www.world-lotteries.org |
World Lottery Association |
www.world-nuclear-news.org |
World Nuclear News |
www.world-nuclear.org |
World Nuclear Association -
Information on nuclear energy and the nuclear fuel cycle from the World
Nuclear Association. |
www.world-of-dungeons.org |
World of Dungeons - 幻想类网页游戏 -
World of Dungeons是一款免费的网页游戏. 就像普通的角色扮演类游戏一样,为了进行更多的探险需要努力的升级. |
www.world-statistics.org |
World Statistics - International
statistics - World Statistics: international statistics, country
population, economic and social data provided by International
Organisations. |
www.worldmapper.org |
Worldmapper | rediscover the
world as you've never seen it before - Mapping our place in the world:
The atlas for the 21st century. Worldmapper is a collection of world
maps where countries are resized according to a broad range of global
issues. Our cartograms are unique visualisations that show the world as
you've never seen it before. Explore them all! |
www.worldmeeting2015.org |
World Meeting – World Meeting
Facebook Google+ Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest Twitter - World Meeting |
www.worldmerit.org |
World Merit | Take Action, Earn
Credits, Gain Opportunities - Officially we're a charity that offers
rewards and opportunities in exchange for our members taking action
against social issues. |
www.worldmysteries.org |
World Mysteries |
www.worldnakedbikeride.org |
World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) -
Naked Bicycle People Power! Stop indecent exposure to vehicle emissions!
- World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) |
www.worldobesity.org |
World Obesity Federation - The
World Obesity Federation drive global efforts to reduce, prevent and
treat obesity. |
www.worldofchildren.org |
World of Children - Charitable
Organization & Foundation - World of Children is one of the most
impactful children's charities in the world. We improve the lives of
at-risk children through charitable funding. |
www.worldofdante.org |
The World of Dante |
www.worldofgnome.org |
woGue |
www.worldofspectrum.org |
World of Spectrum - World of
Spectrum, the official world archive for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum and
the largest on-line gaming center on the Internet |
www.worldoftea.org |
Tony Gebely · Tea Epicure · Taste
Differently - A tea assessment platform that rates teas based on
objective quality markers and a sensory evaluation resulting in a list
of the best teas produced each year. |
www.worldolivet.org |
World Olivet Assembly - World
Olivet Assembly (WOA) is a global gathering of evangelical churches and
para-church organizations existing for the advancement of world mission.
The organization is structured through regional and national chapters
working together with several global partners. |
www.worldpediatricproject.org |
World Pediatric Project | Heal a
Child, – World Pediatric Project - We heal critically ill children and
build healthcare capacity in the world. Join us and find out how you can
help. |
www.worldphoto.org |
World Photography Organisation |
www.worldpopulationbalan... |
World Population Balance -
sustainable world and US population - We alert and educate that
overpopulation is the root cause of resource depletion, species
extinction, poverty, and climate change. We advocate and support a
smaller, truly sustainable human population – through dramatic and
voluntary reduction in birth rates. |
www.worldprayers.org |
World Prayers - Prayer Archive
(prayers from all traditions) - Gathering prayers from all spiritual
traditions around the world into a unified prayer archive for the
purpose of inspiration, study and cross cultural appreciation. World
Prayers is a unique collection of historically important prayers. |
www.worldpressphoto.org |
World Press Photo - Connecting
the world to the stories that matter. |
www.worldreader.org |
Creating A World Where Everyone
Can Be A Reader | Worldreader - With low-cost technology,
culturally-relevant digital books, and a network of partners, we’re
helping millions of people read more and read better. |
www.worldrelief.org |
Serving the Vulnerable Across the
World | World Relief - Overcoming violence, poverty and injustice
through love in action. |
www.worldrugby.org |
World Rugby | world.rugby - The
official site of Rugby World Cup, with ticket information, latest
scores, fixtures, results, videos, news, live streaming and event
information. |
www.worldshipping.org |
World Shipping Council |
www.worldsportsteam.org |
World Sports Team – Just another
WordPress site - Just another WordPress site |
www.worldsquash.org |
World Squash – Official site of
the World Squash Federation |
www.worldstatesmen.org |
World Statesmen.org -
Comprehensive list of Leaders of all countries, colonies, and other
territories. Including flags, maps, anthems, political parties, and
