www.n-somersetcsd.org.uk |
About early years and families |
North Somerset Online Directory |
www.njceci.org.uk |
National Joint Council for the
Engineering Construction Industry (NJC) - The NJC is a partnership
between trade unions and employers. It reviews and administers the
National Agreement - also called the 'Blue Book', or the NAECI. |
www.njug.org.uk |
Streetworks |
www.nlah.org.uk |
North London Action for the
Homeless | www.nlah.org.uk - We are a charity that run a drop-in centre
and soup kitchen in Stoke Newington, North London (N16) for homeless
people and for those in needy circumstances. Find out how you can
volunteer or donate your services. |
www.nlb.org.uk |
Northern Lighthouse Board – In
Salutem Omnium – For the Safety of All |
www.nlbc.org.uk |
New Life Baptist Church: North
Yorkshire, UK > |
www.nlbs.org.uk |
The North Lancashire Bridleways
Society helps to identify and reclaim existing bridleways, and is also a
powerful lobbying organisation, ensuring horse riders are considered in
the creation of new off-road routes. |
www.nlc.org.uk |
National Liberal Club - The
National Liberal Club exists to provide the very best club facilities in
the heart of London, for members whose interests vary from liberal
politics to the liberal arts. |
www.nlcaonline.org.uk |
North Laine Community
Association |
www.nlcc.org.uk |
www.nlcfn.org.uk |
National Lung Cancer Forum for
Nurses | National Lung Cancer Forum for Nurses |
www.nlconline.org.uk |
Netherhall Learning Campus -
Netherhall Learning Campus |
www.nlcs.org.uk |
StackPath |
www.nlfl.org.uk |
Baines Bagguley Penhale North
Lancashire & District Football League - Baines Bagguley Penhale North
Lancashire & District Football LeaguePremier |
www.nlgn.org.uk |
New Local Government Network »
New Local Government Network |
www.nlis.org.uk |
www.nlr.org.uk |
Northampton & Lamport Railway |
Northamptonshire Heritage Railway |
www.nlrc.org.uk |
www.nlso.org.uk |
North London Symphony Orchestra
– . - This is the home page's excerpt |
www.nlt.org.uk |
Nepal Leprosy Trust – Empowering
for life |
www.nlu3a.org.uk |
North London University of the
Third Age | - for people who now have time to enrich their lives by
exploring new interests and ideas |
www.nmbec.org.uk |
Norbury Manor Business &
Enterprise College |
www.nmc.org.uk |
The Nursing & Midwifery Council |
www.nmi.org.uk |
NMI – Connected Communities |
www.nmrabr.org.uk |
NMRA BR - National Model
Railroad Association British Region |
www.nmtkd.org.uk |
Nmtkd |
www.nmug.org.uk |
Norwich Mac User Group - Welcome
to Norwich Mac User Group (NMUG), a place for all Mac users. |
www.nnab.org.uk |
The Norfolk & Norwich Association
for The Blind (NNAB) - The NNAB helps over 4,000 people with poor sight
throughout Norfolk. It has a residential home and 20 sheltered flats for
blind and partially sighted people. |
www.nnas.org.uk |
National Navigation Award Scheme |
www.nnbg.org.uk |
nnbg.org.uk |
www.nnef.org.uk |
NNEF - NNEF - The National
Needle Exchange Forum (NNEF) exists to actively promote and support the
provision of high quality needle and syringe programmes, therefore
ensuring the reduction of injecting-related harm as a key part of the
English drugs strategy. |
www.nnfestival.org.uk |
Norfolk & Norwich Festival |
www.nnjpu.org.uk |
North Northamptonshire Joint
Planning Unit - North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit is a local
partnership of Corby, Wellingborough, Kettering and East
Northamptonshire councils together with Northamptonshire County Council
who are working together to create an overall plan for North
Northamptonshire. |
www.nnls-masorti.org.uk |
www.nnns.org.uk |
Title |
www.nnpmrt.org.uk |
North of Tyne Mountain Rescue
Team. Covering the Northumbria Police force Area |
www.nnr.org.uk |
Nnr |
www.nnwfhs.org.uk |
nnwfhs.org.uk |
www.no-cctv.org.uk |
Campaigning against camera
surveillance in the UK & beyond » No CCTV - The campaign against
excessive use of surveillance cameras in the UK. Visit our anti-cctv for
news and info such as the National CCTV Strategy. Campaigning against
camera surveillance in the UK amp beyond 187 No CCTV |
www.no-deportations.org.u... |
News & Views Monday 7th October
to Sunday 13th October 2019 |
www.no2nuclearpower.org.u... |
No2NuclearPower « news &
information about the UK nuclear industry - Providing information on
nuclear power in the UK and why it isn't the answer to climate change. |
www.no5.org.uk |
No5 - Free Counselling Services -
Reading - No5 counselling, Reading. Providing confidential listening to
support children, young people and those around them. |
www.noa.org.uk |
NOA The home page of the NOA,
the only accredited bird observatory in Norfolk. Great for migration and
seawatching on North Norfolk coast |
www.noachide.org.uk |
Noahide.net |
www.noahs-arc.org.uk |
Noah's Arc Online Shop - The
Online Shop of Noahs Arc - the Club of the 14th/20th King's Hussars. |
www.noahsarkhospice.org.u... |
noahsarkhospice.org.uk |
www.nobordersnottingham.o... |
No Borders Nottingham | For
freedom of movement, Against nationhood and prevention of migration by
nation states, Welcoming asylum seekers and migrant workers, Against
capitalist exploitation |
www.nocn.org.uk |
www.noconfidence.org.uk |
No Confidence – Campaigning for
an alternative to the Higher Education policies of the coalition
government |
www.noea.org.uk |
www.nofuture.org.uk |
Nofuture.org.uk » For the things
in life which make me glad I'm not dead yet. - For the things in life
which make me glad I'm not dead yet. |
www.noiseactionweek.org.u... |
Noise Action Week 2018 - Noise
Action Week 2018 is coordinated Environmental Protection UK and promotes
common sense solutions to noise disturbance in neighbourhoods. |
www.nomad.org.uk |
N O M A D P R O J E C T S -
Nomad Projects is an independent commissioning foundation that provides
support for contemporary artists to develop socially relevant work
within the public realm. |
www.nomadtrust.org.uk |
Night Shelter Lincoln by The
Nomad Trust & Lincolnshire YMCA - The night shelter provides the only
direct access service for the homeless in Lincoln and is provided by The
Nomad Trust and Lincolnshire YMCA. Contact us. |
www.nominet.org.uk |
Nominet - The Official Registry
for UK Domain Names - Welcome to Nominet - Official registry for .UK
domain names. Discover our domain name registration services, Cyber &
Spectrum solutions and WHOIS lookup tool |
www.nominettrust.org.uk |
We transform lives with tech |
Social Tech Trust We transform lives with tech | Social Tech Trust - The
UK’s leading dedicated investor of socially motivated tech. We believe
that when tech is inspired by social need, it reaches its life changing
potential. |
www.nonewcoal.org.uk |
No New Coal - Energy related
blog - Energy related blog |
www.nooc.org.uk |
North Oxford Overseas Centre –
Accommodation for International Postgraduate Students |
www.nopanic.org.uk |
No Panic |
www.nopc.org.uk |
Nopc |
www.nops.org.uk |
Nottingham Outlaws |
www.norburyparksawmill.or... |
Home page Norbury Park Wood
Products - Sawmill and supplier of countryside furniture and garden
features operating out of Norbury Park in Surrey |
www.nordoff-robbins.org.u... |
UK's Largest Independent Music
Therapy Charity | Nordoff Robbins Menu - Nordoff Robbins is the largest
UK music therapy charity - enriching the lives of people living with
disabilities and life-limiting illnesses |
www.norebarnwoods.org.uk |
Nore Barn Woods - Formed in 2002,
The Friends of Nore Barn Woods is a group of volunteers who aim to
conserve and make the woods more pleasant for the general public. The
Friends are affiliated to The British Trust for Conservation Volunteers.
and work closely with the owner of the woods, Havant Borough Counci |
www.norfolkchurchestrust.... |
The Norfolk Churches Trust |
Protecting the religious monuments of Norfolk. |
www.norfolkcoastaonb.org.... |
Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding
Natural Beauty - Norfolk Coast Partnership |
www.norfolkdeaf.org.uk |
Norfolk Deaf Association |
Supporting the deaf and hard of hearing in Norfolk |
www.norfolkfhs.org.uk |
Norfolk Family History Society -
Norfolk Family History Society |
www.norfolkheraldry.org.u... |
Norfolk Heraldry Society |
www.norfolkhospice.org.uk |
The Norfolk Hospice - The Norfolk
Hospice provides specialist palliative care to people living with
life-shortening illnesses in the local area. |
www.norfolkia.org.uk |
norfolkia.org.uk |
www.norfolkinsight.org.uk |
Norfolk Insight - Demographics
and Statistics - Data Observatory - Neighbourhood data & community
insight for Norfolk & Waveney |
www.norfolkjuniorsquash.o... |
Norfolk Junior Squash |
www.norfolkmoths.org.uk |
The Norfolk Moth Survey - Norfolk
Moth Survey |
www.norfolkorganic.org.uk |
Norfolk Organic Group - Norfolk
Organic Group are a local group for Garden Organic and The Soil
Association. Our President is Bob Flowerdew. |
www.norfolkrailwaysociety... |
NRS members have a wide interest
in railways locally, across the region and world-wide. We enjoy meeting
to discover more about them. We meet regularly in Norwich from late
September until May. |
www.norfolkrecordsociety.... |
Norfolk Record Society | Study &
Preservation of Norfolk Records - The Society was founded in 1930 to
encourage the study and preservation of Norfolk records and to publish
editions of documents relating to the history of the county. We are a
membership organisation and always welcome new members. |
www.norfolkscouts.org.uk |
Norfolk Scouts / Providing fun,
excitement and skills for life to young people in Norfolk |
www.norfolkswimming.org.u... |
Norfolk |
www.norfolkwildlifetrust.... |
Norfolk Wildlife Trust - Norfolk
Wildlife Trust is working for the protection and enhancement of
Norfolk's wildlife and wild places. |
www.nork-residents.org.uk |
Nork Residents' Association -
Nork Residents Association - A Strong Local Non-Party Political Voice
for the Residents of Nork. |
www.normandale.org.uk |
Normandale Boarding Kennels and
Cattery |
www.norseywood.org.uk |
Lots of info about nature
reserves |
www.north-watford-history... |
North Watford History Group — The
web site of North Watford History Group. A resource for local history
studies of the North Watford area. |
www.north-yorkshire-moors... |
North Yorkshire Moors
Association (NYMA) - North Yorkshire Moors Association is an independent
charity working to conserve the landscapes of the North York Moors
National Park and surrounding areas. |
www.northallertonmencap.o... |
Mencap - Northallerton >
Northallerton and the Dales Mencap Society represents the interests of
people with learning disabilities and their carers in the Hambleton and
Richmondshire Districts of North Yorkshire. |
www.northamptoncameraclub... |
Northampton Camera Club |
www.northamptondca.org.uk |
Northampton & District Cycling
Association (N&DCA) - The Association promotes events in accordance with
Rules and Regulations of the governing bodies in England and Wales, both
for its member clubs and fully open competition together with the
furtherance of the sport and pastime of cycling. |
www.northamptonlibdems.or... |
Northampton Lib Dems -
Northampton Lib Dems, Northampton Liberal Democrats, Demand better for
Northampton |
www.northamptonra.org.uk |
Ramblers Northampton Group |
www.northamptonsailabilit... |
Northampton Sailability: Sailing
for disabled people |
www.northamptonshirerecor... |
Home page for Northamptonshire
Record Society - Home page for Northamptonshire Record Society. |
www.northants-black-histo... |
Northamptonshire’s Black History
goes back over 800 years, and is unusually well-recorded due to the
commitment of local volunteer historians over the past 30 years. |
www.northants-huntsmasons... |
Northants & Hunts Masons -
Freemasonry in Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire - the website of the
Province of Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire |
www.northantsacre.org.uk |
Northamptonshire Acre |
www.northantsbees.org.uk |
NBKA - Northamptonshire
Beekeepers Association - NBKA - Northamptonshire Beekeepers Association.
A member organization representing beekeepers in the County of
Northamptonshire. |
www.northantsramblers.org... |
Northants Area Ramblers |
www.northbaddesley-inf.or... |
North Baddesley Infant School -
North Baddesley Infant School |
www.northbankforum.org.uk |
Forum is the new name for North
Bank Forum - Our Aim is to inform, support and influence the voluntary,
community and not for profit sector across Yorkshire and the Humber Our
Vision is that people in the |
www.northberwick.org.uk |
North Berwick - North Berwick is
the perfect centre to explore the best Links Golf Courses in Scotland,
including North Berwick, Gullane and Muirfield. 25 miles from Edinburgh,
two hours drive to the Highlands. |
www.northbourne-school.or... |
Northbourne Primary School –
Nuturing Excellence |
www.northbucksbatgroup.or... |
NBBG North Bucks Bat Group exists
to further the interests of bat conservation in Aylesbury Vale and
Milton Keynes through recording, monitoring, education work and
practical conservation, and the provision of advice |
www.northcheshire.org.uk |
North Cheshire Wind Orchestra |
www.northcliffegc.org.uk |
Northcliffe Golf Club -
Northcliffe Golf Club. This portal provides full information on
competition results and player profiles, powered by intelligentgolf. |
www.northcotswoldcamra.or... |
Northcotswoldcamra |
www.northcravenheritage.o... |
www.northdevon-aonb.org.u... |
Welcome to North Devon Coast
AONB | North Devon Coast |
www.northdevonbiosphere.o... |
North Devon UNESCO Biosphere
Reserve UK - The biosphere is the world in which we live and share with
other living things – the zone of life on earth – the soil we grow
things in, the air we breathe and the sea where we swim and fish. UNESCO
(the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural |
www.northdevonchoral.org.... |
North Devon Choral Society |
www.northdevonfootballlea... |
North Devon Football League -
Official Website - The official website of the North Devon Football
League, Devon, UK. |
www.northdevonhospice.org... |
North Devon Hospice | North
Devon Hospice - Providing specialist care and support to those with a
life-threatening illness |
www.northeastjobs.org.uk |
North East Jobs - The best source
for public sector jobs in the North East of England |
www.northeastlindsey-idb.... |
North East Lindsey Internal
Drainage Board – Tel: 01522 697123 Address: Witham House, J1 The Point,
Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN |
www.northeastlupus.org.uk |
North East Lupus group page for
support with the autoimmune condition Lupus. |
www.northeastserenereflec... |
North East Serene Reflection
Meditation |
www.northern-consortium.o... |
Northern Housing Consortium |
www.northern-navigators.o... |
Northern-navigators |
www.northern-soul-music.o... |
Northern Soul Music - Story of
the beginning of Northern soul music. |
www.northernacademy.org.u... |
The Northern Academy of
Performing Arts | NAPA is a registered charity and a non profit making
organisation |
www.northernartprize.org.... |
Northern Contemporary Art -
Providing Leeds With State Of The Art Pieces - Providing Leeds With
State Of The Art Pieces |
www.northerncircuit.org.u... |
Northern Circuit |
www.northerncommunists.or... |
Communist Party of Britain -
Northern District - We are an integral part of the Communist Party of
Britain, campaigning and organising among working people in
Northumberland, Tyne & Wear, Durham, Cleveland and Cumbria. We hope you
find the site interesting. After you have visited, you may wish to check
the Links page for other local Communist Party web sites, and for
important labour and progressive movement connections. |
www.northerndanceorchestr... |
Northerndanceorchestra |
www.northernfootballallia... |
Northern Football Alliance |
www.northernfurniture.org... |
www.northernfurs.org.uk |
Welcome to Northern Furs < -
NorthernFurs UK. |
www.northernnewfoundlandc... |
Northern Newfoundland Club -
Homepage of the Northern Newfoundland Club's official web site where you
will find links to the latest events and news and information on the
Club and its many activities. |
www.northernpennineclub.o... |
Northern Pennine Club | Caving
and potholing in the Yorkshire Dales and beyond since 1946 - The NPC is
one of the oldest and largest caving clubs in the UK. Founded in 1946 it
has been responsible for many of the great caving discoveries in the
Yorkshire Dales. |
www.northernprint.org.uk |
Welcome to Northern Print's
online home – Northern Print Studio American Express Maestro Mastercard
PayPal Shopify Pay Visa - Find out about printmaking, book a course, buy
original prints and purchase printmaking materials and gifts. |
www.northernredsquirrels.... |
Northern Red Squirrels –
Coordinating red squirrel conservation volunteer groups |
www.northfolk.org.uk |
The Northfolk Project - Martin
Warren's The Northfolk Project is a range of activities rooted in the
area of North Norfolk and Cromer - geology, publishing, interpretation
and...brewing. This is Martin Warren's home page. |
www.northgate.org.uk |
Northgate Church - We are a
family-friendly church in the heart of Chester and we'd love to meet
you! Visit our website to find out more about us, and when our services
are. |
www.northkelvincc.org.uk |
North Kelvin Community Council –
Representing the people who live in the North Kelvin area of Glasgow |
www.northlancscounselling... |
NLCS North Lancashire Counselling
service offers free counselling (donations welcome) |
www.northlancsrc.org.uk |
North Lancashire Road Club |
North Lancs Road Club, a friendly cycling club based in the Ribble
Valley |
www.northlondoncares.org.... |
North London Cares - A charity
which brings together older people and volunteers in north London |
www.northlondonfestival.o... |
North London Festival of Music,
Speech and Drama |
www.northlondonramblingcl... |
North London Rambling Club |
www.northnibley.org.uk |
North Nibley Website - The
description of the page's content goes here |
www.northop.org.uk |
Panacea - Northop Village Website |
www.northpennines.org.uk |
North Pennines – Area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty - Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty |
www.northroadcc.org.uk |
North Road Cycling Club - Welcome
to the North Road Cycling Club. We are very proud to be one of the
oldest cycling clubs in the country, founded in 1885 to 'promote fast
and long distance cycling on the Great North and other Roads.' Nowadays
we organise activities for cyclists of all abilities in Hertford and the
surrounding area. So whether you're new to cycling, or wanting to ride
with a group, or looking to get into time trialling or racing, come
along and enjoy the ride! |
www.northseawildlife.org.... |
North Sea Wildlife Trusts | -
Twelve Wildlife Trusts (Northumberland, Durham, Tees Valley, Yorkshire,
Sheffield, Lincolnshire, Derbyshire, Nottingham, Leicester and Rutland,
Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire and Peterborough,
Norfolk, Suffolk), located across the East coast of England aim to make
the concept of 'Living Seas' a reality though a project which will
promote protection of the North Sea's weird and wonderful marine
wildlife, from the smallest plankton to the largest whales. |
www.northstaffscc.org.uk |
www.northstaffsheart.org.... |
northstaffsheart.org.uk |
www.northstarrocketry.org... |
North Star Rocketry |
www.northstoneham.org.uk |
Northstoneham |
www.norththoresby.org.uk |
nt-practice |
www.northumberlandfusilie... |
Fusiliers Museum of
Northumberland |
www.northumberlandgreyhou... |
Northumberlandgreyhoundrescue |
www.northumberlandhomefin... |
Homesearch |
www.northumberlandmoths.o... |
Northumberland Moths | Guide to
the moths of Northumberland |
www.northumberlandnationa... |
Northumberland National Park •
Get Stuck in... - Northumberland National Park is home to England’s
cleanest rivers, clearest air, the darkest skies and The Sill: National
Landscape Discovery Centre. |
www.northumberlandtourism... |
Northumberland Tourism - The
tourist board for Northumberland in North East England. Advertise in the
holiday guides, websites, social media and email marketing campaigns. |
www.northumbrian-cottages... |
Cottage Directory |
Northumberland Holiday Cottages | England | Self Catering Breaks -
Northumberland Holiday cottages - find hundreds of holiday properties to
rent in Northumberland |
www.northumbriana.org.uk |
Northumbriana - Northumberland's
Culture and Heritage - The purpose of the Northumbriana website is to
gather into one place, into a single internet resource, as much material
as possible relevant to the aim of preserving the proud history,
heritage, language and culture of this unique county. |
www.northumbrianjacobites... |
Welcome to the Northumbrian
Jacobites Website - Welcome to the Northumbrian Jacobites Website |
www.northumbrianpipers.or... |
The Northumbrian Pipers’ Society
– The Northumbrian Pipers’ Society |
www.northwalesaesthetics.... |
North Wales Aesthetics |
www.northwalesbmd.org.uk |
GPM Gogledd Cymru - North Wales
BMD - North Wales Births, Marriage and Deaths Indexes. |
www.northwalescare.org.uk |
Herzlich willkommen ***
Prometheus Verm�gensmanagement GmbH *** |
www.northwalescro.org.uk |
North Wales Cave Rescue |
www.northwalesjazz.org.uk |
North Wales Jazz |
www.northwaleswildlifetru... |
North Wales Wildlife Trust |
www.northwaychurch.org.uk |
Northway Church |
www.northwest-labour.org.... |
Northwest Dating Websites - UK
Labour Sites for Love - UK Labour Sites for Love |
www.northwestbrassbands.o... |
North West Area Brass Bands
Association - Home :: - North West Area Brass Bands Association |
www.northwestlibdems.org.... |
North West Liberal Democrats |
www.northwestwaste.org.uk |
North West Region Waste
Management Group | Improving Waste Management in Northern Ireland -
North West Region Waste Management Group aim to develop a waste
management system that meets the region's needs and contributes to
economic and social development. |
www.northwichwoodlands.or... |
Northwich Woodlands - Created
from what was once largely derelict land, the Northwich Woodlands now
provides a rich and green environment to the north of Northwich town
centre. |
www.northwilts.org.uk |
North Wiltshire Orienteers – A
British Orienteering Club |
www.northwiltslibdems.org... |
North Wiltshire Liberal Democrats |
www.northwood.org.uk |
Northwood Primary School -
Northwood Primary School |
www.northwoodvillage.org.... |
Northwood Village, Isle of Wight |
www.northwoodwheelers.org... |
Northwood Wheelers - The website
of the Northwood Wheelers cycling club |
www.northyorkmoors.org.uk |
description |
www.northyorkshirechorus.... |
Northyorkshirechorus |
www.northyorkshirehomecho... |
North Yorkshire HomeChoice |
www.norvis.org.uk |
NORVIS – Early Music Summer
School - NORVIS is an annual full week-long early music summer school in
County Durham which we’re proud to describe as one of the UK’s
longest-established and friendliest early music summer schools.
'Sympathetic and informative teaching' 'Very good variety - always
something I wanted to do' 'Good fun, great atmosphere, very good
repertoire' 'Went beyond expectations' If… |
www.norway.org.uk |
Outdated Web address - Norway |
www.norwich-school.org.uk |
Norwich School |
www.norwichcamra.org.uk |
Norwich and Norfolk branch of
CAMRA - Norwich and Norfolk Branch of CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale |
www.norwichlibdems.org.uk |
Norwich Liberal Democrats |
www.norwichmedchi.org.uk |
The Norwich Medico-Chirurgical
Society The Norwich Medico-Chirurgical Society aims to promote learning
and understanding of changes in the medical world and to continue links
between primary and secondary care. |
www.norwichmind.org.uk |
Norwich Mind - We’re Norwich and
Central Norfolk Mind, the mental health charity that believes no one
should have to face a mental health problem alone. |
www.norwichmuslims.org.uk |
Norwich & Norfolk Muslim
Association - The Norwich & Norfolk Muslim Association (NNMA) is a
registered charity which provides mosque facilities and educational
services for the Muslim population within Norfolk and Norwich. |
www.norwichphil.org.uk |
Norwich Philharmonic |
www.norwichpride.org.uk |
Norwich Pride | A celebration of
the LGBT community for everyone |
www.norwichstopwar.org.uk |
Norwich Stop the War Coalition |
Member of the National Stop the War Coalition |
www.norwichtextiles.org.u... |
Need to sell your home fast?
