players has been stimulating interest
and enjoyment in the art of recorder playing |
www.srpf.org.uk |
St Katharine's Parmoor |
www.srpsmuseum.org.uk |
SRPS Railway Collections
Catalogue of the historic railway collections of the Scottish Railway
Preservation Society (SRPS), |
www.srr.org.uk |
The Society of Research in
Rehabilitation The Society of Research in Rehabilitation |
www.srsb.org.uk |
Sheffield Royal Society for the
Blind provides opportunity, support, friendship and services to blind
and partially sighted people in Sheffield. |
www.srt.org.uk |
Shetland Recreational Trust |
Enhancing Island Life - Shetland Recreational Trust operate eight
leisure facilities throughout Shetland, providing opportunities and
quality facilities to the islands entire population. |
www.srtp.org.uk |
Srtp |
www.srug.org.uk |
Getting Comfortable Together -
Couples in the dating game seem to have a few things in common, and it
is often nervousness that is their dominant feeling when they first
meet. Getting to know each other is an important part of their
activities, but they are not always relaxed as they explore each other's
lives. |
www.ssafa.org.uk |
SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity |
www.ssago.org.uk |
SSAGO - The Student Scout and
Guide Organisation |
www.ssarg.org.uk |
Site Title |
www.ssba.org.uk |
SBH Scotland - A lifetime
commitment of support and information to all those affected by spina
bifida and/or hydrocephalus |
www.ssce.org.uk |
SSCE Membership and Conferences |
www.ssco.org.uk |
Sonia Sabri Company - Sonia Sabri
Company is a dynamic company using Kathak as medium to promote dance and
music. |
www.sscot.org.uk |
Scottish Schools Orchestra Trust
Scottish Schools Orchestra Trust (SScOT) - The Scottish Schools
Orchestra Trust (SScOT) runs non-auditioned residential courses in
orchestral and wind band playing for children aged 9-15 during the
summer holidays. |
www.ssdt.org.uk |
Scottish Solicitors' Discipline
Tribunal |
www.sserc.org.uk |
Scottish Schools Education
Research Centre |
www.ssg.org.uk |
SSG | Liturgy and Music Alive in
the Church Today |
www.ssip.org.uk |
Welcome to SSIP - SSIP is
actively reducing health and safety assessment costs and bureaucracy in
the supply chain, by making cross-recognition between member schemes as
effective as possible, and highlighting the savings to buyers and
suppliers. |
www.ssit.org.uk |
Southern Spinal Injuries Trust |
www.ssj.org.uk |
The Society of St James -
Hampshire's leading homelessness charity. - Welcome to The Society of St
James. We are a Hampshire-based homelessness charity, providing
accommodation and support to over 2500 people each year. |
www.ssks.org.uk |
Social Services Knowledge
Scotland - Meta Description |
www.sslf.org.uk |
Sophie's Silver Lining Fund -
Supporting acting & singing students - In 1998, our daughter Sophie, was
involved in a fatal accident. We founded a charity in Sophie’s name to
give financial support to needy acting and singing students. |
www.sslh.org.uk |
Society for the Study of Labour
History |
www.ssmjchurchyard.org.uk |
Ss Mary & John Churchyard::home |
www.ssnap.org.uk |
Charity for Sick and Premature
Babies at John Radcliffe, Oxford - SSNAP is the charity supporting sick
and premature babies from across the Thames Valley at the John Radcliffe
Hospital in Oxford |
www.ssoa.org.uk |
Scottish Schools Orienteering
Association - Scottish Schools Orienteering Association |
www.sspd.org.uk |
Prescription Drug Abuse - What is
prescription drug abuse, who is more likely to misuse prescription
medications and how to handle the problem. |
www.sspeterandpaul-rustin... |
The Parish Church of St Peter
and St Paul, Rustington: Welcome to the website of the Parish Church of
St Peter and St Paul in Rustington |
www.ssrg.org.uk |
Social Services Research Group |
www.sssk.org.uk |
Students Supporting Street Kids |
www.sssl.org.uk |
www.sssw.org.uk |
St Stephen's and St Wulstan's
Church |
www.ssta.org.uk |
Scottish Secondary Teachers’
Association - Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association |
www.ssvc.org.uk |
The Split Screen Van Club |
www.ssw.org.uk |
Scottish Sculpture Workshop |
www.st-aelred.org.uk |
St. Aelred's Church | 71
Woodlands Drive HG2 7BE |
www.st-agnes.org.uk |
Cawston Parish Church |
www.st-aidans-parish.org.... |
Saint Aidan's Catholic Church –
Coulsdon |
www.st-aloysius.org.uk |
St. Aloysius Church |
www.st-ambrosecollege.org... |
St-ambrosecollege |
www.st-andrews-eakring.or... |
St. Andrew's Church, Eakring |
www.st-andrews.org.uk |
St Andrew's Church |
www.st-barnabas-cray.org.... |
St Barnabas' Church - Serving God
in St Paul's Cray - St Barnabas' Church - a friendly Church of England
evangelical church in St Paul's Cray, Orpington, Kent. |
www.st-barnabas.org.uk |
The College of St Barnabas | The
College of St Barnabas |
www.st-bedes.org.uk |
St Bede's Inter-Church School -
Welcome to the website of St Bede's Inter-Church School |
www.st-bernadettes.org.uk |
St Bernadette's RC Parish,
Church and School, Lancaster, Lancashire, United Kingdom - Welcome to
the web site of St Bernadette's Church and Primary School in Lancaster,
Lancashire, England. The St Bernadette's Catholic School is a Roman
Catholic, primary school which offers a primary education to children
aged 4 to 11. |
www.st-botolphs.org.uk |
St-botolphs |
www.st-crispinsinfants.or... |
St. Crispin’s CP Infant School |
www.st-dominics.org.uk |
Bishopbriggs: St Dominic's Roman
Catholic Church in Bishopbriggs Glasgow Scotland - Saint Dominic's
Church Bishopbriggs is a Roman Catholic parish within the Archdiocese of
Glasgow. |
www.st-edmund.org.uk |
St Edmund Campion Catholic
Primary School | The Frassati Catholic Academy Trust: a charitable
company limited by guarantee Registered in England and Wales: Company
Number: 8561153. Registered Office: c/o St. Mary's School, Cookham Road,
Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7EG. |
www.st-gabriel-crispin.or... |
st-gabriel-crispin.org.uk |
www.st-gabriels.org.uk |
Welcome to our website | St
Gabriel's Roman Catholic High School - St Gabriel's Roman Catholic High
www.st-georges-players.or... |
St George's Players | South east
London community theatre - Whether you call it theatre, drama or amateur
dramatics, it's what we do. Volunteer led, not-for-profit and all are
welcome – no experience necessary! |
www.st-gregs.org.uk |
St Gregory's Catholic Primary
School - St Gregory's Catholic Primary School |
www.st-helens.org.uk |
St Helen's Bishopsgate | London
Church | Bible Study & Small Groups |
www.st-hughs-school.org.u... |
St.Hugh's Catholic Primary
Voluntary Academy Lincoln - The website of Saint Hugh’s Catholic Primary
Voluntary Academy, Lincoln |
www.st-john-vianney.org.u... |
St John Vianney Parish, Coventry |
www.st-johns.org.uk |
St Johns School |
St-johns.org.uk | Greater London - St Johns is a Merchant Taylors'
Educational Trust School in Northwood for boys aged 3 to 13. We enable
each boy to develop his talents and interests, grow in confidence and
fulfill his potential. |
www.st-josephs-epsom.org.... |
St Josephs Church Epsom |
www.st-josephs-tilehurst.... |
St.Joseph Church |
www.st-laurence.org.uk |
st-laurence.org.uk |
www.st-lawrence-church-ef... |
Effingham with Little Bookham
Churches – Two churches, one community |
www.st-lawrence.org.uk |
The St Lawrence Centre for the
Arts in South Walsham, Norfolk, hosts art exhibitions, concerts and
workshops. The Centre may be hired for private and public events. |
www.st-mary-magdalene.org... |
St-mary-magdalene |
www.st-mary.org.uk |
st-mary.org.uk - Welcome to St
Mary's Catholic Parish |
www.st-marys-perivale.org... |
St Mary's Perivale St Mary's
Perivale is a very beautiful 12th century church in Perivale, West
London. Declared redundant in 1972, its now a lively arts centre serving
Ealing and adjacent areas. |
www.st-mc.org.uk |
Southern Trekking and
Mountaineering Club - Southern Trekking and Mountaineering Club - London
based mountaineering and hill-walking club |
www.st-michaels-headingle... |
St Michael and All Angels' -
Saint Michael and All Angels' Church is an open and inclusive Church in
the Liberal Catholic tradition of Church of England. It is located in
the heart of Headingley, Leeds, West Yorkshire and has an wide programme
of services and activities. The choir and stage group welcomes all
newcomers. The website provides details about the clergy, photographs of
the church, a mission statement, worship times, groups and activities,
facilities and contact details. |
www.st-michaels-hospice.o... |
St Michael's Hospice | St
Michael's Hospice - Hospice Hereford Half Marathon RUN Hereford |
www.st-michaels.org.uk |
St Michael Cornhill - A Church
Near You |
www.st-nicholas-blackpool... |
St Nicholas Church of England
Primary School |
www.st-ninians-stonehouse... |
St Ninian's Church Stonehouse
www.st-peter-ad-vincula.o... |
St Peter Ad Vincula – Parish
Church |
www.st-peters.org.uk |
St Peter�s School, an
independent day school in Kettering - Wellingborough - Northampton - St
Peters School - Welcome to St Peter�s School, an independent
co-educational day school, founded in Kettering, Northamptonshire in
1946. |
www.st3recruitment.org.uk |
ST3 Recruitment - Full,
comprehensive guidance on applying to physician ST3 level training
programmes in medical specialties coordinated by the national
recruitment process |
www.staa-allotments.org.u... |
STAA – St Anns Allotments,
Nottingham |
www.staffordoperatic.org.... |
We have renamed, and have a new
website! - Our site has moved to a new address. Please note the change
of address. |
www.staffordrailwaycircle... |
Stafford Railway Circle -
Stafford Railway Circle club meets on Tuesday and Friday evenings. You
are warmly invited to come along and spend an evening with us. |
www.staffordshirebmd.org.... |
Staffordshire Births Marriages &
Deaths Indexes - Staffordshire County Births, Marriage and Deaths
Indexes. |
www.staffordshirehoard.or... |
The Staffordshire Hoard |
www.staffordtrust.org.uk |
Stafford Trust |
www.staffs-archery.org.uk |
Staffordshire Archery
Association - Staffordshire Archery Association |
www.staffs-wildlife.org.u... |
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust |
www.staffsfungi.org.uk |
Staffordshire Fungus Group |
www.staffshousing.org.uk |
Staffs Housing | Staffs Housing |
www.staffslug.org.uk |
Staffordshire Linux User Group |
www.staffspasttrack.org.u... |
Staffordshire Past Track –
Staffordshire Local History |
www.staffspf.org.uk |
Staffordshire Pension Fund |
www.staffsscb.org.uk |
Staffordshire Safeguarding
Children Board |
www.staffswing.org.uk |
Staffordshire Wing - RAF Air
Cadets - The home of Staffordshire Wing, Royal Air Force Air Cadets.