dates of birth and death |
www.worldsteel.org |
worldsteel - The World Steel
Association (worldsteel) is one of the largest and most dynamic industry
associations in the world, with members in every major steel-producing
country. worldsteel represents steel producers, national and regional
steel industry associations, and steel research institutes. Members
represent around 85% of global steel production.<br/><br/>In other
languages steel is acier, acero, staal, stahl, aço, スチール, 강철. |
www.worldstrides.org |
WorldStrides Educational Student
Travel - WorldStrides, the nation's largest accredited travel
organization, helps more than 400, 000 students travel to destinations
in over 100 countries each year. |
www.worldteach.org |
Volunteers to meet educational
needs around the world - WorldTeach offers the opportunity to teach in
communities around the globe. We seek motivated and inquisitive global
citizens who yearn to do more. |
www.worldtop.org |
Worldtop |
www.worldtourismforum.org |
World Tourism Forum |
www.worldtradeexchange.org |
WTE Bank – Unlimited Credit |
www.worldtranslation.org |
Бюро Мир переводов:
профессиональный перевод с английского в г.Ровно - Мир переводов
предлагает письменный перевод технических, юридических, медицинских
текстов и литературных произведений, устный профессиональный перевод с
английского. |
www.worldtribune.org |
World Tribune - The Voice of
Courage and Hope - Buddhist Wisdom for Happiness and Peace - A
Publication of the Soka Gakkai International-USA |
www.worldtruth.org |
worldtruth.org - Registered at
Namecheap.com |
www.worldvets.org |
World Vets - Our mission is to
improve the health and well being of animals by providing veterinary
aid, training and disaster relief worldwide |
www.worldwide-invest.org |
Forex Blog @ World Wide Invest –
Forex Blog – World Wide Invest, 100% Free MT4 Indicators & EA's.
Take Your Trading To The Next Level. Join Now! 100% Free registration .
| Forex Forum @ World Wide Invest |
www.worldwideerc.org |
Worldwide ERC | Shaping the
Future of a Growing Mobility Community - Worldwide ERC® is the mobility
industry's premier trade organization, connecting and empowering talent
management and workforce relocation professionals across the globe. Look
to us as a source of unbiased information for today, and solutions and
insight for the future, in this ever-changing field. |
www.worldwidescience.org |
WorldWideScience -
WorldWideScience.org is a global science gateway accelerating scientific
discovery and progress through a multilateral partnership to enable
federated searching of national and international scientific databases. |
www.worldwidetelescope.org |
WorldWide Telescope Web Client -
Worldwide Telescope enables your computer to function as a virtual
telescope, bringing together imagery from the best telescopes in the
world. |
www.worldwidewords.org |
World Wide Words: A message from
the author - World Wide Words home page. Amost 3000 pages on the
origins, history, evolution and idiosyncrasies of the English language
worldwide. |
www.worldwildlife.org |
WWF - Endangered Species
Conservation | World Wildlife Fund - World Wildlife Fund - The leading
organization in wildlife conservation and endangered species. Learn how
you can help WWF make a difference. |
www.wormatlas.org |
Wormatlas WormAtlas: A database
of behavioral and structural anatomy of Caenorhabditis elegans. |
www.wormbase.org |
WormBase : Nematode Information
Resource |
www.wormbook.org |
WormBook |
www.wormwoodsociety.org |
The Wormwood Society Absinthe
Association - The Wormwood Society Absinthe Association |
www.worona.org |
Frontity - WordPress PWAs with
AMP support - Make your WordPress site perform great on mobile devices -
Integrate it with Google AMP - Score 100/100 on Google PageSpeed
Insights. |
www.worriersanonymous.org |
Worriers Anonymous, Entry way to
the secrets of how to stop worrying, house of peace, music to soothe,
prayers to aid, faith to give you peace - Entry way to the secrets of
how to stop worrying and be peaceful and happy. House of peace, music to
soothe, prayers to aid, faith to give you peace. Main page to a site
catering the needs of people who worry extensively and wish to remain
anonymous. |
www.worstpills.org |
Worst Pills - Worst Pills, Best
Pills is a project of Public Citizen's Health Research Group. As an
independent, nonprofit organization, we take no corporate or government
contributions and accept no advertising. |
www.worthingtonlibraries.org |
Worthington Libraries |
www.worthwearing.org |
Worth Wearing |
www.worum.org |
Worum - worum.org - Das größte
unabhängige Fanforum von Werder Bremen. Inklusive Blog, Podcast,
Twitter, Shop und Verein. |
www.wotstats.org |
WoTstats.org - World of Tanks
statistics tracker - World of Tanks Statistics tracker with instant
update and WN8 progress. Here you can check any World of Tanks players