Learn how to do it quick and easy |
www.norwood.org.uk |
Norwood – the leading charity
supporting people with learning disabilities - Norwood transforms the
lives of over 4,000 vulnerable children and their families, adults with
learning disabilities and autism, and children with special educational
needs. |
www.nos.org.uk |
Royal Osteoporosis Society |
Osteoporosis Charity UK | Better bone health for everybody - Formerly
the National Osteoporosis Society - We are the only UK-wide organisation
dedicated to improving the lives of everyone affected by osteoporosis
and finding a cure for the condition. Find information about
osteoporosis and bone health, call our free osteoporosis helpline and
find your local osteoporosis support group. Our vision is a future
without osteoporosis. |
www.nose.org.uk |
Site Unavailable | UK2 |
www.nosmokingday.org.uk |
Smoking - risk factors - British
Heart Foundation - Stopping smoking is the single most important step
you can take to protect the health of your heart. Find out more about
how smoking affects your heart |
www.nostrings.org.uk |
No Strings | Education |
www.nosweat.org.uk |
No Sweat – No Sweat is a
grassroots anti-sweatshop campaign that works in solidarity with
independent trade unions around the world. Our wholesale ethical
t-shirts business is a not-for-profit company - Campaign T-Shirts About
Us NO SWEAT: WHO WE ARE Sweatshop labour is modern, global capitalism
stripped bare. From the small, backstreet sweatshop to some of the
biggest corporations in the world – child labour, forced overtime,
poverty wages, unsafe conditions, harassment of women workers and
intimidation of trade unionists are commonplace. |
www.nothefort.org.uk |
Nothe Fort - Weymouth's stunning
Historic Sea Fort on the Jurassic Coast - A great place to visit in
Weymouth for all the family. Cafe, shop and regular events. Stunning
views across Weymouth beach, Portland and the Jurassic coast. |
www.noticeme.org.uk |
External Notice Boards - Made to
Measure Whiteboards & Displays - Notice boards for external & internal
use. Huge range of fabric notice boards in 100+ colours. Cut to size
service. Custom whiteboards, screens & displays. |
www.notolls.org.uk |
National Alliance Against Tolls
- Campaign by road users against tolls, congestion charging and road
pricing. |
www.notredame-high.org.uk |
notredame-high.org.uk |
www.nottinghack.org.uk |
Nottinghack | at Nottingham
Hackspace |
www.nottingham-modelrail.... |
Nottingham Model Railway |
www.nottingham-portland.o... |
Nottingham Portland Swimming
Club |
www.nottinghamaction.org.... |
The Nottingham Action Group : |
www.nottinghamartists.org... |
nottinghamartists.org.uk |
www.nottinghamcavessurvey... |
Nottinghamcavessurvey.org.uk |
www.nottinghamcivicsociet... |
Nottingham Civic Society -
Nottingham Civic Society - Nottingham Civic Society - caring about the
city and dedicated to make it a better place in which to live, to work
and relax. |
www.nottinghamclarionchoi... |
Nottingham Clarion Choir Musik CD
- A Labour movement choir, based in Nottingham, England, singing songs
to support trade unions, and socialist organisations, Musik, CD |
www.nottinghamcounselling... |
Nottingham Counselling Service -
Charity in Nottingham providing counselling and counselling
opportunities for the community. |
www.nottinghamhomelink.or... |
Welcome to Nottingham HomeLink |
www.nottinghamlawcentre.o... |
Nottingham Law Centre -
Nottingham Law Centre is a charity which offers free, confidential and
independent advice on Housing, Debt & Welfare Benefits. We also
represent people facing possession proceedings |
www.nottinghamorthodox.or... |
The Orthodox Parish of St Aidan &
St Chad, Nottingham |
www.nottinghamtravelwise.... |
Nottingham Travelwise: Live
traffic and travel information for Nottinghamshire |
www.nottinghillhousing.or... |
Notting Hill Genesis User House
Phone Letter Wrench Coins Home Float Card Debit Lock Dashboard Print Cog
Calendar Alert Download Tick - We're one of the largest housing
associations in London and the south-east, providing around 55,000 homes
across the capital and a further 9,000 in the home counties and East
Anglia. |
www.notton.org.uk |
Notton village, famous for its
annual gala, between Barnsley and Wakefield in West Yorkshire - Notton
village, famous for its traditional annual gala on the village green,
situated between Barnsley and Wakefield in West Yorkshire just 5 minutes
from the M1 at the West Bretton Sculpture Park junction. |
www.notts-scouts.org.uk |
Nottinghamshire Scouts - Notts
Scouts - Scouting in Notts offers life changing adventure, fun and
friendship. We are part of the country's largest co-educational youth
movement. Scouting is one of the greatest movements the world has ever
known. Scouts have walked on the moon, rowed across oceans, scaled the
highest mountains. |
www.nottsbag.org.uk |
Nottinghamshire Biodiversity
Action Group |
www.nottscf.org.uk |
Nottinghamshire Community
Foundation – Independent charity, set up to encourage philanthropy for
the benefit of the people in Nottinghamshire |
www.nottscountyfitc.org.u... |
Community - Notts County |
www.nottsctc.org.uk |
Notts CTC - Nottinghamshire CTC -
cycling for all |
www.nottsfhs.org.uk |
Nottinghamshire Family History
Society | The Web Site of Nottinghamshire Family History Society |
www.nottshistory.org.uk |
Nottinghamshire history > An
online resource for Nottinghamshire local history, genealogy and
archaeology |
www.nottspf.org.uk |
Nottinghamshire Pension Fund -
Nottinghamshire Local Government Pension Fund |
www.nottsrefugeeforum.org... |
Notts Refugee Forum - Here at the
forum, we stand by Nottingham's asylum seekers and refugees. We offer
advice, support and friendship to the most vulnerable in our society. |
www.nottsunison.org.uk |
Nottinghamshire UNISON |
www.nous.org.uk |
MAP - music, maps and ideas |
www.novacon.org.uk |
Novacon |
www.novalis-trust.org.uk |
Novalis Trust |
www.nowerhill.org.uk |
Welcome to Nower Hill High
School - Nower Hill High School is a secondary academy school with a
sixth form, in Pinner in the London Borough of Harrow. |
www.nowgen.org.uk |
Research & Innovation |
www.nowirul.org.uk |
Halbro North West Leagues -
Providing Grass Roots Rugby since 2002. |
www.noyes.org.uk |
Guide to the IW towers |
www.npa-uk.org.uk |
The National Pig Association |
www.npa.org.uk |
new producers alliance |
www.npac.org.uk |
National Police Aid Convoys |
www.npag.org.uk |
NPAG | National Performance
Advisory Group |
www.npapa.org.uk |
National Parks of the United
Kingdom - Introduction to the national parks of the United Kingdom with
a brief overview of national parks in England, Wales, Scotland and
Northern Ireland. |
www.npec.org.uk |
North Preston Evangelical Church
- We're so excited to welcome you to North Preston Evangelical Church, a
friendly family church in Preston. |
www.npemap.org.uk |
New Popular Edition Maps -
npemap.org.uk |
www.npg.org.uk |
National Portrait Gallery |
www.npha.org.uk |
NPHA - National Private Hire &
Taxi Association - NPHA are Raising standards in the trade, both actual
and as perceived by the public |
www.npi.org.uk |
The New Policy Institute (NPI) is
a UK research institute which produces evidence-based research on a
range of social and economic issues. NPI's specialist areas are poverty,
housing, social security, and economics. |
www.npor.org.uk |
The National Pipe Organ Register
- NPOR - Catalogue of pipe organs in the UK with specifications and
musical examples |
www.nppg.org.uk |
NPPG – Neonatal and Paediatric
Pharmacists Group |
www.npta.org.uk |
NPTA - The National Pest
Technicians Association |
www.nrac.org.uk |
The National Register of Access
Consultants | NRAC - The National Register of Access Consultants |
www.nras.org.uk |
NRAS - National Rheumatoid
Arthritis Society |
www.nrcpd.org.uk |
www.nrdc.org.uk |
NRDC - National Research and
Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy |
www.nri.org.uk |
Needham Research Institute |
www.nric.org.uk |
National Resource for Infection
Control (NRIC) |
www.nrm.org.uk |
National Railway Museum - Immerse
yourself in the home of iconic locomotives and an unrivalled collection
of engineering brilliance at the National Railway Museum. |
www.nroso.org.uk |
NRoSO National Register of
Sprayer Operators - NRoSO National Register of Sprayer Operators |
www.nrzam.org.uk |
NRZam |
www.nsaaa.org.uk |
www.nsalg.org.uk |
The National Allotment Society –
National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Ltd |
www.nsas.org.uk |
North Somerset Show - The very
best of livestock and horses showcased with rural events, crafts and
food! Due to the change of May day bank holiday date for the VE Day
Celebrations, the 161st North Somerset Show will take place on Sunday
3rd May 2020. We look forward to seeing you all there! |
www.nscab.org.uk |
North Somerset Citizens Advice -
North Somerset Citizens Advice |
www.nscap.org.uk |
Northern School of Child and
Adolescent Psychotherapy | NSCAP - We deliver Training, Consultancy and
Research for professionals and services working with children,
adolescents and families including adults with mental health
difficulties. |
www.nscc.org.uk |
NSCC | National Specialist
Contractors Council |
www.nsct.org.uk |
Nsct |
www.nsdf.org.uk |
National Student Drama Festival |
www.nsi.org.uk |
NSI - Certification for security
and fire protection companies | - Find over 1800 security and fire
safety companies independently approved to British & International
standards by NSI – look for the NSI Gold & Silver hallmarks of approval |
www.nsif.org.uk |
nsif | Nicholls Spinal Injury
Foundation - nsif are funding research that has already made a
significant breakthrough, which could potentially lead to a treatment
for spinal injury |
www.nsmcentre.org.uk |
www.nsmi.org.uk |
Sports Medicine Information |
www.nso.org.uk |
Northampton Symphony Orchestra -
Homepage of the Northampton Symphony Orchestra |
www.nspc.org.uk |
The NSPC - Welcome to the New
School of Psychotherapy and Counselling, the foremost higher education
college applying existential ideas to its courses and its approach to
student support. |
www.nspcc.org.uk |
NSPCC | The UK children's
charity | NSPCC - The NSPCC is the UK's leading children's charity,
preventing abuse and helping those affected to recover. Text CHILDHOOD
to 70044 to donate £4. |
www.nsra.org.uk |
National Street Rod Association
(UK) | Hot Rods, Street Rods and Customs |
www.nssa.org.uk |
National School Sailing
Association |
www.nssc.org.uk |
ICON Redirect |
www.nsts.org.uk |
National Sprayer Testing Scheme |
www.nsun.org.uk |
National Survivor User Network -
Charity |
www.nsyo.org.uk |
The New Streetly Youth Orchestra
- Sutton Coldfield - The New Streetly Youth Orchestra - The New Streetly
Youth Orchestra, Sutton Coldfield. Welcoming young musicians from across
the North Birmingham area. No audition required. |
www.ntas.org.uk |
NT&AS - Young people and their
families referred to NT&AS access a team of professionals including;
Team Managers who coordinate the process and provide risk management and
inclusion expertise, subject specialists, SEN specialists and assessors,
curriculum and exam access coordinators, safeguarding leads and advisers
and a dedicated data management and administration team. The teachers
delivering the sessions are supported and supervised within this team
context to ensure that children and young people receive tailored
education in a safe environment with high aspirations and expectations. |
www.ntbc.org.uk |
The Northumberland and Tyneside
Bird Club - NTBC produces the annual report for the area ‘Birds in
Northumbria’ and holds regular indoor meetings and field trips. |
www.ntbcc.org.uk |
New Town and Broughton Community
Council – New Town and Broughton Community Council aims to ascertain,
coordinate and express the views of the community to public authorities
and developers and promote community well-being. |
www.ntcgbrooksbar.org.uk |
NTCG Brooks Bar |
www.ntcglee.org.uk |
NTCG Lee |
www.ntjobs.org.uk |
Find out more about working for
the National Trust and search and apply to our current vacancies. Find
out more about working for the National Trust and search and apply to
our current vacancies. - As Europe's largest conservation charity, we
help everyone across England, Wales and Northern Ireland enjoy all sorts
of very special places. Here you can find out more about our fascinating
story - a story we'd love you to be a part of. |
www.ntlp.org.uk |
North Tyneside LaunchPad - Where
learning takes off |
www.ntpa.org.uk |
Ntpa |
www.nts.org.uk |
National Trust for Scotland
path-capacity Castle Combined Shape Fill 1 icon-facebook Combined Shape
path-heart icon-instagram Icon/Vector/lighthouse Page 1 Combined Shape
path-private Icon Quirky icon-twitter icon-youtube - Castles and
Battlefields, gardens and glens, islands and wildlife...enjoyed and
protected. |
www.ntscentres.org.uk |
National Trust for Scotland,
Members' Centres and Friends' Groups Information and Programmes -
Information about, and programmes of, the National Trust for Scotland's
Members' Centres and Friends' Groups |
www.ntualumni.org.uk |
Alumni Alumni - Nottingham Trent
University - The homepage for Nottingham Trent University Alumni
Association. Whether you studied at NTU's City campus, Clifton campus,
Brackenhurst campus, or graduated from one of our predecessor
institutions, we're delighted to welcome all Nottingham Trent alumni. |
www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk |
The Nuffield Trust - The
Nuffield Trust is an independent health think tank. We aim to improve
the quality of health care in the UK by providing evidence-based
research and policy analysis and informing and generating debate. |
www.nufonline.org.uk |
National Unitarian Fellowship -
In the flow of religious thought and practice, Unitarians represent
openness and inquiry in the spiritual quest. |
www.nugc.org.uk |
www.nuj.org.uk |
National Union of Journalists
(NUJ) – Winning for you at work - National Union of Journalists - The
website of the National Union of Journalists (UK & Ireland) - the voice
for journalists and journalism. We are an active, campaigning
organisation seeking to improve the pay and conditions of our members
and working to protect and promote media freedom, professionalism and
ethical standards. |
www.nukewatch.org.uk |
NukewatchUK – Watching Britain's
Weapons of Mass Destruction |
www.nuleaf.org.uk |
NuLeAF |
www.nuls.org.uk |
Newcastle under Lyme School,
Independent Day School - Newcastle under Lyme School is a leading
Independent School for Boys and Girls aged 3-18, we offer a wide range
of academic and co-curricular opportunities to ensure your child has the
Best Start in Life. |
www.num.org.uk |
Num |
www.number6.org.uk |
Number 6 - Number 6 One stop
shop for adults with high-functioning autism |
www.numerology.org.uk |
Growing resource on Numerology.
Courses, Association membership, readings , booklists, links and
articles |
www.numismatics.org.uk |
The Royal Numismatic Society -
The Royal Numismatic Society is the UK's foremost society for
numismatics - the study of coins, medals and related currency items.
Founded in 1836 as The Numismatic Society of London, today's Society is
international in subject and membership (see History of the Society).
Its lectures and publications deal with Classical, Asian, Medieval and
Modern coins,… |
www.nupg.org.uk |
NUPG - Underwater Imaging |
www.nurburgring.org.uk |
Nurburgring.org.uk |
www.nursefirst.org.uk |
Nurse First |
www.nus.org.uk |
National Union of Students -
NUS is the national voice of students helping them to campaign, get
cheap student discounts and provide advice on living student life to the
full. |
www.nusa.org.uk |
www.nusconnect.org.uk |
NUS Connect | The membership
website for Students' Unions - NUS Connect is a specialist resource and
community site, developed for the benefit of NUS member unions holding
materials for student officers. |
www.nutritionist-resource... |
Nutritionist Resource - Find a
Nutritionist Near You - Nutritionist Resource is a comprehensive
database of UK nutritionists with information on their training and
experience, fees and contact details. |
www.nutritionworks.org.uk |
NutritionWorks – International
Public Nutrition Resource Group |
www.nuts.org.uk |
Nuts |
www.nva.org.uk |
NVA - Public Arts, Site Specific
Events & Interactive Installations - NVA creates participative,
site-specific environmental art works, in urban and rural landscapes
using sustainable technology. |
www.nvcf.org.uk |
NVCF - National Vintage
Communications Fair |
www.nvgc.org.uk |
Gliding club lessons & gliding
experiences near Cambridge, Peterborough & Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire -
Gliding club lessons in and near Cambridge and Peterborough. A
Cambridgeshire gliding club offering trial lessons. Learn to fly UK
gliders at low cost: Gliding experience vouchers available. |
www.nvh.org.uk |
Nene Valley Harriers: Welcome! |
www.nvha.org.uk |
High Quality and Affordable
Housing and Associated Services provided by North View Housing
Association - North View Housing Association aims to provide a high
quality service that is responsive to the needs of its tenants and
customers. |
www.nvr.org.uk |
Nene Valley Railway Ltd |
www.nvsuk.org.uk |
The National Vegetable Society -
A registered charity. - Dedicated to advancing the culture study and
improvement of vegetables and offering help and advice to novice and
expert growers. |
www.nvt.org.uk |
The Northern Viaduct Trust
working to restore redundant railway viaducts in the North of England -
The Northern Viaduct Trust was formed in 1989 to acquire, restore and
maintain disused important railway viaducts in the north of England.. |
www.nwales-fireservice.or... |
North Wales Fire and Rescue
Service - Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub Gogledd Cymru |
www.nwba.org.uk |
North Western Baptist Association
www.nwc.org.uk |
National Wildflower Centre
National Wildflower Centre |
www.nwcca.org.uk |
North West Cyclocross Association
– Races in Lancashire, Cumbria, Cheshire, Manchester & Liverpool |
www.nwcoastalforum.org.uk |
North West Coastal Forum |
Making the most of the North West coast - The North West Coastal Forum
is a multi-sector partnership bringing together coastal stakeholders
from across the North West. |
www.nwemf.org.uk |
NWEMF - Make Your House a Make
Your House a remodel or improve to add space, value & desirability. |
www.nwfed.org.uk |
NWFed: for museum people in the
North West |
www.nwgc.org.uk |
Fly a glider at North Wales
Gliding Club - North Wales Gliding Club - home trial flights gift
vouchers visiting us find us fees faq s news about us photos visiting us
the nearest postcode to us is ll11 3bb although that is a nearby farm on
the opposite side of the lane. alternatively google maps can give you
directions to us |
www.nwgfhs.org.uk |
My site |
www.nwha.org.uk |
North Wales Housing |
www.nwhantslibdems.org.uk |
North West Hampshire Liberal
Democrats |
www.nwhgpc.org.uk |
North Wales Hang Gliding and
Paragliding Club | The BHPA club covering N and NE Wales |
www.nwhousing.org.uk |
North West Housing Services -
North West Housing Services - North West Housing Services (NWHS) are a
customer-led social business based in Liverpool that provide high
quality services to independent social housing providers, leaseholders
and other forms of social enterprise. |
www.nwjs.org.uk |
www.nwkfhs.org.uk |
North West Kent Family History
Society Date Date - Specialising in North West Kent and South East
London plus advice on other areas to help with the study of your family
history. |
www.nwljds.org.uk |
North West London Jewish Day
School - Visit our website regularly for admissions guidelines, pupil
resources, latest news stories, upcoming events and important notices. |
www.nwlondonquakers.org.u... |
Quakers in North West London | A
spiritual Path for our Time - Welcome to the website of Quakers in North
West London. Here, you can find information about our local Quaker
Meetings, coming to Meetings for Worship, the rooms we have available
for people to hire and key contact details by using the drop down menus
above. NEW Retreat at Golders Green on 31 August If… |
www.nwm.org.uk |
Welcome to The National Waterways
Museum, Ellesmere Port. - For a Great Day Out Visit The National
Waterways Museum at Ellesmere Port..Lots to see and do for all the
family! |
www.nwmba.org.uk |
NWMBA : croeso: welkom :
bienvenue : willkommen : benvenuto : boa vinda : bienvenida : welcome :
- NWMBA official homepage: A cycling club promoting events and places to
ride and race MTB's in Wales and North Wales comprising the modern
counties of Denbighshire,Conwy, Flintshire, Gwynedd and Powys. Also
Maps, and News relating to Public Rights of Way Law and access to the
countryside for cyclists and other wheeled users and geographical
information |
www.nwmes.org.uk |
engineering, building and
construction 5″ and 3.5″ inch gauge live steam and electric model
railway engines,miniature railway, driving and maintenance of model
locomotives, West Shore, Llandudno, |
www.nwnet.org.uk |
National Whiteboard Network
Archive - National Whiteboard Network |
www.nwoa.org.uk |
North West Orienteering
Association |
www.nwpho.org.uk |
Nwpho |
www.nwr.org.uk |
NWR - National Women's Register -
NWR a social organisation for women, women's organisation. |
www.nwrail.org.uk |
North Wales Coast Railway Home
Page |
www.nwrfca.org.uk |
North West Reserve Forces &
Cadets Association - - The North West of England and the Isle of Man
Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association (NW RFCA) is the organisation
which facilitates, supports and promotes the Reserve Forces of all three
Armed Services and the three Cadet organisations in the region. |
www.nwss.org.uk |
North West Surrey Synagogue |
www.nwt.org.uk |
Northumberland Wildlife Trust |
www.nwvyc.org.uk |
NWVYC – Cruise in Company |
www.nwwiltscamra.org.uk |
Nwwiltscamra |
www.nya.org.uk |
Prepare for Life| National Youth
Agency - Young people deserve a productive, fulfilling future. National
Youth Agency is the national body for youth work; an important,
under-recognised discipline which enables young people to believe in
themselves and to prepare for life. |
www.nybep.org.uk |
NYBEP | Education and Business in
Partnership |
www.nycu.org.uk |
North Yorkshire Credit Union -
North Yorkshire Credit Union - Providing financial services to our
members |
www.nyfa.org.uk |
National Youth Film Academy |
www.nyfte.org.uk |
NYFTE - The National Youth
Folklore Troupe of England - NYFTE - The National Youth Folklore Troupe
of England - The National Youth Folklore Troupe of England, NYFTE,
perform Folk songs and dances from England, Britain, UK: Morris,
Cotswold, North-West, Clog, Rapper, Longsword, Molly, Bacca Pipes. |
www.nyjo.org.uk |
National Youth Jazz Orchestra -
National Youth Jazz Orchestra - The National Youth Jazz Orchestra (NYJO)
promotes the exciting, engaging and inspirational world of jazz through
world-class performances and education work. |
www.nymaz.org.uk |
NYMAZ - Make Music Happen |
www.nymrsc.org.uk |
www.nymt.org.uk |
NYMT - National Youth Music
Theatre - Founded in 1976, the National Youth Music Theatre offers
exceptional opportunities in pre-professional, musical theatre training
for talented young people... |
www.nyo.org.uk |
NYO - The National Youth
Orchestra of Great Britain is an inclusive and diverse community of
committed teenage musicians, who aspire to share their love for
orchestral music and their passion for peer-learning opportunities all
over the UK. Experience our youthful energy at a concert hall near you
or apply to become a member of NYO. |
www.nyos.org.uk |
NYOS – North Yorkshire Open
Studios |
www.nypa.org.uk |
www.nyro.org.uk |
National Youth Recorder
Orchestras | National Youth Recorder Orchestras - Default meta
description |
www.nyt.org.uk |
National Youth Theatre of Great
Britain | National Youth Theatre |
www.nytc.org.uk |
www.nyumbaniscotland.org.... |
Nyumbani Scotland |
www.nyy.org.uk |
North Yorkshire Youth |
www.nzstamps.org.uk |
New Zealand Stamp Images: postage
stamps, postal history, early airmail history - New Zealand philately:
New Zealand stamps, airmails, first flight covers and postal history |
www.oacgb.org.uk |
OAC Ministries street evangelism
| Sharing the gospel of Christ - We find creative ways to present the
good news of the love of God, especially in the open air and often in
partnership with local churches and schools. |
www.oadbymethodist.org.uk |
Trinity Methodist Church, Oadby -
Website of Trinity Methodist Church, Oadby |
www.oagb.org.uk |
Overeaters Anonymous Great
Britain | For anyone with eating issues - Overeaters Anonymous Program
of recovery for eating issues / disorders including compulsive eating,
over eating, under eating, obesity, anorexia, bulimia. |
www.oahs.org.uk |
OAHS - Oxfordshire Architectural
and Historical Society - Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical
Society, |
www.oakbank.org.uk |
Beckfoot Oakbank School | Enjoy
– Learn – Succeed - | Enjoy – Learn – Succeed |
www.oakdinclinic.org.uk |
Oakdin Clinic – Welcome to Oakdin
Private Clinic |
www.oake.org.uk |
{{articlechoice.data.query1[0].articleMetaTitle}} - Oake Parish Oake
Hillfarrence Hillcommon Heathfield Somerset |
www.oakgrovecollege.org.u... |
Oak Grove College |
www.oakleaves.org.uk |
Leicestershire Rural Partnership
- Improving the quality of life of those living and working in rural
Leicestershire |
www.oakleys.org.uk |
oakleys.org.uk | My homepage
gives you easy access to the most recent or popular content on my
website - blog posts, sermons and what others are saying online. |
www.oakleyvillagehall.org... |
Oakley Village Hall -
Bedfordshire - A well-appointed village hall for hire |
www.oakscampsite.org.uk |
The Oaks Scout Campsite |
Everyday Adventure - Located near Loughborough, Leicestershire.