Find out about the Air Cadets across across Staffordshire, South Chesire
and the Black Country. |
www.staffsyoungfarmers.or... |
Staffordshire Young Farmers
Staffordshire Young Farmers |
www.stag.org.uk |
Home: Stag Owners Club: The SOC
is here to help and support all Stag owners - Home: Stag Owners Club:
The Stag Owners Club provide a mix of products, services and events
which enhance the enjoyment and experience all Stag owners |
www.stagathaschurch.org.u... |
St. Agatha's Church |
www.stagdo.org.uk |
Stag Do | Stag Dos | Weekend |
Nights| Stag Do Ideas | Hen Do | Party |
www.stage1v8.org.uk |
Stage 1 V8 - The Web Site |
www.stahs.org.uk |
play minus plus arr-right
arr-left cart |
www.staidan.org.uk |
St Aidans |
www.staidansprimaryschool... |
Staidansprimaryschool |
www.stainesmethodistchurc... |
stainesmethodistchurch.org.uk |
www.staintondalepc.org.uk |
Staintondale Parish Council,
Staintondale & Ravenscar Parish Council's website with details of where
we are, minutes of previous meetings, agenda and date of next meeting,
maps of the parish, local tourism & accommodation links, plus a host of
other information |
www.stalbanmacc.org.uk |
St Alban's Roman Catholic Church
serves the people of Macclesfield. We aim to be a loving Catholic
community in Macclesfield, assisted by prayer and the sacraments,
proclaiming God's word, serving all in need. |
www.stalbans-athletics.or... |
St Albans Athletic Club | cross
country, middle distance, track and field - St Albans Athletic Club
welcome athletes from age 8 to seniors who would like to train and
compete in track & field or middle distance & cross country. |
www.stalbans-nh.org.uk |
St Alban North Harrow - Church of
England church |
www.stalbansbachchoir.org... |
St Albans Bach Choir - Choral
masterpieces performed to the highest standards with outstanding
professional soloists and orchestras, in St Albans Cathedral - the
finest of settings |
www.stalbanschessclub.org... |
Website of the St Albans Chess
Club |
www.stalbansfolkmusic.org... |
stalbansfolkmusic.org.uk |
www.stalbanshindhead.org.... |
St Alban's Hindhead | St Alban's
Hindhead |
www.stalbansmuseums.org.u... |
Welcome to St Albans Museums |
St Albans Museums |
www.stalbansorgantheatre.... |
St Albans Musical Museum Society
- Mechanical Organ, Organ Museum - Working collection of mechanical
musical instruments at the organ museum in St Albans |
www.stalbanssynagogue.org... |
St Albans United Synagogue –
More than just a place to pray |
www.stalbanswoodrecycling... |
St Albans Wood Recycling - St
Albans Wood Recycling |
www.staldates.org.uk |
St Aldates Church - St Aldates
is a busy city centre church with 3 services every Sunday and a packed
midweek programme of events, groups and courses. |
www.stalhambenefice.org.u... |
Stalham Benefice |
www.staloysiuslisburn.org... |
St Aloysius Primary School - St
Aloysius Primary School |
www.stalybridge.org.uk |
Stalybridge Online - Welcome! - A
personal website by a Stalybridge Lass |
www.stalybridgephoto.org.... |
Stalybridge Photographic Club
Home page of Stalybridge Photographic Club |
www.stamfordallsaints.org... |
The Parish of All Saints with St
John the Baptist, Stamford - The Parish Church of Stamford All Saints |
www.stamfordcivicsociety.... |
Stamford Civic Society -
Stamford Civic Society - Stamford, the finest stone town in England |
www.stamfordsquashclub.or... |
Stamfordsquashclub |
www.stammeringlaw.org.uk |
Stammeringlaw - Disability
discrimination and stuttering/stammering: Equality Act 2010 |
www.stampduty.org.uk |
stamp duty | uk stamp duty |
stamp duty land tax - Stamp duty is a UK government tax charged on the
purchase of a property. You can find out everything you need to know
about stamp duty here. |
www.stampdutycalculator.o... |
Stamp Duty Calculator - Updated
2019/2020 SDLT calculations - Stamp Duty Calculator. Calculate stamp
duty in one click. New updated UK SDLT calculations for 2019/2020.
Calculate how much stamp duty you will pay instantly. Buy to let, second
homes & first time buyers SDLT Calculations. |
www.stanboroughprimary.or... |
Home » Stanborough Primary School |
www.stanbrookabbey.org.uk |
Stanbrook Abbey |
www.standardmotorclub.org... |
standardmotorclub.org.uk |
www.standardscommissionsc... |
The Standards Commission for
Scotland - The Standards Commission for Scotland |
www.standingtogether.org.... |
Standing Together Against
Domestic Violence - Standing Together’s ambition is to eradicate
domestic abuse by transforming the way organisations and individuals
think about, prevent and respond to it. |
www.standrews-eg.org.uk |
St. Andrew's Church, Eastern
Green & Allesley Green | The Church of England in the Diocese of
Coventry |
www.standrews-gc.org.uk |
Standrews-gc |
www.standrews-handsworth.... |
St Andrew's Church |
www.standrews-stpeters.or... |
St Andrews & St Peters: Web site
for North Ayrshire Team Ministry |
www.standrews-woodhallspa... |
St Andrew's CofE Primary School
- St Andrew's CofE Primary School |
www.standrewsandstgeorges... |
Welcome to St Andrew's and St
George's West - St Andrew's and St George's WestSt Andrew's and St
George's West | The Church on George Street, Edinburgh |
www.standrewsbaptist.org.... |
St Andrews Baptist Church - St
Andrews, Scotland | Student Student Welcome Pack - We Extend A Warm
Welcome To All New And Returning Students.Please View Our Student
Welcome Pack To Find Out More About What Is On Offe... |
www.standrewscheadlehulme... |
St Andrews Cheadle Hulme - St
Andrew's Church Cheadle Hulme friendly evangelical Anglican Church in
South Manchester |
www.standrewschippenham.o... |
St Andrew's Church, Chippenham –
The Church is open every day from 8.30am till around 5pm |
www.standrewschurch.org.u... |
The Minster Church of St. Andrew,
Plymouth – To live for, worship and proclaim Jesus Christ in the life of
the city and beyond. |
www.standrewsconiston.org... |
The Life and Times of St.
Andrew's Church, Coniston - Encouraging people to meet and then follow
Jesus. |
www.standrewsdevizes.org.... |
St Andrews Devizes |
www.standrewsferring.org.... |
St. Andrew's Church, Ferring -
Welcome to the St Andrew's Church, Ferring, website, we hope that this
site will be of interest to you. If you live or are visiting the area of
Ferring, you will find a very warm welcome at our church. |
www.standrewsgorleston.or... |
St Andrews |
www.standrewshaughton.org... |
St Andrews Haughton-le-Skerne
Church of England Website |
www.standrewsleyland.org.... |
St. Andrew's Church, Leyland :
St. Andrew's Church, Leyland |
www.standrewslutheran.org... |
standrewslutheran.org.uk |
www.standrewsnewcastle.or... |
The Parish Church of St Andrew |
The Parish Church of St Andrew in Newcastle upon Tyne provides worship
according to the Book of Common Prayer |
www.standrewsnorthweald.o... |
St Andrew's Primary School -
Welcome to the website of St Andrews Primary School |
www.standrewsoxshott.org.... |
St Andrew's Church | Oxshott,
Surrey, UK - St Andrew's is a busy, friendly community, with services,
activities and events to suit the people who live in or visit Oxshott,
Surrey. |
www.standrewspreschoolcav... |
St Andrew's Preschool |
Caversham |
www.standrewsradcliffe.or... |
St Andrews Radcliffe - St
Andrew's Church Radcliffe is a lively parish church in the northern part
of Radcliffe, representing a Charismatic Evangelical tradition. We are
part of the Church of England in the Diocese of Manchester. |
www.standrewsscouts.org.u... |
St Andrews Scouts :: |
www.standrewstaunton.org.... |
Welcome Page - St Andrews Church,
Taunton |
www.standrewsurcsheffield... |
Standrewsurcsheffield |
www.standrewswithcastlega... |
St. Andrew's with Castle Gate
United Reformed Church Nottingham « St. Andrew's with Castle Gate United
Reformed Church - St. Andrew's with Castle Gate United Reformed
Church, Nottingham. |
www.standrewsyetminster.o... |
St Andrew's CE Primary School –
Yetminster |
www.standuptocancer.org.u... |
Stand Up To Cancer | We will beat
cancer sooner. - Get ready to stand up and join the fight against cancer
by raising bucket loads of cash and digging deep to donate. Every pound
will help speed up life-saving research. |
www.standuptoracism.org.u... |
Stand Up To Racism | We are the
majority and we will stand up to racism |
www.stangroundbaptistchur... |
Stanground Baptist Church |
www.staniermogulfund.org.... |
Stanier Mogul Fund |
www.stanleyrangers.org.uk |
Our club has a long and proud
tradition as a respected amateur rugby league club, established in 1919,
and with a strong youth development programme. The club has achieved the
RFL Club Accreditation in 2016.This means that the club has high
standards of child protection and safety, quality coaching, equal
opportunities and good management. |
www.stanmer.org.uk |
Stanmer Preservation Society |
www.stanmore-eruv.org.uk |
Welcome to Stanmore & Canons Park
Eruv - Stanmore Eruv |
www.stannesacademy.org.uk |
St Anne's Academy – Faith in our
Future |
www.stanneschurchbristol.... |
St Annes – A church building
sanctuary for everyone |
www.stannescorstorphine.o... |
stannescorstorphine.org.uk |
www.stanthonysshipley.org... |
St. Anthony's Catholic Primary
School |
www.stantonguildhouse.org... |
Stanton Guildhouse | Cotswold
accommodation | Venue Hire - The Stanton Guildhouse | Cotswold
accommodation with 15 beds and breathtaking views. Also weekly Arts and
crafts courses including Painting, Pottery and Woodwork. |
www.stantonleeschapel.org... |
Stanton Lees Chapel - Derbyshire
| Independent & Bible Believing - Here you will find details of
services, regular activities and special meetings for Stanton Lees
Chapel. Visitors will be made very welcome. |
www.stanwicklakes.org.uk |
Countryside Attraction | Nature
Reserve | Stanwick LakesStanwick Lakes - - Stanwick Lakes is a unique
750 acre countryside attraction and nature reserve located in the heart
of Northamptonshire’s Nene Valley. |
www.staplefordparish.org.... |
Stapleford Parish Church | St
Helen's, St Luke's, and The Church @ Montrose Court |
www.staplehurstvillage.or... |
Staplehurst Parish Council,
Staplehurst, Tonbridge - The official site for Staplehurst Parish
Council this page contains information {PageTitle} |
www.staplers.org.uk |
Welcome to Hitchin Staplers -
Staplers folk dance club meets weekly and promotes all forms of English
Country Dancing and American Squares |
www.star-network.org.uk |
STAR | Student Action for
Refugees - STAR - Student Action For Refugees, supporting refugees
everywhere |
www.star.org.uk |
STAR - The Society of Ticket
Agents and Retailers - Welcome to STAR, the Society of Ticket Agents and
Retailers. Our members include the biggest names in UK entertainment
ticketing. |
www.starandshadow.org.uk |
Star and Shadow Programme |
www.starbuckscoffee.org.u... |
Starbucks Logo Fault - the vacuum
cleaner |
www.starcatchers.org.uk |
Starcatchers - Starcatchers is
Scotland's National Arts and Early Years Organisation. You're never too
young to be inspired. |
www.starcrossyc.org.uk |
Starcross Yacht Club - Dinghy and
yacht sailing on the Exe estuary in Devon |
www.stardot.org.uk |
stardot.org.uk |
www.starescue.org.uk |
Starescue - STA Ferret Rescue and
Racing and Welfare - Starescue STA Ferret Rescue and Ferret Racing. In
Reading we rehome ferrets, strays, dumped or neglected. Fund Raising For
Charity and Animal Welfare |
www.stargazing.org.uk |
Stargazing web site |
www.starlight.org.uk |
Starlight Children's Foundation –
Brightening the lives of seriously ill children and entertaining over
half a million children every year in hospitals and hospices throughout
the UK |
www.starlink-campaign.org... |
StARLink News |
www.staronline.org.uk |
The Star Online - The Star Online |
www.stars.org.uk |
Syncope Trust And Reflex anoxic
Seizures - Home. AA Group |
www.starsite.org.uk |
astrology - New page |
www.starthrowers.org.uk |
Star Throwers | Cancer support
charity in Wymondham - Star Throwers is a cancer support charity in
Wymondham, Norfolk dedicated to caring for people affected by cancer.
Founded by an experienced cancer doctor. |
www.startingoutguide.org.... |
Starting Out Guide |
www.startinsalford.org.uk |
Start inspiring minds - START
creative arts & wellbeing centre; Inspiring change, transforming lives. |
www.startupnow.org.uk |
Startupnow |
www.starwards.org.uk |
Star Wards - Star Wards helps
harness mental health wards’ creativity and skills to make changes which
really work for their particular circumstances and patients. |
www.stat.org.uk |
Members' Area | The Definitive
Guide to the Alexander Technique |
www.statarchives.org.uk |
STAT Archives - The Society of
Teachers of the Alexander Technique |
www.stationcars.org.uk |
High Barnet East Mini Cab New
Cars Airport Transfers Car Minicab Cabs Taxi Taxis - 02084490000 East
Barnet New Cars Minicabs Minicab Airport Transfer Office London
Hertfordshire Luton Service Company Firm Car Hire Mini Cabs low Cab
Taxis Taxi |
www.staugs.org.uk |
St Augustine of Canterbury
Catholic High School, St Helens - St Augs, St Helens - Catholic High
School for girls & boys age 11-16 (Home Page Link) |
www.stbarnabas-hospice.or... |
St Barnabas House | Hospice
Charity - St Barnabas House is a hospice based in Worthing which
provides palliative care to adults with advanced progressive
life-limiting illnesses. |
www.stbarnabascathedral.o... |
Stbarnabascathedral |
www.stbarnabassociety.org... |
The St Barnabas Society |
www.stbartholomewsbrighto... |
description |
www.stbartscofeschool.org... |
St Bartholomew's Church of
England Primary School - St Bartholomew's Church of England Primary
School |
www.stbchurch.org.uk |
St Barnabas Church, Swanland.