stats and WN8 progression. |
www.woub.org |
WOUB Public Media - |
www.wouldjesusdiscriminate... |
Would Jesus Discriminate? |
www.woundcarecenters.org |
Find Wound Care Doctors and
Answers on WoundCareCenters.org - Read about the best treatments for
slow-healing wounds and conditionsFind leading wound care
specialistsnear you Book an appointment online instantly! |
www.woundedwarriorproject... |
WWP | Veterans Charity
Organization: Nonprofit Help for Wounded Military - Wounded Warrior
Project is a charitable organization that helps veterans and active duty
service members. Learn more about our programs or how you can support
wounded warriors. |
www.wowbrary.org |
Wowbrary - Newest Books, Movies,
and Music at your Library |
www.wowebook.org |
WOW! eBook: Best Free PDF eBooks
and Video Tutorials Download - WOW! eBook: Unlimited Downloads Resource
for Free Downloading Latest, Most Popular and Best Selling Information
Technology PDF eBooks and Video Tutorials. WOW! eBook: Best Place to
Read Online Information Technology Articles, Research Topics and Case
Studies. |
www.wowmuseum.org |
WOWMuseum.org: Relationship,
Lifestyle, Health, Beauty & More |
www.wp-a2z.org |
WordPress a2z |
www.wp-akademie.org |
WordPress Akademie -
Unternehmerausbildung Onlinemarketing. Werde Dein eigener Chef. In 12
Monaten zum eigenen 5-stelligem Online-Geschäft. |
www.wp-api.org |
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www.wp-cli.org |
Command line interface for
WordPress | WP-CLI |
www.wp-tr.org |
WordPress Türkiye |
www.wpacouncil.org |
President's Message | Council of
Writing Program Administrators |
www.wpadki.org |
Najlepsze wpadki i absurdy w
Polskim internecie - Najlepsze wpadki z portali spo³ecznoœciowych,
wpadki z ¿ycia wziête, absurdy z internetu. |
www.wpahs.org |
Allegheny Health Network |
www.wpath.org |
WPATH World Professional
Association for Transgender Health - The World Professional Association
for Transgender Health (WPATH), is a 501(c)(3) non-profit,
interdisciplinary professional and educational organization devoted to
transgender health. |
www.wpattorney.org |
WP Attorney |
www.wpcu.org |
Water and Power Community Credit
Union: Home Water and Power Community Credit Union - Water and Power
Community Credit Union offers a variety of deposit and investment
accounts, including savings and checking, money markets, IRAs and
certificates of deposit, which all offer automatic deposit options and
compounding interest. |
www.wpecommerce.org |
WP eCommerce – The original
WordPress eCommerce plugin |
www.wpestate.org |
Premium Real Estate WordPress
Themes developed by WpEstate - WpEstate builds state of the art real
estate WordPress themes for industry professionals. We have over 5 years
of development experience & 18000+ customers. Our products are perfect
for real estate professionals or for vacation rentals websites. |
www.wpgenie.org |
wpgenie - Wpgenie's shop and
support page, mods for plugins, support, hire us for a project or get
WordPress hosting for your website. |
www.wpgreece.org |
WordPress Greek Community - Η
Ελληνική κοινότητα του WordPress - Η επίσημη σελίδα της Ελληνικής
κοινότητας του WordPress. Εδώ θα βρείτε συμβουλές και συζητήσεις γύρω
απο την πλατφόρμα του WordPress |
www.wpkg.org |
WPKG | Open Source Software
Deployment and Distribution |
www.wplang.org |
WordPress Multilingual | WPLANG -
Blog about how to make a fully localized and translated WordPress
website, website internacionalisation and multilingual SEO |
www.wpmap.org |
Map Pictures - Map pictures and
cities, counties, states and regions, including photos of the map site |
www.wpml.org |
WPML - The WordPress Multilingual
Plugin - WPML allows running fully multilingual websites with WordPress,
making it easy to translate WordPress pages, posts, tags, categories and
themes. |
www.wpmudev.org |
WPMU DEV - Your All-in-One
WordPress Platform - Everything you need for WordPress! Super-powered
Hosting, 24/7 Live Support, Site Management tools, and Premium Plugins. |
www.wppl.org |
Winter Park Public Library |
www.wpplugindirectory.org |
WP Plugin Directory | The Best
WordPress Plugins - The unofficial WordPress Plugin directory. Don't
know what plugins to install on your blog? Browse our directory to get
the categorized, most voted plugins |
www.wpscan.org |
WPScan a WordPress Vulnerability
Scanner - The official WPScan homepage. WPScan is a free, for
non-commercial use, black box WordPress vulnerability scanner written
for security professionals and blog maintainers to test the security of
their WordPress websites. |
www.wpskins.org |
The Most Popular WordPress
Themes In The World - WordPress Themes with Visual Drag & Drop
Technology that empower a community of 601, 772 customers. Home of Divi,
the ultimate Visual Page Builder and Theme. |
www.wptemplates.org |
Free Wordpress themes |
www.wqa.org |
Water Quality Association -