Activities, history, directions, and contact information are included
with brochures, a photo gallery, and events diary. |
www.oaktree.org.uk |
Oak Tree W3 |
www.oakwoodbaptistchurch.... |
oakwoodbaptistchurch.org.uk |
www.oakwoodschool.org.uk |
Oakwood School |
www.oalc.org.uk |
Oxfordshire Association of Local
Councils - OALC |
www.oas.org.uk |
The Old Almondburians' Society |
www.oasischurch.org.uk |
Oasis Church | Oasis Church |
www.oasishumanrelations.o... |
The Oasis School of Human
Relations - The Oasis School of Human Relations, based in Boston Spa,
West Yorkshire, supports people and organisations by inspiring and
developing 21st century relationships through Whole Person Learning. |
www.oats.org.uk |
www.oats.org.uk - OATS Genealogy |
www.oban.org.uk |
Oban & Lorn Tourism Alliance ::
Home Oban |
www.obanmuseum.org.uk |
Oban War & Peace Museum :: |
www.obn.org.uk |
OBN: Supporting the UK’s
Innovative Life Sciences Companies | Supporting the UK's Innovative Life
Sciences Companies |
www.obs.org.uk |
The Old Birkonian Society |
Birkenhead | Wirral - The Old Birkonian Society - The Old Brikonian
Society, dedicated to alumni of Birkenhead School, based in Birkenhead,
Wirral, England, United Kingdom. Providing a platform for members to
stay connected and involved with events and fundraising. |
www.obstetricmedic.org.uk |
Macdonald Obstetric Medicine
Society – The UK Obstetric Medicine Society caution cross down email
facebook googleplus instagram left linkedin location mobile nav phone
pinterest right subnav time twitter youtube |
www.obv.org.uk |
Welcome to OBV | OBV |
www.oca.org.uk |
Official Church of Scientology:
What is Scientology? arrow drop search cross - Browse Scientology
beliefs & news, what Scientologists believe, Founder L. Ron Hubbard,
David Miscavige, Dianetics, Books, Documentary Video and Photos. |
www.occ.org.uk |
Oxfordshire Community Churches -
Welcome to the Oxfordshire Community Churches website. We are a group of
churches who work together to impact the county with the good news of
Jesus Christ. Have a look around the website and find out more. |
www.occri.org.uk |
Occri |
www.occupylondon.org.uk |
Occupy London |
www.ocd.org.uk |
Ashley Fulwood – OCD,
observations and opinion |
www.ocdaction.org.uk |
The UK's Largest OCD Charity |
OCD Action - OCD Action is the largest UK charity focusing on Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder. We provide support & information and work to raise
awareness of the disorder. |
www.ocean.org.uk |
UK Finance News – Current news
and affairs. |
www.oceanacidification.or... |
Oceanacidification |
www.oceansomali.org.uk |
OSCA - Ocean Somali Community
Association - OSCA is an innovative charity organisation running free
services for residents in East London. Our aim is to provide support
services for the Somali community in the East End of London to access
opportunities, strengthen relationship with mainstream service providers
to create social changes. |
www.och3.org.uk |
Old Coulsdon HHH - Old Coulsdon
Hash House Harriers, the drinking club with a running problem (Coulsdon,
Surrey, UK) |
www.ochilhillrunners.org.... |
Ochil Hill Runners |
www.ochs.org.uk |
The Oxford Centre for Hindu
Studies |
www.ockley.org.uk |
Ockley Village - the original
web site |
www.ockleydramaticsociety... |
Ockley Dramatic Society - Ockley
Dramatic Society is an amateur dramatic society in Surrey, England. We
perform a variety of shows and have fun in the process. |
www.ocms-music.org.uk |
Oxshott and Cobham Music Society
based at Holy Trinity Church Claygate for chamber music |
www.ocnwmr.org.uk |
Open College Network West
Midlands - Open College Network West Midlands - Open College Network
West Midlands is a national Awarding Organisation, regulated by Ofqual,
the Welsh Government and the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher
Education (QAA), to develop and award nationally recognised
qualifications. |
www.ocr.org.uk |
OCR - awarding body for A
Levels, GCSEs, Cambridge Nationals, Cambridge Technicals and other
qualifications - OCR is a leading UK awarding body, providing
qualifications for learners of all ages at school, college, in work or
through part-time learning programmes. |
www.ocrasport.org.uk |
Okehampton Community and
Recreation Association – "helping children, young people and adults be
more active – more often. For a lifetime in sport and activity." |
www.ocsg.org.uk |
Open Canoe Sailing Group |
Sailing Adventures - The Open Canoe Sailing Group is a UK wide club for
those interested in sailing small, lightweight craft. We are the only
organisation especially for canoe sailing in the UK. |
www.octagonfilms.org.uk |
Octagon Films – Non-exclusive
members' club, set up and designed to allow the residents of Market
Harborough and the surrounding areas to be able to view a cross-section
of films and live theatre |
www.octagonmusic.org.uk |
Octagon Concert Series - Octagon
Music - Runs from September to July. Presents choral concerts, recitals,
jazz ensembles and more at the Octagon Chapel, Norwich, Norfolk. Tickets
£8 (£7 concession). |
www.octaviafoundation.org... |
Octavia Foundation - West &
Central London Support Charity - At Octavia Foundation, we work in west
and central London to support local people during times of personal
difficulty or crisis. Visit us today for more. |
www.octaviahousing.org.uk |
Social Housing & Care Services
in London | Octavia Housing - Welcome to Octavia Housing, a
not-for-profit organisation offering social housing & care services for
vulnerable members of the community. |
www.octo-oxford.org.uk |
Octo Health – Health and
lifestyle news. |
www.ocv.org.uk |
Oxford Conservation Volunteers -
OCV Oxford Conservation Volunteers |
www.ocva.org.uk |
ocva - Looking to volunteer in
Oxfordshire? Click here → Pulse - Latest news items and jobs, further
down this page ↓ |
www.odas.org.uk |
ODAS - Orpington and District
Archaeological SocietyOrpington and District Archaeological Society |
Local Volunteer Archaeological Society |
www.odfhs.org.uk |
odfhs.org.uk |
www.odg.org.uk |
Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church
Bell Ringers |
www.odifpeg.org.uk |
Overseas Development Institute -
Forest Policy and Environment Programme |
www.odihamcottagehospital... |
Odiham Cottage Hospital | NHS
Community Nursing Services - Odiham Cottage Hospital offers a range of
community services, including NHS community nursing services, outpatient
medical clinics, social day care services. |
www.odlqc.org.uk |
Open & Distance Learning Quality
Council |
www.odszkodowanie.org.uk |
Wysokie odszkodowanie w UK -
odszkodowanie.org.uk - Uzyskujemy wysokie odszkodowania w UK za ka¿dy
wypadek z nie Twojej winy. Bezp³atnie przeanalizujemy Twoje roszczenie o
odszkodowanie. SprawdŸ nasz¹ ofertê. |
www.odyssey.org.uk |
Helping People With Cancer Regain
Their Self-Confidence | Odyssey |
www.oes.org.uk |
Offshore Engineering Society -
Offshore Engineering Society for Structural Engineers, Geotechnical
Engineers and Process Engineers in the Oil, Gas and Renewables
Industries |
www.ofc.org.uk |
Oxford Farming Conference - The
Oxford Farming Conference (OFC) is an annual conference for UK farmers
that takes place in Oxford, United Kingdom, in the first week of
January. |
www.ofcom.org.uk |
Ofcom - Ofcom is the UK’s
communications regulator. We regulate the TV, radio and video on demand
sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services, plus the
airwaves over which wireless devices operate. |
www.offa.org.uk |
OFFA Promoting fair access to
higher education - OFFA - OFFA - Office for Fair Access. Promoting and
safeguarding fair access to higher education. |
www.officersassociation.o... |
Officers' Association – Life
beyond the Services |
www.officespace.org.uk |
OfficeSpace.org.uk is coming soon
- We are doing some maintenance on our site. Please come back later. |
www.officesupplies.org.uk |
OfficeSupplies.org.uk - Welcome
to online Office Suppliers. The UKs number 1 for office supplies, office
stationery, office stationary, office equipment, office supplies online. |
www.officium.org.uk |
Officium |
www.offshorewindscotland.... |
Offshore Wind Scotland:
Renewable Wind Energy in Scotland - Learn about Scotland's phenomenal
offshore wind resource and discover how your business can get involved
in its offshore wind sector |
www.offta.org.uk |
www.offthefence.org.uk |
Off The Fence - Off The Fence is
a Brighton-based charity that has been working with the homeless,
vulnerable women and children in education since 1997 |
www.ofhs.org.uk |
Oxfordshire Family History
Society |
www.ofmd.org.uk |
Oundle Festival of Music and
Drama |
www.ofyfc.org.uk |
Oxfordshire YFC - Oxfordshire YFC
- Anyone aged between 10 to 26 is welcome to join Oxfordshire YFC all
you need is the ability to have some fun. You don't need to own a pair
of Wellies or drive a tractor, we are open to all as long as you have an
interest in the country side. |
www.ogbournestgeorge.org.... |
Ogbourne St George Village
Website - Ogbourne St George Village Website |
www.ogdenwater.org.uk |
Ogden Water - Ogden Water
Reservoir and countryside visitor centre |
www.oghf.org.uk |
oghf.org.uk |
www.ogof.org.uk |
Caves of South Wales - Cave
Photos and Caving Guide - A caving guide to the caves of South Wales
with interactive mapping to display the location of the welsh caves
along with descriptions and photographs of the caves |
www.ogsadai.org.uk |
OGSA-DAI: Welcome to OGSA-DAI |
www.ohdb.org.uk |
Ouse & Humber Drainage Board Ouse
& Humber Drainage Board – Page Array - Ouse & Humber Drainage Board |
www.ohhc.org.uk |
Old Halesonians Hockey Club -
Official website of Old Halesonians HC |
www.ohps.org.uk |
Old Hastings Preservation Society |
www.ohvh.org.uk |
Over Haddon Village Hall –
Serving the Community |
www.oiahe.org.uk |
Office of the Independent
Adjudicator for Higher Education - OIAHE - The OIA is an independent
body set up to review student complaints. Free to students, we deal with
individual complaints about higher education providers in England and
Wales. |
www.oilandthecity.org.uk |
oilandthecity.org.uk |
www.oilbankline.org.uk |
Find your nearest UK oil bank -
Find your nearest UK oil bank site and dispose of your used engine oil
responsibly. Search using your postcode. |
www.oilycart.org.uk |
Oily Cart |
www.oirlargs.org.uk |
OIR Largs |
www.oks.org.uk |
The OKS Association |
www.olab.org.uk |
Our Lady's Abingdon - Our Lady's
Abingdon |
www.olchfa.org.uk |
Olchfa Comprehensive - Olchfa
Comprehensive School |
www.old-and-abbey-church.... |
Arbroath Old and Abbey Church |
Scottish Charity No: SC013052 |
www.old-dalby.org.uk |
Old Dalby Website: Old Dalby |
www.old-danensians.org.uk |
Old Danensians' Club :: |
www.old-glory.org.uk |
Old Glory Molly Dancers and
Musicians - Old Glory Molly Dancers and Musicians |
www.old-mansfield.org.uk |
The Old Mansfield Society - The
Old Mansfield Society; presenting the history of Mansfield,
Nottinghamshire |
www.oldalpertonians.org.u... |
The Old Alpertonians - Did you
go to Wembley County School or Alperton School? You can read the latest
news and also chat with old friends |
www.oldbellmuseum.org.uk |
The Old Bell Museum - The Old
Bell, a 16th century inn, has been converted into a local history museum
by Montgomery Civic Society |
www.oldbramptonchurch.org... |
Old Brampton Church |
www.oldbuckenham.org.uk |
Old Buckenham - Old Buckenham is
a thriving community of approximately 1000 souls situated roughly 15
miles south west of Norwich in Norfolk, England. Reputed to have the
largest village green in Britain - 40 acres with duck ponds and playing
fields and the venue for the annual fair. The recently restored windmill
has the largest diameter tower in England and dates from 1818. |
www.oldcarolians.org.uk |
Old Carolians Association -
Welcome to the Old Carolians website which is run for and by former
pupils of King Charles I School, Kidderminster and present and former
members of staff of the School. |
www.oldedinburghclub.org.... |
Old Edinburgh Club |
www.oldedwardians.org.uk |
Old Edwardians (for alumni of
King Edward VII School, Sheffield) |
www.oldflames.org.uk |
Old Flames - Website of the Gas
Retired Employees Association, London HQ Branch for ex-employees of the
London HQ of British Gas plc |
www.oldfletton.org.uk |
Old Fletton Primary School |
www.oldgalaclub.org.uk |
Old Gala Club History Society |
www.oldglasgowclub.org.uk |
Old Glasgow Club Liz Lochhead -
Liz Lochhead - perhaps Scotland's favourite poet - will read some of her
poems and describe the circumstances around the inspiration that led her
write them |
www.oldhall.org.uk |
Old Hall Community – for general
enquiries email : secretary@oldhall.org.uk |
www.oldhamchoral.org.uk |
Oldham Choral Society | One of
the leading amateur choirs in North West England |
www.oldhamsymphonyorch... |
Oldham Symphony Orchestra |
www.oldhamunitarians.org.... |
Oldham Unitarian Chapel and One
World Centre - Oldham Unitarian Chapel, is open to all who wish to
worship in a spirit of free inquiry. The congregation is self-governing
on democratic principles and is affiliated to the General Assembly of
Unitarian and Free Christian Churches and the Manchester District
Association. |
www.oldharveians.org.uk |
Old Harveians Association – The
Web Site for Alumni of the Harvey Grammar School, Folkestone |
www.oldhousemuseum.org.uk |
Bakewell Old House Museum |
www.oldies.org.uk |
Oldies Club – Helping old dogs
find loving homes. Homes & volunteers needed across the UK. |
www.oldminchendenians.org... |
Old Michendenians Players - Old
Michendenians Matches and Player list |
www.oldphotos.org.uk |
Old Photos of North and Mid Wales
- Old Photos of North and Mid Wales UK |
www.oldredingensians.org.... |
Website of the Old Redingensians
Association, the old boys club of Reading School - OR Connect |
www.oldreptheatre.org.uk |
Old Rep Theatre - A blog about
entertainment, movies and theatre - A blog about entertainment, movies
and theatre |
www.oldschoollodge.org.uk |
Budget Group Accommodation in
Snowdonia | Bunk House | Scout Accommodation Wales | The Old School
Lodge Activity Base - Welcome to the Old School Lodge Activity Base,
Budget Bunk House Accommodation for Groups in Snowdonia Situated in the
Heart of North Wales in the small mountain town of Deiniolen near
Llanberis, the Old School Lodge offers warm bunk room accomodation for
groups of up to 38 People. |
www.oldshirburnian.org.uk |
The Old Shirburnian Society |
www.oldstationhousebandb.... |
Old Station B&B: Matlock -
Bakewell bed and breakfast near Chatsworth - Peak District Bed and
Breakfast near Chatsworth House, Haddon Hall, Matlock and Bakewell at
The Old Station House, an historic B&B in the beautiful village of
Rowsley, Derbyshire |
www.oldwestminster.org.uk |
The Elizabethan Club – Old
Westminsters |
www.oldwinburnians.org.uk |
The OldWinburnians - This Web
site is devoted to the boys and girls of Queen Elizabeth's Grammar
School Wimborne,collectively known as, The Old Winburnians. |
www.olem.org.uk |
Our Lady of The Assumption and
The English Martyrs | Roman Catholic Church and Parish, Hills Road,
Cambridge CB2 1JR |
www.oliveoil.org.uk |
Judy Ridgway : Olive Oil Expert
- Judy Ridgway is an olive oil expert and consultant, writing books and
articles, running courses and seminars and broadcasting |
www.oliverbrown.org.uk |
Oliver Brown - Oliver Brown -
Oliver Brown is a leading shopping destination for quintessentially
traditional and contemporary ready-to-wear collections, bespoke
tailoring, formalwear hire a |
www.oliversbatterycountry... |
About Us - Oliver's Battery
Countryside Group - We are a conservation volunteer group in Oliver's
Battery, Winchester, Hampshire. |
www.olmec-ec.org.uk |
Olmec | Race Equality through
economic and social justice Facebook Flickr Instagram Twitter YouTube |
www.olsc.org.uk |
Our Lady & St Chad |
www.olympiad.org.uk |
The British Informatics Olympiad
- The national computer programming competition for British Schools and
colleges. |
www.omaa.org.uk |
OMAA - Oxford Martial Arts
Academy (OMMA) is Oxford's largest Martial Arts Gym. We offer expert
classes in Muay Thai, Boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Taekwondo |
www.ombudsman-complaints.... |
Business complaints data -
Business complaints data published every six months. |
www.ombudsman-wales.org.u... |
Public Services Ombudsman for
Wales |
www.omep.org.uk |
OMEP UK – World Organization for
Early Childhood Education |
www.omrs.org.uk |
OMRS - Welcome to the Website of
the OMRS |
www.omrt.org.uk |
Ochils Mountain Rescue - Official
website of the Ochils Mountain Rescue Team | Our purpose is to find and
recover people who have found themselves in difficult situations in the
outdoors. |
www.omv.org.uk |
www.onceuponasmile.org.uk |
Once Upon a Smile - Once Upon a
Smile can provide you with emotional and practical support at your time
of need to enable you to adjust to a new life without your loved one. We
support children and families when a parent/guardian or sibling has
died. We pride ourselves in tailoring our support to the needs of each
individual family. |
www.one-eighty.org.uk |
One-Eighty |
www.one-event.org.uk |
ONE Event | Lincolnshire
Showground - ONE Event is a Christian festival for all the family. We
love gathering each year at the Lincolnshire Showground for 5 days of
friendship, worship, bible teaching and activities for the whole family. |
www.one25.org.uk |
One25 - Step away from the
streets |
www.oneactplays.org.uk |
one act plays for the Amateur and
Professional Stage - Introducing new and established authors to the one
act plays world with access to all the plays on our site. |
www.oneeastmidlands.org.u... |
One East Midlands |
www.onehouse.org.uk |
Onehouse | The website of
Onehouse Parish Council |
www.oneinamillion.org.uk |
Oneinamillion |
www.oneinfour.org.uk |
One In Four UK |
www.onelawforall.org.uk |
One Law for All - No Sharia Law
Campaign - Campaign to end parallel legal systems and defend one secular
law for all - One Law for All |
www.onelondon.org.uk |
About London - Introduction to
London, the top places to see and experience, and what makes the UK's
capital one of the must-see destinations. |
www.onemissionsociety.org... |
Mission | One Mission Society UK
| Belfast - One Mission Society partners with individuals and churches
worldwide to make disciples of Jesus Christ, multiplying dynamic
communities of believers around the world. |
www.onemol.org.uk |
OneMol | UCL's single channel
group: onemol.org.uk |
www.onenottingham.org.uk |
One Nottingham |
www.oneofakind.org.uk |
One of a Kind Handmade Jewellery
| Rings Bracelets Necklaces - Unique hand made jewellery: bracelets,
necklaces and rings designed for you by Alison Amos, using Swarovski
crystals, fresh water pearls, Czech designer glass etc. |
www.oneofone.org.uk |
www.oneplusone.org.uk |
OnePlusOne |
www.onespace.org.uk |
SingleParents.org.uk | The
Parenting Site for Single Parents - SingleParents the parenting site for
single parents offers support from experienced parenting facilitators,
links to other support organisations and news. Online learning and
training courses for single parents, work skills, personal development
courses and domestic violence courses |
www.onestepatatime.org.uk |
Domiciliary Care | Sheltered
Housing – One step at a time - One Step At A Time provides children and
young adult with supportive services aimed at assisting their
independence. |
www.onestepbeyond.org.uk |
OSB Events - No.1 Multi-Sport
Events Organisers UK - Number 1 organiser of triathlon, running &
duathlon events in the UK. We have events to suit beginners and seasoned
athletes alike, sign up today! |
www.oneswitch.org.uk |
OneSwitch - Removing barriers
that can severely disable people from playing and creating. |
www.onevoice.org.uk |
One Voice Community Choir - The
Home Page of the North West's Renowned Community Gospel Choir |
www.onevoicewales.org.uk |
One Voice Wales |
www.oneworkplace.org.uk |
Stress at Work - There are many
jobs where the only time the excitement level is high will be when it is
time to leave for the day, but there are others where stress at work is
always a factor. For employees, an untenable work situation can occur
almost anywhere. |
www.oneworldlink.org.uk |
The friendship link between Bo
District in Sierra Leone and Warwick District, UK |
www.oneworldmedia.org.uk |
One World Media – Supporting
excellence in media coverage of developing countries. |
www.ongoingsupport.org.uk |
Ongoing Support Email Facebook
Pinterest |
www.onlineestateagents.or... |
Local Estate Agents | Local Open
House Estate | Estate Agents - Open House Estate Agents - Whether you
are buying, selling or renting a house, our local estate agents are on
hand to ensure you get the best possible customer experience |
www.onlineguildwsd.org.uk |
Online Guild of Weavers Spinners
and Dyers - A virtual guild for worldwide fibre and textile artists, the
Online Guild provides opportunities to share, learn, and teach. |
www.onlychild.org.uk |
Only Child Experience and
Research - The home for all adult only children |
www.onside-advocacy.org.u... |
Onside - Independent Advocacy in
Worcestershire - Onside is a Worcestershire and Herefordshire based
charity which supports vulnerable people disadvantaged by disability,
mental ill health, learning difficulties. |
www.ontheroadtohealing.or... |
On the Road to Healing – Yoga
Travel Alternative Therapies |
www.onthisday.org.uk |
On This Day - Index - A
chronicle of events that occurred in previous years. Topics are
accessible by date, by person, by country and by category |
www.oos.org.uk |
OOS - News |
www.opa.org.uk |
The OPA supports patients with
cancer of the oesophagus, oesophageal cancer, gastric cancer,
oesophageal dysmotility, carcinoma, illness, quality of life |
www.opaal.org.uk |
OPAAL – Older Peoples Advocacy
Alliance |
www.opef.org.uk |
About Us - Optimus Education
Foundation Cameroon |
www.open-academy.org.uk |
Open Academy |
www.open-access.org.uk |
Open Access Info Inc * Continue
Learning - We are here to bring you the most relevant and important
topics in the field of education. Click the link and learn from us. |
www.open-city.org.uk |
Open City | London's
architecture education organisation » Open City OC_LogotypeAsset 4 -
Open City is the only independent organisation that works year round
with councillors, planners, students, young people, the wider community
and all professionals who are active in shaping the built environment. |
www.open-research.org.uk |
Open Research |
www.open-studios.org.uk |
Open Studios 2019 |
www.openairclassroom.org.... |
Weald and Downland Open Air
Museum Service to Schools - The Weald and Downland Open Air Museum
Service to Schools provides a rich set of resources for teacher led
visits, workshops designed for the National Curriculum and resoources
for cross curricular activities in English, History, Science, Maths and
Art and Design. |
www.openawards.org.uk |
Open Awards - Changing Lives
Through Learning. | Open Awards - At Open Awards, we believe
passionately that education is important for everyone. Our
qualifications are flexible enough to be delivered in diverse settings,
from small providers to large colleges and universities. Feel free to
get in touch with one of our team today! |
www.openclasp.org.uk |
Open Clasp – Changing the World
One Play at a Time |
www.opendemocracy.org.uk |
London Guide | London News |
Londoners > GoodLondon.org - Good London is our greatest conversation
about the kind of city we want to live in Let's talk about London We're
looking at how our city is organised, what |
www.openeurope.org.uk |
Today | Open Europe - Open Europe
is the go-to source for real-time analysis on what comes next following
the UK’s EU referendum. |
www.openeye.org.uk |
Open Eye Gallery |
www.openhouselondon.org.u... |
Free entry to London's best
buildings » Open City OH_KeyAsset 3 Asset 1 Asset 1 Asset 1
OC_LogotypeAsset 4 |
www.openspectrum.org.uk |
OpenSpectrumUK: Open Spectrum UK |
www.openthedoor.org.uk |
Open the Door |
www.openthegate.org.uk |
www.opentrade.org.uk |
Free, Fair and Open Trade |
www.operadis-opera-discog... |
www.operasoutheast.org.uk |
OSE - Opera South East is based
in Hastings and is one of the few companies in the south east regularly
performing opera with full orchestra and chorus. Our next production is
Tchaikovsky's Eugine Onegin. |
www.operatingtheatre.org.... |
Operating Theatre -
poignant and unavoidable theatre' For the Best Welcome to Operating
Theatre. We provide bespoke theatrical experiences that can transform
the way people think about health and well being. We have nearly twenty
years of experience of responding to commissions and creating original
and authentic drama for live… |
www.operationagri.org.uk |
Operation Agri BMM | Supporting
rural and urban development projects in Christ's name |
www.operationsmile.org.uk |
Operation Smile UK :: Home page
Operation Smile UK |
www.operatives.org.uk |
The Worshipful Society of Free
Masons - Operatives |
www.opfs.org.uk |
One Parent Families Scotland -
Providing help and support to all single parent families across
Scotland; mums, dads, young parents and kinship carers. Freephone
Helpline: 0808 801 0323 |
www.ophi.org.uk |
OPHI | Oxford Poverty & Human
Development Initiative |
www.opms.org.uk |
Oxford Pro Musica Singers |
www.opol.org.uk |
OPOL - The Offshore Pollution
Liability Association Ltd - ... |
www.opportunity.org.uk |
StackPath |
www.optimalhealth.org.uk |
Men and Womens Health Harley
Street W1 - Optimal Health of Harley Street offers tailored medical and
nutritional programmes for health and well being. Cancer screening
Harley Street, Nutrition W1, Men's health Harley Street, Women's health
Harley Street, Psychotherapy W1, HRT Harley Street W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7
W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8 SW9 SW10
SW11. |
www.optimism-modernity.or... |
The optimism of modernity : what
- The optimism of modernity: recovering modern reasoning in typography |
www.opus.org.uk |
OPUS | An Organisation for
Promoting Understanding of Society |
www.ora600.org.uk |
ORA600 Ltd. Oracle Consultancy -
ORA600 Oracle Consultancy |
www.orangesquash.org.uk |
Welcome to nginx! |
www.orangutan-appeal.org.... |
Welcome to Orangutan Appeal UK |
Orangutan Appeal - The homepage of the Orangutan Appeal UK |
www.orangutan.org.uk |
Orangutan Foundation - Orangutan
Foundation was founded in 1990 and is saving the critically endangered
orangutan by protecting their tropical forest habitat. It rescues and
releases orangutans back into the wild. It works with local communities
promoting sustainable livelihoods and education. A future for
orangutans, forests and people. |
www.orators.org.uk |
Manchester Orators -
Toastmasters International Group - Manchester Orators is a Toastmasters
group, meeting on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month in central
Manchester at the Rain Bar. |
www.orbit.org.uk |
Building Communities | Orbit -
Welcome to Orbit. We provide solutions to housing problems, with homes
to rent and buy across the Midlands, East & South East, including
London. |
www.orbuk.org.uk |
Organisation for Responsible
Businesses - ORB - for sustainable and ethical businesses - The
Organisation for Responsible Businesses ORB is a business membership
organisation for responsible, sustainable, ethical and green businesses |
www.orcaweb.org.uk |
ORCA - Looking out for Whales and
Dolphins - ORCA protects whales and dolphins in UK and European waters. |
www.orchardhill.org.uk |
Orchardhill Parish Church -
Welcome to Orchardhill Parish Church, Your friendly church right here on
the southside of Glasgow. Worship with us on Sunday's at our 10:30
family service. Everyone is Welcome. |
www.orchardhs.org.uk |
Orchard House School | Prep
School in Chiswick, West London - Welcome to Orchard House, where every
child can learn to fly. We are a leading prep school for boys and girls
aged 3-11 in Chiswick, West London. |
www.orchardmedicalpractic... |
Orchardmedicalpractice |
www.orchardschool.org.uk |
Orchard School - a preparatory
school and nursery in Bedfordshire - Orchard School - a preparatory
school and nursery, for boys and girls aged 0 - 9 situated in the
outskirts of village Barton-le-Clay, south Bedfordshire |
www.orchestraslive.org.uk |
Orchestras Live - Where music
and creativity thrives! We believe classical music is for everyone so we
help communities across the country experience world-class orchestras. |
www.orchid-cancer.org.uk |
Orchid | Fighting Male Cancer -
Fighting Male Cancer |
www.orchid.org.uk |
Orchids - all about orchids
caring for orchids and how to grow them - orchid information pictures
facts and cultural advice on growing and caring for orchids from The
oldest orchid society in the World - The North of England Orchid Society |
www.orchidofsiam.org.uk |
Orchid of Siam - UK Visas for
Thai Nationals, Appeals Tribunal Help/Advocacy, Immigration Law Advice,
Bangkok & Epsom Offices. - getting uk visa from thailand for thai
girlfriend wife husband fiancee child step-child, visas4thais, uk visa
applications and appeals help, thailand, bangkok, visas for thais,
wives, fiancees, partners, children, tourists, visa appeals, orchid
visa, EU family permits, OISC Level 3, UK immigration and visa
consultants, offices in Bangkok thailand and London, AIT appeals, FTT
appeals, ILR, FLR, Citizenship, orchid of siam, immigration advice, deed
polls, thai visas, |
www.orderofmalta.org.uk |
Sovereign Military Order of
Malta in the United Kingdom - British Association - Grand Priory of
England - Knights of Malta - Official site of the Grand Priory of
England and British Association of the world's oldest order of chivalry. |
www.orderofthemagi.org.uk |
The Order of The Magi - The Magic
Society for Magicians in Manchester.The Order of The Magi - The oldest
Magic Society in Manchester. We meet twice a month. Events include Magic
Lectures, Competitions & Workshops. New members welcome. |
www.orevalleyha.org.uk |
Ore Valley Housing Association |
www.orford.org.uk |
Orford and Orford Ness - The
Suffolk Heritage Coast - Welcome to orford The village of Orford has
something to offer to everyone - walkers, sailors, cyclists, bird
lovers, music and art lovers, those |
www.orfordsail.org.uk |
Orford Sailing Club |
www.organicarts.org.uk |
Organicarts |
www.organicfarmers.org.uk |
Organic Certification, News,
Classified ads, Useful information | OF&G - OF&G certifies businesses
across the organic industry to protect the integrity of organic
standards while helping businesses with information and guidance. |
www.organiclea.org.uk |
OrganicLea - A workers'
cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley |
www.organics-recycling.or... |
www.organist.org.uk |
Clive Driskill-Smith, Concert
Organist |
www.oriel.org.uk |
Oriel Plas Glyn Y Weddw - Plas
Glyn Y Weddw (en-GB) |
www.orientalclub.org.uk |
Oriental Club - Oriental Club |
www.orientalist-art.org.u... |
Orientalist Art - An
introduction to Oriental art and a brief overview of some of the most
distinguished Eastern art traditions. |
www.orienteeringengland.o... |
Orienteering England |
www.origami.org.uk |
3D animated video instructions .
Make a Peace crane, a flapping bird and a shirt. - 3D animated origami
video instructions / tutorial to make a flapping bird, a star box, a
peace crane and a shirt by folding a sheet of paper. |
www.originhousing.org.uk |
Social Landlord in London and
Hertfordshire - Origin Housing - Origin Housing is a registered social
landlord, providing affordable housing in our communities and related
care and support services to the people who live in them. We manage over
6,000 homes and customers in London and Hertfordshire. |
www.orionharriers.org.uk |
Orion Harriers |
www.orionorchestra.org.uk |
Orion Orchestra |
www.orkneylibrary.org.uk |
Orkney Library & Archive -
Orkney Library & Archive |
www.orl-heritagetrust.org... |
Oldham Rugby Heritage Trust -
Oldham Rugby League Heritage Trust Website - The online source of
information about Oldham Rugby Club's history, past players, league
positions, statistics, and events. |
www.orlandochoir.org.uk |
Orlando Chamber Choir London -
Small and friendly Central London chamber choir specialising in
Renaissance and baroque music, often with professional soloists and
accompanists. |
www.ormsidemill.org.uk |
Ormside Mill | Crossing the
stepping stones to adventure Ormside Mill – Crossing the stepping stones
to adventure - Ormside Mill Residential Centre is a self-catering
residential activity and adventure centre set in the heart of the Eden
Valley, between the North Pennines and the Lake District Fells. |
www.ormskirkcp.org.uk |
Ormskirk Community Partnership -
Information about the town of Ormskirk, Lancashire, UK and Ormskirk
Community Partnership, a voluntary association that acts as a "Voice for
Ormskirk" and is endeavouring to make Ormskirk a better place to live
and work. |
www.ormskirkparishchurch.... |
Ormskirkparishchurch |
www.ormskirkscouts.org.uk |
Ormskirk District Scouts |
www.orpheus.org.uk |
The Orpheus Centre Trust -
Orpheus is an independent specialist college in Surrey that increases
the confidence and skills of young disabled adults through the
performing arts. |
www.orpington-astronomy.o... |
Welcome to the Orpington
Astronomical Society website - Welcome to the O.A.S., a society for
amateur astronomers and anyone interested in astronomy in Orpington,
Bromley, Sevenoaks and the surrounding area. |
www.orpingtonbaptist.org.... |
Orpington Baptist Church -
Orpington Baptist Church |
www.ors.org.uk |
Opinion Research Services |
Opinion Research Services is an independent social research practice
that works with the public, voluntary and private sector across the UK
studying social issues such as health, housing and local communities.