Stbchurch.org.uk - St Barnabas Church Swanland, Information about St
Barnabas Church Swanland including, alpha, weekly newsletter, meetings,
youth, prayer, vision statement, resricted access, email |
www.stbedesscunthorpe.org... |
St Bedes Scunthorpe |
www.stbees.org.uk |
Welcome to St Bees village web
site - Welcome to St Bees - a coastal village base in Cumbria for the
Western Lakes. All you need to know; Beaches & Coast, Accommodation,
Food & Drink, History, Maps, Walking, Coast to Coast Walk, Facilities,
Organisations, Publications, |
www.stbeespriory.org.uk |
St Bees Priory – To know Christ
and make him known |
www.stbenedicts.org.uk |
St Benedicts - St Benedict’s is
London’s leading independent, Catholic, co-educational school, combining
strong academic standards with outstanding personal development.
Situated in Ealing, St Benedict’s is an all-through school, educating
boys and girls aged 3 to 18. |
www.stbenedictsnorthampto... |
St Benedict's Church, Northampton
- Welcome to St Benedict's Church Northampton |
www.stbernardswestcliff.o... |
St Bernard's High School |
www.stbertelines.org.uk |
St Berteline's C of E Primary
School: Welcome to St Berteline's |
www.stbk.org.uk |
STBK - St Barnabas Church
Kensington is a multi cultural local Church in the heart of London, St
Barnabas Church Kensington has 3 service a 9:00 traditional service, a
10:30 family service with contemporary worship band and a 18:30 relaxed
service with contemporary acoustic worship style |
www.stbonifacetooting.org... |
St Boniface RC Church Tooting
Redirect |
www.stbotolphnorthfleet.o... |
St Botolph's Church Northfleet
and St Mark's Church Rosherville |
www.stbotolphs.org.uk |
St Botolph without Aldgate -
Welcome to the website of St Botolph without Aldgate. St Botolph’s, a
Church of England parish in the Diocese of London, sits on the boundary
of the City of London and the East End. |
www.stbotolphsbh.org.uk |
St Botolph's Church | Burton
Hastings with Stretton Baskerville |
www.stbotolphstjohn.org.u... |
St Botolph and St John Parish
Churches - St Botolph and St John Parish Churches |
www.stbrandon.org.uk |
St Brandon's Church – Brancepeth
Parish Church, Durham Diocese, Church of England |
www.stbride.org.uk |
St Bride's Episcopal Church |
Kelvinside, Glasgow - O Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: Let
all the earth be moved at his presence (Psalm 96. 9) Welcome to our
website, and if you have not yet joined us at one of our services, we
hope to see you in person soon. Our Rector is Revd Dr Kevin Francis, who
is… |
www.stbridesprimary.org.u... |
St Brides Major Church in Wales
Primary - St Brides Major Church in Wales Primary |
www.stbridgets.org.uk |
Our Lady of Sorrows and St
Bridget of Sweden - Sunday mass times: 8am, 10am, 12pm (Sat vigil: 6pm)
Roman Catholic church based in Isleworth, TW7. See our weekly mass
times, news, events, newsletters and information about the church. |
www.stbrigid.org.uk |
St Brigid's Roman Catholic
Church - Welcome to St Brigid's Roman Catholic Parish in the Diocese of
Motherwell, Scotland. St Brigid's is a thriving parish of some 1, 600
people, with a proud history in Newmains that stretches back to 1871. |
www.stbs.org.uk |
St Barnabas Church - We are a
vibrant, welcoming, Anglican church situated in Cambridge. Our vision is
to be followers of Jesus sharing the goodness of God with everyone. We'd
love to meet you at one of our Sunday Gatherings... |
www.stcatharine.org.uk |
St Catharine's Church Gloucester
- St Catharine's is an evangelical church in Gloucester that has
something for everyone |
www.stcatherines.org.uk |
St. Catherine's - St Catherine's
is a national charity working with children and young people with
speech, language and communication disabilities. Our services
incorporate a specialist school, specialist further education centre,
vocational training outreach speech and language therapy and
parent/family support. |
www.stcatherinesmilecross... |
St Catherine's, Mile Cross |
Main Pages |
www.stceciliasabbey.org.u... |
St. Cecilia's Abbey |
www.stcedds.org.uk |
St Cedd's School - google apps
verification |
www.stchad.org.uk |
St Chad's Church Patchway |
www.stchadscathedral.org.... |
St Chad's Cathedral - Birmingham
- Roman Catholic |
www.stchadschurchfarndon.... |
www.stchris.org.uk |
Young People's Care, Support &
Fostering Charity | St Christopher's Logo We-Say-Its-OK - We provide
fostering, residential & support for children & young people so they can
be safe, loved & happy, achieve their potential & have a bright future. |
www.stcolumb.org.uk |
St Columb Major community web
site |
www.stcolumbacrosspool.or... |
St Columba's Crosspool - Open to
God, Welcoming All |
www.stcolumbashospice.org... |
St Columba's Hospice, Palliative
Care in Edinburgh, |
www.stcuthbertscare.org.u... |
St Cuthberts Care | St Cuthberts
Care is a charity which works across the whole of the north east region
enabling people |
www.stcuthbertscarlisle.o... |
St Cuthbert's Church, Carlisle -
This page covers the topics Church, , window and Tithe |
www.stcuthbertscrook.org.... |
St Cuthbert's Primary School and
Nursery, Church Hill, Crook DL15 9DN - St Cuthbert's Primary School in
Crook also provides Nursery School places as well as providing breakfast
club and after school club facitilities. |
www.stcyprians.org.uk |
stcyprians.org.uk |
www.stdavidscathedral.org... |
St Davids Cathedral: |
www.stdavidshospice.org.u... |
St David's Hospice – a North
Wales charity providing end of life care |
www.stdavidsinfo.org.uk |
Croeso, A Place of Beauty, Peace
& Pilgrimage - St Davids Peninsula Tourist Association |
www.stdenyschurchstanford... |
St Denys Stanford in the Vale |
www.stdenysrotherfield.or... |
About Us – St Denys' and St
Mark's Joint Benefice |
www.stdionis.org.uk |
St Dionis | What's on at St
Dionis |
www.stdominic.org.uk |
St Dominic's Catholic Church –
Violet Lane, Waddon, Croydon, CR0 4HN, England |
www.stdominics.org.uk |
St Dominic's - St. Dominic's is a
Grammar School for Girls based in Belfast in Northern Ireland. |
www.stdregister.org.uk |
Sunbeam Talbot Darracq Register
- The Sunbeam Talbot Darracq Register - The Sunbeam Talbot Darracq
Register, or STD Register, is the vintage car club for owners and
enthusiasts of these vintage and veteran cars made from 1899 to 1935. |
www.stdunstans.org.uk |
St Dunstan's College - St
Dunstan's College |
www.stdunstansfeltham.org... |
St. Dunstans Church |
www.stdyfnog.org.uk |
St Dyfnog's Church |
www.steam-museum.org.uk |
www.steamscenes.org.uk |
Steam Traction Engine Pictures
and Information - Steam Scenes - Features steam traction engine
pictures, both modern and archive. Historic information and rally news. |
www.stechfordbaptist.org.... |
Stechford Baptist Church –
Ordinary People Chasing God's Heart |
www.stedmundkm.org.uk |
St Edmund King & Martyr Catholic
Parish - We are located in Westgate Street in the centre of Bury St
Edmunds. Our parish includes all of Bury and many of the surrounding
villages. It is a long established parish with an historic church. The
Catholic Church has been on this site since 1763 and is now a very
flourishing community. |
www.stedmunds.org.uk |
St Edmund's School CanterburySt
Edmund's School Canterbury - St Edmund's School Canterbury |
www.steds.org.uk |
St Edwards Academy | A mixed
secondary school in the London Borough of Havering |
www.steed.org.uk |
Steed Business Services Ltd: Rob
Steed : Recruitment Consultant Cambridge - Cambridge based recruiters
and consultants. Our speciality is people. Finding them, recruiting
them, managing them – optimising them |
www.steelcharitabletrust.... |
The Steel Charitable Trust
Location Email search previous next tag category expand menu location
phone mail time cart zoom edit close |
www.steepholm.org.uk |
Steep Holm Island - Steep Holm,
a small island in the Bristol Channel, is owned and managed by the
Kenneth Allsop Memorial trust. It lies nearly six miles offshore from
the seaside resort of Weston-super-Mare in Somerset. Although relatively
close to areas of high population and the busy shipping channel, Steep
Holm is isolated by brisk tidal currents and… |
www.steeple.org.uk |
Steeple Advice – Financial advice
blog. |
www.steepleaston.org.uk |
Steeple Aston |
www.steepleastonarchive.o... |
Steeple Aston Village Archive -
Steeple Aston Village Archive |
www.steepltc.org.uk |
Steep Lawn Tennis Club - Steep
Lawn Tennis Club - Steep Tennis Club near Petefsfield in Hampshire has 8
outdoor courts and play is available year round. The club offers social
and team play for all ages. |
www.stelizabethhospice.or... |
St Elizabeth Hospice |
www.stelizabeths.org.uk |
Welcome to St Elizabeth's -
Residential home and education for people of all ages with epilepsy and
complex needs and behaviours. |
www.stella-maris.org.uk |
Broadstairs - A Personal
Perspective - Information |
www.stemcymru.org.uk |
The Engineering Education Scheme
Wales (EESW) | EESW | STEM Cymru - The Engineering Education Scheme
Wales (EESW) is a non-profit, educational charity which has been in
existence since 1989 |
www.stemdirectories.org.u... |
STEM Directory | STEM - Inspiring
science, technology, engineering, computing and mathematics CPD. STEM
Learning Ltd is a UK provider of subject-specific Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) for teachers and technicians. |
www.stemnet.org.uk |
STEM Ambassadors | STEM - STEM
Ambassadors are volunteers from a wide range of science, technology,
engineering and mathematics (STEM) related jobs across the UK. They
offer their time and enthusiasm to help bring STEM subjects to life and
demonstrate the value of them in life and careers. |
www.stenochshogganfield.o... |
St Enoch's Hogganfield Parish
Church | Glasgow - St Enoch's Hogganfield is the Church of Scotland
Parish Church serving the community of Riddrie and part of Carntyne. We
are located at the junction of Cumbernauld Road and Smithycroft Road.
