www.next-up.org |
Next-up - Informations sur les
irradiations des ondes électromagnétiques - Next-up est une Organisation
Non Gouvernementale (ONG) concourant à la Défense de l Environnement
Naturel, contre les irradiations des Champs ÉlectroMagnétiques (CEM)
artificiels Ionisants et Non Ionisants des Hyper Fréquences micro-ondes
des communications sans fil (antennes relais, téléphones portables
(GSM), Wifi, WiMax, DECT, etc ... |
www.nextgenclimate.org |
NextGen America — Fighting for a
fair future - NextGen America fights for a clean energy economy based on
equality, inclusion, and a shared and sustainable prosperity. |
www.nextgengolf.org |
Nextgengolf | Live Life. Play
Golf. - Nextgengolf organizes golf tournaments for adults, companies,
and college students. Find a partner, bring a team or come solo. Learn
More & Sign Up. |
www.nextgenscience.org |
Next Generation Science Standards |
www.nextwave.org |
Nextwave |
www.nexusyouthsummit.org |
NEXUS | Bridging communities of
wealth and social entrepreneurship. - We aim to educate, connect,
inspire, and activate the next generation of exceptional social
innovators, philanthropists and impact investors globally. |
www.nexxt-change.org |
nexxt-change -
Startseite der nexxt-change Unternehmensbörse |
www.nfaonline.org |
The homepage of the National
Flute Association. Founded in 1972, the NFA is the largest flute
organization in the world. |
www.nfb.org |
National Federation of the Blind |
www.nfc-forum.org |
NFC Forum | NFC Forum |
www.nfcr.org |
National Foundation for Cancer
Research: Research for a Cure - The National Foundation for Cancer
Research is dedicated to providing scientists in the lab the funding
they need to make game-changing discoveries. |
www.nfhs.org |
NFHS - Description text goes here
for Nfhs.org |
www.nflalumni.org |
NFL Alumni Association | Moving
Forward Together - The NFL Alumni Association is a membership-based
organization that aims to serve, assist and inform our members to enrich
their post-NFL lives. |
www.nfoic.org |
National Freedom of Information
Coalition |
www.nfpa.org |
www.nfwf.org |
Welcome to the National Fish and
Wildlife Foundation |
www.ng-conf.org |
Ng-conf |
www.ngalso.org |
NgalSo Buddhism – Path to
Enlightenment | Path to Enlightenment |
www.ngap.org |
National Greyhound Adoption
Program NGAP Greyhound Rescue greyhound dog adoption adopt greyhound pet
- National Greyhound Adoption Program NGAP Greyhound rescue. Adopt a
former racing greyhound. Greyhounds adoption |
www.nginx.org |
nginx news |
www.nglcc.org |
NGLCC | National LGBT Chamber of
Commerce | nglcc.org |
www.ngoaidmap.org |
Welcome · NGO Aid Map |
www.ngonnguhoc.org |
HỌC KHXH&NV - Chào mừng quý vị ðã ðến với ngonnguhoc.org - website chính
thức của Khoa Ngôn ngữ học trường ÐH Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân vãn, ÐH
Quốc Gia Hà Nội |
www.ngopost.org |
NGOPost - NGOPost is a multimedia
company bridging the gap between work and tech. - NGOPost is a
multimedia company bridging the gap between work and tech. |
www.ngs.org |
National Geographic Society |
National Geographic Society Twitter Facebook Instagram - The National
Geographic Society is a global nonprofit organization committed to
exploring and protecting our planet. |
www.nguyentandung.org |
Nguyễn Tấn Dũng: Nguyên ủy viên
Bộ Chính trị - Nguyên Thủ tướng Chính phủ. - Nguyên Thủ tướng Nguyễn Tấn
Dũng: Website chính thức ðãng tải thông tin tiểu sử và các hoạt ðộng,
chỉ ðạo của Nguyên Thủ tướng Việt Nam Nguyễn Tấn Dũng. |
www.ngwa.org |
Groundwater | NGWA Welcome to
NGWA - The Groundwater Association. NGWA's vision is to be the leading
groundwater association advocating the responsible development,
management, and use of water. |
www.nhactre.org |
Nhac Tre - Nghe nhạc trẻ HOT hay
nhất, chọn lọc các thể loại |
www.nhakhoavietphap.org |
Nha Khoa Việt Pháp - Niềng rãng
cấy ghép Implant uy tín - Trung tâm Nha khoa Việt Pháp chuyên cấy ghép
Implant - niềng rãng, nha khoa nơi có ðội ngũ bác sĩ tu nghiệp tại nhiều
quốc gia, chỉnh nha uy tín nhất tphcm |
www.nhbar.org |
New Hampshire Bar
Association,NHBA, NH Bar Association - The NH Bar Association serves 3
constituencies:the legal community,the court system, the public. The New
Hampshire Bar Association (NHBA) is a non-profit 501(c)(6), organization
serving its members by connecting them with services, programs and
resources necessary to function effectively within the profession. |
www.nhd.org |
National History Day | NHD |
www.nhg.org |
NHG - Het Nederlands Huisartsen
Genootschap is de wetenschappelijke vereniging van huisartsen en heeft
als doel een wetenschappelijk verantwoorde beroepsuitoefening door de
huisarts te bevorderen. |
www.nhm.org |
Natural History Museum Natural
History Museum Natural History Museum - Explore nature and culture from
the inside out. Oh, we love dinosaurs. But we can show you the whole
world. |
www.nhpr.org |
New Hampshire Public Radio -
Public Radio from NH. Your source for state-wide news and information
offering a mix of local, national and international news and cultural
programming. |
www.nhsa.org |
National Head Start Association
| |
www.nhsconfed.org |
NHS Confederation website - NHS
Confederation - The NHS Confederation is the authentic voice of NHS
leadership |
www.nhsd.org |
New Hope-Solebury School
District / Homepage |
www.nhstateparks.org |
NH State Parks : The Official Web
Site of New Hampshire State Parks - New Hampshire has 93 state park
properties that provide a variety of recreational opportunities for all
ages and abilities. The park system includes beaches, campgrounds,
historic sites, waysides, natural areas, a multitude of trails, and much
more to explore. |
www.nialexisplatform.org |
NI Alexis Platform - NI ALEXIS
www.nicb.org |
NICB | National Insurance Crime
Bureau - We partner with insurance companies, consumers and law
enforcement to combat insurance fraud and theft. |
www.niceboard.org |
Niceboard |
www.nicehair.org |
nicehair.org: How to Stop Hair
Loss - Just another WordPress site - Just another WordPress site |
www.nicheprogram.org |
www.nichq.org |
The National Institute for
Children's Health Quality | NICHQ NICHQ is a mission-driven nonprofit
dedicated to driving dramatic and sustainable improvements in the
complex issues facing children’s health. |
www.nickelinstitute.org |
Nickel Institute - Visit Nickel
Institute's website to find out more about nickel, from mining and
production to sustainability and recycling. |
www.nickelodeon.org |
The Nickelodeon - The Nickelodeon |
www.niclibraries.org |
NIC Temporary |
www.nicniif.org |
NIC NIIF - Primer portal en
español sobre las Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad y de
Información Financiera NIC-NIIF para facilitar a los profesionales y
empresas de los países de habla hispana a cumplir con el proceso de
adopción o adaptación a las Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad y de
Información Financiera. |
www.niemanlab.org |
Nieman Journalism Lab » Pushing
to the Future of Journalism |
www.niemanreports.org |
Nieman Reports - Covering thought
leadership in journalism |
www.niemanstoryboard.org |
Nieman Storyboard - Exploring
the art and craft of story |
www.nifs.org |
NIFS The National Institute for
Fitness & Sport offers a full service fitness experience with certified
staff & an atmosphere that makes fitness fun! |
www.nigp.org |
NIGP - The Institute for Public
Procurement - The foremost authority in public procurement. Develop and
support public procurement professionals. Association for public
procurement professionals. |
www.nihfcu.org |
Nihfcu |
www.nihfw.org |
National Institute of Health &
Family Welfare |
www.nikko-kankou.org |
日光旅ナビ -
日光市観光協会が運営する観光情報サイト。観光名所、お祭りなど、日光の旅を楽しくする情報満載! |
www.nikonians.org |
Nikonians - Photography
community for Nikon users - Nikonians is the Nikon community with expert
forums, articles, galleries, news, contests and more. |
www.nileslibrary.org |
Niles-Maine District Library |
www.nim-lang.org |
Nim Programming Language - The
Nim programming language is a concise, fast programming language that
compiles to C, C++ and JavaScript. |
www.nimsme.org |
National Institute for Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises - National Institute for Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises provide assistance to setup business, management and
enhancement. It also provides guidance to entrepreneurs and startups. |
www.nineplanets.org |
The Nine Planets Solar System
Tour - Information about each planet and moon in our solar system with
many pictures, discussion of the history of its discovery, exploration,
and physical characteristics. In addition to the planets, there are also
pages about the Sun, many moons, and asteroids, comets and meteorites. |
www.ninja-ide.org |
NINJA IDE | Ninja-ide Is Not Just
Another IDE |
www.ninja250.org |
Ninja 250 Riders Club ::
Profiles |
www.ninject.org |
Ninject - Open source dependency
injector for .NET |
www.nioh.org |
ICMR - National Institute of
Occupational Health, Ahmedabad |
www.niso.org |
National Information Standards
Organization | NISO website |
www.nissanmurano.org |
Nissan Murano Forum - We’re a
community dedicated to Nissan Murano owners and enthusiasts. Discuss
specs, safety rating, towing capacity and more! |
www.niszczarki.org |
Niszczarka - Niszczarki biurowe
do dokumentów i papieru - Sklep Niszczarki.org - Biurowe niszczarki do
dokumentów w dobrych cenach. Blisko tysi¹c modeli niszczarek papieru do
domu oraz biura, w tym niszczarka Kobra Cyclone. |
www.nita.org |
www.nithyananda.org |
Nithyananda Sangha's Official Web
Site | Health, Wealth, Relationships, Excellence, Enlightenment, Yoga,
Meditation | Leading The World To Enlightened Consciousness |
www.nitrc.org |
NITRC: Welcome |
www.niyamasabha.org |
Welcome to Kerala Legislature -
Kerala Legislatur - Everything u wanted to know about Kerala Legislature |
www.njactb.org |
- Association of Municipal
Assessors Website |
www.njasl.org |
www.njatc.org |
electrical training ALLIANCE |
www.njbarexams.org |
Njbarexams |
www.njmep.org |
You are being redirected... |
www.njycamps.org |
NJY Camps - Choose your Jewish
Overnight Camp: Sports, Arts, Science Specialty Camps, Individual
Choice, Special Needs Program, Orthodox Camps, Seniors, Family Camps |
www.nkba.org |
Kitchen and Bathroom Ideas,
Photos, Designers & Pros - NKBA - NKBA members design and build the
world’s best kitchens and bathrooms. Find kitchen and bath ideas,
inspiration, photos, and professionals near you. |
www.nkcf.org |
National Keratoconus Foundation -
NKCF is premiere keratoconus educational awareness organization in the
world, dedicated to increasing awareness, understanding and education of
keratoconus. |
www.nkcschools.org |
North Kansas City Schools /
Homepage for the North Kansas City School District website. |
www.nknews.org |
NK News - North Korea News -
Breaking North Korea News, Opinion, Culture & Curiosities +
Professional, Academic & Student resources on North Korea / DPRK |
www.nkschools.org |
North Kitsap School District |
www.nkusa.org |
Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews
United Against Zionism - Neturei Karta is an international organization
of Orthodox Jews dedicated to the propagation and clarification of Torah
Judaism. |
www.nkywater.org |
Northern Kentucky Water District |
www.nlada.org |
National Legal Aid & Defender
Association |
www.nlc.org |
National League of Cities |
Cities Strong Together - National League of Cities serves the interests
of 19,000 cities, towns and villages in the US as well as professionals
working in municipal government. |
www.nleomf.org |
Nleomf |
www.nlg.org |
National Lawyers Guild | "Human
rights over property interests" |
www.nlog-project.org |
NLog |
www.nlpportal.org |
NLP Portal - Die Welt des Neuro
Linguistischen Programmierens - NLP Portal - Die Welt des Neuro
Linguistischen Programmierens |
www.nlsinfo.org |
National Longitudinal Surveys | A
Program of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
www.nltk.org |
Natural Language Toolkit — NLTK
3.4.5 documentation |
www.nltr.org |
Baishakhi Bengali Keyboard -
Unicode compliant Free Bangla Typing Software - SNLTR has designed a new
Bangla keyboard named “Baishakhi Bengali Keyboard”. SNLTR has also
customized two other popular bangla keyboard layouts- Inscript and
Gitanjali. |
www.nm.org |
Northwestern Medicine |
Northwestern Medicine - Northwestern Medicine is a leader in quality
healthcare and service, bringing together faculty, physicians and
researchers to support and advance that care through leading-edge
treatments and breakthrough discoveries. |
www.nmap.org |
Nmap: the Network Mapper - Free
Security Scanner - Nmap Free Security Scanner, Port Scanner, & Network
Exploration Tool. Download open source software for Linux, Windows,
UNIX, FreeBSD, etc. |
www.nmbar.org |
www.nmcu.org |
NMCU | Landsdekkende
interesseorganisasjon for motorsyklister - NMCU er fast høringsinstans
for direktoratene og departementene i alle saker som angår motorsykkel
og er en landsdekkende interesseorganisasjon for MC folk. |
www.nmdp.org |
The National Marrow Donor
Program - Donate Today | Be The Match - Global leader in bone marrow
transplantation. We conduct research to improve transplant outcomes
provide support and resources for patients. |
www.nmeanebraska.org |
Nebraska Music Education
Association (NMEA) |
www.nmhc.org |
NMHC | Home |
www.nmra.org |
National Model Railroad
Association |
www.nms.org |
Nms |
www.nmsdc.org |
National Minority Supplier
Development Council - At NMSDC, we create opportunities for you to
connect to the hundreds of corporate members who wish to build
relationships with trusted MBEs, like you. |
www.nmun.org |
National Model United Nations
National Model United Nations |
www.nmwa.org |
National Museum of Women in the
Arts | Home Page |
www.nncf.org |
財團法人羅慧夫顱顏基金會 |
www.nnedv.org |
www.nnov.org |
Нижний Новгород - WWW.NNOV.RU -
Нижний Новгород в сети Интернет. Нижегородские новости, карта города,
справочник организаций и цены на товары. Развлечения в Нижнем Новгороде
- афиша кинотеатров, клубы и фоторепортажи с тусовок. Форумы и блоги
нижегородцев, ежедневный дайджест нижегородской блогосферы. |
www.nntt.org |
Торрент трекер - NNTT.ORG -
Крупнейший Нижегородский торрент трекер - скачивайте любые торренты и
смотрите фильмы ОНЛАЙН без регистрации и рекламы. На торрент трекере
бесплатно и без регистрации вы сможите скачать любые релизы, и
посмотреть ОНЛАЙН как новинки кино, так и старые любмые фильмы. |
www.no-intro.org |
No-Intro.org |
www.no-patents-on-seeds.org |
no patents on seeds |
www.no-www.org |
www. is deprecated. - no-www.org
provides tools and information for webmasters concerning the outdated
nature of the www subdomain. |
www.noahhealth.org |
Noah Health - Noah Health Tips |
www.nobelprize.org |
The official website of the
Nobel Prize - NobelPrize.org Close the search form The Nobel Prize Close
the search form Submit a search term Search Facebook Icon Twitter Icon
Instagram Icon Youtube Icon Twitter Icon Instagram Icon Youtube Icon |
www.nobility.org |
Nobility and Analogous
Traditional Elites — In the Allocutions of Pius XII - In the Allocutions
of Pius XII |
www.noblenet.org |
www.noblesvilleschools.org |
Noblesville Schools / Homepage |
www.noblis.org |
Welcome to Noblis | Noblis |
www.noblogs.org |
Noblogs |
www.nodebb.org |
NodeBB Forum Software | Drive
user engagement with a modern community platform - NodeBB Forum Software
- A better community platform for the modern web. NodeBB is a next
generation forum software that's free and easy to use. |
www.nodebeginner.org |
The Node Beginner Book - A
comprehensive Node.js tutorial - A comprehensive Node.js tutorial for
beginners: Learn how to build a full blown web application with
server-side JavaScript |
www.nodejs.org |
Node.js - Node.js® is a
JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. |
www.nodelua.org |
nodelua.org - nodelua Resources
and Information. - nodelua.org is your first and best source for all of
the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what
you would expect to find here, nodelua.org has it all. We hope you find
what you are searching for! |
www.nodered.org |
Node-RED |
www.nodo50.org |
Nodo50. Contrainformación en la
Red - Nodo50 es un proveedor de servicios de Internet sin ánimo de lucro
orientado a los movimientos sociales. Desde 1994, el proyecto ’Nodo50’
viene (...) |
www.nodulo.org |
nódulo materialista - Página
principal de nódulo materialista. |
www.noelchabanel.org |
St. Noël Chabanel Responsorial
Psalms - Including free Responsorial Psalms for Catholic Weddings
(Nuptial Mass)! |
www.nof.org |
National Osteoporosis Foundation |
www.nofas.org |
National Organization on Fetal
Alcohol Syndrome |
www.noflojs.org |
NoFlo | Flow-Based Programming
for JavaScript |
www.nofugazi.org |
www.nogezel.org |
ללא גזל - תוכנות
להורדה חינם, הורדות, משחקים להורדה ודברים בחינם. - תוכנות להורדה בחינם,
משחקים להורדה חינם, שרותים שונים חינם, הורדות וכל דבר איכותי שאפשר למצוא
בחינם ברשת. הורדות כשרות, חוקיות ואיכותיות. |
www.nogreaterjoy.org |
No Greater Joy Ministries -
Family and Marriage Resources from Michael and Debi Pearl - Family and
Marriage Resources from Michael and Debi Pearl |
www.noguchi.org |
The Noguchi Museum - Founded and
designed by Isamu Noguchi (1904–1988), and committed to advancing the
appreciation of his art and legacy. Open Wednesday–Sunday. |
www.noipervoi.org |
Associazione Genitori contro
Leucemie e Tumori Infantili, Noi per Voi Onlus Firenze - Noi per Voi
Onlus è al servizio dei bambini affetti da tumori e leucemie e delle
loro famiglie, attraverso il supporto psicologico, l’assistenza
domiciliare e in reparto presso l’ospedale Meyer |
www.noisefromamerika.org |
noiseFromAmeriKa | economia,
politica, cultura |
www.nojumi.org |
مرکز مطالعات و پژوهشهای
فلکی ـ نجومی - Nojumi.org |
www.nokiafree.org |
NokiaFREE | Nokia Flash Reverse
Electronic Engineering |
www.nolandda.org |
nolandda.org |
www.noliesradio.org |
NO LIES RADIO - Trump Lunacy
[video width= |
www.nolotiro.org |
todos los regalos - nolotiro.org
- nolotiro.org es un sitio web donde regalo y busco regalos gratis de
segunda mano: muebles, sillas, sofás, bicicletas, ordenadores
portátiles, mesas, cocinas, lámparas, camas, ropa, juguetes, cunas o
carros para bebes, teléfonos móviles y otras muchas cosas que ya no
quieres y ya no necesitas para que las reutilice otra gente a la que
puede servirle o darle nueva vida. |
www.noma.org |
New Orleans Museum of Art - New
Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA), New Orleans’ oldest fine arts institution
and hosts an impressive permanent collection of almost 40,000 objects. |
www.nomadan.org |
Nomadan.org |
www.nomas900.org |
No más 900 - Teléfonos
equivalentes 901, 902 - NoMas900.org - Directorio de teléfonos
gratuitos, teléfonos equivalentes a 901 y 902. No más números 900. |
www.nongmoproject.org |
The Non-GMO Project – Everyone
Deserves an Informed Choice |
www.nongnu.org |
Welcome [Savannah] - Savannah is
a central point for development, distribution and maintenance of free
software, both GNU and non-GNU. |
www.nonhumanrightsproject... |
Nonhuman Rights Project - The
Nonhuman Rights Project is the only civil rights organization in the US
working to achieve legal rights for members of species other than our
own. |
www.nononsensecosmethic.org |
Nononsensecosmethic |
www.nonprofitcms.org |
Non Profit and Association
Website Design - Non Profit and Association Website Design |
www.nonprofitfinancefund.org |
Nonprofit Finance Fund |
www.nonprofithub.org |
Nonprofit Hub |
www.nonprofitlocator.org |
Non Profit Locator - Directory
of Nonprofits and tax exempt organizations at the national, state, and
city level. |
www.nonprofitmaine.org |
www.nonprofitquarterly.org |
Non Profit News | Nonprofit
Quarterly |
www.nonprofitrisk.org |
Nonprofit Risk Management Center
| Inspiring Risk Management Leaders Youth Protection Workplace Safety
Volunteer Management Reputation Legal & Compliance Insurance Program
Oversight Fiscal Oversight & Fraud Protection Employment Practices
Governance Employment Practices Insurance Program Oversight Insurance
Program Oversight Insurance Program Oversight Fiscal Oversight &
Fraud Protection - The Nonprofit Risk Management Center, a 501(c)(3)
nonprofit, inspires effective risk management practices and risk leaders
across the nonprofit sector. |
www.noolaham.org |
நூலகம் |
www.noosfere.org |
nooSFere - nooSFere |
www.norden.org |
Front page | Nordic cooperation |
www.norfolkresearch.org |
Norfolkresearch |
www.norikura.org |
Norikura |
www.normal.org |
Normal, IL - Official Website |
Official Website Arrow Left Arrow Right Slideshow Left Arrow Slideshow
Right Arrow |
www.norml.org |
National Organization for the
Reform of Marijuana Laws - NORML - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws -
NORML's mission is to move public opinion sufficiently to legalize the
responsible use of marijuana by adults, and to serve as an advocate for
consumers. |
www.norse-mythology.org |
Norse Mythology for Smart People
- The Ultimate Online Guide to Norse Mythology and Religion - Norse
Mythology for Smart People provides an accessible, entertaining, and
reliable introduction to the Vikings’ mythology and religion, with
scholarly sources cited for everything. Come on in to learn all you’ve
ever wanted to know about the Norse gods, stories, beliefs, way of life,
and more! |
www.norskvarme.org |
Norsk varme |
www.northcharleston.org |
City of North Charleston, SC –
Official site of the municipal government of the City of North
Charleston, SC. |
www.northernway.org |
Seminary - Become Ordained
Minister Rabbi Priest Perform Wedding PhD Spiritual Pastoral Counseling
degree Religion Metaphysics Doctor of Divinity Theology - Esoteric
Theological Seminary - Multi Faith Clergy Ordination! Become an Ordained
Minister, Rabbi, Perform weddings. Get a Ph.D. in Metaphysics, Pastoral
Counseling, Religion. Start your own spiritual counseling healing
practice. |
www.northernwoodlands.org |
Center for Northern Woodlands
Education | Forest Stewardship Magazine - Advancing a culture of forest
stewardship in the Northeast to increase understanding of and
appreciation for the natural wonders, economic productivity and
ecological integrit |
www.northglenn.org |
City of Northglenn - City of
Northglenn |
www.northhouse.org |
North House Folk School Mobile
Menu - The mission of North House Folk School is to enrich lives and
build community by teaching traditional northern crafts. |
www.northkoreatech.org |
North Korea Tech - 노스코리아테크 |
www.northnorfolk.org |
northnorfolk.org |
www.northpoint.org |
North Point Community Church |
Life is complicated. You want to get it - Life is complicated. You want
to get it right. We want to help! |
www.northrup.org |
Tony Northrup Photography - This
is the photographic portfolio of Tony Northrup, author of Stunning
Digital Photography and the Photography Buying Guide. |
www.northshoreconnect.org |
NorthShoreConnect - Login Page |
www.northshoreymca.org |
YMCA of the North Shore | The Y.