Our lead team delivers a full range of research services including
interviews, surveys, and qualitative engagement |
www.orsa.org.uk |
ORSA - Helping young people learn
to drive and ride safely. This website has been created by RoSPA to help
parents and guardians to ensure that their children who are learning to
drive and ride get the most benefit from their learning period. |
www.orthodoxchurchstlukeb... |
The Greek Orthodox Church of the
Holy Trinity and St Luke - The Website of the Greek Orthodox Church of
the Holy Trinity and Saint Luke the Evangelist in Birmingham. |
www.orthodoxengland.org.u... |
Orthodox England |
www.orthopaedicunit.org.u... |
London Orthopaedic Specialists -
World-Class Orthopaedic Treatment - London Orthopaedic Specialists is
the UK's leading orthopaedic clinic providing treatment & diagnosis from
a range of expert Consultants. Contact us today. |
www.orthoptera.org.uk |
Grasshoppers and Related Insects
Recording Scheme of Britain and Ireland | Orthoptera & Allied Insects |
www.orthoptics.org.uk |
British and Irish Orthoptic
Society |
www.oscar.org.uk |
Empowering and connecting
Christians for mission and ministry - OSCAR - Your gateway to Christian
jobs, mission opportunities, events, articles, advice and resources |
www.oscarnemon.org.uk |
OSCAR NEMON | Sculptor -
1906-1985 - Official Site - Sculptor - 1906-1985 - Official Site |
www.oscb.org.uk |
Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children
Board |
www.oscr.org.uk |
www.osfa.org.uk |
Free Horoscope ... - OSFA is Home of Vedic Astrology & Approach to life,
articles, free Vedic Chart, Online Course, Books, Musical Journeys &
more ... |
www.osj.org.uk |
Orchestra of St John's | Taking
classical music out into the community. |
www.oslc.org.uk |
Our Saviour Lutheran Church –
Fareham, Hampshire, UK |
www.osler.org.uk |
The Osler Club of London –
Founded 1928 |
www.osmotherley.org.uk |
Osmotherley – Keeping our
communities in touch |
www.osoarts.org.uk |
OSO Arts Centre | Theatre |
South-West London - OSO Arts Centre is a theatre that hosts plays,
fairs, exhibitions and daytime classes. Available to hire for
receptions, parties and more. |
www.osola.org.uk |
Bob's Corner |
www.osp.org.uk |
Old Saint Paul's |
www.ospreysailing.org.uk |
Ospreysailing |
www.oss.org.uk |
Open Spaces Society - Protecting
Open Spaces Since 1865 - We campaign for stronger protection and
opportunities for everyone to enjoy commons, greens and paths and help
defend open spaces against loss + development |
www.ost.org.uk |
Osteoporosis solutions and
therapy |
www.osteopathy.org.uk |
General Osteopathic Council -
The General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) regulates osteopaths in the UK.
An osteopath must be registered with us in order to practise osteopathy.
Use the Register of osteopaths to check an osteopath’s registration and
find a local osteopath. We help patients with concerns or complaints and
ensure the quality of osteopathic training. |
www.ostrich.org.uk |
British Domesticated Ostrich
Association - The Official website of The British Domesticated Ostrich
Association with news, events and information on Ostrich farming in the
UK. |
www.oswestry-welshborders... |
Oswestry, Tourist & Visitor
Information, Accommodation, Attractions & Events in Shropshire and the
Welsh Borders. Birthplace of Wilfred Owen - Oswestry Shropshire official
tourist & visitor information with accommodation and online booking,
attractions, activities & events in Oswestry, Shropshire & the Welsh
Borders. Birthplace of Wilfred Owen. |
www.oswestryschool.org.uk |
Oswestry School - Founded 1407 -
A co-educational boarding and day school |
www.othas.org.uk |
One Tree Hill Allotment Society
- Our allotment site established in the 1940's has been an important
environmental resource and part of a green corridor covering over 9
acres and supporting over 80 plots. We have a variety of gardening
styles, including traditional allotment layouts, cottage-style gardens,
raised beds, terraced areas and wildlife friendly plots. Our plot
holders represent the South London… |
www.otheryvillagehall.org... |
Othery Village Hall | Othery
Othery Village Hall in Somerset, The ideal hire venue & Village Hall for
your event, meeting, conference with excellent facilities and disabled
access. |
www.othm.org.uk |
OTHM Qualifications |
www.othona-bb.org.uk |
Othona West Dorset | A Place to
be Real Together |
www.otleyac.org.uk |
Otley Athletic Club – Training
Tuesday & Thursday 7.15pm at Otley Cricket Club |
www.otleybridgechurch.org... |
Otley Bridge Church |
www.otleycourthouse.org.u... |
Otley Courthouse - The Otley
Courthouse is an Arts and resource centre. The website includes
schedules of events and details about fundraising schemes. |
www.otra.org.uk |
Welcome to OTRA! - OTRA |
www.otrbristol.org.uk |
OTR Off the Record logo Off the
record |
www.otterbournevillagehal... |
Otterbourne Village Hall |
Otterbourne Village Hall |
www.otterhound.org.uk |
otterhound.org.uk |
www.otterystmary.org.uk |
Ottery St Mary Parish Church -
Ottery St Mary Church is an Anglican church serving the Christian
community in the parish of Ottery St Mary in East Devon. |
www.otw.org.uk |
Over The Wall linkedin linkedin
- Over The Wall is a charity that aims to empower children with serious
illnesses to become the hero of their own story. |
www.oubc.org.uk |
OUBC – Oxford University Boat
Club |
www.oucc.org.uk |
Oxford University Cave Club:
Home Page |
www.ouexiles.org.uk |
Oxford United Exiles |
www.ouhistory.org.uk |
The Open University History
Society - The OUHS is a nationally based society that promotes the
scholarly study of history amongst Open University students past and
present |
www.ouiperformance.org.uk |
Oui Performance :: Performance
Art Organisation |
www.oulgbtsoc.org.uk |
Oxford - LGBT Society - We’re
committed to facilitating a vibrant and diverse community where all
LGBTQ students can feel welcomed and relaxed. There is no membership fee
and anyone is welcome to get involved. |
www.oundledeanery.org.uk |
Oundle Deanery | connecting local
churches - The Rural Deanery of Oundle is part of the Archdeaconry of
Oakham within the Diocese of Peterborough. On this site you will find
links to the individual websites of each of the 34 parishes within the
Deanery listed in alphabetical order in the left-hand sidebar. Please
click on the appropriate link to take you to… |
www.oundlefestival.org.uk |
Oundle International Festival -
Our mission is to provide inspiring musical experiences which contribute
to the social, cultural, educational and economic well-being of the
region, and to the artistic life of the UK. |
www.oundlelitfest.org.uk |
Welcome to Oundle Festival of
Literature |
www.oundleschool.org.uk |
Oundle School - Oundle is a
special community of children, parents, teachers, Governors and members
of the town. It is remarkable for the diverse and interesting range of
activities and opportunities, and as one of England’s three largest
boarding schools, Oundle’s credentials are very strong. |
www.oupoets.org.uk |
OU Poets | The Poetry Society of
the Open University - The Poetry Society of the Open University |
www.oups.org.uk |
The Open University
Psychological Society (OUPS) exists to support OU psychology students
both academically and socially throughout their studies and also after
they graduate. |
www.ouraberdeenshire.org.... |
Aberdeenshire Community Planning
Partnership – This website illustrates the work that is being taken
forward to achieve our goal of the “best quality of life for everyone in
Aberdeenshire”. |
www.ourfamilyhistory.org.... |
Jordan Harding Family Tree -
Jordan Harding Family Tree |
www.ourgreatyarmouth.org.... |
Our Great Yarmouth: Capturing
your living memories of a seaside town |
www.ourhatfield.org.uk |
Our Hatfield | Part of
Hertfordshire's Community Archive Network - Our Hatfield: This website
records the history of the town of Hatfield, in Hertfordshire, England.
Here you can browse through our collection of local historical material,
which includes photos, old documents and the memories of local people. |
www.ourhertfordandware.or... |
Our Hertford and Ware | Part of
Hertfordshire's Community Archive Network - Our Hertford and Ware: A
community history site containing photos, memories, old documents,
historical information and comments about Hertford and Ware,
Hertfordshire, England. |
www.ourladyandstanne.org.... |
Church of Our Lady and St Anne -
with the Shrine of Our Lady of Caversham |
www.ourladyandsthugh.org.... |
History of the Parish - Our Lady
& St Hugh Catholic Church WItney Oxfordshire |
www.ourladyandstjohngorin... |
Our Lady & St John in
Goring-on-Thames and of Christ the King in Woodcote |
www.ourladyandstpatrick.o... |
Our Lady & St Patricks - Welcome
to the home page of Our Lady and St Patrick’s R.C. Parish in the Diocese
of Salford. Serving Walton-le-Dale, near Preston, for over 150 years. |
www.ourladynewsouthgate.o... |
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Church New Southgate Website |
www.ourladyoffidelity.org... |
Our Lady of Fidelity London |
www.ourladyoflourdeschurc... |
Our Lady of Lourdes – A Parish
of the diocese of Motherwell |
www.ourladyofmercy.org.uk |
The Institute of Our Lady of
Mercy | The Institute of Our Lady of Mercy Great Britain is a diverse
group of Roman Catholic Women vowed to serve people in need, with a
special concern for women and children. |
www.ourladyschurch.org.uk |
ourladys |
www.ourladyschurchdown.or... |
Welcome to Our Ladys Churchdown |
www.ourladysparbold.org.u... |
Our Lady and All Saints |
Lancaster Lane, Parbold, Lancashire, England |
www.ourletchworth.org.uk |
Letchworth Garden City | Herts
Memories |
www.ourlife.org.uk |
Our Life - This website involves
various interesting information as well as helpful tips on how to be the
best parent you can be, but of course everyone has issues... |
www.ourmansfieldandarea.o... |
Our Mansfield & Area | Our
community our heritage - Our Mansfield & Area: This living history of
Mansfield and Area gives people the opportunity to share their
information, memories, photos, and knowledge about Mansfield and the
local communities, both as they are today and how they were in the past. |
www.ournottinghamshire.or... |
Our Nottinghamshire: a community
history website - Our Nottinghamshire: memories, history, photos, films,
audio, comments and pictures from Nottinghamshire, UK |
www.ouroxhey.org.uk |
Our Oxhey | Part of
Hertfordshire's Community Archive Network - Our Oxhey: This website
records the history of the town of Oxhey, in Hertfordshire, England.
Here you can browse through our collection of local historical material,
which includes photos, old documents and the memories of local people. |
www.ourstevenage.org.uk |
Our Stevenage | Part of
Hertfordshire's Community Archive Network - Our Stevenage: This website
records the history of the town of Stevenage, in Hertfordshire, England. |
www.ourstratford.org.uk |
Stratford-upon-Avon Steering
Group |
www.ourunion.org.uk |
www.ourunion.org.uk |
www.ourwatch.org.uk |
Neighbourhood Watch Network -
Safer and Stronger communities in your area. Neighbourhood Watch UK |
www.ourwelwyngardencity.o... |
Our Welwyn Garden City | Part of
Hertfordshire's Community Archive Network - Our Welwyn Garden City: This
website records the history of the town of Welwyn Garden City, in
Hertfordshire, England. |
www.ouscr.org.uk |
ouscr.org.uk |
www.ouseburntrust.org.uk |
Ouseburn Trust - An independent
development trust working for a vibrant, diverse and sustainable future
for the Ouseburn Valley |
www.ousedale.org.uk |
Ousedale School |
www.ouseleytrust.org.uk |
The Ouseley Trust. Grants to
cathedrals, choral foundations, parish churches, choir schools and other
relevant institutions. - The Ouseley Trust is a registered charity set
up to promote and maintain to a high standard the choral services of the
Church of England, the Church in Wales and the Church of Ireland. |
www.ousgg.org.uk |
Oxford Scout and Guide Group
(OUSGG) - Welcome to the Oxford Scout and Guide Group (OUSGG). We are a
society for people interested in staying involved in Scouts and Guides
at university. |
www.ouspensky.org.uk |
Ouspensky | London| About P D
Ouspensky - Gurdjieff Studies pays tribute to P D Ouspensky, author of
In Search of the Miraculous |
www.outc.org.uk |
OUTC Oxford University Real
Tennis dates from 1595 and is supported by a thriving Club of around 250
members |
www.outcomesstar.org.uk |
Triangle – The social enterprise
behind the Outcomes Star™ |
www.outdoorswest.org.uk |
Find more fresh air at
OutdoorsWest.org.uk | OutdoorsWest - Welcome to the OutdoorsWest
website, for information on where to go and what to do on paths in the
West of England, whether you want to walk, run, go cycling or ride a
horse. |
www.outerspaces.org.uk |
Landscape Gardener Wirral -
Garden Designer Wirral - Outer Spaces UK - Landscape Gardener Wirral. We
can create a unique landscape garden design for your property. RHS Gold
Medal winners with over 17 years of experience. We guarantee you will be
satisfied with every aspect of your new garden. We cover the North West,
including Chester, the Wirral, Merseyside and North Wales. |
www.outlines.org.uk |
Outlines. A Gallery of Paintings
and Prints to Collect - When you want to find the perfect work of art
for a special room or for a unique present, you want to be sure of
finding works by quality artists Our contemporary artists include
painters, printmakers, photographers and sculptors |
www.outlookcare.org.uk |
Support services for learning
disabilities, mental health and older people. - Outlook Care is a not
for profit organisation that provides support to people with learning
disabilities, mental health needs and older people. |
www.outofoblivion.org.uk |
Out of Oblivion: A landscape
through time - Out of Oblivion aims are to increase your enjoyment of
the Yorkshire Dales and to help you understand more about the unique
cultural landscape of the area created through the interactions of
people and nature over thousands of years |
www.outset.org.uk |
Outset – Providing bespoke
funding solutions to support new art. |
www.outsidein.org.uk |
Outside In – Providing a platform
for artists who face barriers to the art world |
www.outsiders.org.uk |
Outsiders |
www.outspiral.org.uk |
Outspiral - towards freedom from
childhood trauma & its effects |
www.outward.org.uk |
Outward |
www.outwardbound.org.uk |
Outdoor Learning | Educational
Charity | The Outward Bound Trust |
www.ouwlrc.org.uk |
www.ova.org.uk |
Otter Valley Association |
www.ovacome.org.uk |
Ovacome - Ovacome is a national
UK ovarian cancer charity focused on providing support to anyone
affected by ovarian cancer. |
www.ovapedia.org.uk |
Otter Valley Association |
www.ovarian.org.uk |
Ovarian Cancer Action - Whether
you’re worried about ovarian cancer, have been diagnosed or are a
healthcare professional looking for more information, here you can find
everything you need to know about ovarian cancer. |
www.overplayers.org.uk |
Web Site of The Over Players -
Cambridgeshire - UK |
www.overtonharriers.org.u... |
Overton Harriers & Athletics
Club - Overton Harriers - Overton Harriers & Athletics Club are a small
yet competitive running club based in Overton, Hampshire, with a mens,
womens and juniors team |
www.overystaithesc.org.uk |
Overy Staithe Sailing Club: Main
Menu - Overy Staithe Sailing Club |
www.ovh.org.uk |
One Vision Housing (OVH) |
Housing provider in Sefton, Liverpool, Cheshire and West Lancashire. -
One Vision Housing is an award winning housing provider, with 13,000
homes for rent in Merseyside, primarily across the borough of Sefton. We
are committed to creating sustainable neighbourhoods; thriving, well
run, active, inclusive and most importantly, safe places to live. Places
that people are proud of and want to live in. |
www.ovinghamgoosefair.org... |
Ovingham Goose Fair - Ovingham
Goose Fair takes place on the third Saturday in June every year. It
dates back to the 13th Century. During the 19th Century geese were
walked from Cumbria to the Christmas markets in Gateshead and Newcastle.
Whilst in Ovingham, the geese rested and fattened-up. Their handlers
relaxed and made merry. |
www.ovtc.org.uk |
Ouse Valley Tractor Club -
Website for Ouse Valley Tractor Club association, in Haynes, Bedford. |
www.owa.org.uk |
Ebook Digtal Media Library -
Ebook Digital Media Library 2019 Providing Updated Book's References
Online in USA, UK, CA, BE, DK, FR, NL |
www.owain-glyndwr-soc.org... |
OwinGlynDwr - Owain Glyn Dwr
Society |
www.owch.org.uk |
OWCH - Older Women's Co-Housing
is a group of women who are creating their own community. |
www.owenson.org.uk |
Owenson @ Dalgety Bay - OWENSON,
about Dalgety Bay, Fife, Scotland and Dalgety Church, today and history,
plus genealogy and Owenson family history |
www.owenwilliams.org.uk |
Owen Williams - I am a
contemporary wildlife artist working is watercolour. My subjects include
game birds, salmon, trout, seatrout, woodcock, grouse, deer, wild boar,
african game, dogs, and Scottish landscapes. I also make sculptures of
woodcock in bronze. |
www.owf.org.uk |
The Order of Women Freemasons |
Womens Freemasonry | Nationwide - The Order of Women Freemasons is the
oldest and largest Masonic organisation for women in this country and
works on the lines of regular male Freemasonry. |
www.owl-help.org.uk |
Suffolk Owl Sanctuary |
www.owm.org.uk |
Orkney Wireless Museum |
www.ownart.org.uk |
Own Art: From the Gallery to Your
Home Collect Art with 0% Finance - Own Art offer galleries and museums
in the UK interest-free art loans for a more affordable way to collect
and buy contemporary arts and crafts. |
www.owp.org.uk |
Oxford Wheels Project –
Registered Charity 1149814 |
www.owps.org.uk |
Orton Wistow Primary School |
www.owslebury.org.uk |
Welcome! - Owslebury & Morestead
Parish - general page |
www.oxbibsoc.org.uk |
Oxford Bibliographical Society |
www.oxbridgepentathlon.or... |
www.oxbridgepentathlon.org.uk |
www.oxenhope.org.uk |
Oxenhope Village Council Oxenhope
Village Council - Oxenhope Village Council serves the village of
Oxenhope in West Yorkshire. Minutes, news and other Parish Council
resources. |
www.oxeyes.org.uk |
Oxfordshire Association for the
Blind - Oxfordshire's service for people who are Visually Impaired,
Partially Sighted or Blind |
www.oxfam.org.uk |
Oxfam GB | leading UK charity
fighting global poverty - Oxfam is a globally renowned aid and
development charity with 70 years of experience, working and campaigning
with partners in over 90 countries worldwide. |
www.oxfolk.org.uk |
Welcome to Oxfolk |
www.oxford-homeopathy.org... |
Oxford Homeopathy - Homeopathy
and Homeopathy Research with Steven Cartwright PhD., RSHom. - Oxford
Homeopathy specialises in Homeopathy and Homeopathy Research with Steven
Cartwright |
www.oxfordacademy.org.uk |
Oxford Academy for Education &
Development (OAED). Quality Education Standards for education
institutions across the globe. - Oxford Academy for Education &
Development (OAED) can help your education institution will gain
recognition for world-class teaching by offering our unique 'Learning
Quality Mark' licence along with consultancy, partnership and fellowship
services. Founded by Oxford University academics, we bring to you the
much needed recognition and ability to compete with education
establishments across the globe. |
www.oxfordbusmuseum.org.u... |
Oxford Bus Museum & Morris Museum |
www.oxfordceramicsgroup.o... |
Oxford Ceramics Group - The
objective of the Oxford Ceramics Group is to encourage the study of the
development of European pottery and porcelain up to the present day. It
aims to provide a forum for collectors, students and enthusiasts to
obtain and exchange information. |
www.oxfordcitybranch.org.... |
ODG Oxford City Branch · Church
Bell Ringers · An introduction to our society with the latest news,
pictures and sounds. We are a member of the Oxford Diocesan Guild of
Church Bell Ringers. |
www.oxfordcitytennis.org.... |
Oxford City Lawn Tennis Club -
Oxford City Lawn Tennis Club |
www.oxfordcivicsoc.org.uk |
Oxford Civic Society |
www.oxforddownsheep.org.u... |
ODSBA | Oxford Down Sheep
Breeders Association - Welcome to the official website of the Oxford
Down Sheep Breeders' Association |
www.oxfordgangshow.org.uk |
Oxfordshire Gang Show - Welcome
to Oxfordshire Gang Show What is Gang Show? Gang show is a family
variety show performed by Cubs, Brownies, Scouts, Guides, Explorers,
Guide Senior Section, Network and Leaders (in Oxfordshire all the cast
is U25). Gang Shows happen all over the country and the world. The show
is made up of a number of short… |
www.oxfordhouse.org.uk |
Oxford House |
www.oxfordlabour.org.uk |
Oxford & District Labour Party
Link to Instagram Link to Twitter Link to YouTube Link to Facebook Link
to LinkedIn Link to Snapchat Close Fax Website Location Phone Email
Calendar Building Search |
www.oxfordmethodists.org.... |
Oxford Methodists - The Oxford
Methodist Circuit - Methodist churches in and around Oxford, England |
www.oxfordmrc.org.uk |
Oxford & District – Model Railway
Club |
www.oxfordoratory.org.uk |
The Oxford Oratory - Catholic
Church of St Aloysius Gonzaga |
www.oxfordpartnership.org... |
Oxford Strategic Partnership -
Oxford Strategic Partnership |
www.oxfordpreservation.or... |
Oxford Preservation Trust |
Guardians of Oxford since 1927 |
www.oxfordresearchgroup.o... |
Oxford Research Group - Breaking
the Cycle of Violence |
www.oxfordrowingclub.org.... |
City Of Oxford Rowing Club |
Welcome to the City Of Oxford Rowing Club. With over 300 members, we're
one of Oxford's largest and most successful rowing clubs with membership
open to all |
www.oxfordsandyblackpigs.... |
Oxfordsandyblackpigs |
www.oxfordschoolofmusic.o... |
Oxford School of Music - We're a
well-established circle of successful, professional musicians, who are
all experienced and committed teachers, living in and around the
beautiful City of Oxford in England. |
www.oxfordshire-arg.org.u... |
Oxfordshire Amphibian and Reptile
Group |
www.oxfordshire-mind.org.... |
Oxfordshire Mind | Your Local
Mental Health Charity - Oxfordshire Mind is your local mental health
charity. We are here to make sure anyone with a mental health issue has
somewhere to turn for advice & support. |
www.oxfordshireblueplaque... |
Oxfordshire Blue Plaques Scheme -
Oxfordshire Blue Plaques Scheme |
www.oxfordshirecricketass... |
Oxfordshire Cricket Association |
www.oxfordshiregirlguidin... |
Girlguiding Oxfordshire |
www.oxfordshirelep.org.uk |
OxLEP | Oxfordshire Local
Enterprise Partnership - Our vision for Oxfordshire is for it to have a
vibrant, sustainable, inclusive, world-leading economy – driven by
innovation, enterprise and research excellence. |
www.oxfordspires.org.uk |
Oxford Spires Scout District -
Amadeus ESU |
www.oxfordwoodrecycling.o... |
Wood Collection and Recycling |
Oxford Wood Recycling - Domestic and commercial wood collections, wood
recycling, reclaimed wood and reclaimed wood furniture in Abingdon,
Oxfordshire. |
www.oxhill.org.uk |
Oxhill |
www.oxonscouting.org.uk |
Welcome to Oxfordshire Scouting |
www.oxsar.org.uk |
Oxfordshire Lowland Search and
Rescue: Helping vulnerable missing people in Oxfordshire |
www.oxshottchoral.org.uk |
Oxshott Choral Society - Home
page for the Oxshott Choral Society, Oxshott, Surrey : a Leith Hill
choir |
www.oxsil.org.uk |
The Oxfordshire Surname Interest
List – A resource for genealogists and family historians to find others
researching the same surnames in the towns and villages of Oxfordshire,
England |
www.oxtalk.org.uk |
Oxtalk | Talking newspapers for
blind and visually impaired people in Oxford & district - Oxtalk -
Talking newspapers for blind and visually impaired people in Oxford &
district |
www.oxtedcommunityhall.or... |
Oxted Community Hall - Welcome to
the OCH website. The Oxted Community Hall opened in 2007 to provide a
venue suitable for a variety of classes, activities and social functions
for the local community. Tel: 01883 717776 Address: 53 Church Lane,
Oxted, RH8 9NB |
www.oxvox.org.uk |
OxVox | The Oxford United
Supporters Trust |
www.oystermorris.org.uk |
Oyster Morris 1976 - 2019 |
www.p-cns.org.uk |
Primary Care & Community
Neurology Society – Helping to connect primary care to the neurology
community |
www.p-dd.org.uk |
Data recovery password restore
system utilities web tool recover deleted erased lost data files - Data
recovery recover deleted formatted files folders windows FAT NTFS hard
drive partition retrieve USB key drive memory card lost images photos
password restore recall erased password web tool rescue internet
activities monitoring your web site data wiper key logger system
utilities |
www.p-e-n.org.uk |
Penwith Environmental Network –
Working for a sustainable future in Penwith |
www.paat.org.uk |
Take Your Life Up with The
Alexander Technique — PAAT - Take your life up with the Alexander
Technique. You have more control over your life than you think — and now
it's time to make the right things happen. |
www.paccshropshire.org.uk |
Parent and Carer Council
Shropshire (PACC) - PACC is a local parent carer forum and promotes the
participation of parent carers in the planning and delivery of services
for children and young people (0-25 years) with disabilities or
additional needs in Shropshire. |
www.pacehealth.org.uk |
Introduction - Benefits of Sport
- Sport has long been recognized as a psychological outlet for the
latent tribal instincts inherent in all of us. |
www.pacers.org.uk |
Saint Edmund Pacers |
www.paces-school.org.uk |
Paces |
www.pacey.org.uk |
Professional Association for
Childcare and Early Years | PACEY - Welcome to PACEY - the Professional
Association for Childcare and Early Years. We represent childminders,
early years workers and nannies in England and Wales. |
www.pacezone.org.uk |
PACE Charitable Trust |
www.pacts.org.uk |
PACTS | Transport safety
advisers to Parliament |
www.paddingtonarts.org.uk |
Paddington Arts | Developing
Talent & Creativity in The Community |
www.paddingtonsg.org.uk |
paddingtonsg.org.uk |
www.paddocks-allotments.o... |
The Website of the Royal Paddocks
Allotments, Bushy Park, Hampton Wick |
www.padma.org.uk |
PadmaSamBhava : What's on at
Padma |
www.padmaloka.org.uk |
Padmaloka Retreat Centre |
Buddhism and Buddhist Meditation |
www.padrepioinscotland.or... |
Home page: Padre Pio in Scotland
- This website is dedicated to Padre Pio, now St Pio. The site includes
a biography as well as other relevant information of interest to all
devotees. |
www.padstow-lifeboat.org.... |
Padstow Lifeboat |
www.padstowparishchurch.o... |
The Church in Padstow, St Merryn
& St Issey – The United Benefice of Padstow St Merryn, St Issey, Trevone
& Little Petherick - Welcome to the website for the Church in Padstow,
Trevone, St. Merryn, St. Issey and Little Petherick. We are a group of
Christian communities in a beautiful part of North Cornwall between the
Camel Estuary and Trevose Head. We pray together, serve our local
communities and bear witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some of… |
www.pafras.org.uk |
Positive Action for Refugees and
Asylum Seekers |
www.pagan-transitions.org... |
Pagan, pagan funerals, pagan
celebrants, sea burial, woodland burial, rites |
www.paget.org.uk |
Paget's Disease Paget's
Association - The Paget's Association provides Information about
treatment, diagnosis, help, advice, newsletters and Support for those
with Paget's disease of Bone. |
www.pagodaarts.org.uk |
Pagoda Arts |
www.pah.org.uk |
Princess Alice Hospice linkedin
linkedin - Princess Alice Hospice, in Esher, has dedicated team that
provides compassionate care and support for families and their loved
ones. |
www.paha.org.uk |
Physical Activity Health
Alliance - Physical and Health Alliance Website |
www.paigntonzoo.org.uk |
Paignton Zoo & animal wildlife
park, Paignton, Devon, South West UK - Have a great family day out at
Paignton Zoo. With over 2,000 animals, 6 animal habitats, a Jungle
Express train, indoor play areas, good food, easy access and free
parking, Paignton Zoo is the family day out. Genuine Paignton Zoo
tickets are only available from our website or turnstiles. |
www.painconcern.org.uk |
Pain Concern - We work to
improve the lives of people living with pain and those who care for
them. Our goals: Produce information, Provide support and Raise
awareness |
www.painmanagement.org.uk |
Pain Management Clinic: Back Pain
Treatment Specialist - Get back pain treatment and advice with Dr Mark
Miller. Consulting at pain management clinics around the country, you
can be sure you're in safe hands. |
www.painrelieffoundation.... |
The Pain Relief Foundation The
Pain Relief Foundation – Funding research into the causes and treatment
of human chronic pain |
www.painsley.org.uk |
Welcome to Painsley - Painsley
Catholic College |
www.painswickbeacon.org.u... |
Painswickbeacon |
www.paintingsinhospitals.... |
Paintings in Hospitals | art for
health and wellbeing - Paintings in Hospitals is an arts in health
charity with 60 years of experience, providing art and activities for
180+ healthcare and social care organisations. |
www.paipo.org.uk |
PAIPO | Cut Down or Quit Smoking
the Easy Way |
www.paisley.org.uk |
Paisley - The official community
website for the town of Paisley - The official website for the town of
Paisley, Scotland. A town steeped in history boasting buildings such as
Paisley Abbey and St. Mirin's Cathedral. |
www.paisleyabbey.org.uk |
Paisley Abbey :: |
www.paisleyburnsclub.org.... |
the website of the world's first formally constituted Burns Club |
www.paisleyhillwalkingclu... |
PHC - Paisley Hillwalking Club
has been active since 1983 and attract members of all ages, backgrounds
and abilities, from 17 to 70 |
www.paisleynaturalhistory... |
Paisley Natural History Society |
www.pajamas.org.uk |
Pajamas: Great Gifts for
Christmas |
www.pajhome.org.uk |
Paj's Paul Johnston's |