Sunday |
www.step.org.uk |
Step - The Internships people
for the UK - We're the UK's leading organiser of paid student work
placements and graduate internships. Meeting the development needs of
both business and graduates. |
www.stepbystep.org.uk |
Step by Step: Young People
Charity | Youth Homeless Prevention - A young people charity. Youth
homelessness charity working to prevent homelessness and empower young
people. We provide accommodation and support. |
www.stepchange.org.uk |
StepChange Debt Charity - Free
Expert Debt Advice. - Contact the UK’s leading debt charity to get
expert debt advice and fee-free debt management to help you tackle your
debts. StepChange Debt Charity. |
www.stephensonloco.org.uk |
SLS The Stephenson Locomotive
Society, SLS for short, formed in 1909 covers contemporary and historic
subjects and unites railway enthusiasts, historians and researchers
worldwide. |
www.stephentimms.org.uk |
Stephen Timms MP |
www.stepping-stone.org.uk |
Stepping Stone Projects provides
accommodation and support across the North-West to care leavers, people
who are homeless and those currently at risk of losing their homes |
Stepping Stone Projects - At Stepping Stone Projects, we believe that
everyone has the right to good quality accommodation, and the kind of
support that will allow them to reach their optimum level of
independence. |
www.stepscentre.org.uk |
Steps Conductive Education –
Steps – Conductive Education Centre |
www.sterconwalds.org.uk |
St Erconwalds - St Erconwald's
Walton on Thames Find information about St Erconwald's, the Catholic
Parish in Walton on Thames, Surrey KT12 2TA. Mass times, Newsletter and
information about services and events |
www.steve.org.uk |
Steve Kemp's |
www.stevefryatt.org.uk |
Steve Fryatt’s |
www.stevemccabe-mp.org.uk |
Steve McCabe MP | Labour MP for
Birmingham Selly Oak |
www.stevemcqueen.org.uk |
The Steve McQueen Film Poster
Site - The Ultimate Steve McQueen Fan Site! This site displays over 700
original film posters from the films of Steve McQueen |
www.stevenage.org.uk |
Stevenage Hotels, Stevenage Jobs
& Restaurants in Stevenage - Reviews of Stevenage hotels, restaurants,
bars & shops. Find Stevenage jobs, cars, houses, vans, motorbikes &
property for sale & let. Plus a Stevenage business directory including
legal, financial & local services, health & beauty |
www.stevenagechoral.org.u... |
SCS - The homepage for Stevenage
Choral Society - history and future concerts |
www.stevenagechurches.org... |
Churches Together in Stevenage |
www.steventonchoral.org.u... |
Steventon Choral Society -
Steventon Choral Society - a mixed voice choir of 50-60 singers in south
Oxfordshire singing both sacred and light music |
www.steviewonder.org.uk |
Stevie Wonder - The complete
Stevie Wonder experience. Explore his entire Lyrics, Discography, Songs,
Videos and Photos and Concerts. |
www.stewardship.org.uk |
Stewardship - Transforming
Generosity - Stewardship is a leading UK charity promoting generous &
tax-effective giving; partners with you to support the causes you care
about. |
www.stewartrykirks.org.uk |
Stewartry Kirks Project –
Recording the Heritage of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright - The stewartry
Kirks projectaims to provide an record of the upstanding remains of all
pre 1800 unroofed churches, chapels and other religious sites through
standing building surveys, photographic surveys and the gathering of
historical information from available sources. |
www.stewarts.org.uk |
FrontPage - TomsWeb |
www.stewartsplace.org.uk |
Stewart's Place - Stewart's
Place by Stewart Gordon - bend your mind, bend your face, download some
free software or find out a bit about me. |
www.steyningmuseum.org.uk |
Steyning Museum |
www.stfaithsgaywoodlep.or... |
St Faith's Gaywood - St Faith's
Gaywood Church. Anglican Methodist Partnership King's Lynn |
www.stfaithsgreatcrosby.o... |
whatthepaperssay.html |
www.stfrancis-bournemouth... |
St Francis of Assisi Church in
Bournemouth, England - We are a Church of England church in Bournemouth
that seeks to serve and transform our community through practical action
and worship. |
www.stfrancis.org.uk |
The Hospice of St Francis
Berkhamsted - The Hospice of St Francis is a charity providing free care
for 2, 000 local people and their families, in Hertfordshire and
Buckinghamshire. Donate now. |
www.stfrancisparish.org.u... |
The Roman Catholic Parish of
Saint Francis, Maidstone - Roman Catholic Parish of Saint Francis,
Maidstone, Kent. |
www.stfranciswgc.org.uk |
St Francis of Assisi Church
Welwyn Garden City |
www.stg.org.uk |
St George Stalybridge |
www.stgabrielshalls.org.u... |
WordPress › Setup Configuration
File |
www.stgenevieves.org.uk |
St Genevieve's High School - St.
Genevieve’s High School is a dynamic and vibrant learning community and
our St. Louis ethos permeates all aspects of school life, making us a
caring and happy community in which all of our girls can flourish. |
www.stgeorgeheadstone.org... |
St George's Headstone, Harrow -
St George's Headstone |
www.stgeorgehealthcaregro... |
St George Healthcare | Brain
Injury Neurorehabilitation - St George Healthcare is a Barin Injury
rehabilition specialist company. Our hospital at St Cyrils is a state of
the art facility |
www.stgeorges-ascot.org.u... |
Stgeorges-ascot |
www.stgeorges-school.org.... |
Welcome to St George's Church of
England Foundation School - St George's C of E Foundation School, often
abbreviated to St George's, is an all-through school in Broadstairs,
Kent, catering for students for 4 to 19 years. |
www.stgeorgesbloomsbury.o... |
St George's Bloomsbury |
www.stgeorgeschurch-york.... |
Stgeorgeschurch-york.org.uk |
www.stgeorgescrypt.org.uk |
www.stgeorgesedgbaston.or... |
St Georges - St George Edgbaston |
www.stgeorgesgravesend.or... |
St George's Church Gravesend - St
George's is the church at the heart of Gravesend's bustling town centre.
We are a lively Christian family from all backgrounds and of different
ages. |
www.stgeorgesjesmond.org.... |
St George's Jesmond |
www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk |
St George's Church Leeds - St
George's Church Leeds, Leeds Church, |
www.stgeorgesrc-york.org.... |
St. George’s Roman Catholic
Primary School | OUTSTANDING for Catholic Life ~ OUTSTANDING for
Behaviour ~ OUTSTANDING for Personal Development & Welfare |
www.stgeorgesworthing.org... |
St. Georges Church |
www.stgeorgetoddington.or... |
St George of England Church,
Toddington - St. George of England Parish Church, Toddington |
www.stgilesaintree.org.uk |
stgilesaintree.org.uk |
www.stgilesbramhope.org.u... |
St Giles Church, Bramhope | This
is the website for St Giles Parish Church in Bramhope, faith, services,
events, baptisms, funerals, weddings and local community groups and kids
groups |
www.stgilescathedral.org.... |
St GILES' CATHEDRAL - Welcome to
St Giles' Cathedral, the High Kirk of Edinburgh positioned at the heart
of the Scottish capital. St Giles' was founded in 1124, and in the 16th
century became the focal point of the Scottish Reformation. The church
is regarded as the Mother Church of World Presbyterianism and welcomes
visitors from all corners of… |
www.stgilescripplegate.or... |
stgilescripplegate.com |
www.stgilesnorthampton.or... |
St Giles Northampton |
www.stgilesorchestra.org.... |
St Giles Orchestra: amateur
orchestra Oxford UK - St Giles Orchestra, Oxford - giving four concerts
per year in Oxford and Didcot |
www.stgilestrust.org.uk |
St. Giles Trust |
www.stgite.org.uk |
st george-in-the-east - St
George-in-the-East PCC - Charity Number 1133761 |
www.stgregory.org.uk |
The Parish of St. Gregory the
Great, Northampton |
www.stgregorys.org.uk |
St Gregorys Church – St Gregorys
Church |
www.stgregorysfoundation.... |
Charity helping vulnerable
children in Russia and the former USSR |
www.sthelens.org.uk |
St.Helens Schools |
www.sthelenscab.org.uk |
Citizens Advice St Helens |
www.sthelenscarers.org.uk |
sthelenscarers.org.uk |
www.sthelenslangside.org.... |
Saint Helen's Langside | Glasgow |
www.sthelensprimaryalvest... |
St Helen's Primary School
Alveston - WelcomeSt Helen's Primary School - St Helens Primary School
in Alveston, Bristol. We are a one-form entry Church of England Primary
School based in the village of Alveston, just on the north edge of
Bristol near Thornbury. |
www.sthelenwitton.org.uk |
St Helen's Northwich - A Church
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www.sthilary.org.uk |
News, events and regular
activities - Joomla! - the dynamic portal engine and content management
system |
www.sthildas.org.uk |
St. Hilda’s East Community Centre |
www.sthilds.org.uk |
St Hild's School |
www.sthughslincoln.org.uk |
St Hugh's Roman Catholic Church,
Lincoln - St Hugh's Roman Catholic Church in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, UK. |
www.stickford.org.uk |
Stickford Local History Group |
www.stickler.org.uk |
Stickler Syndrome UK - A common
but little recognised genetic disorder - A common but little recognised
genetic disorder |
www.stilltyds.org.uk |
St. Illtyds Catholic High School
– Together in Christ, we make a difference |
www.stingraydivers.org.uk |
Stingraydivers |
www.stippolyts-parishcoun... |
St Ippolyts Parish Council in
Hertfordshire - | The website of St Ippolyts Parish Council in
Hertfordshire |
www.stirlingastronomicals... |
Stirling-Astronomy-1 |
www.stirlingbikeclub.org.... |
Stirlingbikeclub |
www.stirlingengines.org.u... |
Stirlingengines |
www.stitchesintime.org.uk |
Stitches in Time - Grassroots
community arts charity, est. '93. Based in Limehouse, working in Tower
Hamlets and beyond. FIND OUT MORE. |
www.stithianscentre.org.u... |
The Stithians Centre - The
Stithians Centre details of activities and facilities. Contact details
for all events and how to hire hall and rooms available in the centre |
www.stithiansparishcounci... |
Stithians Parish Council |
www.stithiansshow.org.uk |
Stithians Show |
www.stives-aiki-dojo.org.... |
St Ives Aiki Dojo |
www.stives-choral.org.uk |
stives-choral.org.uk |
www.stives-photoclub.org.... |
St Ives Photographic Club - St
Ives Photographic Club is a friendly and active club in Cambridgeshire. |
www.stjames-church-bishop... |
stjames-church-bishops-stortford.org.uk – My WordPress Blog |
www.stjamesbishopbriggs.o... |
St James the Less Episcopal
Church | A Window to God in Bishopbriggs - St James the Less Episcopal
Church - A Window to God in Bishopbriggs |
www.stjamescarlisle.org.u... |
St James Church Carlisle St James
Church Carlisle |
www.stjamescc.org.uk |
Stjamescc |
www.stjameschurchbulkingt... |
St James Church Bulkington - The
Parish church of St James, Bulkington, Warwickshire |
www.stjamesmilton.org.uk |
St James' Church Milton |
www.stjamesorchestra.org.... |
Paisley Sinfonia, Paisley -
Paisley Sinfonia, formerly known as St James Orchestra, has been at the
centre of orchestral music in the town for over 50 years. We rehearse in
Wallneuk North Church, Paisley, and perform in various local venues. |
www.stjamespaddington.org... |
Home • St James's Church |
www.stjamesprioryproject.... |
St James Priory |
www.stjamessurgery.org.uk |
Heart of Bath |
www.stjamesswansea.org.uk |
The parish website of St James'
Church, Uplands, Swansea, |
www.stjamesweybridge.org.... |
St James Weybridge |
www.stjb.org.uk |
St Johns Church |
www.stjh.org.uk |
St Joseph's Hospice |
www.stjohnathackney.org.u... |
St John At Hackney Church - The
Unoffical Fan Site - Read About Bible Translation, SEO Lancashire,
Coffee - The Unofficial Fan Site Of St John At Hackney Church. Contact
The Church On +44 20 898 55374 email hello@stjohnathackney.org |
www.stjohnfisheronline.or... |
St John Fisher RC Church, Harrow
| 80 Imperial Close, Harrow, HA2 7LW 020 8868 7531 - 80 Imperial Close,
Harrow, HA2 7LW 020 8868 7531 |
www.stjohnfisherschool.or... |
www.stjohnnewland.org.uk |
St John Newland - St John
Newland is an anglican evangelical church in Hull, UK |
www.stjohnover.org.uk |
St John's Church Over | We are a
fellowship of Christian believers in Winsford, Cheshire. - Description
for google |
www.stjohnpeter.org.uk |
St John's & St Peter's Ladywood |
www.stjohns-bourne-end.or... |
St John's Church, Bourne End |
www.stjohns-edinburgh.org... |
St John's Church |
www.stjohns-glastonbury.o... |
St John's Church Glastonbury -
Welcome to St John's Church, Glastonbury A 15th century Anglican church
in Somerset and part of the Diocese of Bath and Wells. |
www.stjohns.org.uk |
St Johns |
www.stjohnsalresford.org.... |
St John's Alresford |
www.stjohnsas.org.uk |
stjohnsas.org.uk |
www.stjohnsbath.org.uk |
St Johns Foundation | Independent
Living & Funding Support in Bath |
www.stjohnsbbh.org.uk |
St John's – Broadbridge Heath |
www.stjohnsblackpool.org.... |
St John's Blackpool - Welcome to
the website of St John's Blackpool - we are a growing, vibrant Church of
England church in the heart of the town. |
www.stjohnsbloxwich.org.u... |
stjohnsbloxwich.org.uk |
www.stjohnscathedralschoo... |
St John's Cathedral Catholic
Primary School - St John's Cathedral Catholic Primary School |
www.stjohnscatholicprimar... |
St. John's Catholic Primary
School |
www.stjohnschurchstanmore... |
Welcome! - St John's Church
Stanmore - Join us for family church services. St Johns Church Stanmore
is a family oriented Church of England church. Join us for regular
worship, groups and meetings, all are welcome. |
www.stjohnscolchester.org... |
St. John's Colchester : St.