Water Quality Association, WQA |
www.wri.org |
World Resources Institute |
Making Big Ideas Happen - A global research organization working on six
critical goals that the world must achieve this decade in order to
secure a sustainable future:climate, energy, food, forests, water,
cities & transport. |
www.wright-brothers.org |
Home Page for the Wright
Brothers Aeroplane Company and wright-brothers.org - Home Page for the
Wright Brothers Aeroplane Company, a virtual museum of pioneer aviation,
the invention of the airplane, and man's first flights. Sponsored by the
First To Fly Foundation, Inc. |
www.writecamp.org |
Writecamp |
www.writeforkids.org |
WriteforKids |
www.writemypapers.org |
WriteMyPapers: We can write your
paper in 3 hours - Unique essays for reasonable prices: starting at
$11.99 per page! Strict anti-plagiarism policy. Custom written paper
delivered in 3 hours sharp. Order now! |
www.writersalmanac.org |
Writer's Almanac Archives -
Garrison Keillor | Garrison Keillor |
www.writerscafe.org |
WritersCafe.org | The Online
Writing Community - Share your poetry, short stories and novels. Join
writing groups. Enter writing contests. Search publishers, literary
agents and literary magazines. |
www.writethedocs.org |
Welcome to our community! —
Write the Docs - A series of events for technical writers,
documentarians, and all those who write the docs. |
www.writingforseo.org |
Writing For SEO |
www.wrock.org |
wRock.org: Gadget, Tricks,
Tutorial, WordPress Theme - wRock website provide latest gadget news
mobile tricks seo wordpress theme tutorials for blog template by sandy. |
www.wsa-mobile.org |
World Summit Award Mobile -
WSA-mobile | The World's Best Mobile Contents |
www.wsd1.org |
Winnipeg School Division |
www.wsd3.org |
Widefield School District 3 -
Widefield School District 3 |
www.wsdm-conference.org |
Web Search and Data Mining: The
ACM WSDM Conference Series |
www.wsdweb.org |
Wissahickon School District -
Wissahickon School District |
www.wseas.org |
Econf V3 - Econf V3 |
www.wsgf.org |
WSGF | "Wider is Better" |
www.wshu.org |
WSHU | For NPR News and
Classical Music - Live stream: WSHU is Connecticut and Long Island's
award-winning source for NPR, local news, classical music and compelling
programs. |
www.wsicoop.org |
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www.wso2.org |
WSO2 | The Open Source
Technology for Digital Business |
www.wsp.org |
www.wsprnet.org |
WSPRnet | Welcome to the Weak
Signal Propagation Reporter Network |
www.wssd.org |
Wallingford-Swarthmore School
District / Overview |
www.wsws.org |
World Socialist Web Site -
Marxist analysis, international working class struggles & the fight for
socialism - Marxist analysis, international working class struggles &
the fight for socialism |
www.wtcpl.org |
Warren-Trumbull County Public
Library - Visit the Warren-Trumbull County Public Library for books,
movies, music and a lot more. |
www.wtfestival.org |
Williamstown Theatre Festival -
Williamstown Theatre Festival - Enjoy Bold Productions Of New And
Classic Works Every Summer at the Tony Award-Winning Williamstown
Theatre Festival in the Berkshires! |
www.wtmd.org |
Wtmd |
www.wto.org |
World Trade Organization -
Global trade - Global trade - The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals
with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to
ensure that global trade flows smoothly, predictably and freely as
possible. |
www.wtoi.org |
معهد منظمة التجارة
العالمية |
www.wttc.org |
WTTC - The World Travel &
Tourism Council (WTTC) is the body which represents the Travel & Tourism
private sector globally. Our Members include over 170 CEOs, Chairmans
and Presidents of the world’s leading Travel & Tourism companies from
all geographies covering all industries. |
www.wuhsd.org |
Whittier Union High School
District search twitter facebook users-solid users-solid portal
directory calendar enrollment mealapp donate search twitter facebook
calendar - Whittier Union High District serves 9th-12th grade students
and is located in Whittier, CA. |
www.wumb.org |
WUMB Radio |
www.wupperinst.org |
Wuppertal Institut für Klima,
Umwelt, Energie - Das Wuppertal Institut erforscht und entwickelt
Leitbilder, Strategien und Instrumente für Übergänge zu einer
nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Im Zentrum stehen Ressourcen-, Klima- und
Energieherausforderungen |
www.wvbs.org |
WVBS Websites |
www.wvdrs.org |
Welcome- WV Division of
Rehabilitation Services |
www.wvi.org |
World Vision International |
www.wvxu.org |
WVXU | WVXU & WMUB Connecting you
to a world of ideas. - WVXU & WMUB Connecting you to a world of ideas. |
www.ww-p.org |
West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional
School District |
www.wwf.org |
WWF - Find your local WWF office
- WWF is building a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.