www.pakenhamwatermill.org... |
Pakenham Water Mill – Historic
watermill in the beautiful Suffolk countryside - Pakenham Water Mill
voted one of the best landmark sites in Britain by BBC Countryfile
Magazine! This is the oldest surviving flour mill in Suffolk, where
once there were many. There has been a watermill in Pakenham for almost
a thousand years, and for all that time millers on this site have been
using… |
www.palacetrust.org.uk |
Crystal Palace Supporters' Trust |
www.palatinate.org.uk |
Palatinate Online - Palatinate
is the official student newspaper of Durham University. One of Britain's
oldest student publications. Durham news, sports, comment, and culture. |
www.palfc.org.uk |
Plymouth Argyle LFC |
www.pallant.org.uk |
Pallant House Gallery | Pallant
House Gallery is a leading UK museum that stimulates new ways of
thinking about Modern British art from 1900 to now. |
www.palliativecareggc.org... |
Palliativecareggc |
www.palliativecarescotlan... |
Scottish Partnership for
Palliative Care | Welcome |
www.palmhouse.org.uk |
Palm House Sefton Park - Sefton
Park Palm House. A focal point in Sefton Park, so much to see, so much
to come and enjoy or have it all to yourself for a wedding or a party. |
www.palmoil.org.uk |
Want your own website? | 123 Reg
- Get online with Website Builder! Create a free 2-page website to go
with your new domain. Start now for free, no credit card required! |
www.palmsociety.org.uk |
The European Palm Society - The
European Palm Society - founded in 1991 we have been championing the
growing of palms and other exotic plants in Europe and other Temperate
areas of the world. |
www.palpung.org.uk |
Palpung Changchub Dargyeling – a
Karma Kagyu Tibetan Buddhist Centre under the spiritual guidance of His
Eminence 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche. |
www.pals.org.uk |
The Accrington Pals - History of
the Accrington Pals (11th East Lancashire Regiment) and the attack on
Serre of 1st July 1916 |
www.palsweb.org.uk |
PALS - Activities for physically
disabled children and young people - Activities for physically disabled
children and young people |
www.pamelanorthcottfund.o... |
The Pamela Northcott Fund,
Providing Support to Cancer Patients - The Pamela Northcott Fund is a
unique voluntary organisation providing advocacy and support to cancer
patients denied access to new drug therapies by NICE. |
www.pamis.org.uk |
PAMIS | Promoting a more
inclusive society - Promoting a more inclusive society. We support
people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, PMLD – their
families, carers and professionals. |
www.panchalmandal.org.uk |
Shree Panchal Gnati Mandal UK –
Promoting Hindu Culture and Religion |
www.pancreaticcancer.org.... |
Pancreatic Cancer UK - The
pancreatic cancer charity - supporting those affected by pancreatic
cancer, investing in research and lobbying for greater recognition of
pancreatic cancer. |
www.pancreatitis.org.uk |
Pancreatitis Supporters Network |
www.panda-trust.org.uk |
Welcome to the Panda Trust |
www.pangbournechoral.org.... |
Pangbourne Choral Society -
Friendly, thriving non-audition choir in Pangbourne, Berkshire, UK |
www.panicroom.org.uk |
www.panjab.org.uk |
Eh Din - News, culture,
political, economic and philosophical analysis in Punjabi & English |
www.panos.org.uk |
Panos London | Welcome to the
archive |
www.pantilesbaptist.org.u... |
Pantiles Baptist Church Tunbridge
Wells |
www.pantomime.org.uk |
Paignton Pantomime Productions |
www.papa.org.uk |
The Pizza, Pasta and Italian Food
Association |
www.paparproject.org.uk |
The Papar Project - An
investigation into sites associated with Celtic priests in the Northern
and Western Isles of Scotland. |
www.paper.org.uk |
Confederation of Paper Industries
| Representing the paper supply chain - Confederation of Paper
Industries | CPI represents the supply chain for paper, comprising paper
and board manufacturers and converters... |
www.paperchain.org.uk |
Paperchain - Office Recycling
Solutions - Recycling Since 1990 - We offer a fully comprehensive,
friendly and efficient recycling service, Operating out of Exeter in
Devon we are a local, not for profit co-operative. We specialise in
providing cost effective and flexible recycling and confidential
destruction solutions as a regular collection or one off archive
clearance. |
www.paperclip.org.uk |
Paperclip |
www.papercourt-sc.org.uk |
Papercourt Sailing Club - Good
sailing for all the family - Good sailing for all the family |
www.paperlesschristmas.or... |
Paperlesschristmas |
www.papersculpture.org.uk |
Paper Sculpture Workshops
Yorkshire Shelagh Wing - Shelagh Wing - Paper Sculpture - Commisions and
Workshops - learn how to make a range of paper sculpture figures in a
half or full day workshop. This is not paper mache or origami. |
www.papplewick.org.uk |
Papplewick School Papplewick is a
day, weekly, and full boarding preparatory school for around 190 boys
between the ages of 6 and 13, situated in 15 acres of land opposite
Ascot Racecourse in Berkshire. Our pupils grow up in an atmosphere where
boys can be boys, and individuality is celebrated. However, academic
achievement is at the highest level, and the school feeds many of the
top independent senior schools in the UK including Eton, Harrow,
Winchester, Wellington, Charterhouse and Stowe. |
www.papplewickpumpingstat... |
Papplewick pumping station:
Industrial museum and unique wedding venue in Nottinghamshire |
www.papwortheverardpc.org... |
Papworth Everard Parish Council –
South Cambridgeshire District |
www.par.org.uk |
Par site, under construction. -
The PAR SITE, supposedly under construction, but as i aint done nothin
for 5 months, i think 'SHAMBLES!!' |
www.paradata.org.uk |
A living history of The Parachute
Regiment and Airborne Forces | ParaData |
www.paradigmshift.org.uk |
Paradigm Shift |
www.paradisepark.org.uk |
Paradise Park Wildlife Sanctuary
and JungleBarn Play, Hayle, Cornwall - Check website for discounts. Top
Cornwall attraction. Amazing close encounters, Penguin photocall,
brilliant flying displays, stunning 1,000 bird collection, cute Red
pandas, playful otters, rare Red squirrels, loveable donkeys and farm
animals, huge JungleBarn indoor play. Great fun for all ages and family! |
www.paraffinwinter.org.uk |
Paraffin Winter: a murder
mystery novel - A murder mystery novel set in the UK during the long,
cold winter of 1963. |
www.parafiabirmingham.org... |
Polska Rzymskokatolicka Parafia w
Birmingham |
www.paragonha.org.uk |
Paragon Housing Association |
www.paralympics.org.uk |
ParalympicsGB - Official home of
ParalympicsGB - the Great Britain and Northern Ireland team that
competes at the Paralympic summer and winter Games, run by the British
Paralympic Association. Meet the athletes, find out about paralympic
sports and get the latest news from across the Movement. |
www.paranormal.org.uk |
Peet's Paranormal Notebook |
www.parant.org.uk |
Comann nam Pàrant |
www.parascience.org.uk |
Para.Science | Psychical
Research and investigation - Welcome to the Parascience website -
established to conduct serious psychical research and investigation. |
www.parasport.org.uk |
Parasport - Parasport - to
inspire, inform and signpost disabled people and those interested in
disability sport to high quality opportunities. Use the Parasport
website to find a disability sport or find a local disability sports
club. |
www.parcs.org.uk |
PARCS - parcs |
www.parentalalienation.or... |
Coping with the Parental
Alienation Syndrome - Coping with Parental Alienation Syndrome - an
article by Stan Hayward. |
www.parentcaer.org.uk |
Caerphilly Parent Network |
South Wales - Caerphilly Parent Network Website - The contact point for
parents and carers in Caerphilly (Caerffili) getting involved in
improving health, education and social services and addressing issues
for parents, carers, kids and their families |
www.parentcarers.org.uk |
Worcestershire Parent and Carer's
Community - Welcome to Worcestershire Parent and Carers` Community
(WPCC). A charity providing support to families with children with
disabilities in Worcestershire. |
www.parentsagainstinjusti... |
Parentsagainstinjustice |
www.parentsasfirstteacher... |
Parents as First Teachers |
www.parentsforrealjustice... |
Parents For Real Justice |
www.parentsweek.org.uk |
Parents Week - Parents Week |
www.parish-of-boston.org.... |
Welcome to the Parish of Boston
- Parish of Boston - The Parish of Boston hopes to be a significant
Place of Hospitality. A place where the hospitality of God can be
encountered by all |
www.parishofbrentford.org... |
Parish of Brentford |
www.parishofcove.org.uk |
Parish of Cove - Parish of Cove
- There are two churches in the Parish of Cove, Farnbrough they are St.
John the Baptist and (following the unification of St. Christopher’s
with Southwood Church in 2019) Christ Church. |
www.parishofllantrisant.o... |
Parish of Llantrisant - Parish of
Llantrisant |
www.parishofmeliden.org.u... |
The Parish of Meliden - The
Parish of Meliden |
www.parishofmorpeth.org.u... |
The Anglican Parish of Morpeth -
The Angilcan parish of Morpeth - A wecoming, open and engaged
worshipping community. |
www.parishofnorton.org.uk |
Parish of Norton - Website for
The Parish Of Norton. Here you will find our sermons and activities. |
www.parishofrayleigh.org.... |
Parish of Rayleigh - Parish of
Rayleigh Website including Holy Trinity and St Michael's |
www.parishofwimbledon.org... |
Parish of Wimbledon |
www.parishregister.org.uk |
Parish Registers: Baptism,
Marriage & Burial Records from 1538 to 1837 - These records can help you
trace your family roots through baptisms, marriages, and burials. They
are an essential resource as the official records of birth, marriage and
death do not go back further than 1837. |
www.parishresources.org.u... |
Parish Resources |
www.parityfordisability.o... |
Parity for Disability - A Charity
enabling participation - We enable adults with multiple disabilities to
continue to be a part of the wider community, supported by trained,
caring staff. |
www.paritytrust.org.uk |
Parity Trust - affordable
secured loans and mortgages - Parity Trust is a not for profit finance
provider offering fixed rate secured loans & mortgages with no age
restrictions (often lending in to later life). Products include mortgage
extension, rightsize finance and homeowner loans. We also provide shared
ownership mortgages. |
www.parkavenue.org.uk |
Park Avenue Methodist Church |
www.parkchurchaldershot.o... |
Park Church, Aldershot |
www.parkerseal.org.uk |
Parker and Seal Sailing
Association - The Parker and Seal Sailing Association (PSSA) is the
class association for owners of Seal and Parker lift-keel yachts |
www.parkexplorer.org.uk |
Park Explorer - London Parks
Discovery Project - Park Explorer: Free educational resources on
London's parks from the London Parks and Gardens Trust |
www.parkhallschool.org.uk |
Park Hall Academy |
www.parkhaven.org.uk |
Parkhaven Trust, Residential
Services, Dementia Services, Domiciliary Care - Parkhaven Trust is a
registered charity based in Maghull, North Liverpool. We provide a wide
range of services to support people with dementia, older people and
people with learning and physical disabilities. |
www.parkholidaywales.org.... |
UK Caravan & Camping Holidays,
British Holiday Parks - UK Holiday Parks. Search listings of caravan
parks, camping sites, touring parks, chalets, cottages and lodges or own
your own. Special offers updated daily |
www.parkhouse.org.uk |
Hoverbox Image Gallery |
www.parkinsons.org.uk |
Parkinson's UK - We're the
Parkinson's charity that drives better care, treatments and quality of
life. Because we're here, no one has to face Parkinson's alone. |
www.parklandschurch.org.u... |
Parklands Church | Parklands
Church, Sketty Park, Swansea |
www.parkmedical.org.uk |
The Park Medical Practice |
www.parkminster.org.uk |
Parkminster Charterhouse |
www.parkopera.org.uk |
Park Opera: The official website
for Park Opera at South Hill Park, Bracknell, Berkshire. |
www.parkrun.org.uk |
parkrun UK Facebook Twitter
Instagram YouTube |
www.parkside-suite.org.uk |
Parkside Frimley – Private
Healthcare at Frimley Park Hospital |
www.parksideactiongroup.o... |
Parkside Action Group –
Committed to saving the former Parkside Colliery site from unsuitable
development |
www.parkstreetprimary.org... |
Church of England Primary School
& Nursery |
www.parkview4u.org.uk |
Park View 4U |
www.parkviewsociety.org.u... |
parkviewsociety.org.uk |
www.parkwoodacademy.org.u... |
Parkwood Academy |
www.parliamentandinternet... |
Parliament and Internet |
www.parliamentary.org.uk |
Parliamentary Sovereignty |
www.parliamentchoir.org.u... |
The Parliament Choir |
www.parliamentprotest.org... |
Parliamentprotest |
www.parlouraquariums.org.... |
Parlour Aquariums home page! -
The origins of the temperate marine aquarium |
www.parsonsheathprimary.o... |
Parsons Heath Church Of England
VC Primary School - Our School - Parsons Heath is a Church of England
Primary School which is at the heart of the Parish of St Andrews on the
outskirts of Colchester. Our School |
www.partickha.org.uk |
A leading, innovative, Scottish
social housing provider, based in the West End of Glasgow. Formed in
1975, we're one of the largest registered social landlords in this part
of the city. |
www.partingtonplayers.org... |
Partingtonplayers |
www.partizan.org.uk |
Partizan Wargaming Show :: Newark
Irregulars/Partizan Wargaming Show. Number 1 show in Newark,
Nottinghamshire. |
www.partnershipforchildre... |
Partnership for Chilldren - Get
involved in promoting children's mental health by becoming a trained
teacher and run our resilience programmes in your school |
www.partnerships.org.uk |
Welcome to Partnerships Online |
www.partnershipsuk.org.uk |
::: Partnerships UK | Improving
public services through Public Private Partnerships ::: - Partnerships
UK is a Public Private Partnership which has an unique public sector
mission |
www.partnersofprisoners.o... |
Partners of Prisoners | POPS
provide information and support for offenders' families from the point
of arrest through to release and beyond. |
www.partyfun.org.uk |
Party Fun |
www.partyplanet.org.uk |
Party Planet |
www.pask.org.uk |
Pask, Paske One-Name Study |
www.pass-scheme.org.uk |
PASS: The National Proof of Age
Standards Scheme - The UK’s national proof of age accreditation scheme,
endorsed by the Home Office, the Association of Chief Police Officers
(ACPO), the Security Industry |
www.passage.org.uk |
Helping Homeless People |
Passage, London |
www.passback.org.uk |
Keith Sharp |
www.passivhaus.org.uk |
The Passivhaus Trust, UK,
adoption of the Passivhaus standard and methodology. leading
international low energy, design standard. eco buildings, reducing
energy use and carbon emissions. high standards of comfort and building
health. Fabric First |
www.passivhaustrust.org.u... |
The Passivhaus Trust, UK,
adoption of the Passivhaus standard and methodology. leading
international low energy, design standard. eco buildings, reducing
energy use and carbon emissions. high standards of comfort and building
health. Fabric First |
www.passmoreedwards.org.u... |
Passmoreedwards |
www.passyourtheory.org.uk |
Passyourtheory |
www.pastandpresent.org.uk |
Past and Present Journal - Past
and Present is widely acknowledged to be the liveliest and most
stimulating historical journal in the English-speaking world |
www.pastel.org.uk |
social enterprise supporting vulnerable adults and young adults, with
learning disabilities and / mental health issues, by providing social
activities and respite |
www.pat.org.uk |
PAT Testing |
www.pata.org.uk |
The Pacific Asia Travel
Association UK & Ireland Comments Box SVG icons - Bringing the UK &
Ireland travel community together. PATA connects travel agents and tour
operators with approved suppliers in the Pacific Asia community. |
www.patentlyabsurd.org.uk |
Patently Absurd! - Weird & wacky
patents - Absurd, weird and wacky patents, mainly from the UK Patent
Office. Featuring the useless inventions of Arthur Pedrick. And links to
serious patent information. |
www.pathetic.org.uk |
Pathetic Motorways - Examines and
pokes fun at some of the lesser known British motorways. Includes photos
and videos |
www.pathfinderlarp.org.uk |
Pathfinder LARP |
www.pathologists.org.uk |
Welcome to the Association of
Clinical Pathologists - The Association of Clinical Pathologists |
www.pathsforall.org.uk |
Paths for All - Paths for All is
a partnership of organisations committed to promoting walking for health
and the development of multi-use path networks in Scotland. |
www.patientopinion.org.uk |
Care Opinion - The UK's
independent non-profit feedback platform for health and social care.
Share your story - help make our services better. |
www.patients-association.... |
The Patients Association - The
Patients Association is a charity dedicated to supporting the rights and
interests of all patients and their families, offering advice and
support to patients and campaigning to improve health and social care
for all |
www.patientstation.org.uk |
Cotswold Hospital Radio – The
Patient Station |
www.patientvoices.org.uk |
Patient Voices – Insight through
first-person stories… |
www.patrick.org.uk |
A Patrick family tree from 1673 -
The homepage of Roger Patrick's web site displaying both a java applet
and html version of his patrick family tree from 1673 |
www.patrickmcgoohan.org.u... |
Patrick McGoohan - Biography of
Patrick McGoohan covering his stage, screen and television work,
including Brand, Moby Dick, Danger Man or Secret Agent as John Drake,
The Prisoner, Hell Drivers, Ice Station Zebra, Braveheart, written by
Roger Langley and with information about Portmeirion, Six of One The
Prisoner appreciation Society, spanning 80 years in the life of the
actor as a tribute to him. |
www.patscotland.org.uk |
Welcome to Pensions Appeal
Tribunal Scotland | Pensions Appeal Tribunal Scotland |
www.pattesonlodge.org.uk |
Patteson Lodge Activity Centre &
Campsite - Relax and enjoy a large variety of activities situated in the
heart of rural Norfolk only 12 miles from the beautiful North Norfolk
coastline. |
www.pattingham-ringers.or... |
Pattingham Bellringers – The
website about the bells and ringers of Pattingham Church |
www.pattishallparish.org.... |
Pattishall Parish - Website of
the Parish of Pattishall, Northamptonshire,UK |
www.paulc.org.uk |
Paul Craig - Work biography -
Work biography |
www.paulstrickland-scanne... |
Paul Strickland Scanner Centre |
Paul Strickland Scanner Centre: CT, PET-CT, MRI Northwood - Independent
medical charity at Mount Vernon Hospital specialising in high quality
CT, PET-CT and MRI scanning and research. |
www.paving.org.uk |
Interpave – The Precast Concrete
Paving Association |
www.paviors.org.uk |
The Worshipful Company of
Paviors - description |
www.pavo.org.uk |
Powys Association of Voluntary
Organisations (PAVO) |
www.pavs.org.uk |
Pembrokeshire Association of
Voluntary Services 01437 769422 - PAVS is the County Voluntary Council
supporting voluntary and community groups within Pembrokeshire |
www.paxchristi.org.uk |
Pax Christi UK – International
Catholic Movement for Peace |
www.paxmanhistory.org.uk |
Richard Carr's Paxman History
Pages - Richard Carr's Paxman History Pages - History of Davey Paxman &
Co, the long-established Colchester diesel engine manufacturer. |
www.paydayloansuk.org.uk |
Paydayloansuk |
www.payhembury.org.uk |
Payhembury Village Devon -
Official Website - Payhembury village, Devon. Find out about life,
community, events and information in this amazing Devon village... |
www.paypalbingo.org.uk |
Paypal Bingo Halls | Bingo PayPal
Accepted Sites - Play Paypal Bingo Today. Find all the PayPal accepted
online bingo sites where you can deposit and withdraw useing your PayPal
account.. |
www.payslips.org.uk |
Payslips - payslips, FREE Advice
on how to get Payslips, We supply Genuine Replacement Payslips for Proof
of Income |
www.pba.org.uk |
Professional Boatman's
Association :: A National Association Promoting Safety at Sea |
www.pbcfoundation.org.uk |
www.pbni.org.uk |
PBNI | Changing Lives for Safer
Communities |
www.pbs.org.uk |
The Prayer Book Society |
www.pbt.org.uk |
Peterborough Bus Times - Easy to
use bus timetables for Peterborough, England |
www.pcc.org.uk |
Press Complaints Commission >>
Home Page >> The homepage of the Press Complaints Commission, the
independent body which deals with complaints from members of the public
about the editorial content of newspaper and magazines. |
www.pcclub.org.uk |
Pulborough Computer Club - NEW -
Describes the club and its activities with meeting calendar, tutorials
and downloads |
www.pccongress.org.uk |
PCCongress 2020 PCCongress 2020
| Association for Palliative Medicine |
www.pcd.org.uk |
St Peter and St Paul Cudham and
St Mary Downe |
www.pcds.org.uk |
The Primary Care Dermatology
Society | Primary Care Dermatology Society | UK - Primary Care
Dermatology Society. The leading primary care society for dermatology
and skin surgery. |
www.pcdsupport.org.uk |
PCD Support |
www.pchs.org.uk |
Prudhoe Community High School -
| The official site for news and information about Prudhoe Community
High School, Northumberland |
www.pcmg.org.uk |
www.pcnbritain.org.uk |
Progressive Christianity Network
BritainProgressive Christianity Network Britain - PCN Britain - Members
of the Progressive Christianity Network seek a credible and inclusive
way to follow Jesus. We are unafraid to question traditional church
teaching; we value contemporary thought and recent biblical
understanding. We do not offer a set of answers but we invite you to
join us in asking the questions |
www.pcp-scitt.org.uk |
PCP SCITT Southampton - Primary
PGCE Teacher Training - PCP SCITT provides Primary PGCE, Early Years &
School Direct teacher training across Hampshire, Isle of Wight,
Wiltshire & Dorset. Ofsted outstanding. |
www.pcpa.org.uk |
Primary Care Pharmacy | PCPA |
Primary Care Pharmacy Association - PCPA - The Primary Care Pharmacy
Association (PCPA) is the largest and longest standing independent
organisation dedicated to supporting primary care pharmacists and GP
primary care pharmacists |
www.pcpr.org.uk |
organisation aims to provide mental health, social, educational and
advocacy services to Polish community in Scotland. |
www.pcrf.org.uk |
Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund
- The Charity Dedicated To Defeating Pancreatic Cancer By Funding
Innovative Research - Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund |
www.pcrg.org.uk |
Welcome to the PCRG |
www.pcrs.org.uk |
Palliative Care Research Society
– Promoting palliativecare research through information sharing,
networking and training. |
www.pcsonline.org.uk |
Pet Cremation Services For Dogs,
Cats and Small Pets - Personalised pet cremation services for your
beloved pet. Individual cremations and chapel of rest facilities
available. |
www.pctips.org.uk |
Introduction |
www.pda.org.uk |
Potash Development Association -
Potash Development Association (PDA) |
www.pdcnet.org.uk |
PDC Digital | Digital Agency
based in Leicestershire - PDC is a digital agency based in the
countryside of Leicestershire, made up of a team of dedicated designers,
developers and marketers. Find out more... |
www.pdhct.org.uk |
The Peter De Haan Charitable
Trust |
www.pdo.org.uk |
Michael Law’s Piccadilly Dance
Orchestra in Brighton - Michael Law's Piccadilly Dance Orchestra in
Brighton |
www.pdsa.org.uk |
Saving pets, Changing lives -
PDSA - PDSA is the UK's leading vet charity, providing free and low-cost
treatment to pets in need. Find out more about us and how you can
support our work. |
www.pdso.org.uk |
Facing Criminal Charges? Speak
to us, we can help. |
www.pdt.org.uk |
Paddington Development Trust -
Paddington Development Trust objects are the promotion for the public
benefit of urban regeneration in areas of social and economic
deprivation and in particular within the boroughs of north Westminster,
London. |
www.peabody.org.uk |
StackPath |
www.peaceandjustice.org.u... |
Peace and Justice – Edinburgh
Peace and Justice Centre |
www.peacefoundation.org.u... |
Peace Mantra Foundation |
www.peacehaven.org.uk |
Peacehaven Christian Guest house
and Conference centre Now Harepath Holidays Ltd. - Peacehaven Christian
Guest House and Conference centre in Seaton, Devon UK. It is ideal for
all types of holidays with its own indoor heated swimming pool and
en-suite bedrooms. |
www.peacehospice.org.uk |
Peace Hospice Care - Peace
Hospice Care is dedicated to improving the quality of life for patients
and families facing a life limiting illness by providing care and
support in the setting of their choice. |
www.peaceinthepark.org.uk |
Peace in the Park |
www.peacemala.org.uk |
Peace Mala - Creative education
that empowers and embraces all, uniting the world in peace - Peace Mala
- Creative education that empowers and embraces all, uniting the world
in peace |
www.peacemuseum.org.uk |
The Peace Museum » A Museum for
Life |
www.peaceparty.org.uk |
The Peace Party |
www.peacestudiesjournal.o... |
Peace Studies Journal |
www.peaceworks.org.uk |
The best mediation agency on the
South Coast | Peaceworks |
www.peakandnorthern.org.u... |
PNFS: Welcome to the PNFS - Peak
& Northern Footpaths Society |
www.peakcentre.org.uk |
The Peak Centre at Champion
House - Edale - Welcoming youth group accommodation and activity centre
in the Peak District |
www.peanutsusa.org.uk |
American Peanut Office - United
Kingdom - Representing all segments of the U.S. Peanut Industry to the
world. |
www.peapodpy.org.uk |
Peapod |
www.pearlies.org.uk |
The Original Pearlies of Kings
Cross & St Pancras - The Pearly Kings and Queens of St. Pancras. Raising
Fun and Funds for our Children's Futures for charity for Over a Hundred
Years. |
www.pearls.org.uk |
Dog, Cat & Wild Bird Products |
Pearl's Pet Care - PEARL'S (Pet Care) : Family owned & run Pet Shop, Pet
Sitting & Dog Walking service based in Forres, Moray. National &
International online sales; FREE LOCAL DELIVERY available (01309) 671166 |
www.pearsfoundation.org.u... |
Pears Foundation - Pears
Foundation was established by Mark, Trevor and David Pears, all of whom
serve as its Trustees. Their purpose was to apply some of the resources
of their family’s property company, the William Pears Group, to fund
organisations and projects working to deliver progress on key issues
affecting the wellbeing of people in the UK and all over the world. |
www.peas.org.uk |
www.peasemore.org.uk |
Peasemore Village - Peasemore
village website |
www.peatalert.org.uk |
peat alert in south yorkshire |
www.peatmoor.org.uk |
Peatmoor Community Primary School
www.pebblebedheaths.org.u... |
Pebblebed Heaths |
www.pecan.org.uk |
Pecan | Community, Resettlement,
Employment | South East London - Pecan is a charity based in Peckham,
South East London. Our services are designed to help build a stronger
community. |
www.peck.org.uk |
PHARscape |
www.peckhamsociety.org.uk |
Peckhamsociety |
www.pect.org.uk |
PECT - Peterborough Environment
City Trust Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT) delivers a range
of environmental projects working with local people, communities,
schools and businesses. |
www.pedal-porty.org.uk |
PEDAL - Portobello Transition
TownPEDAL - Portobello Transition Town |
www.pedalmcr.org.uk |
Pedal MCR - Manchester Cycling
Blog - Manchester Cycling Blog |
www.pedalpa.org.uk |
Pedalpa |
www.pedalpower.org.uk |
Pedal Power, Scotland’s Bike
Shop |
www.pedals.org.uk |
Pedals – Nottingham Cycle
Campaign |
www.peeblesarchsoc.org.uk |
Peeblesshire Archaeological
Society |
www.peelinstitute.org.uk |
The Peel Centre |
www.peelstreet.org.uk |
Peel Street Baptist Church |
Life with meaning! Life with a difference! - Life with meaning! Life
with a difference! |
www.peep.org.uk |
Apache2 Debian Default Page: It
works |
www.peepshow.org.uk |
Emmy award-winning animation,
illustration, art direction and production. - Emmy award-winning
animation, illustration, art direction and production. |
www.pef.org.uk |
The Palestine Exploration Fund |
www.pegasustheatre.org.uk |
Pegasustheatre |
www.pegrumrangecookers.or... |
Pegrum Limited Heating and
Plumbing services family run business established over 40 years - Pegrum
Limited Hildenborough Kent |
www.pellspool.org.uk |
Pellspool |
www.pelvicpain.org.uk |
Pelvic Pain Support Network |
Support, Information and Advocacy for those with Pelvic Pain - The
Pelvic Pain Support Network is a patient led organisation and registered
charity providing support, information and advocacy for those with
pelvic pain. |
www.pelvicpartnership.org... |
Pelvic Partnership |
www.pembrokehouse.org.uk |
Pembroke House – Building good
lives and a good society in Walworth for 130 years. |
www.pembrokeshire-frame.o... |
Pembrokeshire Frame, A local
charity supporting local people, - website description |
www.pembrokeshire-tri.org... |
Pembrokeshire Triathlon Club |
Welcome to the Pembrokeshire Triathlon Club website |
www.pembrokeshirecoast.or... |
Pembrokeshire Coast National
Park - Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, |
www.pembrokeshireharriers... |
Pembrokeshire's only athletics
club - Pembrokeshire Harriers |
www.pembrokeshiremarinesa... |
Pembrokeshire Marine SAC -
Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation |
www.pembrokeshiremind.org... |
Welcome To Pembrokeshire Mind
Pembrokeshire Mind - Pembrokeshire Mind are a voluntary group who work
for a better life for everyone with experience of mental distress |
www.pembrokeshireoutdoors... |
Pembrokeshire Outdoor Charter |
www.pembrokeshireyfc.org.... |
Pembrokeshire YFC |
www.pembroketownandcountr... |
Pembroke Town & Country Fair
2018 | Pembroke Town & Country Show 2018 - Welcome to the Pembroke Town
& Country Show 2015 This annual one day show, organised by the members
of Pembroke Farmers’ Club, takes place on the first Wednesday in August.