John's Colchester |
www.stjohnscomhall.org.uk |
St Johns Community Hall |
www.stjohnscotland.org.uk |
Join us to help save and enhance
lives across Scotland |
www.stjohnsealing.org.uk |
St John's, West Ealing |
www.stjohnsfarsley.org.uk |
St John's Church Farsley |
www.stjohnshamilton.org.u... |
Hamilton, St John's Parish Church
of Scotland | Duke Street, Hamilon, ML3 7DT |
www.stjohnsharpenden.org.... |
St John's Church Harpenden |
www.stjohnsranmoor.org.uk |
St John's Church, Ranmoor,
Sheffield |
www.stjohnsrc.org.uk |
St John's | "A Learning
Community Guided by Gospel Values" |
www.stjohnsseniorschool.o... |
Welcome to St John's Preparatory
and Senior School - St John's Preparatory and Senior School Welcome page |
www.stjohnsstoneleigh.org... |
St John’s, Stoneleigh – For God.
For Stoneleigh. For Life. |
www.stjohnstadworth.org.u... |
St John the Evangelist Catholic
Church Tadworth – Parish website for all parishioners of our church in
Tadworth |
www.stjohnswoking.org.uk |
St John's & Emmanuel |
www.stjohnswood.org.uk |
St John's Wood Society - The
website of the St Johns Wood Society, which exists to promote a shared
respect for the beauty, history and character of St John's Wood. |
www.stjohnswoodbridge.org... |
St John's Woodbridge : |
www.stjohnswoodchurch.org... |
St John's Wood Church |
www.stjohnthebaptistparis... |
St John the Baptist Parish
Church, Ermine |
www.stjohnthebaptistshedf... |
St. John the Baptist, Shedfield -
'Drawing people closer to God and to each other' |
www.stjohnwales.org.uk |
Wales' leading first aid charity
» St John Cymru Wales - St John Cymru is Wales' leading first aid
charity. Our vision is for first aid to be available to everyone who
needs it. |
www.stjoseph.org.uk |
Caritas St Joseph's |
www.stjosephsbolton.org.u... |
St Joseph’s R.C. High School and
Sports College St Joseph’s R.C. High School and Sports College |
www.stjosephscollege.org.... |
St Joseph's College - Welcome to
St Josephs College in Beulah Hill, London. To find out more about St
Josephs College, please visit our website for more details. |
www.stjosephsharrogate.or... |
St. Joseph´s Catholic Church
Harrogate | Welcome to St. Joseph´s Catholic Church Harrogate |
www.stjosephshighgate.org... |
St. Josephs Highgate, St.
Joseph's Church Highgate, St. Joseph's Catholic Church Highgate,
Catholic Church in London, Catholic Churches in North London, Diocese of
Westminster, The Passionists |
www.stjosephskeighley.org... |
St Joseph's Catholic Primary
School Keighley West Yorkshire - Welcome to St Joseph's Catholic Primary
School in Keighley, West Yorkshire. |
www.stjosephsnewbury.org.... |
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic
Church, Newbury - Welcome to the web site of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic
Church in Newbury, Berkshire |
www.stjosephsschool.org.u... |
St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary
School - St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School in Maida Vale, London. |
www.stjosephsupton.org.uk |
Stjosephsupton |
www.stjudes-southsea.org.... |
St Jude's Church Southsea - St
Jude's is an Anglican Church in the heart of Southsea (Portsmouth,
United Kingdom). We believe that everyone has been made by God to know
him and love him. |
www.stjulies.org.uk |
St. Julie's Catholic High School
- Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School |
www.stkanes.org.uk |
St Kanes Church |
www.stkentigern.org.uk |
Stkentigern |
www.stkentigernhospice.or... |
St Kentigern Hospice St Asaph,
Denbighshire, North Wales - St. Kentigern Hospice in North Wales is
committed to meeting the needs of people, with active, progressive or
advanced illness. |
www.stkeverneparishcounci... |
St Keverne Parish Council – News
and events for the St Keverne and Coverack parish |
www.stlaurencebidford.org... |
St Laurence Parish Church,
Bidford-on-Avon, Warwickshire - The Church of St Laurence, Deacon and
Martyr. The Parish of Bidford-on-Avon, Warwickshire. Diocese of
Coventry. |
www.stlaurencecatford.org... |
St Laurence Catford |
www.stlaurences.org.uk |
The Parish Church Of St.
Laurence: Ludlow |
www.stlawrencechapel.org.... |
St Lawrence Chapel at Ashburton -
The historic St Lawrence Chapel is a unique and important Grade ll
Listed Building in the heart of Ashburton. |
www.stleonard-streatham.o... |
St Leonard's Church, Streatham |
www.stleonardshall.org.uk |
St Leonards and St Ives Village
Hall - Set in the Newforest the Village Hall is available to book for
family, business or any other type of event. |
www.stleonardshospice.org... |
Stleonardshospice |
www.stleonardslexden.org.... |
St Leonard's Lexden | The parish
church of St Leonard in Lexden Colchester |
www.stleonardsparishchurc... |
St Leonards Dunfermline - A
Christian ministry |
www.stleonardspc.org.uk |
Stleonardspc |
www.stleonardswollaton.or... |
St Leonard's Church, Wollaton,
Nottingham – Living for Jesus |
www.stleothegreat.org.uk |
St Leo The Great - The website of
St Leo the Great Parish |
www.stlouis.org.uk |
St Louis Grammar School Kilkeel
- A Specialist School for Technology with Computing - GCSE, A Levels,
BTECs, Sixth Form - St. Louis Grammar School, Kilkeel, is a
co-educational Specialist School in Technology with computing that
caters for pupils aged 11-18. We have over 590 pupils on roll which
includes a thriving sixth form. We offer a broad range of subjects at
all Key Stages including GCSEs, A levels and BTECs including Academic,
Vocational and Applied subjects. Pupils come from the surrounding area:
Kilkeel, Warrenpoint, Annalong, Newcastle, Castlewellan, Hilltown and
Rostrevor. Our expert staff offer the full range of STEM subjects -
Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and ICT |
www.stloyesfoundation.org... |
St Loye's Foundation |
Transforming Lives |Registered Charity St Loye's Foundation - St Loye's
Foundation is a registered Exeter based charity , working to transform
the lives of disabled and disadvantaged people. |
www.stlukecrosby.org.uk |
St Luke's Church, Crosby - A
Church Near You mail_open question clock twitter grid link news-purple
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www.stlukes-church.org.uk |
St Lukes Church | Cheltenham
Church |
www.stlukes-hospice.org.u... |
Caring for you no matter where |
St Luke's Hospice - We are an independent hospice charity providing
specialist end of life care to the people of Plymouth, South West Devon
and East Cornwall. |
www.stlukes-sevenoaks.org... |
St Luke's Church | Sevenoaks |
www.stlukes.org.uk |
St. Luke's Church, Maidstone -
We are a vibrant, lively, church with a friendly welcome, down to earth
message, great music & a safe place for your children to make new
friends & have fun. |
www.stlukescentre.org.uk |
Saint Luke's Centre | - An
internationally recognized leader in bringing the healing ministry of
Christto Catholic men and women through education and psychological and
spiritual care. |
www.stlukescolchester.org... |
St Luke's Church, Colchester -
St Luke's Church, Highwoods, Colchester - We are a relaxed and friendly
church meeting in the Community Centre next to Tesco's. |
www.stlukeshealthcare.org... |
St Luke's |
www.stlukeshospice.org.uk |
St Luke's Hospice Sheffield |
www.stlukesparkstone.org.... |
Church in Poole | St Luke's
Parkstone - We are a lively and friendly Christian community in Lower
Parkstone, Poole and would love to se you join us on Sundays and on
other occasions. |
www.stlukesschool.org.uk |
St Luke's CE School |
www.stm-upton.org.uk |
St Mary's Upton, Sharing Faith
for Life in Christ - St Mary's Upton is a Church of England church in
the heart of Upton, sharing Faith for Life in Christ. We are a part of
the Chester Diocese. |
www.stmagnus.org.uk |
Episcopal Churches on Shetland |
www.stmagnusmartyr.org.uk |
Welcome to the Parish Church of
St Magnus the Martyr | St Magnus the Martyr, London Bridge |
www.stmalachysprimary.org... |
St Malachy's Catholic Primary
School, A Voluntary Academy |
www.stmargaret.org.uk |
St Margaret of Antioch,
Rottingdean |
www.stmargaretdarenth.org... |
Darent Valley Benefice |
www.stmargaretsadoption.o... |
St Margaret's Children and Family
Care Society |
www.stmargaretsbarming.or... |
st-margarets-barming |
www.stmargaretschurch.org... |
The home page of St Margaret's
Church, Scotland, Fife |
www.stmargaretsgallowgate... |
Welcome to the website of St.
Margaret of Scotland, Gallowgate, Aberdeen |
www.stmargaretsgreatbarr.... |
St. Margaret's Church, Great Barr |
www.stmargaretshouse.org.... |
St. Margaret's House - ST.
WELLBEING IN BETHNAL GREEN. Our mission is to promote positive social
change by creating opportunities for people to come together and play a
more active part in their community. Our projects anchor us in the
community, providing spaces for residents to eat, shop, learn, create,
and enjoy a diverse cultural program. |
www.stmargaretskingslynn.... |
Kings Lynn Minister |
www.stmargaretsprimary.or... |
St Margarets Angmering Primary
School - St Margaret's Primary CE Angmering School, Angmering. Pupils
and parents enjoy the positive learning experiences offered by the
curriculum. |
www.stmariessouthport.org... |
St Marie's and St Patrick's |
www.stmark.org.uk |
St Mark's Coptic Orthodox
Church, London - St Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church, London |
www.stmarksaberdeen.org.u... |
St Mark's Church Aberdeen |
www.stmarksbilton.org.uk |
St Mark's Church - St Mark's
Church Bilton |
www.stmarkshospital.org.u... |
ST Marks Hospital Medical
Negligence Education - St Marks Hospital - If you or a relative has
suffered from hospital medical negligence view our guide and make sure
you get specialist advice from the experts hospitals and the NHS need
feed back. |
www.stmarksmethodist.org.... |
St Mark's Methodist Church - St
Mark's Methodist Church, Cheltenham |
www.stmarkssaltney.org.uk |
St Mark's Saltney | We are a
vibrant Anglican church situated in the parish of Lache & Saltney,
Chester, with a passion to love God and make His love known. |
www.stmarksstirling.org.u... |
St. Mark's Parish Church,
Stirling – Church of Scotland, Drip Road, Stirling FK8 1RE |
www.stmarkswimbledon.org.... |
St. Mark's | The Church at the
Heart of Wimbledon - St. Mark’s is an Anglican Church, part of the
Wimbledon Team. We live as the family of God; we are a welcoming and
diverse fellowship of people supporting one another to be Christians in
the world today. |
www.stmarkswoodcote.org.u... |
St Mark’s is the Parish Church
of Woodcote, the church for the local community, and is a welcoming
family of Christians of all ages | St Mark’s is the Parish Church of
Woodcote - St Mark’s is a church for the community and, apart from our
regular services, is open daily for private prayer. The excellent hall
facilities mean that the buildings are a hub of activities for the local
community. |
www.stmarthas-tring.org.u... |
Methodist Church Tring -
St.Martha's |
www.stmartin.org.uk |
St. Martin's Church,
Bowness-on-Windermere |
www.stmartinoftours.org.u... |
St Martin Of Tours |
www.stmartins-online.org.... |
St Martins Online Community -
Keeping the people of the Parish informed. |
www.stmartinsbrampton.org... |
St Martin's Church, Brampton,
Cumbria - St Martin's Church Brampton designed by the Pre-Raphaelite
architect Philip Webb, with a most exquisite set of stained glass
windows designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, and executed in the William
Morris studio. |
www.stmartinsgarden.org.u... |
St. Martin's Garden Primary
School |
www.stmartinsschool.org.u... |
St Martin's Church of England
Primary School - St Martin's Church of England Primary School |
www.stmary-portchester.or... |
St Mary's Portchester - An
Anglican Church within the Diocese of Portsmouth |
www.stmaryatfinchley.org.... |
St Mary at Finchley |
www.stmarydehaura.org.uk |
The Church of St Mary de Haura,
New Shoreham - The official website of the Church of St Mary de Haura,
New Shoreham |
www.stmarygoldington.org.... |
stmarygoldington.org.uk |
www.stmarykippax.org.uk |
Team Benefice of Allerton
Bywater Kippax and Swillington - St Mary Kippax, St mary Allerton
Bywater and St Mary Swiillington are in the The Team Benefice of
Allerton Bywater, Kippax and Swillington |
www.stmaryletower.org.uk |
St Mary-le-Tower – The Civic
Church of Ipswich |
www.stmarymagdalenegarden... |
St Mary Magdalene Gardens |
www.stmarymagdalenetaunto... |
St Mary Magdalene Church in
Taunton, Somerset, UK. Also a Coffee and Book Shop. - St Mary Magdalene
is an Anglican Church in Taunton, Somerset. We have a range of Services
and Activities and a Coffee Shop & Book Shop. |
www.stmarymagdalenoxford.... |
St Mary Magdalen Church Oxford |
St Mary Magdalen’s is an Anglican church in central Oxford. We are a
vibrant, all-age, and inclusive community, offering worship and witness
in the Catholic tradition. |
www.stmarymags.org.uk |
St Mary Magdalen RC |
www.stmaryoftheangels.org... |
St Mary of the Angels Catholic
Church Worthing - Welcome to St Mary of the Angels Catholic Church in
Worthing Our website lists our Church events and broadcasts our Masses
and services live on the internet |
www.stmarys-basingstoke.o... |
St Mary's Basingstoke |
www.stmarys-bromley.org.u... |
St Marys Bromley - St. Mary's is
a very friendly Church of England parish church situated in College Road
in Bromley, Kent. |
www.stmarys-clapham.org.u... |
St Mary's Clapham | St Mary’s
Church in Clapham has been run by the Redemptorists since 1848 to serve
the local Community and to make the love of God known |
www.stmarys-eastbarnet.or... |
St Mary the Virgin - east barnet
parish church |
www.stmarys-horsell.org.u... |
St Mary The Virgin Horsell |
www.stmarys-kidderminster... |
Web Hosting, Reseller Hosting &
Domain Names from Heart Internet - Reseller Hosting, Web Hosting,
Dedicated Servers & Domain Names | Heart Internet |
www.stmarys-slough.org.uk |
St. Mary's Church, Slough |
www.stmarys-walsgrave.org... |
St. Mary's Walsgrave |
www.stmarysalverstoke.org... |
Alverstoke Church of England -
Alive to God's Love in the Community |
www.stmarysandstagnesnewm... |
St. Mary’s & St. Agnes Anglican
Churches, Newmarket |
www.stmarysarnold.org.uk |
St. Mary's Site Welcome to St.