Use our hub page to find your local WWF office. |
www.wwfpak.org |
WWF conserves our planet,
habitats, & species like the snow leopard and Indus River dolphin | WWF
- WWF conserves our planet, habitats, & species like the Panda & Tiger |
www.wwfus.org |
WWF - Endangered Species
Conservation | World Wildlife Fund - World Wildlife Fund - The leading
organization in wildlife conservation and endangered species. Learn how
you can help WWF make a difference. |
www.wwoofhawaii.org |
www.wwoofindependents.org |
WWOOF Independents |
www.wwoofkorea.org |
WWOOF Korea |
www.wwoofnetherlands.org |
WWOOF Netherlands |
www.wwoz.org |
WWOZ New Orleans 90.7 FM | New
Orleans music to the universe! - WWOZ is a listener-supported,
non-commercial radio station for New Orleans and the surrounding
community. Jazz, Blues, Latin, Cajun, Funk and more. |
www.wwpdb.org |
wwPDB: Worldwide Protein Data
Bank - wwPDB: Worldwide Protein Data Bank |
www.wx1.org |
Wx1 Network | Blogs e
Informazioni utili - Wx1 un network di risorse informative che si
concentrano soprattuto nei due Blogs che trattano settori differenti,
Ricarica Blog e Come fare soldi e guadagnare online. |
www.wx6.org |
文学乐 - 古诗大全网站 - 文学乐,
一个古诗词学习和查询的网站.目前收录古诗词四万多首, 古诗人作者1400多位.为网友朋友提供古诗解释和鉴赏服务 |
www.wxmaps.org |
Weather Maps |
www.wxpython.org |
Welcome to wxPython! | wxPython -
All about wxPython, the cross-platform GUI toolkit for the Python
language |
www.wxwidgets.org |
wxWidgets: Cross-Platform GUI
Library |
www.wycliffeassociates.org |
Wycliffe Associates |
Accelerating Bible Translation - Wycliffe Associates International
Volunteer Organizations. Mission vacations, Christian mission trips, and
volunteer work abroad. 1-800-THE-WORD. |
www.wycokck.org |
Unified Government |
www.wyep.org |
www.wyhy.org |
WyHy Federal Credit Union - WyHy
Federal Credit Union in Wyoming offers checking accounts, savings
accounts, online banking, investment opportunites, and many other
services to fill your banking needs. WyHy also offers loans with low
rates. Home loans, student loans, loans for travel and many other kinds
of loans for your every need. |
www.wymeditor.org |
WYMeditor - web-based XHTML
editor - WYMeditor is a web-based, standards compliant WYSIWYM XHTML
editor. |
www.wyoarea.org |
Wyomissing Area School District |
www.wyomingpublicmedia.org |
Wyoming Public Media | Inspires,
Educates and Connects Wyoming - Wyoming Public Radio is a commercial
free station licensed to the University of Wyoming. WPR broadcasts to a
majority of Wyoming. |
www.wyomingstagestop.org |
Wyomingstagestop |
www.wyomingtourism.org |
Wyoming Vacations & Travel Guide
| Travel Wyoming - Wyoming is where the untamed spirit of the west and
majestic natural beauty open your mind and invigorate your senses to
release your own inner freedom and sense of adventure. Start exploring
now. |
www.wystc.org |
World Youth and Student Travel
Conference - Now in its 28th year, the World Youth and Student Travel
Conference (WYSTC) is the leading trade event for the global youth,
student and educational travel industry. |
www.x-fire.org |
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Flightsim Community for X-Plane
® news |
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X.Org |
www.x265.org |
x265 HEVC Encoder / H.265 Video
Codec - x265 is the leading H.265 / HEVC encoder software library.