So this year it will be held on the 5th August on the Lamphey Showground
(SA71 5JS), just 2 miles east of Pembroke Town. |
www.pembsyachtclub.org.uk |
Pembrokeshire Yacht Club – Dinghy
sailing, Cruising, Cruiser racing, Rowing, Training |
www.pembury.org.uk |
Welcome to the Pembury Village
Website « Pembury Village - Welcome to the Pembury Village Website
Located near Tunbridge Wells in Kent, Pembury is an attractive village
in the heart of South East England. Centred round the village green, the
parish of Pembury maintains a rural character and includes large areas
of woodland, agricultural land and many outlying farms. Home to over
6,000 residents, it retains a true village identity separate from
neighbouring Royal Tunbridge Wells. Clubs, societies and organisations
flourish for every age and interest and together support an active
community life. |
www.pemburyroadbaptist.or... |
Pembury Road Baptist Chapel - A
Baptist Church in Tonbridge, Kent |
www.pemphigus.org.uk |
Pemphigus Vulgaris Network -
Website of the Pemphigus Vulgaris Network, the United Kingdom support
group for people living with Pemphigus and Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid. |
www.penallt.org.uk |
Penallt Village Website - Penallt
- Penallt Village Website |
www.pencader.org.uk |
Pencader a'r cylch – Pencader &
District |
www.penderelstrust.org.uk |
Penderels Trust - Opening the
Door to Independent Living - Penderels Trust - Supporting people to live
independently since 1988. |
www.pendleac.org.uk |
Pendle AC – athletics in pendle,
fell running, track and field, cross country, sportshall |
www.pendleburycentre.org.... |
The Pendlebury Centre | Working
Positively for Change - | Working Positively for Change |
www.pendleside.org.uk |
Welcome to Pendleside Hospice -
Pendleside Hospice |
www.peng.org.uk |
Nutrition Support, The Parenteral
& Enteral Nutrition Group - PENG - Website for PENG, a recognised
authority on both practical and academic aspects of nutritional support.
Supporting Dietitians to deliver excellence in nutritional care through
appropriate oral, enteral and parenteral nutrition. |
www.penhurst.org.uk |
Penhurst Retreat Centre |
www.penicuikharriers.org.... |
Penicuik Harriers Running Club |
www.penkridge.org.uk |
Penkridge on the River Penk,
Staffordshire, UK - Penkridge Town Community Web Site, Staffordshire, UK |
www.penleehouse.org.uk |
Penlee House Gallery and Museum
Penzance Cornwall UK - Museum and gallery providing information on
collections of archaeology, costume and textiles, decorative arts,
photography, social and local history. West Cornwall's centre for art
and heritage. |
www.penlline.org.uk |
Penllyn & Craig Penllyn - The
villages of Penllyn and Craig Penllyn in the Parish of Penllyn in the
Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, UK |
www.pennandtylersgreen.or... |
Penn and Tylers Green Residents
Society – Penn and Tylers Green RS |
www.pennies.org.uk |
Pennies - The Digital Charity
Box - Pennies - The Digital Charity Box is an easy way to raise money
for charity, collecting small change donations when paying by card,
in-store or online. |
www.pennineheritage.org.u... |
Pennine Heritage Ltd – At the
Birchcliffe Centre |
www.penninejourney.org.uk |
A Pennine Journey :: The Pennine
Journey is a long distance walk of 247 miles and was devised as a
tribute to Alfred Wainwrights original Pennine Journey undertaken in
1938. |
www.penninewaywalk.org.uk |
Pen Nine Way Walk UK |
www.pennoyers.org.uk |
Welcome to The Pennoyer Centre -
Pennoyer Center |
www.penra.org.uk |
Peninsula Radiology Academy |
www.penrithact.org.uk |
PACT | Tackling peak oil,
climate change and economic sustainability in Penrith and Eden District
- Penrith Action for Community Transition (PACT) is a transition town
group developing community-based responses to the challenges of peak oil
and climate change. |
www.penrithchamberoftrade... |
Penrith Chamber of Trade and
Commerce - The Penrith Chamber of Trade and Commerce was formed in 1903
making us one of the oldest in the country. |
www.penrithredsquirrels.o... |
Penrith & District Red Squirrel
Group - Welcome to Penrith & District Red Squirrel Group - Penrith &
District Red Squirrel Group - Promote the preservation of the red
squirrel population in their natural habitat within Penrith and district
and their protection from extinction |
www.penrithrufc.org.uk |
www.penroseinquiry.org.uk |
Penrose Inquiry |
www.pensfordtennisclub.or... |
Pensford Tennis Club / Pensford
Tennis Club, Kew - Pensford Tennis Club, Kew in Richmond |
www.pension-release.org.u... |
Pension Release - could it help
you? - Pension Release - Pension Release: Can you release cash from your
pension early under 55? More and more people are looking for early
pension release, but is it right for you? |
www.pensionfinder.org.uk |
Vans Online | Vans Shoes for Mens
& Womens | Vans Shoes Store - Buy cheap Vans shoes for men and women
online. Welcome to choose a pair of comfortable shoes in our online
shop. All Shoes are cheap and perfect workmanship. |
www.pensionprotectionfund... |
Welcome to the PPF | Pension
Protection Fund Email - It's our duty to protect people with a defined
benefit pension when an employer becomes insolvent. We manage £32
billion of assets for our 249,000 members. |
www.pensions-ombudsman.or... |
Pensions Ombudsman |
www.pensions-pmi.org.uk |
The Pensions Management
Institute |
www.pensionsarchive.org.u... |
Pensions Archive Trust - About
the Pensions Archive |
www.pensionspolicyinstitu... |
Pensions Policy. UK Pension
Statistics and Facts - Pensions Policy Institute - The Pensions Policy
Institute provides independent comment and analysis on public policy on
pensions and retirement income provision in the UK. |
www.pensthorpetrust.org.u... |
Pensthorpe Conservation Trust at
Pensthorpe Natural Park - By visiting Pensthorpe you are supporting the
Pensthorpe Conservation Trust and Actively Saving Species, there are
many ways that you can help. |
www.pentreffest.org.uk |
Pentreffest |
www.penumbra.org.uk |
Penumbra • Supporting Scotland's
Mental Health - Penumbra is one of Scotland's largest mental health
charities. We support mental health and wellbeing in Scotland, raise
awareness and offer hope. More... |
www.penybontprimary.org.u... |
Penybont Primary School |
www.penzancechoral.org.uk |
www.people4u.org.uk |
People4U – The Respondent
Recruiters |
www.peopleinaction.org.uk |
People In Action (Yorkshire) UK |
www.peoplematter.org.uk |
People Matter -- Our philosophy
is simple - People Matter to Business Success |
www.peopleshealthtrust.or... |
People's Health Trust |
www.peopleunited.org.uk |
People United |
www.pepys-club.org.uk |
The Samuel Pepys Club |
www.percheron.org.uk |
British Percheron Horse Society
- Formed in 1918 to promote the use of the British Percheron Horse. Also
a DEFRA Horse Passport Issuing Organisation. Information on the breed,
newsletter, list of UK breeders, links to draft breeds in UK and abroad,
upcoming events, and on-line membership form. Based in the UK. |
www.percyhedley.org.uk |
Percy Hedley Foundation |
Inspire, Believe, Achieve - Percy Hedley Foundation - Inspire, Believe,
Achieve |
www.perennial.org.uk |
Perennial |
www.perfectboundbooks.org... |
How Do You Bind Books? -
perfectboundbooks.org.uk |
www.perform.org.uk |
Perform N9 Design We Made This |
www.performerswithoutbord... |
Performers Without Borders |
www.pericles.org.uk |
Pioneering training and work
project for young people and adults with special learning needs |
Pericles - The project offers practical and artistic activities within
small groups that are introduced according to both need and capability,
complemented by specialist therapeutic activities. The approach to
individual development, training and work at Pericles has been developed
out of the work of Rudolf Steiner and John Ruskin, placing a strong
emphasis on ecological ways of working with the Earth's resources and an
holistic view of development. |
www.perinatal.org.uk |
Perinatal Institute |
www.perivale-community-ce... |
Perivale Community Centre |
www.perkin.org.uk |
Jonathan Perkin - Sofware
engineer. Musician. Husband, father, child of God. This is my website. |
www.perlgirl.org.uk |
~nicolaw — Übergeek & CatLoaf
Facilitator |
www.perlineamvalli.org.uk |
Perlineamvalli |
www.permaculture.org.uk |
Permaculture Association |
www.permanentmakeup.org.u... |
Alison Doughty –
Micropigmentation Specialist |
www.permanentmakeuplond..... |
Permanent Makeup London semi
permanent cosmetic makeup - Permanent makeup London, finest approved
permanent cosmetic makeup artists featured, eyebrow tattooing Lip liner
hairstroke eyebrows and paramedical semi-permanent makeup |
www.permuted.org.uk |
Everything is Permuted -
Introduction Page - Everything is Permuted. Paul Cecil presents wildlife
and fox photography. |
www.perransands.org.uk |
Perran Sands Holiday Park |
Haven Holidays - Perran Sands Haven Holidays Cronwall Caravan &
Camping Holiday Park. Perran Sands Caravan Sales Beach Views. |
www.pers.org.uk |
www.pershoreabbey.org.uk |
Pershore Abbey – The Abbey of
the Holy Cross |
www.personalisededucation... |
Welcome to Personalised Education
Now - Personalised Education NowPersonalised Education Now |
www.personalitydisorder.o... |
Personality Disorder -
everybody's business. - Official UK PD site. |
www.perth-youth-orchestra... |
Perth Youth Orchestra – The
orchestra is a registered charity in Scotland |
www.perthautismsupport.or... |
Perth Autism Support |
www.perthbaptistchurch.or... |
Welcome to Perth Baptist Church,
Perth, Scotland. We're a friendly community of people from all walks of
life, who follow Jesus together... |
www.perthnorthchurch.org.... |
Perth North Church - Church of
Scotland ,PERTH City Centre, PH1 5PB, 01738 622298,
info@PerthNorthChurch.org.uk |
www.perthpresbytery.org.u... |
Welcome to the Presbytery of
Perth website... |
www.perthyn.org.uk |
Perthyn Belonging - Perthyn is a
registered charity that provides support primarily to people with a
learning disability, across both Wales and England. |
www.perusupportgroup.org.... |
Peru News & Info - The Peru
Support Group |
www.pesgb.org.uk |
Petroleum Exploration Society of
Great Britain - Find out about the work of Petroleum Exploration Society
of Great Britain and how to become a member. |
www.pestalozzi.org.uk |
Pestalozzi International
Foundation - Pestalozzi is a UK-based charity with more than 60 years’
experience of offering life-changing scholarship opportunities to young
people. |
www.pet24.org.uk |
Pet 24 - The UK's number 1
visible pet identification |
www.peta.org.uk |
People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals | Animal Rights in the UK - People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals (PETA) and its affiliates are dedicated to the protection of
animals worldwide. |
www.petaf.org.uk |
PETAF.org.uk // PETA Foundation
PETAF.org.uk offers free teaching materials and humane education
resources. Teach kindness and animal education with the latest free
lesson plans. |
www.petbc.org.uk |
Pet Education Training Behaviour
Council – PETbc |
www.petcare.org.uk |
Pet Industry Federation - pet
care trust, pet care trade association |
www.petcheyacademy.org.uk |
The Petchey Academy - An
inclusive secondary academy committed to inspiring and supporting every
child to be the best that they can be. |
www.peterbedford.org.uk |
Peter Bedford Housing
Association - Peter Bedford Housing Association provides Housing & a
range of learning, training and creative opportunties for Vulnerable
Adults in Hackney and Islington. |
www.peterborofhs.org.uk |
Peterborough & District Family
History Society |
www.peterborough-cathedra... |
Peterborough Cathedral - meta
description |
www.peterborough-diocese.... |
The Diocese of Peterborough |
www.peterboroughlibdems.o... |
My Liberal Peterborough - My
Liberal Peterborough, , |
www.peterboroughlions.org... |
Ordinary people, amazing things |
Peterborough Lions |
www.peterboroughlocksmith... |
Domestic Locksmith Service - Fast Local Locksmith Service in
Peterborough - Peterborough Locksmiths a family run business that has
been serving Peterborough and all local villages for almost 25 years.
With a wealth of experience and reliability, We offer one of the largest
selections of UPVC door locks, Handles and Cylinders in Peterborough,
including Bs euro cylinders. We also replace traditional mortice and
Yale locks |
www.peterboroughmusicfest... |
PMF Splash |
www.peterboroughps.org.uk |
Peterborough Photographic
Society - Camera club in Peterborough, UK. Runs weekly meetings from Sep
to May including invited talks, practical evenings, competitions and an
Annual Exhibition. |
www.peterboroughu3a.org.u... |
Peterborough U3A - Peterborough
U3A |
www.petercruddasfoundatio... |
Peter Cruddas Foundation -
helping young people achieve more, Peter Cruddas Foundation |
www.petergordon.org.uk |
petergordon.org.uk |
www.petergray.org.uk |
Books by Peter Gray, celebrated
author and expert witness - Peter Gray has written a number of books in
the field of Horse medicine and has now written two new books,
Premonition A story of Ireland and Telemachus. |
www.peterhead.org.uk |
Peterhead | The Blue Toon |
www.peterheadfc.org.uk |
Peterhead Finance – Peterhead
Finance |
www.peterminet.org.uk |
Peter Minet Trust | Peter Minet
Trust |
www.petersfieldmusicalfes... |
Petersfield Musical Festival -
Welcome to the home of Petersfield's annual music festival. |
www.petersfieldyouththeat... |
Petersfield Youth Theatre
performing arts petersfield - Advancing education in music & theatre
arts for children & young people. Petersfield Youth Theatre is a place
to find inspiration and limitless imagination. performing arts
petersfield |
www.pethealthinfo.org.uk |
Pet Health Information | Free
Care Advice For Your Pet |
www.petlog.org.uk |
UK Pet Microchip Registration &
Database: Petlog - Over 9 million owners trust Petlog to help reunite
them with their lost pets. If your pet goes missing, microchipping gives
you the best chance of finding them |
www.petrus.org.uk |
Petrus |
www.petsonline.org.uk |
Pets Online – Pets & Animals |
www.pettigrew.org.uk |
Pettigrew family |
www.pettigrews.org.uk |
Pettigrews Website |
www.pettypool.org.uk |
Petty Pool Vocational College &
Outdoor Centre - Our aim is to educate, train and support young people,
through our Vocational College which supports students with learning
disabilities, or our Outdoor Centre, which supports personal development |
www.petvet.org.uk |
Pet Vet - Veterinary Surgeries
Southampton | Veterinary Excellence |
www.petworthfestival.org.... |
Petworth |
www.pewsey-carnival.org.u... |
Pewsey Carnival |
www.pewsey-heritage-centr... |
Pewsey Heritage Centre - Pewsey
Heritage Centre - Pewsey Heritage Centre is a Wiltshire museum dedicated
to the history of Pewsey Vale its Farming History, Social History, and
History of Industry. Find information on old farming tools, the Pewsey
Workhouse, Pewsey Wharf, Pewsey Gas Works, Wiltshire Agricultural
History, Victorian Machinery and more! |
www.pewterers.org.uk |
The Worshipful Company of
Pewterers - The Worshipful Company of Pewterers is one of the older
Livery Companies in the City of London and an ideal Venue in the Heart
of the City, EC2V 7DE |
www.peyc.org.uk |
Port Edgar Yacht Club |
Scotland’s principal East Coast racing venue Port Edgar Yacht Club –
Scotland’s principal East Coast racing venue |
www.pfb.org.uk |
Pill Festival Band - Pill
Festival Band - based in the village of Pill, North Somerset. PFB is a
orchestral concert band. The band plays a diverse portfolio of popular
music, from movie/musical themes, popular commemorative patriotic tunes,
americana, and traditional. The band is open to musicians of all ages
and abilities, with the emphasis on fun, community and entertainment |
www.pfc.org.uk |
Press For Change - The UK's
Leading Experts in Transgender Law |
www.pfcounselling.org.uk |
PF Counselling - PF Counselling
Service, providing counselling and psychotherapy in Edinburgh for people
facing the difficulties of everyday life. |
www.pffs.org.uk |
Prison Advice and Care Trust -
Pact is a national charity that supports prisoners and their families to
make a fresh start |
www.pfh.org.uk |
Pickering & Ferens Homes |
Housing association : East Riding - Pickering & Ferens Homes is a
registered Housing Association & charity providing high quality housing
for people over the age of 60 in Hull & East Riding. |
www.pfma.org.uk |
Pet Food Manufacturing
Association - The PFMA is the leading trade body for the UK pet food
industry and our 85 members account for over 90% of the market. |
www.pfo.org.uk |
Pendle Forest Orienteers - A
small orienteering club based around Burnley, Pendle, Rossendale,
Accrington and Blackburn |
www.pgcomps.org.uk |
British Paragliding Competitions
| British Paragliding Competitions |
www.pgg.org.uk |
Meetings, training, horticultural
advice - Professional Gardeners' Guild - Professional Gardeners' Guild -
website for professional gardeners employed in private gardens and
estates. Information, learning and traineeships, to provide the
horticultural industry with skilled gardeners and garden managers. |
www.pglcornwall.org.uk |
PGL Cornwall – The Provincial
Grand Lodge of Cornwall |
www.pgldevonshire.org.uk |
Provincial Grand Lodge of
Devonshire - The Official website of the Masonic Province of Devonshire
Craft Freemasonry. For news, information and deatils on becoming a
member. |
www.pglwilts.org.uk |
Wiltshire Freemasons -
Freemasons |
www.pgs.org.uk |
The Portsmouth Grammar School -
Welcome to The Portsmouth Grammar School, a happy and vibrant
independent school located in the historic heart of Portsmouth and only
a few minutes’ walk from the Solent. |
www.pgsg.org.uk |
PGSG - - Webmaster Simon - - -
Simon Wheeler |
www.pgwodehousesociety.or... |
The P G Wodehouse Society (UK) |
www.phab.org.uk |
Phab | Phab creates
opportunities for children and adults of all abilities to enjoy life
together | Phab |
www.phantasm.org.uk |
Phantasm Viol Consort |
www.phantomclass.org.uk |
Phantom Class Association |
www.phaselswood.org.uk |
Phasels Wood Activity Centre -
Phasels Wood in Kings Langley, Hertfordshire is a Campsite and Activity
Centre run by Hertfordshire Scouts. |
www.phe-culturecollection... |
Culture Collections |
www.pheasant.org.uk |
World Pheasant Association: World
Pheasant Association |
www.phenomena.org.uk |
phenomena.org.uk |
www.phethean.org.uk |
Phethean Family History | History
and Genealogy of the Phethean families and the Phethean One-Name Study -
Welcome to the Phethean Family History site! The family tree is
available via the top menu item, or via the side-bar/bottom bar
(depending if you are on a large or small screen) menu. Updates to the
database are carried out at regular intervals but if there is anything
that you think is wrong or missing then please use the "Contact Me" tab
on the menu bar. A more up to date tree is hosted at Ancestry.co.uk. |
www.phf.org.uk |
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - We are
an independent funder, helping people to overcome disadvantage and lead
more fulfilling and creative lives. |
www.philomusica.org.uk |
Philomusica - the best and
friendliest choir in the Three Counties - Website of mixed voice choir
Philomusica; based in Gloucestershire & Worcestershire we are the best
and friendliest choir around. |
www.philosopher.org.uk |
Philosophy since the
Enlightenment, by Roger Jones - Philosophy since the enlightenment by
Roger Jones |
www.philosophyofsport.org... |
British Philosophy of Sport
Association | Official Website |
www.philrobins.org.uk |
Phil's HERMS Brewery - I decide
to build my HERMS back in 2006 after seeing so many fantastic breweries
on the internet (almost all American and… |
www.philsoc.org.uk |
PhilSoc - The Philological
Society online - The Philological Society is the oldest learned society
in Great Britain devoted to the scholarly study of language and
languages. As well as encouraging all aspects of the study of language,
PhilSoc has a particular interest in historical and comparative
linguistics, and in the structure, development, and varieties of Modern
English. |
www.philtaylor.org.uk |
Phil Taylor | Ealing resident
sounds off |
www.philwillis.org.uk |
Phil Willis Locksmiths - Phil
Willis Locksmiths are here to assist you with your lock requirements and
needs. Based in the center of Glasgow, we cover Glasgow and surrounding
areas. With years of experience in the industry, we have built up a
large number of happy clients that know who to call when they need a
locksmith. |
www.phm.org.uk |
People's History Museum: The
national museum of democracy - Visit People's History Museum (PHM) in
Manchester UK, the national museum of democracy, telling the story of
its development in Britain: past, present, and future. |
www.pho.org.uk |
Personal Health Online – Answers
to all your health questions |
www.phoenicia.org.uk |
Phoenicians before Columbus
Expedition |
www.phoenix-futures.org.u... |
Phoenix Futures |
www.phoenix.org.uk |
Phoenix Leicester | Cinema Film
Listings and Showtimes - Phoenix is Leicester's city centre venue for
independent film, art and digital culture, with a friendly Café Bar
serving freshly cooked food. |
www.phone-pages.org.uk |
Phone Pages – Phone design
through the ages |
www.phonepayplus.org.uk |
Phone-paid Services Authority -
The UK regulatory body for phone-paid services - Phone-paid Services
Authority - Partner of Ofcom, we regulate phone-paid services in the UK,
premium rate goods and services that you can buy by charging the cost to
your phone bill and pre-pay account. |
www.photocopier.org.uk |
Photocopier : Photocopiers :
Photocopier.org.uk - Free photocopier information and free quotes from
multiple suppliers |
www.photostore.org.uk |
Purchasing Work >> Photostore |
www.photoworks.org.uk |
Photoworks UK | Commissions new
photography, produces exhibitions - Photoworks commissions new
photography, produces exhibitions and events including the Brighton
Photo Biennial, publishes books and an annual magazine. |
www.phpjobs.org.uk |
PHP Jobs, vacancies I
phpjobs.co.uk - PHP Jobs. Hundreds of PHP jobs live in the UK. Search
and apply online. |
www.phpnw.org.uk |
PHPNW User Group - PHPNW User
Group, Manchester UK |
www.phrases.org.uk |
2,000 Phrases and Sayings - with
meanings and origins explained. - The meanings and origins of thousands
of English phrases, sayings, idioms, expressions and proverbs that we
use daily. |
www.physchem.org.uk |
PhysChem Forum - PhysChem Forum:
A discussion forum for experimental scientists in physical chemistry to
exchange views, problems and solutions. Free symposiums and meetings for
all interested scientists and technicians. |
www.physiofirst.org.uk |
Physio First |
www.pia.org.uk |
PiA - Primary Immunodeficiency
Association - Common Variable Immunodeficiency CVID,
Hypogammaglobulinaemia, Agammaglobulinaemia, Severe Combined
Immunodeficiency SCID and X-linked SCID, Neutropenia, Hereditary
Angioedema HAE |
www.pianc.org.uk |
PIANC British Section |
www.pianotuner.org.uk |
Pianoforte Tuners' Association |
Tuning | Repairs | Restoration |
www.piba.org.uk |
Personal Injuries Bar
Association |
www.picanet.org.uk |
PICANet – Paediatric Intensive
Care Audit Network for the UK and Ireland |
www.picklescott.org.uk |
Picklescott Village - The
village of Picklescott in Shropshire |
www.pickyourownchristmast... |
This website lists choose-and-cut
your own Christmas tree farms, pre-cut tree farms, tree stands, tree
lots sleigh rides, and other winter fun activities, resources and
information for Christmas holiday events and fun organized by region of
the UK and county! It is very easy to use and completely free. |
www.pickyourownfarms.org.... |
United Kingdom United Kingdom
U-Pick farms: Find a pick your own farm near you in United Kingdom for
fruit, vegetables, pumpkins, organic foods,local produce and more! -
United Kingdom's pick your own farms and PYO orchards for fruit,
vegetables, pumpkins and more. The website also has preserving &
freezing instructions, related events and fun and listings for every
other state and many countries! |
www.picprojects.org.uk |
Picprojects | for Microchip PIC
microcontrollers |
www.pictavia.org.uk |
Pictavia Money – Personal
finance news and budgeting information. |
www.pictfor.org.uk |
Pictfor |
www.pictishstones.org.uk |
Historic Environment Scotland |
Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba - Historic Environment Scotland is the
lead public body established to investigate, care for and promote
Scotland’s historic environment. Browse the website today, or contact us
to learn more. |
www.picture-research.org.... |
Picture Research Association -
London - Picture Research Association - The society for image media
professionals. |
www.picture-this.org.uk |
Picture This - Picture This is a
moving image projects agency that commissions contemporary visual art
works and produces exhibitions, publications and touring initiatives |
www.picturehalton.org.uk |
Pictures of Halton |
www.picturenewmills.org.u... |
NMLHS Information on New Mills
Local History Society. How to join, list of meetings, list of
publications etc. |
www.picturethepast.org.uk |
Picture the Past – Historical
Photo Archive of Derbyshire & Nottingham - With over 120,000 images
Picture the Past is a vast online archive of old and historical photos
document the activities and people of Derby, Derbyshire and Nottingham.