Mary's Arnold Website - Website of St. Mary's Church, Arnold. Nottingham |
www.stmarysartscentre.org... |
Sandwich Events at St. Mary's
Arts Centre Sandwich Kent - Event Venue - St. Mary's provides a unique
events venue in a stunning 14th century building in the medieval town of
Sandwich Kent |
www.stmarysashwell.org.uk |
St Mary's Church Ashwell - Church
of St Mary's Ashwell Hertfordshire - Home of the Medieval graffiti |
www.stmarysb.org.uk |
St Mary's Stoke Bishop : St
Mary's Stoke Bishop |
www.stmarysbarnardcastle.... |
St. Mary's Barnard Castle with
Whorlton |
www.stmarysbath.org.uk |
St Mary's, Catholic Church Bath
| St Mary's, Catholic Church Bath |
www.stmarysbay.org.uk |
St Mary's Bay | Welcome to St
Mary's Bay, Kent, UK |
www.stmarysbeaconsfield.o... |
St Mary & All Saints Church
Beaconsfield - A thriving Anglican church in the heart of Old
Beaconsfield. |
www.stmarysbeeston.org.uk |
The Parish of Beeston – St Mary’s
Church, Beeston and The Church in Cottingley - St Mary’s Church, Beeston
and The Church in Cottingley |
www.stmarysbermondsey.org... |
St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey |
www.stmarysbodmin.org.uk |
The Catholic Parish of St Mary &
St Petroc, Bodmin | The churches of St Mary, Bodmin; St Petroc Shared
Church, Padstow; St Michael, Wadebridge; St Paul the Apostle, Tintagel -
... to the website of the parish of St Mary & St Petroc, Bodmin, in
Cornwall. We are a Roman Catholic parish of four churches within the
diocese of Plymouth. We hope you will enjoy browsing our website.
Whether you are a visitor or a parishioner you are very welcome! Our
parish priest is Fr… |
www.stmarysburwell.org.uk |
St Marys Burwell with St
Etheldredas Reach |
www.stmaryscheltfriends.o... |
The Friends of Cheltenham
Minster, St. Mary's - The Friends of Cheltenham Minster, St. Mary's, UK.
Includes details of our supporting role within the church. |
www.stmaryschurch.org.uk |
St Mary's Church Steeple
Bumsptead |
www.stmaryschurchchidd.or... |
St Marys Church Chiddingfold |
www.stmaryschurchfairford... |
St Mary's Church, Fairford - St
Mary’s, Fairford, is a friendly, welcoming church which offers a range
of worship, from traditional services to our annual Pet Service. St
Marys |
www.stmaryschurcholdswinf... |
St Mary's Old Swinford - This is
the default content for the description meta tag. |
www.stmaryschurchthirsk.o... |
St Mary's Church Thirsk: Home
Page |
www.stmarysck.org.uk |
Stmarysck |
www.stmarysclymping.org.u... |
Welcome to St Mary's Church of
England Primary School. - St Marys CofE Primary School |
www.stmaryscolchester.org... |
St Mary's Colchester School for
Girls | Independent Day School - We are truly independent, with no
owners or shareholders, and are overseen by a committed governing body
who help ensure we provide a high quality education and a happy learning
environment. |
www.stmaryscrewe.org.uk |
St Mary's RC Church Crewe |
www.stmarysdalmahoy.org.u... |
Welcome to St Mary's Church
Dalmahoy - St Mary's Church Dalmahoy is part of the Scottish Episcopal
Church. St Mary's Church Dalmahoy has a lively and friendly congregation
and everyone is welcome. St Mary's is also popular for weddings because
of its picturesque location. |
www.stmarysdownpatrick.or... |
St Mary's High School,
Downpatrick |
www.stmaryseatonbray.org.... |
Church of St Mary the Virgin,
Eaton Bray with Edlesborough - The community website of the Church of St
Mary the Virgin, Eaton Bray with Edlesborough |
www.stmarysellyoak.org.uk |
Stmarysellyoak |
www.stmaryseversley.org.u... |
St Mary's Church Eversley - St
Mary's Church, Eversley, Church of England services and other activities
catering for a wide age range, from traditional to modern forms of
worship. |
www.stmarysfetcham.org.uk |
Welcome to St Mary's, the Parish
Church of Fetcham, Surrey and part of the Diocese of Guildford. Our
Rector is The Reverend Andrew Smith. The Slideshow below includes the
Notices that appeared in Church on Sunday 13 October 2019 and lets you
know what is currently happening at St Mary's. (If you would like to… |
www.stmarysgreatbaddow.or... |
St Mary's Church, Great Baddow -
Welcome to the online presence of St Mary's, Great Baddow. We are a
group of ordinary people who love God and would like to share his love
with others. |
www.stmaryshandsworth.org... |
St Mary's Church – Handsworth –
The Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin Handsworth, Sheffield is
dedicated to our Lord’s mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. |
www.stmaryshanwell.org.uk |
St Mary's Hanwell |
www.stmaryshaverfordwest.... |
St Marys Church, Haverfordwest,
Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK - This website is all about St Mary's Church in
Haverfordwest and is maintained by the friends of St Mary's. |
www.stmaryshemel.org.uk |
St Marys Church Hemel Hempstead -
St Mary's Church Hemel Hempstead We seek to be a company of people who
are nurturing faith. This faith is rooted in the good news of God
revealed in Jesus Christ. |
www.stmaryshenley.org.uk |
St Mary's, Henley | THE PARISH
www.stmaryshg.org.uk |
Church of England | St. Mary's
Haughton Green | Denton - St. Mary's is a thriving CofE church on Meadow
Lane in Haughton Green, Denton, Manchester. A warm welcome is extended
to all. |
www.stmaryshornchurch.org... |
St Mary Mother of God ¦ |
www.stmaryshorsham.org.uk |
St Mary's Horsham – a Church
inspired by God's passion for the World |
www.stmaryskingswinford.o... |
St. Mary's, Kingswinford |
www.stmaryslanark.org.uk |
St Mary's Roman Catholic Church,
Lanark, Scotland - St Mary's Church is a Roman Catholic church in
Lanark, South Lanarkshire, Scotland. Within the Diocese of Motherwell |
www.stmarysleigh.org.uk |
St Mary’s Church Leigh -
In-depth Local Info & News Around Kent - St Mary’s Church Leigh. Church
Services and Information for St Mary’s Church, Leigh. Local & Online
Information for Leigh, Kent - Weather, Jobs, Schools, Shops, Services,
News, Events, Groups, Transport, Attractions & Traffic News. |
www.stmaryslittlecrosby.o... |
Stmaryslittlecrosby |
www.stmarysmedicalcentre.... |
Stamford : NHS GP Surgery -
Welcome to Stamford. |
www.stmarysmelrose.org.uk |
St.Mary's School Melrose : St.
Mary's School - St. Marys School is an independent, co-educational
preparatory school offering an outstanding educational experience to
boys and girls from 3 to 13 years |
www.stmarysmerton.org.uk |
St Mary's Church Merton - The
Anglican parish of Merton, South West London, UK |
www.stmarysnantwich.org.u... |
St Mary's Nantwich |
www.stmarysnorthmymms.org... |
St Mary's Church, North Mymms -
St Mary's Church, North Mymms |
www.stmarysnorton.org.uk |
The Home Page of St.Mary the
Virgin, Norton, Stockton-on-Tees - This is the homepage of St.Mary's
Parish Church Norton, Stockton - on - Tees |
www.stmarysolveston.org.u... |
St Mary's Church Olveston |
www.stmaryspb.org.uk |
St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Church, Potters Bar - St Mary the Virgin and All Saints, Potters Bar |
www.stmaryspulborough.org... |
st_marys_homepage |
www.stmarysrisborough.org... |
St Mary's Princes Risborough —
Sharing the Love of Christ with all - Sharing the Love of Christ with
all |
www.stmarysruabon.org.uk |
St Mary's Church Ruabon - St
Mary's Parish Church in Ruabon North Wales |
www.stmaryssaltford.org.u... |
St. Mary's Anglican church -
Saltford nr. Bath - St. Mary's Saltford - All welcome |
www.stmaryssawston.org.uk |
St Mary's Church, Sawston - A
Church at the Heart of the Community |
www.stmaryssecretgarden.o... |
Stmaryssecretgarden |
www.stmarysshortlands.org... |
St Marys Shortlands |
www.stmaryssingers.org.uk |
St Mary's Singers St Marys
Singers |
www.stmarysstafford.org.u... |
The Collegiate Church of St.