Compress video with higher quality and lower bit rates than H.264. Open
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www.xaluan.org |
XãLuận.com tin tức báo mới Việt
Nam và Thế Giới - Tin tức việt nam tin mới 24h giờ trong ngày. Ðọc tin
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tuoi tre |
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Advanced Developer Blog • Open
Source is Everything - A Blog about advanced development techniques and
on how to build intelligent and scalable web applications |
www.xarxanet.org |
Xarxanet - Entitats i voluntariat
de Catalunya per un món millor | NOTÍCIES I RECURSOS PER A LES ENTITATS
www.xat.org |
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www.xaviercatholicschools.org |
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School System - St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System |
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Kodi | Open Source Home Theater
Software - Kodi is a free media player that is designed to look great on
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筋トレで人生をエンジョイするロードバイクとクルマ好きのブログ |
www.xbox360achievements.org |
Xbox One, Xbox 360 Achievements,
News, Reviews, Guides & Forums at XboxAchievements.com - A complete
one-stop shop of everything Xbox 360. Offering up-to-date Xbox 360
achievements, news, reviews, achievement guides, previews, interviews,
competitions and a huge, friendly community. |
www.xbrl.org |
www.xcelfcu.org |
XCEL Federal Credit Union |
www.xchat.org |
XChat: Multiplatform Chat Program |
www.xcontest.org |
World XContest 2020 [home] ::
XContest.org - world of XC paragliding - PGweb - paragliding live! |
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Global Find - Ricerca avanzata
file su reti IRC - XDCC Search Engine - Find out everything on IRC
Networks! |
www.xdebug.org |
Xdebug - Debugger and Profiler
Tool for PHP - Xdebug: A powerful debugger for PHP |
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خبر24 |
www.xelk.org |
تۆڕی میدیایی خەڵک -
نزیکتر لە خەڵک |
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Xen Project |
www.xendan.org |
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from around the world |
www.xenoblade.org |
Xenoblade.org - Guide zu
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www.xenproject.org |
Xen Project |
www.xenserver.org |
Citrix Hypervisor | Open Source
Server Virtualization - Citrix Hypervisor is the leading open source
virtualization platform, powered by the Xen hypervisor. It is used in
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Visit the YMCA of the East Bay
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The YMCA of Orange County -
Building Healthy Mind, Body, & Spirit For All - The YMCA of Orange
County puts Christian principles into practice through programs that
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YMCA Twin Cities - The Y’s
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that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. Youth Development,
Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility are our areas of focus. |
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Youth For Seva - Experience the
Joy of Giving - Experience the Joy of Giving |
www.youthpress.org |
European Youth Press - Network
of young media makers - European Youth Press (EYP) is a network of youth
media organisations in Europe. It works to build a society where
empowered young media makers are actively participating and contributing
to the public sphere by creating fair, independent and responsible
media, fostering the development of democracy, international development
and a sustainable future. |
www.youthventure.org |
Ashoka | Everyone a Changemaker |
- A global organization that identifies and invests in leading social
entrepreneurs -- individuals with innovative and practical ideas for
solving social problems. |
www.youthvillages.org |
Youth Villages: The Force for
Families - Youth Villages is a private nonprofit organization dedicated
to helping emotionally and behaviorally troubled children and their
families live successfully. |
www.youwatch.org |
YOUWATCH cloud video sharing |
www.youxixiazai.org |
ooid.com - Site - , Is a social
portal which connects professionals with jobs and other jobseekers |
www.yoyodesign.org |
Page d'accueil de yoyodesign.org |
www.ypenergy.org |
Young Professionals in Energy |
www.ypfp.org |
Young Professionals in Foreign
Policy – Building the leaders the world needs! |
www.ypo.org |
YPO | The Premier Leadership
Organization of Chief Executives in the World - YPO represents a global
community of leaders committed to the shared mission of becoming |
www.ypsilibrary.org |
Ypsilanti District Library |
Serving the Ypsilanti Area - Your Ypsilanti Library serves residents of
Ypsilanti, Ypsilanti Township, and a portion of Superior Township. Check
out books, music, and movies. Download eBooks, Audiobooks, and
magazines. Use a computer, take a free class, and let the kids read,
learn, and play. Explore your world at your library! |
www.yrm.org |
YRM.org - Yahweh's Restoration
Ministry - To assist in the Great Commission as set forth by our Savior,
Yahshua the Messiah. To restore the standards of biblical morality that
have been forgotten. |
www.yslow.org |
YSlow - Official Open Source
Project Website - Official YSlow Open Source Project Website. YSlow
analyzes web pages and suggests ways to improve their performance based
on a set of rules for high performance web pages. |
www.yu-midi.org |
YU-MIDI.org - Pravi sajt za
prave muzièare! - Tekstovi pesama - Akordi - Ritmovi - Boje - Setovi -
Tutoriali - Vesti - Enciklopedija - Sajt o muzici i muzicarima.
Klavijature, kompjuteri, sampleri. Boje, ritmovi i sve za aranzere i
workstatione. Muzika i kompjuter. |
www.yubiley.org |
Все для юбилея - поздравления,
пожелания, сценарии, тосты. - Все для юбилея - Все для организации
юбилея! Вы можете подобрать подходящие поздравления, пожелания и тосты.