Browse photos for research, or buy art prints, canvas prints and gifts.
Visit today and explore. |
www.pidleymountainrescue.... |
Pidley Mountain Rescue Team |
www.pie.org.uk |
The domain name pie.org.uk is for
sale! - pie.org.uk is listed for sale |
www.piemontese.org.uk |
Welcome to Piemontese | The
British Piemontese Cattle Society - The Piemontese is way ahead of any
other beef breed in its ability to kill out at 70% and bone out at 83% -
producers, maternal and spotlight |
www.pieravenuebaptistchur... |
Pier Avenue Baptist Church |
www.piers.org.uk |
National Piers Society –
Celebrating Seaside Piers |
www.pifonline.org.uk |
Patient Information Forum - The
Patient Information Forum (PIF) is the UK membership organisation and
network for people working in, and involved with, healthcare information
and support. |
www.pigpen.org.uk |
The Pigpen |
www.pigsear.org.uk |
pigsear.org.uk |
www.pigsonthewing.org.uk |
Andy Mabbett, aka pigsonthewing
— ...from Birmingham, EnglandAndy Mabbett, aka pigsonthewing | …from
Birmingham, England - ...from Birmingham, England |
www.pigvetsoc.org.uk |
Welcome to the PVS website | Pig
Veterinary Society |
www.pih.org.uk |
People in Harmony - People in
Harmony is an interracial anti-racist organisation which promotes the
positive experience of interracial life in Britain today and challenges
the racism, prejudice and ignorance in society. |
www.pilgrimstorome.org.uk |
Home – Confraternity of Pilgrims
to Rome - Pilgrims to Rome on The Via Francigena. Welcome to the
Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome (CPR). We assist those making a
pilgrimage on the Via Francigena. |
www.pilgrimsvets.org.uk |
Pilgrims Veterinary Practice |
Serving Dorset & The New Forest - Pilgrims Veterinary Practice are a
traditional country vets serving Dorset and the New Forest since 2004.
We treat your pets as if they were our own. |
www.pillar.org.uk |
Pillar of Faith Ministries -
Event Registration - Pillar of Faith is an ancient Bible Israelite
congregation. We are a Hebrew aware, Hebrew apostolic, Messianic,
purpose driven Pentecostal assembly in the East End of London in the UK |
www.pillbox-study-group.o... |
The Pillbox Study Group Website
- Information on all aspects of WWII defensive structures in the UK and
abroad. |
www.pillingparish.org.uk |
Pilling Parish Council |
Councillors Pilling Parish Council - Pilling Parish Council, Supporting
local people in Pilling Parish Council, The Pilling Parish Council
website, Meet your local Pilling Parish Councillors |
www.pilotlight.org.uk |
Pilotlight - Connecting
ambitious charities with business leaders - Pilotlight is an
award-winning charity that connects business executives with charitable
organisations to unlock solutions that help charities become more
effective and sustainable. We do this by harnessing and matching the
talents of our members (Pilotilghters) to charities through our
programmes. |
www.pilrigstpauls.org.uk |
Pilrig St. Paul's Church –
Scottish charity number SC007277 |
www.pilsudski.org.uk |
Instytut Józefa Pi³sudskiego w
Londynie - IJP Londyn - zapraszamy na strony Instytutu! |
www.piltdown.org.uk |
Welcome to the Piltdown House Web
Page |
www.piltoncollege.org.uk |
Pilton Community College |
Barnstaple - Welcome to Pilton Community College, a specialist language
college in Barnstaple, North Devon. Awarded International Secondary
School of the Year 2014 |
www.pimlico.org.uk |
RepSOS – Reputation Management |
www.pimlicoschool.org.uk |
Serving your quest to know |
www.pinkribbonfoundation.... |
The Pink Ribbon Foundation –
Breast Cancer Charity |
www.pinktriangle.org.uk |
The Pink Triangle Trust – The
Pink Triangle Trust – Home Page. |
www.pinnerchurches.org.uk |
Pinner Association of Churches |
www.pinnermethodist.org.u... |
Pinner Methodist Church –
Sharing God's Love in Church and Community |
www.pinnerparishchurch.or... |
Pinner Parish Church |
www.pinnerplayers.org.uk |
Pinnerplayers |
www.pinpoint-cambs.org.uk |
Parent Carer Support in Cambs
from Pinpoint Cambridgeshire - Do you have a child with
disabilities/additional needs in Cambs? Pinpoint Cambridgeshire offers
information, support and involvement for SEND parent carers. |
www.pint.org.uk |
Tony Kennick |
www.pinter.org.uk |
Frances Pinter |
www.pintsizedplays.org.uk |
Pint-Sized Plays |
www.pinvin.org.uk |
Welcome to the Pinvin Parish
Council and Village Website! |
www.pioneer.org.uk |
Pioneer |
www.pioneerprojects.org.u... |
Pioneer Projects – Creative
Connections for Wellbeing |
www.pipa.org.uk |
PIPA Inflatable Play Inspection
- Safe Bouncy Castles |
www.pipeband.org.uk |
Pipeband |
www.pirateparty.org.uk |
Pirate Party UK - Website for
the UK Pirate Party, a centrist party focusing on Digital Rights and
Freedom. |
www.pirtonhistory.org.uk |
Pirton Local History Group | A
record of the history of Pirton in Hertfordshire. |
www.pisc.org.uk |
Pacific Islands Study Circle |
www.pistachiosinthepark.o... |
Pistachios in the Park |
Welcoming park cafés in London Surrey South East - Pistachios in the
Park - A chain of local cafés based in London, Surrey & South East
parks. Child friendly cafés offer a wonderful menu, facilities & events |
www.pitchfinder.org.uk |
PitchFinder | Football Pitches
in the UK - PitchFinder is the largest database of football facilities
in England. Find a football pitch near you! |
www.pitcombepc.org.uk |
The Home of Pitcombe Parish
Council The Home of Pitcombe Parish Council |
www.pitshanger.org.uk |
Pitshanger Community Association |
www.pituitary.org.uk |
Pituitary Foundation The
Pituitary Foundation - The Pituitary Foundation is a UK patient support
organisation offering expert medical support and information on a range
of diseases. We are growing our fundraising and campaigning to make a
difference to pituitary patients. |
www.piva.org.uk |
Piva – The Renaissance
Collective |
www.pix.org.uk |
Edmond Terakopian:
Photojournalist |
www.pixl.org.uk |
The PiXL Club |
www.pjdaniel.org.uk |
pjdaniel.org.uk - Peter Daniel
home page. Photographs, Windows software, RiscOS software, digital
television information |
www.pk-sejahtera.org.uk |
Prosperous Justice Party Centre
for Information and Services in The United Kingdom |
www.pkavs.org.uk |
PKAVS Enhancing lives connecting
communities in Perth and Kinross - PKAVS supports unpaid carers, people
recovering from mental illness and minority communities, and works to
strengthen the voluntary sector. Today, PKAVS directly supports over
5,000 local disadvantaged people each year whilst promoting volunteering
and citizenship, helping our communities to be vibrant and the local
Voluntary Sector sustainable. PKAVS exists for, and because of, local
people. |
www.pkdcharity.org.uk |
Welcome to the Polycystic Kidney
Disease (PKD) Charity UK - PKD Charity - UK charity and patient support
group dedicated to improving the lives of everyone affected by all forms
of PKD. Support, help, research. |
www.pkht.org.uk |
PKHT :: Established to promote,
preserve and maintain the historical and architectural heritage of the
area. Includes details of activities and events. |
www.pkuaa.org.uk |
北京大学全英校友会 |
www.pkuk.org.uk |
PK UK - Pharmacokinetics (U.K.) |
www.pla.org.uk |
PLA - Property Litigation
Association - PLA is a members' organisation for professionals
specialising in all aspects of commercial, residential and agricultural
property litigation. |
www.places-to-go.org.uk |
Places to Go around London and
the UK. - Places to go describes the best attractions in London and the
South of England, the Cotswolds and Peak District, with photo's and
locations. |
www.plain-truth.org.uk |
The Plain Truth – A magazine of
understanding |
www.plainsong.org.uk |
The Plainsong and Medieval Music
Society |
www.plan9.org.uk |
Plan 9 - Joomla! - the dynamic
portal engine and content management system |
www.planbee.org.uk |
Bees for Development - Bees for
Development is an independent organisation founded in 1993. We are an
information service working at the heart of an international network of
people and organisations involved with apiculture in developing
countries. The organisation is made up of two partner institutions. Bees
for Development Trust is our charity which raises money with the aim of
alleviating poverty by means of beekeeping. |
www.planed.org.uk |
PLANED | Passionate About
Supporting People & Ideas that Change Communities - PLANED is committed
to improving communities quality of life by focusing on their
opportunities, potential and helping them to achieve their aspirations. |
www.planetaria.org.uk |
The British Association of
Planetaria – Official website of The British Association of Planetaria |
www.planetmagazine.org.uk |
Planet Magazine - The Welsh
Internationalist |
www.planetskaro.org.uk |
Planet Skaro |
www.planningaidwales.org.... |
Planning Aid Wales – Community
engagment in planning |
www.planningofficers.org.... |
The credible voice of public
sector planners in England - Planning Officers Society (POS) The
credible voice of public sector planners in England |
www.plantagenet.org.uk |
Plantagenet Medieval Reenactment
Society |
www.plantata.org.uk |
English Benedictine History -
monks since 1550 - English Benedictine History, monks & nuns in England
& Wales since 1550 |
www.plantcultures.org.uk |
Plant Cultures | Living Green |
www.plantengineer.org.uk |
Operations Engineer - Home |
www.plantlife.org.uk |
Plantlife |
www.plantscienceimages.or... |
Plant Science Image Database |
www.plasmaphysics.org.uk |
Theoretical Principles of Plasma
Physics and Atomic Physics - Essential facts and formulae based on a
kinematical view of plasmas and the interaction of radiation with atoms |
www.platforma.org.uk |
Platforma |
www.platformislington.org... |
Platform Islington | Youth Hub |
Venue Hire - Creative hub and venue for young people in Islington with a
cafe, theatre, performance space, media suite, recording studio and
dance studio. |
www.platitudes.org.uk |
This blog is closed |
www.play-back.org.uk |
Playback |
www.playbusters.org.uk |
Playbusters | Bringing families
children and the wider community together through a variety of
activities and educational opportunities. Playbusters are committed to
the ... |
www.playday.org.uk |
Play Day |
www.playengland.org.uk |
Play England |
www.playerpianogroup.org.... |
The Player Piano Group - The
Player Piano Group was founded in 1959 by Frank Holland, who also
founded the Musical Museum, to bring together all those interested in
pianos, player pianos, pianolas and other music instruments. |
www.playford.org.uk |
Playford Village Website |
www.playgloucestershire.o... |
Play Gloucestershire | Active &
creative outdoor play for children - Play Gloucestershire is a
registered charity, delivering childrens' active and creative outdoor
play in urban and rural communities around Gloucestershire |
www.playhouse.org.uk |
Erith Playhouse |
www.playtherapy.org.uk |
An information resource provided
by Play Therapy International and Play Therapy UK - the foremost
international organisation for play therapy, therapeutic play, filial
play and university accredited courses |
www.playwales.org.uk |
Play Wales | Chwarae Cymru - Play
Wales is the Welsh charity dedicated to helping children play. Chwarae
Cymru yw'r elusen Gymreig sy'n ymroddedig i helpu plant i chwarae. |
www.plazacinema.org.uk |
Plaza Cinema | community cinema |
www.plct.org.uk |
Peter Lang Children's Trust |
www.pleasley-colliery.org... |
Pleasley Colliery web site |
www.plfc.org.uk |
plfc (Pound Lane Free Church,
Isleham, Cambridgeshire) - We're an independent evangelical church in
Isleham, Cambridgeshire, affiliated to the FIEC. We seek the worship and
glory of the one true Lord God Almighty. |
www.pling.org.uk |
Chris Northwood, Software
Developer |
www.plot-generator.org.uk |
Plot Generator - Automatically
generate a story plot for film or paperback using key words of your
choice. Select from a variety of styles and either publish them online
or destroy them forever. |
www.pls.org.uk |
Publishers' Licensing Services -
Collective licensing and rights management services for UK publishers UK
Collective Licensing - The Publishers Licensing Society - Secondary,
transactional and blanket licensing for publishing house - Publishers'
Licensing Services - Collective licensing and rights management services
for UK publishers |
www.plsa.org.uk |
About - PLSA |
www.pltv.org.uk |
Mail Order Electronic
Spares/parts - Mail Order Electronic Spare parts |
www.plugin.org.uk |
plugin.org.uk |
www.plumberscompany.org.u... |
The Worshipful Company of
Plumbers |
www.pluss.org.uk |
Welcome to Pluss | Pluss - Pluss
is an award-winning Social Enterprise that supports thousands of people
with disabilities and other disadvantages move towards and into
employment each year. |
www.plymouth-counselling.... |
Plymouth Counselling -
Counselling and Psychotherapy in Plymouth - Plymouth Counselling -
psychotherapy, counselling and therapy in Plymouth, Devon |
www.plymouth-croquet.org.... |
Plymouth Croquet Club |
www.plymouth-diocese.org.... |
Diocese of Plymouth | Go
therefore, make disciples of all the nations. - The Site of the Roman
Catholic Diocese of Plymouth, the Catholic Church proudly serving Devon,
Dorset and Cornwall. |
www.plymouthcab.org.uk |
Web Hosting, Reseller Hosting &
Domain Names from Heart Internet - Reseller Hosting, Web Hosting,
Dedicated Servers & Domain Names | Heart Internet |
www.plymouthcavinggroup.o... |
Plymouth Caving Group |
www.plymouthdivers.org.uk |
Plymouth Sound Divers - Dive with
us on fantastic sites in the local area - Plymouth Sound Divers offers
year-round diving visiting the fabulous wrecks and spectacular
underwater scenery in the local area. We welcome all divers. |
www.plymouthguild.org.uk |
Improving Lives Plymouth |
www.plymouthramblers.org.... |
Plymouth Ramblers, walking on
Dartmoor, SW coast path, Bomin moor and other areas in West Devon and
East Cornwall |
www.plympton-st-maurice-p... |
Plympton St Maurice Primary
School |
www.plymsorop.org.uk |
Soroptimist International
Plymouth and District – women inspiring action, transforming lives |
www.plymstock.org.uk |
Plymstock United Church |
www.plymstockschool.org.u... |
Plymstock School – Plymstock,
Plymouth, Devon |
www.plymyachtclub.org.uk |
Plym Yacht Club - Plym Yacht
Club |
www.pmas.org.uk |
www.pmcpa.org.uk |
www.pmdc.org.uk |
Welcome to the PMDC of GB |
www.pmg.org.uk |
Portishead Medical Group -
Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments,
online prescriptions, health information and much more - Portishead
Medical Group Victoria Square,Portishead,Bristol BS20 6AQ, Information
about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online
prescriptions, health information and much more |
www.pmgc.org.uk |
Peterborough Milton GC -
<%=Mypage.metadescription%> |
www.pmmda.org.uk |
Polymer Machinery Manufacturers
and Distributors Association |
www.pms.org.uk |
National Association for
Premenstrual Syndrome | national association pre menstraul premenstraul
syndrome women help |
www.pmsc.org.uk |
Pin Mill Sailing Club - Pin Mill
Sailing Club is based on the South side of the River Orwell, just
outside of Ipswich in Suffolk |
www.pmsociety.org.uk |
PM Society - Pharmaceutical
Marketing Events, Education, Networking and Training - The
Pharmaceutical Marketing Society educates, informs and facilitates
networking among its 1400-plus members to promote excellence in
pharmaceutical and life sciences marketing. |
www.pni.org.uk |
Post Natal Illness -
www.pni.org.uk is run by sufferers and past suffers of PNI ( survivors)
for sufferers and past sufferers of PNI. We aim to support women with or
who have suffered Post Natal Illness or Post Natal Depression. |
www.pnla.org.uk |
www.pnuk.org.uk |
PNUK Pounds – Finance and money
blog. |
www.poauk.org.uk |
www.pocklington-trust.org... |
Thomas Pocklington Trust |
www.pocklingtonallotmenta... |
Pocklington Allotment Association
– Pocklington Allotments |
www.podatek.org.uk |
Podatki w UK - Podatki w UK |
www.pods-online.org.uk |
Positive Outcomes for
Dissociative Survivors | PODS - PODS helps and supports people who have
suffered trauma and developed a dissociative disorder. Additionally,
PODS also helps the people who support survivors. |
www.pods.org.uk |
PODS means Parents of Down's
Syndrome - voluntary support group for downs syndrome |
www.poetrybyheart.org.uk |
Poetry By Heart |
www.poetrylibrary.org.uk |
National Poetry Library - The
National Poetry Library is the largest public collection of modern
poetry in the world and is free to visit. We are located in Royal
Festival Hall at Southbank Centre in London and we are open to the
public for poetry-related study six days a week. |
www.poetrymagazines.org.u... |
Poetry Magazines - Free access to
UK poetry magazines from the Poetry Library Collection - Free access to
the full-text digital library of 20th and 21st century UK poetry
magazines from the Poetry Library collection |
www.poetrysociety.org.uk |
The Poetry Society – Connecting
you to the transformative power of poetry |
www.poetrystation.org.uk |
The Poetry Station | Poems to
view on video - The Poetry Station - Poems to view on video |
www.pogo.org.uk |
www.pogo.org.uk |
www.pohg.org.uk |
Politics of Health Group -
Politics of Health Group - Speaking out on the health impact of politics
and campaigning on health equity issues |
www.pokerstrategy.org.uk |
Learn how to Play Poker - Poker
Strategy Basics - PokerStrategy.org.uk |
www.polarisworld.org.uk |
Golf Property Store - Huge
Reductions from the Banks |
www.polden-puckham.org.uk |
PPCF - The Polden-Puckham
Charitable Foundation - The Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation (PPCF)
is a grant awarding trust that supports work in the areas of Peace and
Security and Environmental Sustainability. |
www.polegate.org.uk |
polegate.org.uk |
www.polegatecommunityasso... |
Polegate Community Association |
www.police-auctions.org.u... |
Police and Government Auction
Sources UK - Find out about UK Police and Government auctions. Find
sources and information to help you pick up a bargain today. |
www.police-chaplains.org.... |
This is the home page of Police
Chaplaincy UK - an organisation dedicated to promoting chaplaincy within
the UK police service. |
www.police-foundation.org... |
The Police Foundation - the UK's
policing think tank The Police Foundation Logo The Police Foundation
Logo LW_logo_employer_rgb (2) - We are the Police Foundation, the UK's
policing think tank. We are the only independent body in the UK that
researches, understands and works to improve policing. |
www.policefed-ni.org.uk |
Police Federation For Northern
Ireland - . |
www.policememorial.org.uk |
Police Roll Of Honour Trust |
www.policyconnect.org.uk |
Welcome to Policy Connect |
Policy Connect |
www.policyexchange.org.uk |
Policy Exchange | Shaping the
Policy Agenda - Policy Exchange is the UK’s leading think tank. Shaping
the policy agenda since 2002. |
www.policypress.org.uk |
Politics and Policy,
Understanding UK political policy in the 21st Century - Welcome to the
Politics and Policy website. This website has been set up in order to
provide answers to any questions about Politics and Policy |
www.polishculture.org.uk |
Polish Cultural Institute: Polish
Cultural Institute |
www.polishyourpolish.org.... |
Polish Your Polish |
polskojêzyczny klub Toastmasters International w Londynie Polish Your
Polish | polskojêzyczny klub Toastmasters International w Londynie |
www.politicalperspectives... |
Graduate Journal |
www.politicalquarterly.or... |
The Political Quarterly |
www.pollardshillcyclists.... |
Pollardshill Cyclists – Cycling
Club |
www.pollokshaws.org.uk |
Home Untitled Document |
www.pollokshieldschurch.o... |
Pollokshields Church of Scotland |
www.polness.org.uk |
Polska Szko³a Sobotnia w
Inverness – Polish Saturday School in Inverness |
www.polskaszkolawliverpoo... |
Polska Szko³a Przedmiotow
Ojczystych im. Jana Pawla II w Liverpool. Macierz Szkolna w Liverpool -
Naszym przes³aniem jest kszta³cenie m³odych ludzi, dumnych ze swego
pochodzenia, kultury i tradycji, którzy odnajd¹ swoje wa¿ne miejsce na
arenie ¿ycia osobistego i profesjonalnego Wielkiej Brytanii i w pe³ni
doceni¹ zró¿nicowanie kulturowe, w którym przysz³o im ¿yæ. |
www.polskipsycholog.org.u... |
Polski psycholog, porady
psychologiczne, psycholog Anglia | Strona g³ówna - Polski psycholog -
szukasz pomocy psychologa, masz problemy z adaptacj¹, problemy w
relacjach, ze zdrowiem i chcesz porozmawiaæ NAPISZ lub ZADZWOÑ mo¿e bêdê
mog³a Ci pomóc |
www.polsy.org.uk |
polsy.org.uk |
www.polwarth.org.uk |
Polwarth Parish Church |
www.polyamory.org.uk |
Polyamory UK – Serving the poly
community since 2008 |
www.polyday.org.uk |
Polyday 2019 – A day of talks
and socialising for the non-monogamous community |
www.polymercentre.org.uk |
Polymer Centre - Polymer science
research, from synthesis of polymeric materials to industrial and
consumer applications. Also offers professional courses and consultancy. |
www.polymnia.org.uk |
Polymnia |
www.polyp.org.uk |
Polyp: political cartoonist:
Gallery of radical political humour by cartoonist Polyp |
www.polytunnelcontrol.org... |
CPC Website |
www.pompe.org.uk |
AGSD-UK – Association for
Glycogen Storage Disease (UK) |
www.pompeii.org.uk |
pompeii guided tours - Pompeii
archaeological tour - pompeii tour guides - - pompeii - We arrange tour
guides for Pompeii, Herculaneum, Naples, Capri, Amalfi Coast, and so on.