For a better us.™ |
www.northsouth.org |
North South Foundation |
www.northstarrescue.org |
North Star Rescue - All you need
for small animal care |
www.northway.org |
North Way Christian Community
Church Pittsburgh, Wexford, Sewickley PA - Find a church in Pittsburgh,
PA. North Way Christian Community Church in Wexford, Oakland, Sewickley,
Dormont, East Liberty. Evangelical, non-denominational, family church |
www.northwestfront.org |
Northwest Front |
www.norwalkps.org |
Norwalk Public Schools |
www.norway.org |
Outdated Web address - Norway |
www.nosazin.org |
معاونت نوسازی ناوگان |
www.nosetup.org |
Porque grande no significa mejor
:: NoSetup.org - �Porqu� grande no significa mejor! web sobre programas
que no requieren instalaci�n. |
www.nospetitsmangeurs.org |
Nos Petits Mangeurs | Offres et
pratiques alimentaires en services de garde - NE PAS RETIRER CETTE PAGE.
:) |
www.nosql-database.org |
NOSQL Database Management Systems
- The ultimate reference for NOSQL Database Management Systems. Includes
Events, Links, Tools, News, Forums, Books, and much more... |
www.nostalrius.org |
Nostalrius Begins |
www.nostomachforcancer.org |
No Stomach For Cancer - Our
mission is to support research and unite the caring power of people
worldwide affected by stomach cancer. |
www.nosv.org |
占いツクール -
無料で占い/小説/夢小説を簡単に作って遊べるサービス -
無料で15種類以上の占い、小説、夢小説を誰でも簡単に作って遊べるサービスです。20万以上のコンテンツが無料で遊べます。あなたを登場人物に出来る小説や、検定、心理テスト、脳内メーカー等の占いが人気です。 |
www.notabenoid.org |
Notabenoid |
www.notalllikethat.org |
The Not All Like That Christians
Project - Christians proclaiming their belief in full LGBT equality. |
www.notariado.org |
Inicio - notariado |
www.notcot.org |
www.notebookclub.org |
Сайт о ноутбуках - драйвера,
программы, установка Windows и ремонт - Сайт о ноутбуках - драйвера,
программы, установка Windows и ремонт |
www.notepad-plus-plus.org |
Notepad++ |
www.notforsalecampaign.org |
Not For Sale |
www.notl.org |
Niagara on the Lake |
www.notmartha.org |
not martha - I make things. Then
I tell you how to make them too, minus the mistakes. And I collect links
like they are going out of style. |
www.notmuchmail.org |
notmuch |
www.notpron.org |
Deathball - Supraball |
www.nouvellespubs.org |
Nouvellespubs |
www.nova.org |
Welcome to Nova.Org [Nova.Org] |
www.novanthealth.org |
Novant Health - Serving NC, SC &
VA | Making Healthcare Remarkable - Novant Health is a leading
healthcare provider with 15 hospitals & more than 350 physician
practices offering advanced medical treatments in NC, SC and VA. |
www.novaroma.org |
Nova Roma |
www.novasemente.org |
Nova Semente |
www.novation.org |
Novation |
www.novaukraina.org |
Novaukraina – Collection of The
Best Decorations, Documentation, Education, Lifestyle |
www.novelmasters.org |
novelmasters.org - This
website is for sale! - Art literature media Resources and
Information. - This website is for sale! novelmasters.org is your first
and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From
general topics to more of what you would expect to find here,
novelmasters.org has it all. We hope you find what you are searching
for! |
www.novinhost.org |
سرور مجازی, سرور مجازی
ایران, سرور اختصاصی, هاست|نوین هاست - سرور مجازی , سرور مجازی ایران
پهنای باند نامحدود, سرور مجازی ایران, سرور اختصاصی ,هاست,هاست سی
پنل,نمایندگی هاست,هاست دانلود ایران,سرور کاهش پینگ |
www.novirusthanks.org |
NoVirusThanks: Free Security
Software & Cyber Security - Security software to protect your PC from
malware. Security services for a safer Internet. Information Technology,
Cyber Security and Security Solutions. |
www.novius-os.org |
Novius OS - Cross-Channel Open
Source CMS |
www.novosti-n.org |
Новости N - Николаевские новости
- Новости Николаева он-лайн, ежедневно на русском языке про Николаев с
2005 года, Николаевсая область и Украина, круглосуточно и без выходных.
Николаевские новости. |
www.novusordowatch.org |
Novus Ordo Watch – Unmasking the
Modernist Vatican II Church |
www.npac-ntch.org |
國家表演藝術中心 - 國家表演藝術中心 |
www.npainfo.org |
Natural Products Association -
Tell Your Senators to Support Rep. McNerney’s Language to Require FDA to
Set a Safe Level of CBD for… |
www.npaschools.org |
New Prague Area Schools | To
engage and support everyone in high levels of learning. |
www.npca.org |
National Parks Conservation
Association magnifying glass icon menu icon camera icon map with compass
action alerts graphic NPCA logo facebook logo twitter logo instagram
logo youtube logo National Parks magazine - We're protecting and
enhancing America's National Park System for present and future
generations. |
www.npconnect.org |
Nonprofit Connect |
www.npenn.org |
North Penn School District /
Overview |
www.nplu.org |
Національна бібліотека України
ім. Ярослава Мудрого - Національна бібліотека України імені Ярослава
Мудрого – провідний державний культурний, освітній,
науково-інформаційний заклад. Це загальнодоступна установа з
універсальними за змістом фондами, яка обслуговує найширші верстви
населення. |
www.nplusplus.org |
Available NOW on Nintendo
Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and Steam: N++ Steam_logo |
www.npm.org |
www.npmapestworld.org |
NPMA Pestworld |
www.npmjs.org |
npm | build amazing things |
www.npnr.org |
Reverse Phone Lookup - National
Phone Number Registry - Phone number lookup - Stop unwanted phone calls
and phone fraud by sharing your experience about problem callers. Help
build the largest online directory of phone numbers. |
www.npo-momonga.org |
Npo-momonga |
www.npower.org |
NPower | Launching Tech Careers.
Transforming Lives. |
www.npr.org |
NPR : National Public Radio :
News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR - NPR delivers breaking
national and world news. Also top stories from business, politics,
health, science, technology, music, arts and culture. Subscribe to
podcasts and RSS feeds. |
www.npuap.org |
National Pressure Ulcer Advisory
Panel |
www.nra.org |
NRA | The National Rifle
Association is America’s longest-standing civil rights organization.
Together with our more than five million members, we’re proud defenders
of history’s patriots and diligent protectors of the Second Amendment. |
www.nrahq.org |
NRA Explore | Home |
www.nraila.org |
NRA-ILA | Established in 1975,
the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the
National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving
the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political,
and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate
purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. |
www.nrainstructors.org |
NRA Training |
www.nramemberservices.org |
NRA Member Services | Home |
www.nrcc.org |
National Republican
Congressional Committee - We defend your conservative values by
protecting and expanding our Republican conference in the House of
Representatives. Your support is more important than ever as we look
toward the 2020 elections. Stand with us and expand your conservative
representation in Congress. |
www.nrcncte.org |
NRC - National Council for
Teacher Education NRC - National Council for Teacher Education |
www.nrdc.org |
NRDC Twitter Facebook YouTube
instagram RSS Feed Twitter Facebook YouTube instagram RSS Feed |
www.nred.org |
Welcome to New Rochelle Public
Schools |
www.nremt.org |
National Registry of Emergency
Medical Technicians |
www.nrlc.org |
National Right to Life | The
nation's oldest & largest pro-life organization |
www.nrmca.org |
NRMCA Expanding the Concrete
Industry Through Promotion, Advocacy, Education and Leadership NRMCA
Expanding the Concrete Industry Through Promotion, Advocacy, Education
and Leadership - NRMCA, National Ready Mixed Concrete Association,
Expanding the Concrete Industry Through Promotion, Advocacy, Education,
Leadership |
www.nrmp.org |
The Match, National Resident
Matching Program |
www.nrnaqatar.org |
Non Resident Nepali Association,
National Coordination Council, Qatar - The Non Resident Nepali -National
Coordination Council (NRN-NCC) Qatar is committed to a vision of making
Nepal a peaceful and prosperous nation in the world |
www.nrtw.org |
National Right to Work Foundation |
www.nsacct.org |
National Society of Accountants
- The National Society of Accountants is the association for |
www.nsaspeaker.org |
National Speakers Association
(NSA) – Where professional speakers connect. Facebook Instagram LinkedIn
Pinterest Twitter YouTube |
www.nsba.org |
nsba.org |
www.nsclient.org |
Welcome to NSClient++ -
NSClient++ - A Page in : Welcome to NSClient++ |
www.nscs.org |
NSCS | The National Society of
Collegiate Scholars |
www.nscverifications.org |
Online Student Verification
Services | Verify Degrees & Enrollment - Use our nationwide database to
immediately verify student enrollment, college degrees, and professional
certifications. Quick, easy, and accurate! |
www.nsd.org |
Northshore School District - |
www.nsd131.org |
Nampa School District - Our goal
is for all Nampa School District students to meet or exceed high
academic standards by acquiring the knowledge and skills essential for
success on state and national assessments, and in post-secondary
education, the world of work, and citizenship. |
www.nsecollege.org |
::Netaji Subhash Engineering
College:: |
www.nsf.org |
NSF International - NSF
independently tests, audits, certifies, trains and consults for the
food, water, health science, sustainability and consumer product
sectors. |
www.nsfgrfp.org |
NSF Graduate Research
Fellowships Program (GRFP) |
www.nsgc.org |
National Society of Genetic
Counselors : NSGC Home Page |
www.nshss.org |
NSHSS | National Society of High
School Scholars |
www.nsidc.org |
National Snow and Ice Data Center
| |
www.nslcleaders.org |
Pre-College Summer Enrichment
Programs for Students - NSLC offers pre-college summer enrichment
programs for middle school and high school students. Join us this
summer! |
www.nsna.org |
www.nsp.org |
National Ski Patrol |
www.nspra.org |
National School Public Relations
Association | The Leader in School Communications |
www.nsrc.org |
Network Startup Resource Center |
www.nsrfharmony.org |
National School Reform Faculty –
Improving student outcomes through collaboration in Critical Friends
Group® work |
www.nss-bg.org |
www.nss.org |
National Space Society|Working to
Create a Spacefaring Civilization |
www.nssa-nsca.org |
NSSA-NSCA – National Skeet
Shooting Association | National Sporting Clays Association - National
Skeet Shooting Association | National Sporting Clays Association |
www.nssasign.org |
Northeast States Sign Association |
www.nssd.org |
国家哲学社会科学学术期刊数据库 |
www.nssfug.org |
National Social Security Fund -
The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) is National Saving Scheme
mandated by Government through the National Social Security Fund Act,
Cap 222 (Laws of Uganda) to provide social security services to
employees in Uganda. It was established by an Act of Parliament (1985)
to provide for its membership, payment of contributions to, and payment
of benefits out of the Fund. NSSF is a provident fund (pays out
contributions in lump sum). |
www.nsta.org |
National Science Teaching
Association |
www.nsteens.org |
NSTeens.org - Making Safer
Choices Online |
www.ntagil.org |
Нижний Тагил. Официальный сайт
города - Нижний Тагил. Официальный сайт города. |
www.ntca.org |
NTCA - The Rural Broadband
Association - NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association is the premier
association representing nearly 850 independent, community-based
telecommunications companies that are leading innovation in rural and
small-town America. NTCA advocates on behalf of its members in the
legislative and regulatory arenas, and it provides training and
development; publications and industry events; and an array of employee
benefit programs. |
www.nten.org |
NTEN unites the nonprofit sector
around using technology effectively and ethically. |
www.ntglobal.org |
NT Global Solutions | ICT
Clarified |
www.ntop.org |
ntop – High Performance Network
Monitoring Solutions based on Open Source and Commodity Hardware. |
www.ntp.org |
ntp.org: Home of the Network Time
Protocol - The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchronize the
time of a computer client or server to another server or reference time
source, such as a radio or satellite receiver or modem. |
www.nubuntu.org |
Your Nr.1 Flipbook Info Resource
- Nubuntu.org |
www.nucleardarkness.org |
Nuclear Darkness & Nuclear Famine
| Consequences of Nuclear War |
www.nucleuscms.org |
Nucleus CMS: Pure Publishing |
www.nudoq.org |
NuDoq - Enjoyable API
Documentation |
www.nuestromar.org |
www.nuevaschool.org |
The Nueva School | Learn by
Doing, Learn by Caring - Established in 1967, The Nueva School has
served as one of the leaders in pioneering social emotional learning and
gifted education. The student to faculty ratio is 7:1 and one in five
high school students receive financial aid. |
www.nuevoespacio.org |
CECE – Centro de Estudiantes de
Cs. Economicas – UBA |
www.nufcu.org |
University of Nebraska Federal
Credit Union |
www.nuffieldfoundation.org |
Nuffield Foundation |
www.nuget.org |
NuGet Gallery | Home |
www.number333.org |
"monograph(モノグラフ)" -
monograph(モノグラフ)。iPhoneやMac、最先端ガジェットなど僕の興味があることを日々更新するブログ。月間80万PV。 |
www.numbergenerator.org |
Best Random Number Generator by
NumberGenerator.org |
www.numberworld.org |
Numberworld |
www.numenta.org |
Numenta.org • Home of the HTM
Community - Numenta.org • Home of the HTM Community |
www.numpy.org |
NumPy — NumPy |
www.numundo.org |
NuMundo - Discover
transformational experiences - Discover transformational experiences at
ecovillages, intentional communities, permaculture farms, social
projects and retreat centers across the globe. |
www.nunit.org |
NUnit.org - NUnit is the most
popular unit test framework for .NET. |
www.nurnet.org |
NurNet.Org - Dünyadan Haberiniz
Olsun - Risale-i Nur Hizmetlerinin -Yurtiçi ve Yurtdıºı- tanıtılması ve
irtibatın sağlanması amacıyla hizmet vermektedir.Aile ve Sağlık, Soru ve
Cevap, Programlar, |
www.nursefamilypartnership.org |
Nurse-Family Partnership –
Helping First-Time Parents Succeed |
www.nursejournal.org |
Nursing Programs, Scholarships,
and Careers - 2019 NurseJournal.org |
www.nurseryrhymes.org |
NurseryRhymes.org - Nursery
Rhymes with Lyrics and Music - Find lyrics and music for nursery rhymes.
Have a good time singing with your kids! |
www.nursetimes.org |
Nurse Times | Informazione
Infermieristica - Nurse Times è una testata giornalistica registrata,
dedicata al mondo degli infermieri. Pubblica news di ogni tipo in ambito
infermieristico. |
www.nursingclio.org |
Nursing Clio The Personal is
Historical |
www.nursinglicensure.org |
Nursing License Requirements |
NursingLicensure.org - This guide is designed to provide a more
efficient way to learn about the nursing license requirements in your
state by providing direct navigation to the information you are looking
for on your state's Board of Nursing website for registered nurse
license, practical nurse license and vocational nurse license
requirements. Save yourself the hassel of picking through your state's
massive amounts of licensure information. NursingLicensure.org |
www.nuso.org |
Nueva Sociedad | Democracia y
política en América Latina - NUSO se publica cada dos meses en Buenos
Aires y se distribuye en todo el continente. Desde 1972, 40 años de
pensamiento progresista en América Latina. |
www.nussportsclub.org |
NUS Students' Sports Club - NUS
Students' Sports Club Website built with Vuetify |
www.nutri-facts.org |
NUTRI-FACTS | Understanding
Vitamins and More - NUTRI-FACTS |
www.nutrias.org |
New Orleans Public Library |
www.nutricion.org |
Sociedad Española de Ciencias de
la Alimentación (SEDCA) |
www.nutritionalmagnesium.org |
Nutritional Magnesium Association |
www.nutritioncare.org |
ASPEN wheat-graphic copy 2 |
www.nutritioncaremanual.org |
Nutritioncaremanual |
www.nutritioned.org |
Nutritionist Degree | How to
Become a Nutritionist Registered Dietitian RD |
www.nutritionfacts.org |
NutritionFacts.org | The Latest
Nutrition Related Topics Search - The latest in nutrition research
delivered in easy to understand videos, blog posts, and podcasts brought
to you by Dr. Michael Greger M.D. |
www.nutritionmd.org |
Nutrition for Clinicians |
www.nutritionreview.org |
Nutrition Review | A blog about
health science, human physiology, and nutrition, with a focus on
alternative medicine and life extension. |
www.nutritionstudies.org |
T. Colin Campbell Center for
Nutrition Studies - We believe that you have the right to better health
and better information. We advocate for evidence-based education through
a variety of plant-based resources including hundreds of articles,
recipes and more. |
www.nutritionvalue.org |
Nutritional Values For Common
Foods And Products - Nutritional facts database with detailed analysis,
advanced search and tools. |
www.nutrizionenaturale.org |
Nutrizione Naturale - Nutrizione
Naturale - Alimentazione come principale medicina."La conoscenza per
scegliere consapevolmente cibi e stili di vita per vivere bene e più a
lungo" |
www.nuvhs.org |
National University Virtual High
School - National University Virtual High School is a private,
nonprofit, accredited online high school offering AP, college prep
courses for Summer, Fall and Spring terms. Full or part-time enrollment
options. |
www.nvaccess.org |
NV Access |
www.nvbar.org |
State Bar of Nevada - Governing
the legal profession in Nevada since 1928 |
www.nvca.org |
National Venture Capital
Association – NVCA |
www.nvd3.org |
NVD3 - NVD3 Re-usable charts for
d3.js This project is an attempt to build re-usable charts and chart
components for d3.js without taking away the power … |
www.nvdetr.org |
Nevada Department of Employment,
Training and Rehabilitation |
www.nvg.org |
Nettverksgruppa - NVG |
www.nvic.org |
National Vaccine Information
Center - Your Health. Your Family. Your Choice. - National Vaccine
Information Center is a charitable non-profit organization dedicated to
preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and to
defending the informed consent ethic in medicine. |
www.nvlsp.org |
www.nvmexpress.org |
NVM Express – scalable,
efficient, and industry standard |
www.nvnet.org |
Northern Valley Regional High
School District |
www.nvpers.org |
Public Employees' Retirement
System of Nevada - null |
www.nvrural.org |
Down Payment Assistance, Home
Buying & Rental Services | Nevada Rural Housing Authority - Nevada Rural
Housing Authority provides home financing solutions, rental assistance,
affordable housing programs, and community development programs for
Nevada residents. |
www.nvshq.org |
Navodaya Vidyalaya NVS Admission
2020 - JNVST Notification nvshq.org - Get all NVS admission 2020
information . JNVST 2020 class 6 & 9 application form, admit card,
selection list & waiting list. Navodaya Vidyalaya link .. |
www.nw.org |
Nw |
www.nwae.org |
Northwest Adoption Exchange -
Finding the adoptive families they deserve. |
www.nwea.org |
NWEA NWEA’s proven K12 assessment
solutions, customized professional learning, and industry-leading
research keep you ahead of the curve. |
www.nwetc.org |
Home-nwetc | NWETC |
www.nwfa.org |
National Wood Flooring
Association: For Members, NWFA Members - NWFA is an international
non-profit trade association representing all segments of the hardwood
flooring industry providing training & resources for experts to enhance
skills. |
www.nwfcu.org |
Northwest Federal Credit Union |
www.nwfilm.org |
NW Film Center – Portland, Oregon
- A regional media arts organization founded to encourage the study,
appreciation, and utilization of the moving image arts. |
www.nwhn.org |
www.nwlc.org |
National Women's Law Center |
Justice for Her. Justice for All. facebook twitter instagram search
paper-plane - NWLC fights for gender justice in the courts, in public
policy and in our society, especially for women and girls facing
multiple forms of discrimination. |
www.nwp.org |
National Writing Project |
www.nwtrek.org |
Northwest Trek Wildlife Park -
native Northwest animals, zipline and more in Eatonville, WA - Northwest
Trek Wildlife Park in Eatonville, WA. Conserving wildlife for all. A
720-acre wildlife park with native Northwest animals, forest, trams and
more. |
www.nxfilter.org |
Nxfilter |
www.nxt.org |
Jelurida |
www.nxtforum.org |
Ardor Forum - Ardor Forum -
Index |
www.nzaht.org |
Antarctic Heritage Trust - Our
mission is to conserve, share and encourage the spirit of exploration.