Выбрать сценарий юбилея, содержащий различные конкурсы и игры во время
застолий и торжественных праздников. |
www.yumeclub.org |
Yumeclub |
www.yumeki.org |
Yumeki Magazine - Tu portal de
Jpop idol y cultura japonesa en español - Portal de noticias e
informacion sobre j-pop, musica japonesa y cultura idol. Todo sobre la
cultura idol japonesa. Noticias idol, agencia. |
www.yupis.org |
Yupis.org |
www.yutorah.org |
YUTorah Online - Online study of
the Jewish holidays, Parsha, Halakha and Talmud by Yeshiva University |
www.yutubecom.org |
YouTube動画で稼ぐ -
YouTube動画で、2018年も稼ぎ続けられる方法をブログで公開しています。まだまだ稼げるYouTubeの最新手法も公開中です。 |
www.yuvayana.org |
Yuvayana Group | A World For
Youth - Yuvayana Group is madeup for the youth to provide education (
Engineering Medical entrance and competitive exams ssc ibps upsc mock
test ) with entertainment. |
www.ywam.org |
Youth With A Mission |
www.ywcampls.org |
YWCA Minneapolis | Eliminating
Racism, Empowering Women - YWCA Minneapolis is committed to helping
individuals and families across the Twin Cities achieve wellness,
education and meaningful social change. |
www.yylm.org |
全球营养联盟 - 健康资讯, 健康/保健食品,
营养师/公共营养师培训, 讲师培训, 全民营养健康教育, 营养俱乐部, 营养美食, 营养美容, 保健品, 餐饮美食, 人物访谈, 美食导航,
专题报道, 加盟合作等宣传策划与推广服务的联盟平台及网络电视媒体 |
www.z-push.org |
Z-Push | Open source push
technology |
www.za-gay.org |
1° Reseau social pour jeune gay
& lesbienne sur Za-gay. - Le rezo de rencontre pour jeune gay et
lesbienne. Za-gay est le premier reseau social gay pour les ados et
jeunes adultes |
www.za-rulem.org |
Полезные советы для
автомобилистов - Рассмотрены прямые и косвенные признаки необходимости
замены тормозных колодок. Сроки замены для популярных автомобилей.
Причины повышенного износа. |
www.za40.org |
za40.org - кому за 40 - Форум
Кому за 40. Знакомства и общение с людьми со всего мира. Найдите новых
друзей и, возможно, вторую половинку! |
www.zachatie.org |
Начало |
www.zachtheatre.org |
ZACH Theatre - Producing
Austin's best live theatre for audiences of all ages. Musicals, plays,
theatre for families, camps, classes, special events, and more. |
www.zagrannik.org |
«Загранник» — узнай как получить
загранпаспорт в Москве для граждан России с zagrannik.org - Получение
нового загранпаспорта в Москве в короткие сроки актуально только для тех
у кого нет проблем с законом. Нужен «Загранник»? Звоните 8(495)220-38-84 |
www.zahal.org |
ZAHAL - Israeli Tactical Gear |
Rifle/Gun Accessories & Parts - Huge Tactical Store.. Shipping World
Wide: Rifle/Gun Accessories, Holsters, Unit T-shirts, Morale patches,
Bulletproof Vests, Combat gear & more... |
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زهران |
www.zakat.org |
Zakat Foundation of America -
Zakat Foundation of America - Zakat Foundation of America - The Leader
in empowering lives around the globe. |
www.zaltho.org |
The Zaltho Foundation - The
Zaltho Foundation | info@zaltho.org | 850-582-2740 A Spiritually based
non-profit committed to ending violence by promoting mindfulness.
Founder Claude AnShin Thomas. |
www.zambia-info.org |
Zambia Information Directory -
Zambia - A comprehensive list of accommodation, restaurants, activities
and businesses in Zambia |
www.zaoyang.org |
枣阳资讯网 - 我的城市, 我的家! - 首页 |
www.zapplication.org |
www.zapto.org |
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Managed DNS Services - Free Dynamic DNS service provider since 1999.