Our guides are real archaeologists for providing a great experience in
an archaeological site. We offer our guests private tours and
transportation, customized excursions based on your needs |
www.pond.org.uk |
Pond's Place |
www.pontardulaiselim.org.... |
Welcome to the website of Bont
Elim Community Church - Beulah |
www.pontefractfhs.org.uk |
Pontefractfhs |
www.pontyclunprimary.org.... |
Pontyclun Primary School -
Pontyclun Primary School |
www.pontypriddroadentsac.... |
Pontypridd Roadents AC – Welcome
to the Valleys Premier Running Club - [WPSM_COLORBOX id=5124]
[recent_post_slider autoplay_interval=5000 speed=1000 design=design-1
hide_post=3517] We are a small but thriving running club based in
Pontypridd, with over 100 members from all parts of Rhondda Cynon Taff,
Merthyr, Caerphilly and Bridgend. Why not join our group on Facebook
Pontypridd Roadents Athletic Club, lots of chat with all the latest
information ... |
www.poole.org.uk |
Poole Dorset England - ONLINE
GUIDE - poole.org.uk - ONLINE GUIDE - for residents, vistors and
businesses in and around Poole in Dorset including a searchable
'business guide' and a 'what's on' guide... |
www.pooleharbourtrails.or... |
Poole Harbour Trails - Site
describing a walking trail around Poole Harbour |
www.poolesailability.org.... |
Welcome to Poole Sailability -
Welcome to Poole Sailability |
www.pooleswimmingclub.org... |
Poole Swimming Club : |
www.poplar-farm.org.uk |
Poplar Farm - Poplar Farm to
Eat, Craft, Stay in Lincolnshire |
www.poplarfarmkennels.org... |
Poplarfarmkennels |
www.popmath.org.uk |
Popmath |
www.poppletoncentre.org.u... |
The Poppleton Centre - Poppleton
York - Poppleton Centre, York - The Poppleton Centre - Poppleton York |
www.poppyscotland.org.uk |
PoppyscotlandPoppyscotland |
Vital support for the Armed Forces community |
www.poppyshop.org.uk |
Poppy Shop UK - The Royal British
Legion Online Charity Shop and Gift Shop - Buy charity gifts, jewellery,
clothing and so much more from our online charity shop with all profits
going to our work supporting the Armed Forces family only from Poppy
Shop UK! |
www.pops.org.uk |
MuseFree.com |
www.poptel.org.uk |
Poptel |
www.porcelainpottery.org.... |
Porcelain Pottery - Porcelain
Pottery - we carry a large range of porcelain and china – Sevres,
Meissen, Dresden, Majolica, Asian Pottery, Werbiliki and a whole lot
more at Canonbury Antiques. |
www.porchlight.org.uk |
Porchlight | Homelessness charity
working in Kent and the south east - Porchlight is one of the foremost
charities supporting vulnerable and homeless people in Kent. We have
supported accommodation projects based in Ashford, Canterbury, Dover,
Ramsgate and Tonbridge with support for rough sleepers across the
county. |
www.porphyria.org.uk |
British Porphyria Association -
Porphyria refers to a group of disorders that affect the production of
heam. The British Porphyria Association (BPA) is a national charity that
supports patients and works to improve overall understanding of
porphyria and how it affects affect lives of patients. |
www.porridge.org.uk |
Porridge | The Unofficial
Homepage of the BBC Sitcom and its sequel, Going Straight - The
unofficial homepage of the BBC TV comedy Porridge and its sequel, Going
Straight |
www.portableappliance-tes... |
Portable Appliance Testing |
Cheap PAT testing near me in London - Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
London are a professional company offering a full, comprehensive PAT
testing service to all of London. Best pat testing. |
www.portablebbq.org.uk |
Portable BBQ Reviews &
Recommendations. Buy Online! - Portable BBQ Reviews & Recommendations.
Choose from the best portable BBQs available to buy online - shop by
price or by product features. Try our BBQ recipes! |
www.portage.org.uk |
National Portage Association |
www.portchestermc.org.uk |
Portchester Methodist Church |
www.portcities.org.uk |
PortCities UK Home Port Cities |
www.portencrosscastle.org... |
Welcome to Portencross Castle -
Portencross Castle, Ayrshire, Scotland |
www.porteous.org.uk |
Porteous Research Project - A
page devoted to research into the history and migration of the Porteous
family worldwide |
www.porticogallery.org.uk |
The Portico Gallery - The Gallery
is a fascinating and idiosyncratic building on Knights Hill, West
Norwood, exhibiting the work of a diverse range of local artists, both
trained and |
www.portishead-lifeboat.o... |
RNLI Portishead : RNLI
Portishead, the RNLI's newest lifeboat station. |
www.portisheadinbloom.org... |
Home: Portishead in Bloom -
Portishead in Bloom |
www.portisheadopenairpool... |
Portishead Open Air Pool | The
main website for Portishead Open Air Pool |
www.portlethentennisclub.... |
Portlethen Tennis Club |
www.portmangroup.org.uk |
Portman Group |
www.portsdown-tunnels.org... |
Portsdown Tunnels - Researching
the sites of Portsdown, Portsmouth, UK - Portsdown Tunnels. Researching
underground and surface sites of Portsdown, Portsmouth, UK. Portsdown
Tunnels |
www.portshosp.org.uk |
portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust -
critique |
www.portsmouth.org.uk |
Portsmouth Hotels, Portsmouth
Jobs & Restaurants in Portsmouth - Reviews of Portsmouth hotels,
restaurants, bars & shops. Find Portsmouth jobs, cars, houses, vans,
motorbikes & property for sale & let. Plus a Portsmouth business
directory including legal, financial & local services, health & beauty |
www.portsmouthcathedral.o... |
Portsmouth Cathedral |
www.portsmouthcatholiccat... |
St John's Catholic Cathedral,
Portsmouth - Portsmouth Catholic Cathedral |
www.portsmouthdiocese.org... |
Portsmouth Catholic Diocese -
Portsmouth Catholic Diocese |
www.portsmouthdockyard.or... |
Portsmouth Royal Dockyard
Historical Trust - The Portsmouth Royal Dockyard Trust - to strengthen
links between the Trust and members of the public regarding its objects,
current activities and plans. |
www.portsmouthguildhall.o... |
Portsmouth Guildhall | The South
of England's primary events and conference centre - Inspiring,
entertaining & transforming lives in the heart of Portsmouth… |
www.portsmouthkitefestiva... |
portsmouthkitefestival.org.uk |
www.portsmouthlibdems.org... |
Portsmouth Liberal Democrats,
Listening. Caring. Competent. |
www.portsmouthnetball.org... |
Portsmouth Netball Association
(PNA) - Portsmouth Netball Association (PNA) - The Home of Porstmouth
Netball |
www.portsmouthpubs.org.uk |
Portsmouth Pubs - The City of
Portsmouth is still home to around 150 public houses and beer bars.
Click here to visit our pages to learn more about Portsmouth pubs > |
www.portsmouthsociety.org... |
The Portsmouth Society – Caring,
Conserving and Improving Portsmouth |
www.portsunlight.org.uk |
COMMUNITY - Port Sunlight,Wirral,United Kingdom - an online guide to the
historic village |
www.portuguese-consulate.... |
Portuguese Consulate in London //
The non official website - Portuguese Consulate London, Portuguese
consulate, Consulado Portugal Londres, Portuguese Embassy, Embassy
Portugal, Embaixada Portuguesa Londres, Consulado Portugues Londres,
Embaixada Portuguesa, Embaixada de Portugal, Embaixada Londres,
Consulado Portugal Londres, Embaixada, Portugal, Consulado Geral
Londres,Inglaterra |
www.portuguese-embassy.or... |
Portuguese Consulate in London
// The non official website - Portuguese Consulate London, Portuguese
consulate, Consulado Portugal Londres, Portuguese Embassy, Embassy
Portugal, Embaixada Portuguesa Londres, Consulado Portugues Londres,
Embaixada Portuguesa, Embaixada de Portugal, Embaixada Londres,
Consulado Portugal Londres, Embaixada, Portugal, Consulado Geral
Londres,Inglaterra |
www.portuguesewaterdogs.o... |
portuguesewaterdog |
www.porty.org.uk |
Portobello Online – a community
website for Portobello, Edinburgh's seaside. |
www.posh-uk.org.uk |
Positively Healthy UK |
www.positiveeast.org.uk |
Positive East – Providing better
futures for HIV positive people for 25 years |
www.positivenews.org.uk |
Positive News - Positive News |
www.positivepsychology.or... |
PositivePsychology.org.uk |
www.positivesteps.org.uk |
Positive Steps | Real People,
Real Solutions in Dundee, Scotland |
www.postal-microscopical-... |
Postal-microscopical-society |
www.postalhistory.org.uk |
www.postalphotoclub.org.u... |
postalphotoclub.org.uk |
www.postalstationery.org.... |
The Postal Stationery Society -
The Postal Stationery Society |
www.postcode.org.uk |
Postcode to PostCode Distance
Calculator UK - Postcode.org.uk provides tables and online distance
calculators for calculating road distances and searching by postcode
quickly and easily. |
www.postcodetrust.org.uk |
People's Postcode Trust |
People's Postcode Trust |
www.postliphall.org.uk |
Thriving Cotswold Community - We are a small cohousing community of
eight families living in separate homes who have chosen to live together
within a large Cotswold manor house. There are approximately 16 adults
and 9 under 18s living here. A founding member from the 1970s still
lives |
www.potato.org.uk |
AHDB Potatoes | making our potato
industry more competitive and sustainable through factual,
evidence-based advice, information and activity |
www.potatoricer.org.uk |
Potato Ricer Reviews &
Recommendations. Buy Online! Untitled Document - Potato Ricer Reviews &
Recommendations. Choose from the best potato ricers available to buy
online - shop by price or by product features. Try our new recipes! |
www.potternecc.org.uk |
Potterne Cricket Club - Potterne
Cricket Club |
www.pottersbarshul.org.uk |
Potters Bar & Brookmans Park
United Synagogue - Potters Bar Synagogue |
www.pottersgreen.org.uk |
Potters Green School - Potters
Green School |
www.pottersvillage.org.uk |
The Potter's Village - Child and
Medical Centre in Kisoro, Uganda - Potter's Village is a Child crisis
and Medical Centre in Kisoro, South West Uganda. It's goal is to offer
care and new hope for abandoned and orphaned children. |
www.potto.org.uk |
Potto Parish Website - The
website of Potto Parish, North Yorkshire - The website of Potto Parish,
North Yorkshire |
www.pottshrigleychurch.or... |
St Christopher's Church, Pott
Shrigley |
www.poulters.org.uk |
The Worshipful Company of
Poulters of London – Remember Your Oath |
www.powa.org.uk |
Protect Our Wild Animals -
powa.org.uk - POWA - Protect Our Wild Animals - campaigns for a
complete, enforceable and effective ban on the hunting of wild animals
with dogs, exposing the suffering this practice causes to our wildlife |
www.powder-coating.org.uk |
Powder coating, paint stripping
services, electropainting, Euro Quality Coatings, EQC, Cardiff, South
Wales | Euro Quality Coatings - One of the UK's leading powder coating
companies, EQC use the highest quality application equipment, powders,
electropainting media and pre-treatments, providing a professional
service for volume and batch manufacturers |
www.powerlifting.org.uk |
European Powerlifting Federation
- The official website of the European Powerlifting Federation. This
page features powerlifting results, powerlifting records, powerlifting
images and more. |
www.powerofattorney.org.u... |
Power Of Attorney | Ordinary and
General Power of Attorney Documents | PowerOfAttorney.org.uk - Power of
attorney forms written in plain English and available to be downloaded
instantly. Our power of attorney templates are suitable for anyone who
wish to grant someone the power to handle their affairs. |
www.powerplant.org.uk |
Power Plant |
www.powerproductions.org.... |
Power Productions Ltd | radio and
tv | film | online | podcast making & editorial advice - Power
Productions Ltd, radio, tv, film, online |
www.powerstation.org.uk |
Powerstation - Power Your Way to
an Improved |
www.powerstationsrevisite... |
Power Stations Revisited |
www.powerwatch.org.uk |
Powerwatch - Powerwatch is an
independent organisation with a central role in the UK EMF and health
debate. We work with other like-minded groups promoting policies for a
safer environment. |
www.powickparish.org.uk |
Powick Parish - Your Local
Community Website - Information on the Parish of Powick in Worcester,
UK; set within the district of Malvern Hills, includes the villages of
Powick and Callow End, the local churches of St Peters and St James,
Stanbrook Abbey, the Parish Council, the Battle of Worcester |
www.powysmentalhealth.org... |
powysmentalhealth.org.uk |
www.powysprp.org.uk |
Arwain |
www.ppf.org.uk |
Professional Players Federation |
www.ppfonline.org.uk |
Website used by the Pension
Protection Fund (PPF) members to register or login for online services
to manage their pensions. |
www.ppppp.org.uk |
prints and paintings by patricia
and patrick padget - prints and paintings by patricia and patrick padget |
www.ppps.org.uk |
Priory Park Preservation Society |
www.pptbovey.org.uk |
St Peter, St Paul and St Thomas
of Canterbury : St Peter, St Paul and St Thomas of Canterbury |
www.ppu.org.uk |
Peace Pledge Union |
www.ppwh.org.uk |
Palliative Care at Glasgow's
Hospice - PPWH - The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice looks after the
palliative care needs of people living in and around greater Glasgow. |
www.ppycc.org.uk |
Preston Park Youth Cycle Club –
Providing fun, skills and competitive cycling activities for ages 8 to
18 with fully qualified coaches at Preston Park Velodrome |
www.prabhupada.org.uk |
PRABHUPADA Your ever well-wisher
- Prabhupada as he is! An intimate insight into the life and teachings
of the Hare Krishna Saint, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupada. |
www.praca.org.uk |
Praca w UK - Praca w UK |
www.prague-hotels.org.uk |
Prague Hotels Find The Best
Deals on Cheap Hotels in Prague - Where to Stay in Prague - The Best
Hotels in Prague. Get the latest deals and offers on cheap hotels in
Prague. Where to Stay in Prague |
www.praise.org.uk |
Praise! |
www.praseg.org.uk |
PRASEG | All-Party Parliamentary
Group for Renewable and Sustainability Energy |
www.prater.org.uk |
Tim Prater | Councillor for
Sandgate & West Folkestone, Sandgate Village, Harvey West & Hythe East |
www.pratham.org.uk |
Pratham Uk - Who We
AreEstablished in 1995 to provide education to children in Mumbai slums,
Pratham (which means “first” in Sanskrit) is now one of the largest and
most successful non-governmental education organizations in
India.Working in collaboration with governments, communities, parents,
teachers, and volunteers, we focus on innovative intervention |
www.praxis.org.uk |
Praxis Community Projects |
Advice and support for migrants in London |
www.praxisunico.org.uk |
Praxis Auril |
praxisauril.org.uk |
www.prayerguide.org.uk |
Prayer Guide : FAQs on Christian
Prayer & Intercession - Prayer Guide aims to answer questions on
Christian prayer and intercession. |
www.prayforscotland.org.u... |
Pray For Scotland |
www.prba.org.uk |
Hot Air Ballooning - Pennine
Region Balloon Association |
www.prc.org.uk |
Palestinian Return Centre -
London - The Palestinian Return Centre is an independent consultancy
focusing on the historical, political and legal aspects of the
Palestinian Refugees. The organization offers expert advice to various
actors and agencies on the question of Palestinian Refugees within the
context of the Nakba - The catastrophe following the forced displacement
of Palestinians in 1948 - and serves as an information repository on
other related aspects of the Palestine question and the Arab-Israeli
conflict. It specializes in the research, analysis, and monitoring of
issues pertaining to the dispersed Palestinians and their
internationally recognized legal right to return. |
www.prca.org.uk |
www.prebendalschool.org.u... |
Welcome to The Prebendal School
- The Prebendal School in Chichester provides children with the perfect
environment to become confident learners where class sizes are small and
the opportunities are endless. |
www.precept.org.uk |
Precept Ministries United Kingdom
| Engage with Bible Study - Through Precept Ministries UK learn how to
study the Bible, discover truth and engage with God, all at a pace and
depth that suits you. |
www.pregnancyandparents.o... |
Pregnancy and Parents Centre •
Welcome to the Pregnancy and Parents Centre - The PPC offers friendship,
information and activities to support women and families through
pregnancy and early-parenthood. |
www.pregnancysicknesssupp... |
Pregnancy Sickness Support UK
Charity Supporting women with Morning Sickness Pregnancy Sickness and
Hyperemesis Gravidarum |
www.premier.org.uk |
Premier - Leaders in Christian
Communications - Premier provides a range of relevant, informative and
challenging Christian content to help you place faith at the heart of
daily life and bring Christ to your community. Check out our radio
stations, publications and websites to be kept up to date with the
latest Christian and world news. |
www.premiergroup.org.uk |
Petrol Station Contractors | The
Premier Group of Companies - We are nationwide fuel engineering experts
and a leading provider in fuel station construction. With over 70 years
of experience. |
www.premierplastics.org.u... |
Plastic Fabrication Services,
Plastic Fabrication in Norfolk, Plastic Products | Norfolk - Plastic
Fabrication - Premier Plastics are the UK’s leading Plastic
Manufacturers specialising in Precision Design or Plastic Machining. For
enquiries and details please contact us. |
www.prepareforsuccess.org... |
Prepare for Success |
www.preparingforadulthood... |
Preparing for Adulthood | PfA |
Giving Everyone Equal Life chances as they move into Adulthood Funded by
Department for Education (DfE), we provide expertise and support to
local authorities and their partners to embed preparing for adulthood
from the earliest years. We work to ensure that young people with SEND
achieve paid employment, independent living, housing options, good
health, friendships, relationships and community inclusion. |
www.presbyteryofayr.org.u... |
Presbytery of Ayr - add your
description here |
www.presbyteryofglasgow.o... |
Presbytery of Glasgow |
www.presbyteryofgordon.or... |
presbyteryofgordon.org.uk |
www.preserv.org.uk |
Preserv |
www.preshaltrust.org.uk |
The Preshal Trust - Charity
Glasgow - Founded in 2002 by May Nicholson, The Preshal Trust is a
Glasgow based recognised Scottish charity helping to tackle problems
such as, drug and alcohol addiction, low literacy and numeracy skills,
loneliness, depression and low self-esteem. |
www.pressgallery.org.uk |
The Parliamentary Press Gallery |
www.pressplay.org.uk |
PressPlay Productions Ltd -
Pressplay is a UK arts based company dedicated to ensuring that circus
days, circus workshops, circus teambuilding events and corporate
storytelling workshops are an enjoyable and memorable experience. |
www.prestatyn.org.uk |
Prestatyn - Welcome to
Prestatyn, North Wales - our seaside town has a little bit of everything
from vintage nostalgic seaside activities to our fresh, modern town
centre shopping park. |
www.presteigne.org.uk |
Presteigne & Norton Website |
www.presthavensands.org.u... |
Presthaven Sands Holiday Park |
Haven Holidays - Presthaven Sands Haven Holidays a lively, all-action
holiday Park stretching out behind dunes that offer direct access to
miles of sandy beach |
www.prestoncapes.org.uk |
Preston Capes | Life in Rural
Northamptonshire |
www.prestonogauge.org.uk |
The Biggest in the North West ?'
- Welcome to the website of the Preston O Gauge group |
www.prestonscouts.org.uk |
Preston District Scouts |
www.prestonstation.org.uk |
Preston Station - Past & Present
www.prestwoodnature.org.u... |
Prestwood Nature Prestwood Nature
is the conservation and environmental group for the Prestwood area in
the central Chilterns Hills of Buckinghamshire. |
www.pricedout.org.uk |
Pricedout |
www.prideinplymouth.org.u... |
Pride in Plymouth | Pride Rainbow
Gala | Its About People & Bringing People Together |
www.prideofandoverawards.... |
Pride of Andover Awards —
Celebrating Andover's Unsung Heroes - Celebrating Andover's Unsung
Heroes |
www.priestsforscotland.or... |
Priests For Scotland |
www.primrosecottage.org.u... |
Primrose Cottage in Robin Hoods
Bay, Whitby, North Yorkshire - Primrose Cottage - Luxury Breaks in Robin
Hoods Bay, Whitby, North Yorkshire. 01757 630321 for reservations.
available all year round. |
www.primrosevalley.org.uk |
Primrose Valley Holiday Park |
Haven Holidays - Primrose Valley Haven Holidays caravan hire and sales a
5-star Park located south of Filey. Primrose Valley Holiday Park is
vibrant and exciting. |
www.princemichael.org.uk |
Prince Michael of Kent |
www.princes-trust.org.uk |
The Prince's Trust | Youth Can Do
It - The Prince's Trust is a youth charity that helps young people aged
11 to 30 get into jobs, education and training. |
www.princescountrysidefun... |
The Prince’s Countryside Fund |
www.princessmichael.org.u... |
Princess Michael of Kent – The
official website of HRH Princess Michael of Kent |
www.principleconsulting.o... |
Principle Consulting | Principle
Consulting - Provides policy, public affairs and campaigns support to
charities, NGOs and other socially driven organisations. Experienced in
campaign strategy and delivery. |
www.print4biz.org.uk |
Print4biz professional printing
prices online. - Custom printing of booklets, brochures, leaflets,
posters, calendars and wall charts. Free mainland delivery. |
www.printinghistoricalsoc... |
Printing Historical Society |
Printing Historical Society |
www.priorscourt.org.uk |
Priors Court - Prior's Court is a
registered charity, residential school and young adult provision
providing support for children and young adults with severe autism. |
www.priorychurch.org.uk |
Welcome to Priory Methodist
Church, Bedford. |
www.prioryfields.org.uk |
Priory Fields | Responsible for
developing and maintaining these peaceful surroundings for the benefit
of the local and wider community. |
www.priorymedical.org.uk |
Priorymedical |
www.prioryparkclub.org.uk |
Priory Park Club (Kew) Ltd -
Tennis and Bowls - Priory Park Tennis Club Bowls |
www.priorysc.org.uk |
Priory Sailing Club | Sailing in
Bedford |
www.priorystreetcentre.or... |
Conference Venue York | Priory
Street Centre - York Priory Street Centre offers affordable, accessible
and fully-equipped conference space and meeting rooms in central York
with IT support and tasty local catering. We are an increasingly popular
venue for breakfast meetings with our central location, early opening
and flexible catering. |
www.prismarts.org.uk |
Prism Arts | Arts for Everyone |
Cumbria |
www.prisonadvice.org.uk |
Prison Advice and Care Trust -
Pact is a national charity that supports prisoners and their families to
make a fresh start |
www.prisonerseducation.or... |
Prisoners' Education Trust -
Since 1989, Prisoners' Education Trust has given people in prison the
tools to transform their lives through learning. |
www.prisonfellowship.org.... |
Prison Fellowship |
www.prisonreformtrust.org... |
Prison Reform Trust creating a
just, humane and effective penal system |
www.prisons.org.uk |
www.priston.org.uk |
The Priston Web |
www.privacynotprism.org.u... |
Privacy Not Prism | Privacy not
Prism legal challenge |
www.privatefostering.org.... |
Private fostering | Coram BAAF -
Private fostering is when a child under the age of 16 years old (under
18 if disabled) is cared for by someone who is not their birth parent or
a "close relative". This is a private arrangement made between a parent
and a carer, for 28 days or more. |
www.pro-mote.org.uk |
Promote – Tech News |
www.probation-lancashire.... |
probation-lancashire.org.uk |
www.proboscis.org.uk |
Proboscis - artist-led creative
studio in London, UK |
www.proclaimtrust.org.uk |
Proclaim Trust - Facilitating
the Work of Barry Woodward - Proclaim Trust exists to facilitate the
work of Barry Woodward, who inspirationally communicates the message of
hope throughout the United Kingdom, as well as mentors evangelists and
equips people to engage in missional activities. Proclaim Trust is also
a non-profit making, interdenominational organisation that was
established as a registered charity in 1999. |
www.proctrust.org.uk |
The Proclamation Trust -
resourcing preachers and Bible teachers - Serving the local church by
promoting the work of biblical expository preaching in the UK and abroad
through conferences & courses and publishing talks & books. |
www.prodogsdirect.org.uk |
Dog Rescue, Adoption & Fostering
in London, Kent, Hampshire | Pro Dogs Direct - Puppy & dog adoption in
London, Kent, Surrey and Hampshire. Search for your new UK rescue dog
for adoption, or foster a dog and save a life today ! |
www.professionalboundarie... |
Clinic For Boundaries Studies
Clinic For Boundaries Studies - Training in all aspects of professional
boundaries and boundary violations - Training in all aspects of
professional boundaries and boundary violations |
www.professionalcelebrant... |
The Fellowship of Professional
Celebrants (FPC) |
www.professionals-club.or... |
Professionals-club |
www.profusion.org.uk |
ProFusion | best crime fiction
books from Eastern Europe - Profusion - Romanian crime fiction books,
along with a shocking true crime story. These books are different. They
are thrilling, and they also illuminate the reality of a secret Romania,
once behind the Iron Curtain, now a vital European partner. |
www.progesterone.org.uk |
Wellsprings - Serenity Natural
Progesterone Cream |
www.progress.org.uk |
Progress Educational Trust |
www.progressio.org.uk |
Progressio closes after 76 years
| Progressio - At a meeting on 14 September 2016 to discuss the
conclusions of a consultation on Progressio’s future, the charity’s
Trustees and Chair of Trustees took the decision to close Progressio in
March 2017. The decision was taken on the basis that Progressio was not
able to secure sufficient levels of income to ensure a viable future
post March 2017. Martin McEnery, Progressio’s Chair of Trustees, said: |
www.progressivelondon.org... |
Progressive London campaigns to
maintain and develop the progressive policies which London pursued at
the beginning of the 21st century under Ken Livingstone prior to the
election of the present Tory London administration. |
www.progressonline.org.uk |
Progress – the movement for
Labour's progressives - Progressives are restless for change – we know
only a radical approach will address the scale of the challenges we
face. Be a progressive – join Progress. |
www.project-x.org.uk |
Project X. Index Page. |
www.projectinabox.org.uk |
PROJECT in a box the home of PPM
Software and service - PROJECT in a box home page. Software and services
to support your project, programmes and Portfolios including reporting
and dashboards, methodology PRINCE2 |
www.projectkettering.org.... |
Project Kettering: history,
memories, photos and opinions about Kettering in Northamptonshire, UK -
The Project Kettering website presents history, memories, photos and
opinions about the town of Kettering in Northamptonshire, UK |
www.projectlinusuk.org.uk |
Project Linus UK | Project Linus
UK is a volunteer organisation. |
www.projectmala.org.uk |
Project Mala - Sponsor a child
in India to eliminate child labor - Sponsor a child in India. Donate now
and help Project Mala fund its action programme for the elimination of
child labor in the hand knotted carpet industry in eastern Uttar
Pradesh, India. |
www.projectperu.org.uk |
Home : Project Peru |
www.projectsrilanka.org.u... |
Project Sri Lanka |
www.prolife.org.uk |
ProLife Alliance ProLife Alliance
- Promoting equal rights to life for all human beings - Promoting equal
rights to life for all human beings |
www.prometheus.org.uk |
Prometheus | The film, the
Titan, human intelligence and more |
www.promobile.org.uk |
Pro Mobile - The Magazine for
Mobile DJs |
www.promotional-merchand.... |
Promotional Merchandise &
Products - Promotional Items UK - Save time and money when purchasing
promotional products and promotional items in the UK with Promotional
Merchandise quick quotes |
www.promotionalcodes.org.... |
Promotional Codes | Discount
Codes | Voucher Codes |
www.propeller.org.uk |
Propeller Theatre Company -
Propeller Theatre Company |
www.propercare.org.uk |
Proper Care Cornwall - Home Care
& Support for the Elderly & Retired - Proper Care Cornwall - Care in the
established, trusted & growing care provider in Helston, Cornwall. NHS &
social services funding. CQC compliant. |
www.properpolicing.org.uk |
Proper policing North Wales -
Proper policing North Wales policing news blogs articles |
www.property.org.uk |
property.org.uk |
www.propertybar.org.uk |
Property Bar Association |
Property Bar Association |
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