Antarctic Heritage Trust is a New Zealand-based charity with a vision of
inspiring explorers. |
www.nzff.org |
NZFF • Index page |
www.o-love.org |
°O O-Love - Rencontre avec tchat
en direct O° - O-love.org fournit un service complet et gratuit
d'annonces rencontre et chat avec webcam , club de celibataire de
rencontres femmes coquines ( amoureuses ) , reelles et rapides, pour
rencontrer l ame soeur, o-love, dialogue en direct |
www.o12.org |
o12.org | Teknoloji ve gündeme
dair özgün günlük - Teknoloji ve internet günlüğü o12.org özgün
makaleler yayınlamayı ve internet ortamında ilgi çekici konuları
kullanıcılarına ulaºtırmayı amaç edinmiºtir. |
www.o7planning.org |
Programming Tutorial: Java,
Android, C/C++, C#, SQL (Oracle,SQL Server, MySQL) - o7planning support
Tutorial, Example in Java. |
www.oa-bsa.org |
Order of the Arrow - Boy Scouts
of America - Official web site of the Order of the Arrow - Scoutings
National Honor Society. The purpose of the Order of the Arrow is to
recognize those Scout campers who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law
in their daily lives, to develop and maintain camping traditions and
spirit, to promote Scout camping, and to crystallize the Scout habit of
helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to
others. |
www.oa.org |
Newcomers - Overeaters Anonymous |
www.oaa-accessibility.org |
OpenAjax Accessibility: OpenAjax
Examples |
www.oaaa.org |
Out of Home Advertising
Association of America, Inc. - Outdoor Advertising Association of
America, Inc. |
www.oaclub.org |
Adventures in Odyssey Club - The
Adventures in Odyssey Club is an on-line membership experience where the
great adventure awaits! Listen to the entire library of Adventures In
Odyssey audio episodes, hear exclusive stories not available anywhere
else and enjoy Web Quest activities. |
www.oaisd.org |
OAISD Home |
www.oakdiocese.org |
homepage — Oakland Diocese |
www.oakfair.org |
Oakland County Fair - The Oakland
County Fair is an annual event held July 5-14, 2019 at Springfield Oaks
County Park in Davisburg, Michigan. |
www.oakfnd.org |
www.oaklandlibrary.org |
Oakland Public Library |
www.oakparkusd.org |
Oak Park Unified School District
/ Overview |
www.oananews.org |
www.oasis-open.org |
OASIS | Advancing open standards
for the information society |
www.oasisnet.org |
Oasis - Lifelong Adventure -
Oasis is a national education organization that brings people together
age 50 plus to enrich lives and strengthen communities. |
www.oatd.org |
OATD – Open Access Theses and
Dissertations |
www.oaug.org |
Oracle Applications & Technology
Users Group - The site home page |
www.oba.org |
OBA.org |
www.obamacareusa.org |
ObamacareUSA.org - Find
Affordable Health Care Today |
www.obamaconspiracy.org |
Obama Conspiracy Theories |
www.obesity.org |
The Obesity Society |
www.obituarieshelp.org |
Newspaper Obituaries, Genealogy,
Obituary, Funeral Resources - Access newspaper obituaries and discover
your genealogy online. Discover obituary resources like old newspaper
obituaries archives and Download free genealogy forms and printable
family tree charts. |
www.obliteride.org |
Obliteride |
www.obparks.org |
Oak Brook Park District |
www.obra.org |
OBRA: Oregon Bicycle Racing
Association |
www.obrag.org |
OB Rag | Grassroots and
Progressive views on local, national and world news - Grassroots and
Progressive views on local, national and world news |
www.observalinguaportugue... |
Observatório da Língua Portuguesa |
www.observatoridesc.org |
Observatori DESC - L'Observatori
DESC és una plataforma d’entitats i persones creada el 1998 amb
l’objectiu de mostrar que tant els drets civils i polítics – dret a la
llibertat d’expressió, a la vida, al vot, etc. - com els drets
econòmics, socials, culturals i ambientals – dret a l’habitatge, al
treball, a l’educació, a la salut, a l’alimentació – són drets
fonamentals de totes les persones. |
www.observatoriodeseguran... |
Observatoriodeseguranca |
www.observatorioturistico.org |
Observatorio Turistico del
Estado de Guanajuato |
www.observium.org |
Observium |
www.obsidians.org |
Obsidians Eugene Oregon - A
non-profit outdoor club in Eugene, Oregon involved in hiking,
backpacking, mountain climbing, cross country skiing and other outdoor
activities. |
www.obstructures.org |
Obstructures |
www.obviousmag.org |
obvious - um olhar mais demorado
- O maior site de cultura colaborativa em lingua portuguesa. Tudo sobre
cultura, criatividade, artes, letras, design, fotografia, cinema,
arquitetura, música, humor, curiosidades e muitos outros assuntos. Não
perca! |
www.oc.org |
Overseas Campus Ministries,Inc
海外校園機構 |
www.oca.org |
Orthodox Church in America |
www.ocalafl.org |
City of Ocala | Home |
www.ocaml.org |
OCaml – OCaml |
www.ocar.org |
Orange County REALTORS® |
Association of Professionals - The Voice for Real Estate in Orange
County. |
www.ocarm.org |
The Carmelites | Los Carmelitas
| i Carmelitani |
www.occubanking.org |
Oklahoma Central Credit Union |
www.occupationalenglishtest.org |
OET - English language test for
healthcare professionals - English language test for healthcare
professionals, approved by governments, immigration, university and
college for visas, migration, study, registration and work: Nursing,
Medicine |
www.occupationalinfo.org |
Dictionary of Occupational Titles
DOT - Job Descriptions - www.occupationalinfo.org - Dictionary of
Occupational Titles DOT - Job Descriptions - www.occupationalinfo.org |
www.occupyflash.org |
Occupy Flash - The movement to
rid the world of the Flash Player plugin - Flash Player is dead. It's a
fossil, left over from the era of closed standards and unilateral
corporate control of web technology. Join us in helping the world remove
it from desktop browsers. |
www.ocdforums.org |
Forums - OCD-UK Forums |
www.ocduk.org |
OCD-UK – A national OCD charity,
run by, and for people with lived experience of OCD |
www.oceana.org |
Oceana - We are Protecting the
World's Oceans. |
www.oceancare.org |
OceanCare - Schutz für
Meerestiere und Ozeane - OceanCare sorgt weltweit dafür, dass die Ozeane
und deren Bewohner geschützt werden. Seit 2011 als UN-Sonderberaterin
für den Meeresschutz. |
www.oceanconservancy.org |
Ocean Conservancy Search Previous
Next Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Twitter Email Anchor Back Waves Wave -
We use the best in science-based solutions to tackle the biggest threats
to our ocean. Join the Fight for a Healthy Ocean. |
www.oceangrove.org |
Ocean Grove |
www.oceanicsociety.org |
Oceanic Society |
www.oceanriver.org |
Ocean River Institute | Making a
Difference on Planet Earth - The Ocean River Institute is a non-profit
that provides opportunities to make a difference and go the distance for
savvy stewardship of a greener and bluer planet Earth. |
www.ocearch.org |
Ocearch - OCEARCH is a
data-centric organization built to help scientists collect previously
unattainable data in the ocean. Our mission is to accelerate the ocean’s
return to abundance through fearless innovations in scientific research,
education, outreach and policy. |
www.ocfa.org |
Orange County Fire Authority -
We visualize problems and solutions through the eyes of those we serve. |
www.ocfusa.org |
Officers' Christian Fellowship |
www.ocgoodwill.org |
Donation Centers and Services -
OC Goodwill |
www.ocgp.org |
Orange County Great Park | City
of Irvine - Today at the Orange County Great Park, an innovative public
space is taking shape. Based on a visionary plan for 1,300 acres of
amenities and parks space, more than 450 acres of park space has been
completed, with more than 230 additional acres in progress. Visit today
and see what’s here now, and learn more about what’s to come. |
www.ochin.org |
www.ochsner.org |
Innovating Healthcare | Ochsner
Health System - Ochsner Health System is Louisiana’s largest non-profit,
academic, healthcare system, recognized by U.S. News & World Report as a
“Best Hospital.” |
www.ocks.org |
Mercantile Information
Technologies |
www.oclc.org |
Oclc |
www.ocln.org |
www.ocm.org |
Omaha Children's Museum |
www.ocmock.org |
Front Page · OCMock |
www.ocp.org |
OCP - A self-supporting,
not-for-profit, Catholic publishing company. |
www.ocpafl.org |
Rick Singh, CFA - Orange County
Property Appraiser Orange County Property Appraiser |
www.ocpcangola.org |
OCPCA - Ordem dos Contabilistas e
Peritos Contabilistas de Angola |
www.ocremix.org |
OverClocked ReMix: Video Game
Music Community - OverClocked ReMix is a video game music community with
tons of fan-made ReMixes and information on video game music. |
www.ocso.org |
Ordre Cistercien de la Stricte
Observance: OCSO - Ocso |
www.ocu.org |
OCU. Organización de
Consumidores y Usuarios - La mejor información. OCU: independencia,
innovación y compromiso al servicio de los consumidores |
www.odata.org |
OData - the Best Way to REST -
OData, short for Open Data Protocol, is an open protocol to allow the
creation and consumption of queryable and interoperable RESTful APIs in
a simple and standard way. |
www.odb.org |
Our Daily Bread - Daily
encouragement and inspiration to draw closer to God each day. |
www.odbms.org |
ODBMS.org - Operational Database
Management Systems |
www.odi.org |
Overseas Development Institute
(ODI) | Evidence. Ideas. Change. - The Overseas Development Institute
(ODI) is the UK’s leading independent think tank on international
development and humanitarian issues. |
www.odir.org |
Open Directory - Verzeichnis
ähnlicher Webseiten - Das komplett von Usern erstellte Verzeichnis
Ähnlicher Webseiten. Ein Bewertungssystem reiht die Seiten so, dass nur
die qualitativ hochwertigen Seiten erscheinen. |
www.odlg.org |
Bienvenue sur odlg.org - Ce site
est actuellement en construction. |
www.odnako.org |
Odnako |
www.odnowa.org |
Katolicka Odnowa w Duchu Œwiêtym |
www.odps.org |
転職成功辞典|自分の価値を上げる転職をしよう! -
転職をポジティブに進めるため、今のあなたに必要な情報がこのサイトにあります。良いことばかりじゃないからこそ前向きに!人材業界経験者だからわかる、転職サイト、求人サイト、転職エージェントの特徴や、業界・職種別のコラムを執筆中。自分の価値を上げる転職をしよう! |
www.odysseynetworks.org |
Odyssey Networks - Odyssey
Networks is a media non-profit telling stories of how people of faith
and good will engage the world to nurture compassion, justice and hope. |
www.oecd-ilibrary.org |
OECD iLibrary - OECD's
dissemination platform for all published content - books, serials and
statistics |
www.oecd.org |
www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org |
OECD Better Life Index |
www.oecdbookshop.org |
Turpin Distribution. Search -
Turpin eCommerce Site |
www.oecu.org |
Oklahoma's Credit Union | Credit
Union in OK | Banking & Loans - We've been helping Oklahomans do more
with their money since 1954. Join a community that puts people first,
not profits. |
www.oedb.org |
Online Education: The Best
Online Colleges & Resources for 2018 - Get the latest in online
education. Find online courses and compare the top-ranked online
bachelor's, master's, associate, and certificate programs. |
www.oeis.org |
The On-Line Encyclopedia of
Integer Sequences® (OEIS®) |
www.oekonomenstimme.org |
Ökonomenstimme: Home |
www.oen.org |
Oregon Entrepreneurs Network -
Find Your Direction - OEN helps Oregon entrepreneurs grow and thrive. |
www.oercommons.org |
OER Commons - OER Commons is a
dynamic digital library and network. Explore open education resources
and join our network of educators dedicated to curriculum improvement. |
www.oes.org |
Everything about Old English
Sheepdogs - Old English Sheepdog - Old English Sheep Dog - Old English
Sheep Dogs Everything about Old English Sheepdog that you ever wanted to
know! Busy public Sheepdog Forum, Photos, Rescue Links, Merchandise, Old
English Sheep Dogs pictures, Old English Sheep Dog. |
www.oetc.org |
OETC – Educational Technology
Purchasing Consortium - OETC is a nonprofit that makes educational
technology purchasing simple, reliable and affordable to meet the needs
of education. |
www.oferting.org |
Oferting |
www.offerscheck.org |
Deals an special offers online
viewable - Offers and Deals, Product, Product rating |
www.office-download.org |
ビジネスフォン(主装置)導入前に知っておきたい基礎知識 -
ビジネスフォン(ビジネスホン、オフィス電話機、業務用電話機)の導入に関する役立つ基礎知識をはじめ、電話機の選び方やビジネスホンの価格比較、ビジネスフォン増設時のチェックポイントなどをまとめてみました。業界のプロの聞いたおすすめの機種も紹介しています。 |
www.offroadvideos.org |
OFFROADVIDEOS.org - Motocross
and Supercross videos - All AMA Supercross and Motocross races and all
MXGP races. Best Motocross, Supercross and freestyle videos. |
www.offshoreincorporation.org |
Offshore Banking .Com: Offshore
Bank Accounts Opening - Offshore Banking services offered by us includes
opening of personal offshore bank accounts and setting up offshore
company bank accounts in jurisdictions that are not signatory to AEoI
(CRS). Our offshore banking services does not require you to visit
banking institution to open an offshore bank account. Our offshore
banking solutions are straightforward, cost effective and unique. Using
OffshoreBanking.com for your offshore banking needs you will be
utilizing unique opportunity not available elsewhere. Offshore banks
that we are offering are carefully chosen and will satisfy most of our
clients. We will support you on every step of your offshore bank account
application. |
www.ofid.org |
www.ofm.org |
Franciscan Friars - Ordo Fratrum
Minorum - The Order of Friars Minor (OFM) or Franciscan Friars, founded
by St. Francis of Assisi, give themselves totally to God in obedience,
poverty, and chastity. |
www.ofn.org |
Opportunity Finance Network |
www.ofrf.org |
Organic Farming Research
Foundation |
www.ogame.org |
Ogame |
www.ogaoga.org |
ogaoga.org - This page is a
portal page of ogaoga.org. |
www.ogdensd.org |
Ogden City School District -
Ogden City School District |
www.ogel.org |
OGEL Journal (Oil, Gas & Energy
Law Intelligence) - Global Energy Law & Regulation Portal |
www.oglasi.org |
Regionalni besplatni oglasi
Hrvatske - Besplatni oglasi za gradove Hrvatske - regionalni besplatni
oglasnik za oglašavanje bez registracije. |
www.ogre3d.org |
OGRE - Open Source 3D Graphics
Engine | Home of a marvelous rendering engine |
www.ogunquitplayhouse.org |
Ogunquit Playhouse, a 501c3 not-for-profit organization listed on the
National Historic Register, is located on Route One in Ogunquit, Maine
and produces the finest Broadway musicals each season with performances
Tuesday through Sunday, from May 16 to October 28. |
www.ohata.org |
金属スクラップの買取(土曜・日曜・祝日も営業) | 大畑商事 -
株式会社大畑商事は、土曜・日曜・祝日も休まず営業!金属スクラップ(銅・砲金・真鍮・アルミ・ステンレス・鉄・雑線等)を買取り、リサイクルしています。 |
www.ohchr.org |
www.ohcu.org |
Old Hickory Credit Union - Old
Hickory Credit Union - Old Hickory Credit Union has been serving our
neighbors since 1934, providing top quality financial services. From
general banking, to loans and mortgages, we are happy to help you. |
www.ohea.org |
Ohio Education Association |
www.ohgaming.org |
A Leader in Modded Minecraft -
OhGaming |
www.ohiobar.org |
Ohio State Bar Association for
Legal Professionals | OSBA |
www.ohioccwforums.org |
Ohioans For Concealed Carry
Discussion Forums • Index page |
www.ohiohistorycentral.org |
Ohio History Central |
www.ohmydior.org |
Ohmydior.org |
www.ohmykids.org |
ohmykids.org |
www.ohs.org |
Oregon Historical Society - The
Oregon Historical Society is dedicated to putting the power of Oregon’s
rich, surprising history into everyone’s hands. For more than a century,
we have served as the state’s collective memory, gathering and
preserving historical pieces, including over 85,000 artifacts and
millions of photographs, films, and manuscripts, and sharing them
through our museum, research library, academic journal, educational
programs, and ever-growing digital content. |
www.oic-oci.org |
Organisation of Islamic
Cooperation - The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) (formerly
Organization of the Islamic Conference) is the second largest
inter-governmental organization after the United Nations which has
membership of 57 states spread over four continents. The Organization is
the collective voice of the Muslim world and ensuring to safeguard and
protect the interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promoting
international peace and harmony among various people of the world. |
www.oici.org |
OICI International |
www.oinsurgente.org |
O Insurgente |
www.oipa.org |
www.oirsa.org |
Organismo Internacional Regional
de Sanidad Agropecuaria |
www.oitcinterfor.org |
OIT/Cinterfor | Desarrollo del
Conocimiento en la Formación Profesional |
www.ojuba.org |
أعجوبة [أعجوبة] |
www.ok-tv.org |
Смотреть ТВ онлайн бесплатно.
Телевидение России и Украины в прямом эфире - Смотреть онлайн ТВ можно
абсолютно бесплатно через ваш браузер. На нашем сайте все ТВ каналы
транслируются без ограничений по времени. |
www.okaquarium.org |
Oklahoma Aquarium Jenks, OK |
Official Website Arrow Left Arrow Right Slideshow Left Arrow Slideshow
Right Arrow |
www.okayama-airport.org |
岡山桃太郎空港 -
岡山桃太郎空港発着の国内便・国際便時刻表、岡山桃太郎空港へのアクセス方法(お車・バス・タクシー)および時刻表を掲載しています。その他、搭乗・到着手続き、岡山桃太郎空港内施設(ターミナルビル、サービス施設、駐車場、バス・タクシー乗り場)、岡山桃太郎空港発着のツアー情報もご案内しています。 |
www.okbar.org |
Oklahoma Bar Association –
Oklahoma Bar Association |
www.okcareertech.org |
CareerTech (CT) -
okcareertech.org |
www.okcps.org |
Oklahoma City Public Schools /
Homepage |
www.okdhs.org |
default |
www.okdhslive.org |
OKDHSLive! |
www.okfn.org |
Open Knowledge Foundation cc by |
www.okfun.org |
找樂子論壇 - Powered by HstarForum -
最強最豐富多媒體資源站台 |
www.okhighered.org |
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher
Education | Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education |
www.okhistory.org |
Oklahoma Historical Society -
The Oklahoma Historical Society has been collecting, preserving, and
sharing the rich history of our state since 1893. |
www.okk.org |
Oslo Kajakklubb » Flattvann,
havpadling, surfski og kajakkpolo |
www.oklahomacentral.org |
Oklahoma Central Credit Union |
www.oklahomacounty.org |
Oklahomacounty |
www.oklaw.org |
Welcome to Legal Aid Services of
Oklahoma's guide to free legal help in Oklahoma. - Legal Aid Services of
Oklahoma has free legal information on Oklahoma law, self-help court
forms, court information and other helpful resources. |
www.okrc.org |
Ordre Kabbalistique de la
Rose-Croix - Site Internet en français de l'Ordre Kabbalistique de la
Rose-Croix, premier Ordre Rose-Croix de l'époque moderne, créé en 1888.
Soyez les bienvenus. |
www.oksat.org |
环球天下 |
www.oktayustayemektarifi.org |
Oktay Usta Yemek Tarifleri -
oktay usta, yemek tarifleri, et yemekleri, iftar yemekleri, sebze,
köfteler, makarnalar, pilavlar |
www.okusama.org |
奥様クラブ|十三 ソフトSM専門店 -
十三にある人妻系のソフトSM専門店(風俗店)「奥様クラブ」の公式サイトです。当店は、阪急十三駅より徒歩5分になります。人妻ならではの濃厚、かつ過激なまでのエロさ・温もりのある優しさ・究極の癒しのおもてなしをプロデュースいたします。 |
www.olat.org |
OLAT | Online Learning and
Training - OLAT, Online Learning and Training, Learning Management
Systems, University of Zurich, lms.uzh.ch |
www.olathehealth.org |
Olathe Health |
www.olatheks.org |
City of Olathe | Home |
www.olavodecarvalho.org |
www.olcveducationfund.org |
Oregon League of Conservation
Voters | OLCV - Passing laws to protect Oregon's environmental legacy,
electing pro-environment candidates, and holding our elected official
accountable. |
www.oldbaileyonline.org |
Old Bailey Online - The
Proceedings of the Old Bailey, 1674-1913 - Central Criminal Court |
www.oldbridgeadmin.org |
Old Bridge Township District /
Homepage |
www.oldcarbrochures.org |
The Old Car Manual Project
Brochure Collection - Updated Oct 3 2019 |
www.oldlife.org |
Old Life – Reformed Faith and
Practice - Reformed Faith and Practice |
www.oldmapsonline.org |
Old Maps Online - The
easy-to-use getaway to historical maps in libraries around the world. |
www.oldnfo.org |
Nobody Asked Me... - Veritas nos
liberabit - Veritas nos liberabit |
www.oldsalem.org |
Old Salem Museums & Gardens |
www.oldspanishdays-fiesta.org |
Old Spanish Days | Fiesta Santa
Barbara Old Spanish Days - Fiesta - Old Spanish Days - Fiesta. An annual
historic celebration in Santa Barbara |
www.oldwayspt.org |
Oldways | A Food and Nutrition
Nonprofit Helping People Live Healthier, Happier Lives |
www.olganon.org |
Welcome to On-Line Gamers
Anonymous®! | On-line Gamers Anonymous® |
www.olgchs.org |
Our Lady of Good Counsel
Catholic High School Olney MD - Our Lady of Good Counsel |
www.olharanimal.org |
Olhar Animal |
www.oli.org |
Operation Lifesaver, Inc. |
www.olimpbase.org |
OlimpBase :: the encyclopaedia of
team chess - OlimpBase :: the online encyclopaedia of international team
chess events |
www.olino.org |
NL - OliNo Services -
Professionele lampmetingen, lezingen door onafhankelijke experts en
betaalbaar webdesign |
www.olivetassembly.org |
Olivet Assembly of North America |
www.olpejetaconservancy.org |
Ol Pejeta Conservancy |
www.olrl.org |
Our Lady of the Rosary Library
Traditional Catholic Traditional Catholic literature on the New Mass,
Church doctrine, Prophecies, lives of the Saints; books, articles, and
prayer cards at low prices. |
www.oltremare.org |
Parco Tematico Oltremare
Riccione - Parco Oltremare, divertimenti, natura, ambiente : Parco
tematico sulla riviera romagnola. |
www.olvs.org |
Our Lady of Victory School –
Traditional Catholic Homeschooling |
www.olympiacos.org |
Olympiacos.org / Official
Website of Olympiacos Piraeus - It contains the latest info about
Olympiacos and offering a channel for communication and entertainment to
the fans of Olympiacos |
www.olympic.org |
Olympics | Olympic Games, Medals,
Results, News | IOC - Official website of the Olympic Games. Find all
past and future Olympics, Youth Olympics, sports, athletes, medals,
results, IOC news, photos and videos. |
www.olympicmedical.org |
Welcome to Olympic Medical
Center - Olympic Medical Center is a comprehensive health care provider
serving the residents of Port Angeles, Sequim and surrounding
communities. Inpatient services include a level-three trauma designated
emergency department, surgical services, and labor and delivery.