Point your dynamic IP address to a static hostname for free. Sign up
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زرنگار | فروش بدلیجات
زیورآلات گردنبند دستبند انگشتر نقره |
www.zarobitchany.org |
Помощь трудовым эмигрантам из
России и Украины. Проект Заробитчане. - Помощь гражданам Украины и
России, которые выехали за границу на заработки, собираются выехать с
целью трудоустройства или вернулись домой из-за границы и нуждаются в
психологической, информационной, юридической и иной поддержке. |
www.zawag.org |
زواج ملتقى القلوب -
موقع زواج إسلامي ، زواج عادي و زواج مسيار و زواج تعدد ، يحوي ألاف
الفتيات والذكور من بلدك الراغبين في الزواج |
www.zbmath.org |
zbMATH - the first resource for
mathematics |
www.zcomm.org |
Zcomm |
www.zdarma.org |
Zdarma.org - vše co je zadarmo,
zdarma, hry, programy, fonty, utility, emaily, mp3 - Pøehled všeho co
lze na internetu najít zdarma. Najdete zde poèítaèové programy, hry,
dema her, mp3, ale i webové služby a servery. |
www.zdoom.org |
ZDoom - Start |
www.zeaks.org |
Zeaks Blog - WordpPress Themes
Tips and Code Snippets Zeaks Blog – WordPress Tips Tricks and Code
Snippets - Zeaks Blog WordPress tutorials, Child Themes and Child theme
Tutorials. Get support with creating and customizing your own Child
theme. |
www.zealcreditunion.org |
Zealcreditunion |
www.zedapp.org |
Registrant WHOIS contact
information verification | Namecheap.com |
www.zeef.org |
ZEEF | Curated Directory | Find
information through people - In the ZEEF Curated Directory, passionate
people create top lists of links about their favourite topics. They have
sifted and ranked the best results for you. |
www.zehirli.org |
zehirli.org | Zehirli fikirler ve
panzehir |
www.zeldawiki.org |
Zelda Wiki - The comprehensive
wiki resource for The Legend of Zelda |
www.zelka.org |
Zelka.ORG - Zamunda.SE - Нещо
повече от торент |
www.zemra.org |
Lajme Shqip | AlbaChat | Muzik
Shqip | Humor Shqip | Horoskopi | Filma Shqip | Vipat Shqiptare | Poezi
Dashurie | Sms Dashurie | Radio Zemra - www.Zemra.Org - AlbaChat | Muzik
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Yjeve | Vipat Shqiptare | Poezi Dashurie | Sms Dashurie | Radio Zemra |
www.zen-azi.org |
Association Zen Internationale |
Fondateur Maître Taisen Deshimaru |
www.zenaneren.org |
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www.zenet.org |
ZEnet IRC Network – Internet
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www.zeninthecity.org |
Zen in the City - Mindfulness per
la città e per il mondo digitale - Mindfulness per la città e per il
mondo digitale |
www.zenit.org |
ZENIT - English - The World Seen
From Rome - The World Seen From Rome |
www.zeno.org |
Bibliothek - Zeno.org |
www.zenodo.org |
Zenodo - Research. Shared. |
www.zenpad.org |
ZenPad S Review - Pre Order Asus
ZenPad Tablet, 7, 8, 10, C, Transformer, Zen Pad Note - Everything you
need to know about the ZenPad. Pre order deals, specs, review, where to
buy. |
www.zenphoto.org |
ZenphotoCMS - The simpler media
website CMS - ZenphotoCMS is a CMS for selfhosted, gallery focused
websites. Our focus lies on being easy to use and having all the
features there when you need them (but out |
www.zenshin.org |
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www.zentyal.org |
Community - Zentyal |
www.zeromq.org |
ZeroMQ - An open-source universal
messaging library |
www.zeroshell.org |
Zeroshell Linux Router |
www.zerotothree.org |
THREE works to ensure that babies and toddlers benefit from the early
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www.zevillage.org |
Télétravail, coworking,
tiers-lieux, freelances, travail flexible - Zevillage - Zevillage est le
média du Future Of Work, consacré aux nouvelles organisations et aux
nouveaux espaces de travail. |
www.zezo.org |
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www.zfin.org |
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Network |
www.zfsonlinux.org |
ZFS on Linux - Native port of
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www.zggtr.org |
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Kawasaki Concours Forum - Index |
www.zgjm.org |
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транспортной логистики: управление, автоматизация, сокращение расходов |
«Zig-Zag» - Программа для логистики транспорта и автоматизации перевозок
- «Zig-Zag». Автоматизирует и оптимизирует логистику и все бизнес
процессы с ней связанные. Интеграция с 1С, CRM и с многими другими
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www.zigbee.org |
Zigbee Alliance |
www.zijidelu.org |
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Zilker Theatre Productions – See
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interes - Znanje.org je direktorijum autorskih radova iz mnogih oblasti
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www.zocalopublicsquare.org |
Zócalo Public Square | Ideas
Journalism With a Head and a Heart |
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Welcome to Zope — Zope Project
and Community documentation |
www.zorbathebuddha.org |
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Consciousness Celebration |
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