Mary in Stafford |
www.stmarysstaindrop.org.... |
Stmarysstaindrop |
www.stmarysstokedabernon.... |
St Mary's Church - St Mary’s is
the parish church for Stoke D’Abernon, Surrey England. We welcome
everyone to our services and have worship for all ages. |
www.stmarysthame.org.uk |
St Mary's Church - A growing
Anglican Church, near the centre of Thame, Oxfordshire. We provide a
beautiful place to worship, be married, or for your child baptism. |
www.stmarysthatcham.org.u... |
& About |
www.stmarystjames.org.uk |
St Mary-on-the-Rock; St
James-the-Less – Episcopal Communities in Ellon and Cruden Bay |
www.stmaryswarwick.org.uk |
St Mary's Church, Warwick |
www.stmaryswoodford.org.u... |
St Mary's Parish Church Woodford
– St Mary's With St Philip & St James – Woodford's Parish Church |
www.stmarytheboltons.org.... |
St. Mary The Boltons | Rooted In
Faith, Open In Thought, Reaching Out In Service |
www.stmarytwick.org.uk |
St Mary's Twickenham - The Church
of England - St Mary`s Church is set in a delightful location on the
banks of the River Thames in Twickenham - Church of England |
www.stmarywarsash.org.uk |
St Mary's, Warsash | worship,
pray and learn together |
www.stmatthew-stlukechadd... |
St. Matthew and St. Luke
Chadderton - St Matthew and St Luke, Chadderton |
www.stmatthew.org.uk |
St Matthew Croydon - Church of
England - Welcome to the Parish Church in Park Hill Croydon |
www.stmatthews-bristol.or... |
St Matthew's Church, Bristol -
The website for the Church of England parish of St Matthew and St
Nathanael, Bristol, England. |
www.stmatthews-westnorwoo... |
St Matthew RC Church - West
Norwood - London |
www.stmatthews-willesden.... |
St Matthew's - Welcome to our
church. |
www.stmatthewsoxhey.org.u... |
stmatthewsoxhey.org.uk |
www.stmatthewsprimary.org... |
St Matthew's C of E Primary
School and Nursery |
www.stmatthewsredhill.org... |
Welcome to St Matthew's Church
of England Primary School - St Matthew's is a successful and happy
Church of England primary school with excellent facilities and spacious
grounds, close to Redhill town centre and transport links. |
www.stmattschurch.org.uk |
St.Matt's Church St.Matt's
Church, High Brooms, Tunbridge Wells - St. Matt's is a lively, growing
Church of England church situated in the High Brooms area of Tunbridge
Wells. |
www.stmcc.org.uk |
St.Margaretsbury Cricket Club -
St Margaretsbury Cricket Club |
www.stmcollege.org.uk |
St Thomas More RC College Denton
Manchester - St Thomas More RC College Denton Manchester |
www.stmf.org.uk |
Welcome to St Matthew's Fulham -
St Matthew's Fulham |
www.stmgrts.org.uk |
St Margarets Community Website -
St Margarets Community Website provides residents and visitors great
information about local news, events and resources. St Margarets is in
Greater London and located between Twickenham and Richmond. |
www.stmichaelandallangels... |
stmichaelandallangelsnewmarston.org.uk |
www.stmichaels-budbrooke.... |
Stmichaels-budbrooke |
www.stmichaels-hls.org.uk |
St Michael and All Angels Church
- the parish church of Houghton-le-Spring - St Michael and All Angels is
the parish church of Houghton-le-Spring. People have worshipped here for
over 1, 000 years. Come and join us. |
www.stmichaels-parishchur... |
St. Michaels Parish Church |
www.stmichaels-rc.org.uk |
St Michaels Roman Catholic
Church, Linlithgow - St Michaels Roman Catholic Church, Linlithgow |
www.stmichaels-summertown... |
St Michael and All Angels
Summertown Oxford - St Michael and All Angels Summertown |
www.stmichaels-watford.or... |
St Michaels Church, Watford |
www.stmichaels.org.uk |
St Michael's |
www.stmichaelsbath.org.uk |
St Michaels Bath |
www.stmichaelsbyc.org.uk |
St Michael's Church Betws-y-Coed,
Snowdonia, North Wales - The Friends of St Michael's are restoring this
14th century church in Betws-y-Coed in North Wales |
www.stmichaelschurch.org.... |
St Michaels Chester Square
twitter facebook instagram Asset 1 instagram - St Michael’s is a lively,
all-age, cosmopolitan church in the heart of London. Our members are
united in our belief that Jesus Christ transforms life. |
www.stmichaelscollege.org... |
St Michael's Catholic College -
Official website of St Michaels Catholic College. Discover why we've
been rated highly by Ofsted and how we can help develop the education of
your child. |
www.stmichaelseasthampste... |
St Michael & St Mary Magdalene |
www.stmichaelsfellowship.... |
St Michael's Fellowship | - Our
work helps to break cycles of disadvantage and under achievement so that
children may be healthy, confident and happy adults. |
www.stmichaelshospice.org... |
St. Michael's Hospice | North
Hampshire | Specialist Palliative Care - Specialist Palliative Care |
Basingstoke | North Hampshire | St. Michael's Hospice <meta
content="7ze2YoUmIqKV8kvzrjw2OID_3T0W4DdfKvL7rNH3g84" /> |
www.stmichaelskirkham.org... |
St Michael's Church, Kirkham -
The website of The Parish Church of Kirkham, St. Michael in the Diocese
of Blackburn, Lancashire |
www.stmichaelslondonfield... |
St. Michael & All Angels London
Fields |
www.stmichaelsparish.org.... |
St. Michael's Parish Church - At
the heart of St Michael’s Parish Church, Linlithgow, is a prayerful
community of faith, thanking God for the gift of life and the gift of
love in life. |
www.stmichaelswilmington.... |
St. Michael & All Angels Church
- description |
www.stminvercouncils.org.... |
STIC Money – Financial
information and loan guides. |
www.stmmm.org.uk |
St Mary Magdalene - St. Mary’s
is an Anglican Church in the Diocese of Southwark. The church is fully
inclusive and no matter what your background, history or current
understanding of the Christian faith, you are warmly invited. |
www.stmonans.org.uk |
St Monans – in the East Neuk of
Fife, Scotland |
www.stmonicatrust.org.uk |
Leading The Ageing Revolution |
St Monica Trust Phone Facebook ui-foot Share Twitter-black Youtube - We
provide a unique blend of welcoming retirement villages, specialist care
homes and support for older people in the places where they live. Find
out more today. |
www.stmungoalexandria.org... |
St Mungo's, Alexandria – Diocese
of Glasgow & Galloway |
www.stmungomusic.org.uk |
St Mungo Music | Liturgical
Music in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Glasgow |
www.stneotsmuseum.org.uk |
St Neots Museum | Telling the
story of a busy market town - St Neots Museum is a friendly local museum
telling the story of a busy market town on the River Ouse, from
prehistoric times to the present day. |
www.stnicholas-chislehurs... |
St Nicholas Church – Chislehurst
– 020 8467 0196 - This is the home page's excerpt |
www.stnicholasashchurch.o... |
St. Nicholas |
www.stnicholasbrighton.or... |
Site containing information
about St. Nicholas of Myra, Mother church of Brighton. Information on
Worship, the Church itself, events, music and the very popular lunchtime
concerts. |
www.stnicholaschurch.org.... |
St Nicholas' Church - St
Nicholas, Thames Ditton is a Church of England parish in the Diocese of
Guildford. Everyone is welcome. |
www.stnicholashospice.org... |
Our St Nicholas Hospice Care
Charity Phone Search Map pin - St Nicholas Hospice Care | We are here to
help those who are facing the final chapters of their life, who need
hospice care or who are bereaved. |
www.stnicholaskenilworth.... |
St Nicholas Kenilworth – Inspired
by the life of Jesus, bringing God’s hope and light to all. |
www.stnicholasprestwick.o... |
St Nicholas Parish Church - add
your description here |
www.stnicholassouthfleet.... |
St Nicholas Southfleet - St
Nicholas Church, Southfleet |
www.stnicholassutton.org.... |
St. Nicholas Catholic Primary
School |
www.stnicholastooting.org... |
St Nicholas Church, Tooting, SW
London - Welcome to St Nicholas, Tooting - St Nicholas is a Church of
England congregation in Tooting, South-West London. Our priority is to
know Jesus Christ and proclaim him as Lord of all. We believe that He is
revealed in the pages of the Bible; therefore Bible teaching is central
to our work. |
www.stnicks.org.uk |
St Nicks: Centre for nature and
green living - St Nicks, the green heart of York in North Yorkshire UK,
is a former landfill site which the charity's transformed into a
thriving nature reserve and Environment Centre. From this base, we run
projects, events and services which help to make York more sustainable. |
www.stnicolas.org.uk |
St Nicolas Church - Earley - We
try to support people in the good times and the bad |
www.stnicolasbookham.org.... |
St Nicolas, Great Bookham -
Welcome to St Nicolas, Bookham! We're a church in Surrey with a vision
to build faith in our community. |
www.stnicolaschurch.org.u... |
St. Nicolas Parish Church – St.
Nicolas Parish Church, Nuneaton |
www.stnicolascranleigh.or... |
St Nicolas Cranleigh |
www.stnics.org.uk |
St Nics |
www.stniniansglasgow.org.... |
St Ninian's St Ninian's
Episcopal Church, Pollokshields, Glasgow |
www.stockexchange.org.uk |
Dress Agency, Second Hand
Designer Clothes, Bags, Shoes - The Stock Exchange Dress Agency in
Sunninghill offers a wide range of second hand designer clothes, bags
and shoes, including men and children's clothes. |
www.stockportfamilychurch... |
stockportfamily |
www.stockportfestival.org... |
Stockport Beer & Cider Festival
2019 |
www.stockportmind.org.uk |
Stockport & District Mind - A
Mental Health Charity - Stockport Mind Charity, mind charity, mind org
uk, www mind org uk, Stockport Mind, Mind, stockport, stockport mental
health |
www.stockportps.org.uk |
Stockport PS - Stockport
Photographic Society - Stockport Photographic Society meets at 7.30pm on
Tuesdays to enjoy informative and inspiring presentations, competitions,
camera workshops and photoshoots. |
www.stockportstory.org.uk |
www.stockportstory.org.uk -
registered by Daily.co.uk - Daily.co.uk provides superior web hosting,
domain name registration and website building packages |
www.stocktonsundayleague.... |
Stockton Sunday Football League -
Stockton Sunday League Official Website |
www.stocktonwheelers.org.... |
Stockton Wheelers CC |
www.stocktrader.org.uk |
Live Share Prices & Stock Market
News - Share Charts, Stocks, Shares, Stock Trading - Stock Trader UK -
Stock Trader UK - Stocks, Shares, Stock Trading Guides, Share Charts,
Live Share Prices & Stock Market News |
www.stockwellinquest.org.... |
Stock Wellin Quest | Overview of
today's financial and technological news |
www.stogumber.org.uk |
Stogumber Village Website |
www.stoke-poges-centre.or... |
Village Centre at Stoke Poges -
The welcome page for Stoke Poges Village Centre |
www.stokeac.org.uk |
City of Stoke Athletics Club –
North Staffordshire's leading specialist athletics club |
www.stokeanaesthesia.org.... |
The Stoke-on-Trent School of
Anaesthesia |
www.stokearchaeologysocie... |
Stoke-on-Trent Museum
Archaeological Society - Exploring the Archaeology of Stoke-on-Trent and
Staffordshire - Stoke-on-Trent Museum Archaeological Society. Exploring
the Archaeology of Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire. |
www.stokefilmtheatre.org.... |
Stoke on Trent Film Theatre |
www.stokegifford.org.uk |
stokegifford.org.uk |
www.stokemuseums.org.uk |
Stoke Museums stoke-logo -
Explore the unique history of The Potteries |
www.stokenchurch.org.uk |
Welcome to the Stokenchurch
Parish Council Website - Information about Stokenchurch Parish Council
and the village. |
www.stokenewingtonearlymu... |
- Just another WordPress site |
www.stokenewingtonquakers... |
Stoke Newington Quakers – Take
heed, dear Friends, to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts. |
www.stokesleyparishchurch... |
Parish of Stokesley with Seamer |
www.stokesleypride.org.uk |
STOKESLEY Pride in our Town |
www.stokesleyps.org.uk |
Stokesley Photographic Society -
Stokesley Photographic Society. On this website you will find a
selection of photographs by members of Stokesley Photographic Society.
Some outstanding photography from members of this photographic society
in North Yorkshire |
www.stokestmichael.org.uk |
Stoke St Michael Parish Council |
www.stolaves.org.uk |
StackPath |
www.stolenboats.org.uk |
Welcome to Stolen Boats |
www.stone-circles.org.uk |
stone-circles.org.uk - The
Prehistoric sites of Great Britain - Stone Circles and British
Prehistory |
www.stoneaston.org.uk |
Ston Easton – Village Website |
www.stonefed.org.uk |
Stone Federation GB - Stone
Federation is the official trade association for the natural stone
industry |
www.stonefooddrink.org.uk |
Stone Food and Drink Festival |
www.stonehamgolfclub.org.... |
Stoneham Golf Club |
www.stonehenge.org.uk |
Stonehenge |
www.stonehengecampaign.or... |
Stonehenge Campaign .org.uk { We
love the Stones } - Stonehenge Campaign Backups folder at
phreak/Stonehenge |
www.stonehousehistorygrou... |
Stonehousehistorygroup |
www.stoneleighmethodist.o... |
Stoneleigh Methodist Church | |
www.stoneleighvillage.org... |
Stoneleigh Village, Warwickshire
- News and Events - Stoneleigh Village is based in Warwickshire, UK.
Find more about it's history, events, church, Parish Council and
Magazine, Clubs and Organisations |
www.stonepillow.org.uk |
Stonepillow. St. Richard of
Chichester Christian Care Association. |
www.stoner.org.uk |
UK Stoner Genealogy - Stoner
Genealogy Databases |
www.stoneroof.org.uk |
Stoneroof |
www.stonewall.org.uk |
Stonewall | Acceptance without
exception - Stonewall campaigns for the equality of lesbian, gay, bi and
trans people across Britain. |
www.stonewallcymru.org.uk |
Stonewall Cymru | Acceptance
without exception - Stonewall Cymru campaigns for the equality of
lesbian, gay, bi and trans people across Britain. |
www.stonewallscotland.org... |
Stonewall Scotland | Acceptance
without exception - Stonewall Scotland campaigns for the equality of
lesbian, gay, bi and trans people across Britain. |
www.stonystratfordbusines... |
Stony Stratford Business
Association - An association of businesses in and around Stony
Stratford, Milton Keynes - promoting prosperity and well-being. |
www.stophavershamwindf... |
STOP Haversham Windfarm - Home
Page of the Stop Haversham Windfarm Action Group website |
www.stopjunkmail.org.uk |
Stop Junk Mail |
www.stopsleystriders.org.... |
Stopsley Striders |
www.stopsmartmeters.org.u... |
Stop Smart Meters! (UK) |
www.stopsmokingclinic.org... |
Stop Smoking
Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy in London/Bromley - You can stop smoking, with the
only all-female Hypnotherapy Clinic in London or Kent dedicated to help
people to Quit Smoking in 1 session, for £250 including a 2-year
warranty. 2 Locations: Blackheath, South East London plus Bromley, Kent.