Outpatient services include cardiac care, cancer care, diagnostic
imaging, physical therapy and rehabilitation, laboratory, orthopaedics,
surgical services, sleep center, home health, primary care, a walk-in
clinic and specialty physician clinics. |
www.olympicpeninsula.org |
Olympic Peninsula |
www.olympistas.org |
Olympistas | Comunidad online de
usuarios de cámaras digitales réflex de Olympus |
www.om.org |
Operation Mobilization | Mission
Work Around the World - We are a collective of 6,800 people who don't
fit a mold, who don't sit still, and who love the adventure of serving
Jesus. Join us and serve the world. |
www.om3.org |
Тайная Доктрина дней
Апокалипсиса - Тайная доктрина дней Апокалипсиса - книга, которая
изменит Вашу жизнь! Уникальная методика самосовершенствования и развития
человека, основанная на практическом опыте многих людей. Выбор за Вами. |
www.omahachamber.org |
Greater Omaha Chamber - The
Greater Omaha Chamber. Our mission: To champion a thriving business
community and a prosperous region through visionary leadership and
collaboration. |
www.omahaperformingarts.org |
Omaha Performing Arts | Holland
Center | Orpheum Theater |
www.omahapubliclibrary.org |
Omaha Public Library Admin - Find
information about Omaha Public Library locations, hours, services and
events. Search for materials in the catalog, place holds… |
www.omaredomex.org |
Omaredomex – Lo Mejor de la Nube |
www.omdb.org |
willkommen @ omdb - Willkommen
bei omdb, die freie Filmdatenbank, an der jeder mitarbeiten kann. In der
Open Media Database findest du Einträge zu tausenden Filmen, Serien und
Schauspielern. |
www.omdistro.org |
omdistro.org |
www.omeka.org |
Omeka - Omeka is a free,
flexible, and open source web-publishing platform for the display of
library, museum, archives, and scholarly collections and exhibitions.
Its five-minute setup makes launching an online archive or exhibition as
easy as launching a blog. |
www.omf.org |
OMF | Mission to East Asia's
People - Heart for Asia. Hope for Billions. - We share the good news of
Jesus Christ in all its fullness with East Asia's peoples to the glory
of God. |
www.omg.org |
OMG | Object Management Group -
Welcome to the website of the Object Management Group. We are
celebrating 25 years of setting the standard! The Object Management
Group (OMG) is an international, OMG, open membership, not-for-profit
technology standards consortium industry standards consortium. OMG Task
Forces develop enterprise integration standards for a wide range of
technologies and an even wider range of industries. |
www.omicsgroup.org |
OMICS International | Open
Access Journals List - OMICS International is currently managing more
than 700 High impact, Open Access journals with quality peer review and
copyediting process. Find the List o |
www.omicsonline.org |
OMICS International | Open Access
Journals | Scientific Conferences and Events Organizer - OMICS
International is an online publishing house, promoting scientific
research via its open access journals and by organizing international
conferences. |
www.omim.org |
OMIM - Online Mendelian
Inheritance in Man - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) is a
comprehensive, authoritative compendium of human genes and genetic
phenotypes that is freely available and updated daily. The full-text,
referenced overviews in OMIM contain information on all known mendelian
disorders and over 15,000 genes. OMIM focuses on the relationship
between phenotype and genotype. It is updated daily, and the entries
contain copious links to other genetics resources. |
www.omjai.org |
OmJai.org | OmJai.net |
www.omnicommunitycu.org |
Welcome to OMNI Community Credit
Union, Michigan's Best Credit Union. |
www.omnifaces.org |
OmniFaces | To make JSF life
easier - To make JSF life easier |
www.omnirom.org |
OmniROM - innovation, new
features, transparency, community, and freedom. - Omni is about
innovation, new features, transparency, community, and freedom. |
www.omnitrans.org |
OmniTrans – Public transportation
provider in San Bernardino Valley |
www.omorashi.org |
OmoOrg :: Join us on the nets
largest Omorashi community! - OmoOrg is an open community for Omorashi
and ABDL enthusiasts all across the globe, with over 75,000 members and
3TB of self-hosted content to-date! |
www.omrf.org |
Oklahoma Medical Research
Foundation (OMRF) — Discoveries that make a difference. - Discoveries
that make a difference. |
www.omri.org |
Welcome to the Organic Materials
Review Institute | Organic Materials Review Institute |
www.on-the-move.org |
On the Move | Cultural Mobility
Information Network - Cultural Mobility Information Network |
www.on4kst.org |
The low band, 50 MHz, 144 MHz
and microwave chats (by ON4KST) |
www.onbeing.org |
The On Being Project On Being -
Pursuing deep thinking and moral imagination, social courage and joy, to
renew inner life, outer life, and life together. A media and public life
initiative. |
www.oncolink.org |
Oncolink - OncoLink, the Web's
first cancer resource,provides comprehensive information on coping with
cancer, cancer treatments, cancer research advances, continuing medical
education, cancer prevention, and clinical trials |
www.oncologynutrition.org |
Oncology Nutrition DPG - The
Oncology Nutrition DPG (ON DPG) promotes quality oncology nutrition
practice in cancer treatment, prevention and survivorship. |
www.one-name.org |
Guild of One-Name Studies –
One-name studies, Genealogy - One-name studies, Genealogy |
www.one.org |
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extreme poverty ONE ONE Search Region Open menu Close menu Play video
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Message us on Whatsapp Follow us on Youtube Email us Copy link - ONE is
a global movement campaigning to end extreme poverty and preventable
disease by 2030, so that everyone, everywhere can lead a life of dignity
and opportunity. |
www.onebillionrising.org |
Onebillionrising |
www.oneblood.org |
OneBlood - OneBlood - OneBlood |
www.onebrick.org |
One Brick | Volunteering Made
Easy |
www.onebusaway.org |
OneBusAway |
www.onecaribbean.org |
Caribbean tourism development,
statistics & information OneCaribbean.org - The Caribbean's tourism
development agency with 27 country members and dozens of private sector
members. |
www.onechurchla.org |
The Potter's House at One LA |
www.oneclub.org |
The One Club / The One Club for
Creativity is an international nonprofit membership organization that
seeks to inspire, encourage, and develop creative excellence in
advertising and design. The One Show and the ADC Annual Awards are among
the most coveted accolades in the industry. The One Club for Creativity
is built on four core strengths: Education, Inclusion & Diversity,
Gender Equality, and Awards. |
www.onedayswages.org |
One Day's Wages - Join the
movement to help end extreme poverty - YOU, ME, US, THEM working towards
a more just and beautiful world. ODW is a grassroots movement of people,
stories, and actions to alleviate extreme poverty |
www.oneforisrael.org |
ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry - Jewish
Evangelism, Bible College, Humanitarian Aid - ONE FOR ISRAEL - Because
the best way to bless Israel is with Yeshua (Jesus) - Jewish Evangelism
and Apologetic, Bible College and Holocaust survivors Humanitarian Aid. |
www.onefpa.org |
Financial Planning Association -
FPA provides professional development and practice management support to
CFPs and financial planning professionals. Find out what FPA can do for
you! |
www.onegeology.org |
OneGeology - to be the provider
of geoscience data globally - OneGeology - To be the provider of
geoscience data globally |
www.onegreenplanet.org |
One Green Planet - We're your
online guide to making conscious choices that help people, animals and
the planet.One Green Planet | We're your online guide to making
conscious choices that help people, animals and the planet. - Welcome
Green Monsters! One Green Planet is your online guide to making
conscious choices that help people, animals and the planet. |
www.onekind.org |
OneKindPlanet - Animal Facts,
Education & Inspiration - OneKindPlanet is the place to go for animal
facts, top tens, animal a-z, guides to animal behavior, emotions and
sentience, and animal-friendly living. |
www.onemba.org |
OneMBA | Global Executive MBA
Program | Developing Global Leaders - OneMBA is an authentic global
executive MBA program that builds real-world business knowledge and
cultivates real-life relationships—shifting your perspective of the
world. Designed in equal partnership with five of the world’s premier
business schools, you'll gain the skills to lead across borders and
customs. |
www.onenevada.org |
One Nevada Credit Union | Loans,
Checking and Online Banking. Serving Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada. -
Loans, Checking and Online Banking. Serving Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada. |
www.oneoc.org |
OneOC - OneOC is Orange County's
nonprofit resource center, offering volunteering, training, consulting
and fiscal sponsorship services to nonprofits, as well as giving and
employee volunteering services to companies, |
www.onepercentfortheplanet.org |
1% for the Planet - 1% for the
Planet is a global movement inspiring businesses and individuals to
support environmental solutions through memberships and everyday
actions. We advise on giving strategies, we certify donations and we
amplify the impact of our network. |
www.onepetro.org |
OnePetro |
www.oneskyservices.org |
One Sky Community Services – One
Life, Endless Possibilities |
www.onetonline.org |
O*NET OnLine |
www.onlib.org |
Onondaga County Public Libraries |
www.onlineaha.org |
CPR First Aid eLearning | AHA
eLearning - CPR First Aid eLearning |
www.onlinebayportcu.org |
BayPort Credit Union Facebook
Instagram LinkedIn Twitter YouTube |
www.onlinebookclub.org |
Online Book Club for Readers -
OnlineBookClub.org is an awesome site for readers. We have international
book discussions, virtual bookshelves to track what you have read,
original book reviews and much more! |
www.onlineclasses.org |
Online College Courses &
Accredited Degree Programs | 2018 - Hundreds of online college courses
from the nation's best schools. No fees, no commitment -- learn on the
go with lectures and interactive courses. |
www.onlinecollege.org |
The Most In-Demand Online
Colleges of 2018 - Earn Your Degree - Earning your degree from an
accredited online college can help you launch a new career, or further
your current one. Browse our rankings of the best schools for
psychology, business, or health sciences degrees and more. Find out what
you need to get started. |
www.onlinecontest.org |
OLC - Segelflugszene - Herzlich
Willkommen... - On-Line Contest (OLC) The worldwide leading database and
scoring system for gliding, paragliding and hanggliding. |
www.onlinedegreereviews.org |
Online Degree Reviews Written by
Students - Unbiased and trusted information about online degree
programs. |
www.onlinejua.org |
Judo Union Of Asia |
www.onlinelearningconsorti... |
Online Learning Consortium (OLC)
- Enhancing Online Education - Online Learning Consortium (OLC) is the
leading professional organization devoted to advancing quality online
learning by providing professional development, instruction, best
practice publications and guidance to educators, online learning
professionals and organizations around the world. |
www.onlinemeded.org |
OnlineMedEd Large X - The #1
clinical learning platform used by over 80% of medical students across
191 countries. Hundreds of free videos and connected premium materials
to help you ace your boards and become a better doctor! |
www.onlinemeditation.org |
Online Meditation Courses - Learn
how to meditate! - Introducing the most powerful meditation technique.
In over 80 countries, always free. |
www.onlineschoolforgirls.org |
Quality, Challenging Courses and
Programs for Girls |
www.onlineschools.org |
Accredited Online Schools | Best
Schools for 2018 - Explore what's motivating millions of students to
enroll in online courses. Walk through criteria to consider before
enrolling and tips to get started. Guides cover K-12 to graduate school,
and feature the most current assessment of online schools available. |
www.onlinetrainings.org |
Online Trainings, Tableau, Big
Data Science, hadoop - onlinetrainings.org, Data Scientist, R, SAS, BIG
Data, SAP, Analyst, Analytics, Sales Force, Informatica, DataStage,
Abinitio, Cloud Computing, DB2 DBA, Oracle. |
www.onlineu.org |
OnlineU: Rankings of the Most
Affordable Online Colleges - OnlineU provides unbiased rankings for over
80 programs and 600 colleges based on affordability, accessibility, and
quality. |
www.onnuri.org |
Onnuri |
www.onthecommons.org |
On the Commons |
www.ontheissues.org |
OnTheIssues.org - Candidates on
the Issues - Tired of media reports of fundraising and poll results
instead of policy issues? At OnTheIssues.org, you can see the view of
every candidates on every issue. |
www.op.org |
www.opc.org |
Orthodox Presbyterian Church |
www.opcdorset.org |
Dorset OPC Dorset Online Parish
Clerk OPC Transcription Scheme |
www.opcfoundation.org |
OPC Foundation |
www.opcw.org |
Organisation for the Prohibition
of Chemical Weapons - As the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons
Convention, the OPCW, with its 193 Member States, oversees the global
endeavour to permanently and verifiably eliminate chemical weapons. |
www.opec.org |
OPEC : OPEC (Organization of the
Petroleum Exporting Countries) is an intergovernmental organization oil
demand supply market upstream downstream Vienna Austria |
www.open-emr.org |
OpenEMR - The world's leading
open-source electronic medical record and practice management software. |
www.open-mpi.org |
Open MPI: Open Source High
Performance Computing |
www.open-video.org |
The Open Video Project |
www.openarchives.org |
Open Archives Initiative |
www.openbadges.org |
Open Badges Get recognition for
learning that happens anywhere. Then share it on the places that matter.
A digital badge is an online representation of a skill you’ve earned. |
www.openbiome.org |
OpenBiome - OpenBiome is a
nonprofit stool bank. We provide stool preparations to clinicians for
fecal microbiota transplantation, and work with clinical researchers
investigating the role that the microbiome plays in human health. |
www.openbsd.org |
OpenBSD - the main OpenBSD page |
www.openbsdfoundation.org |
The OpenBSD Foundation |
www.opencellid.org |
OpenCelliD - Largest Open
Database of Cell Towers & Geolocation - by Unwired Labs - OpenCelliD is
the largest Open Database of Cell Towers & their locations. You can
geolocate IoT & Mobile devices without GPS, explore Mobile Operator
coverage and more! |
www.openchannels.org |
OpenChannels: Sustainable Ocean
Management and Conservation - OpenChannels is your comprehensive source
for news, guidance, and community discussion on sustainable practices in
ocean planning and management. |
www.opencompute.org |
Open Compute Project |
www.opencongress.org |
Registrant WHOIS contact
information verification | Namecheap.com |
www.opencores.org |
OpenCores |
www.opendatacommons.org |
Open Data Commons - Legal tools
for Open Data |
www.opendatahandbook.org |
The Open Data Handbook - Guides,
case studies and resources for government & civil society on the |
www.opendaylight.org |
OpenDaylight |
www.openflow.org |
Open Networking Foundation is an
operator led consortium leveraging SDN, NFV and Cloud technologies to
transform operator networks and business models - The Open Networking
Foundation leverages SDN principles and disaggregation, using open
source platforms and defined standards to build operator networks |
www.openfoam.org |
OpenFOAM | Free CFD Software |
The OpenFOAM Foundation - Home of OpenFOAM, the CFD software licensed
free and open source only, by us — The OpenFOAM Foundation — developed
primarily by CFD Direct. |
www.openfoodfacts.org |
Open Food Facts - World |
www.opengovpartnership.org |
Open Government Partnership |
Committed to making governments more open, accountable, and responsive
to citizens - In 2011, government leaders and civil society advocates
came together to create a unique partnership—one that combines these
powerful forces to promote accountable, responsive and inclusive
governance. |
www.opengreenmap.org |
Open Green Map | Open Green Map |
www.opengroup.org |
The Open Group |
www.openhand.org |
Project Open Hand | Our mission
is to nourish and engage our community by providing nutritious 'meals
with love' to the sick and the elderly. |
www.openintro.org |
OpenIntro |
www.openjurist.org |
Legal Resources | OpenJurist |
www.openkinect.org |
OpenKinect |
www.openldap.org |
OpenLDAP, Main Page - The Open
Source for LDAP software and information. Home of OpenLDAP. |
www.openlibrary.org |
Welcome to Open Library | Open
Library |
www.openmamba.org |
openmamba GNU/Linux |
www.openmandriva.org |
OpenMandriva - OpenMandriva Lx
4.0: the best! ...until OpenMandriva does better |
www.openmesh.org |
OpenMesh |
www.openmicroscopy.org |
Open Microscopy Environment
(OME) |
www.openmrs.org |
OpenMRS |
www.openmtbmap.org |
Openmtbmap.org - Mountainbike
and Hiking Maps based on Openstreetmap - Routable Maps for Garmin GPS
for outdoor sports - OpenMTBMap provides you with mountainbike maps for
Europe - based on openstreetmap. OpenMTBMap bietet Mountainbike Karten
fuer Europa basierend auf Openstreetmap |
www.opennicproject.org |
OpenNIC Project - An organization
of hobbyists who run an alternative DNS network, also provides access to
domains not administered by ICANN. |
www.openoffice.org |
Apache OpenOffice - Official
Site - The Free and Open Productivity Suite - The official home page of
the Apache OpenOffice open source project, home of OpenOffice Writer,
Calc, Impress, Draw and Base. |
www.openprocessing.org |
OpenProcessing - Creative Coding
for the Curious Mind - OpenProcessing - Creative Coding for the Curious
Mind |
www.openrightsgroup.org |
Open Rights Group - Preserving
and protecting your rights in a digital age. |
www.openseamap.org |
OpenSeaMap: Startseite -
OpenSeaMap - die freie Seekarte, nach dem Wiki-Prinzip, auf PC, Garmin,
Lowrance. |
www.opensource.org |
News | Open Source Initiative |
www.opensourcemac.org |
Open Source Mac - Free Mac
software, all open-source, all OS X. |
www.opensourcematters.org |
Welcome to Open Source Matters!
- Open Source Matters |
www.opensourceshakespeare.org |
Open Source Shakespeare: search
Shakespeare's works, read the texts - Perform detailed searches on
Shakespeare's complete works, look up words in the concordance, and
display all of a character's speeches, among other useful things. |
www.openstaxcollege.org |
OpenStax |
www.openstreetmap.org |
OpenStreetMap - OpenStreetMap is
the free wiki world map. |
www.opensubtitles.org |
Subtitles - download movie and
TV Series subtitles - Movie and TV Subtitles in multiple languages,
thousands of translated subtitles uploaded daily. Free download from
source, API support, millions of users. |
www.opensuse-guide.org |
1. Introduction - Beginner's
Guide to openSUSE Leap 15.1 / SUSE Linux |
www.opensuse.org |
The makers' choice for
sysadmins, developers and desktop users. |
www.opentopomap.org |
OpenTopoMap - Topographische
Karten aus OpenStreetMap - direkt zur Karte... |
www.openvpn.org |
VPN Software Solutions &
Services For Business | OpenVPN - OpenVPN provides flexible VPN
solutions for businesses to secure all data communications and extend
private network services while maintaining security. |
www.openweathermap.org |
Сurrent weather and forecast -
OpenWeatherMap - Get current weather, daily forecast for 16 days, and
3-hourly forecast 5 days for your city. Helpful stats, graphics, and
this day in history charts are available for your reference. Interactive
maps show precipitation, clouds, pressure, wind around your location. |
www.openwetware.org |
OpenWetWare |
www.openwith.org |
Open With - Free programs to open
any file extension! - Need to know how to open a file extension? Open
With has a complete database of every file type and free Windows, Linux,
and OS X programs to open them. |
www.openwrt.org |
OpenWrt Project: Welcome to the
OpenWrt Project |
www.operaamerica.org |
OPERA America | The National
Opera Center |
www.operating-system.org |
Documentation of Operating
Systems and Producers - Independent Website - Independent website to
preserve informations about history of operating systems in long term. |
www.operationhope.org |
Operation HOPE, Inc. | Leading a
Global Silver Rights Movement in the 21st Century through economic
empowerment. |
www.operationkindness.org |
Operation Kindness |
www.operationrescue.org |
Operation Rescue — Stop Abortion
Now! Facebook RSS Twitter YouTube - Operation Rescue® is one of the
leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation and has
become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its
activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct
action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in
obedience to biblical mandates. |
www.operationworld.org |
Operation World |
www.opiniojuris.org |
Opinio Juris |
www.opnfv.org |
www.oppf.org |
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. –
Lifting as we Climb |
www.oppl.org |
Oak Park Public Library - To
empower every voice in our community - Our community is the driver for
everything we do. We exist to empower every voice in our community, and
we share the information, services, and opportunities that fulfill Oak
Park’s aspirations. |
www.opportunity.org |
Opportunity International |
Opportunity International | Join the Fight to Alleviate Global Poverty -
Microfinance loans, training, and support empower 10 million people
working their way out of global poverty. Learn what we do – and how you
can help. |
www.opportunitydesk.org |
Opportunity Desk | The one stop
place for global opportunities! - Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies
Postdoctoral Fellowship supports multidisciplinary research on the broad
historical, political, economic, and societal conditions under which
democracy and autocracy either emerge and endure or falter and fail |
www.opportunityknocks.org |
Work for Good - Welcome to the
go-to source for finding purpose-driven jobs. We connect mission-focused
organizations with talented professionals. Are you ready to work for
good? |
www.oprfhs.org |
Welcome to Oak Park and River
Forest High School | Oak Park and River Forest High School |
www.opted.org |
ASCO: Association of Schools and
Colleges of Optometry | Advancing and Promoting Optometric Education -
ASCO is a non-profit education association representing the interests of
optometric education. Its membership encompasses the seventeen schools
and colleges of optometry. |
www.optimalfoods.org |
optimalfoods.org |
www.option-consommateurs.org |
Option consommateurs -
Association sans but lucratif pour la protection du consommateur -
Association sans but lucratif pour la promotion, la défense et le
respect des intérêts et des droits des consommateurs. |
www.option1cu.org |
Adventure Credit Union | Grand
Rapids and Lansing MI Credit Union - Bank with Adventure Credit Union in
Grand Rapids and Lansing, MI and enjoy great Michigan craft banking
solutions. Explore our banking services online. |
www.oqal.org |
Oqal |
www.orakels.org |
Orakels |
www.orangecountyscu.org |
Orange County's Credit Union -
Orange County’s Credit Union offers all the services you’d want from a
bank, but it’s owned by Members, not shareholders. The Credit Union is
different from traditional banks in one simple way – it's for people,
not profit. Which means its profits are returned to Members in the form
of fewer fees, lower loan rates, and enhanced products and services.
Originally chartered in 1938, today the Credit Union serves over 100,000
Members who have access to nearly 30,000 CO-OP Network ATMs, Digital
Banking, as well as investment options, auto loans, and mortgages. |
www.orangestore.org |
Orange > Orange Store - Orange is
SIMPLE. It’s a STRATEGY. It starts with two individual influences in a
child’s life: Alone, these two work hard to ensure that every child has
a. But when they’re COMBINED, the home and church will have a. And that
is… ORANGE. We like talking about Orange. It’s kind of a big deal to our
team. Check out a few of our favorite tools we’ve created to share more
about WHY we do what we do. |
www.orangeusd.org |
Orange Unified School District -
Orange Unified School District |
www.orbis.org |
Orbis | Orbis International We
are an international non-profit fighting avoidable blindness and vision
loss to help change the way the world sees |
www.orbiscascade.org |
Home > Orbis Cascade Alliance -
Orbis Cascade Alliance information. |
www.orc.org |
ORC - World Leader in Rating
Technology |
www.orcid.org |
www.ordenesdelamor.org |
Ordenes del Amor - Claves
Sistémicas para vivir plenamente Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube -
Claves Sistémicas para vivir plenamente |
www.ordineavvocatiroma.org |
Ordine Avvocati Roma |
www.ordway.org |
The Ordway Official Website |
www.oregoncoast.org |
Visit Lincoln City on Oregon's
Central Coast | Explore Lincoln City - Lincoln City, one Place, endless
adventure. Discover the places, activities and experiences you weren’t
expecting to find. |
www.oregoncountryfair.org |
Oregon Country Fair - A magical
experience unlike any other! Oregon Country Fair - A magical experience
unlike any other! |
www.oregonencyclopedia.org |
The Oregon Encyclopedia |
www.oregonfoodbank.org |
Oregon Food Bank - Oregon Hunger
Relief Organization - At Oregon Food Bank, we believe that food and
health are basic human rights for all. We know that hunger is not just
an individual experience; it is also... |
www.oregonhumane.org |
Oregon Humane Society - Oregon
Humane Society located in Portland, Oregon is a private, nonprofit
animal shelter serving the needs of over 11,000 pets each year. |
www.oregonlawhelp.org |
Welcome to OregonLawHelp.org | A
guide to free and low-cost legal aid, assistance and services in Oregon
- Guide to free and low-cost legal aid, assistance and services in
Oregon |
www.oregonstatefair.org |
Oregon State Fair | Find Your
Fun | Salem Oregon - Oregon State Fair. Find Your Fun, with Concerts,
Competitions and Animals! Mark your Calendar Aug. 23 – Sept 2, 2019 |
www.oregonstateparks.org |
Oregon State Parks and Recreation |
www.oremlibrary.org |
Orem » Things are Happening in
Orem |
www.oremus.org |
Oremus - oremus: daily prayer and
worship resources on the internet |
www.orfonline.org |
Observer Research Foundation |
ORF Observer Research Foundation | ORF - ORF provides independent
analysis on security, strategy, economy, development, energy and
resources. |
www.organic.org |
organic.org |
www.organicconsumers.org |
Organic Consumers Association |
Campaigning for health, justice, sustainability, peace, and democracy |
www.organiser.org |
Organiser - Organiser, Voice of
The Nation. The oldest and most widely circulated nationalist English
weekly of Bharat. Spreading Cultural Nationalist Views which goes beyond
News. |
www.organismes.org |
Financement - Bourse - Métiers -
Emploi à l'étranger - organismes.org |
www.orgprints.org |
Organic Eprints - Welcome to
Organic Eprints |
www.orientalreview.org |
OrientalReview.org – Open
Dialogue Research Journal |
www.origami-flower.org |
Home of origami flower and rose -
This is the place where you can learn to make all kinds of origami
flower and rose. |
www.originalhotels.org |
Original Hotels » The world’s
most original hotels - The world’s most original hotels |
www.orionmagazine.org |
Orion Magazine | Nature, Culture
& Place - Orion brings ideas, writers, photographers, and artists
together, focused on nature, the environment, and culture, addressing
environmental and societal issues. |
www.orlandodiocese.org |
Orlandodiocese |
www.orlandorealtors.org |
Orlando Regional REALTOR®
Association |
www.ornithologyexchange.org |
Ornithology Exchange -
Ornithology Exchange - An online community of ornithologists from around
the world. Find resources, news, jobs, and more. |
www.ors.org |
Ors |
www.orsymphony.org |
Oregon Symphony | Moving Music
Forward - Your official source for Oregon Symphony Tickets. Explore the
Oregon Symphony located in Portland and Salem, OR. Join us for one of
our world-class concerts. |
www.ort.org |
www.orthodoxwiki.org |
OrthodoxWiki |
www.orthodoxytoday.org |
OrthodoxyToday.org |
www.orthogate.org |
Your Orthopedic Gateway for
Orthopedic Professionals - Orthogate - Orthopaedic surgery news, jobs,
reviews, forums, videos, articles & educational resources for orthopedic
surgeons, fellows, residents & medical students |
www.orthoinfo.org |
Orthoinfo |
www.orthomolecular.org |
Welcome To Orthomolecular.org |
www.orthosphere.org |
The Orthosphere – Wherever an
altar is found, there civilization exists – Joseph de Maistre - Wherever
an altar is found, there civilization exists - Joseph de Maistre |
www.osa.org |
Osa |
www.osapublishing.org |
OSA | OSA Publishing Expand this
Topic |
www.osb.org |
www.osbar.org |
Welcome to the Oregon State Bar
Online |
www.osce.org |
Organization for Security and
Co-operation in Europe | OSCE |
www.oscepa.org |
OSCE PA Home |
www.osfashland.org |
Oregon Shakespeare Festival -
Buy your tickets online for plays, activities and events, classes and
much more. The Oregon Shakespeare Festival, located in Ashland, Oregon,
offers 11 plays in three unique theaters (Angus Bowmer Theatre, Thomas
Theatre, Allen Elizabethan Theatre) and a wide range of events that can
enhance your play going experience. OSF has a unique relationship with
its members and invites you to join and experience the benefits of
membership |
www.osgeo.org |
OSGeo |
www.osgi.org |
OSGi™ Alliance – The Dynamic
Module System for Java |
www.oshwa.org |
Open Source Hardware Association |
www.osjl.org |
吉林省孤儿学校 - 吉林省孤儿学校 |
www.oslc.org |
Oregon Social Learning Center -
Science benefiting families |
www.osr.org |
Name a Star | Buy a Star Gift |
Online Star Register - The Online Star Register allows you to register
your own shining star in the sky as a unique, everlasting gift for your
friends and loved ones. |
www.osseo.org |
Osseo |
www.ostia-antica.org |
Ostia - Harbour City of Ancient
Rome - This website is dedicated to Ostia, the harbour city of ancient
Rome. Here you will find information for professional archaeologists and
historians, for students of Roman archaeology and history, and for
interested lay-people. |
www.ostomy.org |
United Ostomy Associations of
America l Supporting, empowering, and advocating for people who have had
or who will have ostomy or continent diversion surgery. Facebook
Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest Twitter YouTube - The United Ostomy
Associations of America, Inc. (UOAA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organization that supports, empowers, and advocates for people who have
had or who will have ostomy or continent diversion surgery. |
www.ostro.org |
«ОстроВ» - информационное
агентство |
www.osuosl.org |
OSU Open Source Lab | Oregon
State University |
www.otalliance.org |
Online Trust Alliance (OTA) |
Internet Society |
www.otcnet.org |
OTCnet.org |
www.oterofcu.org |
Otero Federal Credit Union -
Description goes here |
www.otherwords.org |
OtherWords |
www.otmportfolio.org |
User account | Ministry
Portfolio |
www.oto-usa.org |
US Grand Lodge – Ordo Templi
Orientis |
www.ottawarealestate.org |
Ottawa Real Estate Board – The
Ottawa Real Estate Board (OREB) is a non-profit industry association
representing REALTORS® in the greater Ottawa region since 1921. Our
comprehensive site provides valuable market statistics and resources for
homebuyers, home sellers, commercial properties, as well as real estate
professionals. - The Ottawa Real Estate Board (OREB) is a non-profit
industry association representing REALTORS® in the greater Ottawa region
since 1921. Our comprehensive site provides valuable market statistics
and resources for homebuyers, home sellers, commercial properties, as
well as real estate professionals. |
www.ou.org |
Jewish Holidays, Kosher food,
Torah & Jewish Living - The Orthodox Union supports the Orthodox Jewish
community around the world through Jewish teen outreach, Kosher food
certification, Orthodox Synagogues, social action, public policy and
community development programs. |
www.ouboces.org |
Orange-Ulster BOCES - enter
description here |
www.ouchtoo.org |
Ouch Too - a place for and about
disabled people. - Ouch Too - a place for and about disabled people. -
Index |
www.ourbetterworld.org |
Our Better World | We tell
stories of good - We tell stories of good. Discover causes, feel
inspired and get involved |
www.ourcatholicfaith.org |
Our Catholic Faith |
www.ourcuonline.org |
Our Credit Union |
www.ourdailybread.org |
Our Daily Bread - Daily
encouragement and inspiration to draw closer to God each day. |
www.ourfamtree.org |
Genealogy & Collaboration - Our
Family Tree - An online genealogy collaboration database intended both
for researchers browsing, maintaining, and collaborating on their
research efforts. |
www.ourfuture.org |
OurFuture.org by People’s Action |
www.ourhenhouse.org |
Our Hen House | change the world
for animals |
www.ourproject.org |
ourproject.org: Welcome |
www.ourrescue.org |
Operation Underground Railroad |
www.outdoorindustry.org |
Outdoor Industry Association |
www.outdoors.org |
AMC - Your Connection To the
Outdoors - Appalachian Mountain Club - The Appalachian Mountain Club is
your connection to the outdoors. With chapters from Maine to D.C., enjoy
outdoor activities and learn new outdoor skills. |
www.outdoorsportsvalley.org |
Outdoor Sports Valley |
Accélérateur de la filière Outdoor |
www.outerbanks.org |
The Outer Banks | Things To Do,
Hotels & Restaurants - Planning your vacation to the Outer Banks, NC?
View information on hotels, events, restaurants and things to do and
plan your trip today! |
www.overland.org |
Overland - World Expeditions Tv
Show |
www.ovidhan.org |
ovidhan.org - অনলাইন বাংলা
অভিধান | Online Bengali Dictionary | Bangla Dictionary | Bangla Ovidhan
| Bengali Ovidhan - Online English to Bengali and Bengali to
Bengali/English Dictionary | একই সাথে চারটি আলাদা অভিধান সংযোজিত হয়েছে এ
সাইটে।বাংলা থেকে বাংলা, বাংলা থেকে ইংরেজী, ইংরেজী থেকে বাংলা, ইংরেজী
থেকে ইংরেজী অভিধান |
www.owasp.org |
www.owwm.org |
Old Woodworking Machines |
www.oxbridgedu.org |
出国留学机构_美国留学-津桥留学[专注教育23年] -
津桥留学是优质出国留学服务机构,专注教育23年,津桥留学现为美国/英国/加拿大/澳大利亚/新西兰/欧洲/亚洲等多国留学提供专业的留学申请规划服务,咨询服务以及各国留学费用咨询等. |
www.oxfam.org |
Oxfam International | The power
of people against poverty - Oxfam is an international confederation of
20 ngos working with partners in over 90 countries to end the injustices
that cause poverty. |
www.oxfamamerica.org |
Oxfam America | The power of
people against poverty | Oxfam Oxfam Oxfam - Oxfam is a global movement
of people working to end the injustice of poverty. Together we save
lives, create lasting solutions, and hold the powerful accountable. |
www.oxfamintermon.org |
Oxfam Intermon - En Oxfam
Intermón trabajamos cada día para reducir las desigualdades sociales y
económicas en el mundo. CONSTRUYAMOS UN FUTURO SIN POBREZA |
www.oxfamireland.org |
Oxfam Ireland | Irish Charity
working to end poverty and injustice - Oxfam Ireland is an Irish charity
that is part of a global movement of people working and campaigning
together in 94 countries worldwide to end poverty and injustice. |
www.oxfordenergy.org |
Oxford Institute for Energy
Studies - Founded in 1982, the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies is a
Recognized Independent Centre of the University of Oxford. |
www.oxfordhouse.org |
Oxford House |
www.oxfordmindfulness.org |
About Us - Oxford Mindfulness
Centre |
www.oyez.org |
oyez |
www.ozlabs.org |
OzLabs |
www.ozodi.org |
Радиои Озодӣ - Бахши тоҷикии
Радиои Аврупои Озод/Радиои Озодӣ бо забонҳои тоҷикӣ ва русӣ хабару
гузориш ва аксу видеои гуногунро аз Тоҷикистон, минтақа ва ҷаҳон пахш
мекунад. |
www.p14gm.org |
p14gm.org |
www.p2pu.org |
P2PU - Taking online courses
together, in libraries, for free. |
www.p4.org |
P4 |
www.pabloiglesias.org |
Página web de Pablo Iglesias,
Secretario General de Podemos y diputado. |
www.pabsttheater.org |
The Official Home of The Pabst
Theater | Riverside Theater | Turner Hall Ballroom | The Back Room @
Colectivo |
www.pac.org |
Public Affairs Council | Public
Affairs Professionals Worldwide - The Public Affairs Council is the
leading nonpartisan, nonpolitical association for public affairs
professionals worldwide. |
www.pachamamaradio.org |
Portada - Noticias |
www.pacificbulbsociety.org |
Pacific Bulb Society | Home Page |
www.pacificsymphony.org |
Pacific Symphony : Home |
www.pacificwhale.org |
Pacific Whale Foundation |
Helping Protect Our Oceans Facebook Instagram TripAdvisor Twitter Yelp
YouTube Search Search Menu Left Menu Right Menu Down Menu Down Menu Down
Menu Down Menu Down Menu Down Menu Down Menu Down Menu Right Menu Down
Menu Down Menu Down Menu Down Menu Down Menu Down Search Facebook
Instagram TripAdvisor Twitter Yelp YouTube Powered by FareHarbor Sites.
Visit fareharbor.com to learn more. Powered by FareHarbor - Go with the
Experts on Maui's Top-Rated Ecotours at Pacific Whale Foundation | Book
your Cruise today! |
www.pacinst.org |
Pacific Institute |
www.packard.org |
The David and Lucile Packard
Foundation |
www.packforapurpose.org |
Pack For A Purpose // Small
Space. Little Effort. Big Impact. - Help Pack for a Purpose make a
difference around the world by using available space in your luggage to
provide supplies to the communities you visit. |
www.packhum.org |
Packard Humanities Institute |
www.padctn.org |
Property Assessor of Nashville &
Davidson County TN - Official Website of the Davidson County Property
Assessor Vivian M. Wilhoite |
www.padrepauloricardo.org |
Padre Paulo Ricardo |
www.paemst.org |
PAEMST » The Presidential Awards
for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) are the
nation's highest honors for teachers of mathematics and science
(including computer science). Awardees serve as models for their
colleagues, inspiration to their communities, and leaders in the
improvement of mathematics and science education. |
www.paganfederation.org |
Welcome to Pagan Federation
International | PFI - Pagan Federation International is an international
non-governmental organisation that works to defend the rights of pagans,
offering reliable information, organising events, providing a network of
contact... |
www.pagenweb.org |
PAGenWeb | - [PAGenWeb |
www.pai.org |
www.paidfamilyleave.org |
Paid Family Leave |
www.paintball-players.org |
PBLI - World's #1 Paintball Event
Registration System |
www.paintcare.org |
PaintCare Inc. PaintCare makes
it easy to recycle leftover, unwanted paint. - PaintCare makes it easy
to recycle leftover, unwanted paint. We operate paint stewardship
programs in states that have passed paint stewardship laws. |
www.pakcustoms.org |
Welcome to PakCustoms.org -
PakCustoms.org is your best source for information about useful links
like online NTN verification, fbr.gov.pk efiling system, fbr iris login,
Import General Manifest (IGM), Export General Manifest (EGM), sales tax
guide, Sales Tax Registration, withholding tax, Vehicle Tax Verification
etc. |
www.palatinelibrary.org |
Palatine Public Library District
- The Palatine Library is your destination for knowledge, entertainment,
and community. |
www.palemoon.org |
The Pale Moon Project Pale Moon
is an Open Source, Mozilla-derived web browser available for Microsoft
Windows and Linux, focusing on efficiency and ease of use. |
www.paleoseismicity.org |
paleoseismicity.org | The online
community for paleoseismicity, neotectonics, earthquake geology and
archeoseismology - Paleoseismicity.org is a page dedicated to scientists
and everyone else interested in paleoseismology, archaeoseismology,
neotectonics, earthquake archaeology, earthquake engineering and related
topics. |
www.palestinalibre.org |
Palestinalibre.org - Artículos,
fotos y videos por Palestina. Noticias diarias sobre Palestina. |
www.palestine-studies.org |
The Institute for Palestine
Studies |
www.palestinecampaign.org |
Palestine Solidarity Campaign |
www.palihigh.org |
Palisades Charter High School -
Palisades Charter High School |
www.palkar.org |
Welcome to The Sourashtra
Homepage, Home of Sourashtras (a.k.a. Palkars) in the web - Home of
Sourashtras (a.k.a Palkars) from Tamilnadu,Known for thier silkweaving,
handloom, and other fine arts, now settled all over the world. Also
known as Sowrashtra, Patnuli,Pattunoolkarar. |
www.pallapupas.org |
Pallapupas | Pallapupas,
Pallassos d'hospital. Convertim els hospitals en espais més amables i
els omplim de vida |
www.palmaccsd.org |
Palmyra-Macedon CSD |
www.palmbeachschools.org |
The School District of Palm Beach
County |
www.palmettocitizens.org |
Palmetto Citizens Federal Credit
Union - Palmetto Citizens: Voted Best Credit Union serving the Columbia,
SC area. Here for all your loan, checking, saving and other banking
needs. |
www.palmtalk.org |
Forums - PalmTalk |
www.paloaltojcc.org |
paloaltojcc.org |
www.palungjit.org |
พลังจิต - เว็บพลังจิต พุทธศาสนา
ธรรมะ และชุมชนชาวพุทธ |
www.palwatch.org |
Palestinian Media Watch |
Palestinian Media Watch is a research institute that studies Palestinian
society from a broad range of perspectives by monitoring and analyzing
the Palestinian Authority through its media and schoolbooks. PMW’s major
focus is on the messages that the Palestinian leaders send to the
population. |
www.pamcat.org |
Pamunkey Regional Library |
www.panchangam.org |
October 2019 Hindu Panchangam -
2020 & 2019 Hindu Panchangam Calendars - Daily Panchangam Sheets -
October 2019 Hindu Panchangam (Sarvari & Vikari Nama Samvatsara
Panchangam) - 2020 Panchangam Daily Sheets with Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga,
Karana, Varjyam, Rahukalam, Durmuhurtam etc. and October 2019 Telugu
Panchangam Downloadable PDF |
www.pancreasfoundation.org |
The National Pancreas Foundation |
www.pancreaticcanceraction.org |
Pancreatic Cancer Action - UK
Based Pancreatic Cancer Charity Pancreatic Cancer Action - UK Based
Pancreatic Cancer Charity Shape - Pancreatic Cancer Action is a charity
focused on the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. We work with
doctors, researchers and supporters to save lives. |
www.panda.org |
WWF conserves our planet,
habitats, & species like the Panda & Tiger | WWF - WWF conserves our
planet, habitats, & species like the Panda & Tiger |
www.pandasinternational.org |
Pandas International |
Endangered means we have time….extinction is forever |
www.pangea.org |
Pangea, Internet ètic i solidari
- |
www.pangyotechnovalley.org |
판교테크노밸리 - 판교테크노밸리에 오신걸 환영합니다. |
www.panoptikon.org |
Паноптикон - ПАНОПТИКОН —
всеобщее обозрение |
www.pantheon.org |
Encyclopedia Mythica -
Encyclopedia Mythica is the premier encyclopedia on mythology, folklore,
and religion. Instant mythology since 1995. |
www.panthera.org |
- Panthera is the only
organization in the world that is devoted exclusively to the
conservation of the world’s 40 wild cat species and their landscapes. |
www.panthic.org |
Panthic.org | In Service of the
Panth |
www.papa.org |
Professional & Amateur Pinball
Association | Welcome Back to the Arcade |
www.papalaudience.org |
MEETING POPE FRANCIS at the Vatican, Tickets, Wednesday Pope Schedule
full information |
www.paperity.org |
Paperity - Multidisciplinary
aggregator of Open Access journals & papers | Paperity - Paperity: the
1st multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals & papers. Free
fulltext PDF articles from hundreds of disciplines, all in one place |
www.para-web.org |
Para-web |
www.paraguayeduca.org |
Paraguay Educa - Otro sitio
realizado con WordPress |
www.paralegaledu.org |
What is a Paralegal? | What does
a Paralegal do? | Legal Assistant Careers |
www.paralegals.org |
National Federation of Paralegal
Associations |
www.paralideres.org |
Inicio | ParaLideres.org |
www.paralympic.org |
International Paralympic
Committee | IPC | International Paralympic Committee |
www.paramusborough.org |
Paramus Borough, NJ | Official
Website Arrow Left Arrow Right Slideshow Left Arrow Slideshow Right
Arrow |
www.parashakthitemple.org |
Devi Parashakthi Matha Temple in
michigan |
www.parc-jp.org |
PARC NPO法人アジア太平洋資料センター -
PARCは、すべての人びとが対等・平等に暮らせる世界の実現を目指すNGO です。 |
www.parcdumorvan.org |
Parc naturel régional du Morvan :
Site officiel - le Parc naturel régional du Morvan : territoire rural à
l' identité forte, au patrimoine naturel et culturel riche, mais à
l'équilibre fragile et menacé. C'est ainsi que le parc du Morvan doit
assumer son rôle de chef de file pour le tourisme, la biodiversité, la
forêt, les énergies renouvelables et l'action culturelle en bourgogne :
Côte d'Or, Nièvre, Saône et Loire ,Yonne. |
www.parcello.org |
Parcello - Sendungsverfolgung
mit Uhrzeit, Wann kommt mein Paket? |
www.parcspassion.org |
Actualités / Parcs Passion,
association des passionnés de parcs de loisirs - Association loi 1901 de
passionnés de parcs de loisirs, qui organise des voyages dans des parcs
d'attractions et édite la revue Parcs et Attractions. |
www.parentalrights.org |
Parental Rights: Protecting
Children by Empowering Parents - Learn about the erosion of parental
rights in America--and what we can do to protect this vital right for
present and future generations. |
www.parentcenterhub.org |
Center for Parent Information and
Resources | Your Central Hub for Parent Centers Serving Families of
Children With Disabilities |
www.parentprojectmd.org |
Parent Project Muscular
Dystrophy (PPMD) | Fighting to End Duchenne - Parent Project Muscular
Dystrophy (PPMD) fights to end Duchenne muscular dystrophy. We
accelerate research, raise our voices to impact policy, demand optimal
care for every single family, and strive to ensure access to approved
therapies. |
www.parentsasteachers.org |
Parents as Teachers - Parents as
Teachers builds strong communities, thriving families and children that
are healthy, safe and ready to learn. Our parent educators use an
evidence-based home visiting model with parents and caregivers during a
child’s earliest years in life, from prenatal through kindergarten. Our
evidence-based home visiting model is backed by 35 years of
research-proven outcomes for families. |
www.parentsguidecordblood.org |
Cord Blood Banking | Parent's
Guide to Cord Blood - Cord blood banking is storing the stem cells in
umbilical cord blood. The cord blood is collected after the baby is born
and after any delayed cord clamping. |
www.parentstv.org |
Parents Television Council |
www.paris-brest-paris.org |
Paris-Brest-Paris 2019 |
www.parisincubateurs.org |
Accueil | Paris&Co Fichier 1
Fichier 1 - Agir avec les entrepreneurs pour la transformation durable
de la cité |
www.paritaet-nrw.org |
Der Paritätische in
Nordrhein-Westfalen. |
www.pariyatti.org |
Pariyatti - Pariyatti exists to
bring people into contact with the teachings of the Buddha. We provide
resources in the Theravāda tradition, and support Pāli language students
and Vipassana meditators, in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin as
taught by S.N. Goenka. We serve meditators, scholars, educators and the
public by providing ready access to hard-to-find titles, a large
collection of online resources, pilgrimages, and Pāli workshops. |
www.parkcity.org |
Park City, UT | Home |
www.parkcommunitychurch.org |
Park Community Church |
www.parkeronline.org |
Town of Parker - Official
Website | Official Website Arrow Left Arrow Right Slideshow Left Arrow
Slideshow Right Arrow |
www.parkinson.org |
Parkinson’s Foundation: Better
Lives. Together. |
www.parkrangeredu.org |
How to Become a Park Ranger |
State and Federal Park Ranger Education - Park rangers are often said to
be the keepers of our nation's natural resources and protected public
lands. Their mission it is to preserve and protect our n |
www.parksandgardens.org |
Leading resource for UK Parks &
Gardens - Parks & Gardens - Parks & Gardens UK is the leading online
resource for historic parks and gardens. Learn about the rich heritage
of parks and gardens today. |
www.parksconservancy.org |
Golden Gate National Parks
Conservancy | Parks for all Forever |
www.parkstamps.org |
NPTC National Park Travelers Club
- Home of the National Park Travelers Club (NPTC) |
www.parkstreet.org |
Park Street Church |
www.parliamentofreligions.org |
parliamentofreligions.org |
Parliament of the World's Religions |
www.parmarth.org |
Parmarth Niketan | An Abode
Dedicated to the Welfare of All |
www.parrots.org |
World Parrot Trust - We protect
parrots. WPT is a leading, science-based, results-oriented parrot
conservation and welfare organization. |
www.parrotsec.org |
Parrot OS - The advanced system
for security experts, developers and crypto-addicted people. - Discover
our awesome cyber security GNU/Linux environment. It includes a full
portable laboratory for security and digital forensics experts, but it
also includes all you need to develop your own softwares or protect your
privacy with anonymity and crypto tools. |
www.parsemusfoundation.org |
Parsemus Foundation - Parsemus
Foundation works to advance innovative and neglected medical research.