Call 07954 491101. |
www.stopthearmsfair.org.u... |
Stop the Arms Fair |
www.stopthebnp.org.uk |
Stop The BNP – Now! |
www.stopwar.org.uk |
stopwar.org.uk |
www.storehousechurch.org.... |
Storehouse Church : Storehouse
Church - Welcome to Storehouse Church |
www.stornowayhistoricalso... |
Stornoway Historical Society |
Promoting the heritage of the town and district. - Welcome to Stornoway
Historical Society and to our website We hope you enjoy browsing through
the features and gallery whether you're a real SY or just |
www.storringtoncc.org.uk |
Storrington Camera Club |
www.storringtonconservati... |
Storrington Conservation Society |
www.storringtonscouts.org... |
1st Sullington & Storrington
Scout Group - 1st Storrington Scout Group - Here at The 1st, we provide
Scouting to young people in and around the... |
www.stortfordcf.org.uk |
www.stortfordmusicfestiva... |
The Bish Bash | Stortford Music
Festival - Stortford Music Festival presents the Bish Bash, a two day
music festival in Bishop's Stortford, taking place over the Mayday bank
holiday weekend. |
www.storybookdads.org.uk |
Storybook Dads - At Storybook
Dads, we help parents in prison to record bedtime stories and messages
for their children on CD or DVD. For many families, these story discs
are a lifeline, helping to heal rifts and build vital family
relationships. It shows the children they are loved and missed. It helps
prisoners to feel valued as parents and gives them the opportunity to
have a positive impact on their children’s lives. |
www.storylincs.org.uk |
Storytelling in Lincolnshire UK -
Myths, legends and Lincolnshire traditional stories for all ages and
Tennyson Lincolnshire dialect poems |
www.storymuseum.org.uk |
The Story Museum |
www.stoswaldsowerby.org.u... |
St Oswald's Church, Sowerby,
Thirsk, North Yorkshire | St Oswald's is a beautiful and historic Church
of England Parish Church in the village of Sowerby, just outside Thirsk,
attended by people of all ages |
www.stotfoldchurch.org.uk |
St Mary the Virgin |
www.stourmusic.org.uk |
Stour Music: Festival of Music in
East Kent |
www.stoursingers.org.uk |
Stour Singers – The Choral
Society for Rural South Warwickshire |
www.stourtoncaundle.org.u... |
Stourton Caundle village website |
www.stourvalechurches.org... |
Stour Vale Churches: the website
for the Stour Vale Benefice (8 parishes in North Dorset) - The Stour
Vale Benefice: 8 N. Dorset Parishes (Buckhorn Weston, East Stour,
Fifehead Magdalen, Kington Magna, Stour Provost, Stour Row, Todber, West
Stour) |
www.stoves-direct.org.uk |
Stoves Direct - Stoves and
Fireplaces - Elland, West Yorkshire - Stoves Direct sells stoves,
fireplaces and fires at competitive prices to all areas of the UK. Wood
burning, oil, gas, multifuel and electric stoves and fires. |
www.stowmarketoperatic.or... |
Stowmarket Operatic & Dramatic
Society |
www.stowuplandpreschool.o... |
Stowupland Pre-School and the
Mighty Oaks | Quality early years education for children aged 2 to 5
years |
www.stpadarns-llanbadarn.... |
Eglwys St Padarn |
www.stpancras-arlington.o... |
St. Pancras, Arlington - St.
Pancras, Arlington |
www.stpatricks-corsham.or... |
St Patrick's | Roman Catholic
Church, Corsham |
www.stpatricks.org.uk |
St Patrick's Catholic Primary
School |
www.stpatricksacademy.org... |
St. Patrick's Academy,
Dungannon, Northern Ireland - St. Patrick's Academy, Dungannon, Northern
Ireland - Roman Catholic school for boys and girls. |
www.stpatrickscollege.org... |
St Patrick's College, Banbridge |
www.stpatrickshayling.org... |
St Patrick's Church Hayling
Island - Information about the Roman Catholic Parish of St Patrick
Hayling Island Hampshire.Service times.Location Map and how to get
there.Facilities availablle e.g.Churchyard and Hall.Links to other pages
showing the life of the parish. |
www.stpatricksnewport.org... |
Welcome to St. Patrick's Catholic
Church, Newport, Wales |
www.stpats.org.uk |
St Patrick's Church |
www.stpatselland.org.uk |
St Patrick's Catholic Primary
School |
www.stpauls-hainault.org.... |
stpaulshainault |
www.stpauls-wokingham.org... |
stpauls-wokingham.org.uk |
www.stpauls.org.uk |
St Pauls Online Store - ST PAULS
is an activity of the society of St Paul who proclaim the Gospel through
the media of social communications. |
www.stpaulsacademy.org.uk |
St Pauls - St Pauls Academy |
www.stpaulsadvice.org.uk |
St Pauls Advice Centre -
Friendly, local and here to help St Pauls Advice Centre - Friendly,
local and here to help - Friendly, local and here to help |
www.stpaulschurchbedford.... |
The Church of St Paul's, Bedford
: The official website of St Paul's Church, Bedford. Keeping you up to
date with the latest news and events. |
www.stpaulschurchinwales.... |
St Paul's Church Grangetown - St
Paul's Church Grangetown - Serving the Grangetown Community |
www.stpaulschurchnork.org... |
The Parish of Nork with Burgh
Heath |
www.stpaulsdorking.org.uk |
St Pauls Dorking : St Paul's
Dorking |
www.stpaulsheatonmoor.org... |
The Parish Church of St Paul,
Heaton Moor SK4 4RY |
www.stpaulsinstitute.org.... |
St Paul's Institute: Welcome to
the St Paul's Institute website - St Paul's Institute brings a Christian
ethical response to our understand of finance, economics and business. |
www.stpaulsmilngavie.org.... |
St. Paul's Parish Church,
Milngavie |
www.stpaulsschool.org.uk |
St Paul's School - St Paul’s
School - St Paul’s School is an independent day school in west London
offering a dynamic academic experience for bright, inquisitive boys aged
7–18 years. |
www.stpaulsshop.org.uk |
cathedral shop - st pauls
cathedral shop website containing gifts and souvenirs from st pauls
cathedral to buy online |
www.stpaulsslough.org.uk |
St Paul's Slough – An Anglican
Church in the Heart of Slough |
www.stpc.org.uk |
Scotlands Tractor Pulling Page's
2019 |
www.stpeterandallsouls.or... |
www.stpeterandallsouls.org.uk -
Roman Catholic Church in Peterborough UK, with information about mass
times, parishes in Peterborough, catholic youth |
www.stpeterbusheyheath.or... |
Church of St. Peter - St Peter
Bushey Heath |
www.stpeterinthanet.org.u... |
Welcome to our church - St
Peter-in-Thanet |
www.stpeterlittleover.org... |
St Peter's Church, Littleover,
Derby - St Peter's Church, Littleover, Derby. Church of England Church |
www.stpetermancroft.org.u... |
The Church of St Peter Mancroft
- The parish website of the Church of St Peter Mancroft, Norwich |
www.stpeters-church.org.u... |
St Peter's Church – Boughton
Monchelsea |
www.stpeters-elworth.org.... |
click on the logo at anytime to
return to the |
www.stpeters-singers.org.... |
St Peter's Singers of Leeds - a
chamber choir that sings classical music St Peter's Singers of Leeds - a
chamber choir that sings classical music - St Peter's Singers of Leeds
is an enterprising chamber choir based in Leeds that sings classical
sacred choral music in churches and concerts. |
www.stpeters-stanley.org.... |
St Peter's Stanley | A growing
Church, in the heart of the Stanley community |
www.stpeters-woolton.org.... |
St Peter's Church - Growing in
love for God, each other, and the world - Growing in love for God, each
other, and the world |
www.stpeters.org.uk |
St Peter's House – Welcome to St
Peter's House |
www.stpetersbaptist.org.u... |
St Peter’s Baptist Church,
Worcester - St Peter’s Baptist Church is a community of around 400
people of all ages from a wide variety of backgrounds. Together we are
discovering how to follow the example and teaching of Jesus in our 21st
century world. This means being connected to God with real faith,
connected to one another with real love and connected to our inner
selves with real honesty. |
www.stpetersberkhamsted.o... |
St Peter's Church, Great
Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire - St Peter's Berkhamsted is an Anglican
(Church of England) church in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, UK |
www.stpetersbraunstone.or... |
St. Peter's church, Braunstone
Park - St Peter's church, Braunstone Park, Leicester, UK. A Church of
England (Anglican) church in a New Deal for Communities area, with a
historic medieval church building. Aiming to empower our people, make
new disciples, and serve our council estate community. |
www.stpeterschertsey.org.... |
St Peter's Church – The Heart of
God for Chertsey |
www.stpeterschurch-sandwi... |
Website Holding Page |
www.stpetersclapham.org.u... |
The Church of St Peter,
Anglo-Catholic Church in Clapham, London, SW4: Welcome |
www.stpetersderby.org.uk |
St Peters in the City, Derby – St
Peter's Derby City Centre Church and Centre |
www.stpetersfarnborough.o... |
St Peter's Church |
www.stpetershale.org.uk |
St Peters Hale - St Peter, s is
the parish church for the community of Hale providing worship cmmunity
support and community activities. |
www.stpetershallgreen.org... |
St. Peter's Church, Hall Green –
We are not perfect, just travellers on the road hoping to do our best! |
www.stpetersharrogate.org... |
St Peter's Church Harrogate |
www.stpetershospice.org.u... |
St Peter's Hospice - St Peter's
Hospice is Bristol's only adult hospice caring for local people with
life-limiting illnesses. Our commitment is to improve the quality of
life of patients while extending care and support to their families and
loved ones. |
www.stpetersjunior.org.uk |
St Peter's CofE Junior School -
St Peter's CofE Junior School |
www.stpeterslondondocks.o... |
St Peter's London Docks Church |
www.stpetersmusic.org.uk |
St Peter's Music Society |
www.stpeterspetersfield.o... |
St Peters Church of England in
Petersfield |
www.stpetersrcchurchedinb... |
St Peter's RC Church |
www.stpetrocks.org.uk |
Stpetrocks |
www.stphilipsschoolplains... |
Residential Care & Education
Services - St Philip’s School is an independent residential centre for
the education and care of young people, based in Airdrie, Scotland. |
www.stphils.org.uk |
St Philomenas |
www.str.org.uk |
Society for Theatre Research –
For all those interested in the history and technique of the British
theatre |
www.strachur.org.uk |
Strachur and District Community |
www.stradbroke.org.uk |
Stradbroke | The Stradbroke
Village Website - Welcome to the original Stradbroke Village Website!
Now in its 18th year the Stradbroke Village Website brings you news,
views and information about Stradbroke |
www.stramash.org.uk |
Stramash Social Enterprise –
Outdoor Nursery • Schools Programme • Training & Development - Outdoor
Nursery • Schools Programmes • Training and Development Courses ●
Lifelong learning through Nature |
www.strandpresbyterian.or... |
strand-presbyterian-church.org -
strand-presbyterian-church.org is a non-profit organisation that is
trying to bring people together in Belfast. |
www.strangecargo.org.uk |
Strange Cargo - Strange Cargo
produce, develop, support and deliver high-quality participatory arts
projects. "Our projects explore issues related to public space, focus on
participatory public art and illustrate our bespoke approach to the
culture of community. |
www.stranraerhistory.org.... |
Stranraer and District Local
History Trust - Stranraer and District Local History Trust -
researching, recording and publishing information on local history for
the benefit of the community. |
www.straphaels.org.uk |
St Raphael's Hospice (The
Congregation Of The Daughters Of The Cross Of Liege) - St Raphael's
Hospice is a registered charity offering high-quality specialist medical
and nursing care for people with cancer and other serious illnesses as
well as providing support for their families. |
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