Focus is on supporting small proof-of-concept studies. |
www.partidocambioradical.org |
Cambio Radical: Partido político
colombiano de origen liberal – Un partido político que esta avanzando
con Colombia hacia un país mejor. Haga parte del cambio hoy, conozca más
de nosotros. |
www.partiuintercambio.org |
Partiu Intercâmbio: fazer
intercâmbio e estudar fora com bolsa de estudos! - Tudo sobre como fazer
intercâmbio de graça e estudar no Exterior. Use o buscador de bolsas de
estudo gratuito desenvolvido pela jornalista Bruna Amaral. |
www.partners1stcu.org |
Partners 1st Federal Credit
Union - Partners 1st Federal Credit Union headquartered in Fort Wayne,
IN is a non-profit, full-service financial organization offering
checking, auto loans, mortgages, online banking, mobile app and
surcharge free ATMs. |
www.partnersfcu.org |
Partners FCU – Partners Federal
Credit Union |
www.partoschool.org |
مدرسه پرتو | Parto
School - مدرسه کارآفرینی اجتماعی پرتو | پرتو با ارائه دورههای آموزشی
آنلاین و کاربردی، به معرفی و توسعه بهترین استراتژیهای مدیریتی، کارگروهی
و روش های اجرایی پروژه های کارآفرینی اجتماعی می پردازد. |
www.partotarvij.org |
مدرسه ترویج و حمایتگری
|Tarvij School| آموزش آنلاین مدیریت کارزار - مدرسه ترویج با همکاری
تسهیلگران مجرب بینالمللی، دورههای آموزشی استراتژیک و کاربردی در زمینه
پیادهسازی و مدیریت پروژه ترویجی را به متقاضیان واجد شرایط ارائه
میدهد. |
www.pasadenahumane.org |
Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA |
www.pasadenaisd.org |
Pasadena Independent School
District |
www.pasadenamedia.org |
Pasadena Media - Local Cable
Access Community Television - Non-profit that oversees Pasadena's
public, education and government access channels and operates the
community media training center and television studio |
www.pasadenausd.org |
Pasadena Unified School District |
www.paschoolperformance.org |
Welcome to PA School Performance
Profile |
www.pascolibraries.org |
Pasco Libraries - Home of the
Pasco County Library Cooperative. Here you will find information about
books, events, libraries, and more at the Pasco County Library
Cooperative. |
www.pasionporcristo.org |
Iglesia Pasión Por Cristo |
www.paslc.org |
Saint Lucie County Property
Appraiser | - | |
www.pasosonline.org |
Inicio |
www.passportindex.org |
Passport Index 2019 | World's
passports in your pocket. - Passport Index curates, sorts and ranks the
world's passports. Explore passport designs, browse by visa-free score,
color, or country and discover how they rank. |
www.pastafits.org |
Pasta Fits | National Pasta
Association |
www.pasteurweb.org |
Bienvenue chez le Pasteur! |
www.pastoralcareschool.org |
Pastoral Care School |
www.pata.org |
www.patchadams.org |
Gesundheit! Institute
Gesundheit! Institute - The Gesundheit Institute is a 501(c)3 non-profit
healthcare organization, whose mission is to reframe and reclaim the
concept of ‘hospital’. |
www.patentdocs.org |
Patent Docs - Biotech & Pharma
Patent Law & News Blog |
www.path.org |
Better health moves humanity
forward | PATH Shape Shape - We are a global team of innovators working
to accelerate health equity so all people and communities can thrive. |
www.pathfinder.org |
Pathfinder International -
Pathfinder International ensures millions of women, men, and young
people are able to choose their own paths forward. Change lives with us. |
www.pathways.org |
Pathways.org | Tools to maximize
child development Back to Top Arrow - Free online resources to make sure
your child's development is on track. View our informational videos and
brochures or visit our baby games calendar. |
www.pathwaysoflight.org |
Living the Principles of A Course
in Miracles and Minister Training - A Course in Miracles, ACIM,
Forgiveness, Minister Training, Spiritual Growth, Wedding Minister,
Ordained Minister, Gary Renard, ACIM Counseling, Relationship
Counseling, Meditation, Course in Miracles |
www.pathwaystofamilywellne... |
Pathways to Family Wellness
Magazine - Pathways to Family Wellness magazine promotes holistic
parenting and informed lifestyle choices from leading experts. |
www.pathwaystoscience.org |
PathwaysToScience.org: Increasing
Diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) -
Search over 1,200 funding, research, and educational opportunities in
STEM, including scholarships and fellowships for underrepresented
minorities, women, and students with disabilities. Find tips and advice
on applying and strengthening your applications. Sign up for
notifications about program deadlines. Our mission is to increase
diversity in STEM. |
www.pathxchange.org |
Digital pathology solution -
Experience the power of precision diagnosis with the Roche Digital
Pathology solution |
www.patientadvocate.org |
Patient Advocate Foundation |
Solving Insurance and Healthcare Access Issues Since 1996 |
www.patientsafetyauthority.org |
Patient Safety Authority - Safe
healthcare for all patients |
www.patriotfcu.org |
Patriot Federal Credit Union -
Patriot Federal Credit Union has been serving Chambersburg, PA,
Waynesboro, PA, and Hagerstown, MD communities since 1965. Become a
proud Patriot member! |
www.patriotspoint.org |
Patriots Point Naval & Maritime
Museum - Charleston Harbor, SC - Patriots Point |
www.paulawhite.org |
Paula White Ministries | Pastor
Paula White-Cain is a celebrated author and teacher, beloved
grandmother, mother and mentor, popular TV personality, and spirit-led
preacher of God’s Word. By sharing her story of overcoming tragedy and
finding restoration through the power of Christ, she has impacted people
from every walk of life in more than 100 countries. |
www.paulcraigroberts.org |
Paul Craig Roberts |
www.pauline.org |
Pauline Books and Media Daughters
of St. Paul - Pauline Books and Media is a premier Catholic publisher
and network of Catholic book stores, producing and distributing books,
e-books, smartphone apps, music, movies, and gifts, such as rosaries.
Catholic bibles, books about what is spirituality, books and media for
Catholic children, books for self-help such as dealing with depression,
self-esteem, time management, and worry. Resources for how to pray,
apologetics, catholic approach to living. Support for teachers, clergy,
persons in ministry |
www.paultan.org |
Car News and Reviews in Malaysia
- Paul Tan's Automotive News - The latest on the Malaysian and world
automotive industry. Includes cars, bikes, trucks, motoring tips, test
drive reviews. |
www.pausd.org |
Palo Alto Unified School District |
www.paw-rescue.org |
Partnership for Animal Welfare |
Find Your Furr-ever Friend - Learn how to adopt. Find your furr-ever
friend. We have lots of animals that need a foster mom or dad! Come to
visit us at one of our events! |
www.pawinc.org |
PAW Inc. – Go Worldwide and
Preach the Gospel to Everybody |
www.pawr.org |
PAW Rescue |
www.paws.org |
www.pawswithacause.org |
the independence and quality of life for people with disabilities
nationally through custom-trained Assistance Dogs. |
www.paypalgivingfund.org |
PayPal Giving Fund PayPal US - We
help people support their favorite charities online and helps charities
raise funds through PayPal, eBay, and other technology platforms. |
www.payscathare.org |
Les sites Pays Cathare |
www.paywizard.org |
Salary Calculator, Compare your
Pay, Minimum Wages, Living Wage - Paywizard.org - Share and Compare your
salary at US Paywizard.org and know if you get a fair pay with our
salary calculator. Also info about: minimum wages, living wage, VIP
salaries, labour law. |
www.pazhuhesh.org |
آمادگی کنکور کارشناسی
ارشد و دکتری - موسسه پژوهش - موسسه آموزش عالی آزاد پژوهش، در بخش
کارشناسی ارشد و دکتری، با بهره گیری از حضور بهترین اساتید و مشاورین در
رشته های مختلف ، خدمات آموزشی تخصصی ارائه می کند. این خدمات زمینه های
مشاوره تخصصی کنکور ارشد و دکتری ، کلاس های آمادگی کنکور ارشد و دکتری،
آزمون های آمادگی کنکور ارشد، دوره های جانبی و تکمیلی مورد نیاز دانشجویان
و فارغ التحصیلان و فروش کتاب ها و نرم افزارهای تخصصی از طریق فروشگاه را
شامل می شود. |
www.pbc.org |
Peninsula Bible Church |
Following Jesus Together in Silicon Valley |
www.pbcgov.org |
Palm Beach County Welcome to
Discover Palm Beach County |
www.pbclibrary.org |
Palm Beach County Library System
Untitled Document |
www.pbfa.org |
PBFA - The Provincial
Booksellers Fairs Association |
www.pbk.org |
PBK - Phi Beta Kappa - As
America's most prestigious honor society, Phi Beta Kappa has celebrated
excellence in the liberal arts & sciences and championed free thought
since 1776. |
www.pbs.org |
PBS - Watch full episodes of
your favorite PBS shows, explore music and the arts, find in-depth news
analysis, and more. Home to Antiques Roadshow, Frontline, NOVA, PBS
Newshour, Masterpiece and many others. |
www.pbslearningmedia.org |
PBS LearningMedia | Teaching
Resources For Students And Teachers - Inspire your students with
thousands of free teaching resources including videos, lesson plans, and
games aligned to state and national standards. |
www.pburglib.org |
Phillipsburg Free Public Library
– Serving Phillipsburg since 1923 |
www.pca-cpa.org |
www.pca.org |
Porsche Club of America |
www.pcaac.org |
Presbyterian Church in America:
Administrative Committee |
www.pcanet.org |
PCA pcanet.org Your SEO
optimized title |
www.pcaobus.org |
PCAOB: Protecting Investors
through Audit Oversight - The PCAOB protects investors by overseeing the
audits of public companies, other issuers, and broker-dealers. A US
private-sector nonprofit created by Congress, the PCAOB... |
www.pchelovodstvo.org |
Магазин пчеловодства «Передовая
Пасека» - Купить товары для пчеловодства оптом и в розницу в интернет
магазине в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге и Краснодаре с доставкой по России. |
www.pciglobal.org |
PCI (Project Concern
International) - PCI is a global organization that drives innovation
from the ground up to enhance health, end hunger and overcome
hardship—resulting in meaningful and measurable change in people’s
lives. |
www.pcisecuritystandards.org |
Official PCI Security Standards
Council Site - Verify PCI Compliance, Download Data Security and Credit
Card Security Standards - If you are a merchant of any size accepting
credit cards, you must be in compliance with PCI Security Council
standards. This site provides: credit card data security standards
documents, PCIcompliant software and hardware, qualified security
assessors, technical support, merchant guides and more. |
www.pcma.org |
PCMA: Connecting, educating &
inspiring business events strategists PCMA: Connecting, educating &
inspiring business events strategists - With more than 7,000 members and
an audience of more than 50,000 individuals, PCMA is a worldwide network
of business events strategists with activities in 37 countries. |
www.pcoschallenge.org |
PCOS Challenge: The National
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association - Serving 50,000 members, PCOS
Challenge is the largest nonprofit support and advocacy organization
globally for people with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). |
www.pcpa.org |
www.pcpao.org |
Pinellas County Property
Appraiser |
www.pcpcc.org |
Patient-Centered Primary Care
Collaborative |
www.pcrm.org |
Physicians Committee for
Responsible Medicine - The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
is a nonprofit health organization that promotes preventive medicine,
conducts clinical research, and encourages higher standards for ethics
and effectiveness in research and medical training. |
www.pcs.org |
Portland Center Stage at The… |
Portland Center Stage at The Armory - Portland Center Stage at The
Armory inspires our community by bringing stories to life in unexpected
ways. |
www.pcu.org |
Pawtucket Credit Union (PCU):
Personal & Business Banking in MA & RI - Pawtucket Credit Union (PCU) is
a full-service bank serving MA and RI with business and personal savings
and checking accounts, and home and mortgage loans. |
www.pda.org |
Parenteral Drug Association (PDA)
- The Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) is the leading global
facilitator of science, technology and regulatory information. |
www.pdc.org |
Pacific Disaster Center (PDC
Global) - We support the most demanding government and nonprofit
customers worldwide, sharing the common mission to save lives and reduce
disaster risk. Our leading disaster management solutions include early
warning, multi-hazard monitoring, advanced predictive modeling, risk
assessments, exercises, best practices, and more. |
www.pdf.org |
Parkinson’s Foundation: Better
Lives. Together. |
www.pdfa.org |
PDF Association | The home of
the PDF technology industry - The home of the PDF technology industry |
www.pdfbooksfree.org |
Free Pdf Books, Download Urdu
Books, Urdu Novels, Islamic Books - Download free Urdu novels, Romantic
novels ,Urdu fiction books , History books, History novels , Horror
novels , Urdu poetry books ,Pashto Books, Pashto Poetry, Adventure
novels , Jasoosi Novels, Purisrar Novels, Tanz o Mazah,Crime stories,
Islamic Books, Islamic Wazaif in Urdu, Hadith Books,Cricket Books,
English Books ,Novels |
www.pdhp.org |
Park District of Highland Park |
Highland Park, IL - Highland Park, IL |
www.pdicai.org |
::PDICAI:: |
www.pdkintl.org |
PDK International | Our family
of associations support the full spectrum of the education profession,
beginning with Educators Rising for pre-collegiate prospective
educators, continuing with PLT for collegiate preservice and practicing
teachers, and concluding with PDK, serving the professional needs of
career educators. In addition, we serve the education community through
research and reporting with Kappan Magazine and the PDK Poll, as well as
actively engage in Scalable Systems Solutions, or S3 to affect teaching
and learning in classrooms with thoughtful adaptive implementation of
ideas and solutions. ABOUT US Because every child deserves a highly
skilled professional teaching them every day. |
www.pdma.org |
Product Development and
Management Association Untitled Document - PDMA is an association
dedicated to product development and management Professionals by serving
over 24000+ members across the world. We provide resources and
networking opportunities within our community. For additional
information, contact us at 651-290-6280. |
www.pdop.org |
Home Page | The Park District of
Oak Park |
www.pdresources.org |
Welcome to Professional
Development Resources - Online Continuing Education for Healthcare
Professionals |
www.pdrnation.org |
PDR Nation | Certified Dent
Repair Technicians | Get Certified! PDR Nation | Certified Dent Repair
Technicians | Get Certified! - PDR Nation, the International Paintless
Dent Repair community bringing standardization, accountability, through
universal certification. |
www.pds.org |
Princeton Day School - An
independent, coeducational day school for students from Pre-K through
Grade 12. |
www.pdsa.org |
Platelet Disorder Support
Association - for People with ITP - Home Page |
www.pdsd.org |
Penn-Delco School District /
Homepage |
www.peaceboat.org |
地球一周/世界一周をはじめ、国際交流の船旅をコーディネートするNGO。多くのボランティアスタッフと共に世界と出会い地球を体感するクルーズや国際協力活動を展開する、国連特別協議資格を持つNGOです。 |
www.peacecorpsconnect.org |
We are the Peace Corps community.
We uphold Peace Corps ideals and advance Peace Corps-inspired
initiatives. Nearly 220,000 strong, we are a powerful force for good. |
www.peacedirect.org |
Peace Direct Twitter Facebook
RSS Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube RSS - Peace Direct is dedicated
to supporting local people to stop war and build peace. |
www.peacefirst.org |
Peace First – Youth led
peacemaking projects - Let’s create a better world together. Join a
community of changemakers and get inspired by stories of youth-driven
social change. Peace First | Sign Up Now. |
www.peaceopstraining.org |
Online Peacekeeping Training |
Peace Operations Training Institute (POTI) - The Peace Operations
Training Institute provides globally accessible and affordable distance
learning courses on peace support, humanitarian relief, and security
operations. We are committed to bringing essential, practical knowledge
to military and civilian personnel working toward peace worldwide |
www.peachcare.org |
GaMap2Care |
www.peachtree-city.org |
Peachtree City, GA - Official
Website | Official Website Arrow Left Arrow Right Slideshow Left Arrow
Slideshow Right Arrow |
www.peakfinder.org |
PeakFinder - 360° Panoramic
Mountain View - PeakFinder shows from any location the names of all
mountains and peaks with a 360° panoramic mountain view. The mountains
are calling! |
www.pecentral.org |
The Health and Physical
Education Web site for Teachers/PE Central - PE Central is a web site
that provides information about developmentatally appropriate physical
education practices and programs. |
www.pedaids.org |
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS
Foundation - An AIDS-free generation is within our reach. |
www.pedalthecause.org |
Pedal the Cause - A World
Without Cancer |
www.pediatric-surgery.org |
Pediatric Surgery - Ce site est
dédié à la chirurgie de l’enfant. Il présente l’association inter
régionale de recherche en chirurgie pédiatrique (AIRCHIP), ainsi que les
(...) |
www.pediatriceducation.org |
PediatricEducation.org™ |
Pediatric digital library intended to serve as a source of continuing
pediatric education, curated by Donna M. D'Alessandro M.D. and Michael
P. D'Alessandro M.D. - PediatricEducation.org is a pediatric digital
library intended to serve as a source of continuing pediatric education.
www.peelschools.org |
Peel District School Board |
www.pefa.org |
Public Expenditure and Financial
Accountability (PEFA) |
www.pefc.org |
PEFC - Programme for the
Endorsement of Forest Certification |
www.pefcu.org |
Panhandle Educators FCU |
www.pejedec.org |
PEJEDEC | Projet Emploi Jeune Et
Développement des Compétences - PEJEDEC - Projet emploi Jeune Et
Développement des Compétences |
www.pembina.org |
Pembina Institute - The Pembina
Institute provides policy research leadership and education on climate
change, energy issues such as oilsands and coalbed methane, green
economics, energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy and
environmental governance. We create sustainable energy solutions through
research, education, consulting and advocacy. |
www.pencilsofpromise.org |
Pencils of Promise - Pencils of
Promise is a for-purpose organization that works across the globe to
build schools and create programs around the goal of education for all. |
www.penews.org |
Assemblies of God (USA) Official
Web Site | The official news source of the Assemblies of God |
www.penfed.org |
Pentagon Federal Credit Union |
Checking, Credit Cards, Loans, Mortgages, and Savings - As a PenFed
Credit Union member, you'll find great rates on all sorts of financial
products, from checking to mortgages and more. Discover PenFed today. |
www.peninsulahumanesocie... |
Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA
- Private, independent, not-for-profit, open-door animal shelter. Find
out about pet adoptions, animal rescue & control, wildlife, behavior
classes and more. |
www.pennstatehershey.org |
PSH Unavailable Page |
www.pennyappeal.org |
Muslim Islamic Charity |
PennyAppeal.org - Penny Appeal aids people in over 30 crisis-hit
countries worldwide. Your donations help build wells, care for orphans,
deliver medical aid, meals and open schools and orphanages |
www.pensamientocolombia.org |
Centro de Pensamiento Primero
Colombia |
www.pensamientos.org |
.:Pensamientos.org:. |
www.pensions.org |
The Board of Pensions of the
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) - The Board of Pensions offers
comprehensive benefits to PC(USA) congregations and affiliated
employers: medical, retirement, death, disability, and more. |
www.pentecostalworldconf.org |
pentecostalworldconf.org -
Registered at Namecheap.com |
www.penturners.org |
International Association of
Penturners | The International Association of Penturners - International
Association of Penturners |
www.peoi.org |
Peoi |
www.people-press.org |
U.S. Politics & Policy - Pew
Research Center - The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press is
an independent, non-partisan public opinion research organization that
studies attitudes toward politics, the press and public policy issues.
In this role it serves as a valuable information resource for political
leaders, journalists, scholars and citizens. |
www.peopledrivencu.org |
People Driven Credit Union -
People Driven Credit Union - People Driven Credit Union a financial
institution offering Savings, Checking, Money Market, CD's Auto Loans,
Credit Cards, Home Equity Loans, and Mortgages |
www.peoplefirstcu.org |
People First Federal Credit Union
- People First FCU has been serving Lehigh Valley residents low cost
financial services for over 60 years. Become a member today. |
www.peopleforbikes.org |
Home • PeopleForBikes - Every
ride. Every rider. Join us. |
www.peoplepower21.org |
참여연대 - 세상을 바꾸는 시민의 힘 - 참여연대는 정부,
특정 정치세력, 기업에 정치적 재정적으로 종속되지 않고 독립적으로 활동합니다. 2004년부터 유엔경제사회이사회(ECOSOC)
특별협의지위를 부여받아 유엔의 공식적인 시민사회 파트너로 활동하는 비영리민간단체입니다. |
www.peoplesclimate.org |
Peoples Climate Movement - To
change everything, it takes everyone. Get involved today and demand bold
action on climate, jobs, and justice. |
www.peoplesmontreal.org |
Peoples Church of Montreal -
Evangelical Bible-teaching church in downtown Montreal with handicap
access. Peoples Church of Montreal was founded in 1938 by Reverend John
Linton. The site of Montreal's First Baptist Church prior to 1938. |
www.peoplesproblems.org |
Free relationship advice via our
online forum and chat room | PeoplesProblems - We're an online forum for
relationship and other personal issues |
www.peoplesworld.org |
People's World – peoplesworld.org
- peoplesworld.org |
www.peopo.org |
PeoPo 公民新聞 |
www.peoriaparks.org |
Welcome to the Peoria Park
District! - Peoria Park District - At Peoria Park District we contribute
to a healthy and vibrant Peoria community by responsibly using our
District resources to offer high quality parks and recreation
experiences to those who live, work and play in our District. |
www.pep-web.org |
PEP Web |
www.peps.org |
Welcome to PEPS — PEPS - The PEPS
experience strengthens families, increases family wellness, and prepares
families to cope with life stresses by creating social, thriving
neighborhood-based parent groups. |
www.perakende.org |
Perakende.org |
www.perc.org |
PERC: The Property and
Environment Research Center - Founded in 1980 in Bozeman, Montana,
PERC—the Property and Environment Research Center—is the home of free
market environmentalism. Our research is dedicated to harnessing the
power of markets and property rights to improve environmental quality. |
www.percikaniman.org |
Artikel Islam Berita Islami
Tanya Jawab Muslim Percikan Iman – Kajian Percikan Iman Online -
Percikan Iman menyajikan Artikel Islam berita, tanya jawab, radio majlis
percikan iman mpi. Alamat PI : Ruko Komp.Kurdi Regency 33A Inhoftank
Bandung 022-88885066 |
www.peregrinefund.org |
The Peregrine Fund | The
Peregrine Fund |
www.peretarres.org |
Fundació Pere Tarrés - Entitat
no lucrativa dedicada al món del lleure i l'acció social |
www.performancemagazine.org |
Performance Magazine |
Performance Management, Measurement & more! - Everything you need to
know about Performance Management, Performance Measurement, Employee
Performance, the Balanced Scorecard, KPIs and much more! |
www.perio.org |
Perio.org - AAP member
periodontists are specialists in periodontal disease treatment, cosmetic
periodontal procedures, and dental implant placement. |
www.periodistes.org |
Col·legi de Periodistes de
Catalunya |
www.perkins.org |
Perkins School for the Blind -
International leader in blindness services, including Perkins School for
the Blind, assistive technology solutions & teacher professional
development. |
www.perkinselearning.org |
Professional Development for
Teachers of the Visually Impaired - Resources & professional development
opportunities for teachers of students who are blind or visually
impaired, including additional disabilities. |
www.perl.org |
The Perl Programming Language -
www.perl.org - The Perl Programming Language at Perl.org. Links and
other helpful resources for new and experienced Perl programmers. |
www.perlanproject.org |
Perlan Project |
www.perleman.org |
Perleman |
www.permaculturenews.org |
The Permaculture Research
Institute - The latest news on permaculture design, gardening,
sustainability, homesteading and permaculture design courses and events. |
www.permacultuurnederland.org |
Permacultuur Nederland |
www.perryschools.org |
Perry Township | Empowering
Students to Grow Academically, Socially and Behaviorally |
www.persecution.org |
Persecution - Your bridge to the
persecuted |
www.persian-music.org |
پرشین موزیک | مرجع
تخصصی موسیقی ایران - پرشین موزیک,مرجع آموزش آهنگسازی,خوانندگی
نوازندگی,میکس و مسترینگ,استودیو خانگی, تست تخصصی صدا,ضبط آلبوم
موسیقی,دانلود وی اس تی |
www.persinfo.org |
Persinfo |
www.personalincome.org |
Personal Income • The New Era of
Alternative Investments - A retirement & investing blog that is
dedicated to helping you improve your finances when it comes to
alternative investments strategies like precious metals, infinite
banking, peer 2 peer lending, and more. |
www.perspectives.org |
Perspectives on the World
Christian Movement |
www.pertaminafoundation.org |
Pertamina Foundation |
www.pes-gm.org |
Power & Energy Society Meeting |
www.peshera.org |
Пища Ра – Главная страница - Пища
Ра – цивилизация Славяно-Ариев – возврат из забвения. Первый большой и
насыщенный информацией сайт о настоящей Руси и русах, об их славной
многосоттысячелетней жизни и борьбе. На сайте представлены
многочисленные сведения и фотографии, свидетельствующих о лживости
современной истории и существовании на Земле в течение многих сотен
тысяч лет высокоразвитой цивилизации людей Белой Расы – цивилизации
Славяно-Ариев… |
www.pesticideinfo.org |
PAN Pesticide Database - Data on
6,500 pesticides, insecticides and herbicides including toxicity, water
pollution, ecological toxicity, uses and regulatory status. |
www.pestworld.org |
Pest Control, Extermination
Resources & Info: PestWorld - PestWorld offers pest management and
control information, and can help you find an exterminator near you. |
www.peta.org |
People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals (PETA) icons - PETA exposes animals suffering in
laboratories, in the food industry, in the clothing trade, and in the
entertainment industry. |
www.petallianceorlando.org |
Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando -
The Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando operates two pet adoption shelters,
low-cost Veterinary clinics and a full range of community outreach
programs. |
www.peterpopoff.org |
Peter Popoff Ministries –
Touching Hurting People Around the World |
www.petfinder.org |
Celebrating Over 20 Years of Pet
Adoption - Petfinder has helped more than 25 million pets find their
families through adoption. Search our extensive list of dogs, cats and
other pets available for adoption and rescue near you. |
www.petmicrochiplookup.org |
Microchip Search | AAHA
Universal Pet Microchip Lookup - The AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup
site searches many of the leading pet microchip registries to aid in pet
recovery by showing the user which registries have microchip
registrations for a particular microchip ID. Additionally, the Pet
Microchip Lookup tool will attempt to determine the microchip
distributor or microchip manufacturer if no microchip registration can
be found. This allows the user to attempt to discover where a pet chip
was implanted to aid in the safe return of a pet with an un-registered
microchip. |
www.petrescueofmd.org |
`Website for organization helping
pets and owners. |
www.petsforpatriots.org |
Pets For Patriots - Pets for
Patriots |
www.petsitters.org |
National Association of
Professional Pet Sitters - NAPPS is the ONLY national professional pet
sitting association. Pet parents know the NAPPS logo stands for the best
quality pet care services and safety for their homes. Becoming a NAPPS
member is the most valuable investment you can make for your pet sitting
business. |
www.petsmartcharities.org |
More than a Pet Charity:
Connecting People & Pets | PetSmart Charities lang-us lang-ca - PetSmart
Charities is a nonprofit organization supporting pets and those who love
them. Over 90 cents of every dollar supports change-making organizations
in communities near you. |
www.pewforum.org |
Religion & Public Life - Pew
Research Center - The Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public
Life seeks to promote a deeper understanding of issues at the
intersection of religion and public affairs. The Pew Forum conducts
surveys, demographic analyses and other social science research on
important aspects of religion and public life in the U.S. and around the
world. |
www.pewglobal.org |
Global Attitudes & Trends - Pew
Research Center FactTank-logos - The Global Attitudes Project is a
series of worldwide public opinion surveys that encompasses a broad
array of subjects ranging from people's assessments of their own lives
to their views about the current state of the world and important issues
of the day. More than 200,000 interviews in 57 countries have been
conducted as part of the project's work. |
www.pewhispanic.org |
Hispanic Trends - Pew Research
Center FactTank-logos - The Pew Research Center's Hispanic Trends
project is a nonpartisan research organization that seeks to improve
understanding of the U.S. Hispanic population and to chronicle Latinos'
growing impact on the nation. |
www.pewresearch.org |
Pew Research Center |
Nonpartisan, non-advocacy public opinion polling and demographic
research FactTank-logos - A nonpartisan fact tank that informs the
public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the
world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media
content analysis and other empirical social science research. As a
neutral source of data and analysis, Pew Research does not take policy
positions. |
www.pewtrusts.org |
The Pew Charitable Trusts | The
Pew Charitable Trusts - Pew's work lays the foundation for effective
policies and practices by invigorating civic life, conducting research,
informing and engaging citizens, linking diverse interests to pursue
common cause, and insisting on tangible results. |
www.pfaf.org |
pfaf.org |
www.pfar.org |
www.pflag.org |
www.pga.org |
PGA Professional Membership
Directory, Golf Tips & More | PGA.org - Founded in 1916, The PGA of
America is the largest working sports organization in the world. |
www.pgcps.org |
Prince George's County Public
Schools (PGCPS) |
www.pgpf.org |
Peter G. Peterson Foundation -
Discover how the Peter G. Peterson Foundation is working to find fiscal
solutions to help secure our country’s economic growth. |
www.phapluan.org |
Pháp Luân Ðại Pháp (Pháp Luân
Công) - Pháp Luân Ðại Pháp là môn tu luyện cổ xưa, phù hợp với cuộc sống
hiện ðại, ðem lại cải thiện sức khỏe và tinh thần cho hàng triệu người
trên thế giới. |
www.pharmacy.org |
The World-Wide Web Virtual
Library: Pharmacy |
www.pharmacytimes.org |
Pharmacy Times Continuing
Education | Pharmacy Education - Pharmacy Times Continuing Education
plans, develops, implements continuing pharmacy education activities
that enhance the knowledge and skills of pharmacists. |
www.pharmasug.org |
PharmaSUG - PharmaSUG is a
Software Users Group of life science and health research professionals
focused on the application of technological solutions in data analytics
and regulatory support. |
www.phassociation.org |
Pulmonary Hypertension
Association |
www.phccweb.org |
www.phce.org |
کانون انسان پاک، زمین
پاک - کانون انسان پاک، زمین پاک |
www.phf.org |
Public Health Foundation |
www.phi.org |
Public Health Institute |
www.phibetasigma1914.org |
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. |
www.phikappaphi.org |
Phi Kappa Phi - Founded in 1897
at the University of Maine Phi Kappa Phi is the nation's oldest largest
and most selective honor society for all academic disciplines |
www.philanthropynewsdige... |
Philanthropy News Digest - A
daily news, jobs, rfp service of the Candid. Philanthropy-related
articles and features culled from print and electronic media outlets
nationwide. |
www.philanthropynw.org |
Philanthropy Northwest | Build.
Connect. Inspire. |
www.philanthropyroundtab... |
Philanthropy Roundtable |
www.philarcher.org |
Phil Archer - Personal Web site
for Phil Archer: W3C Data Activity Lead, i-sieve sentiment analysis,
POWDER & more |
www.philevents.org |
Upcoming Events in Philosophy -
PhilEvents Upcoming Events in Philosophy - PhilEvents is a calendar of
academic events and calls for papers in philosophy around the
world. |
www.philjobs.org |
Jobs in Philosophy -
PhilJobs:JFP - An international database of jobs for philosophers |
www.phillypaws.org |
phillypaws.org |
www.philmontscoutranch.org |
Philmont Scout Ranch |
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Philosophy for Life |
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Philosophy Guides - 哲学ガイドブログ -
Guides」。プラトン、ルソー、カント、ヘーゲル、ニーチェなど、有名な哲学者の作品と思想を分かりやすく解説します。 |
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Philosophy Now | a magazine of
ideas - A magazine for everyone interested in ideas. |
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PhilPapers: Online Research in
Philosophy - A citation index of Philosophy containing thousands of
bibliographies. |
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PhinisheD - PhinisheD is a
discussion and support group for students who cannot seem to finish
their dissertations or theses |
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Servier - Phlebolymphology -
Phlebolymphology is an international scientific journal entirely devoted
to venous and lymphatic diseasesServier – Phlebolymphology |
Phlebolymphology is an international scientific journal entirely devoted
to venous and lymphatic diseases - Phlebolymphology is an international
scientific journal entirely devoted to venous and lymphatic diseases |
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Phobie sociale et personnalité
évitante - Phobie sociale : Descriptions médicales, témoignages, livres,
liens, groupe de support par courrier électronique. |
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Photocritic - Everything you need
to know about photography - Everything you need to know to take your
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PhotoIreland Foundation:
Promoting a critical conversation around Photography & Visual Culture. -
PhotoIreland Foundation - International Photography Festival Ireland |
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IEEE Photonics Society -
Professional network providing technical information on optoelectronic
and photonic materials, devices, and systems, in R&D, design,
manufacturing, and applications. |
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Photoshop Tutorials for beginners! |
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Förderung im Photovoltaik Rechner - Photovoltaik.org - Unabhängige
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reviews, User groups, Forums - PHP Classes - Free PHP Classes, PHP
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Educational Web Sites - Lists 82
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Phys.org - News and Articles on
Science and Technology - Phys.org internet news portal provides the
latest news on science including: Physics, Space Science, Earth Science,
Health and Medicine |
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Bilder hochladen - abload.de -
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PIC/S - Pharmaceutical Inspection
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systems of inspectorates in the field of medicinal products |
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photos and website image - Picture Resize Genius - With Picture Resize
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PicUA 2.0 - Бесплатный
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Pi Day – Celebrate Mathematics
on March 14th |
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Pierce County Library > Pierce
County Library System’s 18 locations bring people together, enrich lives
and provide children and adults with opportunities to learn. The
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more than a million books, CDs and films, and numerous programs to help
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Pierce County, WA - Official
Website | Official Website Arrow Left Arrow Right Slideshow Left Arrow
Slideshow Right Arrow - Official home page for Pierce County Government,
Tacoma, Wash. Features include innovative government initiatives,
information on county services and news. |
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Servants of the Pierced Hearts of
Jesus and Mary - Catholic portal with encyclopedia, responses; broad
information; Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary |
www.piercetransit.org |
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PIERS Homepage |
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Pigeon Control Resource Centre -
PCRC - The Pigeon Control Resource Centre (PCRC) is the world's leading
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Медицинский портал PillsMan -
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врачей - PillsMan |
www.pilonidal.org |
Pilonidal Support Alliance -
Information about Pilonidal Disease for patients and medical
professionals. What causes Pilonidal, treatments, and recovering from
surgery. |
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Honda Pilot - Honda Pilot Forums
- Piloteers.org forum community offers tech info, troubleshooting,
modification DIY’s and discussion for the Honda Pilot SUV. |
www.pimafcu.org |
Home › Pima Federal Credit Union |
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Pimcore - Open Source Digital
Experience Platform for Enterprises - Pimcore, the only open-source
digital experience platform for PIM, MDM, DAM, WCM, and eCommerce,
empowers enterprises to enhance omni-channel experience. |
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www.pinebushschools.org |
Pine Bush Central School
District |
www.pinellasclerk.org |
Pinellas County Clerk of the
Circuit Court and Comptroller - Pinellas County Clerk of the Circuit
Court and Comptroller |
www.pinellasprep.org |
Pinellas Preparatory Academy -
K12 Education, Preparatory Education 4-8, Primary Education K-3 -
Pinellas Preparatory Academy, Inc- K12 education in Largo, K-8 Public
Charter School |
www.pinellasrealtor.org |
Pinellas Realtor Organization –
Serving Tampa Bay's Real Estate Professionals for Over 100 Years |
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Pine Rest Christian Mental
Health Services | Behavioral Health & Addiction Treatment - The fourth
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continuum of services for mental health conditions and addiction in
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School |
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Pinkerton Academy - Pinkerton
Academy |
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Pink Petal Games - Pink Petal
Games - Index |
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PinoyMTBiker Community |
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Dibujos para Colorear pintar e
imprimir - Web más completa de dibujos para colorear, pintar e imprimir.
Explora las varias categorias de dibujos, haz click en la imagen para
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Pioneer Federal Credit Union -
Pioneer Credit Union has a firm commitment to the idea of People Helping
People. We want to help our communities, including you, reach their
financial goals. |
www.pioneerlibrarysystem.org |
Website of the Pioneer Library
System. Serving everyone in Cleveland, McClain and Pottawatomie
counties, in Oklahoma. |
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Pioneers - Pioneers partners with
churches to send missionaries to people groups with limited access to
the gospel. |
www.pir.org |
.ORG arrow arrow arrow arrow
arrow - For diverse global communities and individuals who want to do
great things online, .ORG is purpose-driven to empower and connect those
who inspire the world. |
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Pirate Directory.org |
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SuprBay: The PirateBay Forum |
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Piropos, piropos para ligar,
Piropos.org - Miles de piropos de amor, para enamorados, para ligar y
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www.pirsa.org |
PIRSA - Perimeter Institute
Recorded Seminar Archive |
www.pisilinux.org |
Pisi Linux - Özgürlük ªimdi
Baºladı - Pisi Linux; Pisi tabanlı son Pardus sürümünü temel alan, özgür
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Pitivi, a free and open source
video editor for Linux |
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pitonyak.org |
www.pittsburghkids.org |
Children's Museum of Pittsburgh |
www.pittsburghparks.org |
Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy |
Your Nonprofit Partner in Parks - The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy is
your non-profit partner in the parks. We're dedicated to restoring the
park system to excellence. |
www.pittsfordfcu.org |
Pittsford Federal Credit Union |
Pittsford Federal Credit Union - With friendly, member focused service,
Pittsford Federal Credit Union provides outstanding personal banking
services to customers in the Rochester NY area. |
www.pittsfordfcuonline.org |
Pittsford FCU | Login |
www.pittsfordschools.org |
Pittsford Schools / Pittsford
Schools Pittsford Central School District Homepage |
www.pituitary.org |
Pituitary Network Association | /
- The Pituitary Network Association is an international non-profit
organization for patients with pituitary tumors and disorders, their
families, loved ones, and the physicians and health care providers who
treat them. |
www.piwigo.org |
Piwigo - Manage your photo
collection - Manage your photo collection with Piwigo. Piwigo is open
source photo gallery software for the web. Designed for organisations,
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Matomo: #1 Secure Open Web
Analytics Platform - Enjoy the full benefits of a Premium Web Analytics
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piwo.org | centrum wiedzy o
warzeniu piwa - Najwiêkszy polskojêzyczny portal poœwiêcony warzeniu
piwa. Zarejestruj siê i do³¹cz do piwowarskiej spo³ecznoœci. |
www.pixelbeat.org |
Pádraig Brady - Pádraig Brady's
web site |
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Pixelwars – Premium WordPress
Themes - Pixelwars Creative Studio. We build premium WordPress themes
and templates. |
www.pixhawk.org |
Pixhawk |
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The Pixie Project | What Makes
The Pixie Project Special? | Non-profit Animal Shelter and Rescue | Dog
and Cat Adoptions | Pet Adoption in Portland, Oregon 97232 - What Makes
The Pixie Project Special? | The Pixie Project is a non-profit animal
adoption center and rescue. We offer a variety of services to the public
including but not limited to: pet adoption services, pet owner education
and support and low cost and free spay and neuter and veterinary
services for homeless and low-income pet owners. |
www.pizzanapoletana.org |
AVPN - Associazione Verace Pizza
Napoletana - Promuoviamo la pizza napoletana e le sue tradizioni,
abbiamo associati in tutto il mondo che seguono il nostro rigido
disciplinare, facciamo corsi per pizzaioli e formazione professionale
per pizzaioli |
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Pizzateig selber machen (z. B.
Hefeteig Pizza) - Pizzateig.org |
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Free Books for Jewish Children
and Their Families | PJ Library - Jewish bedtime stories and music for
FREE! PJ Library mails Jewish children's books & music to families. |
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PJSIP - Open Source SIP, Media,
and NAT Traversal Library - Professionally supported open source,
portable, small footprint multimedia communication libraries written in
C language for building portable VoIP applications. Includes
implementation of SIP, RTP, STUN, TURN, and ICE. Available for Windows,
Mac OS X, and many other systems. |
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Polycystic Kidney Disease | PKD
Treatment Research | PKD Foundation - The PKD Foundation is the only
organization in the U.S. solely dedicated to using PKD Research to find
PKD treatments for polycystic kidney disease. |
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PKPU HI - Human Initiative |
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PKSF Web Portal |
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радиодеталей и светодиодной продукции. - Интернет-магазин радиодеталей и
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Placer SPCA - Serving the pets
and people of Placer County - The Placer SPCA is your local companion
animal welfare experts, serving the pets and people of Placer County
since 1973 through adoption, spay and neuter assistance, and more. |
www.placesjournal.org |
Places Journal Places Journal
Places Journal - Places is a leading journal of contemporary
architecture, landscape, and urbanism. We harness the moral and
investigative power of public scholarship to promote equitable cities
and sustainable landscapes. |
www.plagiarism.org |
Plagiarism.org - Plagiarism is a
common (and often misunderstood) problem that is often the result of a
lack of knowledge and skills. Our mission is to support the education
community with a comprehensive set of resources to help students write
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Plagiarismcheck.org - Are you looking for a plagiarism checker? Pay
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Plain Local Schools |
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PlainSite :: The law in plain
sight. - PlainSite allows you to figure out how the law affects you. |
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Advancing children's rights and
equality for girls | Plan International - Plan International is a
development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s
rights and equality for girls. |
www.plan-uk.org |
Sponsor a Child | Children's
Rights & Disaster Relief Charity | Plan International UK Facebook icon
linkedin icon twitter icon google plus icon Facebook icon twitter icon
youtube icon instagram icon - We are one of the largest children’s
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or support our development and disaster relief work. |
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Plan Your Career | Career
Planning - Follow your passions - We introduce the kids and students to
new and unconventional careers and help them choose one. Pursue a career
in a field of your interest and be happy. |
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Planck's Constant - The Threat of
Moderate Islam - For 1400 years Muslims striving in the path of God have
been killing, converting or subjugating infidels in the longest
religious war in history |
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Planet Aid, Inc. |
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The Planetary Society - The
Planetary Society is the largest and most effective nonprofit
organization that promotes the exploration of space through education,
advocacy, and innovative projects. |
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Planet Cassandra | Apache
Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise - DataStax Academy - Become an expert
in Apache Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise with our hands-on courses
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Show Quotes | planetclaire.TV - planetclaire.TV : Quotes, quips, rants
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video games discussion, with downloads for Don Bradman Cricket 14, EA
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Planète Sciences : Bienvenue ! |
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Planet Facts - Fun and
Interesting Information About the Nine Planets - Fun and Interesting
Information About the Nine Planets |
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Planethunters |
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Planet Lotus | IBM Lotus
Software Related Blogs - Planet Lotus is an aggregation of Lotus related
blogs and news. It acquaints those interested in the Lotus Blogisphere
with the best blogs out there. |
www.planetmath.org |
PlanetMath.org |
www.planetpython.org |
Planet Python - Recent postings
from Python-related blogs. |
www.planetsforkids.org |
Planets For Kids - Solar System
Facts and Astronomy |
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Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Open Search Open Search times copy-link Twitter Facebook Tumblr Twitter
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Plan International Sverige - Plan
International arbetar för barns rättigheter i över 50 länder världen
över. Ta ställning för en mer rättvis värld du också. Bli Planfadder! |
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City of Plantation - The Grass
is Greener - The Grass is Greener |
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Plantillas para WordPress, Plantillas para PowerPoint, Plantillas para
Drupal - Plantilla te ofrece una recopilación de las mejores plantillas
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Plantillustrations |
www.plantnative.org |
PlantNative - Native Plants,
Nursery Directory, Community Organizations - PlantNative is dedicated to
moving native plants and naturescaping into mainstream landscaping
practices. We believe this promotes biodiversity, preserves our natural
heritage and enhances livability. Our goal is to work with nursery
owners, landscape professionals and consumers to increase both the
supply and demand of native plants (and related landscaping services),
and thereby reduce their cost through economies of scale. |
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Free Business Plan Software,
Financial Projections, Cash Flow Planning & Business Planners - Trial &
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Plasma Mobile - Plasma in your
pocket - Plasma Mobile - Plasma in your pocket |
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Plastic Film Recycling |
www.plasticpipe.org |
Plastics Pipe Institute | Energy
Piping Systems | Conduit Division | Building & Construction | Municipal
& Industrial - The Plastics Pipe Institute Inc. (PPI) is the major trade
association representing all segments of the plastics piping industry. |
www.plasticseurope.org |
Home :: PlasticsEurope |
www.plasticsindustry.org |
Plastics Industry Association |
Better Industry. Better World. - The Plastics Industry Association is
the only organization that represents every segment of the plastics
supply chain to make members more globally competitive. |
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Plastic Soup Foundation Facebook
Instagram LinkedIn Twitter Vimeo YouTube - In onze oceanen en zeeën
drijft steeds meer plastic afval. Door verwering, zonlicht en golfslag
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নিউজ পোর্টাল : প্ল্যাটফর্ম - মেডিকেল ও ডেন্টাল নিউজ পোর্টাল |
www.platforma.org |
Platforma Obywatelska |
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Playfootballgames |
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Playground Ideas |
www.playmodb.org |
Playmobil database - Unofficial Database of Playmobil toy parts, showing
what parts belong to what sets, with descriptions and pictures |
www.playnaia.org |
PlayNAIA - NAIA - National
Association of Intercollegiate Athletics |
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Free and Open Source SMS Gateway
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Snake - Play the retro Snake
game online for free - Play the classic mobile Snake game for free
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www.playspent.org |
SPENT - Urban Ministries of
Durham serves over 6000 people every year who struggle with poverty and
homelessness. Spent is an interactive game created by McKinney that
challenges you to manage your money, raise a child and make it through
the month getting paid minimum wage after a stretch of unemployment.
Because we’re all only a paycheck or three away from needing to ask for
help. |
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Playstation 4, PlayStation 3
Trophies, News, Guides & Forums at PlaystationTrophies.org - A complete
one-stop shop of everything PlayStation 3. Offering up-to-date
PlayStation 3 Trophies, news, reviews, trophy guides, previews,
interviews, competitions and a huge, friendly community. |
www.playthegame.org |
Play the Game - Play the Game is
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strengthen the ethical foundation of sport and promote democracy,
transparency and freedom of expression in sport |
www.plc-training.org |
PLC Programming Training
Organization - This PLC training organization site is to organize a best
in class PLC training approach and best practice PLC programming
training. This automation education includes programmable logic
controller and supporting industrial controls education |
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Please Touch Museum | Please
Touch Museum - Welcome To Please Touch Museum! We are a celebration of
imagination for all children and families. Have fun together in the
Museum and online! |
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Public Library of Bioinformatics
| focus on bioinformatics - Public Library of Bioinformatics (PLoB) is a
blog about bioinformatics and genomics.
生物信息公共图书馆(PLoB)是一个专注于生物信息学、基因组学、遗传学等生命科学的博客,内容涉及相关领域的最新进展与综述、名词术语、科研资源、基础知识、实验方法与技巧、疑难问题解决方法。 |
www.plone.org |
Plone CMS: Open Source Content
Management — Plone: Enterprise Level CMS - Free and OpenSource -
Community Driven - Secure |
www.plos.org |
Plos |
www.plosbiology.org |
PLOS Biology: A Peer-Reviewed
Open-Access Journal |
www.plosmedicine.org |
PLOS Medicine: A Peer-Reviewed
Open-Access Journal |
www.plosntds.org |
PLOS Neglected Tropical
Diseases: A Peer-Reviewed Open-Access Journal |
www.plosone.org |
PLOS ONE: accelerating the
publication of peer-reviewed science |
www.plospathogens.org |
PLOS Pathogens: A Peer-Reviewed
Open-Access Journal |
www.plotina.org |
ООО "Плотина" - плунжерные и
мембранные агрегаты, установки насосные, пневмогидроаккумуляторы,
фильтры, устройства управления, запчасти и технические услуги -
Поставляем плунжерные и мембранные агрегаты, установки насосные,
пневмогидроаккумуляторы, фильтры, устройства управления, запчасти и
технические услуги |
www.plottablejs.org |
Palantir - Plottable |
www.ploughshares.org |
Ploughshares Fund |
www.pltw.org |
PLTW - Project Lead The Way
provides transformative learning experiences for K-12 students and
teachers across the U.S. by creating an engaging, hands-on classroom… |
www.plumvillage.org |
Plum Village – Mindfulness
Practice Centre in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh |
www.pluralism.org |
The Pluralism Project |
www.plus4chan.org |
plus4chan |
www.plus4cu.org |
Plus4 Credit Union |
www.pluskid.org |
Chiyuan Zhang - Homepage for
Chiyuan Zhang. |
www.plussocialgood.org |
Plus Social Good - A global
community of innovators united around a shared vision for a better world
in 2030 |
www.pluxml.org |
Accueil - PluXml.org - PluXml est
un script pour créer un site ou un blog, nul besoin de connaissance en
programmation ni besoin d'une base de données. |
www.plymouthlibrary.org |
Plymouth District Library |
www.pm.org |
Perl Mongers - Perl Mongers
organise local Perl user groups and meetings |
www.pmanager.org |
Planetarium Manager - Your
online football manager! - Planetarium Manager(pmanager) is a free
online football simulator. It's your choice... are you ready to embrace
this challenge and become the best manager in the Planet? |
www.pmc.org |
www.pmi.org |
PMI | Project Management
Institute - Welcome to PMI |
www.pmkvyofficial.org |
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas
Yojana (PMKVY) - Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) |
www.pmpml.org |
Pune Mahanagar Parivahan
Mahamandal Ltd | Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Ltd |
www.pnai.org |
若ハゲ番長のAGA治療体験記@育毛研究室 -
どうも、若ハゲ番長です。 「若ハゲ番長のAGA治療体験記」を訪問いただきありがとうございます。
当ブログは常識や業界の慣習にとらわれず、科学的根拠に基づいた情報を提供することをモットーとしております。 |
www.pnas.org |
www.pnotepad.org |
Programmer's Notepad |
www.pnpfs.org |
Privacy Notice - PNP Finance
Service Official Website |
www.pns.org |
Pacific Northwest Swimming Site : |
www.pnsn.org |
PNSN | Pacific Northwest Seismic
Network |
www.pnwboces.org |
www.pnwhandbooks.org |
Pacific Northwest Pest
Management Handbooks |
www.poblesec.org |
Coordinadora d'entitats del
PobleSec |
www.pocisk.org |
Pocisk.org - memy, œmieszne
dowcipy, demotywatory - Pocisk.org - Nowe memy, œmieszne zdjêcia,
zabawne obrazki, dowcipy i filmy. Codzienna dawka absurdu! |
www.pocoo.org |
Pocoo |
www.podareducation.org |
Podar Education Network Setting
High Standards - Podar international schools are the best schools in the
country. Our success lies in our team and the use of latest technology
in teaching. |
www.podcatchermatrix.org |
PodcatcherMatrix - Choose your
favorite podcatcher |
www.poemasdeamor.org |
Poemas de amor. Poemas
romanticos. Frases de amor para enamorar - Poemas: El rincón más
romantico de la Red para enamorar o conquistar a quien tú quieras.
Pensamientos, poesias y poemas de amor romanticos, originales y gratis
para ti. |
www.poesiedamore.org |
Poesie d'Amore - Le più belle
Poesie d'Amore - Poesie d'Amore da dedicare e condividere con chi ami.
Leggi la raccolta delle più belle Poesie d'amore ed emozionati anche tu.
Tante Poesie d'Amore famose e celebri ma anche uniche ed originali;
inviaci anche tu la tua Poesia d'Amore. |
www.poetry.org |
Poetry.org - Resource site for
poetry and poets |
www.poetrysociety.org |
Poetry Society of America - The
nation's oldest poetry organization, founded in 1910. |
www.poetseers.org |
Poet Seers |
www.pogoda24.org |
Погода в Росии, Украине, Беларуси
- Прогноз погоды в России, Украине, Беларуси: на сегодня, завтра, 3 дня,
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www.pogoe.org |
POGOe - Portal of Geriatrics
Online Education | The Portal of Geriatrics Online Education |
www.pointclouds.org |
PCL - Point Cloud Library (PCL) |
www.pointephemere.org |
Point Ephémère - Point ephemere
est un centre de dynamiques artistiques qui vit au rythme d’une
programmation riche et variée d’expositions, de concerts et d’événements
insolites. |
www.pointlinux.org |
Point Linux - Point Linux is a
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www.pointlobos.org |
Point Lobos Foundation | Point
Lobos Foundation |
www.poison.org |
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or by phone - Get free, expert help from Poison Control online with
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may be harmful (a poison). Find out more about this Poison Control tool
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prefer to talk to a poison specialist by phone. |
www.poistine.org |
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www.pokertips.org |
Poker Tips - Online Poker
Strategy, Rules, and Online Poker Reviews - Poker Tips contains poker
strategy articles as well as cardroom reviews and other online poker
information. |
www.pokit.org |
SlopeStyle Bjelasnica Apartman -
Novoizgradeni apartman je smjested odmah do glavnog skijalista – 20
metara, i jedan je od najblizih objekata ski-liftu. Skijati mozete od
vrata apartmana do ski… |
www.pol-vsc.org |
Polish Virtual Sailing Club -
The Polish Virtual Sailing Club |
www.polarisproject.org |
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Tip. Request Services. |
www.pole-emplois.org |
Aide pour l'Actualisation et les
démarches liées à Pôle Emploi - Le site d'entraide entre particulier
pour tout vos problèmes liés à votre compte Pôle emploi. Nous vous
aidons dans vos démarches. |
www.pole-lagunes.org |
Accueil - Pôle lagunes |
www.policat.org |
PoliCAT - Multilingual Petitions
- Multilingual petition and e-action service |
www.policefoundation.org |
National Police Foundation -
Advancing Policing Through Innovation and Science |
www.polioeradication.org |
GPEI – Global Polio Eradication
Initiative |
www.politaia.org |
Startseite | Politaia.org |
www.politicalcompass.org |
The Political Compass - A
typology of political opinions plotted on 2 dimensions: economic and
social. |
www.politicalresearch.org |
Political Research Associates |
www.politicalsocialworker.org |
The Political Social Worker -
Politics through a social work lens. - A social worker blogging on news,
social justice issues, and politics from a social work lens. |
www.politicsnissues.org |
Politicsnissues |
www.pollinator.org |
Pollinator.org - The Pollinator
Partnership is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and the largest in the
world dedicated exclusively to the protection and promotion of ... |
www.pollinis.org |
Accueil - Pollinis |
www.polovinka.org |
Бесплатный сайт знакомств для
серьезных отношений — Половинка - Бесплатный сервис знакомств для
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www.polskiemedia.org |
Stowarzyszenie Polskich Mediów -
Stowarzyszenie Polskich Mediów - www.polskiemedia.org - Stowarzyszenie
Polskich Mediów - www.polskiemedia.org |
www.polyadmission.org |
Polytechnic Admission Portal |
www.polycode.org |
Polycode |
www.polymaps.org |
Polymaps |
www.polymer-project.org |
Polymer Project |
www.polypat.org |
Poly Pat |
www.polytech-reseau.org |
Accueil |
www.polytechnique.org |
Polytechnique.org :: le site des
élèves et anciens élèves de l'École polytechnique - Le Portail des
Polytechniciens |
www.pomed.org |
POMED – Project on Middle East
Democracy |
www.pomichnyk.org |
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онлайн. На сайті представлені численні зразки документів, які
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Pompeii Sites Portale Ufficiale
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Oplontis, Stabiae, Longola, Castello di Lettere. Acquista i biglietti
online e tieniti informato sugli eventi. |
www.ponggame.org |
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game along with basic information and history |
www.ponte.org |
Ponte Jornalismo |
www.ponylang.org |
Pony - Pony - Pony - High
Performance Actor Programming |
www.poonak.org |
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www.pop.org |
Welcome to the Population
Research Institute! - PRI - We are a non-profit research group dedicated
to exposing human rights abuses committed in population control
programs, to exposing the myth of overpopulation, and to making the case
that people are the world’s greatest resource. |
www.popafcu.org |
Home — POPA FCU |
www.popcorn.org |
Popcorn Board > Popcorn Board -
Popcorn Board |
www.popcornjs.org |
GitHub - mozilla/popcorn-js: The
HTML5 Media Framework. (Unmaintained. See
https://github.com/menismu/popcorn-js for activity) - The HTML5 Media
Framework. (Unmaintained. See https://github.com/menismu/popcorn-js for
activity) - mozilla/popcorn-js |
www.popcouncil.org |
Population Council |
www.pope-young.org |
Pope-Young Club - Pope-Young Club |
www.popgo.org |
天下没有不散的宴席 |
www.popline.org |
POPLINE retirement – Knowledge
www.poppy-project.org |
Poppy Project - Open source
robotic platform Translate Learning book Puppet Erlenmeyer flask GitHub
Twitter Facebook Flickr YouTube - Open source platform for the creation,
use and sharing of interactive 3D printed robots |
www.populardemocracy.org |
The Center for Popular Democracy
- The Center for Popular Democracy works to create equity, opportunity
and a dynamic democracy in partnership with high-impact base-building
organizations, organizing alliances, and progressive unions. |
www.populardirectory.org |
Popular Directory.org |
www.popularmemory.org |
Computer Memory Blog — RAM, DDR &
Memory Upgrades. How Stuff Works - RAM, DDR & Memory Upgrades. How Stuff
Works |
www.popularresistance.org |
PopularResistance.Org - Daily
Movement News and Resources - With the corporate takeover of federal and
state governments, a growing culture of resistance is utilizing
nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience to affect change. We are
a resource and information clearinghouse for this movement. |
www.popup-blocker.org |
Popup Blocker Pro |
www.poquoson.org |
Poquoson City Public Schools /
Homepage |
www.porcimex.org |
Confederación de Porcicultores
Mexicanos, A.C. |
www.poreia.org |
Ελληνικό Κέντρο Προαγωγής
Κοινωνικής και Ψυχικής Υγείας |
www.porigualmas.org |
Por Igual Más - Bienvenidos,
somos una red social donde todos sumamos a la inclusión, la
accesibilidad y la discapacidad |
www.pork.org |
Pork Checkoff - People. Pigs.
Planet. - The National Pork Board works towards uniting Pork Producers
to build a bright future for the Pork Industry |
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Pork Cares |
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Portail de l'Ordre des
conseillers en ressources humaines agréés - CRHA | CRIA - Consultez le
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gestion des ressources humaines et accéder à des outils de développement
comme la formation et des publications en ressources humaines et en
relations du travail |
www.portalalba.org |
Portal ALBA - Actualidad y
análisis de la política en América Latina y el Caribe |
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Portal da Família - O site para
pais, mães, filhos, cônjuges, vovô e vovó, tios, sogras, amigos e todos
que promovem a Família e a Vida - Portal da Família, o site que promove
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avós, sogras, primos, tios...) a viveram uma grande família em harmonia,
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Portaliglesia |
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Individual - MEI (2019) - Aqui no Portal MEI você fica sabendo um pouco
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Portal SER - PortalSER -
Conhecer, meditar, sentir e viver o Evangelho, para cooperar na
evangelização e regeneração do orbe, de modo a estimular o despertamento
dos valores íntimos e pessoais, ajudando a vida mental da coletividade e
colaborando para que (re)encontremos Jesus. |
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Port Angeles Regional Chamber of
Commerce, WA |
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Port Authority of Allegheny
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www.portlandartmuseum.org |
Portland Art Museum – Portland,
Oregon - The Portland Art Museum’s mission is to engage and enrich
diverse communities through the presentation, interpretation, and
conservation of art and film. |
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